Dusk n' Dawn T-shirts

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collection 2013 - 2014

BEGYNDER MED JAGTEN Mennesket har siden tidernes morgen klædt sig i skind fra vildtlevende dyr. Skindene tjente et praktisk formål, men gav også bæreren en følelse af samhørighed med de vilde dyr. Som om en del at dyrets kvaliteter levede videre hos dets nye bærere. Også det moderne menneske er fascineret af det vilde dyreliv, men naturens ressourcer er langt fra tilstrækkelige, hvis blot en promille af klodens syv milliarder mennesker vil gå i bøffelskind eller smykke sig med fjer fra Sydamerikas smukke papegøjer. Heldigvis behøver man ikke nedlægge dyret for at tilegne sig dets skønhed, mærke dets styrke eller føle dets karisma helt tæt på kroppen. Filosofien bag Dusk n’ Dawn er at bringe naturen tættere. At give bæreren den oprindelige følelse af samhørighed med det dyreprint, der bæres. Tilblivelsen af en Dusk n’ Dawn collektion afviger ikke meget fra tilblivelsen af menneskehedens allerførste klædestykker. Også vores tilblivelse begynder med jagten. Jagten på det rigtige motiv. Våben og fælder er skiftet ud med kamera, og når Michael Sand har fotoskudt de udvalgte dyr begynder den grafiske behandling. Motivet tilpasses og justeres og ender til slut som print på en Dusk n’ Dawn t-shirt. På den måde lever det vilde dyr videre. Både i naturen og nu også som en del af dig.

Dusk n’ Dawn er tekstil, når det er bedst!

Mange ting kendetegner et godt billede. Men

Fra Dusk til Dawn er tøjet tættest på kroppen. Fra

alle gode billeder er skabt af lyset. Det gælder i

morgengry til aftenskumring. Dag og nat - hele livet.

almindelighed, og det gælder i særdeleshed, når

Dermed er det ikke ligegyldigt, hvordan tøjet er desig-

genren hedder dyre- og naturfotografering.

net og produceret. Dusk n’ Dawn er skabt på basis af en af verdens

Langt de fleste af de motiver, der komme til live på en

førende og internationalt mest anerkendte kvalitets-

Dusk n’ Dawn t-shirt, er optaget i “Dusk n’ Dawn” i de

og miljøfilosofier - Green Cotton.

såkaldte blå timer omkring solens op- og nedgang.

Filosofien er unik, da man sætter en ære i at dokumentere den bæredygtige kvalitet ned til mindste

Kurverne i et bøffelhorn tegner grænseløse cirkler,

detalje. Og det er i detaljen, vi finder skønheden ved

og jeg vil påstå, at bøffelhornet er verdenshistoriens

det enkelte produkt, hinanden og vore omgivelser.

første symbol på evighed, som det ses forenklet i det

Dusk n’ Dawn afspejler ikke kun livsstil - men også

tusind år gamle infinity symbol. Noget der kører i ring

livsholdninger. Holdninger til det vilde dyreliv, deres

og varer evigt. Men et bøffelhorn er mere end dybe

omgivelser, miljøet, og verden omkring os. Til måden

kurver. Det er især den store bøffels massive “boss” i

vi producerer på. Til måden vi omgås på. Og til det

midten af de to hornkurver, der giver bøflen karakter.

færdige produkts kvaliteter. Dusk n’ Dawn er nærhed, følelser, skønhed, efter-

Bossen i logobøflen symboliserer den frygtløse

tænksomhed og ansvar, synliggjort i Michael Sands

fighter for evigheden. Vogteren, der kæmper for at

helt unikke og fantastiske billedunivers optaget fra

en solnedgang – symboliseret i den ene hornkurve

klodens vilde natur - præcis som vi alle elsker og ak-

- følges af endnu en solopgang - symboliseret i den

tivt ønsker at opleve, benytte og bevare til glæde for


vore børn og kommende generationer. Dusk n’ Dawn har dybe rødder i de danske traditioner, men har et globalt udsyn og respekt for nutidens sociale, etiske og økologiske udfordringer. Et brand, der er skabt til noget stort - et brand, der vil gøre en forskel.

Lasse Simonsen

Michael Sand

mænd SS 2013

Mere end blot en kollektion. Dusk n’ Dawn er til folk, der elsker naturen. Tøj som også kan anvendes, når man ikke er derude, og blot ønsker at føle sig godt tilpas og samtidig signalere, at man har et hjerte, der banker for verdens vilde dyreliv. Dusk n’ Dawn og lad verden føle det du føler.

Dusk and Dawn is the buffalo’s time. When you hear the sounds of a snorting are buffalo you know - the big dark shadows about to disappear.

The boss is the senior buffalo’s trademark.

An old buffalo is not

an easy prey. Not even for lions. They prefer to go for the calves and younger ones.

