та відвага. Ці принципи й спонукали мене стати ад-
життя кожного українця, і я – не виняток. Моя головна місія тепер – захищати права військових, ветеранів та їхніх сімей, допомагати тим, хто постраждав від війни.

та відвага. Ці принципи й спонукали мене стати ад-
життя кожного українця, і я – не виняток. Моя головна місія тепер – захищати права військових, ветеранів та їхніх сімей, допомагати тим, хто постраждав від війни.
Justice, quality, results are the main principles of the work of the famous lawyer from Vinnytsia Maksym STOROZHENKO. He is chosen by clients because he is not afraid of complex and high-profile cases, and is also ready to explain legal intricacies to everyone in an understandable language. Read about the protection of the rights of the military and mobilized, the fight against corruption and free legal aid in our interview.
– Mr. Maksym, greetings! In what family did you grow up? Why did you choose the path of a lawyer?
– I was born in a family of workers and military, where honour, justice and courage were always valued. These principles motivated me to become a lawyer to protect those in need and to fight for the truth.
– How was your career forming? When did you open your own office?
– My career as a lawyer is a path of continuous improvement. I always strove to achieve the best results and help people. I opened my own office in 2005, and since then my team and I have been running a successful law practice.
– How did your life change after the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion?
– The war changed the life of every Ukrainian, and I am no exception. My main mission now is to protect the rights of military personnel, veterans and their families, to help those affected by war. At that time, the «Prometheus» project was born – our initiative that unites lawyers, human rights defenders and not indifferent people to fight for justice and create a better future.
– What kind of cases do you work with most often now?
– Most of the cases concern military law, protection of the rights of the mobilized, support of veterans, as well as the fight against corruption and lawlessness. As
part of the “Prometheus” project, we provide free legal assistance to military personnel and their families, as well as develop modern tools to protect the rights of citizens including a legal chatbot.
– Today, 96% of the cases you lead are successful! Could you mention the most resonant one?
– Case No. 120/359/24 concerned the dispute with the Pension Fund.
The fact of the matter:
• The pension fund denied a war veteran an early old-age pension.
• Courts of first and appellate instances returned the statement of claim due to the alleged missed deadline for appeal.
• In the cassation appeal, we emphasized the special status of the military and the conditions of martial law.
• The Supreme Court satisfied the appeal, annulled the previous decisions and sent the case for a new consideration.
This victory became an important precedent that protects the rights of servicemen and confirms the need to take into account the circumstances of their service.
– Openness, perseverance... What is the formula for your success?
– My formula for success is a combination of professionalism, honesty and belief in what I do. The support of my team, friends and brother Adam is also important.
– Tell us a little about yourself. What rules do you follow in life?
– I am a person of word and deed. I believe in justice, goodness and the strength of the human spirit. In life, I adhere to the principles of honesty, decency and mutual assistance.
– In your opinion, is it possible to defeat corruption in Ukraine? What is needed for this?
– Yes, I am convinced that corruption can be overcome. This requires the joint work of the authorities, civil society and every Ukrainian. It is necessary to root out corruption schemes, change the system and ensure the inevitability of punishment. The “Prometheus” project is actively working on this, providing legal support and creating public control tools.
– What would you wish Ukrainians, in particular the military, in the New Year?
– In the New Year, I wish all Ukrainians, and especially our military, good health, strength of spirit, faith in victory and a peaceful sky overhead. May 2025 bring us happiness, well-being and the fulfilment of dreams!
I want to thank the three women in my life. My mother, Lidiya Storozhenko, for giving birth to me and bringing me up.
Mrs. Olha Tereshchenko, Head of the Vinnytsia Region Bar Council, for the gained work experience and advice.
Mrs. Maryna Yaroslavska, designer, founder of the “Yaroslavna” Company, for supporting me in style.
боти та приділити увагу своєму
ти, спілкуватися з людьми. Це мене надихало. Я записалася на курси в Ukrainian IT School на спеціальність Social Media Marketing, яку закінчила з відзнакою.
На сьогодні я лауреат Міжнародного «Ордену Королеви Анни «Честь Вітчизни», лауреат ордену «За громадську доблесть». Моя маркетингова компанія визнана «Найкращою компанією» у 2023–2024
рр та відзначена Знаком якості України, займається благодійністю. – Що треба робити для того, щоб завжди залишатися успішною людиною?
