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Krystyna Khomchenko is Miss Top Model, Vice-Miss Universe-Ukraine, Master of Sports in Rhythmic Gymnastics, owner of a successful grooming salon “Cool Pet” in Odesa and a pet volunteer. Her story is an example of a combination of discipline, leadership and sincere love for animals that has grown into a lifelong passion. “Cool Pet” is not just a grooming salon, but a place where professionals work with care and love for animals. Read in our interview how Krystyna Khomchenko turned her passion into a business and help others.
– Krystyna, tell us how you decided to start a pet care business?
– I have always wanted to have my own business, and not just one. Probably, my unconditional love for animals, which manifested itself in my childhood, became the main motivator in choosing this particular direction. Grooming is not just about aesthetics, but also about animal health. It is important for me to provide quality care for each pet.
– You were a champion and master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. How have these disciplines influenced your approach to work?
– Discipline is the key to success, as it helps you achieve great results. Sport taught me to set ambitious goals and achieve them. I have transferred this approach to business - the desire to be a leader and create the best in what I do has helped me build a successful brand.
– What, in your opinion, is the secret of grooming success? What makes your studio special among others in Odesa?
– My success is my team, which I am immensely proud of. My specialists not only constantly improve their skills and impress with their
professionalism, but also engage in charity work, helping animal shelters. I am sure that a true professional is not only a person who knows how to do their job, but also one who has a big heart.
– What values and principles are key in your work? What role does professional development play in the Cool Pet salon?
– Our masters are constantly developing: they attend masterclasses, take advanced training courses and participate in professional competitions. This is the main principle of our salon – we always strive for the best for our clients and their pets.
– What are your plans for the future?
– I don’t like to talk about plans, I like to act and surprise with results. So I’ll just say: “Follow us and you will see a lot of interesting things!”
«Every patient we save is our contribution!»
I. Kryvoruchko
In times of war, millions of people are forcibly displaced from their homes, but some choose to stay. Igor Andriiovich Kryvoruchko is a prominent Ukrainian surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, and winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology. His courage and dedication to people have become a symbol of Kharkiv’s invincibility. Despite the proximity of the frontline, incessant shelling, and the paucity of even the most basic facilities, he continued to save lives, proving that heroism lies not only in weapons but also in the doctor’s scalpel and his loyalty to the oath. Next is direct talk about courage, professional duty, and indomitability, which are worth knowing about.
– Greetings, Ukrainians! I am a surgeon from Kharkiv, and I want to share my story.
I was born in the family of a military doctor, and my family has been involved in the medical profession for generations. After graduating from Kharkiv Medical Institute, I rapidly distinguished myself as a skilled surgeon. My specialisations include thoracic, abdominal and emergency surgery, and I have pioneered numerous surgical techniques, including minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques in Ukraine, which I introduced to surgery in 1984 for the treatment of diseases of the hepatopancreaticbiliary system. My research on the resuscitation of patients with surgical emergencies and critical injuries has attracted international recognition. I have trained hundreds of doctors over my 40-year career. And I remain an eternal advocate of the
principle: ’A doctor should fight for life until his last breath’
When Russian troops advanced towards the city of Kharkiv in 2022, the city became the site of intense military confrontations. Thousands of residents evacuated, but I decided to remain in Kharkiv. The hospital where I was employed was subjected to repeated bombardment. In the face of a shortage of medicines and power outages, I looked for ways to purchase the necessary
equipment and medicines through international contacts.
The scope of my work extended beyond the confines of the hospital. Together with volunteers, professors V. V. Boyko and V. I. Lupoltzov, we facilitated the evacuation of the wounded from the most dangerous areas. I and my colleagues performed surgical procedures on military personnel and civilians.
Then I acutely realized that pain has no nationality or age. I embodied this thought in the words: «Our duty is to alleviate the suffering of everyone.»
EDITORIAL NOTE: Our editorial team knows the professor personally. We know for sure that he coordinated the supply of medicines, organised charity fundraisers and inspired his colleagues not to give up. His social media platform has become a beacon of hope, disseminating videos about medical cargo delivery, appeals for global assistance, and daily affirmations of the resilience of the Kharkiv community, encapsulated by the slogan “Kharkiv lives!”
Now Igor Andriiovich together with colleagues is engaged in the reconstruction of the hospital, the training of a new generation of doctors and the promotion of medical development in the context of war. His assertion that victory will be achieved not only by military means, but also by the strength of spirit, is a vivid testament to the resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people.
покоління. Після закінчення Харківського медичного інституту швидко зарекомендував себе як кваліфікований хірург. Нині спеціалізуюся на торакальній, абдомінальній та невідкладній хірургії. Я став піонером багатьох хірургічних методик, зокрема малоінвазивної лапароскопічної техніки, яку впровадив ще у 1984 році для лікування захворювань гепатопанкреатобіліарної системи. Мої дослідження у сфері реанімації пацієнтів із критичними травмами та невідкладними хірургічними станами отримали міжнародне визнання.
За 40 років кар’єри
hor OKHRIMENKO, the Rector of the Ukrainian universitу, shares his experience working under martial law. He talks about the challenges the institution faced, the unique features of the educational process, and plans for the future.
– Mr. Ihor, with the outbreak of a full-scale war, educational institutions have faced serious challenges. Tell us what were your first steps to regulate the educational process?
– First of all, we have focused on establishing contact with teachers and students. While teachers had somehow made themselves known, the war practically broke communication between the university and students. So we restored the organisational structure of the institution, initially in a virtual format. We conducted a kind of “roll call” to make sure that everyone was alive and well, and began to build a new format of work in wartime conditions.
– What is unique about your institution?
– We are the only university in Ukraine that enters its diplomas into the Blockchain database, which allows our graduates to instantly confirm their authenticity anywhere in the world. We were also the first among Ukrainian higher education institutions to introduce the “RectorStudent” feedback service.
When the humanoid robot Sophia was brought to Ukraine, only our students had the opportunity to communicate with her live. We also provided the largest number of free places for children from temporarily occupied territories.
Regarding the status of a private university, we are the only one in
Ukraine whose history is not 20–30 years old, but over a century old.
– Mr. Igor, what are your plans for the new academic year?
– We have always strived to be interesting and modern. Once we invited Mark Ginzburg, a man known for his analytical forecasts, to give a lecture. Then, jokingly, we asked him how he saw the future of our institution. Just as jokingly (I hope it was a joke), he replied that he predicted its closure, because in the near future artificial intelligence would replace all our professions.
Five years ago, this seemed like fantasy, but today all our students are already actively using AI even to solve the simplest problems.
Therefore, our plans are to adapt educational programs to modern realities so that graduates can confidently compete in the global labour market. We are working to ensure that classical education not only retains its value, but is also supplemented with up-to-date technologies and practical skills. That will help our students find their place in a dynamic world.
якими були Ваші перші кроки з урегулювання освітнього процесу? – Насамперед ми зосередилися на налагодженні зв’язку з викладачами та студентами. Якщо викладачі ще якось давали про себе знати, то війна фактично розірвала комунікацію між університетом і студентами. Тож ми відновили організаційну структуру закладу, спочатку у віртуальному форматі. Провели своєрідну «перекличку», щоб пересвідчитися, що всі живі та здорові, і почали вибудовувати но-
формат роботи в умовах війни.
миттєво підтверджувати їхню автентичність у будь-якому куточку світу. Також ми першими серед українських закладів вищої освіти запровадили сервіс зворотного зв’язку «Ректор-Студент».
Коли до України привозили людиноподібного робота Софію, лише наші студенти мали можливість поспілкуватися з нею наживо. Ми також надали найбільшу кількість безкоштовних
lena SULYM is a Ukrainian specialist with more than 15 years of experience in management who has been researching the issue of women’s mental health in the context of military challenges for three years. She shares her own methods of maintaining emotional balance.
– Mrs. Olena, what challenges do women face in times of war?
– We are all changing in the face of constant missile attacks, both men and women. But women are also mothers, wives, and employees. She creates comfort and harmony, fulfils work plans, and takes care of her loved ones. She balances all these roles, trying not to lose herself.
However, there is another side of reality - acute situations where violence occurs in families due to manipulation and abusive relationships. Many women remain in this psychological trap for years, which undermines their health. They either do not know how to act or are afraid to seek help.
Military families are a separate issue. Women whose husbands return from the frontline need special psychological support, as the unstable emotional state of veterans often becomes a serious challenge for their families. Unfortunately, there is currently no systematic assistance in such situations in Ukraine.
Today, women are forced to solve extremely complex problems while trying not to lose themselves. It is difficult, but we are looking for a way out. We need support, because we have the right to a dignified life and we are doing everything we can to make Ukraine live and prosper.
– What practices help maintain emotional balance and psychological resilience?
– For me, a person who did not leave Ukraine during the three years of war, it was important to find ways to maintain my psychological and mental health.
I tried many methods, and singing became one of the most effective. Thanks to my teacher, I not only discovered a new talent in myself, but also realised that it was my natural gift. In addition, vocal lessons helped me to dive deeper into the spoken Ukrainian language.
Another important resource was physical activity and contact with nature. Yoga, walks in the woods, walking, and horseback riding help me to recuperate and be filled with energy.
Photography and organising photo shoots occupy a special place in my life. It’s not just a hobby - this process helps me to rethink reality and discover new facets of myself.
