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художниці Ольги Дарчук я дізналася про її студію «Світ яскравих кольорів». Там вперше побачила, що на
стало початком мого творчого шляху. Особливо хочу згадати Святослава Денисюка — талановитого українського художника, чиї роботи глибоко вразили мене своєю майстерністю. Побачивши його картини
Основний акцент завжди на кольорі: теплі, яскраві відтінки стають головними героями картин. Моє завдання – створювати роботи, які не лише виглядають гармонійно, а й наповнюють глядачів позитивними емоціями, енергією та радістю. – Минулий 2024 рік був плідним для Вас, чи не так? Поділіться враженнями від участі у знакових міжнародних конкурсах, виставках. – Так, 2024 рік дійсно видався надзвичайно насиченим і важливим у моїй творчій діяльності. Участь у міжнародних виставках і конкурсах стала значущим етапом у моєму професійному зростанні. Такі події не лише створюють можливість взаємодії з іншими митцями, а й дозволяють отримати відгуки та цінні поради, які сприяють розвитку.
Однією з найяскравіших
стан суспільства через творчість, і для мене було честю долучитися до цього процесу.
Також я представила свої роботи на міжнародній виставці «Beyond the Horizon» у Лос-Анджелесі. Мої роботи були опубліковані в книзі «Art is Life» видавництва «Be Art California». Це ще більше надихає про-
довжувати працювати і ділитися своїм мистецтвом із глядачами з усього світу.
Крім того, я брала участь у численних колективних
виставках у Києві, Чехії, а також у міжнародних онлайн-конкурсах. Наприклад, на конкурсі «Dali’s Mustache» моя картина «Pears» здобула друге місце.
– Mrs. Lyudmyla, greetings! I would like to know more about your path to art: how did you become an artist?
– Greetings! I was born, live and work in Kyiv. I have a technical and economic education. My acquaintance with painting began about ten years ago. At first, it was a hobby, which later grew into a real passion that took an important place in my life.
When the war broke out, I moved to Warsaw, but even there I didn’t stop painting. In the comfort of my rented apartment, I continued to paint, finding inspiration even in difficult circumstances. In the spring of 2024, I returned to my native Kyiv, where I continued to develop my skills and work on new projects with renewed energy.
– Painting has not always been a part of your life. Which meeting was the turning point?
– About ten years ago, fate brought me into contact with creative people, and it changed my life. Through a student of the Ukrainian artist Olha Darchuk, I learned about her studio, “World of Bright Colours”. It was there
painting as a source of good mood”, this is what Ukrainian artist Lyudmyla Ryabkova says about her works. Few people know that the artist has not always worked with canvas and brush. Her life was changed by one important meeting! Today, Mrs. Lyudmila’s work is known not only in Ukraine but also far beyond its borders. During our conversation, the talented artist spoke frankly about her inspiration, career, achievements and plans.
that I first saw that learning to paint can be easy and enjoyable, the main thing is desire. It was then that I picked up a brush for the first time, and this was the beginning of my creative career.
I especially want to mention Svyatoslav Denysyuk, a talented Ukrainian artist whose works deeply impressed me with their skill. When I saw his paintings on the Internet, I decided to write to him and ask for a lesson. I am immensely grateful to Svyatoslav for his generosity, time and knowledge that he passed on to me.
– So it was Olha Darchuk who became your mentor?
– I made my first steps in painting in Olha Darchuk’s studio “World of Bright Colours”. We worked together fruitfully for a year and a half, and it was she who introduced me to the magical world of colours. I am very grateful to her for the invaluable experience and inspiration that opened the door to art for me.
– Why did you choose impressionism?
– It is a style that allows you to convey mood and emotions through the play of colour. It focuses on light and feelings
rather than details. I am close to its ability to charge viewers with energy and warmth. I love bright, saturated colours that affect emotions and evoke joy. That is why my works are dominated by warm and light shades that create an atmosphere of harmony and optimism.
– What techniques and images do you prefer? What do you focus on?
– I use oil on canvas in my works, because this material allows me to create rich and deep shades. I often work with a palette knife, as it adds texture and expressiveness to the strokes.
The images I create are mostly related to nature, landscapes or portraits. They best convey vital energy and light. The main emphasis is always on colour: warm, bright shades become the main characters of the paintings. My task is to create works that not only look harmonious, but also fill the viewers with positive emotions, energy and joy.
– The past year 2024 was fruitful for you, wasn’t it? Please share your impressions of participating in significant international competitions and exhibitions.
– Yes, 2024 really turned out to be an extremely busy and important year in my creative activity. Participation in international exhibitions and competitions has become a significant milestone in my professional growth. Such events not only create an opportunity to interact with other artists, but also allow you to get feedback and valuable advice that helps you develop.
One of the brightest events for me was participation in the British art festival “Golden Time Talent” in September. It was an unforgettable experience to receive an award on the stage of the “Shaw Theatre” in London, to see my name in the festival catalogue and even in local newspapers.
Another significant moment was the participation in the MALYU.UA International Art Festival. This project is of particular importance, because it supports art even in times of war. It conveys the emotional state of society through art, and it was an honour for me to join this process.
I also presented my work at the international exhibition “Beyond the Horizon” in Los Angeles. My work was published in the book “Art is Life” by “Be Art California”. This inspires me even more to continue working and sharing my art with viewers around the world.
Besides that, I participated in numerous collective exhibitions in Kyiv, the Czech Republic as well as in international online competitions. For example, my painting “Pears” won second place in the “Dali’s Mustache” competition.
These events not only filled me with inspiration, but also confirmed that art is a universal language that unites people from different parts of the world.
– What made you most proud?
– Among my most significant achievements, I highlight the recognition at the British art festival “Golden Time Talent” and the award I received on the stage of the Shaw Theater in the heart of the UK. This experience not only inspires me, but also encourages me to move forward and share my vision with the audience.
– Where can we see your works in 2025?
– This year also promises to be eventful. Currently, I am actively preparing to participate in the Grand Final ART by «Golden Time Talent».
Among the upcoming events is the exhibition «GENERATION OF WAR. THE THIRD YEAR» in Poland, which will be held in the gallery of the Voivodeship Library in Krakow. This event is especially important for me, because it is part of the MALUY.UA International Art Festival.
Also, in March, a collective exhibition «Colours of Life» is planned at the Artist’s House in Kyiv, where I will present five of my works.
In the second half of the year, I plan to hold a personal exhibition. Its name has not yet been determined, as it will depend on the created paintings.
In addition, I look forward to publishing in the MILLENIUM CLUB magazine. There are many plans ahead, and I sincerely hope that everything will be implemented.
– I am sure you will succeed! What can you say to those who are hesitating whether it is too late to change their lives?
– It’s never too late to change your life, especially when it comes to creativity. Art has no age or time limits. On the contrary, life experience becomes a source of inspiration that helps you express yourself more deeply and share your own view of the world.
You shouldn’t be afraid to start something new because you feel late. The main thing is to find the courage to take the first step. A painting created with the soul will always find its viewer. It can evoke emotions, touch hearts and remain timeless. Trust your desires, get down to business – and you will see how creativity will open up new horizons for you.
ll of Iryna VOYNARSKA’s initiatives always find a response in the hearts of Ukrainians. Today, Mrs. Iryna is an experienced notary, an active volunteer and the founder of the NGO «Human Rights League». She continues her activities and helps not only defenders, but also children in every possible way.
– Mrs. Iryna, greetings! Please tell us with what main events the past year was notable for you?
– 2024 was a difficult year for all Ukrainians. It was a year of losses, disappointments, struggles and hard work. Work to help our defenders and the civilian population. It is interesting that this is no longer perceived as something special, but rather as an everyday reality.
– What draft laws and laws of Ukraine would you like to comment on for our readers?
– Personally, I don’t understand the rejection of economic reservation. Unfortunately, the authorities care about their rating, but decisiveness is needed. The bill on the reservation of people who provide financing for the military has the right to exist!
– What personal achievements have become indicative? What new and interesting things have happened in your life?
– The public organisation «Human Rights League», which I head, is currently providing assistance to the military, clinics and territorial recruitment centres. However, we are currently considering the possibility of introducing assistance that is really lacking in Ukraine. I am talking about professional psychologists who will be able to help people survive severe injuries, including short amputations of the lower extremities.
We also plan to create a support program for elderly people whose children and grandchildren have left abroad, as well as for young people and children who were forced to move to other cities and could not find themselves or comfortably settle in a new place.
– What is your main idea regarding government programs for children?
– I would like to see a state program of sexual education for young people in Ukraine, which provides free access to medical services. This approach works effectively in many European countries and helps prevent early pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, as well as mental health problems. It is especially important to pay attention to the emotional state of young people in war conditions.
– What are you most proud of today, and what inspires you to continue working for Ukrainians?
– I continue to work and plan to meet with the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada in 2025 regarding possible support and assistance to the Ukrainian people. From the bottom of my heart, I wish all of us a peaceful sky and the desire to work on our own mistakes. I understand that we are all very busy with urgent problems, but it is important to pay more attention to children.
Усі ініціативи Ірини ВОЙНАРСЬКОЇ зав-
жди знаходять вiдгук у серцях українцiв. Сьогоднi панi Ірина — досвідчена нотарiус, активна волонтерка, засновниця ГО «Правозахисна Лiга» — продовжує свою дiяльнiсть i всiма можливими засобами допомагає не лише захисникам, а й дiтям.
– Панi Ірино, вiтаємо! Скажiть, будь ласка, якими головними подiями для Вас вiдзначився рiк, що минув?
– 2024-й був складним для всiх українцiв. Це був рiк втрат, розчарувань, боротьби та наполегливої працi. Працi задля допомоги нашим захисникам i цивільному населенню. Цiкаво,
амбітні політичні
майбутнього держави ми говорили із Сергієм у нашому інтерв’ю.
– Сергію, вітаємо! Ви завжди мріяли стати громадським діячем?
