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How climate change impacts birds, their feeding habits and how to help from home
from Flagship 06.15.2023
Family Features
Bird feeding is a common practice in the United States, with more than 59 million Americans participating, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. In addition to providing aesthetic and recreational benefits, bird feeding can have positive impacts onbirdpopulations
AccordingtotheNationalAudubonSociety birds provide important ecosystem services suchaspollination,pestcontroland seeddispersal.Infact,around87%offloweringplantsrelyonanimalpollinators,includingbirds,toreproduceandgrow,according toastudypublishedin“Science.”Birdsalso consume fruits and berries then spread the seeds,whichhelpsmaintainbiodiversityand promotesthegrowthofnewplants
Considered good indicators of the health of the ecosystem, changes in bird populations and behaviors can signal changes in the environment, such as pollution, habitat loss and climate change
As temperatures, weather patterns and ecosystems change, itcanaffecttheavailabilityoffoodforbirds, whichmayaltertheirbehavior
Feedingbirdscanbeabeneficialpractice that helps them cope with climate change
Supplemental Food: Bird feeders provide a supplemental source of food for birds when natural food sources may be scarce due to prolonged droughts or severe storms Birdfeedingcanhelpbirdsmaintain energylevels,especiallyduringbreedingor migrationwhennutritionalneedsarehigher
RangeShifts: Climate change can cause shifts in the distribution and abundance of bird species Feeders can serve as “refuges” for birds providing reliable food sources as theymoveinsearchofsuitablehabitats
Behavioral Adaptations: Some species may alter their feeding behaviors due to changes in timing of insects hatching or plantsflowering,whichcanaffecttheavailability of natural food sources Bird feeders canhelpbridgethesegaps,providingastable sourceoffoodwhentraditionalsourcesare disrupted
To attract more birds this season, it’s importanttoofferqualityfeedinavarietyof birdfeedertypesplacedatdifferentheights
Traditionaltubefeedersarebasic,all-purpose must-have feeders that work well for finches nuthatches and other small birds thatcling.Madewithstate-of-the-artmaterials to prevent warping and discoloration, Cole’sTerrificTubeFeederfeaturesaquickcleanremovablebase.
Simply push a button and the bottom of the feeder comes off for easy access Rinse well with soapy water, submerge in a 9-1 water-bleach solution, rinse and dry Then reattach the bottom; there’s no disassemblyorassemblyofmultiplepartsnecessary. Regular cleaning of feeders is essential, preventingmold,germsanddisease.
Another option, bowl feeders, can serve not only seeds, but also dried mealworms, fruit and suet in cake or kibble form. For example Cole’s Bountiful Bowl Feeder comes with an adjustable dome cover you can raise or lower to protect from rain and prevent larger birds and squirrels from gettingtothefood.
Popular Foods
Inadditiontofeeders,offeringavarietyof foodsisvitalforinvitingdifferentspeciesto yourbackyard.
Birdseed: Not all birdseed is created equal Lookforqualityblendswithoutfiller seeds like red millet and oats All-natural seed,containingnochemicalsormineraloil, issafeandmoreappealingtobirds Consider researched,speciallyformulatedoptionslike all-natural black oil sunflower, Cole’s “Hot Meats”(sunflowermeatsinfusedwithhabanerochilepeppers)orSpecialFeederblend, which is packed with black oil sunflower, sunflower meats, black striped sunflower, rawpeanuts,safflowerandpecans
DriedMealworms:Fullofenergy,essentialnutrients,fatsandproteins,mealworms are a preferred food for adult songbirds Dried mealworms are easy to feed less messyandlackthe“ick”factorofliveworms.
FreshFruit:Appleandorangehalvesand chunks of banana are favorites for orioles andtanagers
No-Melt Suet: Perfect for insect-eating birds high-fatfoodprovidesabundantcaloriesandrichnutrition
Water:Don’tforget,birdsneedwaterjust as much as humans Drinking water helps regulate body processes, improves metabolism and maintains health. Birds also use water for preening and bathing, and on hot days standingincoolwaterortakingaquick splashcanhelpthemkeepcool
Findmoresolutionstobringbirdstoyour backyardatColesWildBird.com
Solo Travel Tips: Recommendations for venturing out alone
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If you’re considering a solo journey considerthesetipsfromthebook“101+Tips forSoloWomenTravelers,”whichisoffered byOverseasAdventureTravelinfreedigital andprinteditions
Make Sure Your Passport is Updated: Many countries now require your passport to be valid for six months after your return totheUnitedStates.Ifyoudon’thaveapassport or need to renew one, apply for one as soonaspossible Ideallyyoushouldhaveyour applicationinsixmonthsbeforeyoudepart.
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Take Precautions in Your Hotel Room: When you check in, ask the receptionist to write your room number down instead of announcing it so everyone can hear Make sure your room’s locks work on both the door into the hallway and the balcony Neverletanyrepairpersonorstaff member into your room without confirming with the front desk first. Bring a rubber doorstop, which makes a hotel room door nearly impossible to open. Finally, have an exit plan: Know where the nearest exit is located and the route from your room.
Make New Friends: For some, making friends seems to happen naturally while traveling alone by chatting with strangers ataneighboringrestauranttableorstriking up a conversation while waiting in line at a store. If those situations don’t occur naturally there are useful apps that can connect you with local people as well as fellow travelers
Findmoretipstoprepareforyourjourney atoattravel.com.