– Потрібно постійно працювати над собою та розвиватися в різних аспектах життя. Навчатись, бути дисциплінованим та відповідальним, підтримувати здоровий баланс між працею та відпочинком, бути відкритим для спілкування. Завжди залишатися успішною людиною – це не лише про досягнення певних цілей, але й про безперервний
бізнесу. Війна принесла багато викликів, але вона також відкрила нові горизонти та змусила нас переосмислити підходи до ведення справ. Моєю основною метою після Перемоги буде активне долучення до процесу відновлення країни, підтримка інновацій та розвиток сталих бізнес-моделей, розвиток соціально відповідального бізнесу, інновації та цифровізація, розширення міжнародного співробітництва, підтримка малого та середнього бізнесу.
How to start life almost from the beginning and achieve success, how to develop a business in the most difficult times, how to always be successful – Oleksandra Khliebnikova, the founder and general director of the All-Ukrainian marketing company «ALEKSA TARGET GROUP» tells us. She is also the founder and director of the closed club of businessmen of Ukraine «BUSINESS COMMUNITY UKRAINE», author of marketing courses, tools and manuals.
– Mrs. Oleksandra, we are very glad to communicate with you. It is both interesting and useful for our readers. How were you defined on your specialty for life?
– Thank you for the kind words and the opportunity to communicate with your readers!
It was not simple, but very interesting path to my specialty. I had been working in a state institution in jurisprudence for almost 19 years. I had achieved the highest results in this direction. However, life took such a turn that I fell ill and had to leave work and pay attention to my health. But I wanted to work, communicate with people. It inspired me.
I signed up for courses at the Ukrainian IT School for the specialty Social Media Marketing, which I graduated with honours.
Today, I am a laureate of the International Order of Queen Anna «Honour of the Fatherland», laureate of the Order «For Public Valour». My marketing company was recognized as the «Best Company» in 2023-2024 and was awarded the Quality Mark of Ukraine. We are also engaged in charity work.
– What should be done in order to always remain a successful person?
– You need to constantly work on yourself and develop in various aspects of life. It means to learn, to be disciplined and responsible and to maintain a healthy balance between work and rest, to be open to communication.
Always being a successful person is not only about achieving certain goals, but also about continuous
development, self-discovery and the ability to adapt to changes in life.
– You are the author of a very interesting business guide book. Tell us about it.
– «Strategies of the Future» («Стратегії майбутнього») is a practical guide to marketing. This is a table book for entrepreneurs, businessmen, marketers, SMM workers, targetologists and personal brand owners.
This guide is designed to provide profound understanding modern marketing strategies that will help you not only navigate today’s business environment with confidence, but also succeed in a globally competitive world.
– What helps you to always be in a resource?
– I am helped by balance in all spheres of life by taking care of my health and mental state, as well as by love and support from close people and constant development.
– What are your plans for work after Victory?
– I see great opportunities for the recovery and development of Ukrainian business after the Victory. The war brought many challenges, but it also opened up new horizons and forced us to rethink the way we do business. My main goal after the Victory will be active involvement in the country’s recovery process, support for innovation and development of sustainable business models, development of socially responsible business, innovation and digitalization, expansion of international cooperation, support of small and medium businesses.
– What would you wish our readers?
– I would like to wish your readers to never lose faith in themselves and their abilities. I am sure that everything is in our hands, and Ukrainians are the strongest nation. Glory to Ukraine!!!
Sculptor Lifting Massage
ін’єкції краси? – Все дуже індивідуально. Я за максимальну натуральність та природність. Масаж першочерговий, на ньому завжди акцентую свою увагу. Адже він покращує кровообіг, має лімфодренажний ефект, дає релаксацію, покращує тонус шкіри. Масаж – процедура без побічних ефектів, за яку ваша шкіра точно подякує надалі. Ін’єкції – косметологічні процедури, які спрямовані на покращення якості шкіри та гармонізацію обличчя, досягнення конкретних естетичних цілей. І тут, яким би гарним препарат не був, можуть виникати побічні ефекти. – З якими ще запитами до Вас звертаються? – Серед моїх клієнтів користується попитом процедура мізотерапії волосся. А саме регенерація волосся. Процедура направлена на відновлення пошкодженого волосся, яке вже є, а також на призупинення випадіння, збільшення густоти та об’єму.
o you dream of removing extra years from your face, but are not ready for plastic surgery?