To stay in a resourceful state, a woman needs to maintain and develop her creative power. When we open up our inner world, we become united in our perception of each other, and this unity is stronger than any aggression and evil.
– How has the war affected women’s personal development in Ukraine, including their role in society and career opportunities?
– State social programmes have many restrictions. For me, as a specialist with considerable experience as a sales manager, it is currently difficult to find a suitable job. And retraining opportunities under government programmes are not available to me due to age restrictions.
I am convinced that it is necessary to create a social support fund that will provide training, retraining, psychological assistance and family issues within the framework of the current legislation.
Олено, які виклики постають перед жінками в умовах війни? – Ми всі змінюємося в умовах постійних ракетних атак – і чоловіки, і жінки. Але жінка водночас є матір’ю, дружиною, співробітницею. Вона створює затишок і гармонію, виконує робочі плани, піклується про близьких. Вона балансує між усіма ролями, намагаючись не втратити себе. Однак є й інший бік реальності – гострі ситуації,
виникає насильство через маніпуляції та аб’юзивні стосунки. Багато жінок роками залишаються в цій психологічній пастці, що
– Маріє, раді вітати! Розкажіть, будь ласка, про себе.
– Я родом із Києва. Першу вищу освіту здобула у Києво-Могилянській академії за спеціальністю філологія. Уже на останніх курсах почала заочно вивчати юриспруденцію. Також маю ступінь магістра міжнародної журналістики. Довгий час працювала в міжнародних організаціях, займалася проєктами у сферах прав людини, психічного здоров’я, паліативної допомоги (для людей на фінальній стадії життя), а також боротьби з ВІЛ/ СНІДом та туберкульозом. Мій професійний шлях поєднує багаторічний досвід у проєктному
травму, подолати горе та відновити сили, щоб збудувати майбутнє — в Україні чи за її межами. Ми хочемо зробити все, щоб подолати розкол у душах українців і суспільстві, відновити цілісність кожної людини та єдність нації. – Нині Ви консультуєте клієнтів з різних часових поясів по всьому світу, перебуваючи у Сингапурі. Як так сталося? – Наш Кризовий центр почав співпрацювати з міжнародними організаціями. Зокрема, ми долучилися до тренінгових програм Фундації Елізабет Кюблер-Росс, яка спеціалізується на паліативній допомозі. Там познайомилася з лікаркою із Сингапуру, яка запропонувала мені приїхати на місяць. Я погодилася, але той місяць затягнувся на два з половиною роки. Де
Зараз консультую клієнтів індивідуально, веду групи, проводжу тренінги, а також продовжую активно взаємодіяти з Центром психології «THE SOUL». – Які соціальні проєкти, спрямовані на подолання воєнної травми серед українців, Ви реалізуєте? – За чотири роки існування Центру майже вся наша діяльність була безкоштовною для людей. Ми почали з Кризового центру, надавали індивідуальні консультації, паралельно наша команда психологів шукала фінансування та підтримку для продовження роботи. Потім ми запровадили регулярні групи психологічної підтримки.
Згодом, проаналізувавши наш досвід, зрозуміли, що
потреб дуже багато, але є дві
і ті, хто був змушений виїхати за кордон. Насправді складно
та почуття,
• тіло та фізичне благополуччя,
• силу й упевненість,
• кохання та стосунки під час війни,
• свободу та відповідальність,
• відчуття дому,
• фінансову стабільність та реалізацію,
• єдність суспільства,
• бачення майбутнього,
• психологічну цілісність,
• здатність приймати рішення в умовах невизначеності. Кожен модуль
Psychoanalyst and business coach Mariya VYNNYTSKA knows how to use psychology to achieve personal and professional goals. Many people from different parts of the world have used her consultations to find their way to success and well-being. Mariya told our magazine about the creation of THE SOUL Psychology Centre and an important volunteer project designed to support Ukrainians during the war.
– Mariya, we are glad to welcome you! Please tell us about yourself.
– I am originally from Kyiv. I received my first degree in linguistics from the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. In my final year of studies, I started studying law by correspondence. I also have a master’s degree in international journalism. For a long time, I worked for international organisations, engaged in projects in the fields of human rights, mental health, palliative care (for people in the final stages of life), and the fight against HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. My professional background combines many years of experience in project management and managing international initiatives.
In addition, I have always been interested in psychology. Starting in 2007, I studied various methods and approaches, first trying to solve my own issues. Then gradually, psychology became not only my profession but also my life’s work and I completed a degree in clinical psychoanalysis.
– How did THE SOUL Psychology Centre come to be? What is its mission?
– In 2021, together with my colleagues, we created THE SOUL. Our team consisted of several psychologists and a manager. We conducted educational and therapeutic activities: trainings, psychological picnics, seminars, group sessions, and live broadcasts.
With the start of the full-scale invasion, it became clear that people would face a huge amount of trauma, loss and pain. I asked my colleagues if each of us could allocate 2-3 hours a week for free psychological help, and everyone agreed. So in March 2022, we set up the Crisis Centre.
Our key goal is to help Ukrainians cope with war trauma, overcome grief and regain strength to build a future – in Ukraine or abroad.
We want to do everything we can to overcome the split in the souls of Ukrainians and society, to restore a sense of wellbeing of each person and the unity of the nation.
– You currently advise clients from different time zones around the world while based in Singapore. How did that happen?
– Our Crisis Centre has started to cooperate with international organisations. In particular, we joined the training programmes of the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation, which specialises in palliative care and grief work. There I met a doctor from Singapore who offered me to come for a month. I agreed, but that month turned into two and a half years.
Wherever I go, I always talk about Ukraine. In Singapore, I gave lectures at the university, talking about the war. I spent three months in Japan, where I shared real-life stories of Ukrainians at a series of events and introduced local people to the activities of our centre.
After returning to Singapore, I received a job offer to become a programme director at a psychological clinic. Now I provide counselling to clients individually, lead group therapy sessions, conduct trainings, and continue to actively work with THE SOUL Centre, helping our people.
– What social projects aimed at overcoming war trauma among Ukrainians are you implementing?
– Over the four years of the Centre’s existence, almost all of our activities have been free of charge for people. We started with the Crisis Centre, providing individual counselling, while our team of psychologists sought funding and support to continue our work. Then we introduced regular psychological support groups.
Later, after analysing our experience, we realised that there were a lot of needs, but there were two key audiences: those women who stayed in Ukraine and those who were forced to flee their homes. In fact, it is difficult for everyone, but everyone has their own situation, story, and therefore perceives things
differently. Because of this, Ukrainians sometimes do not understand each other and even have conflicts.
Now everyone is in pain, there is a lot of chronic fatigue, exhaustion, there were too many losses and we have uncertainty about the future. This is exactly what we are working on - helping people to create internal strength and find a circle of support.
Based on our practical experience during the war, we created the Ukrainian Circle project. It is a holistic programme of psychological recovery and post-traumatic growth that covers the most pressing issues and key areas of life.
The programme is structured by modules and includes topics like:
• Emotions and feelings
• Body and physical well-being
• Strength and confidence
• Love and relationships in the time of war
• Freedom and responsibility
• A sense of home and belonging
• Financial stability and work fulfilment
• Social unity and cohesion
• Vision for the future
• Psychological trauma and healing
• Decision-making amid uncertainty
We recorded each module together with the team in the format of lectures, podcasts and psychological practices. All materials for 2023-2024 are available for free on our Telegram channel. We want as many people as possible to take advantage of these resources and receive effective tools to support themselves in various areas of life.
I am physically in Singapore now, but my heart is with Ukraine. We continue to create psychological support programmes and projects for Ukrainians.
– What kind of requests do you receive as a psychoanalyst and business coach?
– Ukrainians most often turn to me with requests related to self-esteem, financial difficulties and trauma, when people want to increase their income, seek professional fulfilment, better communication skills. I help them find internal resources, understand their strengths and talents, and advise on career or business matters.
Since I have experience of immigration and have lived in different countries, I am also consulted on issues of adaptation and building a new life abroad.
English-speaking clients are more likely to seek support with self-esteem and confidence, work situations and relationships, public speaking and communication skills, leadership roles and tasks, and coping with crises and life changes.
– How do you see this year for yourself? Share your own goals.
– I definitely want and plan to return to Ukraine but for now I have a season in Singapore. I very grateful to this opportunity and am truly inspired by this experience because this country has achieved incredible results in a short time. I believe that this is the approach we need now in Ukraine. Vision, action and efficiency.
I plan to continue my work and development as a trainer and speaker, and will definitely continue to talk about Ukraine and our incredible people while I am here. Together with my colleagues, I aspire to expand the audience of our psychological centre, and we sincerely hope to make the Ukrainian Circle 2025 possible.
I believe that mental health is a very important component of our victory, our resilience and ability to create our future. We need to be as wise and focused as possible, learn to support each other, and remain resourceful despite everything, so that we can find new solutions to the many important challenges we are facing now. Robust mental health will help us achieve it.
