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NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Personal Property Offices here to help with PCS moves




Now that the calendar has turned over to June we have entered the peak moving season.TheNAVSUPFLCNorfolkPersonal Property Offices (PPO) are hard at work taking care of customers during this peak season and with a little planning it can be easier for everyone involved to prevent a stressful evolution.

According to NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Personal Property Director David Stone the most important service the PPO’s provide is coordinating and paying for customerpropertystorageorshipmentsor asanalternativetheyalsoprovideguidance onself-procuredshipmentsandcompensationallowances Hesaidthemostimportant thingtheircustomerscandoistobeginthe processaspreparedandeducatedaspossible “With customer’s using ‘self-counsel’ they sometimes miss key information that shouldbereadinadvancetopreventmoves from going sideways,” said Stone Stone said customers should become familiarwithMilitaryOneSourceandNavy Customer websites to help identify their responsibilities and the Transportation Service Provider (TSP)/Agent responsibilities A good placefor customers to start is www.navsup.navy.mil/household and www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-pcs/ plan-to-move/pcs-and-military-moves.

During2022,theNorfolkPPOcounseling team processed 12,451 shipment applications through the Defense Personal Property System(DPS) in an average of5.3 days from the time a customer submitted their application. Stone advises that customers should allow at least a 21 day lead time to schedule a shipment, and during the peak summerseasonit’sbesttoallowsixweeks Thebestpracticeistosubmityourapplication as soon as you receive orders Stone offered the most important tip to avoidingcommonpitfallswhenplanninga moveistobeflexible “Weather,equipment andmanpowerissuesdohappenandcould causedelays,”saidStone “Thesedelaysare not just inconvenient but can have financial impacts as well. Customers should leave some flexibility in their schedules to accommodate “the unexpected.”

Stoneofferedasecondtipthatcustomers shouldsetasideanyitemstheymightneed duringtraveltoensuremoversdonotpack them. “Passports and other travel documents, medications, uniforms, cherished toys - anything not planned for packing shouldbesecuredoutofthemoversreach,” advised Stone

Healsoadvisedthatappliancesandother items need to be properly prepared for the move “Disconnect anything in the home from the building and other items,” said Stone “Anythingmountedorconnectedto anything else must be disconnected by the customer Drain, clean and dry anything that is being included in the shipment, including refrigerators, water beds, lawn mowers and any other item that uses fuel or water.”

Customersshouldalwayswaituntilthey have a confirmed carrier and moving date before providing notice to vacate their current home “Customers can prevent unnecessary stress and last minute scrambling by NOT giving notice to vacate their residence prior to ensuring a moving agency is assigned to service their shipment,” said Stone Most importantly Stone cautions customerstoensuretheirhomeiscleanand ready to receive movers “Vendors cannot come in and provide services if a customer has not at least organized and ensured everythingiscleanandfreeofsoilandpest infestations. Insect infestations and dirty homes are encountered frequently and vendorswillnotprovideserviceiftheyseea concernformoldinhomesorstorageunits that can result in health risks and skyrocketing costs for professional remediation services. Homes should be safe to access, enter and work in, including clear walkways Ensuretheresidenceisaccessibleby pavementvicemuddyorsnowydriveways and paths and treat for pests in advance of scheduling a mover.”

With a little research and proper planning customers should be able to look forward to a relatively stress-free move Your local HHG office can provide all necessaryinformationtogetstarted,orcall 855-HHG-MOVE.

Movers unload household goods during deliveryas the Navycontinues to support servicemembers throughout the COVID-19 crisis.Headquartered in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania,and employing a diverse,worldwideworkforce ofmore than 22,500 militaryand civilian personnel,NAVSUP’s mission is to provide supplies,services and quality-of-life support to the Navyand jointwarfighter (USNAVYPHOTOBYRUSSELLSTEWART/RELEASED)

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