№241 Бізнес / №241 Business

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ФОП Акименко Л.С.



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Фото обкладинки: Оксана БОНДАРЧУК

Передплатний індекс: 95311

Свідоцтво про реєстрацію: ДП № 2181-919Р від 10 серпня 2017 р.

Адреса редакцїї: 49000, м. Дніпро, вул. Театральна, 3 www.milleniumra.com.ua, e-mail: millenium-maket@i.ua

З питань розміщення реклами звертатися за т.: +38 050 320–15–83






Ihor CHUDOVSKY is a man whose life is full of constant movement forward and struggle for justice. From the sports ring, where our guest reached significant heights, to his practice of law, where he protects people’s rights, his path is full of challenges and achievements. Mr. Ihor is an example for young lawyers and all Ukrainians who have true patriotism in their DNA.

– Greetings, Mr. Ihor. Let’s start with your professional path and career growth. By what principle did you choose your profession?

– I have two professions in my life: a Greco-Roman wrestling coach and a lawyer. Both are united by a common principle – struggle. Since my youth, my life motto has been: «Life is a struggle.» In sports, it was a fight for every victory. Advocacy allowed me to continue this struggle already in a different plane – for the rights, justice and protection of the interests of those who need it.

– What do you consider your main professional mission?

– I believe that my main professional mission is to promote the development of civil society, protect human rights and ensure the rule of law. I am convinced that without this, we will not be able not only to defeat the enemy, but also to create a strong and independent state.

– Give examples of high-profile cases you have won.

– It is not easy to choose the most important cases in the practice of law. Since 2014, “Chudovsky & Partners” Bar Association has been defending military personnel. In addition, I am a co-chairman of the All-Ukrainian Public Union “Military Advocacy”. My recent cases include:

1. Closing the case of a serviceman of the «Lviv» battalion. The court ruled in favor of my client. It was an important victory that became an example of fair justice.

2. Defense of Chief Sergeant K. The client was accused of premeditated murder in the ATO zone. The court, having found the insufficiency of the evidence, released the serviceman from custody.

3. Punishment for murder in Lysychansk. Within the framework of the protection of the victims, we managed to achieve a fair verdict against the person who committed the murder and attempted murder. The court sentenced the criminal to life imprisonment, ensuring justice for the victims and their families.

– What challenges do you face in your work today?

– The work of a lawyer in the current conditions in Ukraine is influenced by a number of significant challenges. The situation is unique and requires not only professional competence, but also endurance, adaptability and resilience.

Among the challenges, I will highlight:

• restrictions on human rights;

• corruption in the legal system;

physical danger and infrastructure limitations;

• moral and psychological pressure. Lawyers are the same people, but they must remain calm and able to make objective decisions.

– You were injured at the beginning of the war in Luhansk region and had to move to Kyiv. How did this event change your life?

– The injury I received in 2014 became a turning point in my life, and moving to the capital was a symbol of a new stage. These events forced me to rethink life values. I realized that we have to live every day and every hour.

They taught me to fight to the end for my principles and justice, because compromising with conscience is defeat. From a philosophical point of view, this has also become an important lesson for my everyday life.

I have learnt endurance, planning and adaptation. The philosophy of my life is now simple: Memento vivere –“Remember life”. It is a reminder that every day is a new chance to change yourself, help others and make the world a better place. advokatus


Що Ви вважаєте своєю головною професійною місією? – Головною своєю професійною місією я вважаю сприяння розвитку громадянського суспільства, захист прав людини та забезпечення верховенства права. Я переконаний, що без цього ми не зможемо не лише перемогти ворога, але й створити сильну та незалежну державу. – Наведіть приклади гучних справ, які Ви виграли?

Обирати найбільш значущі




aria PUSTOVA is a name associated with kindness and mercy. As a deputy and head of a non-governmental organisation, she devotes herself entirely to helping others. Her initiatives, aimed at improving the quality of people’s lives, make our city and territorial communities more united and socially responsible. Mrs. Maria is that ray of light that warms the hearts of everyone who is lucky enough to meet her.

Address of Maria Pustova to Ukrainians:

The passing year was not only another trial for Mrs. Maria, but also a reminder of the true value of life. Working for the welfare of compatriots and volunteering is her true vocation. Like most Ukrainians, in 2024 she saw tears of joy and despair, felt the pain of losses and the strength of the unity of our people. Every day she faced new challenges, but at the same time she won victories.

Mrs. Maria actively worked on the creation and promotion of legislative initiatives aimed at strengthening the country’s defence capability, social protection of military personnel and their families as well as support for vulnerable groups of the population. Together with a team of volunteers, she organised humanitarian aid collections for Ukrainians affected by the war. She paid special attention to supporting orphanages, providing them with essential food and medicines.

Mrs. Maria emphasises that next year she will not only continue her initiatives, but also expand the scope of her NGO’s activities. In an interview with our edition, she noted that this year has taught her to appreciate every moment, every person and every good deed.

Maria PUSTOVA is a person who looks to the future with optimism. Her plans for 2025 show her readiness to face new challenges, give all her strength to her country and build its future.

“Dear compatriots! I sincerely thank you for your strength of spirit and resilience. Your ability to support each other in difficult times is inspiring. I am grateful for your work and dedication to the common cause. May those around you give you love, tenderness, attention, compassion and sincere understanding.

I urge you not to copy other people’s behavioural patterns, not to live by stereotypes and not to look for enemies. We must change our inner world by cleansing it of negativity. Let the seeds of kindness and mercy you have sown germinate in people’s hearts, bringing back human values – love, creativity, care and joy.

I congratulate you on the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays! May 2025 bring you the fulfilment of your wishes, rid you of excess and give you a long-awaited victory.”


ateryna Sheremetyeva – the founder of the «Hedonism Therapy» project and the author of the transformative game «Senses Decision Matrix» – shared her impressions of a difficult year and talked about personal achievements. Despite the war, she continues to develop as a professional and help others.

– We are pleased to see you again, Mrs. Kateryna. Another difficult year is passing for Ukrainians. Tell us, what important events have taken place in your life?

– Yes, this year was very difficult for each of us. As for me, in 2024, I took an important step – I entered the third stage of Gestalt therapy to become a supervisor and trainer in Vienna. Now I am preparing to enter a postgraduate program. My studies will last

four years, and this is a way for me to switch from the topic of war to self-development. In addition, I am increasingly appreciating simple joys – hugs from my family, time with my family, a kiss from a loved one, sunrise and other moments that give me warmth.

– What events have influenced you the most?

– The losses suffered by our people and country have the greatest impact. The daily

news of tragedies is extremely exhausting. Therefore, I dose the information and consciously limit myself from its excess. This also influenced my decision to start a new study.

– What personal challenges have you faced?

– Like many Ukrainians, I learnt to get up after nightly shelling and go to work. It was an attempt to find stability in an unstable world. The most difficult thing was to cope with emotional exhaustion – fear, anxiety, and a sense of powerlessness. Physical activity, meditation, reading and communication with loved ones help me. These practices allow me to maintain mental balance.

– How have your clients’ requests changed?

– In general, the topics of requests remain similar, but the number of requests related to anxiety, apathy, fear and grief from the loss of loved ones has increased. People need support in difficult life circumstances...

– What trends do you observe in the mental health of Ukrainians?

– Unfortunately, the war has caused a real epidemic of mental disorders. There is a rapid increase in cases of neurosis, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. This applies not only to those who are in the war zone, but also to everyone who experiences prolonged stress. These challenges have a significant impact on all aspects of life, from family to work and social functioning.