рирода — це гармонія. Все, що вона створила, — унікальне! З давніх-давен люди лікувалися лікарськими травами. Науковий підхід до фітотерапії
демонструвати паніку, хоч, на жаль, змушені постійно перебувати у стані мобілізації. Тому я рекомендую заспокійливі
лікарські трави — валеріану, ромашку, хміль, звіробій. Але
обов’язково потрібно консультуватися з лікарем, адже непра-
вильне застосування може спричинити підвищення або зни-
ження тиску, головний біль тощо. — Сьогодні у дітей часто спостерігається
рівень гемоглобіну. Що Ви порекомендуєте?
На жаль, кількість пацієнтів із залізодефіцитною
зростає. Основна причина — незбалансоване харчування. Білок синтезується в
тільки з
що надходять із м’ясом, тому виключати його з раціону, особливо дітям, категорично не можна. Жінкам варто
Nature is harmony. Everything it has created is unique! Since ancient times, people have been treated with medicinal herbs. Danylo and Oleksandr Zubytskyi pioneered the scientific approach to herbal medicine by developing unique methods of manufacturing herbal products. Today, the work of her grandfather and father is continued by Viktoriia Zubytska, a therapeutist of the highest category, an ultrasound diagnostician, and medical director of the Danylo Zubytskyi Clinic.
— Mrs. Viktoriia, what is the peculiarity of Zubytsyi’s Author’s Phytotherapy?
— We manufacture medicinal products from natural plant materials according to a recipe that has been perfected and passed down from generation to generation. The medicines are sold in our own pharmacies, and an individual approach to treatment guarantees a significant improvement in the patients’ condition. After all, we are mostly visited by people with chronic diseases that require long-term therapy.
— What are the competitive advantages of your methodology?
— As my grandfather Danylo Zubytskyi used to say, we have no competitors. We pass on knowledge from generation to generation, and today I represent the fifth generation of doctors of the Zubytskyi dynasty. All my ancestors had a medical education and deep knowledge that allowed them to treat people with phytotherapy methods. We never created dietary supplements, but produced and continue to produce medicines. This is a clearly defined recipe and licensed production. Currently, we have over 200 licensed drugs for external and internal use.
— Today, cancer has become particularly common. Do you have any medicines in your arsenal to help fight this disease?
— Oncological diseases occupy almost the first place among the most common diseases of our time. If earlier cardiovascular diseases were in the lead, now, unfortunately, oncology has come to the fore. Stress, deterioration of the environment, poor nutrition, and bad habits – all this contributes to the development of cancer. Therefore, we must cooperate with oncologists and prescribe treatment to our patients,
taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the disease. We also give recommendations on the prevention of oncological diseases.
— In your opinion, what is the power of nature?
— Phytotherapy is the treatment of diseases with the help of medicinal plants and herbal preparations. Its main advantage is low toxicity, minimal side effects, and easy absorption by the body. Such products can be used for a long time, as they have a complex effect on the body. Medicinal plants contain the same biologically active substances as synthetic drugs. Until the mid-twentieth century, 7080% of medicines were made from plant materials. Even today, a third of medicines are of plant origin. However, it is important to remember that herbal medicines should be used only under medical supervision, as the dosage is of great importance.
— How does the emotional state of parents affect children? What recommendations do you have for adults?
— Adults should be an example for children. We should not show panic, although,
unfortunately, we are forced to constantly be in a state of mobilization. Therefore, I recommend soothing medicinal herbs - valerian, chamomile, hops, St. John’s wort. But you must definitely consult a doctor, because improper use can cause an increase or decrease in blood pressure, headaches, etc.
— Today, children often have low haemoglobin levels. What do you recommend?
— Unfortunately, the number of patients with iron deficiency anaemia is growing. The main reason is an unbalanced diet. Protein is synthesised in the body only from essential amino acids that come from meat, so it is categorically impossible to excluded it from the diet, especially for children. Women should pay attention to possible bleeding, which can also lead to anaemia. Foods that help to increase haemoglobin levels include liver, buckwheat, oatmeal, dried apricots, quince, apples, and cranberries. Pomegranate juice is especially useful - you should drink ½ cup 30 minutes
before meals if you do not have any gastrointestinal diseases.
— Is vitamin D really as important as they say?
— Vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight and is also ingested with food. Most of it is found in fish liver, egg yolk, and butter. A deficiency of this vitamin leads to a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which can cause rickets in children, pathological fractures in adults, and a decrease in immunity. Therefore, in addition to taking vitamin D in the form of drugs, it is necessary to monitor your diet.
— Mrs. Victoriia, tell us about your volunteering activities.
— We have been volunteering since 2014. After the full-scale invasion, we actively participated in large-scale fundraisers, and today we are focusing on targeted assistance. We provide our defenders with medicines to heal their wounds, food, and donations for the army’s needs. Together with the country, we are bringing victory closer and do not lose faith.
Урешті-решт, підписала
цього обладнання. Цей момент назавжди закарбувався в моїй пам’яті. Ідея настільки захопила мене, що не могла просто за-
лишити її мрією – я знала, що це моє покликання. Через пів року безлічі зустрічей і переговорів я знайшла банк, який погодився надати кредит без застави. Ще через пів року ми разом із партнерами запустили власний завод. У 1995 році випустили перший йогурт в Україні. Ті емоції, які я пережила тоді, досі живуть в мені і надихають рухатись вперед. – Чому саме «ФАВОР»? – «ФАВОР» у перекладі з латини означає «благодать» або «милість». Ця назва відображає нашу
бути джерелом благодаті через здорове харчування, покращувати життя наших споживачів. Кожен наш
– це не просто продукт, а символ турботи й любові до кожної родини.
Як з’явилася
в роботі компанії:
2007 – запроваджено систему управління
ISO 9001.
продуктів ISO 22000.
2019 – отримано екологічну сертифікацію ISO 14001. 2023 – впроваджено систему управління охороною здоров’я та безпекою праці ISO 45001.
Ці стандарти дозволяють нам підтримувати якість продукції та вдосконалювати процеси. – Наскільки важливою для Вас була підтримка партнерів? – Партнерство
– На що Ви орієнтуєтеся насамперед, якщо говорити про виробництво молочної продукції?
– Ми завжди зважаємо на потреби дітей, адже віримо, що їхнє здоров’я – це найвища цінність. Наше гасло: «Здорові діти – щаслива родина» відображає нашу місію. За ці роки ми взяли на себе велику відповідаль-
ність, активно постачаючи молочні продукти «АМА»
до дитячих садків, санаторіїв та оздоровчих центрів.
Це значний обсяг роботи, який ми з командою вико-
нуємо з гордістю.
Також пропонуємо продукти для людей із особливими харчовими потребами, зокрема «Іолактон зі стевією» (0% цукру), альбумінний сир і йогурти з пробіотиками, що сприяють підтримці здоров’я кишечника. Ми уважно стежимо за світовими тенденціями у сфері функціонального харчування та враховуємо їх під час розроблення нових продуктів, щоб вони відповідали вимогам здорового способу життя, який стає дедалі популярнішим серед наших споживачів.
– З якими викликами компанія зіткнулася після
початку повномасштабної війни у 2022 році? Як
вдалося зберегти команду?
– Патріотизм для нас – це не просто слова, а реальні дії. У перший місяць війни ми стали єдиним постачальником молочної продукції в торговельні мережі
Києва та активно допомагали мешканцям столиці й окупованих територій. Компанія «ФАВОР» працювала безперервно!
Ми були поруч із командою в найскладніші моменти. Для нас це принципово, тому що це наш внесок у підтримку країни, і ми усвідомлюємо його значущість.
ньо-консалтингової компанії «Бізнес-Конструктор». Цей навчальний процес став справжнім емоційним каталізатором для нас. Результати перевершили всі очікування: ми зміцнили команду, оптимізували бізнес-процеси та розробили нові управлінські інструменти, що охоплюють ключові аспекти діяльності компанії. Програма відкрила перед нами нові можливості, стратегії та компетенції, які дозволили нам стати ефективнішими керівниками й рухатися вперед. Люблю цей вислів: «Мистецтво маленьких кроків, системна робота і величезне бажання бути кращими завжди дають результат. Just do it!»
У яких благодійних проєктах чи соціальних
«БФ Михайла Василевського», БФ «Я вдома» та іншими. Крім того, підтримуємо освітні ініціативи, зокрема допомагаємо дітям із малозабезпечених сімей отримувати якісне харчування. Надаємо продукцію дитячим будинкам та лікувальним закладам, які цього найбільше потребують. Беремо участь у благодійних заходах, наприклад, «ОЗБРОЄНІ_ТАНЦЕМ_РАЗОМ_ПЕРЕМАГАЄМО», організованому нашими друзями – народним ансамблем танцю «Вітамінчики». Ці проєкти надзвичайно важливі для нас, і ми пишаємося тим, що можемо робити свій внесок у добробут наших співгромадян.
Щороку беремо участь у цьому конкурсі, щоб довести: ми дійсно заслуговуємо бути серед найкращих. Крім того, компанія «ФАВОР» уже понад 15 років є членом Київської торгово-промислової палати (КТПП), а я особисто входжу до президії КТПП та співголовую в Комітеті жінок-підприємниць при КТПП.
