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from Flagship 06.15.2023
Its time to celebrate Dad with some delicious dishes
Make it all about dad and celebrate Father’s Daywith a table full offood to enjoywith family Serving up something mouthwatering and deliciouswill have him coming backfor anotherplate.PageC4
Sunsets on the River music series returns to The Hermitage Museum & Gardens for its 13th summer

Sunsets on the River returns for its 13th summerwithmorefunforthewholefamily! Relaxontheshorelineandenjoy:
Livemusicfromacrossthemusicalspectrum including Top 40, bluegrass, funk, R&B, swing, psychedelic rock, alternative rock,andmore!
Interactive activities for all guests from communityartists+organizations
Drinks from our bar featuring craft beer andwineavailableforpurchase
Dinnerfromavarietyoflocalfoodtrucks, includingsomenewfavorites!
Experienceourimmersiveartexhibition EchoesoftheHeartbeginningJune9
JULY20:GratefulJed(GratefulDead CoverBand)
AUGUST3:RobertaLeaandBand (SoulfulR&BRock)
AUGUST17:AllenHudsonandthe Halfmoons(AlternativeRock)
Gatesopenat5:30pmandthemusicstarts at6pm Guestsmaybringlawnchairs,blankets non-alcoholic beverages and food –expect the inside of bags and coolers to be checked. No outside alcohol or ball sports arepermittedonthegrounds Well-behaved dogsonleashesarepermitted Museum Members: Please bring your physical membership card for priority check-in! Free concert admission for members and kids under 10 The cost for non-members is $15. Tickets are only sold atthegate Creditcardsareaccepted. Limited parking is available on site A limited number of accessible parking spots will be available on site and across from the frontgate Guestsarrivingafter6pmshould expect to walk from neighborhood parking whereamplestreetparkingisavailable. When parking in the neighborhood, please be sure to observe all parking signage, park legally, and ensure that your vehicle is not blockingdrivewaysandwalkways For additional information visit TheHermitageMuseum.org or call 757.423.2052 The Hermitage Museum & Gardens is located at 7637 North Shore Rd Norfolk VA23505.
Norfolk to Blacksburg (via U.S. Route 460) and Virginia Beach to Abingdon (via U.S. Route 58) rated as two of “America’s Best Weekend Road Trips”
In recent years, weekend road trips have experienced a surge in popularity among families These mini-getaways offer a refreshingescapethatcombinesadventure, flexibility,qualitytimespenttogether,allata significantlylowercostcomparedtoconventionalsummerbeachdestinations

“America is a treasure trove of interesting and diverse weekend road trips From the towering mountains and vast plains, to vibrant cities and charming small towns, eachjourneypaintsauniqueportraitofour nation’s rich tapestry Every route has its own story to tell, fostering an exploration that unveils the heart and soul of America” says Joseph Gunther IV of Gunther Motor Company. Gunther Motor Company carried out a surveyof3,000regularroadtripperstofind out the most popular 100 weekend road trips they would most like to experience in summer2023
InfirstplacecameaNewYorkroadtrip leavingfromNewYorkCitytoNiagaraFalls via Interstate 87 and 90 This route showcases New York’s diverse landscapes and attractions Starting in NYC, you can visit famous sites like Times Square and Central Park,thenheadnorth.Interstate87provides views of the stunning Adirondack Mountains and outdoor activities while Interstate 90 passes through scenic towns and historic sites The journey ends at Niagara
Falls,abreathtakingnaturalwonder,where you can take a boat tour or enjoy the view fromobservationdecks.Thisapproximately 400-miletriptakesabout7to8hours
In second place came a 4 to 5 hour road tripbasedinColorado leavingfromColorado Springs to Dinosaur National Monument via US-40 The route goes through scenic mountain passes, charming mountain towns, and expansive valleys, offering stunning vistas and opportunities for outdoor exploration. Along the way, you can visit attractions like the historic town of Steamboat Springs, renowned for its hot springs and outdoor activities and the unique geological formations of the Yampa RiverValley
The Las Vegas to Great Basin National Park (via U.S. Route 93) weekend road trip emergedas3rdfavorite Thisroutetakesyou through stunning desert scenery, with vast stretchesofopenroadandpanoramicviews ofmountainsandvalleys Alongtheway,you canmakestopsatuniqueattractionslikethe ExtraterrestrialHighway,knownforitsUFO sightings andArea51 lore.As youapproach GreatBasinNationalPark,you’llbegreeted by the majestic Wheeler Peak, the park’s highestpoint,andthebreathtakingLehman Caves, a subterranean wonder filled with stunninglimestoneformations.Theroadtrip typically takes around 4 to 5 hours to drive theapproximately300-mileroutefromLas VegastoGreatBasinNationalPark Texas is home to the 4th most popular roadtripinAmerica TheDallastoBigBend National Park via U.S. Route 67 road trip takes you through charming small towns, rolling hills and stretches of open countryside offeringglimpsesofTexas’richhistory andnaturalwonders.Alongtheway,youcan exploreattractionssuchasFortRichardson State Park, known for its historic military fortandscenicbeauty,andtheDavisMountains State Park, offering stunning hiking trails and panoramic views The road trip takes around eight to ten hours to drive the approximately500-mileroutefromDallasto Big Bend National Park. This road trip is an idealwaytoexperiencethevastness,natural beauty,andruggedcharmofTexas.
And rounding up the top 5 came another NewYorkroadtrip,startingoffinAlbanyto Lake Placid (via Interstate 87) Here you’ll witness the picturesque landscapes of the Adirondack Mountains, charming small towns, and stunning natural attractions along the way. Additionally you’ll encounter historical sites such as Fort Ticonderoga andculturalattractionsliketheHyde CollectionArtMuseum,providingablendof historyandart The state of Virginia’s Norfolk to Blacksburg via U.S. Route 460 road trip was voted as America’s 16th favorite weekend road trip Starting in Norfolk, a vibrant coastal city known for its naval history and waterfront attractions, you can explore the charming neighborhoods visit museums and indulge in delicious seafood.
As you travel west on U.S. Route 460, you’ll pass through the scenic countryside, with picturesque farmlands and rolling hills dotting the horizon. Along the way, you can make stops in historic towns such as Suffolk and Petersburg, each offering their ownuniquecharmandglimpsesintoVirginia’s rich past. Continuing on Route 460, you’ll reach Blacksburg, home to Virginia Tech University and nestled in the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains. Here, you can enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and biking, explore the vibrant college town atmosphere, and immerse yourself in the local artsandculturescene.
And the Virginia Beach to Abingdon via U.S. Route58weekend road trip was rated as the 42nd best nationally As you travel along U.S. Route 58, you’ll pass through picturesque countryside, rolling hills, and rural communities, providing a glimpse into the state’s rural heritage and slower pace of life Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to explore historical sites, such as the Suffolk Historic District and the town of Franklin, known for its quaintdowntownandhistoricarchitecture.
As you continue west, the landscape gradually transforms into the scenic beauty of the Appalachian Mountains, where you’ll passthroughcharmingtownslikeGalaxand Marion.TheroadtripculminatesinAbingdon,ahistorictownwithavibrantartsscene where you can explore its historic district, andimmerseyourselfinthelocalculture.
INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7