– Thank you, Mrs. Kateryna! Please share your personal achievements for 2024 and give us some key tips for our readers and your clients.

– For me, this year was a year of focusing on myself and my loved ones. Time spent with my family, kindness, compassion, and more communication have become especially valuable. I recommend that everyone finds an opportunity to switch off from disturbing events, even by way of household things or small pleasures such as favourite delicacies. You should also be attentive to your health and respond to changes in your physical and emotional state.

ступінь гештальт-терапії, щоб стати супервізоркою й тренеркою у Відні. Зараз готуюся до вступу в аспірантуру. Навчання триватиме чотири роки, і це для мене спосіб переключитися з теми війни на саморозвиток. Крім того, я дедалі більше ціную прості радощі – обійми рідних, час із сім’єю, поцілунок коханої людини,

читання та спілкування з близькими. Ці практики дозволяють зберігати психічну рівновагу. – Як змінились запити Ваших клієнтів?

Загалом тематика запитів залишається подібною, але зараз зросла кількість звернень, пов’язаних із тривогою,


ow did the full-scale invasion affect the development of culture and children’s creativity? What is necessary to grow a real creative personality? How children’s creativity affects the process of spiritual restoration of the nation. We talk about this with the head of the art school with 15 years of experience in the field of art education Svitlana BATAZOVA, a holder of the title “Star of Cultural Diplomacy 2024”, a participant of the prestigious project “Best Teacher 2024”, a person involved in scientific research in the field of musical art who has honorary awards for her contribution to the development of children’s creativity and the popularization of Ukrainian culture.

– Mrs. Svitlana, good afternoon. It is wonderful that we have the opportunity to communicate with you on such an important topic as children’s creativity. You are the head of an art school. Tell me, what assessment would you give to the current situation in this area?

– The situation in the field of art in Ukraine, especially children’s and youth art, is both difficult and promising. The war brought challenges such as the destruction of infrastructure, limited funding and psychological pressure on teachers and students. However, despite the difficulties, there is a growing interest in art as a means of self-expression and recovery. Fostering creativity among children is becoming a key tool in rebuilding the nation and art schools play an important role in this.

– Talented children of Ukraine have the right to the best level of education. And it is your school that provides it. Let’s talk more about the theory and practice that your teachers provide to Ukrainian children.

– Our art school combines classical teaching methods with modern approaches. Teachers pay great attention not only to the development of technical skills in various disciplines, from music to painting, but also to the cultivation of creative thinking. In theory classes, students learn the basics of composition, harmony, and art history, and in practical classes, they implement their ideas through creative projects.

We pay special attention to creating an inclusive environment where every child can show their talent. Thanks to our teachers, who are not only masters of their craft but also sincere mentors, children receive a solid

foundation for further professional development or simply find a source of joy in art.

– Ukrainian culture overcomes new «borders» every day. What are you personally striving for as the head of the institution?

– Personally, I strive to make our school an example of high-quality art education that meets the challenges of our time. We dream of expanding international cooperation, participating in competitions and exhibitions that open the world to our children. At the same time, it is important to preserve and promote Ukrainian culture as a national heritage.

– What is real art for you? What does it reveal in you?

– True art is not just a technique or knowledge. It is a dialogue with yourself and the world. It helps you understand emotions that are difficult to express in words and see beauty even in the most difficult moments of life. For me, art is a source of strength and inspiration that I try to pass on to my students.

– Art, as you know, is a strong driving force. What do you most desire today?

– My biggest goal is to create conditions where every child can reveal their potential and feel that their talent matters. Today, it is important that children not only gain knowledge, but also believe in their ability to change the world through creativity. Therefore, I want to address adults: “Dear parents, your support is the basis for the success of your children. If you see creative potential in your child, don’t be afraid to give him or her the opportunity to flourish. Come to us, and together we will build their future!”

та психологічний тиск на

і учнів. Проте, попри труднощі, спостерігається зростання інте

школа його надає. Поговорімо детальніше про теорію та практику, яку надають Ваші викладачі українській малечі. - Наша школа мистецтв об’єднує класичні методи викладання з сучасними підходами. Викладачі приділяють велику увагу розвитку не лише технічних навичок

дисертації я випивала чимало кави й зацікавилася, що це за напій, який впливає і на свідомість, і на смакові відчуття. Професія кав’ярника стала природним вибором, адже ми з чоловіком Віталієм мріяли створити простір, де поєднувалися б кава, мистецтво й академічний підхід до культури спешелті кави. Так народилися наші арткав’ярні. Згодом я здобула сертифікацію, досвід і

зелену каву.

Перші роки були важкими. Люди здебільшого звикли до розчинної кави або напоїв з автоматів, тож не одразу сприйняли свіжообсмажену спешелті каву.

Але важливо було не зупинятися й вірити в те, що ми робимо, попри труднощі. – Сьогодні «ЧемоданЪ» та «Mr. Chemodan» – це не лише про каву, а й про ляльок, музику, поезію! Як Вам це вдається?

– «ЧемоданЪ» та «Mr. Chemodan» –це більше, ніж кав’ярні. Це артпростори, де зустрічаються мистецтво смаку, література, музика та навіть

колекція будуарних ляльок, створених українськими художникамилялькарями. Тут поєднуються сімейні цінності, культура кави і творчість. Ми створюємо місце, яке надихає та дарує гармонію кожному, хто сюди


– Яка Ваша найулюбленіша кава? Скільки чашок на день споживаєте?

– Я прокидаюся, щоб випити каву, а

не п’ю каву, щоб прокинутися. Моя

улюблена — еспресо та альтернативна кава. Зазвичай я випиваю чимало чашок — близько шести на день, залежно від початку дня. Для мене кава — це не просто напій, а ритуал, частина душевної гармонії. – Над якими проєктами зараз працюєте?

– Нині я займаюся кількома цікавими ініціативами. Ми продовжуємо розвивати «ЧемоданЪ» і «Mr. Chemodan», удосконалюємо процес обсмаження кави, допомагаємо людям у цей непростий час. Також впроваджуємо нові формати зустрічей, майстер-




The art of coffee in every cup! Olena Khrashchevska, a well-known businesswoman and certified coffee maker with numerous international awards, has created unique art-coffee shop-bookshops in Izmail. “Chemodan” and “Mr. Chemodan” are not just a place for coffee, but real cultural centres that inspire and give harmony. How did she manage to do it? Let’s talk about it in our conversation. We are sure that after reading this, you will want to visit these spaces of inspiration.


– Mrs. Olena, how did your success story begin? What were you like in childhood?

– My success story is the result of bold decisions and hard work on myself. As a child, I was an inquisitive, energetic girl, always striving to learn more, studying people and the world with a belief in miracles. I believe that every experience shapes our personality and opens up opportunities for development. It has always been important to me that my hobbies become part of my work, bringing joy not only to me but also to the people around me.

– How did you get into the coffee industry?

– It happened because of an incident that changed my life. While writing my thesis, I drank a lot of coffee and became interested in what kind of drink it is that affects both consciousness and taste sensations.

The profession of a coffee maker became a natural choice, because my husband Vitaly and I dreamed of creating a space where coffee, art and an academic approach to the culture of Specialty coffee would combine. This is how our art coffee shops were born. Over time, I gained certification, experience and became a part of the inspiring SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) family. Success came thanks to constant work on myself, participation in National and World Coffee Championships, trips to Mexico and the desire to give people the best – quality in every cup.

– What challenges did you face when you started your first business?