Завдяки нашій роботі в Комітеті жінок-підприємниць у 2022 році наше підприємство перемогло в міжнародному конкурсі «Підприємство, дружнє до родини», який проходив у місті Бар (Чорногорія) за підтримки
міжнародного проєкту, спрямованого на розвиток жіночого підприємництва та лідерства в країнах Західних Балкан і України. Наступного року я стала головою комісії, що проводила аналогічний конкурс серед підприємств-членів Київської ТПП. Для мене ці ролі – не просто почесні посади, а реальна можливість впливати на розвиток бізнесу й підтримку жінок-підприємниць. Кожна з цих відзнак і досягнень є джерелом
натомість дарує величні результати. Спробуйте зайнятися землеробством хоча б трохи – і ви помітите, як змінюється ваше життя. – А тепер до практики: що впливає на
тися на знак зодіаку, через який проходить Місяць.
дні для посадки – коли Місяць перебуває в Раку, Скорпіоні, Рибах, Козорозі, Діві та Тельці, тобто в знаках стихій Води та Землі. Внесення добрив найефективніше під час проходження Місяця через Скорпіон, а посадка
Березень – 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 31 (з 14 до 29 березня – коридор затемнень, тому
ohdan KRUHLYK is an expert in the field of digitalization of the agricultural sector and CEO of FRENDT. He introduces modern technologies, helping farmers work more efficiently. About innovations in agribusiness, the impact of the war on the industry and development prospects – further in the interview.
– Mr. Bohdan, in one of your posts you mentioned that you are “in love with precision farming and digitalisation – with the innovations that make agriculture smarter”. What technologies are currently implemented in Ukraine?
– Among the main ones: GPS navigation and autopilots for agricultural machinery, drones and satellite monitoring, sensors and IoT technologies, farm management software (FMS), and technologies for differentiated fertiliser and crop protection products. All these solutions increase the productivity and efficiency of farmers.
– How did the war affect the development of technology in the agricultural sector?
– We have lost part of our agricultural land due to mining and occupation, and our elevators, warehouses, and
logistics routes have been destroyed. The shortage of fuel, fertilizers, and financing is forcing farmers to optimize their costs. The outflow of personnel due to mobilization and migration is making work even more difficult.
However, the war has accelerated digitalization: farmers are actively implementing automated systems, using drones for monitoring, and increasing their cybersecurity. At the same time, international support is helping to restore the industry.
– What services does FRENDT offer today?
– FRENDT has practical experience in precision agriculture, because we do not just sell equipment, but help optimise production and increase profitability. By implementing innovations in our own fields, we clearly know what works effectively and what is just a marketing ploy. We provide comprehensive solutions for precision agriculture:
• field audit,
• implementation of RTK navigation,
• equipment monitoring,
• differentiated fertilizer application,
• training of farmers.
– Why do Ukrainian farmers have a competitive advantage over their European counterparts?
– Our approach to customers is much more flexible. Whereas European dealers often work according to rigid templates, we adapt solutions to the needs of each farm. We offer a comprehensive approach: from analysis and training to the full implementation of innovations and development of an agribusiness development strategy. In addition, the Ukrainian market is more dynamic than the European one, so our customers receive modern technologies faster and without long bureaucratic procedures.
– What is your main goal in agribusiness?
– Our main goal is to create an ecosystem of innovative agriculture. We help farmers implement modern technologies, increase profitability and attract investment. Ukraine has all the prerequisites to become a global leader in smart agriculture.
огдан КРУГЛИК – експерт у сфері цифровізації агросектору, CEO компанії ФРЕНДТ. Він упроваджує сучасні технології, допомагаючи аграріям працювати
сенсори та IoT-технології, програмне забезпечення для
ефективність аграріїв.
вання та окупацію, зруйновано елеватори, склади, логістичні маршрути. Дефіцит пального, добрив і фінансування змушує аграріїв оптимізувати витрати. Відтік кадрів через мобілізацію та міграцію ще більше ускладнює роботу.
Однак війна прискорила цифровізацію: аграрії активно впроваджують автоматизовані системи, використовують дрони для моніторингу, підвищують рівень кібербезпеки. Водночас міжнародна підтримка
aryna RADCHENKO is a lawyer and arbitrator with many years of experience. She shares practical advice for entrepreneurs to help them avoid legal pitfalls.
– Mrs. Maryna, what should a future entrepreneur know from a legal point of view before starting a business?
– It is important to determine the legal strategy of the business, which includes the choice of legal form - individual entrepreneur or legal entity. This determines tax liabilities, reporting and possible risks.
You should also check whether licences or special permits are required for the chosen type of activity. Special attention should be paid to the formalisation of labour relations to avoid legal problems in the future.
In addition, every entrepreneur should understand the basics of the tax system, contractual relations and protection of property rights.
– What draft laws are currently under consideration that could be critical for Ukrainian entrepreneurs?
– The key initiatives include tighter control over tax payments, changes in labour legislation and new rules for online businesses.
Updated approaches to business inspections and responsibility for violations are also discussed.
Of particular note is Draft Law No. 12367 dated 30.12.2024, which provides for:
• Automatic extension of the pre-trial investigation.
• No automatic closure of cases in connection with the expiration of the investigation.
• Shifting the burden of proof to the defence. These changes may have a significant impact on the business environment, so it is important to follow the updates and consult with legal counsel.
– Tell us more about the services you provide to entrepreneurs.
– I provide legal support to businesses at all stages of their development, including:
• Assistance in choosing the optimal legal form.
• Legal audit of business projects.
• Support of agreements and dispute resolution and the like.
My main goal is to ensure efficient and safe business development in Ukraine.
– Which industries are currently the most promising for doing business?
– Among the top areas, I would highlight:
• Construction.
• IT and e-commerce.
• Logistics.
• Alternative energy.
• Agricultural sector.
The service sector is also actively developing: consulting, marketing, education and the beauty industry.
It is important to choose not only a profitable niche, but also one that is interesting to the entrepreneur and matches his or her skills and values.
– What difficulties do you face in your work and how do you solve them?
– The main challenges for business today are the war, frequent changes in legislation and the unstable economic situation.
In addition, entrepreneurs often face unscrupulous counterparties.
My strategy is to keep abreast of legislative changes, predict risks and offer clients effective legal solutions.
Legal literacy is not a luxury but a necessity. Well-drafted documents protect your business, finances and future.
потрібно знати майбутньому підприємцеві з юридичної точки зору перед початком бізнесу?
– Важливо визначитися з юридичною стратегією бізнесу, яка включає
Від цього залежать податкові зобов’язання, звітність і можливі ризики.
Також слід перевірити, чи потрібні ліцензії або спеціаль-
ні дозволи для обраного виду діяльності. Окрему увагу варто приділити оформленню трудових відносин, щоб уникнути юридичних проблем у майбутньому.
обговорюються оновлені підходи до перевірок підприємств і відповідальність за порушення.
Варто звернути увагу на Законопроєкт №12367 від 30.12.2024, який передбачає:
• Автоматичне продовження строків досудового розслідування.
• Відсутність автоматичного закриття справ у зв’язку із закінченням строків розслідування.
• Перекладення тягаря доведення на сторону захисту. Ці зміни можуть суттєво вплинути на бізнес-середовище, тому важливо слідкувати за оновленнями та консультуватися з юристами.
– Розкажіть детальніше про послуги, які Ви надаєте підприємцям.
o be happy is an internal state and a choice of a person!” – this is the life credo of Victoriia LEZHANINA, a woman who has gone from being a financier and organisational psychologist to a professional family psychologist, body-oriented therapist and expert in personal growth and relationships. Viktoriia Lezhanina is a certified Life Coach ACTP ICF, business coach, family and organisational psychologist, expert in finance and accounting with over 22 years of experience. She is a member of the International Association of Therapeutic and Coaching Professionals “Guild of Integrative Psychology”, the Committee of Women Entrepreneurs of the Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Audit Chamber of Ukraine, and a winner of the “100 Successful Ukrainian Women” award according to Ukrainian People magazine.
Victoriia LEZHANINA has always strived to help people. For over 22 years, she has been consulting couples, entrepreneurs, and young people, helping them find harmony in their relationships and business. “My clients are people who are looking for ways to harmony, confidence, and financial freedom,” says Victoriia. She is convinced that true success is possible only when a person does not betray their dreams.
As an active member of the Women Entrepreneurs Committee at the Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Victoriia supports the development of women’s leadership. “A woman can be successful in all areas if she believes in herself and constantly develops,” she emphasises.
One of Victoriia’s key initiatives was her author’s intensive “Finance and Business in a New Way” — a unique programme that helps participants change their approach to financial thinking, master the principles of cash flow, and learn how to effectively manage their resources. “We cover the basics of financial literacy that are not taught in schools, but are critically important for everyone,” she notes.
Mrs. Victoriia is convinced: “True success is inner harmony and the opportunity to realise your best traits.” Her story is an example of how the courage to follow your calling can change your life for the better.
знань. Наші предки казали: «Блаженний, хто вірить. Сильний, хто відає». Тобто знання дають силу, а їхнє правильне застосування веде до гармонії й успіху. – Ви живете і працюєте за кордоном. Який управлінський досвід здобули? Як війна вплинула на Ваше життя? – У 2022 році, як і багато українців, я втратила все.