Then we are glad to introduce you to the charming and talented TETYANA BRAILO! As a cosmetologist, she heals not only the body, but also the soul. In addition, Mrs. Tetyana is the author of a unique method of natural rejuvenation! The guest talked about this and not only in our interview.
– Tetyana, nice to meet you! What is your author’s method of rejuvenation?
– I greet you! My author’s method of natural rejuvenation, Sculptor Lifting Massage, is a combination of various massage techniques that affects all layers of tissue. The main focus is on the muscular framework of the face, neck and platysma (the widest and largest mimic muscle) plus the energy aspect according to the Reiki method. It is a form of alternative medicine that uses the technique of spiritual healing through the touch of the palms. And we get non-surgical lifting and relaxation on a spiritual level as a result. The lifting effect is noticeable even after the first session! The skin is elastic and glows from within. The advantage of my technique is that this massage is at the level of plastic correction.
– What about injections? Do you practice procedures with them?
– Yes. I practice mesotherapy. It is the injection of vitamins and microelements under the skin for rejuvenation. I also use biorevitalization. It is a fairly effective injection method of skin moistening using preparations based on hyaluronic acid. I also offer indirect lipolytic cocktails that gently break down fat cells and help get rid of a second chin or chubby cheeks. And I offer hair regeneration also.
– What should be chosen: facial massage or beauty injections?
– Everything is very individual. I am for maximum naturalness. Massage is of primary importance and I always focus my attention on it. Nevertheless it improves blood circulation, has a lymphatic drainage effect, provides relaxation and improves skin tone. Massage is a procedure without side effects. Your skin will definitely thank you in the future. Injections are cosmetology procedures aimed at improving the quality of the skin and harmonizing the face, achieving specific aesthetic goals. And here side effects may occur, no matter how good the drug is.
– What other requests do you have?
– Hair mesotherapy procedure is in demand among my clients. Namely it is hair regeneration. The procedure is aimed at restoring damaged hair that is already there, as well as stopping hair loss, increasing its density and volume.
– Your clients claim that you not only restore their beauty, but also heal their souls! How is it possible?
– Each person who comes to me is like a unique picture. My goal is to make her a little happier and some even more confident. It is important for me not only to perform the procedure well, but also to be able to listen to the person. After all, my clients often open up to me, telling me their life stories. And everyone has her own story.
практики, але й у більш широкому контексті. Гадаю, що ми можемо говорити про казку як знаряддя зцілення цілої нації через особливості впливу на наше несвідоме терапевтичної метафори, котрою і є казка, як така. – Здається, казкотерапія – це щось для дітей. Чи можна застосовувати цей метод для дорослих і у
і є найбільш значущими та цілющими, адже допомагають
стати директоркою. Тож здобула першу вищу освіту за спеціальністю «Менеджмент організацій та адміністрування», а за другою – стала юристом. Більше п’яти років працювала у міській раді.
Переломним моментом виявився початок повномасштабної війни. Я випадково побачила навчання з відеографії і вирішила довіритися своїй інтуїції – пішла за покликом серця. Коли я тільки спробувала знімати, то відразу зрозуміла, що це моє повітря, моя стихія! Я відчула невичерпне натхнення. Почала дивитися на буденні речі зовсім іншим поглядом, ніби світ відкрився для мене з іншого боку.
Після першої зйомки отримала
посередні відео. Мені завжди хочеться створити щось більше, додати сюжетну лінію. – Серед послуг – усі види зйомок! Які саме Ваші фаворити?
– Я пропоную своїм клієнтам весільну зйомку, рекламні ролики, відео для соціальних мереж, беруся за корпоративні заходи та персональні проєкти, дистанційно можу змонтувати ролик з уже готового вихідного матеріалу.
