Unpacking teacher language awareness Pádraig Fahey, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick ABSTRACT Second language (L2) teacher identity incorporates competence and confidence in one’s skillset and enables effective L2 teaching. This paper explores an overarching aspect of an L2 teacher’s identity that impacts the learner’s successful L2 acquisition: Teacher Language Awareness (TLA). TLA is a pathway to achieve the specific needs of the L2 teacher such as proficiency, linguistic knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. TLA includes teacher knowledge of the L2 and pedagogy, proficiency, an awareness of the learner’s needs, and the ability to reflect. Significant additional factors include Teacher Willingness to Communicate; teacher exemplification of language skills, and Foreign Language Anxiety; teacher self-perceptions of language skills. TLA allows cultivation of teacher identity for the L2 teacher. TLA is presented as well as its components, advantages and challenges for the L2 teacher. This overview identifies the unmistakeable need for TLA as the central skill of the L2 teacher. ACHOIMRE Cuimsítear le féiniúlacht múinteoirí dara teanga (T2) inniúlacht agus muinín ina scileanna féin, agus cuireann an fhéiniúlacht ar a gcumas T2 a theagasc go héifeachtach. Féachtar sa pháipéar seo ar ghné uileghabhálach d’fhéiniúlacht an mhúinteora T2 a théann i bhfeidhm ar shealbhú rathúil T2 i measc foghlaimeoirí: Feasacht Teanga an Mhúinteora. Is conair í an fheasacht teanga chun riachtanais an mhúinteora T2 amhail oilteacht, eolas teanga agus eolas oideolaíochta, a bhaint amach. Cuimsítear leis an bhfeasacht teanga eolas ar T2 agus ar an oideolaíocht mar aon le tosca amhail toilteanas an mhúinteora cumarsáid a dhéanamh; eiseamláiriú ar scileanna teanga á dhéanamh ag an múinteoir agus imní maidir le húsáid an dara teanga; agus féinbhraistint an mhúinteora ar a scileanna teanga féin. Cuireann an fheasacht teanga ar chumas an mhúinteora T2 féiniúlacht mar mhúinteoir a chothú. Cuirtear an fheasacht teanga i láthair anseo chomh maith lena comhpháirteanna, buntáistí agus dúshláin don mhúinteoir T2. Aithnítear san achoimre seo riachtanas soiléir na feasachta teanga mar scil lárnach don mhúinteoir T2.
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