• A letter to my child
• Are you planting a seed as a mother?
24 PAG.
Celebrating Mother’s Day with Jessica Pinto, Founder of La Piazza Academy

• Tips to help busy moms care for their health and well-being.

• Did you know how College Funding can help your child get ahead in their education?.
• Visit Curaçao, Marriott Beach Resort.
• Traveling accessories for all kinds of trips
43 PAG. PAG.
Social Community
Celebrate Mother’s Day at Shops at Merrick Park
• Coconut Grove Arts Festival.
Best restaurants in South Florida to Visit this Spring Spring and Summer Activity Guide PAG.

Summer Camp Guide #2
Sponsored by
• Foundation for New Education Initiatives hosted its seventh annual For the Love of Learning Gala.
• The Greater Miami & The Keys Chapter of the American Red Cross hosts 38th American Red Cross Ball: A Passion for Red & Party in Red Event!.

New year, new goals, and on page 6 you will have a great article on how to teach your kids to set realistic goals as individuals and as a family!

I want to wish a magical day to all the moms reading our magazine.
We started this first issue of the year with a super interview and also on the cover page Ron Magill, the very well-known American wildlife expert and Communications Director at Zoo Miami. Don’t miss the interview on pages 20 and 21, and also the behind the scenes pictures and videos coming up on our social media pages.

On the cover page, we have Jessica Pinto, the founder of the well-known school, La Piazza Academy. She is a mom and a professional who wants to inspire many young children to follow their dreams. Based on the Reggio Emilia program, the kids learn academics and many languages. Don’t miss reading the article on pages 24 and 25.
As requested by many parents, our best and most complete guide for the summer, Summer Camp Guide number I sponsored by iSwim Academy on pages 22 and 23.
February is the month of love and we have a Valentines Gift Guide for the entire family. In March we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day and we have some ideas of activities to do with the family.
Summer is around the corner, and with that, we need to start researching the best summer camp for our kids. Don’t forget to consider talking to your kids about their preferences before subscribing to a camp. We have Summer Camp Guide 2 sponsored by Iswim Academy, with a variety of camps that can match their Interests. Also you can join us on April 1st at our Summer Camp Expo and Easter event where you can find many summer camp discounts all in one place, including traveling camps!
We are proud that during the month of January, we were able to give away a toiletry basket that includes a hand sanitizer, face mask, hand soap, towel, and a toothbrush to one reader per day on our social media pages. We hope that while having the virus around, we maintain social distancing and keep washing our hands and taking the respective precautions.
Our Summer Camp expo will be an inclusive event. Exceptional children, including kids using wheelchairs or blind will be able to collect their on easter eggs. The egg hunt will be divided by ages. We will have pictures with the Easter Bunny. We will also include some pass over activities. Register for free on Eventbrite with the link on our social media pages.
Cheers to all of us, we are here for you, stronger than ever and ready to provide you with great articles, keep planning great events, and continue with our mission to integrate exceptional kids into society!
Spring and Summer are times to travel and look for fun activities to do with the family! Don’t miss on page 34 our travel recommendation “Curacao” and the Marriott Beach Resort as a great family hotel. Also on page 41, the best restaurants to visit locally during the spring and an activity guide with great theme parks including water parks.
April 2nd is National Autism Awareness Day, and you should head to our online magazine to read a nice article titled Don’t Try to Change, Start by Understanding, by Sharon Van Tienhoven, who is a mom with an autistic child.
Karla C. Richey
Karla C. Richey
Enrique Chavez Pincilotti
Enrique Chavez Pincilotti
Diane Landsberg

The American Heart Association
Diane Landsberg
The American Heart Association
Coach Nick Bevilacqua
Nelly Lusich
Coach Nick Bevilacqua
Nelly Lusich
Ingrid Menendez
Nelly Lusich
María Lusich
Karla C. Richey
Nelly Lusich
Claudia Del Castillo
Karla C. Richey
Lucia Galeano
Claudia Del Castillo
Enrique Tubio
Enrique Tubvio

Noor Barakat
Jhonn Rivera
Jhonn Rivera
Kenneth & Valeria Richey
Karla C. Richey
Spring is here, and with that, the beautiful flowers start to bloom!
Thinking about flowers, I think about my mom and all the special moms in our community that work hard every day to be a good example for their kids.
Happy 2021! We are super excited for this new year with much hope and expectations for good things to happen for all of us! The vaccines are here! We are happy that our elderly and first responders are getting the vaccine and soon most of us are going to get it also.
Karla C. Richey