– Завжди мав гостре відчуття справедливості. Дуже радий, що маю багато однодумців у своїй антикорупційній діяльності. Ще на початку активної роботи зрозумів, що для якісних змін у країні не-
обхідно впроваджувати їх на державному рівні. Тому, так, я мріяв
бути державним діячем.
– Що спонукало Вас до публіч-
ної діяльності?
– У мене завжди була й зали-
шається власна позиція щодо
подій у країні, хоч це й не завжди
до вподоби іншим. Публічність —
це можливість ділитися цією по-
зицією та привертати увагу до на-
гальних проблем.
– Як виникла ідея створення
проєкту #НЕНАЧАСІ? Які його
головні завдання?
– Створення проєкту #НЕНАЧАСІ
стало логічним продовженням моєї
понад десятирічної діяльності. За
ці роки я переконався, що рухаюся у правильному напрямку, і
вирішив розширити горизонти. Адже, на жаль, у країні є багато гострих питань
вандалізму. Кожна привласнена гривня, кожен хабар — це вкрадені життя
наших військових. Це збагачення на крові. Так бути не може!
Мета проєкту #НЕНАЧАСІ:
• створення спільноти небайду-
жих громадян;
• висвітлення актуальних проблем у країні;
• аналіз реального стану справ в економічній і соціальній сферах; • боротьба з корупційними схемами.
Чи реально позбутися корупції в Україні? Що для цього потрібно?
– Питання корупції, на превеликий жаль, було і залишається актуальним. Попри велику кількість контролюючих органів, створених для запобігання та протидії корупції, ми постійно бачимо
і досягнень, і розчарувань. Адже корупційна система, яка існує нині, формувалася десятиліттями. Рухати цей «айсберг», який може зруйнувати країну зсередини, дуже складно, але думка здатися мене ніколи не відвідувала.
Мене завжди надихали небайдужі люди, які прагнуть змін. Я не маю права їх підвести. Також тішить, що з часом
від державних
які мають безпосередній вплив на вирішення проблем.
діє з 2017 року. Основна мета БФ — допомога цивільному населенню, яке опинилося у складних життєвих обставинах, постраждалим під час звільнення окупованих територій, та всім, хто потребує підтримки. До повномасштабного вторгнення БФ активно займався розвитком спорту, зокрема допомагав маленьким футболістам, а також співпрацював із реабілітаційним центром,
де «сонячні» дітки проходять лікування та навчання. Ми організовували дитячі свята, вручали подарунки малечі, яка потребує уваги.
Після початку повномасштабного вторгнення, з деокупації Київської об-
ласті, фонд зосередився на інформуванні та допомозі постраждалим і тим, хто опинився у складних
життєвих обставинах.
– Які цілі ставите перед собою зараз? Чи
маєте політичні амбіції?
– У мене багато планів і амбіцій. Відчуваючи підтримку людей і їхній відгук на мою діяльність, впевнений, що рухаюся у правильному напрямі. Моя мета — повне викорінення корупції в усіх її проявах. Я докладатиму максимальних зусиль, щоб забезпечити найсуворіше
He challenged the system and is successfully fighting corruption in Ukraine. Serhiy SEMENOV is a well-known public figure from Kyiv, who seeks the closure of illegal «pourers», slot machines and SAFs. In our interview, we spoke with Serhiy about achievements and disappointments, ambitious political plans and the vision of the future of the state.
– Serhiy, greetings! Have you always dreamed of becoming a public figure?
– I always had a keen sense of justice. I am very glad that I have many like-minded people in my anti-corruption activities. Even at the beginning of active work, I understood that for qualitative changes in the country, it is necessary to implement them at the state level. Therefore, yes, I dreamed of being a statesman.
– What prompted you to engage in public activity?
– I have always had and still have my own position on events in the country, although it is not always to the liking of others. Publicity is an opportunity to share this position and draw attention to urgent issues.
– How did the idea of creating the #NOTTHERIGHTTIME project come about? What are its main tasks?
– The creation of the project # NOTTHERIGHTTIME became a logical continuation of my more than ten years of activity. Over the years, I became convinced that I was moving in the right direction and decided to expand my horizons. After all, unfortunately, there are many acute issues of a corruption nature in the country that need publicity, control and resolution.
During the full-scale invasion, corruption issues began to be pushed to the background under the pretext that it was «not the right time» to consider them, enforce laws or report on them. But, in my opinion, now is not the time to lose faith, give up or remain indifferent.
The war has challenged us: every case of corruption can be regarded as an act of vandalism. Every embezzled hryvnia, every bribe is the stolen life of our soldiers. This is blood enrichment. It can’t be like that!
The goal of the # NOTTHERIGHTTIME project:
• creation of a community of caring citizens;
• coverage of current problems in the country;
• analysis of the real state of affairs in the economic and social spheres;
• fight against corruption schemes.
– Is it really possible to get rid of corruption in Ukraine? What is needed for this?
– The issue of corruption, unfortunately, was and remains relevant. Despite the large number of regulatory bodies created to prevent and combat corruption, we constantly see new bribe-takers in the news. Of course, one would like to believe that the eradication of this phenomenon in Ukraine is possible in the near future. However, it is important to understand that Ukraine is a young country that is just going through the process of forming its own identity. For a long time we lived by someone else’s rules.
As painful as it is to realize, the Revolution of Dignity of 2013 and the full-scale invasion of 2022 became turning points on the way to selfidentification of the Ukrainian nation.
Our mission as citizens of an independent country is not to devalue the responsibility entrusted to us, because for this we pay an extremely high price.
The issue of corruption has been integrated into our lives for years. Eradicating it requires awareness at all levels, from those who offer bribes to those who take them.
– What personal results are you proud of in this area?
– During 11 years of active activity in the field of anti-corruption, I had many achievements and disappointments. After all, the corruption system that exists today was formed over decades. Moving this «iceberg» that can destroy the country from the inside is very difficult, but the thought of giving up never came to me.
I have always been inspired by caring people who strive for change. I have no right to let them down. I am also pleased that over time I receive more feedback from government bodies that have a direct impact on solving problems.
Over the years, we have shut down many illegal slot machines, so-called «pourers», MAFs and other types of illegal activities. Although this process
requires considerable time, patience and perseverance, it is not an obstacle. Therefore, despite the difficulties, we will not stop!
– In addition, you are engaged in charity work. Tell us about it.
– Charity has always been a part of my life. I believe that support is very important. Charitable organization «Serhiy Semenov Charitable Foundation» (CF) has been operating since 2017. The main goal of the CF is to help the civilian population who found themselves in difficult life circumstances, victims during the liberation of the occupied territories, and all those who need support.
Before the full-scale invasion, CF was actively involved in the development of sports, in particular helping young football players, as well as cooperating with a rehabilitation centre where «sunny» children receive treatment and training. We organized children’s parties, gave gifts to children who needed attention.
After the start of the full-scale invasion, with the de-occupation of the Kyiv region, the foundation focused on informing and helping the victims and those who found themselves in difficult life circumstances.
– What are your goals now? Do you have political ambitions?
– I have many plans and ambitions. Feeling the support of people and their response to my activities, I am sure that I am moving in the right direction. My goal is the complete eradication of corruption in all its manifestations. I will do my best to ensure the most severe punishment for bribery.
Yes, I have political ambitions. I was always a person with my own opinion and vision of the country’s development. I have a keen sense of justice and am ready to work hard to achieve it.
– How do you see Ukraine of the future?
– In our time, when bloody battles continue on Ukrainian land, when every day brings losses, we, as a civilian population, must build an economically stable, prosperous country, where the main value is Human.
We live in an incredible country with extraordinary nature, a powerful nation and inexhaustible resources. As soon as the enemy is finally stopped, we will become even stronger and selfsufficient.
Ukrainians are a smart, hardworking and loyal nation that will endure. Ukraine was, is and will be!
– What would you like to say to Ukrainians?
– I am proud to belong to one of the most powerful nations in the world. I am proud to be a citizen of an extremely talented and creative nation. It is a great honour!
Every day, the blood of our boys and girls is shed on our land for the right to live in Ukraine and to be called Ukrainians.
Every day we demonstrate indomitability and resilience.
We are fighting for a future that is protected and independent from external aggression. It is a future, in which the rule of law prevails supported by state institutions and controlled by civil society.
Today, we must make every effort to achieve the future we aspire to. Thanks to our dedicated people, hard work and hard decisions, we will surely achieve economic, social and spiritual prosperity.
We have proven more than once that we cannot be broken or conquered. Our soldiers fight for freedom with exceptional courage, intelligence and dedication. The volunteer movement in Ukraine deserves recognition in the world. Our business continues to work and finds a way out of any difficult situation. Our people who stay in the country keep the economy on their shoulders. Families who were forced to leave their homes do not lose hope of returning.
All of us are the future of our Ukraine. And each of us every day – today, tomorrow and always – must answer the question: «What can I do now to bring our Victory closer?».
Glory to Ukraine!
юдина з великим і чуйним сер-
нове життя. Про свій життєвий
про гуманітарну, юридичну та пси-
хологічну допомогу біженцям з України, а також про розвиток дітей, пан Арман розповів нашому журналу.
пане Армане! Скільки часу проживаєте у Болгарії? Чим займається Ваш бізнес? – Я народився у Вірменії — країні з багатою культурою, древньою історією та непростою долею. Мої дитячі роки пройшли саме там, але війна змусила нашу сім’ю покинути батьківщину. У Болгарії ми знайшли новий дім, де я здобув освіту, створив власну сім’ю та побудував
бізнес. Сьогодні моя діяльність зосереджена на управлінні нерухомістю, туристичних
через трагедію. Спостерігаючи, як вони стикаються з тими ж випробуваннями, які колись довелося пережити моїй родині, я відчув особливий зв’язок з ними. У такі моменти всі кордони зникають, і залишається лише
знаходять нове житло, чути дитячий сміх не лише на свята, а й у буденності. Мене радує, коли вдається допомогти дорослим знайти роботу та повернути їм віру у власні
person with a big and sensitive heart!” This is what thousands of Ukrainians who were forced to leave Ukraine due to the Russian-Ukrainian war and found refuge in Bulgaria say about the famous philanthropist Arman LALAYAN. Thanks to the support of this benefactor, people not only find a new home in a foreign country, but also get the opportunity to start a new life. Mr. Arman told our magazine about his life path, humanitarian, legal and psychological assistance to refugees from Ukraine, as well as the development of children.