– My coffee shops «Chemodan» and «Mr. Chemodan» have been working for more than 10 years. The beginning was not easy. We did not have sufficient experience and access to academic knowledge in the field of coffee. However, my husband’s support was crucial. We met like-minded people who are still our friends. Later, we started roasting green coffee ourselves.

The first years were difficult. People are mostly used to instant coffee or drinks from vending machines, so they did not immediately accept freshly roasted Specialty coffee. But it was important not to stop and believe in what we were doing despite the difficulties.

– Today «Chemodan» and «Mr. Chemodan» is not only about coffee, but also about dolls, music and poetry! How do you do it?

– «Chemodan» and «Mr. Chemodan» is more than coffee shops. These are art spaces where the art of taste, literature, music and even a collection of boudoir dolls created by Ukrainian puppet artists meet. Family values, coffee culture and creativity are combined here. We create a place that inspires and gives harmony to everyone who comes here.

– What is your favourite coffee? How many cups do you consume per day?

– I wake up to drink coffee, not drink coffee to wake up. My favourite is espresso and alternative coffees. I usually drink a lot of cups – about six a day, depending on the start of the day. For me, coffee is not just a drink, but a ritual, a part of mental harmony.

– What projects are you currently working on?

– I am currently involved in several interesting initiatives. We continue to develop “Chemodan” and “Mr. Chemodan”, improve the coffee roasting process and help people in these difficult times. We are also introducing new formats for meetings, workshops and cultural events. We pay special attention to the development of creative initiatives.

One of my priorities is to create a doll gallery that helps each visitor reach out to their inner child. We strive to make our coffee shops not only a place for coffee, but also a real centre of culture and inspiration.

– How do you fill up to give people light? Share your philosophy of life.

– It is extremely important for me to maintain inner harmony and feel calm. I get my energy from creativity, communication with people who create their own fairy tale with their own hands, thoughts and dreams as well as from nature. Travelling is another source of inspiration.

My life credo is to believe in myself and that we are capable of changing this world with love: for ourselves, our family and our land. I always remember that even the smallest steps can lead to big changes.

– What do you dream about? What would you like to wish our readers?

– My dream is to continue doing what I love and share this joy with others. I want to create even more spaces for creativity and development where everyone can realise their ideas.

I wish readers not to stop at what they have achieved, boldly follow their dreams and discover this world with love. After all, it is love that is the strongest force capable of changing everything around.


людина уникає ситуацій, що викликають страх чи дискомфорт, не вирішуючи їх. Це як ховатися в тіні, сподіваючись, що проблема зникне сама. – Як відрізнити корисні й шкідливі психологічні захисти?

– Механізми захисту самі по собі нейтральні – їхня мета полягає у збереженні позитивного сприйняття себе. Однак спосіб, у який вони працюють, залежить від рівня емоційного інтелекту та самосвідомості.

Наприклад, уникнення почуття сорому чи провини впливає на рішення, які стосуються самооцінки і того, як нас сприймають інші. У деяких випадках людина досягає своїх цілей, не боячись помилок і готова приймати неочікувані результати. В інших – знаходить тисячу причин, чому «ще не час», і відтерміновує дії.

– Як психологічний захист може са-

ботувати добробут?

– Кожна людина – це унікальний світ, наповнений досвідом і переконаннями.

Однак через страхи та невпевненість виникає уникнення, що блокує проявлення потенціалу.

Поширені думки, як-от «А раптом я недостатньо готова?», «Що, якщо я розчарую інших?», «Можливо, варто ще трохи попрацювати над собою?» – призводять

до зупинки. З кожним днем це саботує

не лише проявленість, а й реалізацію потенціалу, дохід і розвиток.

– Українці переживають значне

виснаження. Що Ви порадите для

збереження позитивного мислення?

– У часи стресу й невизначеності


Irom the experiences of 24 February 2022 to creating a successful business abroad that combines education, beauty and personal development. Yulia Namliyeva’s story is a source of inspiration for anyone looking for strength and support in difficult times.

– Yulia, you are Ukrainian. How did you react to the events of almost three years ago?

– Yes, I am Ukrainian, and I am proud of it! My reaction was the same as that of most of our compatriots. I could not believe that this was really happening.

As of February 24, 2022 I was staying with my mother in Dnipro, because it was in the hospital there that my daughter underwent another operation. Due to her inability to go down to the bomb shelter on her own, and due to the fact that my youngest daughter was only two years old, I decided to take my children and mother abroad already a week after the start of the war.

I never returned home to Kyiv, as enemy tanks were already standing near my house.

With professional education, professional experience and connections in the field of higher education, in April 2022 I founded a company that works in several directions:

Recognition of educational documents. We help to adapt Ukrainian educational documents to the requirements of Bulgaria.

Facilitating admission to Bulgarian universities. We provide consultations, information support and ensure preferential study conditions for Ukrainian citizens.

In addition, I opened a beauty salon where Ukrainian craftswomen not only work but also pass on their professional skills to those who want to master the field of beauty.

– You are also the founder of a personal development school. What kind of requests do Ukrainian women most often come to you with?

– Every conversation I have with women who have been forced to leave their homes impresses me with their resilience and strength of spirit. Many of them have difficult and sometimes tragic migration stories. They leave their statuses behind, learn a new language, and accept jobs they have long outgrown, all in order to support their families.

Despite the difficult circumstances, these women remain well-groomed, elegant, with their heads held high. I am happy that I can support them by providing psychological help, conducting group classes or helping to solve practical issues –from placing children to educational institutions to adaptation in a new environment.

– What other activities does your centre carry out?

– The most pleasant part of the centre’s work for me is communication with children.

During the summer vacation, we have a camp where children participate in various clubs, relax in the fresh air and swim in the pool. Such a program not only strengthens their health, but also promotes socialization.

– What would you recommend to our readers to support themselves in these difficult times?

– For a harmonious life, I advise: Take care of your physical and psychological state. Find something that restores your resources and adds you energy.

Develop the ability to be grateful. Focus on what you already have, not on what you lack. This will help you to be filled with positive emotions and appreciate your surroundings.

Listen to your intuition. It will show you the right path and help you find a place where you will be fulfilled and happy.




момент 24 лютого 2022 р. я перебувала у мами в Дніпрі, оскільки саме в тамтешній лікарні моїй доньці зробили чергову операцію. Через її неспроможність самостійно

молодшій донечці було

лише два роки, вже за тиждень після початку війни я вирішила ви-

своїх дітей і маму за кордон.

Додому, до Києва, я так і не по-

вернулася – біля мого будинку вже стояли ворожі танки.

Маючи фахову освіту, професійний досвід і зв’язки в галузі вищої освіти, у квітні 2022 року я заснувала компанію, що працює в кількох напрямах:

• Визнання документів


The famous Ukrainian culinary master, restaurateur and hotelier Olena BULAKH shared with us the bright events of 2024. From a large-scale charity gastronomic dinner that raised millions in support of Ukrainian soldiers to the creation of the «Bread Atlas of Ukraine» – each of Olena’s projects is aimed at preserving Ukrainian gastronomic culture and helping our defenders. In this interview, she talks about her achievements and plans for the future.


– Olena, we welcome you back to our information space. Let’s start with the results of 2024. As we know, it was a very eventful year for you. Which one shall we start with?

– The highlight of the outgoing year for me was a large charity gastronomic dinner that took place on 3 August at the Qartuli restaurant. It was organised by 15 brand chefs and a team of volunteers. I was very pleased to become a part of the team of this event, because my husband serves in one of the Dnipro brigades that need support. I was impressed by the amount we raised: UAH 5 million in cash and equipment.