Every year on Mother’s Day, we are allowed to acknowledge and honor this special woman with cards, gifts, and possibly a special meal. What if this year things get switched around? Think about writing letters to your children, regardless of their age, about how you appreciate and love being their mom. Every day is filled with busy schedules, appointments, carpools, laundry, shopping, preparing meals, and so much more. When did you last express how proud you were of your kids or expounded on what a wonderful human being they are. Too bad there isn’t a Hallmark card specially designed for these thoughts. So make your own….even take a risk to make up a poem. I saw this online; the author is unknown. “To my child. If I could give you one thing in this life, I would give you the ability to see yourself how I see you every single day. Your inner beauty, your kindness, how happy you make me, and how proud I am of you. Perhaps then you would understand how special you are to me, our family, and all that know you.”
Giving praise can be easy, and we should do it daily. Children will repeat their good behavior and look for times to catch them being good, which can be at any age. Toddlers and teens can be a challenge but watch closely and

mention it. I have witnessed a child smile ear to ear when their moms tell someone else in front of them how special, kind, thoughtful, and helpful they have been. Keep in mind to acknowledge effort, not just results. A few examples are: You are so creative: You should be proud of yourself: You got it: You’re amazing: Today was your best day: It is a pleasure to be your Mother….you get the idea. Unwavering, unconditional love is
to bring out everything to go through the box with all. I am sure it will embarrass the adults, but I am sure their children will enjoy seeing what their parents did as a child.
the best gift you can give your child.
On this Mother’s day, gather with family. I
I am a “saver.” I have kept cards, letters, and notes from my children and grandchildren.

As a mom myself, I know how busy you can get. We have a ton on our plate, between taking care of kids, work, housework and making sure your family is healthy. But it is extremely important to take care of yourself and put yourself in first place, we can’t help our family if we aren’t okay ourselves.
Cardiovascular disease remains the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year. Here at the American Heart Association, we’re urging everyone to know their numbers, know their family history and prioritize their health.
The simple truth is that most cardiovascular diseases can still be prevented with education and healthy lifestyle changes.
I’m either dropping the kids off at school/extra curriculars, making dinner, and trying to keep up with my work schedule. Moms, make a commitment to your health. Here are 5 tips to help busy moms care for their own health and well-being.

5 tips to help busy moms care for their own health and well-being. With packed schedules, multiple commitments and countless chores, it’s a challenge for moms to stay mentally and physically healthy. But eating well, engaging in regular physical activity and getting enough sleep are key to improving your health, lowering cardiovascular disease risks and increasing quality of life.
Tips: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, start small. Completing something — anything — will give you a sense of accomplishment. Do a simple task such as drinking more water today or scheduling a doctor’s appointment you’ve delayed. Research shows that even modest health improvements have positive effects.

Tips: The days can pass by when you’re busy caring for everyone else. Schedule time on your calendar for your health just like you would for a work meeting. Remember to ask for (and accept) help from family
members, friends or a babysitter when you need it. Research shows support from others improves mothers’ health and motivates them to be more active.
Tips: Caring for children is an important responsibility. But it shouldn’t be the only one. Saying “yes” to your health means saying “no” to mom guilt and unrealistic expectations about parenthood. Taking time for yourself can make you a more patient, less stressed parent. Escape to a quiet space while someone else watches the kids and do something healthy such as reading, meditating or journaling.
Tips: Moms are often so focused on making meals for the kids that their own nutrition becomes an afterthought. But prioritizing your dietary goals doesn’t have to be expensive or timeconsuming. Keep a grocery list of your favorite healthy items and opt for inseason produce, which is typically less expensive. Understand the value of meal-planning shortcuts. If you’re going to be away from home for a while, pack portion-controlled snacks for yourself just like you do for your kids. This will ward off high-cost, high-calorie temptations later.
Tips: Sleep problems are a common struggle for moms. Insufficient sleep impacts mood, health and even longevity. A calming nighttime routine benefits the whole
family. Keep bedrooms dark, quiet and calm. Turn off all screens — including your phone — at least 30 minutes before bedtime. The blue light emitted by mobile devices can lead to poor sleep quality. Also, trade off nighttime duties with others so you can get uninterrupted sleep some nights. And don’t use tiredness during the day as an excuse to skip your workout. Exercise helps your body work more efficiently and makes getting through the day easier.
We know your kids come first and the health of your family often gets put before your own, but prioritizing your health is not only

Located in the heart of Coral Gables, this is a luxurious destination for shoppers that welcomes you with upscale brands and beautiful streetscapes, offering the perfect place for fun in the sun all year round.