– Greetings, Mr. Arman! How long have you lived in Bulgaria? What does your business do?
– I was born in Armenia, a country with a rich culture, ancient history and a difficult fate. My childhood years were spent there, but the war forced our family to leave the homeland. We found a new home in Bulgaria where I got my education, raised my own family and built a business. Today, my activities are focused on real estate management, tourist facilities and the development of charitable initiatives aimed at supporting people in difficult life circumstances.
– When and under what circumstances did you start doing charity work?
– Charity for me is not only a conscious choice, but also a sincere call of the heart. I personally experienced the hardships of war and know well what it means to lose a home and start from scratch. When Ukrainian families fleeing the war began to arrive in Bulgaria I felt that I simply could not stay away. Helping those in need is not only my inner impulse, but also a principle embedded in my upbringing. This is how my path in charity began.
– Why did you decide to support Ukrainians in Bulgaria?
– I do not divide people by nationality. The main thing for me is to help someone who needs it. Ukrainians are close to me in spirit and culture, but, unfortunately, our acquaintance happened because of a tragedy.
As I watched them face the same challenges my family once faced I felt a special connection with them. At such moments, all boundaries disappear, and only one thing remains – humanity.
– What do you see as your mission now?
– My mission is to support those who have been neglected by the state, to help them find support, regain strength and confidence in the future. I am not limited to temporary help, but strive to create conditions for a new life where every person will feel safe. At the heart of everything I do is humanism—the belief that everyone deserves to live with a sense of security and dignity.
– What are the main areas of activity of CF «Wings of Goodness»?
– Initially, we focused on the regular providing with humanitarian aid: provision of essential items, food and information support. But our fund is not limited to humanitarian aid. We work comprehensively: we create spaces for adaptation and development, organize educational programs, master classes, cultural events and excursions. We hold integration meetings; provide initial legal and individual legal assistance.
We also actively cooperate with international charities such as the Bulgarian Red Cross, IOM and UNICEF in order to better respond to the needs of those in need of support.
– What results for 2024 are you most proud of?
– My pride is not in numbers or statistics, but real stories of people. The greatest happiness is to see how families find a new home, to hear children’s laughter not only on holidays, but also in everyday life. I am happy when it is possible to help adults find a job and restore their faith in their own strength. The most precious thing in our activity is sincere smiles and warm words of gratitude. They remind us that even a small good deed can change someone’s life for the better.
In 2024, we focused on social and psychological support for adults and children, because recovery is not only a roof over the head, but also a sense of stability, care and confidence in the future. Cooperation with certified specialists from various fields, with whom we continue to cooperate, turned out to be extremely important. A significant number of people needed and received initial legal assistance. Psychological trainings, which not only helped restore
emotional balance, but also created a safe space, became especially valuable. It is a place where everyone feels welcome and gets practical skills to improve their quality of life.
Master classes on art therapy were held separately for children and adults, which made it possible to take into account the needs of each age group.
The foundation’s participation in providing humanitarian aid to the Armed Forces of Ukraine was particularly important. Not only our volunteers, but also caring citizens, in particular children, expressed their desire to participate.
Cooperation with international charitable organizations, together with which we implemented joint measures aimed at satisfying both the basic and cultural needs of Ukrainians, was successful.
I am also happy that I was able to personally provide financial support for the treatment of serious diseases and for gifts for children with special needs.
– As the founder of CF, you received very prestigious world awards. What do they mean to you? What feelings did they evoke?
– Of course, recognition is always nice, but for me the main reward is the real results of our work. The greatest happiness is to know that people return to their usual lives, feel protected and open up new opportunities thanks to our efforts.
Diplomas and medals can be hung on the wall, but the real value lies in the changes we create in people’s lives. These awards are proof that I am on the right path. They inspire me not to stop,
to increase my efforts and to create new charitable projects and programs.
– What are you planning in the near future? What do you dream about?
– The plans include developing new charitable initiatives, expanding the scope of aid and involving as many people as possible in good deeds. We want to implement joint projects with local volunteer and activist groups.
Understanding rapid changes in the world, I am ready to adapt priorities and maintain transparency in charitable activities.
My dream is that there are no people left in the world who need help. That the time will come when wars will remain only in the history books and all people will be able to live in peace, security and harmony.
– What words will you address to Ukrainians at the end of our conversation?
– Dear friends!
In the darkest times, it is important not to lose faith, to preserve the strength of spirit that has always been characteristic of Ukrainians and to remember: you are not alone in this world.
Unite, support each other! The Bulgarian people who share your desire for peace and a better future for children are always ready to lend a helping hand.
May your days be filled with light and warmth, and may the future bring only peace and prosperity. I believe in the victory of good over evil, love over hate. We are with you and together we will overcome any difficulties!
For donations in EUR:
EDRPOU (organization code): 45445379
Bank Account: UA833052990000026000030141363 in JSC CB «PRIVATBANK»
For donations in USD:
EDRPOU (organization code): 45445379
Bank Account: UA583052990000026005000144975 in JSC CB «PRIVATBANK»
– Mr. Ivan, when and for what purpose did you create your own charity fund? What are you doing now?
– I already had the experience of cooperation with a children’s charity fund. I more or less knew the nuances of the work of such an organisation. And we decided with our colleagues that we should create our own CF. On August 15, 2024, we registered the “Children’s Happy Land” CF.
At first, the fund was based in the city of Boryspil, Kyiv region. And then we moved to the village of Ust-Chorna, Tyachiv district, Transkarpathia region. It is there that the «Borkut» health resort is located, which my friends gave us for free use. So, we created a children’s camp within the framework of the foundation and began to engage in physical and psychological rehabilitation of children affected by the war.
As the head of the charitable foundation, I constantly monitor the activities of the camp; deal with organisational issues including food, finances, personnel, filling, etc. I often travel all over Ukraine to establish new ties and cooperation.
– How many children have you already accepted in the camp? How does their rehabilitation occur?
– Already on September 15, a month after the creation of the fund, the first children from the Kherson region came to the camp. About 400 children visited our children’s camp «Children’s Lucky Land» in just 9 shifts. These are children from Kherson region, Zaporizhzhya region, Sumy region (Konotop city). We are currently discussing the issue of Kharkiv region. We cooperate with military administrations. Local social security departments draw up lists of children themselves and send them to us. Among them there are children of military, fallen defenders, from families that were in the occupation, internal displaced persons.
In the camp, children are provided with free accommodation and a full fivecourse meal. Daily exercises, art therapy classes, and various excursions are held for them (in particular, Lake Synevyr, Shipit waterfall, Castle “Palanok” in Mukachevo, Castle Hill in Khust). We also go hiking in the mountains with our children.
IIn just the first four months of operation, the children’s camp «Children’s Lucky Land» located in Transcarpathia, became a place of warmth, support, development and recovery for more than 400 children from Kherson region, Sumy region and Zaporizhzhia. About the idea of its creation, the psychological adaptation of children affected by the war and the prospects for the development of the camp, the founder and Director of the Charity Foundation «Happy Children’s Land» IVAN PRYSIAZHNIUK told in the interview. Let’s get to know him!
We were lucky with the weather in January – it snowed. It was at this time that 40 children from the Kherson region arrived. You know, they spent whole days walking outside, playing snowballs and making snowmen. They are told that they should come in because it is cold, but they refuse, saying that they are very cool!
We work for such emotions.
I would also like to thank our team, which is smallб but very friendly and works around the clock. These are psychologists, educators, choreographers, cooks, medical and service personnel.
– Who invests in the development of the children’s camp?
– The camp operates at the expense of my personal savings, contributions from friends, colleagues, ordinary people who help. We also cooperate with the humanitarian fund “Food for Ukraine”, NOVUS and the Red Cross (Kyiv). Among our partners, there are the Mukachevo Historical Museum (“Palanok” Castle), the “Sky” cinema where children from our camp watch films and cartoons at charity principles, LLC «Firm «Favour» (Kyiv) and the Mykolaiv factory of home textiles «IDEA».
We recently signed a memorandum of cooperation with three charitable foundations that support us.
– What is your main goal now?
– The main goal is for our children, while they are in the camp, to sleep without air alerts, eat well and gain good emotions. Thanks to the agreement with the parents, the children’s phones are taken away at night so that they do not hear the sounds of the siren for at least 10 days. Instead they rest and get enough sleep. Thanks to work with psychologists, entertainment, children really disconnect from problems.
Nature itself heals here. I have been to many places in Ukraine and around the world, but I have never seen such beauty and magical atmosphere as in UstChorna. The camp is surrounded by mountains on four sides, the Brusturyanka mountain river roars round the clock. This is incredible! Not to mention clean air, spring water...
– Mr. Ivan, you are a lawyer, an advocate, an economist, and for a long time you held important positions in the prosecutor’s office. Where did you get more than 8 years of educational experience?
– In my profession, I was engaged not only in the investigation of crimes, but also in the protection of the rights and freedoms of minors. It all started with this.
When I worked as a prosecutor of Orihiv district, I went to the Komyshuva special school twice a month for three years. There were children who had committed serious crimes, but they had not reached the age of criminal responsibility. It was necessary to check that their rights were not violated. In addition, I dealt with
other issues regarding minors, in particular, in ordinary schools. But that was a long time ago.
Then fate brought me to the National Academy of the Prosecutor’s Office, where students, future prosecutors, studied. At first, I worked as a deputy director of the Institute for Personnel Training. Then I was rector of the National Academy of Prosecutor’s Office. Therefore, I have a little educational experience.
– I’m sure you have many goals ahead of you! What are the priorities?
– The plans are very ambitious: to develop, to increase the number of children, so that there is an opportunity to receive visitors from other regions. But all this depends on funding.
