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Iryna MATEYCHUK, owner of the ARIN chain of stores and laureate of the title «TOP-100 Outstanding Women of Ukraine 2024» according to the international project for successful people MILLENIUM CLUB, shared her impressions of a unique trip to the Vatican, participation in the pilgrimage, and the significance of this event not only for her personally, but also for Ukrainian culture.

– Mrs. Iryna, we know about your trip to the Vatican. Please share what moments were the most significant for you?

– The Vatican has become for me not only a place of spiritual significance, but also a space of sacred purification. Visiting the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore evokes incredible emotions, because it is one of the four most important temples of the Vatican, where the Jubilee Doors open once every 25 years. At this moment, pilgrims from all over the world come with the hope of redemption and the fulfilment of

their most secret desires. The image of Jesus and the Mother of God on the doors of the temple makes a special impression, filling the space with deep spiritual meaning.

– What was this event distinguished by for you personally?

– Together with Ukrainian singer Pavlo Tabakov and his wife Olha, we had the honour of walking through these doors, bringing towels to cleanse our souls and making a common wish – peace for Ukraine. It was an extremely emotional moment, and we received a blessing.

– How did the combination of art and spirituality impress you at the Vatican?

– The Sistine Chapel made an incredible impression on me. The most impressive thing was its famous ceiling, painted by Michelangelo, in particular the scene of “The Creation of Adam”. This is one of those works of art that is worth seeing at least once in a lifetime. In addition, St. Peter’s Basilica is not only a magnificent temple, but also a place where art and religious shrines are combined. We were able to see memorial signs dedicated to St. Sophia, Princess Olha and Prince Volodymyr.

– What do these special moments mean to you when you witnessed historical and spiritual events in the Vatican?

– It was an important spiritual experience that became a significant step for me towards self-knowledge and purification. It was in these moments that I realised even more how important it is to have spiritual support and set big goals. Pavlo Tabakov sang in St. Peter’s Square, and the whole atmosphere was filled with deep emotions. The Vatican seemed to dance to his music, and this was a real culmination of our journey.

– Ватикан став для мене не лише місцем духовного значення, а й простором сакрального очищення. Відвідування базиліки СантаМарія-Маджоре викликає неймовірні емоції, адже це один із чотирьох найважливіших храмів Ватикану, де раз на


In honour of the Ukrainian Women’s Day, we decided to ask our regular experts personal questions. Our guest, Iryna ODYNTSOVA, an international law attorney, PhD in law, and corresponding member of the Academy of Political Sciences of Ukraine, shares her story and thoughts.

– Mrs. Iryna, what do you think is the strength of a Ukrainian woman?

– The strength of Ukrainian women is a multifaceted phenomenon that has been shaped over centuries under the influence of historical, cultural and social factors. The unbreakable spirit of Ukrainian women, their courage, and devotion to their native land have become the true foundation on which the strength of our nation rests.

– How did you manage to psychologically gather yourself in the first days of the full-scale war?

– In the first days of the invasion, we saw millions of women instantly find their bearings and start helping their families, communities and defenders. These were extremely stressful weeks, a mentally exhausting journey that proved that we are capable of anything. I, like many others, joined volunteer initiatives and continue to support Ukrainians. Unfortunately, helping has become a daily routine, but I do not lose faith and hope for our victory.

– How has the war affected your activity in general?

– Because of the war, the amount of work has increased significantly and at the same time become more complicated. The number of cases of violations of children’s and women’s rights has increased, so I direct almost all my efforts to legal support for Ukrainian women and their children. I also involve my colleagues in this, because international law is even more important today than ever.

– How does your family support each other in such difficult moments?

– My family is my greatest treasure. We are always sensitive to each other and support all our relatives. The war has become a huge challenge, but I am convinced that when there is love and mutual understanding in a family, any trials can be overcome with dignity. Of course, it is not always easy, but we make every effort - and we succeed.

– What helps you to work and believe in victory?

– Work, striving for development, actions aimed at good, support for loved ones… I often think of the outstanding Ukrainian women who glorified our country. And I am sure that today each of us is an example for next generations. We are the force that will be held up as a model in the future.

Girls, I congratulate you on the holidays! I wish everyone health, beauty, faith and even greater strength of spirit.

а честь Дня української жінки ми вирішили поставити особисті питання нашим постійним експертам. Своєю історією та думками ділиться наша гостя — адвокатка з міжнародного права, кандидат юридичних наук, член-кореспондент Академії політичних наук України Ірина ОДИНЦОВА.

–Пані Ірино, як Ви вважаєте, в чому сила української жінки?

– Сила української жінки — це багатогранне явище, що формувалося століттями під впливом історичних, культурних та соціальних чинників. Незламний дух українок, їхня мужність і відданість рідній землі стали справжнім фундаментом, на якому тримається вся сила нашої нації.

– Як Вам вдалося психологічно

перші дні вторгнення ми бачили, як мільйони жінок миттєво зорієнтувалися, почавши допомагати своїм сім’ям, громадам і захисникам. Це були вкрай стресові тижні,

глибшим у відчуттях. Зникли зайві тривоги щодо того, що подумають інші, стало неважливо відповідати чиїмось очікуванням. Головне — бути чесною із собою, людьми, життям. І, мабуть, найважливіше — я перестала чекати. Чекати ідеального моменту, сприятливих умов, слушного часу. – Які внутрішні ресурси допомагають Вам у цей період? – Головний ресурс — усвідомлення, що я впораюся. Що б не сталося, я вже проходила труднощі, знаходила вихід, училася


ресурсами стали і маленькі радощі. Навчилася помічати


Загострилося відчуття приналежності. Навіть якщо ти далеко, зв’язок залишається, бо Україна — це не просто територія, а передусім люди, культура, пам’ять.

Я ще більше почала цінувати історію, коріння, традиції. І, звісно, з’явилося багато болю — за зруйновані міста, зламані долі. Але головне — це любов до своєї землі, народу, мови. – Дякуємо, Олено, за відвертість. Скажіть, якою, на Вашу думку, стала українська жінка?

– Українська жінка — це сила, яка не кричить про себе, але відчувається в кожному її русі, рішенні, погляді. У нас унікально поєднуються ніжність і





– “I always have a plan!” So many of us say this. However, it is a great illusion to think that intuition and the spiritual path are an opportunity to just go with the flow and not plan anything. Only discipline and strategy are an investment in our freedom and success.

Despite my phenomenal innate abilities and gift, I have been developing myself all my life and do not plan to stop, because cognitive functions should not deteriorate with age. Humans have incredible potential and limitless possibilities.

I healed myself of cancer at the age of 27 and became a medical phenomenon in the country. I gave birth to two children, despite being diagnosed with infertility, and helped 402 children around the world to be born.

For over 16 years, I have been helping people overcome crises and get out of a vicious cycle of problems. For more than 10 years, I have been training colleagues, educating healers, advising leaders at various social levels, and implementing educational, cultural, and artistic projects.

My talents are manifested in singing, dancing, and painting. I bring the wisdom of knowledge to the stands and stages. My soul is social and restless. And this is also part of the plan and strategy! There is no leadership and success without responsibility, discipline and decisive action.

We must be in dialogue with God. The inner core is formed by the will and spirit. Our hearts must be open and filled with love.

Let’s get back to the plan. It should always be there. And this is not just a list of items to be crossed off at the end of the year. It is a global strategy. When you move in resonance with your values, your path becomes clear and bold.

Intuition is the power of thought concentration and the power of thinking, which creates a powerful magnetic field and forms quantum corridors of materialisation. If you are interested, I talked about this in more detail in my healing book Conversations with Angels.

Explore yourself! Pull yourself together; create energy that transforms into matter. Plan your future by investing in generosity – to nature, women, children, ancestors, bearers of wisdom, peacemakers. Go all the way to the end of your plan! Only you can determine where that end is. And this is also part of the plan. What plan? The plan of the soul.