If you want to surprise and pamper your mom during her month, you should plan your visit to the mall. You will be able to enjoy many promotions from your favorite stores.
From May 7th through the 14th enjoy 15% off at Edward Beiner Eyewear.
From May 7th through the 13th, Athleta Merrick Park will offer $30 off on every $130 dollars you spend, IMO cosmetic Dermatology will offer a Skin Club with a $290 monthly membership which grants you access to four medical-grade treatments.
From May 12 to the 16th, Boss Merrick park will offer 15% off on all regular-price items. Check out www.Shopsat MerrickPark.com for updated discounts.
Make your lunch reservation and indulge yourself in one of the many delicious restaurants on May 13th, and after, stop by the garden area from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm for an unforgettable afternoon where children will be able to create a flower bouquet for their moms, write a card to attach to their gift, decorate some cookies with Pottery Barn Kids, make some crafts with Gymboree and much more.
Visit Shops at Merrick Park today for the ultimate shopping experience at your premier Coral Gables mall.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mommies out there. All of you, too, not just the birth mommies. Women play an enormous role in children’s lives. So many women take on the HUGE responsibility of being a stepparent or a part-time parent or a working mom or the school mom or the carpool mom. Especially as our children age into puberty and their teen years… Having another “mom” that you can lean on and ask the questions you don’t want to ask your parents is vital. For me, I had (and still have) a wonderful mother, grandmother, aunts, and instrumental women. Toni
By Nick Bevilacquaspring to summer and begin to bear fruit. Our efforts begin to take shape and form themselves into the results of our efforts. Summertime is almost upon us, and our children will spend more time alone and away from the routine of their school lives. Our fruit will ripen, fall off the tree, and ultimately create its own tree to bear its fruit. How well have your fertilized your tree? How much have you helped others fertilize their tree and their fruit?
It is NEVER too late to change your feed or even your soil. Is it time to do a little spring cleaning and enter your summer a little more alone? It is funny how we often hear about getting your summer body in shape, but we don’t hear about getting your summer mind in shape.
For trees and bushes, we prune them, fertilize them, pick the fruit, adjust their light exposure, check for illness, and make sure they can bear the best fruit possible. Are you doing that for your most important asset? Your mind is often the forgotten piece of the puzzle; oddly enough, it is the mind that allows this forgetfulness…
This summer, give yourself a trimming. Prune the bad leaves from your life, and add good food, soil, light, and air. Create space around you, both literally and figuratively. Give yourself the summer you deserve, the summer you’ve been dreaming about. Prepare your fall and winter with a spring/ summer cleanse like never before. You can do it. You are worth it. I believe in you. I love you!
Garner, Linda Weilbacher, Rhea Berger, to name a few of those tremendous ladies that affected my life, that did not share my blood but did share a passion and love for me.
My purpose for this is to remind you that whether you are a mommy or not, you are a part-time mommy to one or more, and most likely, many of those “one or more” are children. My other purpose is to thank you! Thank you for accepting your responsibility and showing the younger women the way.

Mother’s Day is near the spring solstice when we begin the mental transition from

Many Americans are getting inexpensive health insurance. Here’s why you should too.
It had never been so easy to be covered for a pediatric, emergency, maternity, newborn care, surgeries, and much more while keeping premium costs low. Many families are relying on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) more now in these post-pandemic years than when it was launched in 2013. The law is also known as Obamacare and has suffered many changes throughout the years. One of the most positive has been the stimulus of the Inflation Reduction Act, where many policy owners receive a subsidy that covers most of the premium, which allows them to pay less than $10 a month. That’s a great price tag considering that ACA is as effective as high-premium private insurance.
The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) reported that more than 11.5 million people enrolled for coverage starting in 2023, increasing by 18% from last year’s enrollments. But the subsidy is not the only feature that attracts enrollees. A disease or a pre-existing condition is not a factor in being denied coverage. People rejected previously in private insurance are turning to ACA to cover their health insurance needs. Enrolling is as easy as contacting the National Enrollment Center of Las Madrinas de Los Seguros. Call 305-Madrina. (305-623-7462).

Traveling is usually a mission, and more if is with kids, but if you are prepared, you can make your adventure more pleasurable and fun. Miami Kids Magazine has these gadgets and accessories that will help you make the travel time pass quickly.
Twelve South
AirFly connects up to 2 sets of wireless headphones or earbuds to any audio jack. Perfect for the in-flight entertainment on your next trip! AirFly Pro also has the ability to stream music from your iPhone to an AUX IN port. Ideal for rental cars or non-Bluetooth stereos.

AirFly Pro: $54.99, AirFly Duo: $44.99, AirFly SE: $34.99
https://www.twelvesouth.com/products/ airfly
Uniquely portable and incredibly versatile, the Nomader® Collapsible Water Bottle keeps you hydrated NOMADer where you go. Made of flexible BPA-free silicone, the Nomader® rolls-up or collapses flat to save space between use. Yet it’s as comfortable to drink from as a conventional bottle thanks to its stable grip-sleeve.

A modular, grab-and-go bag with pouches full of educational and fun activities, and room for other essentials—a fantastic travel companion. Each pouch addresses an emerging skill for kids ages 3-6: social/emotional, fine motor, pre-academics, and creative. Plus, the (optional) subscription service lets you swap out pouches every three months so it always feels new and exciting. Bag with four pouches, $64.99; subscription, $39.99 every three months.

Tripped Travel Gear
Tripped Travel Gear Compression Cubes are a musthave for family travel. Compression cubes allow you to fit everything for your next family vacation into one suitcase to avoid luggage fees. Assign a different color compression cube set to each family member for ultimate organization. Take the stress out of packing with Tripped Travel Gear!

