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Navy Reservists show hard work and team building during

First ClassPettyOfficerAssociation(FCPOA)and Chief Mess aboard Naval Reserve Center (NRC)Spokaneparticipatedinacommunity relations (COMREL) project at the Camp EastonBoyScoutCampinHarrison,Idaho, June9. Eleven Sailors volunteered their time, working with Camp Easton staff members topromotesafetybyinstallingabarrierseparating the camp’s firing range from a walking path As part of the volunteer project, the group constructed a 104-foot fence line andunloadedatruckloadoflumberforadditionalprojects.

“This is the first COMREL that the FCPOA and Chiefs Mess has done together since2020,”saidChiefPersonnelSpecialist Ashley Tilton, Command Senior Enlisted LeaderatNRCSpokane “ThisisanimportantbondingopportunityfortheFCPOAand Chief Mess to work together as one team Whileweareoutheredoingthehardlabor, we’re learning about our strengths and weaknesses This knowledgehelpsus hone ourskillsappropriately.”


Sean Weiler, Camp Easton’s Ranger, explainedthatvolunteersareparamountto theupkeepandmaintenanceofthecamp

“We received a grant along with a generousdonationtoincreaseandupgradecapacity of the ranges and improve the visual infrastructure,” said Weiler “This project would have taken me weeks to complete I am sincerely appreciative of you all coming outtohelpus.”

Service members worked together throughoutarainyFridaymorningandeffi- ciently build the fence line in less than four hours.

“Volunteer projects like this are important, because the more we give back to the

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