We met Tetiana Prymakova, a talented Ukrainian designer of carnival costumes and owner of her own art studio. Her bright works bring joy to children and carry a message about the strength of the Ukrainian spirit to the world. She talked about the impact of the war on her work, her inspiration when travelling, and glorifying Ukraine on the international stage.

– Mrs. Tetiana, we are glad to see you again! How have the directions of your creative activity changed over the past three years?

– Most importantly, we have returned to the full-fledged process of creating carnival costumes for event agencies. We want our clients to be able to make children happy, to give them a fairy tale despite the terrible realities of war. Our children deserve to be happy, and we want to help create holidays and magical moments for them.

clients moved abroad, which allowed us to expand our horizons. Now we sew costumes not only for animators, but also for shows and flash mobs. For example, our yellow and blue flag, created to mark the third anniversary of the full-scale invasion, recently travelled to the UK.

– What meanings do you put into your new collections?

– What inspires you to create unique costumes?

– My main inspiration is travelling. It not only inspires me in my work, but also gives me inspiration for life in general. To create bright costumes, you need to have a stable emotional state. Therefore, travelling supports me, helps me see the beauty of life beyond everyday life and gives me the strength to create.

– You are a Ukrainian woman who glorifies her country with her art. How are you perceived abroad?

– We started creating costumes for children from different countries even before the fullscale invasion, so we are well known in many countries and the quality of our products is appreciated. Because of the war, many of our

– I am very happy that we are now able to create costumes for the holidays in the traditional Ukrainian style. We have new characters, such as St. Nicholas, angels in Ukrainian dress, and Hutsuls. I am pleased that people order not only costumes based on films and cartoons, but also in authentic national styles.

– Thank you, Tetiana! What would you like to wish Ukrainians and the global community in 2025?

– I wish everyone to believe that our common wish will soon come true - Ukraine will be free, happy and invincible. On the occasion of the Ukrainian Women’s Day and International Women’s Day, I wish all women to take care of themselves, listen to their desires, find harmony and be happy. Our defenders on the front line are fighting for this – so that we can live, love, dream and enjoy life. I wish all of us boundless happiness!



In 2025, when the world is changing at an incredible pace, Ukrainian women demonstrate strength, resilience and the ability to create their own future. They not only adapt to new realities, but also use the wisdom of their ancestors and their inner potential for personal growth. Tetiana KONYK, an experienced genealogist, shares her observations on the transformation of Ukrainian women, their needs and achievements. She explains how ancestral practices help to free oneself from limiting scenarios, restore harmony in the family and realise potential. Her words are not just answers to questions, but a source of inspiration and support for every woman seeking self-realisation and happiness.

– Mrs. Tetiana, with what client results did you enter 2025?

– Over the past year, my clients have made significant progress: some have freed themselves from ancestral scripts that prevented them from realising themselves, some have restored harmony in their relationships

with their families, and some have opened their own businesses using the power of their lineage. I am especially pleased by the stories when people realise that they can change their family history and become those who shape the future of future generations.

– How have the views of Ukrainian women changed today?

– Ukrainian women have become more aware, stronger, and more independent. They understand the value of their roots more deeply, respect traditions, but at the same time are not afraid to change their lives. Today, they strive for development, self-realisation, and the search for inner support more than ever.

– Have their requests changed?

– Yes, definitely! In the past, many people came with inquiries about family problems or life’s purpose. Now, women are focused on inner strength, fulfilment in the world, and using their ancestral energy for great life achievements. They want not only to understand the history of their family, but also to turn it into a resource for personal growth.

– How have your practices evolved? What new achievements do you have?

– I am increasingly working with deep techniques that allow me not only to analyse generic scenarios but also to actively change them. I have introduced methods of rapid reprogramming of beliefs, deep work with the subconscious and sacred family traditions. Today, genealogy is not just an analysis, but a powerful tool for transformation.

– Thank you for your answers, Mrs. Tetiana. How do you see a modern Ukrainian woman?

– A modern Ukrainian woman is a woman with a big heart, an open mind and unbreakable strength. She remembers her roots but is not afraid to move forward. She is the guardian of her family and the creator of her own destiny. Let your family be a support, not a burden of the past. Let your dreams come true easily, and let the power of your ancestors guide you along the right path. Believe in yourself, create your own reality and be happy!

2025 році, коли світ змінюєть

українки демонструють силу, стійкість і здатність творити власне майбутнє. Вони не лише адаптуються до нових реалій, а й використовують му-

дрість предків і внутрішній потенціал

для особистісного зростання. Тетяна

КОНИК, досвідчений родолог, ділиться спостереженнями щодо трансформації українських жінок, їхніх

і досягнень. Вона розповідає, як родові практики допомагають звільнитися від обмежувальних сценаріїв,

на запитання, а джерело натхнення

та підтримки для кожної жінки, яка

прагне самореалізації та щастя.

– Пані Тетяно, з якими результатами клієнтів Ви увійшли у 2025 рік? – За цей рік мої клієнти досягли значного прогресу: хтось звільнився від родових сценаріїв, які заважали реалізувати себе, хтось відновив гармонію у стосунках із сім’єю, а хтось відкрив власну справу, використовуючи силу роду. Особливо тішать історії, коли люди усвідомлюють, що можуть змінити свою сімейну історію та стати тими, хто формує майбутнє наступних поколінь. – Як змінилися погляди українок


Psychotherapist, coach, regressionologist, author of transformational sessions “Daughters-Mothers”, “Family Values”, author of the MAC “Heritage of the Family”. Ukrainian Anna IVASHCHENKO (Tsylya Kanadska) shares her thoughts on what a Ukrainian woman was and has become. Think about it! And join in.

– A Ukrainian woman who has an adult daughter is the guardian of the family, a woman who has come a long way in knowing herself, life, and motherhood. She is a bridge between generations, a bearer of traditions, wisdom, and love. She can be strong and gentle at the same time, because life has taught her to keep a balance between care and freedom, between advice and trust in her daughter’s choice. It is experience in her eyes, it is warmth in her heart, it is the strength to create comfort, protect, instruct in her hands. But at the same time she allows her daughter to follow her own path. She can be different: active and modern, focused on the family or open to the world, passionate about art, science, or craft. But most importantly, she carries the Ukrainian spirit within her: love for her native land, respect for work, the wisdom of generations, and the ability to love so that this love becomes wings for her daughter.

And what do you see as a Ukrainian woman?

A Ukrainian mother passes on wisdom to her daughter through songs that echo the voices of her ancestors, the power of love, and the depth of life. Lullabies, ritual, wedding, and sad… Each of them not only teaches, but also protects.

Lullabies are the first songs that begin a child’s acquaintance with the world. They contain maternal tenderness, blessings, and prayers for a bright future. For example:

“Оy nu, liuli, liuli, Pryletily guli, Cily na vorotyah

V chervonyh chobotyah …”

«Oh well, liuli, liuli, Pigeons flew in, They sat on the gate, In red boots...»

And it is not just a soothing melody – it is a talisman embedded in words, rhythm and intonation.

Ritual songs are a connection with traditions. They tell about the seasons, work on the land, respect for parents and ancestors. Through them, a daughter learns to understand the world and her role in it.

Wedding songs are special instructions about married life, love and responsibility. They prepare a girl for a new stage; help her realise that marriage is not only about feelings, but also about mutual support, wisdom and patience.

Sorrowful songs carry a deep truth about life – about joy and sadness, about trials that make a person stronger.

A Ukrainian mother sings – and along with the song, faith, love and strength of the family sound in her voice. She does not just teach her daughter – she passes on to her the key to the female soul, to traditions that will live on in future generations. And what songs do you remember from your childhood?

His famous quote: “Happy is not the one who wants better, but the one who is satisfied with what he has” reflects the strength of a Ukrainian woman who knows how to create joy even in difficult circumstances. These words belong to Hryhorii Skovoroda.

тесь! Та долучайтесь.