Price: $19.95 - $54.95
Hydralyte All Natural Electrolyte Powder, Variety Pack / Hydralyte Hydration + Immune System Boost, Variety Pack

A refreshing, non-GMO electrolyte mix precisely formulated to activate rapid hydration while increasing electrolyte absorption. Made in Switzerland with clean, vegan ingredients free of artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, gluten, dairy, and caffeine. The Immune System Boost combines our proprietary rapid hydration formula with superfruit Elderberry, vitamins, and minerals to power your daily health
Where to buy: Hydralyte.com
MSRP: $31.99/ $29.99
Vibram Italy designed & engineered technical running midsole

High traction VIBRAM Italy designed rubber outsole with internal shank for mid-foot support. Breathable spacer mesh underlays and premium full grain leather / suede overlays. Technical TPU heel brace for added support and protection
Suggested price $225.00
The COOLMAX® Travel Blanket is perfect for those chilly airplane rides or as an extra layer on your camping trip. Made with COOLMAX® EcoMade fabric, this blanket is temperature-regulating, moisture-wicking, and quickdrying, so you’ll stay comfortable no matter where you are. The fabric is also easy to care for, making it the perfect travel companion.
Suggested price- $44.95
Explore Transit Bag
Let this eco-first transformer of a travel bag carry you from boardroom to train station to trailhead without skipping a beat. It achieves travel versatility with removable straps, three different ways to carry and a padded laptop compartment. Plus, all main body fabrics are made from 100% recycled fabrics. https://www.eaglecreek.com

A hydration dream team, HiBAR’s “Moisturize” shampoo and conditioner bars include coconut oil and rice protein for extra hydration and nourishment. What’s more, HiBAR’s plastic-free, waterless hair care bars are ideal for travel. Compact, lightweight, and spill- and leak-proof, they tuck into a suitcase or carryon with ease.

Shampoo and conditioner set, $26.50

Packable Waist Bag
Enjoy this lightweight, hands-free waist bag when you’re on the go. Powered by Protx2® anti-microbial treatment, the packable waist bag packs up super small to be easily stored away for your next getaway. Keep everything you need at your fingertips and wear it in the front or the back to increase convenience.

Silk Undercover Money Belt

Look no further than this simple waist-worn underclothing money belt solution. It comes in our soft-to-the-touch washable moisture-resistant natural silk fabric. Complete with two zippered pockets for secure organization of documents and other personal identification items you want to keep out of sight, and a soft elastic waistband with strap keeper.
Jessica, tell us about La Piazza and how the school started.
As a mom and professional working in corporate America, I was searching for a place where I could feel at peace knowing that my daughter was in the right school. After researching, I found there weren’t many options available. Then I decided to leave

a lucrative business career and create my own school.
In 2011, I founded La Piazza Academy, motivated by a vision to provide high-quality education and innovative programming for young children. Inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy and Miami’s diverse community, the school implements a

progressive curriculum practice and a multi-lingual language program (Mandarin and Spanish).
How is your life as a mom and as a professional? What values do you apply to your kid and your “adopted” kids enrolled at La Piazza Academy? As a mom, I constantly learn about my children as they grow and develop, getting to know their unique personalities and interests so that we can spend meaningful time together. As a professional, I feel very fulfilled. Through education, I am passionate about positively impacting the lives of the community of La Piazza Academy, where we live the values of respect, compassion, honesty, and service.
What are your personal and professional goals?
I want to strive for a more conscious life to be mentally, physically, and spiritually stronger. I also want to be present for myself and others.
Professionally, we recently opened our franchise model. Our goal is to expand our unique educational approach, nationally and internationally, so we can positively impact the lives of children and families worldwide. We also created La Piazza Foundation 5 years ago in my home country of Colombia. We provide high-quality education and necessities to children living in extreme poverty. I aim to continue expanding the Foundation’s program and make a difference in the lives of even more children.
What advice can you share with other moms reading this article about following their dreams as a professional without sacrificing their time as parents?

The best advice I can give is to first be compassionate with yourself and take care of your own mental and physical wellness, so you can find a good balance to be present for your loved ones and be successful professionally. My daily practices include meditation, exercising, reading, and listening to podcasts related to my interests.
Why should parents enroll their kids at La Piazza Academy
La Piazza was founded by moms whose primary interest was the well-being of their children. With that foundation in place, we created a school community that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, socially conscious, compassionate citizens, and where parents can participate actively in their child’s education.
iSwim Academy, managed by Coach Nick, is a fun way for children to learn and improve pool safety and swimming. The classes are 30 minutes long and iSwim Academy offers both private and group classes. The academy offers a more advanced workout program for kids focused on swimming. We can come to you, or you can come to us!