Together with social activist Aliada Mansurova, we founded the «Bread Atlas of Ukraine» project this year. Its purpose is to preserve authentic bread recipes. Festivals have already been held in Tsarychanka and Novomoskovsk. We plan to implement the project in all regions of Ukraine in the next six months.

– You consider the preservation of the authenticity of Ukrainian cuisine to be one of the main missions of your life. How do you assess your contribution to this cause?

– Yes, indeed, this is one of my missions. Another important goal is to preserve the prestige of the hotel and restaurant business.

I am convinced that the code of the nation consists of three main postulates: language, culture and gastronomy. We are what we eat. That is why, within the framework of my project «Gastronomic Code of the Nation», we hold allUkrainian online competitions throughout the year in cooperation with educational institutions. Among such events are: «Easter traditions», «Pumpkin estate», «Kolodiy’s holiday». Currently, the “Battle of Borscht” is underway, and we are also preparing a competition called «Authentic Christmas and New Year’s Dishes».

In the future, after the end of the war, we plan to publish a book of authentic Ukrainian cuisine and a catalogue of «Borsches of Dnipro and Dnipropetrovsk region».

– A person is always developing. What new character traits have you discovered in yourself this year?

– Perhaps I have learnt to listen to myself more and appreciate myself. I

am increasingly convinced that inner harmony is not only about health, but also about moral and psychological support for my husband.

I continue to study, take many courses in HR management and team building. I have also started creating a series of training videos on serving. As of today, I have already developed 28 types of serving for training waiters, administrators and students.

All my achievements are aimed at fulfilling my dream of creating an educational centre for those wishing to become HoReCa professionals. It will be a major hub for those who already have basic knowledge of vocational and technical education, but want to develop further.

– The New Year holidays are approaching. Where do you invite Dnipro residents and guests?

– Now, it seems to me, it is not so important where you will celebrate the New Year, but with whom and in what condition. The war has shown us how important close people, their health and happiness are. That is why I wish everyone to celebrate the holiday with their family and loved ones.

May there be peace and tranquility in every home. Ukrainians are a people with a unique code of love of freedom, identity and culture. I wish everyone to learn about their family, be honest with themselves and be true to their ideas and dreams. May your life’s journey be filled with bright missions, ideas and dreams.



– Олено, вітаємо Вас знову в нашому інформаційному просторі.

Почнімо з підсумків 2024 року. Він, як відомо, був у Вас дуже насиченим на заходи. З якого почнемо? – Найяскравішою подією року, що

минає, для мене стала велика благодійна гастровечеря, яка відбулася 3 серпня в ресторані Qartuli. Її організували 15 бренд-шефів і команда волонтерів. Мені було дуже

приємно стати частиною ко-

манди цього заходу, адже мій чоловік служить в одній із дніпровських бригад, яка потребує підтримки. Я була вражена сумою, яку ми зібрали: 5 млн грн у вигляді

готівки та обладнання.

Разом з громадською діячкою Аліадою Мансуровою цього року ми заснували проєкт «Атлас хліба України». Його мета – збереження автентичних рецептів хліба. Фестивалі вже провели в Царичанці та Новомосковську.

У наступні пів року ми плануємо реалізувати проєкт



he greatest reward for me is to see my patients achieve their goals thanks to our joint work and trust. Their positive feedback is the best confirmation that we are moving in the right direction. It’s not just a job, it’s an opportunity to help people feel more confident and happy,” Tetiana MIELIKHOVA began her answers to our questions with these words.

– Tetiana, we welcome you to our edition. Today you are a current Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Medical Sciences), and we congratulate you on this! You also run an obstetric and gynaecological practice. Why did you choose this particular path?

– The dream of becoming a doctor has always lived in my heart. When I started studying obstetrics and gynaecology, I realised that I had found my true calling. For me, this is not just a profession, but an opportunity to build special relationships with women, support them in important moments of their lives and help them feel safe and comfortable.

– What difficulties do you have to face at work? How do you overcome them?

– This is a really difficult question. Both the pandemic and the war have created many obstacles, as many of my patients have left the country. That’s why most consultations are now online.

Communicating online is not difficult for me, because I worked at the university department where I taught, and during the pandemic we switched to a remote format. I

have developed online programmes and platforms where patients fill out special forms before a consultation. There they indicate symptoms and answer questions and this helps me to get a complete history. Then we meet in a video format to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe additional tests, if necessary.

– What innovations in gynaecology are considered the most beneficial for women’s health today?

Modern medicine is a dynamic field where new technologies are constantly emerging. I had the honour of mastering work on the Da Vinci system, a real breakthrough in surgery. The ability to control tools from a distance and perform complex operations with incredible precision is truly impressive. In addition, I gained valuable experience assisting leading Polish professors and this greatly expanded my knowledge and skills.

– How, in your opinion, did the medical reform affect medicine in general and your activity in particular?

– I don’t want to be a harsh critic, but our healthcare system has significant gaps. I used to work in another country, so I have something to compare with. However, Ukraine also has many advantages: for example, the ability to make an appointment with a doctor on the same day, to undergo a comprehensive examination at an affordable price. There is always room for development.

– What would you change in this aspect?

– Doctors spend a lot of time on paperwork. So, we don’t have enough time to communicate with patients due to this. I think it would be worthwhile to hire some specialists with medical education or people who know how to work with computers, such as medical secretaries. A doctor is not a system administrator; his or her task is to treat patients, not to fill out numerous forms. Such optimisation would be appropriate.

– Share your professional and personal achievements.

– My greatest professional achievement is the defence of my doctoral thesis. It took me a long time to get there. Having two small children and two jobs, I had little time for science. In addition, I managed to defend my degree during the war in the European Union, and now I have the right to work in Poland for five years.

– Thank you, Tetiana. In conclusion, what advice would you give to our female readers?

– Take care of yourself. A healthy woman is the key to a happy and healthy family. Remember to have annual checkups, pay regular attention to yourself and stay healthy!

пандемії ми перейшли в дистанційний формат. Я розробила онлайн-програми, платформи, де пацієнтки заповнюють спеціальні форми перед консультацією. Там вони вказують симптоми та відповідають на питання, що допомагає мені отримати повний анамнез. Потім ми зустрічаємося у відеоформаті для уточнення діагнозу та призначення додаткових обстежень, якщо це потрібно. – Які інновації в гінекології сьогодні вважаються найбільш корисними для здоров’я жінок? – Сучасна медицина – це динамічна галузь, де постійно з’являються нові технології. Я мала честь опанува-


Kateryna Chabanova is the founder of the “Sales Rocket” consulting agency, who knows how to make your sales profitable. Today in our rubric, Kateryna will share her secrets of success. Her methods work effectively and are time-tested!

Greetings, dear friends!

Today I would like to discuss one of the most relevant issues – effective sales, because they are the basis for the development of any business. Let’s start with the main point.

Sales model and funnel are the basis of success

Creating a clear sales model is the first step to achieving results. A sales funnel helps you visualise the entire process: from the first contact with a customer to the conclusion of a deal. Analysing each stage allows you to identify weak points and optimise the process.

An effective sales department

A sale is all about processes and mathematics, where communication is only 20-30% of the impact.

A truly successful sales department is not only about talented professionals, but also about well-coordinated processes and carefully calculated indicators. Each stage of work must be clearly regulated and controlled.

CRM systems and other automation tools are indispensable for increasing efficiency.

The myth of «star salespeople»

Many business owners look for «star» salespeople, but this often leads to problems:

• Unstable results: «stars» are prone to sudden changes in performance.

• Company dependence: relying on one person makes the business vulnerable in the event of his or her departure.