– Українська жінка, у якої вже доросла донька, – це берегиня роду, жінка, що пройшла довгий шлях пізнання себе, життя та материнства. Вона – міст між поколіннями, носійка традицій, мудрості та любові. Вона може бути сильною та ніжною водночас, бо життя навчило її тримати баланс між турботою і свободою, між порадами та довірою до вибору доньки. В її

молитва за світлу долю. Наприклад: «Ой ну, люлі, люлі,

– Пані Альбіно, вітаємо! Ви –яскравий приклад успішної українки, чарівної мами трьох дітей. Поділіться секретами особистого успіху.

– Займатися улюбленою справою –це не просто робота, а справжнє щастя, яке наповнює кожен мій день. Найбільше мене надихають моменти створення чогось нового – від маленької ідеї, яка лише зароджується в голові, до готового продукту, що вже в руках клієнтів.

Мій бренд косметики – це не просто бізнес, а частина мене. Він для мене, як четверта дитина, яка потребує уваги, турботи та постійного розвитку. Я пишаюся кожним продуктом, адже у кожен вкладено частинку моєї душі. – Що Вас надихає в житті? Що допомагає сміливо долати виклики?

– Натхнення я черпаю з подорожей. Вони дозволяють перезавантажитися, відкрити для себе нові культури, побачити красу світу та знайти свіжі ідеї.

понуєте українкам?

Ми створюємо якісну та ефективну доглядову косметику для тіла, волосся та обличчя. Наша місія –допомогти

но багато терпіння та сил, щоб допомогти їм розкрити свій

вається, як ми створюємо якісні продукти, які приносять користь людям.

Бувають і складні моменти, але вони нечисленні. Кожен виклик – це можливість рости та вдосконалюватися. – Усі українці мріють про мир і спокій. Дайте кілька порад нашим читачкам. – Я завжди мріяла про власний проєкт, про самореалізацію, і наполегливо працювала, щоб втілити цю мрію в життя. Хочу поділитися своїм досвідом з іншими жінками: не бійтеся ризикувати та пробувати нове! Знайдіть те, що вам подобається, що вас надихає, і почніть діяти. Не бійтеся помилок, адже вони –невід’ємна частина будь-якого успіху. Якщо щось не виходить, не здавайтеся, а шукайте інші шляхи. Пам’ятайте, що наполегливість і віра в себе – ключі до досягнення будь-якої мети.



elf-realisation is the path to happiness and harmony. Albina KLINTAKOVA found her calling in creating her own brand and now shares her inspiration with others. Her story is an example of how you can make your dreams come true, even if you face difficulties along the way.

– Mrs. Albina, greetings! You are a shining example of a successful Ukrainian woman, a charming mother of three children. Please share the secrets of your personal success.

– Doing what I love is not just a job, it’s real happiness that fills my every day. I am most inspired by the moments when I create something new - from a small idea that is just emerging in my head to a finished product that is already in the hands of customers.

My cosmetics brand is not just a business, but a part of me. It is like a fourth child for me, requiring attention, care and constant development. I am proud of each product, because a piece of my soul is put into each one.

– What inspires you in life? What helps you bravely overcome challenges?

– I draw inspiration from traveling. It allows me to recharge, discover new cultures, see the beauty of the world, and find fresh ideas. Traveling is a breath of fresh air that fills me with energy for new achievements.

But the most important motivation is my children. They are my driving force. I want to provide them with the best future, give them the opportunity to realise their own dreams and become happy people. Their smiles and achievements are the greatest reward.

– How do you see a modern Ukrainian woman?

– Ukrainian women are more than just guardians of the home. They are strong, independent, resourceful, and purposeful. They know what they want and confidently go to their goal. And now the whole world knows about it!

I always find time for myself — this is a habit I inherited from my mother. She always took care of herself, and I want to pass this example on to my daughter. I recognise a Ukrainian woman abroad — she is always well-groomed, elegant, with an inner core.

– You have founded your own cosmetics brand. What products do you offer to Ukrainian women?

– We create high-quality and effective care products for the body, hair and face. Our mission is to help everyone reveal their natural beauty and feel confident.

We carefully select ingredients, using the best natural ingredients for maximum benefit.

Our range includes:

• Moisturising creams and serums for the face

• Nourishing hair masks

• Fragrant body scrubs

We are proud of our bestsellers that have won the hearts of thousands of customers. These

products are the result of years of research and development. They combine effectiveness, safety and pleasant sensations during use. Our customers appreciate them for their visible results, natural composition and unique aromas.

We are constantly expanding our range to offer innovative and effective solutions. Our goal is to become your reliable partner in personal care, helping you stay beautiful and healthy.

– What are you dreaming about today? What are you striving for?

– My children are my husband and I’s most important project. We need a lot of patience and strength to help them reach their potential and grow up to be happy people. We learn together, discover new horizons and watch them grow up.

As for work, I had to delegate many responsibilities to our employees. This allowed me to focus on strategic issues and not exhaust myself. I understand that this is not always possible at the first stage of business, but over the years, when everything is established, delegation becomes necessary.

I do not get tired of my favourite business, because it brings me not only pleasure but also a sense of fulfilment. I watch with admiration how our business develops, how we create quality products that benefit people.

There are difficult moments, but they are few. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow and improve.

– All Ukrainians dream of peace and tranquillity. Give some advice to our readers.

– I’ve always dreamed of my own project, of self-realisation, and I’ve worked hard to make this dream come true. I want to share my experience with other women: don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things! Find something you like, something that inspires you, and start acting. Don’t be afraid of mistakes, because they are an integral part of any success. If something doesn’t work out, don’t give up, but look for other ways. Remember that perseverance and self-belief are the keys to achieving any goal.



Natalia MALEVYCH is a presenter, volunteer, communications and public speaking expert who, despite the challenges of war, helps others find their voices and gain confidence.

– Mrs. Natalia, after losing everything in occupied Enerhodar, you did not give up. How did you start your volunteering career and what was the hardest part?

– In the first months of the occupation, while it was possible, I found ways to help the military. Among them was my husband, who volunteered on the first day of the full-scale invasion. Later, the Ukrainian connection was lost, and there was a real threat of persecution.

When I left for the territory controlled by Ukraine, I continued volunteering. During this time, I met women who, like me, are contributing to the common cause. I believe that today every second Ukrainian is a volunteer.

The hardest thing for me is the fear of not being able to close an urgent collection in time.

– What does being a military wife mean to you?

– It is acceptance of the inevitable changes that affect our lives. It is support - in word, deed, prayer, and sometimes just silence when it is needed. It is the ability not to lose yourself as a woman, while remembering that you are a reliable

rear guard. It is pride and gratitude to my husband and his brothers-in-arms.

Our path was not easy, but if you feel the need for support, you should not neglect the help of specialists.

– How did you manage not only to survive the challenges but also to create a new business?

– The hardest thing was to realise that I had lost my favourite job, to which I had devoted half my life.

Until 2022, I was a host and organiser of festive events. But

now, something inside me does not allow me to engage in luxurious celebrations, but I want to be useful. My task today is to help experts who want to develop their public speaking skills, express themselves confidently on social media, and build high-quality communications.

Having twenty years of experience with the microphone and the public, I decided to share my knowledge.

I am sincerely grateful for the trust and support of my family and the people who come to me.

I want us, Ukrainians, to be heard. I want us to create highquality Ukrainian content and keep communicating with each other. I see this as my mission.

– What is your main message to those who are currently in a difficult situation?

– Almost every person affected by the war is in a state of stress.

The main thing is to keep yourself in this world.

Learn to ask for help if you feel you cannot cope on your own. And do not refuse those who reach out to you. Do what is best for you, but remain Human.

який у перший

повномасштабного вторгнення став добровольцем. Згодом український зв’язок було втрачено, і з’явилася реальна загроза переслідування.

