Gnéithe d’idirtheanga na Gaeilge i measc déagóirí sa mheánscolaíocht lán-Ghaeilge agus cleachtas oideolaíoch a fhairsingeoidh a bhfeasacht ar noirm na Gaeilge: cur leis an díospóireacht Seán Mac Corraidh, Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Béal Feirste ACHOIMRE Bunaithe ar fhiosrú ar scríobh na Gaeilge faoi chúinsí scrúdaithe i measc daltaí gaeloideachais sa mheánscolaíocht ag deireadh bhliain a dó dhéag atá an t-alt seo. Féachadh le léiriú a thabhairt ar na struchtúir sin a raibh bua ag daltaí orthu agus ar na gnéithe sin ar sháraigh orthu iad a shealbhú de réir noirm na Gaeilge. Féachtar fosta le mionathruithe a mholadh ar oideolaíocht an tumoideachais mar a chleachtar abhus é, a chuirfeadh oiread béime ar fhoirm na teanga is a chuirtear ar sheachadadh teachtaireachtaí sothuigthe. ABSTRACT This paper is based on an investigation of the writing of Irish under examination conditions by pupils in post-primary Irish-medium immersion education ag the end of year twelve. An attempt is made to indicate those structures pupils acquire well and those features which they fail to acquire with accuracy, according to the norms of the Irish language. Modifications are proposed for immersion pedagogy as practised in Irish-medium education based on the investigation which would place as much emphasis on linguistic form as is afforded the delivery of comprehensible messages.
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