Now we can accommodate 70 children at the same time. I communicate very closely with local communities, commercial structures. We plan to expand. The new location, most likely, will be in a different area, but in no way worse than our current one, because the Carpathians are incredible.
We are open to new acquaintances, cooperation with local communities and are happy for aid in any way. Not only financial, but also material: food products, hygiene products, sports equipment are always needed... There is a dream to equip a sports ground. In general, there are many ideas, but this is after the victory.
– What is needed for a faster victory, in your opinion? What words will you address to our readers at the end of this conversation?
– Most importantly, our army needs weapons. This is known to everyone. But I would like to see even greater unity of the nation. Support the soldiers, materially and morally. Take care of each other. Pay close attention to the younger generation, because, as they say, childhood cannot be «put on pause.» What we give to our children now, with that they will go into adulthood.
РЕКВІЗИТИ: БО БФ «Дитяча щаслива земля», ЄДРПОУ 45445379, р/рах: UA363052990000026008030131364 в АТ КБ «Приватбанк».
For donations in EUR:
EDRPOU (organization code): 45445379
Bank Account: UA833052990000026000030141363 in JSC CB «PRIVATBANK»
For donations in USD:
EDRPOU (organization code): 45445379
Bank Account: UA583052990000026005000144975 in JSC CB «PRIVATBANK»
довго сидіти в декреті – це не про українських жінок, гадаю, мене багато хто зрозуміє. І в якийсь момент доля підкину-
ла мені важливий збіг обставин. В якийсь
момент з’ясувалось, мій чоловік – алергік, що, на жаль, успадкувала і наша донька.
ж я особисто стикнулась з отруєнням
якісну та корисну продукцію, подарувати світові можливість
та повномасштабного вторгнення. Мене й досі вражає те, що саме в таких складних умовах ми розвиваємось ще активніше. «Найбільша привілегія, яка дана людині згори - бути причиною добрих змін у чиємусь житті», - сказав Блез Паскаль. Так і я радію тому, що наразі наша
From a housewife in Turkey to a successful businesswoman and founder of a representative office of an international company in Ukraine. Mila Keskin’s story is impressive in its dynamism and strength of spirit. Her journey began with a caring for her family’s health and turned into a large-scale business that is developing even in difficult times. Today, Mila shares her success story, talks about the challenges, achievements and values that underlie her activities.
– Mila, nice to meet you! Can you share your success story? How did you start your rise?
– My success story began with marriage to a wonderful man. I married a Turkish citizen and gave birth to a wonderful daughter. But being on maternity leave for a long time is not for Ukrainian women, I think many will understand me. And at some point fate threw me an important coincidence. At some point it turned out that my husband is allergic, which, unfortunately, our daughter inherited. When I personally encountered chemical poisoning, I decided to change my life.
Just a few days later I met a woman who offered me products from a Turkish company. These were products of organic origin. And I decided to try them. Then it was not about business and earnings. I thought only about the safety of my family. Having received my first order, I was amazed. They sent me many times more gifts than I ordered products! And these were not testers. These were liter-sized concentrates of detergents, dietary supplements, shampoos, etc. When I saw that these products were really effective, that they did not affect the skin or respiratory tract…
– How did the events of your launch develop further?
And then I tried to mix the products according to the instructions. And the results were just incredible! Then I decided to find out more about the company, its production, and the composition of the products. It turned out that Ersag’s products are based
on soapnut. Our company, by the way, was the first to develop this product and launch a largescale production without the use of chemicals. Over time, I was lucky enough to attend a seminar where I met the company’s president, Bekir Sari. And the first thing that struck me was the ease of communication with a person of this level. I was incredibly fascinated not only by the products and marketing, but also by the idea of what the company was promoting. It was about preserving nature, which we must leave as healthy as possible for our descendants.
– Tell us, Mila, did success come to you right away?
– Of course not. It’s only today that I talk about my achievements with ease. In fact, the path was quite difficult. I had many trials, rejections and obstacles. But I have always been guided by the idea of giving people highquality and useful products, giving the world the opportunity to live in harmony with the universe and in purity.
Thanks to the approach to work, to production, to people and, of course, to the quality of the products, I became a 100% user of the company in a fairly short time.
I replaced all my laundry, cleaning and other products with Ersag products. A little later, I took a closer look at the matter and began to study the company’s marketing plan. It turned out that by using these products, you can also get a lot of discounts and even earn money.
– You were already living in Turkey at the time. Were there any difficulties with the language issue?
– Yes, that’s right, so I decided to tell every person I knew who understood me at least a little bit about the product. I was also pleased that I, a Ukrainian, was telling the Turks about their own unique company. A little later, I started attending various seminars, which were attended not only by Turkish company leaders, but also by leaders from European countries.
At my first Ersag Grand Seminar in Antalya, I met representatives from other countries. That’s when the idea to provide an opportunity to use these products in Ukraine was born.
After 1.5 years, we opened the Ersag Ukraine Representative Office in Odesa. Step by step, I developed my business despite the challenges of the pandemic and the full-scale invasion. It still amazes me that we are developing even more actively in such difficult conditions. “The greatest privilege given to man from above is to be the cause of good change in someone’s life,” said Blaise Pascal. I am also glad that our company is now providing thousands of people in Ukraine and more than 2.5 million members around the world with the opportunity to earn money.
– Mila, last year you and your team received a lot of honours and awards, and we congratulate you on that! Tell us, what do these awards mean to you personally?
– Firstly, I would like to note that last year our company received the highest award, “Company of the Year 2024”, for the
unprecedented quality of its products and the opportunity to work for a stable international company. We really have a lot of awards, and each of them is well deserved.
You know, when I decided that this would become my life’s work, I had a dream – to say the phrase from the big stage at an international seminar: “Glory to Ukraine!” And I realised it. It was a powerful moment of glorification of our country at the international level. We are very passionate about our homeland, so our company is actively involved in volunteering, supporting our defenders and believing in Ukraine’s victory. – Thank you for the conversation! Mila, in conclusion, can you tell us in conclusion about the products offered by Ersag?
– Ersag, a manufacturer of cleaning and cosmetic products, creates domestic products in its own segment of the Turkish market and sells them in an honest manner, following the rules of network marketing. The company is constantly developing, expanding its product range, updating and strengthening its service in order to be useful and reliable for its customers.
I urge everyone today not to relax, to gather their courage and continue their activities, pay taxes, work even harder and join Ersag.
I am grateful to every member of our company for their active work. Together we are a big Ersag Family. Each of us contributes to the support of Ukraine. Today, only through cooperation, mutual respect and support of each other can we reach new heights and achieve victory together!
and its role in the modern world. The contribution of Ukrainians to the development of the global IT industry. We talk about this with Oleksiy KOCHERIV, a leading specialist in the field of information technology, the head of a company that successfully operates in the international arena.
– Mr. Oleksiy, tell our readers about your path into the IT field.
– My path to IT began at a school that had the status of a “Chernobyl” school. Thanks to the support of other countries, we received several modern computers. At that time, few people knew how to work with them. I have always been interested in computer science, so my friends and I were tasked with figuring out how to use this technology.
This acquaintance with technology was decisive for my choice of profession. Today, I head an IT company that develops and implements its own international projects. In addition, I pay significant attention to artificial intelligence and innovations in this area.
– What areas of public life are most in need of IT implementation?
– It is difficult to single out specific industries, because IT is our future. However, the key areas are healthcare, education, energy, ecology, security, social protection and public administration.
– Can the use of IT improve public administration? How exactly?
– The use of digital technologies in public administration can significantly increase its efficiency, make processes more transparent and convenient for citizens. In particular, digital tools, such as online surveys or e-petition platforms, make it much easier for citizens to engage in governance processes.
– Will artificial intelligence be able to replace humans, especially in the creative and public sectors?
– Artificial intelligence is already showing impressive results in various fields, including creative and
social activities. At the same time, it is still only complementing humans, leaving them the key role in making decisions and creating something unique.
– What contribution have Ukrainians made to the development of the global IT system?
– Ukrainians have a significant impact on the global IT industry. Among our achievements, it is worth mentioning:
GitLab — a well-known platform for managing software projects;
Reface — a startup that has created a tool for realistic face replacement in video;
Grammarly — a service that has become an indispensable tool for writing English texts.
We have also achieved success in the field of cybersecurity. For example, MacPaw company, with its popular product CleanMyMac, has distinguished itself by creating tools for optimizing the performance of Mac computers.
It is worth mentioning Ukrainian startups in financial technologies (FinTech) and consumeroriented products. For example, Petcube company, which develops devices for remote communication with pets.
In addition, Ukraine has become one of the leaders in the outsourcing IT industry. Our specialists provide quality services to companies around the world.
Thus, Ukrainians have not only integrated into the global IT ecosystem, but also actively shape it and introduce innovations that change the perception of the possibilities of modern technologies.
підтримці інших країн ми отримали кілька сучасних
aria SITAK is an expert who deeply understands the agrarian business. Her company OSSOYO is known all over the world and continues to actively develop. In this issue, we will talk to Mrs. Maria about the company’s services and the current situation in the country.
– Mrs. Maria, your work is in great demand today. Tell us more about the company’s services.
– Our team of experienced specialists provides favourable conditions for the purchase and sale of grain crops. We offer a wide range of services in the field of trading: we work decisively and effectively! Our key advantage is a comprehensive approach. We interact not only with the buyer or seller of grain, but also with all participants in the process. We consider this extremely important in the current conditions. Our goal is to help clients find the best terms of cooperation. We are always focused on long-term partnerships based on trust and mutual respect. At the same time, we improve our service every day and make it even more convenient.
– What losses does Ukraine’s agricultural sector suffer due to a full-scale invasion?
– According to the data of Centre for Food and Land Use Research of the Kyiv School of Economics, as of February last year, the Ukrainian agricultural sector suffered over $80 billion in direct losses and damages. The value of destroyed assets reaches $10.3 billion. Agricultural machinery was the most affected. Taking into account the scale of the destruction, the total needs for reconstruction and modernisation over the next 10 years are estimated at $56 billion.