Phone: 305-456-0518
Email: info@iswimsomi.com
Website: www.iswimsomi.com

At NYFA South Beach summer camps, Teens (14-17) and Kids (10-13) learn and explore filmmaking and acting for film. In these immersive, hands-on camps, students will write, direct, shoot, edit, and act in their own original short films while studying under the guidance of professional filmmakers and actors. https://www.nyfa.edu/youth-campuses-andlocations/
In our Summer Cooking Camp, we teach your kids to have fun, eat healthy, develop or hone their cooking skills, experiment in the kitchen, improve math and reading skills...all in a fun way, while expanding their culinary palate. Address: 570 NE 81st Street, Miami FL 33138

Phone: (786) 395-0355
Website: https://therealfoodacademy. com/summer-camp/


White Tiger and Dragon Martial Arts offers kempo karate/brazilian jiu-jitsu/mixed martial arts/kickboxing and self-defense. These classes promote a sense of physical and psychological well-being. The main goal is for students to learn independence and self-confidence that can be used inside and outside of the dojo.
Phone: (305) 505-4919
Address: 3051 SW 28th St, Coconut Grove, FL 33133
The Junior Dolphins Summer Football Camp allows boys and girls to spend the summer training like their favorite Dolphins players. This four (4) day camp experience allows junior athletes of all levels to strengthen their football skills while learning in a fun and safe environment.
• Camp Shirt
• Coaching by Junior Dolphins Coaches
• Appearances by Dolphins Alumni (subject to availability)
• Dolphins Preseason game ticket
• Chance to win Dolphins prizes and giveaways
• Camp certificate
• Access to discounted regular-season Dolphins tickets
• Official camper photo
• Opportunity to be apart of the pregame warmup for a game
Website: https://juniordolphinsfootball. com/
Global Connection International School
is proud to offer a fun, interactive Summer Camp experience for children ages 1 to 12. Our spectacular Summer Camp will offer an array of activities for your children to enjoy. Activities include cooking projects, music education classes, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish classes, water splash days, gardening, field trips and more! Join us for a summer full of fun and exploration!
Address: 2401 SW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL 33129
Phone: (786) 476-2105
Website: www.globalconnectionpreschool.com
The objective of The Village Montessori summer camp is to create a curriculum that engages children in a fun and exciting way while we continue their academic progress in a safe prepared outdoor and indoor environment within a flexible schedule. Throughout each of the eight weeks the children will have an opportunity to experience the outdoors, do science, re-create inventions, build replicas of wonders of the world, study famous artists, play soccer and a daily Montessori work cycle!
Phone: 305-858-9199
https://www.montessorischoolmiami. com/
Do what you love this Summer at ASC! Theatre classes for every age, every discipline and every level! Take part in our most popular summer camp, Broadway Bites, or take private lessons with industry professionals. Enroll in our Conservatory production of The Little Mermaid Jr to be performed at our Black Box, or audition for our student-professional production of The Little Mermaid to be performed at the Arsht Center.
Website: https://www.areastage.org/ summer
Inspire a love of creative movement and dance at the renowned Miami City Ballet School. Children ages 3 – 8 will explore the world of dance at MCB’s sunny and cheerful Miami Beach studios, all led by a dedicated and nurturing faculty.
Wednesday, July 5 – Saturday, July 29, 2023
Web link https://www.miamicityballet. org/school/summer-programs/childrenssummer