For a second we were watching

each other like two fighters in

the ring. Then he moved to the left behind me knowing I will never see him again.

Dusk n’ dawn - men

Cape buffalo power of spirit Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i Selous Game Reserve i Tanzania ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

buffalo heard Suddenly, we were in the middle of a big of the big Selous searching for water in Mikumi, a part rk. Game Reserve, about the size of Denma It is peaceful like an old hand-tame bull if you leave him alone. But don’t misjudge an old buffalo. It is considered to be the most dangerous animal in the world.

He’s close. An old

roebuck doesn’t take any chances and will not let you get

close. If you want to look to an adult buck in the eyes, you will have wait and let him come up to you.

He is here. or behind Somewhere. Could be behind the next tree here! Somewhere. the next hill. You never know. But he is

Dusk n’ dawn - men


roe deer i got you Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i store dele af Europa ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

In the spring the roebuck starts fighting for the territory. An adult roebuck doesn’t want any rivals in his

territories when the mating season starts.

When the nights are getting darker in late July and the beginning of August, females are ready for courtship. Then the old roebuck shows up

uck. ind the female and you will find the roeb F profile hiding, However, the dominating buck keeps low watching his territory from a distance.


You ain’t seen nothing yet until you have looked into the eyes of

a sika deer.

Sika are active throughout the hole day but are more active during the hours uent disturbance. of darkness in populations experiencing freq

Dusk n’ dawn - men

Sika deer show your best side Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i den nordlige del af Europa ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

The Sika Deer, Cervus nippon, is native to much of East Asia, and introduced to other parts of the world.

, Typically stags defend a rutting territory ll group and switch to harem-holding when a sma of hinds has been assembled.

In spite of urbanization, the European red deer is common in the most European countries.

They have also been introduced successfully to South Pacific and South America.

They don’t take anything for granted. A camera catches a herd of hinds searching for cover in the morning dawn, just before sunrise.

Dusk n’ dawn - men


red deer follow your imagination Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i store dele af Europa ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

When it is starting getting colder in late September and October old stags start showing up in female areas. It’s a show-time

and the stag’s roar can be heard from a long distance.

An old stag doesn’t take “no” for an answer.

Stripes make the young boars blend with the surroundings. A big wild boar demands respect. The tusks of a wild boar can be sharp like a razor and do serious damage to anybody crossing its way. Be careful when you see young wild boars. r is necessary to defend The mother is near and she will do whateve her piglets.

Dusk n’ dawn - men


wild boar just keep on Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i den nordlige del af Europa ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

Eyes of wisdom. It is often argued that wild of boar’s intelligence matches the intelligence a three-year-old child.

The wild boars are active in open areas at prefer nighttime but even in the moonlight they to stay hidden in the bush or forest.

From BC to New Mexico. The Rocky Mountains is the main habitat for the Wapati also known as the Rocky Mountain elk.

No less than six different species of elks are found in North America. In Asia the scientists assume there are four close related subspecies.

Dusk n’ dawn - men

wapiti calling you Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i South Dekota, USA ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

The scream of an adult bull is the call of the wild. and makes you Something inside you starts to wake up want to leave everything behind.

era For a second this elk caught by the cam looks in Yellowstone National Park stops and back before he continues chasing hinds into the cover.

Everything comes to those who wait. The young

elks try to stay away from the aggressive bulls during the rut. Instinctively, they know their time will come.

s up In the fall the big coastal black bear show hing by the riverbanks of Vancouver Island searc for spawning salmons.

n why the The big run of salmons is the main reaso k bears coastal black bears are bigger than the blac on the North American mainland.

In British Columbia everything seems to be too depended on the g fish. salmons and the huge numbers of returnin Not only the wildlife but also the whole ecosystem is based on the fish.

Dusk n’ dawn - men


black bear Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i Vancouver Island, BC ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

nt for the black bears. inding a good fishing spot is very importa F petitors such as the On Vancouver Island, they don’t have com why the bigger brown or Grizzly bears and that is island is the black bear paradise. Usually the black bears are very peaceful and bring no danger to humans. However, when they get aggressive they don’t stop attacking until the enemy is definitely dead.

In the Southern Alps of New Zealand, r big where famous mountaineers performed thei expeditions, you will find the tahr -

the king of the Southern Alps. If you want to get an audience with to seek high. the king of the Southern Alps, you have The thar is to be found on the tops of the mountains.

Dusk n’ dawn - men

tahr don’t look down Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i New Zealand ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

When the weather is turning from bad to evil in Gotley close to Mount Cook, it is easy to get the feeling that something out there is trying to get at you.

The Kea is the intelligent parrot of the id of Southern Alps. It doesn’t seem to be afra anything and even allows photographers to get very close.

Count the horn-rings and you will know the age. In this case it is 11.5 years old. An old tahr bull with a mane like a lion’s is quite unique.