• Difficulty in scaling: the achievements of one salesperson are difficult to replicate across the entire team.

Success is achieved by businesses that focus on stability and system approach.

Skills instead of theory

At “Sales Rocket”, we are convinced that training should be aimed at developing skills, not just theoretical knowledge. It’s like working out in the gym: you need repetition, support, and adaptation to your individual needs to achieve results.

Investing in the development of your team’s skills is a contribution to the company’s sustainable growth.

About “Sales Rocket”

We are a team that has been building effective sales systems for over six years. Our results:

• 158 established sales departments.

• Expertise in 14+ business niches.

• Proven methodology and modern tools.

Find more useful content on our Instagram: @kateryna. chabanova.



The “Sales Rocket” is your guide to the world of effective business!


Founder of the consulting agency «Sales Rocket»


Вітаю, шановні!


Створення чіткої моделі продажів є першим кроком до досягнення результатів. Воронка продажів допомагає візуалізувати весь процес:


«зіркових продавців» Багато

продавців, але часто це призводить до проблем:

• Нестабільні

у продуктивності.

• Залежність компанії: опора на одну

• Складність масштабування: досягнення одного продавця важко відтворити у масштабах всієї команди.

Успіху досягають ті бізнеси, які фокусуються на стабільності та системності.

Навички замість теорії Ми, у «Ракеті Продажів»,


y philosophy of life is a living organism that is constantly changing. It evolves with me, transforming under the influence of new knowledge, experience and feelings,” says Natalia Lisnevska. In this issue, together with our regular expert, we discuss the topic of life principle s, values and philosophy.

– Mrs. Natalia, we are glad to communicate with you again. Today we will talk about the eternal. Tell us, what life lessons had the greatest influence on the formation of your values.

– The authors of the Theory of Generations, economist Neil Howe and historian William Strauss, believed that human values are formed by the age of 11-14. Therefore, when talking about my values, we cannot ignore my childhood and adolescence, which occurred during the turbulent nineties. I was greatly influenced by classical literature, which I have been fond of since school. It taught me the importance of growing up a holistic, conscious and responsible person.

Values form a person’s life position. For me, these are faith, hope, love and peace – the basics written on the “foundation stones” that we use to build our lives.

– How would you describe your philosophy of life?

– As Bernard Shaw said: “My philosophy of life is very simple: I don’t get closer to people than they allow, and I try not to let them get closer to me than they deserve.”

My philosophy of life is based on several key principles:

• Self-development. I believe that every person has unique abilities and talents that need constant development and improvement. It is important not to stop at what has been achieved and not be afraid to go beyond comfort.

• Love and mutual assistance. A person cannot exist alone. Interactions with others, the ability to find a common language, support and receive support are important components of a harmonious life. My rule is: treat others as you want to be treated.

• Accepting the world as it is. The world is changing, throwing us challenges and lessons. It is important to learn to accept these changes, to see them as opportunities, not obstacles.

• Awareness and the present. In a world of information noise, it’s easy to get lost in the routine and forget about yourself. You need to learn to be here and now, to be fully immersed in the present moment.

• Gratitude. Every day I find reasons to be grateful – for people, opportunities and even difficulties.

– Natalia, how did your views on life change after the start of the great war?

– A full-scale war has made huge adjustments. Thoughts often scream in your head so much that you want to hide from them, but they need to be put in good order. This leads to cardinal changes – sometimes painful, sometimes pleasant. The main thing is a drop of wisdom to understand this.

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about the transience of life. So I no longer put off important things until tomorrow, because I don’t know whether it will come. You need to act now, without missing a moment that may never come again.

Many people believe that they have time to decide on their goals and desires. But for me, there is nothing worse than not finding your way in life, dying without even realising where you had to go. Sometimes you should allow yourself the luxury of stopping, thinking, realising what you really want, whether you are on the right road and who your travelling companions are.

на формування Ваших цінностей? – Автори Теорії поколінь

ще зі школи. Вона навчила мене важливості

формують життєву

здібності та таланти, які потребують постійного розвитку та вдосконалення. Важливо не зупинятися на досягнутому й не боятися виходити за межі комфорту.

• Любов і взаємодопомога. Людина не може існувати самотньо. Взаємодія з іншими, уміння знаходити спільну мову, підтримувати й отримувати підтримку – важливі складові гармонійного життя. Моє правило: стався до інших так, як хочеш, щоб ставилися до тебе.

• Прийняття світу таким, яким він є. Світ змінюється, кидаючи нам виклики й уроки. Важливо навчитися

– Oksana, welcome! Thank you for finding time for our conversation as the topic is very relevant. How do you assess the realities of the Ukrainian labour market today?

– Today’s Ukrainian labour market is extremely complex and unpredictable. Both the Covid-19 period and the full-scale war made significant adjustments in all spheres of life. The structure and geography of the labour market have undergone significant changes; the market has become more flexible and adaptable. However, hostilities, structural and territorial changes, labour shortages, large-scale displacement of population and mobilization exacerbate employment problems.

As for trends, there are several key ones: a shortage of both working specialities and qualified personnel. Today, the labour market has shifted towards candidates, although many employers are not yet ready to admit this openly. To attract and retain employees, companies are forced to raise salaries. Other trends include the development of remote work and hybrid schedules. Many companies have switched their employees to


ksana REVA is a director of personnel management, an expert in human capital management with 16 years of experience in large systemic companies. She is also a practical psychologist and facilitator. Today we will talk with our guest about the labour market of Ukraine.

remote working and this has created new challenges.

– What determines the future of the Ukrainian labour market?

– The future of the labour market largely depends on the successful end of the war and the recovery of the economy. An important role will be played by state policy in the field of employment, education and retraining of personnel. In order to adapt to new conditions, Ukrainians should constantly improve their qualifications, be ready for changes, master new professions and change the place of work or even the country. In addition, it is important to develop entrepreneurial skills.

– Why are HR professionals so important for modern companies?

– The role of HR in business is becoming increasingly strategic. They have long ceased to be just “human resources” and have become true business partners. As I mentioned, the labour market has changed and every company or even small business today focuses on issues such as attracting and retaining talent, improving work efficiency, reducing staff turnover, developing corporate culture and adapting to change.

HR professionals contribute to the strategic management of human resources creating a productive and harmonious work environment. Having an HR manager is an investment in human capital that provides long-term business benefits.

– Why do people choose the HR profession?

– That’s a great question. The HR profession combines many aspects –from psychology and sociology to business and management. The reasons why people choose this path are: love for people, a desire to influence corporate culture and the ability to form effective teams.

– Thank you, Oksana. What would you like to wish our readers?

– As a professional in the field of human resources management, I wish all readers an endless striving for self-improvement and realisation of their potential. May every day bring new knowledge, experience and opportunities for growth. Remember: you are the creators of your future. I wish you success in all your initiatives!


складним і непередбачуваним. І ковідний період, і повномасштабна війна внесли суттєві корективи в усі сфери життя. Структура та географія ринку праці зазнали значних змін, ринок став більш гнучким та адаптивним.

Проте бойові дії, структурні та територіальні зміни, нестача робочої сили, масштабне переміщення населення та мобілізація посилюють

проблеми у сфері зайнятості.

Щодо тенденцій, можна виокремити

кілька ключових: дефіцит як робочих спеціальностей, так і кваліфіко-

сті, освіти та перепідготовки кадрів. Щоб адаптуватися до нових умов, українцям варто постійно підвищувати свою кваліфікацію, бути готовими до змін, освоювати нові професії, змінювати місце роботи або навіть країну. Крім того, важливо розвивати підприємницькі навички. – Чому HR-спеціалісти є такими важливими для сучасних компаній? – Роль HR у бізнесі стає все більш стратегічною.