жими ракетами. Але найголовніше – Миколаїв вистояв. Що залишилося
ночі, постійні поїздки, перельоти, переговори, відповідальність за масштабні проєкти. Мій останній офлайн-кейс також був міжнародним. Я працювала над створенням люксового взуття разом з ізраїльським дизайнером Меєм Машахом. Після успішного запуску ми розробили унікальну весільну колекцію для нареченої голкіпера «Реал Мадрид» Тібо Куртуа. Весілля Тібо і Мішель Герциг стало подією 2023 року, зібравши сотні знаменитостей з усього світу. Це був цікавий і цінний досвід у сфері міжнародного
дизайну та колаборації двох країн.
часто компанії втрачають
співробітників, не оцінюючи їхню працю належним
успіхи. Сьогодні я працюю і заробляю серйозні гроші завдяки своїм знанням, досвіду та експертності. І роблю це без вигорання. Використовуючи ведичні знання, бізнес-підходи та сучасні технології, я будую свою систему в легкості та гармонії. Подорожую, створюю спільні проєкти, навчаюся. І що найголовніше – маю можливість допомагати іншим та реалізовувати благодійні ініціативи. – З якими запитами до Вас звертаються клієнти? – Найчастіше це питання професійного зростання та розкриття потенціалу. Але бувають і новачки, які ще не усвідомлюють своєї експертності. Використовуючи свої інструменти – правильне планування, знання про енергетичні точки людини, виявлення внутрішніх блоків, – я допомагаю клієнтам зрозуміти, хто вони
її творчий ресурс. Багато хто не усвідомлює, що їхні
інших людей.
захотіли їх витратити саме на вас і вашу справу, потрібно навчитися правильно заявляти про себе, робити цільові дії, показувати свою експертність. Гроші – це продукт мислення. Змінюючи спосіб мислення, ми змінюємо рівень доходу, посилюємо самоповагу, відкриваємо
Do you want to scale up or start a business from scratch? Consider yourself a professional but don’t know where to start on the path to success and financial growth? Olena DOROSHENKO, an expert in promotion, launch and sales, will prompt you the answers. Using her many years of business experience and in-depth knowledge, she has created effective methods that help clients find their place in the sun.
– Mrs. Olena, how did you become a karmologist and promotion expert from a certified teacher?
– Actually, I am a teacher, but now I position myself more as a coach and mentor, because my skills and experience have expanded significantly. I am a philologist by education, but today, having extensive experience in business and the latest tools for working with the subconscious, I teach people to create money thanks to my knowledge and skills. Modern realities make it possible to start from scratch and build your own business on social networks. I not only teach, but also provide effective tools that are understandable and easy to use. In addition, I am an energy transformation coach who helps people reveal their true potential. When a person realises their strength and stops focusing exclusively on external circumstances, they begin to perceive themselves differently, discover new opportunities, grow financially, expand their influence and build harmonious relationships. It often happens
that my clients are much larger than they think about themselves. In the process of the so-called «unpacking» of expertise, I use various methods that I adapt to each person individually.
As for karmology, it is the science of cause-and-effect relationships, which has its roots in Vedic knowledge. Our ancestors said: “Blessed is he who believes. Strong is he who knows.” That is, knowledge gives strength, and its correct application leads to harmony and success.
– You live and work abroad. What management experience have you gained? How has the war affected your life?
– In 2022, like many Ukrainians, I lost everything. Our family home near Mykolaiv was destroyed by enemy missiles. But most importantly, Mykolaiv survived. What do I have left? My knowledge, experience, the support of my family and the strength to move forward were left. Even before the full-scale invasion began, I was invited to a company in Istanbul that manufactures footwear. The owner wanted to introduce a European approach to business and improve product quality. I have a lot of management experience behind me. I have managed more than one business and had experience in managing teams. At different times in my life, I owned a civilian helicopter company, worked in the construction business, managed enterprises with foreign investments and was involved in the metallurgical sector. She also had successful experience in agriculture, particularly in poultry farming.
This is not surprising, because our family has been working for the benefit of society for generations. My grandfather, Anatolii Pokotylov, together with his brothers, showed good results in mechanisation and crop cultivation in the south of Ukraine. He opened schools when he was a deputy. There are even films and books about our dynasty.
The companies I have led have always been profitable, although the whole system of work was based on a tough, “masculine” approach – sleepless nights, constant travel, flights, negotiations, responsibility for large-scale projects. My last offline case was also international. I worked on creating luxury shoes together with Israeli designer Mei Mashah. After a successful launch, we developed a unique bridal collection for the bride of Real Madrid goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois. The wedding of Thibaut and Michelle Herzig became an event in 2023, bringing together hundreds of celebrities from all over the world. It was an interesting and valuable experience in the field of international design and collaboration between the two countries.
However, companies often lose key employees without properly evaluating their work. This is what happened in my case. As a result, I had to start from scratch again. But this is a strong message for everyone: if you invest in your own development, you can always repeat your successes. Today I work and earn serious money thanks to my knowledge, experience and expertise. And I do it without burnout. Using Vedic knowledge, business approaches and modern technology, I build my system in ease and harmony. I travel, create joint projects, and study. And most importantly, I have the opportunity to help others and implement charitable initiatives.
– What kind of requests do your clients make?
– Most often, it is a matter of professional growth and unlocking potential. But there are also newcomers who are not yet aware of their expertise. Using my tools - proper planning, knowledge of human energy points, identification of internal blocks - I help clients understand who they are as professionals and where to move on. After my mentoring, some of them get a clear vision of their own path, while others grow in their niche both energetically and financially.
– What is the secret of your practices for creating wealth and prosperity?
– It is both simple and complex at the same time: you need to understand how these processes work and start applying them using your own energy. There are certain practices that are only available to a closed club of masters that already have an impact on other people’s lives. But three things
remain fundamental for everyone: the ability to plan, financial literacy and action. Often people accumulate knowledge but do not apply it, and then this knowledge literally drains a person from the inside out, taking away their creative resource. Many people don’t realise that their money is held by other people. In order for these people to want to spend it on you and your business, you need to learn how to properly express yourself, take targeted actions, and show your expertise. Money is a product of thinking. By changing the way we think, we change the level of income, increase selfesteem, open up new opportunities and discover ourselves as a person and a specialist.
– The power of gratitude can change reality. What are we talking about?
– It’s no secret that the world has changed. Transformations are taking place not only in our country but also globally.
Nowadays, people who work in the service of humanity, not just earn money, are of the greatest value. And every year there will be more and more honest, bright leaders, influencers, and managers. These people are going through their own transformations, growing spiritually and energetically. Like me, they use the knowledge that has been passed down for centuries. One of the most powerful tools is gratitude. It is pure energy that literally changes the space around us, helps us build new neural connections, expand our thinking, and open up new opportunities. In my programmes, a separate module is dedicated to this. And the first thing we learn is to be grateful to ourselves.
– What is needed to make dreams come true?
– First of all, you don’t just need to have a dream, you need to plan it. You need to work on acceptance and expansion, and start to be consciously interested in what you want to realise. The brain has to be flexible and neuroplastic - able to see opportunities and use them. We have to be ready for change, because making dreams come true always means transformation. Often people are afraid of change, even if they subconsciously want it. As a result, they do not let what they dream of into their lives. But when we have a clear strategy and a roadmap, we become alchemists of our reality, turning what we want into reality. And most importantly, we do all this for the benefit of ourselves, our family systems, our country and humanity as a whole.
ictoriia FURMAN is the founder of LAW FIRM «VIKTORIIA FURMAN`S», a specialist in international family law, and a registered foreign lawyer in Poland. She helps Ukrainians resolve legal issues even at a distance. In our interview, we discuss the main challenges and important advice from Victoriia Furman for anyone who needs legal assistance.
– Mrs. Victoriia, your services are in great demand right now. Tell us more about your activities.
–My law firm specialises in international family law. The most common inquiries relate to divorces without the presence of the spouses, divorces with foreigners, and international exaction of alimony. We also help to obtain the necessary documents for marriage abroad and support cases concerning paternity, deprivation of parental rights, and determination of participation in the upbringing of a child. We provide legal assistance both in Ukraine and in Poland.
– What professional achievements last year were the most significant for you?
– Our law firm has significantly expanded its range of services, and I am proud that we have been able to help
hundreds of Ukrainians in difficult life situations. One of the most important achievements was the successful handling of complex family cases, including the termination of parental rights and the exaction of alimony for mothers left alone with children. We also significantly improved the system of remote legal support. In addition, I continued my activities as a registered foreign lawyer in Poland, which allows me to more effectively protect the rights of Ukrainians in Europe.
– How has the legislation changed over the past three years, and how has it affected your business?
– I have confirmed my status as a lawyer in Poland and am now regulated by two countries at once – Ukraine and Poland. In addition, I am studying law at a Polish academy, which will help me work even more effectively in this field. For my outstanding academic achievements, I was approved for an individual plan, so I will soon receive a Master of Laws degree in Poland.
– Give some top tips to Ukrainian women who need your help.
– First of all, I want to emphasise: you are not alone! If you have legal problems, do not put them off «for later» – contact specialists. Document important events, save correspondence and checks – this can become strong evidence in court. Many legal issues can be resolved remotely, which significantly saves time and nerves. Trust only official procedures and avoid «grey schemes». And most importantly – take care of your emotional state. We are always here for you and ready to help!
