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Navy Band partners with National Alliance for Audition Support


U.S. Navy Band


The United States Navy Band in partnership with The SphinxOrganization,a national organization dedicated to advancing professional opportunities for young Black and Latinx musicians,hosted an auditionworkshopatGeorge Washington UniversityJune3and4.

Known as an audition intensive, the two-dayevent followedthe National Alliance for Audition Support model which provides free individual lessons,group masterclasses and amock audition for 20 college-aged students selected from anational pool of candidates.NavyBand instrumentalists partnered with their student counterpartstooffer performance feedbackand sharerelevant knowledgeas seasonedprofessionalmusiciansandsubject matterexperts.

SpearheadingtheinitiativewasMusician 1stClassMichaelBrownfromNewOrleans, La., amemberofthe Navy Band’sdiversity, equityandinclusionteam.

“This is an opportunity to help mitigate thedisparitiesweseeinclassicalmusicorganizations today”said Brown. “Itisthe first timeany militarybandhas hostedanaudition intensive, and Isee itasahuge honor and opportunityfor us to interact directly with the diverse and motivated potential candidateswehope to recruit for our own auditionsoneday.”

In tandem withthe audition intensive, the Navy Band willhostits firstSummit for Diversity in Music Nov. 19,2023,inpartnership with Morgan State University The event will bring together leadersand performersfromacrosstheartscommunity asthebandseekstoattractthefinesttalent, and ultimately,better represent Americans of all backgrounds andethnicities in its ranks, leading the wayinadvancingthe DEIvisionoftheNavy’schiefofnavaloperations,Adm.MikeGilday.

“In order to moreeffectively recruit, develop,manage,rewardand retain the forces of tomorrow,aiming to simplyavoid doing the wrong thingistoo lowabar;we mustactively pursue that which is right. WhenSailors feel included,respected and empowered,theywillbemorereadytowin wars,deter aggressionand maintain freedom of the seas”saidAdmiral Mike Gilday, ChiefofNavalOperations.

TolearnmoreabouttheNavyBand,visit: www.navyband.navy.mil

To learnmoreabout The Sphinx Organization,visit:sphinxmusic.org

TolearnmoreabouttheNationalAlliance forAuditionSupport,visit:NationalAlliance forAuditionSupport—SphinxOrganization (sphinxmusic.org)

PUTLOS,Germany(June 7,2023)Royal Netherlands NavyCmdr.PeterBaarsposes fora photograph nearthe NATO CommanderTaskGroup 162.40command staffarea at the Bundeswehr militarytraining area in Putlos,Germany,during exercise Baltic Operations 2023 (BALTOPS 23).BALTOPS23isthe premiermaritime-focusedexercise in the Baltic Region.The exercise,ledbyU.S NavalForcesEurope-Africa,and executed byNavalStriking and SupportForcesNATO,providesa unique training opportunitytostrengthen combinedresponsecapabilitiescritical to preserving freedom ofnavigation and securityinthe Baltic Sea.


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