Oksana Reva


hor TOVSTOLIS is a young entrepreneur and an active member of many business communities. He calls his activity a dream job, because he boldly takes on challenges that others refuse. His innovative solutions and large-scale projects change the rules of the game on the global market. The ARDI Express Company, co-founded by Ihor, has become synonymous with reliability and quality for thousands of entrepreneurs around the world.

The story of his success began with the first steps in entrepreneurship, when he was just mastering the basics of business. From childhood, Ihor had a thirst for achievements, and he dreamed of creating his own business. Thanks to perseverance and dedication to his goal, he became a cofounder of the American logistics company ARDI Express, which specializes in serving e-commerce businesses in the field of international and warehouse logistics.

Efficient supply chains are the way to success

Ihor set himself an ambitious goal: to create efficient supply chains that would connect manufacturers from around the world to the largest American online marketplaces. The company specializes in uninterrupted delivery for e-commerce giants such as Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Shopify and Etsy. By virtue of his expertise, Ihor helps entrepreneurs from different countries enter the American market and achieve significant success. The company’s mission is to help entrepreneurs through simple and affordable tools. All customers need is Internet access and a credit card to order the product. The company takes care of all other issues.

enter the Amazon SPN network with the highest rating. In addition, Alibaba Gold Supplier has been maintaining ARDI Express’ high rankings for the last four years.

Opinion leader and mentor

Such scales amaze everyone who gets to know Ihor Tovstolis. His talent, striving for success and incredible working capacity leave no doubt about his leadership in the industry. He participates in significant international events, such as:

• Global Sellers E-commerce –Warsaw, Poland (2024),

• Logistics and Transportation – Munich, Germany (2023),

• Marketplace Alpha Day – Warsaw, Poland (2023),

• JCTrans Global Conference – Pattaya, Thailand (2023),

• E-commerce Meet-UP – Minsk, Belarus (2019–2021).

Ihor also actively shares his experience. He publishes author’s articles on logistics and Internet commerce revealing current issues of the industry. His pages in social networks have become a real hub of like-minded people, where he shares company news, useful materials, conducts live broadcasts and answers subscribers’ questions.

Impressive achievements of the ARDI Express

Through hard work, Ihor has built an international logistics business and two fulfilment centres in California and New Jersey. He became the first entrepreneur from Ukraine to sign a partnership contract with Amazon, which helped the company to

Your start in business

If you dream of starting your own business but don’t know where to start, subscribe to the pages of Ihor Tovstolis. Get useful information, learn from examples and develop your own business. We assure you that Ihor has a lot to share!

доступні інструменти. Усе, що потрібно клієнтам:

до мережі Інтернет і кредитна картка для замовлення то-

вару. Усі інші питання компанія бере на себе.

Вражаючі досягнення ARDI Express

Завдяки наполегливій праці Ігор створив міжнародний логістичний бізнес і два fulfillment-центри в

• Logistics and Transportation –

• Marketplace Alpha Day –

• JCTrans Global Conference – Паттайя,




• E-commerce Meet-UP – Мінськ, Білорусь (2019–2021).

• Global Sellers E-commerce


Пані Ларисо, за останній рік

Ви відвідали багато форумів і

конференцій. Які заходи вра-

зили Вас найбільше?

– Найбільше мене вразив Український Жіночий Конгрес на те-

му «Жіночий потенціал: нові

ролі, нова якість». Попри війну, українки відкривають усе більше

бізнесів, і їхній потенціал продовжує розвиватися. Однак разом з травмами з’являються і

можливості для посттравматичного зростання. Ми може-

мо знайти у своєму непростому

житті нові шанси для розвитку

та самореалізації. Це допоможе не лише жінкам, а й чоловікам створювати сильне суспільство і підсилювати нашу країну.

– Якими проєктами чи подіями цього


останній рік? – Повномасштабна війна згуртувала нас, зробила сміливішими й більш співчутливими.

Українці стали відважними, відповідальними та жертовними. Випробування допомогли усвідомити справжні цінності: взаємодопомогу, підтримку, єдність. Ми ніколи не будемо такими, як раніше, але ці зміни зробили нас витривалішими. Завдяки цьому розширюється наша резильєнтність – здатність адаптуватися до складних обставин


aryna Levytska is the President of the Ukrainian Spirit by Yaryna Levytska charity organisation. In this issue, she talks about her achievements, implemented charity and humanitarian projects, shares her plans for the next year, and appeals every Ukrainian to do their best in volunteering and charity work.

– Mrs. Yaryna, greetings. November and December are the time when we all sum up our results. Please tell us about the projects you implemented in 2024.

– Greetings! Indeed, the year 2024 has become a year of challenges for me, but at the same time of achievements and the opening of new horizons. The most important event was the founding of the charity organization Ukrainian Spirit by Yaryna Levytska. This initiative united my aspirations to help Ukrainian veterans, popularize our culture and traditions. One of the biggest achievements was the completion of the project on the manufacture and delivery of adaptive wheelchairs for the game of rugby to the Ukrainian team «Invictus». In addition, I became a part of many cultural and charitable initiatives. I joined the organization of the Oscar Afterparty and the screening of the documentary film «20 Days of Mariupol», became the general partner of the Star Independent Film Festival and took part in the organization of the Vatra Ukrainian festival in Orlando. Among the events organized by me, I would like to note the events «Chain of Unity» and «Thousand Days of War», as well as concerts of the Cultural Landing in the cities of Florida.

Another important decision I made was to go with the chaplains on a humanitarian mission to the East to the war zone to visit our defenders.

Over the past year, I have been awarded many distinctions, orders, certificates and letters of thanks. For me, this has become an indicator that I am really doing a good and necessary job.

– What new things have you discovered in yourself over the past year? What new horizons have you expanded?

– The last year has been a year of trials and growth for me. The words «God gives you many trials because he knows you can overcome them» became my motto. During this year, I discovered unexpected reserves of strength and courage in myself. Each challenge only made me stronger. I was especially impressed by the trip to the East, which changed my life.

– Who do you plan to involve in your volunteer community in the new year? What plans do you have for the next year?

– In 2024, Ukrainian Spirit by Yaryna Levytska expands its activities. We will focus on attracting new volunteers and partners to support Ukraine. We will continue to represent Ukraine abroad and organize a large-scale charity event for the anniversary of the organization, aimed at helping Ukrainian veterans. On the occasion of the organization’s anniversary, we are planning a large charity event aimed at raising funds for a new project related to the support of Ukrainian veterans.

– Please add wishes to our readers for the New Year holidays.

– You know, this year has taught me to live bolder, appreciate every challenge and look for new ways to help and develop. I am confident that 2025 will open up even more opportunities, and every meeting, every trip; every project will become a brick in the foundation of something bigger. We will move forward with the belief that together with our team, volunteers and partners we can do even more for Ukraine and its future.

I wish the readers of Millennium Club magazine to feel the warmth of family comfort on the New Year’s Eve, to be filled with faith in their strength and indomitable spirit. May the New Year bring you new opportunities, fulfilment of your dreams and inspiration to help each other. Joy, love and peace in every home! AND VICTORY!!!

Yaryna Levytska,

Yaryna Levytska.