Коли виїхала на


Україні територію, продовжила

волонтерську діяльність. Протягом

цього часу знайомлюся з жінками, які, як і я, роблять свій внесок у спільну справу. Вважаю, що сьогодні кожен другий українець є


Найважче для мене – страх не встигнути закрити терміновий збір. – Що для Вас означає бути дружиною військового? – Це прийняття неминучих змін, які торкнулися




lha Aloshkina is an internationally certified specialist, member of the Association of Cosmetologists of Ukraine and Trichologists of URART Ukraine, a cosmetologist with 25 years of experience, winner of numerous awards, including the Order of Leaders of Ukraine for her author’s methods, founder and owner of “AGORA beauty”. Our heroine talks about innovations in the field of cosmetology and the role of beauty in women’s recovery.

– Mrs. Olha, you have received two awards for developing your own methods. What is their uniqueness?

– This is a high appreciation of many years of work and continuous practice aimed at effective tissue lifting and reconstruction. In my work, I use up to nine drugs at the same time, adding a thread lift, which allows me to rejuvenate the face for decades. I also work with deep tissue contouring.

This year I introduced such techniques:

• Cold plasma rejuvenation.

• New techniques for correcting the upper and lower eye area (blepharoplasty).

• Expanded possibilities of cosmetology in skin restoration after stretch marks and scars.

– How do you implement the author’s thread lifting techniques in your work?

– Thread lifting is currently at the top of the list in aesthetic cosmetology. I use various lifting techniques and have hundreds of successful cases. This year, I developed my own programme, Thread Reinforcement Collaboration, a technique that combines several types of threads in one procedure. I use both traditional cosmetic and surgical threads (cog, aptos), which gives a better tissue tightening effect.

– Your participation in the “Queen of Indomitability” contest in Kharkiv is an important contribution to supporting the Ukrainian spirit. What does this award mean to you?

– “Queen of Indomitability” is a landmark event for Kharkiv and Kharkiv women. I took part in the contest because I went through all the stages of the war without leaving Ukraine. Together with other women, we create a strong rear for our defenders and support the country’s economy. This contest showed the whole world the beauty and strength of Ukrainian women.

– You became the laureate of the «Fajna Ukrainka» and «Woman of the Year 2024» awards. How, in your opinion, does cosmetology help women maintain their inner strength?

– During the war, I worked with women of various professions: military, teachers, businesswomen, doctors, and volunteers. All of them are united by the desire to feel beautiful and well-groomed, regardless of the circumstances. I see how after the procedures not only the appearance but also the mood of my clients changes. Therefore, I sincerely admire every woman.

Take care of yourself, believe in the future. May all your wishes come true!

льга АЛЬОШКІНА – міжнародна сертифікована спеціалістка, член Асоціації косметологів України та трихологів УРАРТ України, лікарка-косметологиня з 25-річним досвідом, лауреатка численних нагород, зокрема ордена «Лідери України» за авторські методики, засновниця та власниця «AGORA beauti». Наша героїня розповідає про інновації у сфері косметології



true professional is not just someone who knows the techniques, but someone who understands the client’s needs and works for long-term results. This is the opinion of Mariia GUZIIENKO, a cosmetologist, teacher at Eacademy Clinic, and ambassador of the Prome Ukraine brand.

— Mrs. Mariia, you dedicate your activities to training cosmetologists. This is a rather dynamic industry. How do you always manage to remain a leader?

— My main principle is not just to teach, but to make students fall in love with cosmetology. This is a rapidly developing field, and it is important to always stay on top of current knowledge. I help cosmetologists build a solid foundation that will become the basis of their professional activities. I also explain the cause-and-effect relationships between skin problems and methods for their elimination.

— You are a brand ambassador for Prome Ukraine. Why did you choose this particular brand?

— Prome Ukraine is not just a brand, but a philosophy of effective care and a professional approach to cosmetology. I chose it because it offers high-quality, safe and effective products that give real results. It is important to me that cosmetologists undergoing training can work with products that they can trust.

— Tell us about the new technologies you have mastered recently.

— Recently, I have delved deeper into the field of cosmetic product development and creating ideal formulas. I also actively work with biorevitalisation and mesotherapy methods. In my practice, I combine various techniques to achieve the most effective results for clients.

— In your work, you pay a lot of attention to the training of future cosmetologists. What courses are you talking about?

— We create training programs that give cosmetologists not only basic knowledge, but also in-depth skills in narrow specialisations. This is a basic cosmetology course that forms thorough knowledge, courses on injection techniques, as well as training in skin care and professional cosmetic protocols. In addition, I help cosmetologists not only improve practical skills, but also build their own business, attract clients and create an effective system for selling services and products.

— Mariia, what innovations will change the field of cosmetology in the near future?

— Cosmetology is becoming more and more science-intensive. In the near future, even more attention will be paid to a personalized approach - products and procedures will be selected not just by skin type, but also taking into account genetic characteristics. Also, the minimally invasive techniques, which give a quick and lasting result without long recovery, are becoming more and more popular.

My advice to cosmetologists – do not be afraid of change, learn and develop. Believe in yourself, improve your skills!



Changing the standards of beauty is the life’s work of Hanna Shabanova, a wellknown cosmetologist, trainer and expert in innovative anti-age techniques. The owner of the aesthetic cosmetology studio “Dr.AShabanova” talks in an interview about the most relevant methods of rejuvenation, her own author’s techniques and the professional path that led her to international success.

Mrs. Hanna, which techniques are the most effective in rejuvenation today?

– Modern cosmetology is at the intersection of science and technology, and today we have unique techniques that allow us to achieve deep rejuvenation without surgery. One of the most promising areas is the combination of polynucleotides and exosomes, which works at the level of cellular regeneration. This is not just a temporary improvement in appearance, but a complete restoration of the skin from the inside.

I actively implement this method in my practice and teach it to cosmetologists. My author’s protocols allow us to achieve a

lasting effect, which makes this approach a benchmark in modern cosmetology.

In addition, an important trend is complex bioremodeling, where I combine hardware and injection methods for maximum natural rejuvenation.

– What tips do you personally give to maintain a beautiful face oval?

– I am convinced that a comprehensive approach gives the best results:

• Work with facial muscles: regular massage, facial building, microcurrent therapy.

• Stimulation of collagen: polynucleotides, biorevitalisation, RF-lifting.

• Balanced nutrition, quality sleep and stress reduction.

My proprietary techniques help maintain a clear facial oval without surgery, and I actively pass on this knowledge to a new generation of cosmetologists.

– Tell us about your professional path. Why did you choose cosmetology?

– I started my career as a practicing cosmetologist, but later realised that my experience could be useful to other professionals. Therefore, I expanded my activities and became a trainer who teaches cosmetologists modern rejuvenation techniques.

I have conducted hundreds of training programmes and masterclasses, passing on my own techniques to specialists from different countries.

– What are your professional achievements? What are you striving for?

– My achievements:

• “Cosmetologist of the Year –2024”

• National Award “Saint Sophia”

• Opening of an aesthetic cosmetology studio, which won the “Brand of the Year” award

• Development of a unique method of combining polynucleotides and exosomes for long-term rejuvenation

• Obtaining an American cosmetologist license and successful business development in the USA

My main goal is not only to help people maintain their youth, but also to train professionals, raising the standards of cosmetology at the international level.

– Hanna, what advice would you give our readers, not only as a specialist but also as a woman?

– A woman who knows her worth will always be magnetic. Development is the best investment in yourself. Love yourself and allow yourself to be the best version of yourself.

I believe that every woman is a brand, and the most valuable thing we can do is to allow ourselves to shine!

– Пані Ганно, які методики сьогодні є найефективнішими в омолодженні?

– Сучасна косметологія знаходиться на стику науки та технологій, і сьогодні ми маємо унікальні техніки, що дають змогу досягати глибокого омолодження без операцій.

Одним із найперспективніших напрямів є поєднання полінуклеотидів та екзосом, що працює на рівні клітинної регенерації. Це не просто тимчасове покращення зовнішнього вигляду, а повноцінне відновлення шкіри зсередини.

