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Carrier Strike Group 11 holds underway change of command ceremony
from Flagship 06.15.2023
PHILIPPINE SEA Rear Adm. Jennifer Couture relieved Rear Adm. ChristopherSweeneyasCommander,CarrierStrike Group(CSG)11duringachangeofcommand ceremonyheldaboardUSSNimitz(CVN68), June9.
Sweeney assumed command of CSG-11 in April 2021 and led the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group through its work up cycle, Group Sail, Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX) and over six months of deploymenttotheU.S.7thFleetAreaofOperations HistenureascommanderofCSG-11is thelongestinthecommand’shistory
In November 2022, CSG-11 deployed the aircraftcarrierUSSNimitz,thesquadronsof embarkedCarrierAirWing(CVW)17,Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill (CG 52), Destroyer Squadron (DESRON)9whichincludesArleighBurkeclassguided-missiledestroyersUSSDecatur (DDG 73), USS Chung-Hoon (DDG 93) and USSWayneE.Meyer(DDG108).
Ondeployment thestrikegroupexecuted five port calls, hosted two formal “Big Top” receptions in South Korea and Thailand, embarked hundreds of foreign dignitaries, militaryofficials,Ambassadors,andinterna- tional media, and conducted multi-domain training, exercises and operations with the Joint Force and several nations, including Japan,SouthKorea,Australia,Singaporeand thePhilippines Alongsidealliesandpartners the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group’s presence inU.S.7thFleetreinforcestheUnitedStates commitmenttofly,sailandoperatewherever international law allows in support of a free andopenIndo-Pacificregion.
During his final address to the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, Sweeney highlighted themanyaccomplishmentsCSG-11achieved duringhis25monthsincommand.
“It’s been an honor of a lifetime to serve as your commander Everything you have accomplishedhasmadeournation,Navy,and StrikeGroupasafer,strongerandmorelethal force,” said Sweeney “The Sailors of Carrier Strike Group Eleven and their families who have sacrificed and been resilient and ready for the past six months away from home you are all our country’s greatest national asset. Continue to look out for your shipmates through the rest of this deployment and beyond. Build upon the lessons experiences and tactics we have developed, and together, there will be no limit to the things youcanachieve.”
She commissioned through the NROTC program at the George Washington University in 1995 and she received a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations She holds a master’sdegreeinInternationalStudiesfrom OldDominionUniversity,andshecompleted herJointProfessionalMilitaryEducationasa studentoftheU.S.NavalWarCollegeandthe JointForcesStaffCollege Shehasservedina varietyofafloatandashorebilletsasasurface warfareofficer Her most recent assignment was Commander, Naval Service Training Command.
“It is an honor to join this team during deployment as the Commander Carrier StrikeGroup11, saidCouture “Iamhumbled bytheopportunitytosailwithsuchanaccomplished group of professionals and continue the culture of excellence within our strike group.”
CSG-11 is in U.S. 7th Fleet conducting routine operations U.S. 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with allies and partners in preserving a free andopenIndo-Pacificregion.
For more news from CSG-11, visit http:// www.dvidshub.net/unit/CSG11 called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.
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