– In addition to trading, you are also involved in logistics. How is this area developing?
– Yes, this is one of our key services. We organise logistics by road, rail and
sea transport. Many clients cooperate with us on an ongoing basis, as we carefully analyse the risks and opportunities in each individual case. We have a clear schedule and the ability to supplement it with our own wagons with products. However, the most important thing is that we guarantee timely and safe delivery of grain crops. We also provide full cargo escorting t. In addition, our services are characterised by affordable prices with high quality service.
– Thank you, Mrs. Maria. We wish you and your company success and prosperity. We hope that the Ukrainian land will continue to remain fertile and allow us to share this treasure with other countries!
– Mr. Vitaliy, tell us a little about yourself. How did you get into development?
– I am a civil engineer by education. I have devoted more than half of my life to building, starting from the position of foreman and reaching the level of building site manager. In 2014, together with partners, we founded our own development company «Harmony Development», which operates in Odesa and its suburbs. During this time, we have implemented six cottage towns and more than 30 residential and commercial facilities.
– Why did you choose the direction of cottage towns?
– We are parents of many children. My partners and I have eight children together, so we understand the needs of families well. We have all lived in apartments, private houses in the city and outside it, so we came to the conclusion that the best solution is a harmonious combination of the advantages of all these formats. This is what inspired us to create townhouses.
italiy CHERBADZHI is a cofounder of Harmony Development, a company that builds cottage townships in Odesa and the suburbs. You can find in our conversation what makes the townhouses special and how they managed to continue building during the war.
– Tell us more about your company and its philosophy.
– “Harmony Development” builds housing according to the Life Development concept, which puts people at the centre of attention. We build not just houses – we create a comfortable living space. Townhouses are modern homes with spacious rooms, panoramic windows, private terraces and courtyards as well as energy-saving technologies.
– Did you manage to continue building during the war?
– The war affected the rate of work, but our responsibility to our customers and employees encouraged us to continue. We kept all our jobs and even expanded our team a little. Housing is a basic need, especially now, when many Ukrainians are looking for a new home due to the loss of their previous one.
– What plans do you have for the future?
– We are planning to develop new projects, introduce innovative technologies and expand the range of residential facilities. Our goal is to become a leader in creating environmentally friendly, comfortable and harmonious housing for Odesa residents and residents of the suburbs. “Harmony Development” – the best townhouses in Odesa!
Чи вдалося продовжити будівництво під час війни?
– Війна вплинула на темпи роботи, але відповідальність перед клієнтами й працівниками спонукала нас продовжувати. Ми зберегли всі робочі місця й навіть трохи розширили команду. Житло – це базова потреба, особливо зараз, коли багато українців шукають новий дім через втрату попереднього.
Плануємо розвивати нові проєкти, впроваджувати інноваційні техноло
iving people emotions is a real art. Katherine VORONINA shares her inspiration and talks about successful cases in promoting personal brands and organising stylish events – from Kharkiv to Germany.
– Mrs. Katherine, you have chosen an interesting profession – you are engaged in the promotion of personal brands. What attracts you to this work?
– Blogging has always fascinated me, but for a long time I did not realise the true value of a personal brand. In 2024, I decided to clean my page from bots, and the result was amazing – over 50% of subscribers unsubscribed! This became a powerful impetus for me to study. I delved into studying the algorithms and capabilities of Instagram and this allowed me to help others develop their pages and build a strong personal brand. One example: when I noticed negative dynamics in statistics I published posts and Reels every day for four months, which brought an impressive result – 2.2 million views. This clearly demonstrates the power of a personal brand.
– Tell us about your most interesting cases.
– I have a lot of successful projects in my portfolio, mostly with tarot readers, numerologists, bloggers and online area representatives. For confidentiality reasons, I can’t reveal the details yet, because my clients value their privacy and I fully respect that. However, more information about my achievements and testimonials from satisfied clients will be available on my marketing page soon.
– n addition, you organize events. Which ones are currently the most popular?
– I am the founder of the officially registered International Bloggers Association, which allows us to successfully organise events and unite bloggers, entrepreneurs, politicians, representatives of public organisations and other influential people on one platform. Every month I hold large-scale events that gather over 100 participants. I started my activities in Kharkiv, a city that remains native to me. I sincerely hope that it will become prosperous and developed again. I want Kharkiv to be talked about not only as a city suffering from shelling, but also as a centre of opportunities and revival.
– What makes your events stand out?
– They all have a unique style. For example, on February 16 in Kharkiv we will organise a party in the style of the 90s. And in March we are planning a trip to Kyiv, after which we will go to Germany to sign a memorandum of partnership with the aim of holding similar events in Europe.
– Kseniya, giving people emotions is a real art. What inspires you?
– Each of us can sometimes get burned out in routine. At such moments, traveling to different cities and countries helps me. And what inspires me the most are the people I strive to unite, introduce to each other for the sake of communication and cooperation. I wish everyone the greatest achievements and good mood in the new year. And if you suddenly feel down, remember: only you are able to pull yourself out of this state.
Real estate is not just square metres, but a space for life, dreams and peace. Liliia KOSTYRYA, the head of the DNIPRO-CITY agency, is convinced that the basis of her work is sincere care for clients and assistance in creating a cosy home, especially in difficult times.
– Mrs. Liliia, how do you assess the real estate market in Ukraine and Dnipro today?
– The real estate market in Ukraine is now, like a living organism, reflecting all the challenges. In Dnipro, despite the difficulties, people continue to look for a new home, a place to live or do business. The demand for housing remains stable, but the priorities have changed: clients are looking not just for walls, but for comfort, security, and confidence in the future. We understand how important it is to create an opportunity for people to feel calm in their new homes, even when the outside world remains turbulent.
– How was it affected by the full-scale invasion?
– The full-scale invasion has been a challenge for everyone, and the real estate market has also undergone significant changes. Many families have lost their homes, and we feel a huge responsibility to help them find a new place that will provide them with shelter and support. In Dnipro, demand has increased due to internal migration. People are now paying more attention to things that might have been overlooked before: the availability of shelters, autonomy and proximity to transport. Each client has their own unique story, and we work every day to turn these stories into a new, positive beginning.
– What does your agency team offer today?
– Our team at DNIPRO-CITY is made up of people who sincerely care about their clients. We offer not
just real estate, but comprehensive solutions that meet your needs. Our approach is based on caring. We accompany our clients at all stages – from looking for housing to completing paperwork – so that you can focus on the most important thing: creating comfort in your new space.
– What prompted you to create your own real estate agency?
– I have always dreamed of working with people and for people. The creation of the agency was the realisation of this dream. I wanted everyone who came to us to feel heard, understood and supported. For me, real estate is not only square metres, but also a space for inspiration, comfort and dreams.
– Thank you, Liliia, for your work and approach. Could you please tell us more about your preferences?
– Our agency is distinguished by sincerity and attention to each client. We don’t just sell or rent property - we build relationships with people, support them in difficult moments and rejoice with our clients when they find what they were looking for. Our team understands how important it is today to be not only professionals but also people who give a sense of confidence.
Dear readers, each of you deserve a home that will become your fortress. Don’t be afraid to dream and look for your own. And if you need help or advice, we are always here for you. Remember: home is more than just a place. It is your own little world that we will help you create!
ерухомість – це не просто
квадратні метри, а простір для життя, мрій і спокою. Лілія КОСТИРЯ, керівниця
агенції «ДНІПРО-СІТІ», переконана, що основою її роботи є щира турбота про клієнтів і допомога у створенні затишного дому, особливо у складні часи.
– Як на нього вплинуло повномасштабне вторгнення?
– Повномасштабне вторгнення стало випробуванням для всіх, і ринок нерухомості теж зазнав значних змін. Багато сімей втратили свої домівки, і ми, відчуваючи величезну відповідальність, допомогти знайти нове місце, яке стане для них притулком і підтримкою. У Дніпрі попит зріс через внутрішню міграцію. Люди тепер приділяють більше уваги речам, які раніше могли залишитися поза увагою: наявності укриттів, автономності, близькості до транспорту. Кожен клієнт має свою унікальну історію,
Olha Solovyova is a doctor with a vast experience. She has several medical specialities: neurology, general practice (family medicine), ultrasound diagnostics, radiology, acupuncture, soo-jok, homeopathy, hypnotherapy, and German New Medicine. In this interview, Mrs. Olha will tell us about her professional career, current issues of psychosomatics and innovative approaches in medicine.
– Mrs. Olha, we wish you a happy new year. What professional achievements in 2024 are you particularly proud of?
– In 2024, I confirmed my education in Austria. I spent eight months in Ecuador (South America) with the Tsachila shamanic tribe, where I studied Ancestral Medicine, a traditional healing method of the South American Indians. They have long used special teacher plants to help expand consciousness.
I took part in international conferences and wrote articles about alternative medicine and the effect of psychedelics on the human condition. This discovery greatly expands the possibilities of treating serious illnesses including depression, panic attacks and addictions and also eases the course of complex chronic diseases.
– What issues do you specialise in and what professional experience do you have?
– My experience as a neurologist helps me to understand not only physical ailments, but also to study the workings of the brain, thinking and subconscious mind in more depth. Working with the subconsciousness can significantly improve a person’s health.
Since emotional and mental states are indissolubly linked, their impact on physical health is obvious. Official medicine has long confirmed that people with chronic illnesses often suffer from depression and anxiety. The body, brain and thinking are a single system.
– On your website, you often talk about psychosomatics. What its manifestations are typical for Ukrainians?
– In the current situation in Ukraine and around the world, the number of people with anxiety disorders, depression and posttraumatic stress disorders has increased significantly. Unfortunately, these conditions do not go away by themselves. The need for psychological and medical care will only increase in the near future.
Stress provokes the development of diseases or exacerbation of chronic problems. Psychosomatics, i.e. the connection between the body, emotions and thinking, has already been accurately proven to be a factor in diseases such as neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction and many others.