Yaryna Levytska

чоловіка у Ярославль. Саме там я вперше побачила дитячий майданчик…

З ідеєю очолити нову гілку виробництва, я звернулася до свого роботодавця. Звісно, мені хотілося якогось кар’єрного зросту, підвищення. Його відповідь була неоднозначною. На той момент, я була не просто продавцем, а дизайнером, мала багато знайомств. У результаті, мій хороший клієнт, якому я обставляла меблями житло та офіси, уподобав мій задум і ми почали працювати над цим разом. Зробили рекламу і переконували замовників, що є такий новий вид продукції – дитячі майданчики. Усі захоплювалися, усім це подобалося, але ніхто не був готовий

вкладати у це кошти.

Перший майданчик ми поставили у 2001 році, у селищі Черкаське. Тоді замовник буквально під-

штовхнув нас до власного вироб-

ництва, коли висунув термін у два

тижні і дав бюджет у 9 500 грн, що ледь покривав матеріали. Ми

працювали у «нуль», але з надією створити візитну картку. До речі, той майданчик біля будинку офіцерів стоїть і досі.

У Дніпрі ситуація була складнішою. Будинки зводили і ставили якісь лавки, поодинокі турніки, гірки. Але у будівельних кошторисах це була якась споруда, виріб. Про товар мова не йшла. У бюджеті навіть не було такої статті витрат. Нас підтримав тодішній очільник міста Іван Іванович Куліченко і згодом нам вперше вдалося поставити п’ять повноцінних дитячих майданчиків за державні

замовлень компанії?

Так, це правда. Ми ставимо дитячі та спортивні майданчики по всьому світі, експортуємо у 28 країн. Щоправда зараз це стало трохи складніше, бо мало хто хоче підписувати контракт з державою, у якій йде






urability, environmental friendliness, functionality and style are all about «HOYDA» TM! You have probably at least once walked with your children or grandchildren on the sports or children’s playgrounds of this Ukrainian manufacturer with a world name. Today we are happy to introduce you to the co-founder of the brand — Olha KILYOVA. Read more about the path to success and the challenges of war!

– Mrs. Olha, where were you born? Who did you study for?

– I am Ukrainian, but I was born in Kazakhstan. My parents were among the first who cultivated virgin lands. We had a big family, and I was the youngest – the fifth child. Unfortunately, my mum and dad are no longer with us.

When I arrived in Dnipro, I planned to enter DNU to study economics. I was already on my way to submit documents when I accidentally met a guy who showed me the way to the admissions office. He asked me about my choice and noted that there is a big competition for economics. Suddenly, I saw an announcement, written in red marker, about recruitment for a new specialty – sociology. The exams coincided with those for which I was already preparing. That’s how I got into the first set of sociology students, which I don’t regret at all.

– What was your first job?

– In my second year of study, I started working because I needed money. I got a job as a manager at the “Table and Chair” store, which is now quite famous in Dnipro. Back then, it was a small company called “FurnitureTrade”, and the office was located in an ordinary three-room apartment that belonged to the owner’s grandmother. I carried catalogues in my bag, went around offices with them and offered furniture. I was quite successful at this. I remember earning $4 on my first day at work. I immediately exchanged half of them for hryvnias and bought food for a week: some cheese, butter, two lemons and some sausages.

– Where did you meet your husband?

– During my teaching practice, I gave lectures on conflict studies to junior

students at the university. My future husband was among the students. It so happened that I am still “lecturing” him to this day (laughs – ed.).

– How did you come up with the idea to set up your business?

– When my daughter was born, we went to visit my husband’s great-grandmother in Yaroslavl. It was there that I first saw a playground that inspired me.

When I returned, I suggested that my employer launch a new production area. I wanted to develop my career, but received an uncertain answer. At that time, I was not just a manager, but also a designer with a large network of contacts. One of the clients for whom I was designing interiors supported my idea and we started implementing it together.

At first, we made an advert and tried to convince potential customers that playgrounds are a new product with prospects. However, everyone only admired the idea, but no one was in a hurry to invest.

Our first playground appeared in 2001 in the village of Cherkaske. The customer gave us two weeks to complete the project and allocated UAH 9,500, which was barely enough for materials. We worked from scratch, but with faith in the future. By the way, this playground near the Officers’ House still stands today.

In Dnipro, the situation was more complicated. The construction estimates did not include any costs for playgrounds at all. We were supported by the then mayor Ivan Kulichenko, thanks to which it was possible for the first time to install five full-fledged playgrounds at the expense of the city budget.

– Why exactly «HOYDA»?

– While rocking my youngest son, I recited a poem:

“Hoyda, hoyda-da, on the playgrounds game,

Children swaying like bright flowers!”

This is where the idea to name our brand came from.

– Which project are you most proud of?

– Probably the largest and most ambitious project was the mobile playground near the President’s Office, which we presented in 2021 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence. This playground was created based on the paintings of Maria Prymachenko. Many designers took part in its development. The artist worked in the primitivism technique, and it was a challenge to translate her works into three-dimensional objects. But we succeeded!

– «HOYDA» is known far beyond the borders of Ukraine! What is the geography of the company’s orders?

– Yes, it is true. We install playgrounds and sports facilities all over the world. Our products are exported to 28 countries. However, it has become more difficult now because of the war: many companies do not want to sign contracts with a country at war. In addition, we have lost customers from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, as the delivery logistics went through our “neighbours”.

– What difficulties has your production experienced since the beginning of the full-scale invasion?

– There were many obstacles. Our team was significantly reduced: on the first day of the invasion, many employees left for the front, including the production manager. Unfortunately, some of them will never come back...

From 2023, the number of orders began to increase. The first to contact us were IDPs from Mariupol, for whom we set up several playgrounds near their temporary housing.

– What are the main priorities of your company?

– The concept of «HOYDA» is to create high-quality and safe play equipment for children, which includes various elements and designs. A team of professionals is working on it: managers, designers, constructors. We are proud to offer a wide range of children’s, sports, inclusive play equipment, interactive panels, musical instruments, as well as dog training elements, outdoor furniture and landscaping.

Once every two years, Germany hosts one of the largest exhibitions of gaming equipment in the world. We were the first

On 24 February 2022, we processed all the metal we had at our enterprise into anti-tank hedgehogs, both large and small. They were exported to the Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv directions. Later, we began to manufacture “cats” – special metal demining equipment.

As for commercial orders, we were saved by exports. However, customers were afraid to make prepayments, so we fulfilled orders at our own expense, receiving payment only at the border for the finished product.

– Are children’s and sports grounds relevant in times of war?

– Childhood cannot be put on hold. A playground is a place where children find their first friends and build character.

Ukrainian representatives to take part in it in 2010. Last year, despite all the difficulties, we managed to demonstrate our products again. The reaction of the participants was enthusiastic.

– What aspiration do you step into the future with?

– I really want Ukrainians to live under a peaceful sky and plan their lives for years ahead, as they do in Europe. After all, it is impossible to implement a high-quality and large-scale project in a short time. So let our dreams “swing” more and more strongly for the Universe to hear them, and they will definitely come true!



he world around us is constantly changing, but the desire of people to become better remains unchanged. Plastic surgery is one of the ways to achieve this goal. Today, we talk to plastic surgeon Oleksiy Shkyrenko about the harmony between appearance and inner world, psychological aspects of decisions about surgical intervention and alternative ways to increase self-esteem.

— Mr. Oleksiy, greetings. How do you assess the current situation in plastic surgery?

— Our surgery has always been at a very high level, so we have many patients from abroad. Now we are seeing a steady increase in demand for aesthetic procedures. The development of new technologies, an increase in the number of clinics and a more affordable pricing policy make plastic surgery more attractive to a wide range of people. We always keep in touch with our patients, providing an individual approach and high-quality service.