Dusk n’ dawn - men

buffalo dnd, High rise buffalo dnd, eucalyptus buffalo dnd, blue mirage Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i Selous Game Reserve i Tanzania ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

Dusk n’ dawn - men

POLO Polo T-shirt med og uden lomme i lækker Økologisk 100% bomuld Sorte og brune Stonewashed

ALEX Logo T-shirt Økologisk 100% bomuld Flot sort og rødbrun naturfarve med bøffelprint på brystet.

kvinder SS 2013

Mere end blot en kollektion. Dusk n’ Dawn er et forsøg på at skabe tøj til alle, der elsker naturen. Tøj som også kan anvendes, når man ikke er derude. Det kan være alle steder, hvor man ønsker at føle sig godt tilpas og samtidig signalere, at man har et hjerte, der banker for verdens vilde dyreliv. Vær Dusk n’ Dawn og lad verden føle det du føler.

Somewhere in East Africa: three lion females are attacked by two young males trying to take over the group. Two females take up the fight. The third leads the cubs to safety.

cubs, when he A male lion doesn’t hesitate to kill the er of the pride takes over a group of females. As the lead he only wants to fight for his own genes.

Dusk n’ dawn - women

lion female power Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i Selous Game Reserve i Tanzania ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

When the day is turning into the night in the big Selous Game Reserve, the lion starts the hunt for buffalos and other big animals that are worth a hunt and a risk.

The two male lions, which try to take over the group and could have killed . the cubs, retreat and the threat is gone The youngest members of the group are led back to the mothers again.

es Are Burchell zebras black with white strip , from time immemorial, or white with black stripes? The zebras have Death in a dead tree. Although vultures always herald death on the savannah, the birds are indispensable in the ecosystem.

been a subject for discussions and wonderings.

Dusk n’ dawn - women

zebra between black and white Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i Selous Game Reserve i Tanzania ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

It is difficult to separate one zebra from another. The zebra has never been domesticated (with a few exceptions) or tamed for riding.

In the open grassland of the north part of Tanzania big herbivorous like zebras,

seem to live side by side asai women. with the local people like these proud Ma

The fallow Deer’s big show is the matter of power and performance. Nevertheless, at the

ng all end the female makes her own choice amo the Stags in the show.

When it comes to mating, the Roe Deer and the Red Deer sometimes involve power and allow brutality. On the contrary, the F

up Stag leaves it up to the Doe to make her mind and chose among the competitors.

Dusk n’ dawn - women

fallow deer natural posing Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i store dele af Europa ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

allow Deer, which The European F Latin name is “Dama dama”, is spread all over Europe.

The Stags love to decorate antlers with withered grass, twigs and other items that can be found in nature.

The mouflon was introduced to Corsica thousands of years ago. Later from the r countries.

island, it was introduced to a lot of othe

Dusk n’ dawn - women

mouflon what goes around Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i store dele af Europa ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

e on a very old mouflon’s ram. The horn makes an almost complete circl the Middle East They are found in different subspecies in and Europe. is The mouflon, known by its saddle patches, all thought to be one of the two ancestors of modern domestic sheep breeds.

“Polar fox” or “white fox”, d “snow fox” or “arctic fox” like a dear chil has many names. Small foxes in Greenland are designed for very cold temperatures

Dusk n’ dawn - women

polar fox close to you Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i Grønland ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

e The polar fox turns white in the wintertim shows and is all photographers’ favourite. As it little fear you can get pretty close.

In the shadows of the ice sheet deers, you can have unique experiences with rein Roskus, Snow-hares, Ravens and different species of falcons, geese and ducks.

The Macaws dry, scaly tongues

of the group of large The Blue-and-yellow Macaw is a member Neotropical parrots known as Macaws.

have a bone inside that makes it an effective tool for tapping into fruits.

Dusk n’ dawn - women

macaw born wild Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i Venezuela ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

mates for life. The Macaw is very social and generally flying high above In the dusk and dawn, you see the couples the rainforest of Venezuela.

The Macow is the dream bird for everyone who dreams about keeping parrots as pets. But what dream can a parrot have living in capture?


livin Hunting and fishing is the only way of in the rainforest of

Venezuela. The Pume Indians tribe in the delta is still The birds of the jungle.

able to find all the food in the jungle.

Dusk n’ dawn - women

toucan spread your wings Dansk design økologisk 100% bomuld med motiver optaget af Michael Sand i Amazonas ”Dusk n’ Dawn”

The Toucan’s oversized colorful beak has made it one of the world’s most spectacular birds. It is just a beautiful flower yet, reflecting in the dark water, y but in a few weeks it will turn into a tast cocoanut of some kind.

Parrots like this Macaw are caught in the wild and are kept as pets by chickens. the Pume Indians, who also keep dogs and

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