затребувані. Розкажіть детальніше про свою діяльність. – Моє адвокатське бюро спеціалізується на міжнародному сімейному праві. Найпоширеніші запити стосуються розлучень без присутності подружжя, розлучень з іноземцями, міжнародного стягнення аліментів. Також ми допомагаємо
The real estate market is experiencing significant changes and challenges during the war. How to work in such conditions, how to help clients make informed decisions, and how to remain a professional in your field? We talked about this with Liubov MAZNICHENKO, a real estate expert with many years of experience.
– Mrs. Liubov, you have been working in real estate for a long time. What are the main principles that guide you in your work?
– A family realtor is primarily about working with people. Each family has its own needs, wishes, and dreams. Therefore, it is important to listen, understand and find the best solution for all family members. For me, the main thing is a reliable deal. I always assess risks and take a responsible approach to every stage of the process.
– You claim that every family should have a family realtor. Why do you think so?
– A real estate specialist helps not only with buying, selling or renting a home. He or she gets to know each family member, understands their needs and recommends the best housing or investment solutions with future plans in mind. A family realtor helps manage real estate for years to come - taking into account changing needs, family expansion or possible relocation, and keeps clients informed of changes in legislation, taxation, utilities and real estate market trends. Such a specialist becomes a trusted person for the whole family.
– How has the real estate market changed over the past three years?
– The real estate market is always a balance of supply and demand, legislative changes and financial opportunities.
During the war, the situation is unstable. At the beginning of 2024, after the registries reopened, the market began to revive. At the same time, prices per square metre in new buildings have increased, but investment demand remains low.
There have also been changes at the legislative level. From 1 December 2024, the military duty rate increased from 1.5% to 5%. However, this change does not apply to all real estate sellers.
– Mrs. Liubov, what problems do you face in your work and how do you solve them?
– The most common problem is that sellers have high expectations of the price.
I am often approached by owners who have been unable to sell their real estate for a long time. I conduct market analysis, explain trends and argue the real value of the property. With the right starting price, quality marketing and effective advertising, properties sell much faster.
But sometimes it’s not about the price. In such cases, we conduct an audit of the sale and look for hidden reasons that prevent the sale of the property.
Also, sometimes clients have negative experiences or do not understand the value of real estate services. It is important to show your expertise, openness and efficiency.
The main thing is to always act in the interests of the client, to be honest and professional. If you work according to these principles, no difficulties will become an obstacle.
инок нерухомості в умовах війни переживає значні зміни та виклики. Як працювати в таких умовах, як допомагати клієнтам ухвалювати зважені рішення та як залишатися професіоналом своєї справи? Про це ми поговорили з Любов’ю МАЗНІЧЕНКО, експерткою з нерухомості з багаторічним досвідом.
рішення для всіх членів родини. Для мене головне –надійна
Ви стверджуєте, що сімейний рієлтор має бути в кожній родині. Чому Ви так вважаєте? – Фахівець із нерухомості допомагає не лише з покупкою, продажем чи орендою житла. Він знайомий із кожним членом сім’ї, розуміє їхні потреби та рекомендує найкращі рішення для житла чи інвестицій з урахуванням майбутніх планів. Сімейний рієлтор допомагає управляти нерухомістю на роки вперед – враховуючи зміну потреб, розширення родини чи можливий переїзд, постійно інформує клієнтів про зміни
Пані Любове, з якими проблемами
проблема –завищені очікування продавців щодо ціни. Часто до мене звертаються власники, які тривалий час не можуть продати свою нерухомість. Я проводжу ринковий аналіз, пояснюю тенденції та аргументую реальну вартість об’єкта. З правильною стартовою ціною, якісним маркетингом і ефективною рекламою нерухомість продається значно швидше. Але буває, що справа не в
ccounting in a constantly changing environment is a challenge faced by every modern business. Olha PUSHKO, an expert in accounting and tax consulting, talks about current services, changes in legislation and the specifics of working with small and medium-sized enterprises.
– Mrs. Olha, greetings! We invite you to tell us about your field of activity. What relevant services do you currently offer?
– Today I am focused on providing comprehensive accounting and tax consulting services. My arsenal includes modern software solutions for automating financial processes, comprehensive support for start-ups and small businesses, as well as advice on optimising the tax burden. I always follow new technologies and trends to provide my clients with a competitive advantage in the market.
– Tell us about the changes in legislation that have already been implemented or are planned for this year. How will they affect business reporting?
– The Ukrainian legal framework has undergone significant changes in recent years. For example, the updated version of the Accounting Law was an important step in modernising the financial reporting system. It promotes:
• harmonisation of national standards with international norms;
• improving the quality and reliability of financial information;
• active digitalisation and simplification of reporting procedures.
– What companies do you collaborate with most often? Why did you choose this particular area?
– I mainly work with small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular
in such areas as IT, HORECA, trade and manufacturing. These industries are dynamically developing, open to innovation and constantly improving their financial processes.
– Tell us about your professional path.
– Accounting has always attracted me with its logic, structured approach and the ability to influence business development through effective financial management. Every year I am convinced that I made the right choice, because my work allows me to combine analytical thinking with a creative approach to solving complex problems.
– What sets you apart from your colleagues and competitors?
– I am constantly initiating new projects and boldly implementing innovative solutions that help clients optimise their workflows. Each stage of my work is accompanied by attention to detail and uncompromising responsibility for the results. This guarantees the accuracy and quality of financial statements.
I always focus on the needs of my clients and develop with them. This was the reason for my decision to study the peculiarities of accounting under Polish law. The combination of professional experience, strategic approach and readiness for change makes me a reliable partner in the field of accounting outsourcing.
мо Вам розповісти про сферу Вашої діяльності. Які актуальні послуги Ви зараз пропонуєте? – Сьогодні я зосереджена на наданні комплексних послуг з бухгалтерського обліку та податкового консалтингу. У моєму арсеналі – сучасні програмні рішення для автоматизації
За останні роки законодавча база України зазнала значних змін. Наприклад, оновлена редакція Закону про бухгалтерський облік стала важливим кроком у модернізації системи фінансової звітності. Вона сприяє:
• гармонізації національних стандартів із міжнародними нормами;
• підвищенню якості та достовірності фінансової інформації;
• активній цифровізації та спрощенню процедур звітності. – З якими підприємствами Ви співпрацюєте найчастіше? Чому обрали саме цей напрям?
In difficult times of war, when reality dictates new rules, businesses are faced with a choice: continue to work or close down. The printing industry, despite all the difficulties, is trying to adapt and continue its activities. Patriotic products, printing of souvenir and advertising printing – all this remains an integral part of Ukrainians’ lives.
– Mrs. Nataliia, despite the circumstances, printing services are in great demand today. What are the most popular orders now?
– After the start of the full-scale invasion, we resumed work in May 2022. At that time, the B2B segment almost stopped: companies did not print presentation materials, business cards, flyers, promotional products. Business was experiencing uncertainty, and no one knew what would happen tomorrow.
We continued to work, printing military documentation, posters, photos for documents, often for free, as part of volunteer assistance. There was also demand for B2C products - printing photos, documents, copying.
Today, the situation has improved somewhat. Most of our regular customers have resumed work, so we continue to print advertising, souvenir and educational products.
– Many prints are now patriotic in nature. What’s the most unusual thing you’ve had to make recently?
– Patriotic products really play an important role in our orders, and we are pleased to create them. Many of our customers return from abroad and order souvenirs with Ukrainian symbols for their friends. We print cups, canvases, and photos for military families and military units.
But the most valuable thing in our work is people. Our clients continue to study, work, donate, and defend the country despite
all the difficulties. Their resilience is a real inspiration.
– What inspires you? What equipment do you use?
– Printing is not just a business. It is the art of combining technology, design and emotions. We are inspired by the quality of printed products, global trends in graphic design and, of course, the wishes of our customers.
We use equipment from Xerox, Sharp, Epson, and also cooperate with large manufacturing companies. I engage only those contractors who adhere to high quality standards and deadlines.
– What sets you apart from your colleagues?
– I don’t compare myself to my competitors, because everyone in this field is unique. As for me personally, I am demanding about the quality of materials, printing, deadlines for order fulfilment, and work discipline.
We have a wonderful corporate culture, where everyone understands their responsibilities. This is the basis of our effective work.
– What mission do you see in your work?
– In printing, our mission is to combine highquality printing with attention to detail. We approach each project with responsibility and understanding of the client’s needs.
As an entrepreneur, I see my mission as supporting and inspiring other women to make bold decisions and develop themselves.
складні часи війни, коли реальність диктує нові правила, перед бізнесом постає
вибір: працювати далі чи закриватися. Поліграфічна галузь, попри всі труднощі, намагається адаптуватися та продовжувати свою діяльність. Патріотична продукція, друк сувенірної та рекламної поліграфії – усе це залишається невід’ємною частиною життя українців.
Пані Наталіє, попри обставини, послуги поліграфії нині дуже затребувані. Які замовлення найпопулярніші зараз?
– Після початку повномасштабного вторгнення ми відновили роботу у травні 2022 року. На той момент B2B-сегмент майже зупинився: підприємства не друкували презентаційні матеріали, візитки, флаєри, рекламну продукцію. Бізнес переживав невизначеність, і ніхто не знав, що буде завтра.
