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WHAT’STHEBUZZ? Bug Week is here, June 10-17
from Flagship 06.15.2023

By:JanetA.Aker MHS Communications
Buzz. Buzz. Swwwwaaaaaarm. SPLAT!
These familiar sounds are a reminder that summer—and even more bugs—will arrive soon. To educate and inform the military communityaboutillnessestransmittedbybugs andhowtopreventbugbites athomeorwhile deployed, the Military Health System is holdingBugWeek,June10-17 ThegoalofBugWeek is to educate beneficiaries on the prevention and treatment of bug-borne illnesses as well as how some bugs can have apositive effect on theirhealth.
GetinontheBuzz! Toseewhatallthebuzz isabout,visitwww.health.mil/BugWeekto:
Learn fun facts and how you can prevent yourself from bugs with TRICARE on Instagram,FacebookandTwitter
Get the latest news, videos and information from the MHS about bugs and bug-borne illnessesonFacebook
See how the Defense Health Agency is supporting readiness and tackling bug-borne illnessesonLinkedInandTwitter.
Download a fun, fact-filled coloring book on the Bugapalooza web page at https://medicalmuseum.health.mil/assets/documents/ education/Bugapalooza_Coloring_Book.pdf