Я активно впроваджую цей метод у своїй практиці та навчаю йому косметологів. Мої авторські протоколи дають змогу досягати стій-

• Робота з м’язами обличчя: регулярний масаж, фейсбілдинг, мікрострумова терапія.

• Стимуляція колагену: полінуклеотиди, біоревіталізація, RF-ліфтинг. • Збалансоване харчування, якісний сон і зменшення рівня стресу. Мої авторські методики допомагають підтримувати чіткий овал обличчя без хірургічного втручання, і я активно передаю ці знання новому поколінню косметологів. – Розкажіть про


Tetiana HONCHAROVA is a podiatrist with a medical degree. During the war, she founded the first podiatry practice in Mukachevo and is a member of the Association of Podiatrists of Ukraine. The expert also teaches her own advanced training courses for podiatrists. She has over 20 years of experience! Despite the challenges of the war, Tetiana has expanded her business: she now has two modernly equipped offices, a professional sterilisation room and an orthopaedic foot diagnostic room. The following is all about the health of your feet.

– Mrs. Tetiana, greetings! The first question is about unpleasant foot odour, especially in winter. What is the cause?

– Many people do not know that sweat itself is odourless, as it is more than half water. The main reason for the unpleasant odour is the growth of bacteria and fungi in a humid environment (hyperhidrosis).

Factors that cause foot odour:

• Poor hygiene (wearing dirty socks, wet shoes, irregular cleaning of the skin of the feet);

• shoes and socks made of synthetic materials;

• fungal infections;

• unbalanced diet;

• diseases accompanied by excessive sweating;

• stress (yes, it also affects the activity of sweat glands!);

• excessive physical activity;

• hormonal changes.

– Is it true that fungus lives only on the feet? Can it stay in shoes, socks, etc.?

– In fact, fungal spores are everywhere. ‘You can catch onychomycosis of the nails or athlete’s foot in public places or through shared objects.

The fungus is transmitted

• through contact with an infected person or animal;

• through the patient’s personal belongings (socks, towels, shoes);

• in swimming pools, baths, gyms, hotels, pedicure salons, etc.

Fungal spores can survive in rubber shoes for up to a year! To quickly and effectively disinfect shoes without the risk of recurrence, podiatrists and dermatologists recommend ultraviolet dryers.

– What are the latest technologies you use in the fight for foot health?

– The new Ukrainian brand Medikalima is showing excellent results.

– Thank you, Tetiana. In conclusion: how to prevent foot diseases?

– The main thing is hygiene and strong immunity! Regular care will help to avoid most problems.

5 simple rules for healthy feet:

- Wash your feet twice a day.

- Take care of your nails and foot skin regularly.

- Use high-quality care products.

- Wear breathable shoes made of natural materials.

- Eat a balanced diet and strengthen your immune system.

And remember: healthy feet are not a luxury, but a necessity! Keep walking!

Podiatric practice of Tetiana Honcharova

взуття, нерегулярне очищення шкіри стоп);

• взуття та шкарпетки із синтетичних матеріалів;

• грибкові інфекції;

• незбалансоване харчування;

• захворювання, що супроводжуються підвищеним потовиділенням;

• стрес (так, він також впливає на активність потових


• надмірна фізична активність;

• гормональні зміни. – Чи правда, що грибок живе лише на ногах? Чи

може він залишатися у взутті, шкарпетках тощо?

– Насправді грибкові спори повсюди. «Підхопити»

оніхомікоз нігтів або мікоз стопи можна в громадських місцях чи через предмети спільного користування. Грибок передається:

• при контакті з інфікованою людиною або твариною;

• через особисті речі хворого (шкарпетки, рушники, взуття); • у басейнах, лазнях, спортзалах, готелях,



Повна зала людей: дніпрян, гостей міста,

експертів, журналістів, поціновувачів мистецтва… Абсолютна тиша та затамований подих від очікування. З цього почалась

прем’єра неймовірно унікального, абсолютно

інноваційного культурного проєкту «Психологічний театр «Ситуація».

Авторка проєкту Людмила АКИМЕНКО зазначає, що дуже довго виношувала ідею, аби вона, сформувавшись, увібрала в собі виключно

Більшість з

не дозволяє собі звернутись до експертів по допомогу. Статистика розлучень говорить нам про те, що ми не маємо на сьогодні культуру побудови здорових

комунікації, досягнення порозуміння з оточуючими, розкриття внутрішнього


Окрім того, психологічний театр «Ситуація» має за мету розвивати психологічний напрямок театрального мистецтва. Це абсолютно нова концепція, що може бути ефективно застосована, як інноваційна терапевтична модель. Психологи зазначають, що в деяких життєвих обставинах саме театральні вистави можуть стати єдиним

глядачеві можливість побачити схожу ситуацію зі сторони та зрозуміти, як варто діяти, аби зберегти стосунки,


A full hall of people: Dnipro residents, guests of the city, experts, journalists, art connoisseurs... There was absolute silence and bated breath from anticipation at the start of the premiere of the incredibly unique, absolutely innovative cultural project «Psychological Theatre «Situation».

The author of the project Lyudmila Akymenko notes that she has been nurturing the idea for a very long time so that, once formed, it would incorporate extremely useful practical advice and the effectiveness of psychological assistance to people through the format of a theatrical performance.

«As a woman who has gone through a long way of her own transformations, I understand that young people who plan to create strong unions do not know how to prepare themselves for this at all. Most of them do not allow themselves to turn to experts for help. Divorce statistics tell us that we do not currently have a culture of building healthy relationships due to a lack of self-understanding and inability to communicate. For a very long time, these questions formed in me the idea of creating a project that through an interactive format would be able to help our nation, help women and men find a common language, create an atmosphere of trust, harmony, understanding and support in families. Thus, years later, the Psychological Theatre «Situation» was born, which we presented to the birthday of our city,» commented Lyudmila Akymenko.

The format of the project includes theatrical productions of a wide variety of situations faced by every person on the planet. Psychological theatre is a special form of influence on a person through creation, because theatrical art is able to perfectly manifest the inner world of

a person and change him or her.We can empower people in the light of creation to take important steps toward change. It is also about improving relationships, establishing communication, achieving understanding with others and revealing inner potential.

In addition, the psychological theatre «Situation» aims to develop the psychological direction of theatrical art. This is a completely new concept that can be effectively applied as an innovative therapeutic model. Psychologists point out that theatrical performance can be the only way to resolve difficult relationships with others in some life circumstances.

The experts with a psychological specialty reveal the topics of situations, causes and consequences and give practical advices in the project. They take their professional tools and help people see the objectivity of life’s situations. The themes of future performances will consist of real stories, which we expect to receive from you through social networks.

Due to the realities of our lives, not all Ukrainians can turn to a psychologist for help today, because this type of communication foresees openness,

which requires special courage. And this is where a theatrical performance can come to the rescue allowing the viewer to participate in a familiar situation without direct contact with a specialist, but to get the necessary answers. This interactive will give the viewer the opportunity to see a similar situation from the outside and understand how to act in order to preserve the relationship that will be discussed in the play.

The premiere of the first performance of the psychological theatre «The Situation» proved that Ukrainians today desperately need psychological help. The project’s experts answered more than a hundred questions of the guests of the event. Specialists who were presented at the project noted

that the great war further worsened the state of Ukrainians and they should be saved. They repeatedly emphasized that psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, sexologists, neurologists and coaches should consult in any life situation to support mental health. In this way, we will be able to create relationships having a good continuation and giving our nation strong unions and a healthy generation of future Ukrainians. After all, it is for them that we now choose our freedom and independence.

We thank everyone who joined us at the premiere, we are waiting for your comments on social networks and we are preparing for the new performance.

We are waiting for everyone!


hildren are our present and future. In this issue, a professional nanny reveals the topic of unconditional love for children, honesty and openness in relationships with them. Our guest emphasises that children do not need a perfect family; they need an environment of mutual understanding. Liudmyla KOMISARUK shares her professional advice.