No other camp comes close to I AM Kids Academy!
We make a difference every day. With summer programs full of fun and skill-building experiences that last a lifetime. And a team of year-round professionals committed to your child’s success.A character-building curriculum, expertly designed to explore and expand our campers’ innate talents, curiosities, self-esteem and social skills. I Am Kids Academy’s summer will have a lasting impact on a camper’s growth and development for children 1-7 years old!
Spend the summer unleashing the power of science at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science from June 12 – August 11. Open to children ages 5-11, our science Summer Camp is designed to spark a sense of curiosity and excitement in children through week-long camps themed around the amazing science featured at the museum, including astronomy, technology, marine biology, and more. Register today! www.frostscience.org/summercamp
Address: 1101 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132
Phone: 305-434-9560
We provide an innovative way to create a magical fairy-tale experience that helps build princesses self-esteem as well as promote awareness of self-care through pretend play and dress-up.
Address: 1119 NW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL 33136 Phone: (305) 450-2933
Crayola Experience Home Adventure provides video-guided, interactive activities – all from the comfort of your home. Each kit features Crayola FUN with:
Order online and we’ll ship all the Crayola goodies, directions and video links directly to your doorstep! Seasonal kits also available while supplies last.Website: https://www. crayolaexperience.com/at-home-shop
Let your child’s individuality shine this summer at Alexander Camp! A family-owned & operated school dedicated to providing school & camp programs since 1963, Alexander Montessori School has been serving South Miami-Dade families with a great summer camp experience to thousands of children just like yours. Preschool-6th Grade.
Phone: (305) 665-6274
E-mail: school@alexandermontessori. com
Address: 6050 SW 57th Avenue, Miami, FL 33143
https://www.alexandermontessori.com/ about-us/summer-camp
Summer at Camp Carrollton is a fun-filled, engaging summer program for girls and boys. We provide children with a high quality, safe and fun learning environment.
Camp Carrolton offers several unique experiences in both Day Camp and Specialty Camps! • Camp Carrollton Day Camp (Rising PK 3- 3rd Grade) • Camp Carrollton “Design, Build and Sail” STEM Through Sailing Program (Rising 4th through 8th Grade) • Art Exploration with The Artsy Hippo (Rising 4th through 8th Grade) • Food for Thought Cooking C.H.E.F with Chef Alexandra Golovac (Rising 4th through 8th Grade) • Performing Arts with Movement Miami (Rising 4th through 8th Grade)
To register visit our website www.carrollton. org.
Kids will experience high-energy fun, athleticism and art expression at Pinecrest Dance Project’s Dance & Crafts Camp! Days will be filled with a variety of dance styles such as Acro, Salsa, Flamenco, Hip-Hop, and Ballroom. Campers will also enjoy arts and crafts, learn theater techniques, and practice make-up and costume design. Ages 5 to 12, Spring from March 2oth to 24th, Summer June 12th to August 18th, Half Day: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon or 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., Full Day: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 15% discount when you purchase 4 weeks or more. For more information visit our website or Register Here.
Website: www.pinecrestdanceproject.com
Let’s move with the music! This summer we’ll be learning how movement can improve musical understanding. With multiple camps, we cater to all ages and levels. Each camp will have field trip opportunities such as performances and workshops. Scholarships available. All abilities are welcome.
Website: www.gmys.org
Phone: (305) 667-4069
Email: camp@gmys.org
At Atlantis Academy, we serve students with unique abilities. We offer a Kindergarten to 12th-grade program for students with small class sizes in a uniquely small, safe environment. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment to enhance students’ academic, social, and emotional growth and to foster a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. Atlantis Academy also offers Summer Camp programs as well as before and after school care. Please call 305-781-4676 to learn more today!
We have the most interactive, fun, and educational indoor camp in Miami! Our advanced degrees teachers, spacious and clean facilities, and various activities will keep your kid safe, entertained, engaged, and inspired to move and learn. Activities range from Art (Mixed Media), Dance, Music Band, and Music Theater. And parents can join us for a spectacular free show for each camp session. In everything we do, our team’s mission is to offer the highest value and standards of excellence and positively influence and inspire those who wish to be EXTRAORDINARY!
(2 locations, Miami Doral)
Miami https://miamifineartsacademy.com
Doral: https://www.doralfineartsacademy. com
STEAM Week Spring Camp - March 20-24: Grab your lab coats and beakers as you plunge your way into a week full of exhilarating experiments that will spark your inner scientist. Discover the latest video gaming techniques, design and build your own robot, and make art with our Studio Artist! This camp will have you STEAM-ing with new knowledge and a love for all things science and art.
Ages: 4-10 years
Camp: 9AM - 3PM | $325 for Non Members | $292.50 for Members - Before and Aftercare available
Give your child a SCIENTASTIC SUMMER experience at MODS’ summer camp program, presented by Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. We’ve crafted the ultimate STEM experience for children ages 6 - 12 (grades 1 - 6). Campers will have interactive exploration and hands-on learning opportunities in the coolest camp environment, including a weekly IMAX immersion! Awesome themes abound from Inspiration Takes Flight to Expedition: Dinosaur and It’s Shocking to MODS Magical Camp for Witches and Wizards and more. For dates and pricing, please visit: mods.org/ summercampdiscovery
Calling all creative kids! Fun, inspiration, learning, giggles, and grins await the children this summer at the Kidcreate Studio Art Camps held at the Miami Shores Recreation Center. Our camp is perfect for children who don’t get enough art at school, parents who need a break, and kids who love messy creative fun! This camp will be full of painting, sculpting, drawing, slime, and tie-dying! Your kid will have an arttastic time! Website: https://kidcreate.com/ miami/classes/camps
