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VMM-364 (REIN) memorializes Marines lost one year ago while deployed to Djibouti
from Flagship 06.15.2023
ByLt.j.g VictoriaPiccoli
Camp Lemonnier Djibouti
Marines and Sailors assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor (VMM) Squadron 364 Purple Foxes’ hosted a 5k memorial run across Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, June 8, 2023, to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the MV-22B Osprey crash that killed five Marines in Southern California at 12:25 p.m. on June 8, 2022.

The run served as a way to continue the legacy of VMM-364 pilots, Capt. Nicholas Losapio and Capt John Sax, and crew chiefs, Cpl. Nathan Carlson, Cpl. Seth Rasmuson,andLanceCpl.EvanStrickland
“Thisisasolemndaytohonorthebrothers we lost last year,” said Lt Col. John Miller, commanding officer of VMM-364 (REIN). “Everybody here today is family andapartofthelegacytheybuilt...Wewill never forget them and continue to honor themthroughourwords,actions,anddedication to duty.”
The5kmemorialrunwasbrokenupinto five stops, one per kilometer, where there was a speech by a member of the squadron that shared memories like remembering Lance Cpl. Strickland’s great sense of humortoCapt.Sax’sloveforhisfamily,his fellow Marines and flying Ospreys
“One year ago we lost five brothers
We are going to hurt tonight in our own way. Let’s respect them, think of them, let’s get through this and go through a bit of personal sacrifice as well,” said Master
GunnerySgt.ChadDebruyne,maintenance department chief and VMM-364 acting senior enlisted leader
Leading up to the one-year anniversary oftheaccident,membersoftheVMM-364 worked daily to memorialize Losapio, Sax, Carlson, Rasmuson, and Strickland, like painting their call signs on five of the MV-22B Ospreys that are flown and oper- ated daily at Camp Lemonnier
“Itreallymeantalottogivebacktothose wholosttheirlives,”saidCpl.ReedLawlor, an air frames mechanic who helped paint the call signs on the Ospreys “It’s a bit of solace to be reminded of them every day. Last time I was in Djibouti I was here with someofthem,soit’snicetoseetheirnames everyday walking by the birds now.”
Since the accident, members of the VMM-364(REIN)havemetandovercome aseriesofchallengesincludingdeployingto the Horn of Africa on short notice
“I am incredibly proud of the Purple Foxes-Ididn’tknowhowweweregoingto getthroughitwhenthemishaphappened,” said Miller “We had to overcome so many challenges and making it through the first day, first week, getting back in the aircraft, preparing for a MEU, and then being assigned this mission and having to deploy a purpose built team of 300 Marines and Sailors on short notice was impressive to watch. No one else could have done what this team did. I attribute our success to what the Swift 11 crew taught us They taught us how to fight and win as a team. TheywereMarines,ourbrothers,andmost importantly they were Purple Foxes.”
The 5k memorial run is expected to continueandbecomeanannualeventheld onJune8thtohonor andmemorializetheir lives
VMM-364(REIN)isforwarddeployedto CampLemonnierservingastheaircombat element in support of Crisis Response Africa 23.2 The unit is a composite squadron hailing from Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton and Miramar CLDJ is an operational installation that enables U.S. allied, and partner nation forces to be where and when they are neededtoensuresecurityinEurope,Africa, and Southwest Asia
U.S. Navy assists mariners experiencing engine trouble in Gulf of Oman

U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet
GULFOFOMAN TheU.S.Navyassisted sevenstrandedmarinersfromOmanandthe United Arab Emirates, June 11, after their fishing vessel experienced engine trouble intheGulfofOman.
Guided-missile destroyer USS McFaul (DDG 74) spotted the vessel as its civilian crew signaled for help in the early afternoon local time McFaul quickly deployed a small-boat team to provide the mariners waterandengine-testingassistancefortwo hoursuntiltheUnitedArabEmiratesCoast Guardarrived.
“Wewereproudtoassistfellowmariners atsea,”saidCmdr AntoniaShey,commanding officer of McFaul. We remained on scene until follow-up assistance from the United Arab Emirates arrived. Our duty to render assistance at sea allows us to aid marinersindistressandwe’reproudtohave providedthatsupport.”
McFaul is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations to help ensure maritime security and stability in the Middle East region.
TheU.S.5thFleetoperatingareaincludes 21countries,theArabianGulf,GulfofOman, RedSea,partsoftheIndianOceanandthree criticalchokepointsattheStraitofHormuz, Babal-MandebandSuezCanal
MANAMA,Bahrain (June 12 2023) Egyptian NavyRearAdm.MahmoudAbdelsattar,left;ViceAdm.Brad Cooper commanderofU.S.Naval Forces Central Command,U.S.5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces center; and U.S.NavyCapt.AnthonyWebber newcommanderofCombinedTask Force 153; renderhonors on stage during a change ofcommand ceremonyin Manama,Bahrain,June 12,2023.(U.S.ARMYPHOTOBYCPL JENSEN