— Greetings, dear readers! Having worked with children for more than ten years, I can say that every child is unique. Being a parent is both challenging and incredibly wonderful. We are used to saying that children grow up and we grow old. But in reality, we are developing together with them, and this process never stops.

Together we realise that no one can be perfect 24/7. There is no pause button in life, so even the smartest people do stupid things, the calmest people occasionally explode, and the most energetic people get exhausted. That is why I always work with parents as a team - together we help children learn to be human.

Children are not just our smaller copies, but whole worlds of emotions, thoughts and dreams. They are the seeds of the future, a living embodiment of hope, a potential waiting to be realised.

But have you ever wondered what exactly children absorb like sponges? It’s not just knowledge, numbers or facts. It’s emotions, behavioural patterns, relationships with others, and an understanding of the world. It is love for everything around them.

Love is an action. Children do not need a perfect family. They need a family that loves. It is not the number of parents that matters, but the quality of their relationship. When we put our children’s happiness before our own, we inadvertently teach them that love is conditional. But this is a heavy burden, and it shouldn’t be. A harmonious relationship between parents is the key to a child’s emotional health.

It is important to understand that honesty is the best policy. Yes, there is a temptation to protect children from cruel reality, but hiding problems only creates future disappointments. If we are honest with them, especially with ourselves, even on difficult topics, we teach them to trust us. And they are grateful for that.

Children are very perceptive. They can sense when something is wrong, even if we try to hide it. So instead of putting on a happy face, it’s better to be honest with them. Let them know that it is normal to be sad.

Children need to be loved and accepted unconditionally. The task of parents, educators, and nannies is to teach them to accept themselves as they are at every moment of their lives.

In conclusion, I’d like to give you some tips to help your children cope with setbacks.

Don’t blame or scold your child. Don’t deny or minimise their disappointment. Never say: ‘It doesn’t matter,’ because it does matter to them.

Support them: ‘Keep working on yourself, and victory will come,’ ’I’m proud of you.’

These words give children wings. They learn to believe in themselves, reveal their potential and achieve success in life.

— Вітаю, шановні читачі! Працюючи з дітками вже понад

десять років, я можу сказати, що кожна дитина унікальна. Бути батьками — це одночасно і складно, і неймовірно чудово. Ми звикли казати, що діти ростуть, а ми старіємо. Але насправді ми розвиваємося разом із ними, і цей процес не припиняється. Разом ми усвідомлюємо, що ніхто не може бути ідеальним 24/7. У житті немає кнопки «пауза», тому навіть найрозумніші роблять дурниці, найспокійніші зрідка вибухають, а найенергійніші — виснажуються. Саме тому я завжди працюю з батьками як з єдиною командою — разом ми допомагаємо дітям вчитися бути людьми.

Діти — це не просто наші зменшені копії, а цілі світи емоцій, думок і мрій. Вони — насіння майбутнього, живе втілення надії, потенціал, що чекає на свій час.

Але чи замислювалися ви, що саме діти вбирають, наче губки? Це не лише знання, цифри чи факти. Це емоції, моделі поведінки, стосунки з іншими, розуміння світу. Це любов до всього, що їх оточує. Любов — це дія. Дітям не потрібна ідеальна сім’я. Їм потрібна сім’я, яка любить. Важливі не кількість батьків, а якість їхніх стосунків. Коли ми ставимо

важкий тягар, і його не повинно бути. Гармонійні стосунки

батьками — запорука емоційного здоров’я дитини. Важливо розуміти, що чесність — це найкраща політика. Так, спокуса захистити дітей від жорстокої реальності існує, але замовчування проблем лише породжує майбутні розчарування. Якщо ми чесні і з ними, і з собою, навіть у складних темах, ми вчимо їх довіряти нам. І вони за це вдячні. Діти дуже проникливі. Вони відчувають, коли щось не так, навіть якщо ми намагаємося це приховати. Тому замість того, щоб удавати щасливе обличчя, краще бути з ними відвертими. Дайте їм зрозуміти, що сумувати — це нормально. Дітей потрібно любити та приймати безумовно. Завдання батьків,


Psychologist Olena YEKYMENKO shares her advice and experience working with Ukrainians who have faced war and emigration. In an interview, she talks about the importance of psychological flexibility, maintaining social connections, and finding new meanings in life.

– Ms. Olena, it is nice to meet you. Please tell us what recommendations you would give to Ukrainians who left and who stayed in Ukraine, regarding adaptation and flexibility to circumstances?

– Psychological flexibility helps you accept the situation as it is and find ways to maintain inner balance. The main tools include maintaining social connections, the ability to accept change, finding new life goals and seeking professional help if necessary. Remember the main thing is that psychological fatigue can lead to burnout and devastation. Taking care of your physical and mental health is the basis of resilience for yourself and your loved ones.

– Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult for Ukrainian parents to raise their children in a war-torn world. What advice would you give to our readers?

– The most important thing to remember is that even in the most difficult times, children can and should be supported by giving them a sense of security, love, and stability. Psychological support, honest conversations, creating a positive environment, and finding ways to maintain their health and emotional well-being will help children get through this difficult period and grow up to be strong, emotionally resilient people.

In general, during war, the future looks uncertain, and children may feel this uncertainty. Parents can talk to their children about the hope for peace, that with unity and support, everything will definitely get better. It is important to teach children to think about the future, to have plans and dreams, even if they seem distant today.

– Nowadays, it is becoming more and more difficult for us to keep ourselves «in control» and not lose hope and faith. Share your own experience on how to do this.

– The most important thing in such situations is to learn to be in the moment, accept what is happening and maintain internal balance. It is important to remember that we cannot change external circumstances, but we can change our attitude towards them. I focused on what I can control. I started learning Finnish, adapting to a new culture, and participating in various projects. Working with children at school also stimulates me to keep myself in check and move forward. It is important to allow ourselves to be imperfect. Supporting each other is also of great importance, therefore I am volunteering.

– Ms. Olena, thank you for the conversation. In conclusion, please tell us about your professional experience so that our readers understand that they can and should contact you.

– I am a psychologist, art therapist, author and presenter of psychological transformational games with experience in Ukraine and abroad. I have worked in various areas of psychology, in particular in the field of psychological support and consulting work. I actively participate in community and volunteer projects to support immigrants in Finland, in particular Ukrainians, where I provide psychological and emotional support.

If you need help, do not hesitate to contact me. Your psychological stability and health are our top priority.

I wish you peace, patience and faith in yourself!



Nataliia BONDARENKO is a certified metaphorical card specialist, founder of the Energy of Life club and holder of the title Mrs. International Beauty 2024. She helps people find inner balance and harmony through self-development methods, psychological games and metaphorical cards. Her life path proves that selfknowledge, support and development can be the key to confidence and harmony.

– Nataliia, tell us about your path to integration in Switzerland and participation in the beauty contest.

– My life in Switzerland has been a journey of selfdiscovery. At first, I faced difficulties: the language barrier, physical work in the vineyards, and adapting to a new environment.

However, the most important event for me was an international beauty contest. It helped me to realise that true beauty is not only about appearance, but also about the inner state of a person. The feeling of harmony inside became the key to victory for me, opening up new opportunities for development.

– How did these events inspire you to create the Energy of Life club?

– The Miss & Missis Royal Beauty Universe 2024 contest held in Geneva was not just an event for me, but a real turning point. My experience of participating in the pageant and adapting to a new life showed me how important support and inner development are. That is why I created the Energy of Life club, a space for women to find harmony and support. In our activities, we use metaphorical cards, psychological games, and methods of self-discovery. These techniques help us look deeper into our subconscious and find answers to important life questions. The club unites people who seek development and inner balance.

– Why did you choose exactly metaphorical cards and game practice?

– Metaphorical cards are a unique tool that helps

• reveal emotions, fears and desires,

• look into the subconscious mind,

• see hidden aspects of your own self.

It is a powerful method of personal growth that I use in my trainings and consultations. Game practice combines elements of play and therapy, which allows you to

• work through internal conflicts,

• develop social skills,

• improve interpersonal relationships.