– Mrs. Olha, in your opinion, what is the most effective tool for maintaining psycho-emotional health?
– Based on my practical experience, I consider hypnotherapy to be the most effective method of treating psychoemotional disorders. It also gives excellent results when working with chronic diseases.
Working with the subconscious mind allows a person to get rid of heavy feelings and emotions. Hypnotherapy helps to achieve a state of harmony, inner peace and healing.
I wish all Ukrainians peace, health and mental balance. Take care of yourself!
Oдосягненнями у 2024 році Ви особливо пишаєтеся? – У 2024 році я підтвердила свою освіту в Австрії. Вісім місяців перебувала в Еквадорі (Південна
Америка) в шаманському племені
Тсачіла, де вивчала Анцестральну
медицину – традиційні методи ліку-
вання індіанців Південної Америки.
Вони здавна використовують спе-
ціальні рослини-вчителі, які допо-
магають розширювати свідомість.
Брала участь у міжнародних конференціях, писала статті про альтернативну медицину та вплив
психоделіків на стан людини. Це відкриття значно розширює можливості лікування важких захворювань, зокрема депресії, панічних атак, залежностей, а також полегшує перебіг складних хронічних хвороб.
– На яких питаннях Ви спеціалізуєтесь і який маєте професійний досвід? – Мій досвід роботи неврологом допомагає мені розуміти не лише фі-
минають. Найближчим часом
треба в психологічній та медичній допомозі тільки зростатиме. Стрес провокує розвиток хвороб або загострення хронічних проблем. Психосоматика, тобто зв’язок тіла, емоцій і мислення, вже точно доведена при таких захворюваннях, як нейродерміт, бронхіальна астма, гіпертонічна хвороба, цукровий діабет, порушення функцій щитоподібної залози та багатьох інших. – Пані Ольго, на Вашу думку, який інструмент є найефективнішим
– Пані Ольго, раді знайомству. Розкажіть, будь
ласка, про свій фах і чим Ви займаєтесь? – Вітаю! Я за фахом юрист-міжнародник. Деякий час працювала в банківському секторі, а з 2014 року займаюся супроводом процесів залучення пільгового фінансування, зокрема грантів, пільгових кредитів, субсидій та інвестиційних програм. Ми співпрацюємо як з державними та комунальними підприємствами, так і з приватним сектором.
Чому Ви обрали саме цей напрямок?
Вперше я стикнулася з грантами ще
родної технічної допомоги. Я займалася супроводом
на мільйони доларів. Але через брак інформації
вони прозорі? – Умови державних грантів в Україні дуже вигідні. Вони передбачають швидке ухвалення рішень, відсутність конкуренції ідей чи проєктів. Система нагадує субсидію, де рішення ґрунтується на оцінці заявника та проєкту. Це унікальний підхід.
Більшість державних грантів в Україні пов’язані з банківським сектором, але існують і програми від таких установ, як Український культурний фонд, Фонд ветеранів, Держкіно тощо. Усі гранти, які фінансуються з бюджету, супроводжуються
кейси у соціальних мережах і на конференціях. – Розкажіть, будь ласка, детальніше
про діяльність агенції ADF Office.
– Наша консалтингова агенція супроводжує майже всі процеси, пов’язані з розвитком пільгового фінансування. Ми займаємося підготовкою проєктної документації, пошуком донорів, а також
rants as a driver of business development: Olha SHAVERYNA, an international lawyer and founder of the ADF Office consulting agency, talks about opportunities for preferential financing, government support programmes and successful cases of Ukrainian entrepreneurs.
– Mrs. Olha, it is nice to meet you. Please tell us about your profession and what you do.
– Greetings! I am an international lawyer by profession. For some time I worked in the banking sector and since 2014 I have been involved in supporting the processes of attracting concessional financing including grants, soft loans, subsidies and investment programmes. We work with both state-owned and municipal enterprises and the private sector.
– Why did you choose this particular direction?
– I first encountered grants when I was a student and was amazed at the possibilities of this system, which almost no one knew about. The idea that there are funds for a wide variety of purposes and they are available to everyone fascinated me. My first official job was at the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, in the Department of International Technical Assistance. I was responsible for supporting companies that received millions of dollars’ worth non-repayable aid from the United States. However, due to a lack of information, only the most progressive managers knew about these opportunities.
In 2014, when Ukraine officially gained access to some multibillion-dollar EU grant programmes, I started my own practice of supporting such projects. It was a complicated business: in the first five years, there was almost no information about grants available.
In 2017, the situation began to change, and the first government grants with advertising campaigns appeared. After the war started, many people began to perceive grants as a panacea, often confusing them with charity. Today, the grant funding market has become clear to most entrepreneurs. I admire this development tool. Grants, soft loans, subsidies, government support programmes - this is a huge world of opportunities in which I feel confident.
– How do you assess government grant programmes? How transparent are they?
– The terms of government grants in Ukraine are very favourable. They include fast decision-making and no competition between ideas or projects. The system resembles a subsidy where the decision is based on an assessment of the applicant and the project. This is a unique approach.
Most state grants in Ukraine are related to the banking sector, but there are also programs from institutions such as the Ukrainian Cultural Fund, the Veterans Fund, the State Film Agency, etc. All grants financed from the budget are accompanied by regulatory acts containing clear conditions. So, I can confidently say that these programs are transparent and available for analysis.
– Give examples of successful startups that have received grant support.
– There are many such examples. Every year, more than 12,000 businesses in Ukraine receive grants. Each programme provides between 350 and 850 grants annually, and there are dozens of such programmes.
For example, young entrepreneurs open coffee shops or beauty salons with the help of grants. Large companies use these funds to upgrade equipment or create new production areas. The amounts can reach hundreds of thousands of euros. Donor organisations often publish successful cases on social media and at conferences.
– Please tell us more about the activities of the ADF Office agency.
– Our consulting agency supports almost all processes related to the development of concessional financing. We are engaged in the preparation of project documentation, the search for donors, and we have also created a training unit for the training of grant consultants and grant writers.
In 2024, we implemented the training program “From Application to Grant” together with the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, within the framework of which we trained 1950 entrepreneurs to work with state grants for the creation and modernisation of processing industries. This contributed to improving the results of the state grant program.
Olena Herman has been working as a psychologist with children and adults for over 10 years. During this time, she has managed to create a space that has become a source of inspiration for many families – the “ABC of Happiness” school and kindergarten. This project has already changed the lives of hundreds of children and their parents, but this is just the beginning.
— Thanks to the online format, my work has gone far beyond Ukraine. I have the honour of working with families from all over the world: in the USA, Canada, Europe and the UK. Parents and children find themselves in different circumstances due to relocation or the challenges of the modern world, and my goal is to support them in this process.
Every family is unique, and I approach each client with their cultural context, needs and challenges in mind.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
• individual counselling for children and parents looking for answers to questions about upbringing, development and family relationships;
• courses and marathons to help parents find a common language with their children, develop emotional intelligence and resolve conflicts;
• developmental programmes for children to help them cope with anxiety, boost self-confidence and improve communication skills.
My approach is based on love, support and creating a safe space for every family, regardless of where they live.
My offline project – the “ABC of Happiness” school, kindergarten and
development centre in Kyiv – has been a place where children find support, love and the opportunity to develop for over 10 years.
1. Emotional literacy. We teach children to recognise their feelings, work with emotions and interact with others without aggression.
2. Individual approach. Each child receives the attention and support he or she needs.
3. Development through creativity. Art therapy, music, theatre are an integral part of our programme.
I dream of creating new schools and kindergartens, but dreams are more than just wishes. They are concrete plans that are already being implemented. I see these spaces not only in Ukraine, but also in places where families are looking for an environment that combines quality education with emotional support.
If you want to join this mission, follow me on Instagram and Telegram. Here you will find practical tips, programmes for children and parents, as well as opportunities to join my courses and initiatives.
Together we can create a world where children and adults feel happy, supported and confident.
тримати їх у цьому процесі. Кожна сім’я унікальна, і я підходжу до кожного клієнта з урахуванням його куль
ow to reveal your talent, improve relationships and find a favourable period for important events? We are looking for answers to these and other questions together with Veronika MUSIYENKO, who combines astropsychology and holodynamics in her practice.
– Mrs. Veronika, welcome to our edition. You are engaged in an interesting activity. Many people are probably already familiar with astropsychology. And what is holodynamics?
– Greetings to you and your readers! Astrology is really gaining popularity. But holodynamics is less known, although very effective. This is a direction of transpersonal psychology, based on the works of Carl Jung. The goal of holodynamics is to harmonise thinking through the balance of the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The technique helps to identify internal obstacles that worsen the quality of life, and get rid of them, achieving harmony of body, mind and spirit.
Holodynamics is aimed at developing inner strength, working with emotional blocks, fears, and also getting rid of negative ancestral programs.
– Very interesting. What was your path to mastering this knowledge?
– My acquaintance with astrology began with a small webinar. After it, I realised that I wanted to understand this science more deeply. Over two years of study behind me: completing the course of the “School of Practical Astropsychology “Selena” by Olena Osypenko (210 hours of theory and practice), obtaining a master’s degree in “Astropsychology and Holodynamics” at the German RESEARCH & EDUCATION INSTITUTION, as well as certification in four levels of the practical holodynamics course (164 hours of study).
– What requests do Ukrainians make to you?
– The most common topics are revealing personal potential, identifying talents, life path, relationships, financial realisation, individual forecast for the year, choosing a favourable time for important events. Consultations are conducted based on personal astrological data.
– Veronika, thank you! What do you think about the era of Aquarius, which we entered last year?
– This is a deep topic. However, I would like to note that on November 20, 2024, Pluto has entered the sign of Aquarius for 20 years. This will bring global transformations: the destruction of outdated systems, the emergence of new professions, the development of astrology, esoteric directions and spiritual practices.
I want to emphasise: astrology is not fortune telling, but an analytical tool. Astrologers do not claim that fate is predetermined. Astrology resembles road signs: a person chooses how to act - to move on the green light or stop on the red one.