La Piazza Academy’s Summer Camp offers learners ONE through thirteen an array of opportunities for summer fun, exploration, and discovery. Campers will participate in different immersive experiences, helping them to develop new interests, gain new skills, and discover new strengths while enhancing their physical, emotional, and intellectual well-being. https://lapiazzaacademy.com/
Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired provides fun and educational summer camp programs for blind and visually impaired youth and their sighted peers. Through a variety of instructional programs, children ages one to twenty-two have the opportunity to participate in community field trips and specialized activities that promote independence and academic development. For more information, please call Miami Lighthouse Academy @ 786.362.7483
SFA-Center’s Summer Adventure Camp is one of a kind. With a 3:1 student to teacher ratio and teacher/counselors skilled in the techniques and best practices of Applied Behavior Analysis. Our Camp aims to be a high-quality program, full of adventure giving our participants a summer like no other.
https://sfa-center.org/wp-content/ uploads/2023/02/Adventure-CampApplication-PDF-fillable.pdf
Our camp is a very physical. Campers will practice Martial arts, play active games, and practice weapons. Campers will have social time to play and make friends, learning time, movie time, arts and crafts time, snack, and lunch time. Special activities include a water balloon fight, pajama party, and field trips. Website: https://www.kculturecenter. com/camps
8 weeks of Summer by the Sea Camp, starting June. 12 through August 4, 2023from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Come enjoy the summer with our lifeguardcertified marine biologist Naturalists for exciting hands-on marine explorations. The summer will be filled with Seagrass Adventures, Mangrove Slogs, Kayak, Snorkel, & Paddle Board exploring our unique fossil reef, dissect squid, design beautiful art projects, play fun beach games, learning about Florida’s first inhabitants, creating and performing fun and educational science experiments, plus lots more. Website : www.biscaynenaturecenter.org Reservations : @biscaynenaturecenter. org
Looking for something FUN this summer? Sign up for our annual volleyball camp! You’ll learn the awesome game of volleyball while making new friends. We’ll divide our campers by age and skill level to maximize their time at camp. For more information visit our website and follow us on Instagram!.
Website:https://www. miamivolleyballacademy.net Instagram @miamivolleyballacademy
SFA-Center’s Summer Fun Camp partnering up with The Children’s Trust. Two weekly field trips, small group personal training, and dance class. A chance to practice and grow their vocational and life skills, by baking, and gardening, amongst many other days to day fun, and a 3:1 student to teacher ratio.
Link : https://sfa-center.org/wp-content/ uploads/2023/02/Fun-Camp-ApplicationPDF-fillable.pdf
School of Rock offers weekly full-day-camp options during the summer months. With fun themes like The Beatles, 80s Rock, Songwriting and Recording, and Classic Rock, our instructors will keep your child engaged and learning. Ages 8 - 17 at all skill levels.
Use the offer $50 off any camp with code MKM50
Website : www.schoolofrock.com
NFL FLAG’s no-contact rule and teamoriented environment make it easy for kids to come together, learn football fundamentals, and most importantly-have fun. With the Tyreek Hill Flag Football league families will love the easy commitment, with teams only meeting once per week (Saturday or Sunday, depending on location) for a total of 2 hours. Our Fall leagues are available in Florida for boys and girls pre k-8th grade that runs for 7 weeks starting in October.
Registration opens May 1st for our Fall League. If your child wants to be active, make friends, and play on a team, flag football is the perfect opportunity. Sign up online at https://www.nflflagtyreekhill.com/ Website: www.globalconnectionpreschool.com
Open to Grades 6-8
A Service and Eco-Action Camp like no other! Through interactive lessons, inspiring speakers, and eye-opening field trips, our campers will learn about global issues by taking action to become the future sustainability leaders of tomorrow https://www.bluemissions.org/ causecamps
Camp J Miami introduces your child to new experiences while building confidence in a fun and safe environment. Early Childhood, Traditional Summer Camp, Sports Camp, Performing Arts Camp and Special Needs Camp are available. Campers enjoy ageappropriate activities like sports, art, STEM, swim, music and more. Inclusive camp program. All are welcome. June 19-August
4. Register now!
Webpage: alperjcc.org/camp
Will give your little one a chance to try out new activities like arts and crafts, dance, yoga, fitness, and even go on exciting field trips! Artistic Dance Center’s SUMMER INTENSIVE will help your dancer level up with quality dance training and a well-rounded approach to dance education.
SPECIAL OFFER: Enroll in one 2-week session and get an additional session for 15% off! Discount valid until May 1st, 2023. USE
Kids Summer Program Link: https://docs.google.com/ forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSci3fO4Kw-NzdIUvDAHGWmutY_39MpcKK798kM-61_ d1SwAA/viewform
Independent Lake Camp is a premier overnight camp in the Pocono Mountains of PA, offering an impressive array of activities. ILC is dedicated to being a diverse community with powerful individualized programming and topnotch facilities & staff. We have been cultivating respect, creativity, and understanding in an inspiring and nurturing environment since 1992. website: https://www.independentlake.com/
Horse lovers’ paradise since 1954! A’top Lookout Mountain, for 50 girls, 8-17; 1 to 8 weeks, 600 acres, English, Western, Barrels, Vaulting, and Trails. CHA instructors teach beginner to advanced riders. Spend up to 6 hours a day riding and caring for your OWN camp horse.
Address: 606 Valley View Ranch Rd., Cloudland GA 30731
Phone: 706-862-2231
Website: www.valleyviewranch.com
CAMP BACO & CAMP CHE-NA-WAH Camp Baco for Boys and Camp Che-NaWah for Girls is camp at its purest. We’re two separate camps built on a single tradition: the secret to a great camp is its people. We are a caring committed community that provides an abundance of opportunities to campers have fun, learn and grow in the most beautiful setting on earth.