I am convinced that this is an important step towards harmony for every person.

– How have you changed since participating in the competition and creating the club?

– The beauty contest taught me inner confidence. After it, I realised my true goals and mission. My activities have become even more focused on helping others.

The Energy of Life Club has given me the opportunity to create a space for support and development, and I see how it is changing the lives of many people.

– What is the main message you want to convey to your participants?

– My experience shows that true harmony begins with self-acceptance. It’s important to find time for selfdiscovery to realise your desires, fears and dreams. I want everyone who comes to the club to feel supported and understand that any difficulties are just stages on the way to a harmonious and happy life. As a certified specialist, I create a safe space for self-development where everyone can find their way to inner peace.

карт, засновниця

– Наталіє, розкажіть про Ваш шлях до інтеграції у Швейцарії та участь у конкурсі краси.

– Моє життя в Швейцарії стало подорожжю до самопізнання. Спочатку я

з труднощами: мовний бар’єр, фізична робота на виноградниках, адаптація до нового середовища.

Однак найважливішою подією для

став міжнародний конкурс краси. Він

усвідомити, що справжня краса – це не

зовнішність, а й внутрішній стан людини.

Відчуття гармонії всередині стало для мене ключем до перемоги, відкривши нові можли -

вості для розвитку. – Як ці події надихнули Вас створити

клуб «Енергія Життя»?

– Конкурс «Miss & Missis Royal Beauty Universe 2024», який відбувся у Женеві, став для мене не просто подією, а справжнім переломним моментом. Мій досвід участі в конкурсі

адаптації до нового життя показав, наскільки важливими

в підсвідомість,

Це потужний метод особистісного зростання, який я використовую

поєднує елементи гри та терапії, що дозволяє: •


– Як Ви змінилася після участі в конкурсі та створення

— Mrs. Nadiia, we are pleased to meet you! You have gained popularity thanks to your experience and continuous development. What is the secret of your success?

— Good afternoon, thank you! In fact, there is no any secret. It’s simple: I am honest with myself and my clients. I know how to listen – not only to what I am told, but also to what remains «between the lines». I do not impose unnecessary things and can refuse if I believe that the procedure is not necessary. But there is still a long way to success in the understanding that I have, and I continue to work on myself.

— What services do you offer your clients? Which ones are the most popular?

— have a full range of aesthetic procedures in my arsenal: cleansing, injectable cosmetology, collagen stimulation, procedures to moisturise the skin and stimulate hyaluronic acid and collagen production, and botulinum therapy. I have recently purchased a device for microneedle RF lifting, so now my clients can benefit from this procedure as well. I also specialise in the treatment of acne and rosacea. The most popular procedures are skin regeneration, moisturising and nourishing.

— Cosmetology is a constantly evolving field. How do you improve your skills? What are the general prospects for cosmetology in 2025?

— Cosmetology, like medicine, does not stand still. And it’s a great pleasure for me to keep up with the development, constantly acquiring new knowledge and skills from my mentors. The prospects in the industry are enormous! Today, we are increasingly talking


Honesty, humanity and constant development are the main principles of Nadiia YAROSLAVTSEVA, a well-known cosmetologist and Ukrainian woman with strong professional achievements. In this interview, she talks about her path to success, shares her secrets of the profession and gives tips on how to maintain a well-groomed look every day.

not only about external beauty, but also about physical health and mental well-being. Without this, high-quality cosmetology cannot exist! The era of ‘injecting lips’ is a thing of the past, and now we, as doctors, approach each patient comprehensively. In my opinion, the main trend in 2025 is an individual approach and harmonious work on overall well-being.

— What are the main principles you follow in your work?

— Honesty, humanity, the courage to say no when necessary, and integrity. I am also always in touch with clients 24/7.

— Mrs. Nadiia, can you share your advice with Ukrainian women on how to take care of themselves every day, regardless of the circumstances?

— Love yourself, listen to your body! Notice the first signs of emotional, hormonal and physical imbalance and do not ignore them. Do not be silent in your relationships with anyone. Always put yourself first in your life!

As for care, cosmetics should be selected only after consulting a specialist. Take care of your facial skin twice a day, thoroughly wash off micellar water and do not forget about high-quality hydration. This is the basis! And then - in a good mood, go to your beautician, who will tell you what and how to use correctly so that your skin shines with beauty.

Насправді жодного секрету немає. Все просто: я чесна із собою та

У моєму арсеналі весь

На мою думку, головний тренд 2025 року — індивідуальний підхід


etyana SHKOLYAR is an ecological practicing psychologist, karmologist, and certified consultant in reading fate by date of birth. She helps women consciously manage their emotional state and find their own purpose. There is a wide range of effective techniques in her arsenal. Read more about the details and results.

– Mrs. Tetyana, it is nice to meet you. Your professional activity is focused on unlocking people’s potential and their self-realisation. What are the main tools you use in your work?

– I am an ecological practicing psychologist for women, a karmologist, a certified consultant in reading fate by date of birth, studied at Marina’s Khmelovska karmology school.

My main goal is to teach women to ecologically restore their resources, consciously manage emotions, calm down and act.

I have in my arsenal tools that I have adapted, combined and tested on my own experience. Among them there are:

• Psychological consultations.

• Art therapy, sand therapy, fairy tale therapy.

• Techniques and exercises aimed at restoring self-esteem and awareness of one’s own worth.

But the most unique method I use is the «Matrix of Destiny» but as needed.

– Explain in simple terms how this technique works.

– In short, the “Matrix of Destiny” is a kind of instruction manual for our lives.

Our eight digits in our date of birth provide answers to many important questions:

• What character traits do we have?

• How do we treat ourselves and those around us?

• What is our purpose? and many other different issues.

After the consultation, a person clearly understands in which direction to move, what talents and potential she has, what prevents her from achieving what she wants, and how to change her life.

In general, each of us has three purposes that are formed over the years. When a person realises what she needs to work out and implement she fulfils her mission more easily.

The “Matrix of Destiny” is a navigator that helps them choose the right path. The main rule: what you sow is what you reap. We cannot change fate, but we can influence karma. Karma is action, so it is important to know how to act and consciously manage and create your life.

– Readers are interested in learning about the results of the work and the timing of achieving the effect.

– After the first consultation, a person receives answers to her questions and understands the reasons for life difficulties.

If the client is serious about working on herself, then on average enough for 4 meetings, but a maximum of 8. However, I am happy to accompany women after the consultation if they need it. I have many such clients.

– Our readers are always looking for advice from experts. What are your recommendations?

– I have a lot of them, but these are not tips, but rather recommendations. I will highlight a few main ones:

• Be humane. The boomerang law always works.

• Accept your loved ones as they are.

• Don’t be afraid to seek help from professionals. If something doesn’t work out, help yourself!

• Do at least one good deed for others every day and definitely for yourself.

• Learn to be grateful for everything you have and enjoy life.

If you follow these simple rules, pleasant changes in your life will come very quickly!

пісочна терапія, казкотерапія.

• Техніки та вправи, спрямовані

рівня матеріального

мають стабільні стосунки, але прагнуть знайти глибший сенс свого існування.

Я намагаюся відходити від концепції проблеми. Якщо людина не потребує психіатричної допомоги, вона просто шукає рішення певної життєвої ситуації. Моя особиста думка полягає в тому, що проблем не існує, є зони росту. Я працюю «в довгу». У мене мало клієнтів із ситуаційними запитами,

— це лише перший ступінь терапії. Натомість я прагну створювати глибокий зв’язок, адже саме стосунки з терапевтом відіграють вирішальну роль у змінах.