к розкрити свій талант, покращити
у своїй практиці.
– Пані Вероніко, вітаємо у нашому виданні. Ви займаєтеся цікавою діяльністю. З астропсихологією, напевно, знайомі вже багато хто. А що таке холодинаміка?
– Вітаю вас і читачів! Астрологія дійсно набирає популярності. А ось холодинаміка менш відома, хоча дуже ефективна. Це напрям трансперсональної
холодинаміки – гармонізація мислення через баланс роботи правої та лівої півкуль мозку. Методика допомагає виявити внутрішні
Осипенко (210 годин теорії та практики), здобуття диплома магістра за фахом «Астропсихологія та холодинаміка» в Німецькому інституті RESEARCH & EDUCATION INSTITUTION, а також сертифікація за чотирма рівнями курсу практичної холодинаміки (164 години навчання).
– З якими запитами до Вас звертаються українці?
– Найпоширеніші теми – розкриття особистого потенціалу,
– Mrs. Yelyzaveta, what are the most relevant issues and problems for Greek communities in Ukraine and abroad today?
– In Ukraine, the Greek community suffered significant losses due to Soviet repression. Independence opened up opportunities for revival, but a full-scale war brought new challenges. Today, Greeks are forced to fight for their very lives. However, the community in Odesa is doing its best to preserve traditions. The main challenges abroad are assimilation and globalization.
– What were the most emotional moments of your volunteer activity?
– The rallies in Athens, on Syntagma Square, left the deepest mark. On one side were our women with children, and on the other side was a group of people who insulted us accusing us of Nazism and Banderaism. There were many drunken men among them who have been living in Greece for more than 30 years, but continue to watch Russian television. However, support for Ukraine grew over time.
I am proud of our women and children who organised charity fairs and donated the money raised to Ukrainian soldiers.
Elizaveta Kuzminskaya-Polykhronidi
– Your book «Greek Cuisine. A Taste of Sea and Sun» is in demand. What role does gastronomic heritage play in preserving traditions?
– This is a collection of family recipes of Greeks from Ukraine and other countries from Georgia to Kazakhstan. I have been collecting them all my life. They reflect not only love for Greek cuisine, but also the ability to adapt dishes to local conditions. In addition, Greek cuisine has influenced Odesa cuisine.
– How do cultural events help strengthen ties between Odesa’s communities?
– Odesa has always been a multinational city with representatives of more than 130 nationalities. In independent Ukraine, we have learned to support each other and share traditions. Today, young people have grown up in an atmosphere of democracy. We hold workshops, festivals, Mother Language Days, and honor Ukrainian culture.
– How do you manage to combine your activities and what are your plans for the future?
– It has already become natural – both my children and grandchildren support me in all my initiatives. In the future, we plan to focus on cultural diplomacy and expanding our initiatives.
– Єлизавето Григорівно, які питання та проблеми сьогодні найбільш актуальні для грецьких громад в Україні та за кордоном? – В Україні грецька громада зазнала значних втрат через репресії радянської влади. Незалежність
можливості для відродження, проте повномасштабна війна принесла нові
боротися за саме життя. Однак громада Одеси робить усе можливе для збереження
Я пишаюся нашими жінками та дітьми,
українським воїнам. – Ваша книга «Грецька кухня. Смак моря і сонця» користується попитом.
строномічна спадщина у збереженні традицій?
Це збірка сімейних рецептів греків
Я збирала їх усе життя. Вони відображають не лише любов до грецької кухні, а й уміння адаптувати страви до місцевих умов.
Beauty as a way to change life for the better is the creed of Natalia KRYMOVA, the founder of Pro Laser Estetic. From Ukraine to Finland, from a small studio to the «House of Beauty and Health» – this is a story of success, inspiration and belief in the power of beauty.
– Mrs. Natalia, you have chosen an interesting and useful path in the field of beauty. What attracts you most in this profession?
– For me, the beauty industry is more than a job; it’s an opportunity to change people’s lives for the better. I have always wanted to help women and men feel confident, harmonious and happy. Our appearance is a kind of reflection of our inner state. If I can contribute at least a little to make this reflection beautiful it gives me strength and inspiration to move forward.
– You left Ukraine because of the war. Was this step difficult?
– It was extremely difficult to leave Ukraine, home, relatives and the usual way of life. Starting from scratch in Finland turned out to be a serious challenge: the new culture, the difficult language, the lack of friends – all this was frightening. But at the same time, it became a chance for a new future, which I am now building gradually, step by step.
– Your methods receive favourable reviews even outside of Ukraine. What is their uniqueness in?
– Our methods are based on an individual approach. In a world where beauty is often reduced to standards, I strive to emphasize the uniqueness of each person. In our salon, which we call the «House of Beauty and Health», we use modern equipment, proven international technologies and take into account the latest scientific research. This makes it possible to offer not just services, but complex solutions with a long-lasting and natural effect.
– What high-tech procedures do you offer at Pro Laser Estetic?
– There are laser hair removal, rejuvenating and care procedures among our offers. We also offer hardware techniques for body correction that work without invasive intervention, multi-masking, wrapping and various massage techniques. All equipment is certified and conforms to European quality standards.
– In the January issue, we summarize the results of 2024. What was it like for you?
– The year 2024 became an important stage in my life. From a small studio, we have grown to the «House of Beauty and Health» where four separate offices now operate. It was a year of new discoveries, growth and improvement. I constantly studied, participated in international conferences, seminars and webinars. The year was full of happy moments and successes. I discovered new areas of work, adopted international experience and improved my knowledge. And most importantly, I was able to help many clients achieve their goals and this is the greatest reward for me.
My support and encouragement are my husband Volodymyr Reihel and my daughter Olha Averіanova. Thanks to them, I have achieved all this.
Dear friends! May 2025 bring you beauty, harmony and self-love. Believe in your strength, take care of yourself, take care of your health and remember that true beauty starts from within. We at Pro Laser Estetic are always ready to help you along the way. I hug each of you and look forward to meeting you!
Natalia Krymova
– Пані Наталіє, Ви обрали цікавий і корисний шлях у сфері краси. Що Вас найбільше приваблює у цій професії?
– Для мене індустрія краси – це більше, ніж робота, це можливість змінювати життя людей на краще. Я завжди прагнула допомагати жінкам і чоловікам почуватися впевненими, гармонійними та щасливими. Наша зовнішність
це своєрідне відображення внутрішнього стану. Якщо можу хоча
трохи посприяти тому, щоб відображення було прекрасним, –це дає мені сили й натхнення рухатися вперед. – Через війну Ви залишили Україну. Чи складним був цей крок?
– Покинути Україну було надзвичайно важко. Залишити дім, рід-
них і звичний спосіб життя. Починати з нуля у Фінляндії виявилося серйозним випробуванням: нова культура, складна мова, відсутність друзів – усе це лякало. Але водночас це стало шансом для нового майбутнього, яке тепер будую поступово, крок за кроком.
– Ваші методики отримують схвальні відгуки навіть за межами України. У чому їхня унікальність?
– Наші методики базуються на індивідуальному підході. У світі, де краса часто зводиться до стандартів, я прагну підкреслювати унікальність кож
– Які високотехнологічні процедури пропонуєте в Pro Laser Estetic?
– Серед наших пропозицій – лазерна епіляція, омолоджувальні та доглядові процедури. Ми також пропонуємо апаратні методики корекції фігури, які працюють без інвазивного втручання, мультимаскінг, обгортання та різноманітні техніки масажу. Усе обладнання сертифіковане
Я постійно навчалася, брала участь у міжнародних конференціях, семінарах, вебінарах.
сиченим і сповненим щасливих моментів та успіхів.
Lesya Dyachenko is the owner and manager of Volvo Service AUTO Expert, a service station located 12 km from Kyiv on the Odesa highway in the village of Hlevakha. This service station is not just one of the leading ones in Ukraine! The company, despite the circumstances, continues to work, develop new areas and help Ukrainian defenders by providing them with cars and volunteers to transport humanitarian aid. We are talking to Mrs. Lesya about the success story and service further.
– Mrs. Lesya, where did the path to popularity and success begin?
– Greetings, dear readers and editorial team! Our story began with my husband Leonid’s fascination with Volvo cars, their uniqueness, safety and performance since he was a young boy. Our first Volvo was a 740, followed by 760, 960, V50, XC70, XC60... So when we faced the question of opening a service station four years ago, there was no debate about which car we would specialise in.
– What was the most difficult stage of opening a service station?
– The most difficult moment at the start of any business is the right staff selection. We are very lucky in this aspect, because at the beginning of our Volvo service centre there was a highly qualified diagnostician with experience working at official Volvo dealers – Oleksiy Khlebik, who is now the technical manager of our service. It was he who, at the beginning of our work, helped to assemble a team of mechanics who knew and loved Volvo.
– How quickly did you manage to gain the trust of your customers?
– Since Volvo owners are a separate community among car enthusiasts, the word about our specialised Volvo service station, where the technicians really know and love the Swedes, spread quickly, and we have regular customers. Video recommendations from our specialists on the @service.auto.expert Instagram account were reposted as the technicians showed unique moments in their work. The “ALL about Volvo” Telegram channel, where we share valuable, useful and informative information about the maintenance and repair of various Volvo models, also gained loyal subscribers. Grateful customers sent photos and left fivestar reviews to our location on Google Maps. So we gained fame for our service station relatively quickly.
– Mrs. Lesya, tell us, how did you “meet” the great war?
– I won’t talk about my condition – it was the same for everyone. But the work at the service station did not stop, because there were still customers’ cars and requests from other car owners
who needed help. My husband and I did our best to repair them and help people.
On 1 April 2022, Volvo service station resumed full operations. Over time, we have opened a new area – body repair, and now we help owners of various car brands to restore them after an accident and paint their favourite cars.
– Why should Volvo owners turn exactly to you?
– We are a specialized service and know EVERYTHING about Volvo.