Bon Boni to Curaçao. This Dutch Caribbean Island between Aruba and Bonaire, is one of the ABC islands and Southern Caribbean gems —only a three hour flight from Miami. The island is known for its unique location and laid-back blending of European and Latin America culture, exclusive terrain, beautiful beaches, excellent scuba diving, colorful buildings, and namesake, orange flavored liquor.

Curaçao Marriott Beach Resort is conveniently located on the island’s southwestern coast, about 15 minutes from Curaçao International Airport, on 6 acres of white sand beach, making it easy for tourists to arrive and enjoy the beautiful island.

When you arrive at the property, you will enjoy an open-air lobby and lounge area with plenty of comfortable seating, a bar, a restaurant, and views of the pool and ocean; you will immediately feel that you are starting to be on vacation mode.
If you are traveling with your partner as adults only or as a family with kids, the hotel has two pools— the Harmony Pool, open for families, located in the middle of the resort, next to the beach, and the adults-only Serenity pool overlooking the beach. Also, the rooms are very flexible to accommodate in a luxurious double bed for families or a king-size bed for couples. The rooms are bright and spacious, with private balconies.

The Green Turtle Kids Club will keep the kids entertained during the entire stay of the trip, offering different activities throughout the day like arts and crafts, movies, video games, and more.
Curacao’s clear waters make this spot the best place
for scuba diving. Goby Divers is the resort dive shop offering on-site shore diving, boat diving, and dive courses. There are many restaurants at Curaçao Marriott Beach Resort and a grab-andgo coffee shop.
Zala Gastro Lounge is an open-air bar and restaurant in the resort’s lobby, serving Asian-fusion cuisine and small plates. ÇSpice is located close to the main pool that serves steaks and Italian food, with indoor and outdoor seating available. If you are by the pool or the beach, you can order food and drinks from The Salty Iguana Ocean Grill.

South Florida is a magical place with many different cultures, and this is reflected in our many restaurants. This time of the year, when the flowers start to bloom, let’s enjoy dining in many outstanding restaurants to celebrate Mother’s Day and enjoy Spring South Florida Style.

Whether you’re passing through Fort Lauderdale you must try a Spring Break meal at Casa Sensei. Brilliantly blends traditional Latin American cuisine with Pan-Asian staples to create the best of both worlds. The fusion eatery presents a deliciously dynamic environment for an immersive dining experience in the restaurant’s elegant dining room, on the dog-friendly waterfront patio or via a scenic Riverfront. Dishes include favorites like the Korean BBQ Beef and Kimchi Fried Rice or tantalizing specialty dishes like the freshly fished Lobster Guacamole. After dinner guests can satisfy their sweet tooth with a complimentary cloud of cotton candy.

There’s no better way to show social media that you’re spending Spring Break 2023 in Miami than visiting The Deck at Island Gardens, Miami’s most treasured waterfront restaurant. From a Sunday brunch buffet to a weekday Sunset RSVP happy hour, private cabana service, special events and more, guests can dine and dance the day – or night – away at this signature Miami hot spot. The menu features eats from the land and sea with European inspiration blended beautifully with global flavors.
Located at Pérez Art Museum Miami, Verde offers sweeping views of Biscayne Bay and boasts an elevated menu of seasonalinspired dishes with locally sourced produce. The modern-casual restaurant offers indoor and outdoor seating. The patio, which leads to the entrance to the museum’s sculpture garden and Maurice A. Ferré park, is a scenic outdoor experience for diners looking to bask in the South Florida weather and immerse themselves in the city’s cultural offerings and views of Downtown Miami.

Where to Eat - Family Friendly

KAO Sushi & Grill may serve top-level cuisine that combines Japanese and South American flavors with European tapas, but its fusion menu of familiar dishes and global eats (plus a kids’ menu & pup friendly options) makes it the perfect pit stop for the family this Spring Break. Located on the famous Miracle Mile in Coral Gables, KAO brings culinary delights on every level, thanks to masterfully crafted creations that make it one of the top foodie destinations in the area. Parents can dine on Filet Mignon ($38) while kiddos can enjoy the classic Mac and Cheese ($12).
If the family or friend group can’t decide where to eat this Spring Break, Negroni Bistro & Sushi Bar will satisfy any craving with its diverse international comfort food menu. The restaurant serves up antipasti, salads, burgers and pastas and even has a Nikkei sushi bar offering a special variety of rolls, nigiri, tiraditos and ceviches. Check out daily happy hour specials. Guests are welcome to bring their furry friends.
Visit Food@Science for a science-inspired lunch while enjoying Downtown Miami’s Maurice A. Ferré Park. After exploring the showstopping oculus lens aquarium, watching an eye-opening show at the planetarium, aspiring scientists can munch on some brain food to power through the day. The café elevates the Frost Science Museum experience by offering themed menu items related to the museum exhibitions.

Spring breakers searching for a stop within Sunset Harbour, can find a first-class Italian trattoria and pizzeria complete with a handcrafted cocktail bar at the recently opened Casa Bufala. The restaurant serves a selection of gourmet wood-fired pizzas freshly prepared in-house with buffalo mozzarella, as well as antipasti, pasta, calzones and more. A daily happy hour from 4-7 p.m.