— What services do you provide?

— I perform a wide range of plastic surgeries aimed at both aesthetic correction and restoration of functions. Among the main procedures, there are:

• Facial operations: blepharoplasty (correction of the eyelids), rhinoplasty (correction of the nose), facelift, removal of Bish’s fat bags, contour plastic.

• Body surgeries: mammoplasty (breast augmentation, reduction or lift), abdominoplasty (abdomen correction), liposuction (removal of fat deposits), brachioplasty (arm lift), correction of shins and thighs.

Each patient is an individual case, so I always take into account individual wishes and anatomical features.

— Is there any seasonality in plastic surgery?

— Yes, there are certain trends. For example, before the summer season, patients are more likely to seek liposuction or body lifting to look perfect on the beach. This is also due to the rehabilitation

period, during which it is important to avoid active sun and physical activity.

Blepharoplasty and other operations on the face are usually planned for autumn or winter, when solar activity decreases and the risk of complications is minimal. In addition, during the rehabilitation period, a person can hide temporary skin manifestations behind sunglasses or under a hat.

- Mr. Oleksiy, often patients pay attention to the low prices for surgeries abroad, for example, in Turkey. What do you think about this?

- Yes, such thoughts are not uncommon. However, I advise you to weigh the decision on the place of surgery carefully so as not to lose contact with your doctor. In Ukraine, you get not only a high-quality operation, but also an individual approach, constant communication with the doctor in your native language and full support before, during and after surgery.

— In conclusion, would you like to share the story of your career path?

— My career began with paediatric surgery in Donetsk, where I worked under the guidance of outstanding professors, correcting congenital defects. Later, I moved on to general surgery, which gradually led me to plastic surgery.




жирових пакетів Біша, контурна пластика.

• Операції на тілі: маммопластика (збільшення, зменшення чи



Palliative care in Ukraine is not only a medical service, but also a matter of humanism and quality of life. Tetyana BARCHUKOVA, an expert in the field of palliative care, talks about the state of this field in Ukraine, the need to train qualified specialists, and the prospects for the development of palliative care.




– Palliative care is not yet widely represented in Ukraine, but it has large-scale prospects. And now is the right time to think about its development. There are many reasons for this. The most global is the lack of educational institutions that would provide professional training for specialists in this field. Not just to know and perform basic procedures, but to be a thoroughly and comprehensively trained specialist.

First of all, it is necessary to deeply understand the very concept of palliative care. This is providing comfort to the patient at the end of his or her life. And creating comfort for them is a large complex of actions. We are talking about well-conducted hygiene and health protocols (this requires many hours of practising the skills to conduct them safely and with high-quality). About competent psychological support (for this, you need to understand many things not only in the person and in his or her situation, but first of all in yourself). It is about the tolerant theological aspect of communication with the patient, which requires a deep understanding of the meaning of religion from the perspective of palliative support.


In general, we are talking about the competent anatomical and physiological vocabulary of specialists. This requires a thorough knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the human body. Similarly, a specialist needs to have more than superficial knowledge of pharmacology, dermatology, physiotherapy, and dietetics. A globally important aspect of this profession is tolerance and deep empathy for the patient’s situation. And this is very difficult to cultivate.

All this amount of knowledge, concepts and skills need to be taught to specialists in a capacious, holistic, thorough and comprehensive manner. We opened the School of Palliative Care in Ukraine (Uzhhorod). We worked out the training programme very deeply and fundamentally. We have engaged excellent lecturers and technologists to conduct lectures and classes. We provided a modern base for practising practical skills.

At the end of the current year, we submitted our program for consideration to the WHO European Regional Office in Copenhagen for support and International School status. We are ready to develop based on the experience of European leaders in this field and thereby develop palliative care in Ukraine.

ситуацію, а й працювати над собою, зокрема у сфері емоційної стійкості. Додатковий аспект – толерантне ставлення до теологічних переконань пацієнта, що вимагає розуміння значення релігії в контексті паліативної підтримки.

Окрім цього, фахівці мають володіти анатомо-фізіологічною термінологією, для чого потрібні глибокі знання анатомії, фізіології та патофізіології людини. Важливо також розуміти основи фармакології, дерматології, фізіотерапії та дієтології.

підтримку. Тож

вивчити цей напрямок. Після завершення курсу стала першим сертифікованим інструктором скандинавської ходьби у нашому місті. Протягом року активно вивчала реабілітаційні можливості, які дає скандинавська ходьба, і згодом заснувала клуб «SKANDI KROP». За два роки я не лише стала членкинею Федерації скандинавської ходьби України, а й очолила відокремлену ланку Федерації в Кіровоградській області. – Які найбільш вражаючі випадки Ви зустрічали за 16 років досвіду? – Кожен пацієнт для мене унікальний, тому до кожного застосовую індивідуальний як реабілітаційний, так і психологічний підхід. Часто люди приходять у пригніченому стані, і мене дуже тішить, коли пацієнти починають усміхатися, радіти першим результатам. Наприклад, були випадки, коли ми відновлювали функції руки після тривалого періоду нерухомості, або пацієнти починали самостійно ходити

Фізична активність

роботу внутрішніх


тих, хто не має можливості відвідувати групи, ми надаємо консультації та заняття онлайн. – Серед Ваших досягнень

у сфері кінезітерапії. Кому і як вона може бути корисною? – Кінезітерапія, або лікування рухом, передбачає виконання активних і пасивних рухів, вправ лікувальної гімнастики та роботу на тренажерах. Вона особливо



Experienced apitherapist Anatoly OLSHANSKY successfully combined the uniqueness of the author’s technology with world experience in his developed project making it the «key» to effective recovery. Today, he shares his groundwork in the field of rehabilitation and reflects on the integration of his invention into official medicine.

– Anatoly, what are the features of your innovative technology?

– The useful model proposed by me belongs to alternative medicine and is aimed at achieving healthimproving effects. After sessions in the pyramid, people notice normalization of blood pressure, headache disappears and psychoemotional state improves. It also has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and even helps in the fight against oncological and fungal diseases.

– Your method harmoniously combines the experience of alternative healing from different civilizations!

– The idea of using pyramids for healing is not new: their impact on health has been noted since ancient times. My research, which combines the knowledge of apitherapy and pyramid geometry, has allowed me to create an innovative model of healing. I have read a large amount of information on this topic and used my own findings in apitherapy. In particular, it is the impact of not only bee products, but also direct contact with bees.

My method is based on the synergy of the pyramid’s energy field and the healing properties of bees. This combination creates a powerful flow of energy that harmonizes the human biofield and helps to purify it at the cellular level.

– Tell us in more detail how your recovery method works.

– The pyramid concentrates energy, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect, preventing the growth of bacteria. My pyramid is a pavilion on four pillars with an area of 8×8 metres and a height of 7 metres, topped with a pyramidal roof made of reeds. Only environmentally friendly materials

were used in the construction, with no metal elements.

There are wooden beehives in the centre, through which aromas and phytoncides enter the pyramid. Thanks to this, a person is psychologically relieved. A 1-1.5-hour session is enough to regain strength. The optimal course consists of 10 sessions.

– You have received a patent for your invention. Has it been presented at the international level?

– I have a patent not only in Ukraine but also in Germany. My invention has been demonstrated at international exhibitions, including in Nuremberg and Frankfurt am Main.

– What are the prospects for further development of your method?

– The organic combination of alternative and conventional medicine has the greatest effect in improving a person’s health. My goal is to build such modules at hospitals, sanatoriums, health resorts and eco-hotels. This will allow significant expanding the possibilities of recovery.


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