– Ви — ведуча проєкту «Справа жінки». Розкажіть про нього. Що надихнуло на його створення? – На початку повномасштабного вторгнення я бачила людей у стані глибокої кризи. Це був стан переосмислення думок щодо: «навіщо ми живемо?», «що буде далі?», «як з цим впоратись?», «як пережити це пекло?»… Тоді я вирішила створити проєкт, який давав

+380 66 514 15 96



– Хто Ваші героїні? – Виокремлювати когось не буду, бо кожна з жінок — справжня цінність! Кожна з нашої спільноти робить неймовірні речі. Це експертки, вони є проявом нашої жіночної мужності, якої зараз дійсно сильно потребують українці. Я відкрита до спілкування, до нових ідей та нових людей. Долучайтесь до нашої спільноти в будьякий спосіб.

– Поділіться своїм професійним шляхом. Чому Ви обрали психологію?

– За першим фахом я юристка.

Це був цікавий досвід, проте мені бракувало глибини. Потім я захопилася астрологією, але швидко зрозуміла, що потребую міцного наукового підґрунтя. Так у моєму житті з’явилася психологія — поєднання науки, знань і людського розуміння. Моя головна мотивація — безперервне навчання та бажання працювати з тим, що має реальну цінність.



nastasiia PRYKHODKO, clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, talks about the psychological trauma of war, chronic stress, anxiety, emotional burnout, and loss of trust. Couples suffer from a sense of detachment, and children –from the state of their parents. Next is advice for every Ukrainian from our expert.

– Anastasiia, nice to meet you. Let’s talk about the psychological trauma of war. What consequences does it have for our society?

– War changes each of us, even if we seem to be holding on. The main consequences are chronic stress, anxiety, emotional burnout and a breakdown of trust in society. People have become more cautious, some more aggressive, and many have lost their sense of security. It is especially difficult for those who have separated from their families, lost their jobs or homes. This creates new challenges, as everyone is living through this crisis in their own way.

– What difficulties do couples separated by war most often face?

– The most difficult thing is the feeling of isolation and misunderstanding. Those who stayed in Ukraine feel responsible for their homes, loved ones and survival. Those who left often feel guilty and lonely. This can lead to a feeling that the partner does not understand or appreciate the other’s difficulties.

– What tools do you use to help Ukrainians cope with these problems?

– I use methods to stabilise the nervous system: breathing practices, mindfulness techniques, body exercises. It’s very important for couples to learn to communicate without blame, to openly talk about their feelings. If the relationship is long-distance, then introduction of “communication rituals” can help. These are regular calls, joint discussion of plans, and support even through simple messages.

– And how do adult traumas affect our children?

– Children are very sensitive to the state of their parents. Often adults think that kids “don’t understand anything”, but children are great at reading their parents’ moods and behavioural changes. It is important to learn how to cope with stress yourself in order to be a support for your child. And the most important thing is not to hide the truth, but to explain events in an age-appropriate way.

– Today, women are under a huge psychoemotional strain. What practices do you recommend in order not to lose yourself and your femininity?

– First of all, we need to allow ourselves to rest. The war does not eliminate our need to take care of ourselves. It’s important to keep in touch with your body - dancing, yoga, outdoor walks are suitable. And, of course, communication with loved ones is a resource that helps you to hold on even in the most difficult times.

– Please give some advice to Ukrainians who are losing hope and faith in a bright future.

– Remember that war is a marathon. Take care of yourself. Focus on what is in your power, not on what is out of your control. Don’t be afraid to ask for help - it’s not a sign of weakness, but taking care of yourself. Find meaning in your daily routine - even the smallest steps have significance. Remember: you are not alone. Every Ukrainian is fighting on his or her own front, and together we will stand fast.

раді знайомству. Поговорімо про психотравму війни. Які наслідки вона має для нашого суспільства? – Війна змінює кожного з нас, навіть якщо здається, що ми тримаємось. Основні наслідки – це хронічний стрес, тривожність, емоційне вигорання та порушення довіри в суспільстві. Люди стали більш обережними,

– це відчуття відірваності та нерозуміння. Той, хто залишився в Україні, відчуває відповідальність

– Mrs. Alla, what is Reiki? How does this tool affect human development?

– Everything in our lives consists of energy - ourselves, our environment, even material things. I hope our interview will not end after this phrase!

Reiki is an energy healing practice that helps restore balance and harmony in the human body and mind. Translated from Japanese, the word ‘Reiki’ means ‘life energy’. It is not just a technique, but a way of deeply understanding yourself and your place in the world. Reiki energy works on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It helps to relieve stress, eliminate energy blocks, find inner harmony and discover hidden resources.

On the physical level, it helps to heal diseases, insomnia, and depression.

On the mental level, it helps to better understand your true desires.

On the emotional level, it helps to work through the causes of life’s difficulties and find ways to overcome them.

– Can Reiki reveal the essence of a person and their future path?

– Reiki is not a way of predicting the future, but it helps you to feel better about yourself and your true needs. It’s like a mirror that reflects your inner state and potential. Often, people who work with Reiki find new meanings in life: they change their


lla ULCHENKO is a specialist in psychology, energy practices, and a Reiki master teacher who has been helping Ukrainians overcome difficulties for many years. Every day we face new challenges, and our expert knows how to cope with them. Today, we are talking about a tool that really gives answers to questions.

profession, rethink their relationships, and make important decisions that previously seemed impossible. For example, I discovered my writing talent: I co-authored books with fairy tales for children and women, wrote a love fantasy, and am currently creating a practical course on quantum psychology techniques and energy practices. In the first year of the war, together with my colleague Iryna Kanunnikova, we created an online resource for working with metaphorical cards - the first in Ukraine, by the way.

– Why did you choose the path of helping people?

– My journey began with a deep inner search. I have always believed that there are no hopeless situations, and my own experience has confirmed this. For 20 years, I have been helping people understand themselves, restore their inner resources and learn to live in the here and now. At first it was a psychological approach, but later I realised that human energy and consciousness are inextricably linked. That’s how energy practices and Reiki came into my life.

– What are Ukrainians worried about today?

– Most often I am approached by women. The main requests are:

• finding a way out of difficult life situations;

• health problems;

• relationships (from ‘How to find my person?’ to ‘How to get out of a toxic relationship?’);

• restoration of internal resources and self-search.

If we look at the requests through the prism of the war, then, unfortunately, most of my clients have lost a positive vision of the future.

– Alla, how can Ukrainian women maintain their psycho-emotional health?

– Today, women have a huge responsibility on their shoulders. The most important advice is to take care of yourself. Only by taking care of yourself can you take care of others. Allow yourself to rest. This is not a weakness, but a necessity. Find your circle of support. The war has changed social ties, but it is important to surround yourself with people who help you maintain your inner balance. Do not take on what you cannot change. Act where your participation is important. Develop internal resilience.

Life can be difficult, but there is always a way out. The main thing is to listen to yourself, trust your inner strength and know that even in the darkest times you can find the light.

Алло, що таке Рейкі? Як цей інструмент впливає на розвиток людини?

– Усе в нашому житті складається з енергії – ми самі, наше оточення, навіть матеріальні речі. Сподіваюся, після цієї фрази наше інтерв’ю не закінчиться!

Рейкі – це практика енергетично-

го зцілення, що допомагає відновити баланс і гармонію в тілі та свідомості людини. У перекладі з японської слово «Рейкі» означає «енергія життя». Це не просто методика, а спосіб глибокого усвідомлення себе та свого місця у світі. Енергія Рейкі працює на всіх рівнях: фізичному, емоційному, ментальному та духовному. Вона

допомагає зняти напругу, усунути енергетичні блоки, знайти внутрішню гармонію й відкрити приховані ресурси.

На фізичному рівні – сприяє зціленню хвороб, безсоння, депресій.

На ментальному рівні – допомагає краще усвідомлювати свої справжні бажання.

На емоційному рівні – допомагає опрацьовувати причини життєвих труднощів і знаходити шляхи їх подолання.

– Чи може Рейкі розкрити сут-

здавалися неможливими. Я, наприклад, відкрила в собі письменницький талант: стала співавторкою книг із казками для дітей і жінок, написала любовне фентезі, зараз створюю практичний курс із техніками квантової психології та енергопрактиками. У перший

через призму війни, то, на жаль, більшість моїх клієнтів

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