• We employ experts with 15 years of experience in Volvo’s official service centres.
• We provide service according to the new standards (service book, personal mechanic, coworking room, own spare parts warehouse, etc.)
• Warranty for the work performed.
• Optimal solutions in the selection of spare parts (original or analogue).
• Customer presence during the repair.
• Monthly promotions.
• Loyalty system with discounts of up to 25%.
• Free expert advice even by phone. Contact us, we are always happy to help!
– Вітаю, шановні читачі та редакція! Наша історія почалась з того, що мій чоловік Леонід з юності захоплювався автомобілями VOLVO, їх унікальністю, безпекою та характеристиками. Пер-
шим нашим Volvo був 740, далі вже були 760, 960, V50, XC70, XC60… Тому,
коли чотири роки тому в нас постало
питання про відкриття СТО, ніяких суперечок не було стосовно того, на якому авто ми будемо спеціалізуватися.
– Який етап відкриття СТО став найскладнішим для Вас?
– Найскладнішим моментом на старті будь-якого бізнесу є правильно підібраний колектив. Нам в цьому аспекті дуже пощастило, адже у витоків нашої СТО Volvo стояв висококваліфікований діагност з досвідом роботи на офіційних дилерах Volvo – Олексій Хлєбік, який зараз є технічним керівником нашого сервісу. Саме він, на початку роботи, допоміг зібрати команду механіків, які знали і любили Volvo.
– Як швидко Вам вдалось здобути довіру від клієнтів?
– Оскільки власники Volvo – це окрема ком’юніті серед автолюбителів, то інформація про нашу спеціалізовану
все, щоб їх відремонтувати та допомогти людям. Вже 1 квітня 2022 СТО Volvo відновила роботу повноцінно. А з часом ми відкрили новий напрям – кузовний ремонт і допомагаємо власникам різних марок авто відновити після ДТП та пофарбувати їх улюбленців. – Чому власникам Volvo варто звертатись
ний підхід до кожного замовника. Як правило, клієнти
We are standing on the threshold of a new era in medicine – the era of regenerative technologies. In the last year alone, the global stem cell market has almost doubled. The US FDA approval system is constantly granting new approvals for stem cell treatments. «War is an epidemic of injuries. Therefore, this area should become a priority in Ukraine,» says Volodymyr HRYTSYK, neurosurgeon, neurologist of the ADONIS medical company.
– Mr. Volodymyr, how is regenerative medicine used today?
– Before the war, the use of stem cells was mainly associated with Anti-Age therapy. Nowadays, the emphasis has shifted to the treatment of severe combat injuries and their consequences. Today, we also receive numerous requests from military personnel regarding the treatment of intervertebral disc injuries, because we have a clear task in front of us – to help defenders return to their sworn brothers in the shortest possible time. In such cases, cellular technologies are the only highly effective alternative method of treatment.
– How would you characterise stem cells?
– A stem cell is a unique biolaboratory capable of creating a huge number of therapeutic agents. No pharmaceutical company in the world can even come close to its capabilities. Exosomes are an important component of the therapeutic effect of stem cells. These are microscopic bubbles containing RNA. It is known that with age, «old» senescent cells accumulate in the human body losing the ability to divide and die naturally. They secrete toxic substances that cause chronic inflammation and premature aging. Exosomes eliminate these pathological changes.
In the biotechnological laboratory of the medical company ADONIS, exosomes were isolated from stem cells of the neural crest. We use them to treat neurological disorders, brain and spinal cord injuries, as well as peripheral nerve damage. This direction is extremely promising.
– Mr. Volodymyr, can you give a concrete example?
– A few weeks ago, it was reported in the media that two Korean soldiers were captured by our military in the Kursk region. One of them was captured by our former patient, an officer of Special Operations Forces. Earlier, he was wounded in the shoulder and was treated in a military hospital. The wound healed, but the mobility of the fingers was significantly limited. We injected exosomes into the scar zone and around the nerve. Already after 10 days, a significant improvement in nerve conduction, increased range of motion and finger strength was noticeable. I received gratitude from the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for helping the military.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that there is a lot of information on the Internet about stem cell treatment, but it is often contradictory or unclear. Therefore, my advice is to contact only specialists.
високоефективний альтернативний метод лікування.
Як би Ви охарактеризували стовбурові
здатна створювати величезну кількість лікувальних засобів. Жодна фармацевтична компанія світу не може навіть наблизитися до її можливостей. Важливою складовою лікувального ефекту стовбурових клітин є екзосоми. Це мікроскопічні бульбашки, що містять РНК. Відомо, що в організмі людини з віком накопичуються «старі» сенесцентні клітини, які втрачають здатність до поділу та природного відмирання. Вони виділяють токсичні речовини, що спричиняють хронічне запалення й передчасне старіння. Екзосоми усувають ці патологічні
Prevention is the key to a healthy smile. Anna Gorbanenko, a dentist of clinic «Anna Rai Dental Boutique», talks about the importance of regular check-ups, modern treatment methods and painless prosthetics.
– Anna, it is a pleasure to meet you. Please share the most popular services you offer your patients.
– All procedures are in demand, because each patient has unique needs. However, the most common visits to me are for professional hygiene. This is a modern and affordable way to maintain healthy teeth and gums, as well as an opportunity to conduct a preventive examination. But, of course, everyone dreams of a snow-white smile, so whitening procedures or installation of ceramic veneers are also popular.
The peculiarity of my work is that I perform all manipulations, even professional hygiene, under magnification – using a microscope. This allows me to notice the smallest details in the oral cavity.
– Many people visit the dentist when the problem has already become noticeable. Explain why this should not be done.
– Most people forget about the importance of regular check-ups. I want to emphasize: the more serious the problem, the more time and money it takes to solve it. That is why I recommend visiting the dentist for a preventive check-
up twice a year. In our clinic, the administrator always reminds patients about visits, so you don’t have to remember it.
– Some people believe that prosthetics are expensive and painful. How can you refute these stereotypes?
– Firstly, modern dentistry is absolutely painless. Before even anaesthetising, we apply an anaesthetic gel to the mucous membrane. Only after that do we inject the anaesthetic drug. Then any procedure is comfortable, and the patient does not feel anything.
As for the cost of prosthetics, I cannot say that it is cheap. Highquality treatment and preparation for prosthetics is a painstaking work that is performed for many years. Therefore, such services cannot cost a penny.
– Thank you, Anna! What are the main professional tips you can give our readers?
– I wish everyone physical and mental health. As a doctor, I will help you maintain your dental health, prevent undesirable conditions in the oral cavity and do everything I can to make you smile confidently and joyfully at the world.
Two incredibly important events happened in Natalia Marchenko’s life this year: the birth of her child and the opening of her own clinic. Now she can boldly and frankly say: “I have realised myself in two main areas of life - motherhood and career. And I manage to combine them.”
– Mrs. Natalia, it is nice to meet you. We see a lot of positive feedback on your social networks. This is evidence of your high professionalism. Tell us about the path to such results.
– I am also glad to meet you. If my page has caught your attention, it confirms that I am moving in the right direction. Of course, it is not always possible to take a photo of the result of a patient’s treatment, but when I receive feedback from a clientnot only in words, but also in the form of a video or photo - my joy is boundless. This shows that a person is not just satisfied, but delighted with their «new» appearance. This is exactly my goal: not only treatment, but a comprehensive approach to each patient.
– Why did dentistry become your life choice?
– I always knew that dentistry was my path. Today I have over 15 years of experience, am an associate professor at Kyiv Medical University and a certified cosmetologist. Medicine is my passion.
– How has your life changed over the past three years? And what changes have taken place in dentistry?
– Over the past three years, the life of every Ukrainian has undergone significant changes. We have become stronger, more resilient and more courageous. Despite all the challenges, we continue to develop. I have fulfilled my long-
held dream of opening a clinic where we not only treat teeth, make prosthetics and perform orthodontic treatment, but also provide a full full-face complex.
– What is the most effective procedure today?
– This time I will focus in more detail on plasma therapy in dentistry. This is a unique procedure that normalises metabolism, boosts local immunity, eliminates gum bleeding and inflammatory processes, and also reduces tooth mobility.
How it works:
The patient’s blood is taken from a vein, from which platelet-rich plasma is obtained. This plasma is used for injections in areas where treatment is required. The procedure is absolutely safe, since auto-material is used. It is recommended to undergo a course of 2–3 procedures with an interval of 7–10 days between them.
Plasma therapy is suitable for the treatment of all forms of periodontitis, prevention of periodontal diseases, gingivitis, diseases of the oral mucosa. It is also used for injuries, burns, necrosis and cracks. This is a highly effective method that really gives results.
My team and I offer a full range of dental and cosmetic services, implementing the latest technologies. I invite you to my clinic! Remember that a preventive examination by a dentist should be done twice a year, and do not forget about regular oral hygiene.
що людина не просто задоволена, а в захваті від свого «нового» вигляду. Саме це і є моєю метою: не лише
лікування, а комплексний підхід до
кожного пацієнта. – Чому саме стоматологія стала
Вашим життєвим вибором?
– Я завжди знала, що стоматоло-
гія – це мій шлях. Сьогодні
унікальна процедура, яка нормалізує обмін речовин, підвищує місцевий імунітет, усуває кровоточивість ясен і запальні процеси, а також зменшує рухливість зубів.
Як це працює:
У пацієнта беруть кров із вени, з якої отримують плазму, збагачену тромбоцитами. Ця плазма використовується для ін’єкцій у ділянках, де
потрібне лікування. Процедура абсолютно безпечна, оскільки застосовується аутоматеріал. Рекомендовано проходити курс із 2–3 процедур з інтервалом 7–10 днів між ними.
Плазмотерапія підходить для лікування всіх форм пародонтиту, профілактики захворювань пародонту, гінгівіту, захворювань слизової оболонки ротової порожнини. Її також
застосовують при травмах, опіках, некрозах і тріщинах. Це високоефективний метод, який справді дає результат. Я та моя команда пропонуємо повний спектр стоматологічних і кос