Ми продовжували працювати, друкуючи військову документацію, плакати, фото на документи, часто безкоштовно, у рамках волонтерської допомоги. Також залишався попит на B2C-продукцію – друк фото, документів, копіювання. Сьогодні ситуація дещо покращилася. Більшість наших постійних клієнтів відновили роботу, тому ми продовжуємо друкувати рекламну, сувенірну та навчальну продукцію. – Багато принтів зараз мають патріотичний
anna MOHILEVSKA is a lawyer, mentor, and business legal consultant who not only teaches theory but also helps apply knowledge in practice. She talks about the challenges entrepreneurs face in today’s environment and gives advice on how to avoid legal problems.
– Mrs. Hanna, in what areas are you a professional?
– Greetings! I am a lawyer specialising in business legal support, contract law and consulting. I help entrepreneurs build legally protected businesses, avoid risks and make informed decisions. I am also a mentor for young lawyers: I teach them not only theory but also practical application of knowledge.
– What problems can make it difficult to resolve client’s issues?
– The most common difficulties are fear of the legal bureaucracy, lack of knowledge or procrastination in resolving issues. Many people ignore the legal nuances and subsequently spend much more time and resources on resolving them. My task is not only to help them understand the situation, but also to teach them how to act proactively to avoid risks in the future.
– What are the most pressing issues facing business today?
– Today, businesses are facing the following challenges: instability, constant changes in legislation, re-registration of documents, adaptation to new realities, and relocation of companies. Mobilisation, labour rights and protection of military personnel are also relevant issues. These challenges require quick but balanced solutions.
– You are a mentor. How do you explain this to your clients in simple terms?
– A mentor is not just a lawyer or a teacher. I am a person who has already gone this path and is ready to share my experience.
I help young lawyers understand how knowledge works in practice, how to make the right decisions, and how to think strategically. My task is not only to teach but also to support them, building confidence in their abilities.
– What advice would you give to Ukrainians to avoid legal problems and get out of them?
– Firstly, don’t be afraid to turn to specialists. Legal support is not an expense, but an investment in your safety. Second, always read documents before signing them and do not rely on verbal agreements. Third, remember that there are no hopeless situations, only those that require the right approach.
Ukrainians are a strong and resilient nation. We have already proven that we can withstand any challenges. I wish everyone endurance, wisdom and faith in their own strength. Together we can overcome anything!
юристка, менторка та консультантка з правового супроводу бізнесу, яка не лише навчає теорії, а й допомагає застосовувати знання на практиці. Вона розповідає про виклики, з якими стикаються підприємці в сучасних умовах, та дає поради, як уникнути юридичних проблем.
юридичні нюанси, а згодом витрачає значно більше часу та ресурсів на їхнє розв’язання. Моє завдання – не лише допомогти розібратися в ситуації, а
ти діяти на випередження, щоб уникати ризиків у майбутньому. – Які найгостріші питання стоять перед бізнесом сьогодні?
ariia Siamina is a lawyer and the head of LIGA PROFI SDM, which has been protecting clients’ rights since 2005. Dariia shares her experience and talks about the challenges Ukrainians face abroad.
– Mrs. Dariia, greetings! Which bills are the most controversial at the moment?
– One of the most controversial topics in legislation is the legal protection of Ukrainians abroad, especially in cases with an international dimension.
In my practice, I come across cases where Ukrainians are both victims of fraud and organisers of schemes.
For example, people recklessly agree to offers of quick money, passing on their personal data to fraudsters.
Another complicated category of cases is the transportation of illegal migrants and driving under the influence of alcohol, which in many countries has serious legal consequences.
– What are the most high-profile cases you have worked on?
– Providing legal defence to Ukrainians in complex international cases is one of the most responsible areas of my work.
One of the high-profile cases concerned bank account fraud. Our client did not realise that his personal data was being used for financial fraud. We managed to prove his innocence.
– What was the result?
– In this case, the client was able to avoid criminal prosecution by proving that he had been the victim of fraud.
However, many cases remain difficult due to bureaucracy, protracted litigation and the lack of clear international mechanisms for resolving such conflicts.
– How do you think international relations affect Ukrainian legislation?
– On the one hand, EU standards increase the level of legal protection.
On the other hand, Ukrainians often find themselves in difficult situations due to a lack of knowledge of local laws.
For example, transporting illegal migrants or driving under the influence of alcohol in some countries automatically leads to serious charges and can affect further residence or work abroad.
– What is the most important thing in protecting the rights of Ukrainians today?
– If a Ukrainian finds himself or herself in a legally difficult situation, it is important to act quickly and competently.
In particular, in the case of fraud, traffic offences or family conflicts, you should:
• Contact lawyers who have experience in international law.
• Establish contact with the Ukrainian consulate and local justice authorities.
• Verify the legality of your actions and avoid questionable financial transactions.
Case study from Dariia Siamina’s practice: how to act in complex legal situations abroad
A child is born in an official marriage. The father wants to formalise custody, but loses his rights due to bureaucracy.
The mother has disappeared, and without her consent, the state authorities will not issue documents for the child.
This is a real case that happened in Poland.
Why does this happen?
The Ukrainian registry office does not enter the father in the birth certificate without the mother’s consent.
Polish guardianship authorities cannot transfer the child to the father without the relevant documents.
Courts do not consider the case due to difficulties in determining jurisdiction, transferring it from one instance to another.
Legal problem:
Due to gaps in the legislation, the father can neither take the child nor draw up documents for him.
What does this mean?
This case illustrates one of the most acute problems of human rights protection in Poland and Ukraine: the state creates obstacles instead of helping children stay in their families.
This is not an isolated case, but an alarming signal that laws should work in favour of people, not against them.
– Пані Дар’є, вітаємо! Які законопроєкти зараз є найбільш суперечливими? – Однією з найбільш дискусійних тем у законодавстві є правовий захист українців за кордоном, особливо у справах із міжнародним аспектом.
У своїй практиці я стикаюся з випадками, коли українці опиняються як жертвами шахрайства, так і організаторами схем.
Наприклад, люди необачно погоджуються на пропозиції швидкого заробітку, передаючи свої персональні дані шахраям. Ще одна складна категорія справ –це перевезення нелегальних мігран-
частина справ залишається складною через бюрократію, затягування судових процесів і відсутність чітких міжнародних механізмів для вирішення подібних конфліктів. – Як, на Вашу думку, міжнародні відносини впливають на українське законодавство? – З одного боку,
ійна суттєво вплинула на ринок нерухомості в Україні. Експерт Олексій ГОВОРУН, співвласник агенції нерухомості FLATPRIME, та Тетяна ЯКУНІНА, співвласниця цього агентства, діляться своїми спостереженнями щодо змін у столиці, аналізують динаміку попиту та пропозиції, а також розглядають перспективи залучення інвестицій.
що, попри непрацюючі реєстри, вже у квітні 2022 року почали
що буквально за кілька місяців після будьякої кризи – пандемії, економічного спаду чи навіть війни – ри-
Тhe war has significantly affected the real estate market in Ukraine.
Expert Oleksii GOVORUN, co-owner of the FLATPRIME real estate agency, and Tetiana YAKUNINA, co-owners of this agency, share their observations on changes in the capital, analyse the dynamics of supply and demand, and consider the prospects for attracting investment.
– Olexii, how has the war affected the real estate market in Kyiv?
– In my opinion, the market has returned to activity. It is not about prices, but about dynamics. Compared to 2021, which was the peak year in terms of both construction volumes and sales, the situation is completely different now.
I have been a member of the territorial defence since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and, to be honest, I was surprised that, despite the non-working registers, we started receiving requests to buy real estate at a discount as early as April 2022. The first deals were concluded in August 2022.
– How fast is the real estate market recovering?
– Experience shows that literally a few months after any crisis – a pandemic, economic recession or even war – the market begins to become more active. In conditions of uncertainty, analytics and logic often do not work. There is no single scenario, so many people either panic or do nothing. This is not worth doing – it is best to trust the professionals.
– Tetiana, is it true that exactly commercial real estate is currently active?
– In terms of prices, they have declined slightly only for those commercial properties that do not generate profit or have no prospects in the near future. At the same time, logistics complexes, industrial facilities and buildings that can be converted into medical facilities remain in demand.
It should be understood that the “commercial property market” is a broad term. Office or retail space is one thing, while a production complex or logistics centre is
quite another, both in terms of price and demand. But the good news is that there are requests even for large facilities.
– What are your personal observations of the real estate market in recent years?
– The market is recovering, and we should not lose hope. Ukraine has survived, and life is coming back. People are coming back, capital is coming back – these are key indicators of stabilisation.
– Tetiana, are there any foreign investments in Ukrainian real estate now?
– Personally, I do not see a massive influx of European capital. Instead, Ukrainian entrepreneurs are actively investing. There is a demand for premises that can be reconstructed for medical institutions, as well as warehouse complexes and land plots for logistics. Even before the war, Kyiv lacked modern logistics infrastructure, and now this problem has become more acute. Ukraine critically needs a developed system of logistics centres, including terminals with a full range of services. Therefore, active work is being carried out in this direction today.
– Mrs. Tetiana, why, in your opinion, are foreign investors not entering the market yet?
– There is interest, but there are no active investments yet. War creates high risks, and Europeans value stability. Investors from the East are more ready for risky investments, and I think they will be among the first to start actively investing.
– Olexii, what role does the state play in shaping the real estate market?
– I believe that the state should remember a simple truth: real estate is a product that needs to be created. It is not just about individual objects, but about the entire construction industry. The most effective driver of economic development is construction itself, because it generates a significant number of jobs in related areas, contributes to the development of infrastructure and attracts investments.
One job in construction creates about seven additional ones in related industries - this is an entire economic chain. Therefore, in my opinion, the state should stimulate construction, reduce administrative pressure on developers, introduce effective credit programs, and also provide affordable mortgages for buyers. It is the development of the construction sector that can become a powerful impetus for the economy of Ukraine.
– In your opinion, is the real estate market likely to collapse?
– If we recall the crisis of 2008–2009, we can confidently say that then the market actually “froze” for about half a year. However, it recovered quite quickly – albeit with a 30% discount, but later prices began to grow again.
We are currently in a state of stagnation. The market has not completely stopped, but its further development directly depends on several key factors: peace, affordable mortgages, transparent conditions for long-term investments in construction. If these conditions are ensured, the market will become significantly more active and will begin to develop more dynamically.
– Olexii, thank you for your comments. What do you see as the prospects for the near future?
– Today, the primary real estate market is actively developing in regions located closer to the European borders. In the northern and eastern regions, the situation is much more complicated due to the loss of infrastructure and industrial enterprises.
However, where there are jobs, there will be demand for housing. The principle is simple: where I work, there I live. Based on this, I can say that Kyiv and the region have good development prospects. The capital is a European city, and even in war conditions it will remain attractive for investment and housing.
In addition, a new generation of buyers has already grown up, which creates additional demand. And this means that the real estate market in Ukraine will continue to exist and develop.
peech therapist Liubov Chulak is a well-known specialist who has been helping children learn to speak correctly and fluently for many years. Here are her expert comments and effective tips for parents.
– Mrs. Liubov, it is nice to meet you. Tell us at what age should we pay attention to a child’s speech development?
– Speech development is one of the key aspects of early childhood. It is important to monitor whether the child’s speech is developing in accordance with age-related norms. If the child is significantly behind in this process, parents should seek advice from a speech therapist.
The first speech reactions appear as early as two months. At about four months, the child begins to babble, and by the age of one, he or she says the first simple words. At the age of two, the child begins to use language consciously and at the age of three, he or she actively communicates with others.
Hissing sounds appear in children at around 4 years of age, and sonorous sounds at 5-6 years of age. If a 5-year-old child does not make hissing sounds, this can already be considered a speech disorder.
I would like to highlight several factors that have a positive impact on the effectiveness of speech therapy:
• An individual approach. And, of course, unconditional love for children.
• Regularity of lessons (2-3 times a week or more).
• Early start of correction.
• Game methods that help to keep the child’s attention and make learning interesting.
• Cooperation with parents.
– What tools do you use in your work?
– I have many different didactic and board games, speech therapy and non-speech therapy toys in my office, which I adapt to the educational tasks.
I also have props for outdoor games.
I love to sing, so for each lesson I create chants, rhymes and songs for children. I use speech therapy computer games. And since March 2020, together with my son, I have been working on a large project to create interactive computer games called “Logopedika”. As a teacher, I develop games in accordance with correctional programmes approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
– Please give the most effective advice, in your opinion, to parents whose children need help.
– My first tip is to cradle your newborn babies and sing them lullabies.
Second: talk to your children about everything! Your speech should be clear, smooth and expressive.
Third: develop your child’s self-service skills, because speech is closely related to thinking. Read, comment, tell stories, enjoy every new word your child says!
Fourth: do not buy loud noise or musical toys for children.
Fifth: do not use gadgets to calm your child. Do not force your child to make sounds that he or she does not yet know how to make.
Help your child become successful! After all, the first way a person presents himself or herself in society is through his or her speech.
а до року вимовляє перші прості слова. У дворічному
мовою, а у три роки активно спілкується з оточенням.
віці, сонорні – у 5–6 років. Якщо 5-річна дитина не вимовляє шиплячі звуки, це вже можна вважати порушенням мовлення. Я б хотіла виділити кілька факторів, що позитивно впливають
ефективність логопедичної роботи:
• Індивідуальний підхід. І, звісно, безумовна любов до дітей.
• Систематичність занять (2–3 рази на тиждень або
• Ранній початок корекції.
• Ігрові методи,
комп’ютерних ігор «Логопедійка». Як вчителька, я розробляю ігри відповідно до корекційних програм, затверджених МОН України. – Дайте, будь ласка, найефективніші, на Вашу думку, поради батькам, чиї діти потребують допомоги.
– Моя перша порада: колишіть своїх новонароджених дітей і співайте їм колискові.
Друга: розмовляйте з дітьми про все! Ваше мовлення має бути чітким, плавним і виразним.
Третя: розвивайте у дитини навички самообслуговування, адже мовлення тісно пов’язане з мисленням.
nastasiia PYLYPENKO, obstetrician-gynaecologist and co-founder of the NAASTEQ Medical Centre, is proficient in all modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, and also deals with aesthetic gynaecology. In this issue, in a conversation with the expert, we will discuss several important topics.
– Mrs. Anastasiia, you have extensive medical experience and thousands of grateful patients. What are your advantages compared to your colleagues?
– My key advantage is a comprehensive approach to women’s health. In 13 years of practice, I have helped more than a thousand women, and each story has taught me that treatment should not be limited to standard protocols. I develop individual programmes, taking into account not only physiological but also emotional and psychological aspects.
Continuous study at international trainings, writing a dissertation on PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), and my experience allow me to combine advanced techniques with a deep understanding of the needs of each patient. I don’t just prescribe treatment - I accompany women on their way to harmony with their own bodies.
– You have created a rather interesting community. Tell us about its concept and idea.
– I’ve always dreamed of creating the largest community for women with PCOS, where every member would feel supported and understood. My mission is not only to treat, but also to teach how to live a full life with this diagnosis. We discuss not only medical aspects, but also emotional state, nutrition, physical activity, and self-acceptance. My community has become a place where women can find answers to their questions, share their experiences and gain self-confidence. Now I am working on expanding this space to reach even more women and create a global support movement.
– In your opinion, where does women’s health begin?
– Women’s health starts with self-awareness and self-love. The first step is understanding your body, its needs and signals. It is important to establish a balanced diet, physical activity and rest. I always emphasise that prevention is the basis.
– Does psychosomatics affect women’s health?
– Yes, and very much so. Your emotional state directly affects your hormonal balance, menstrual cycle, and overall well-being. Stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction with life can cause cycle disruptions, fertility problems, and even the development of the states like PCOS. The body and mind are one system, so it’s important to work not only with the symptoms, but also with the root causes.
– Thank you, Anastasiia. Finally, share your recommendations: what to do to be healthy and happy?
– Love yourself unconditionally. Accept your body, appreciate your achievements and do not compare yourself to others. Take care of your health. Get regular check-ups and do not ignore even minor changes in your well-being. Find time for yourself. Surround yourself with people who support and inspire you. Develop and be grateful. Even in the most difficult moments, find a reason to thank yourself and life.
Happiness is not a goal, but a path. And every woman deserves to walk this path in harmony with herself.
bstetrician-gynaecologist Svitlana CHYHYR from the MNPE Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 18 spoke about her work: inspiration, difficulties, and ways to improve Ukrainian medicine. Her words are a story of dedication, love for women, and striving for the best.
— Mrs. Svitlana, good afternoon. Let’s start with your professional activities. Why did you decide to devote your life to medicine?
— My decision to become a doctor, specifically a gynaecologist, was the result of many factors. In general, my choice of medicine is associated with a deep desire to help people, especially women.
The medical profession has always been a symbol of challenge and responsibility for me. Gynaecology not only requires knowledge and technical skills, but also involves direct contact with patients. This gives me the opportunity to positively influence the quality of their lives, because women’s health is often underestimated. This speciality not only allows me to do good, but also inspires me to new achievements in medicine.
— What inspires you at your work?
— My work is a source of constant inspiration. The combination of the opportunity to help, adapting to new challenges in medicine, and building trust with patients makes this profession extremely important to me. I am confident that my calling not only improves me as a specialist, but also positively affects the lives of those I have the honour to help.
— What is the most difficult and most beautiful thing about your profession?
— In fulfilling my mission, I face various challenges. The most difficult aspect of my work is diagnosing serious diseases. Many women go to the doctor with fear and anxiety, and my task is not only to establish a diagnosis, but also to provide psychological support.
I get the greatest satisfaction when I witness joyful moments: the arrival of a desired pregnancy, the happy smiles of patients who receive good news about their health.
— How has the medical industry in Ukraine changed over the past three years?
— Ukrainian medicine has undergone significant changes. The implementation of the reform, in particular the principle of «money follows the patient», stimulated the improvement of the quality of services. The development of telemedicine, the emphasis on prevention and the modernisation of medical institutions have significantly expanded the availability of medical care.
— What steps, in your opinion, are necessary to improve Ukrainian medicine?
— First of all, we need to focus on improving the skills of medical workers. It is also important to ensure the availability of medical services for all segments of the population. It is worth expanding the network of medical institutions in remote areas and creating decent working conditions for doctors in rural areas.
In addition, it is necessary to strengthen trust between patients and medical workers. I believe that improving Ukrainian medicine is possible only through a comprehensive approach.
про своє здоров’я. — Як за останні три роки змінилася медична