Не можу відповісти, що мені більше до душі, адже кожна робота приносить своє виняткове задоволення. Якщо предметна зйомка
На сьогодні підприємці в Україні працюють, напевно, в найскладніших умовах за
дефіцит робочої сили, тривоги та обстріли. Бізнес зазнає втрат як ніколи раніше. В таких умовах можуть вистояти тільки найсильніші. Але водночас бізнес продовжує працювати і я постійно допомагаю реєструвати нових підприємців, які хочуть розвиватись та працювати у нашій країні. З плюсів можу виділити те, що бути підприємцем сьогодні не так вже й коштовно. Працюючи на спрощеній системі оподаткування, можливо заробляти до 6 млн. грн. на рік, сплачуючи всього 1420 грн на місяць єдиного податку. А для тих, хто працює в б‘юті сфері взагалі можна працювати на «найдешевшій» групі єдиного податку, сплачуючи всього 302,80 грн.
З початку повномасштабного вторгнення держава надала право на пільгу зі сплати єдиного соціального внеску. І вже два з половиною роки підприємці можуть не сплачувати ЄСВ
підприємців, в тому числі для єдинників всіх груп. Для ФОПів 1, 2 та 4 груп спрощеної системи військовий збір планується у розмірі 10% від мінімальної заробітної плати, встановленої станом на 1 січня звітного року, щомісяця.
доводиться працювати з незнайомими людьми з інтернету, які в свою чергу повинні довіряти мені. Тому найважливішими факторами для мене є порядність, чесність, конфіденційність, пунктуальність, взаємоповага. Топ правило – «Зробити свою роботу так, щоб клієнт «пищав» від задоволення та розповідав про мене, як про найкращого
Володимире, чому обрали для себе позивний «Скіф»? – В умовах бою зв’язок через рацію зазвичай дуже поганий. Тому позивний має бути коротким і відображати певну сутність людини. Свого часу я багато уваги приділяв вивченню східної медицини, нетрадиційних методів лікування у поєднанні з традиційними. За родоводом мої далекі предки були
козаками-характерниками. Скіфи – це теж наші пращури. Колись вони заселяли українські землі і володіли різними методиками управління енергією, перебували
в гармонії з навколишнім світом і
природою. Тому цей позивний для
мене досить символічний.
– З якими викликами Ви зіткнулися як бойовий медик з початку повномасштабної війни?
– По-перше, це великий стрес і шок.
Я сам пройшов багато різноманітних
курсів, знав, що, куди і як. Але одна справа – тренування, а зовсім інша – реальний бій, коли бачиш всі
жахіття війни на власні очі… І там
головне – не розгубитися, не за-
клякнути, а діяти автоматично. Уже
потім до всього звикаєш.
Найстрашніше – втрата побратимів… І не тому, що бракувало
знань чи медикаментів, а через те, що поранення були несумісні з життям. Ти розумієш, що нічого не можеш зробити, почуваєшся
Тому кожен боєць повинен вміти зупинити собі кровотечу, правильно накласти турнікет і чекати, коли до нього дістанеться бойовий медик. Важливо вміти не розгубитися і дуже швидко приймати рішення. Я завжди раджу бійцям: якщо є вільна хвилинка, беріть аптечку і по протоколу
курсів із тактичної медицини, різних за складністю. Цивільним раджу пройти хоча б базовий курс, що триває два дні, та завжди мати при собі тактичну аптечку (з турнікетами, бандажем, кровоспинними засобами, набором пігулок, серед яких – антибіотик, протизапальний і жарознижуючих засіб, пластир і стерильний бинт). Адже такі навички можуть допомогти врятувати життя, навіть під час обстрілів об’єктів інфраструктури. – Чим небезпечна
ко закінчиться, і ми повернемося додому. Та коли стало відомо, що моє місто окупували, разом з доньками виїхали до Польщі. Саме тоді мені зателефонував давній друг сім’ї – мексиканець Карлос Отеро, який запросив до себе та пообіцяв нам допомогти. Так ми опинилися у Мексиці, в його родині.
Ukrainian NATALIA IMAN was forced to escape from the war in distant Mexico. She was not only able to start a new life abroad, but also plans to create a powerful image of the Ukrainian diaspora. How will she succeed?
Read in our interview about the indestructibility and strength of the nation as well as about women appeared between war and exile.
– Welcome, Natalia! The war divided the lives of all Ukrainians into «before» and «after». What did you have to face?
– On the first day of the full-scale invasion, I experienced real horror and despair. I was in my house in Vyshgorod, enemy planes were flying above me and rockets were whistling. Only in the evening I was able to reach the children who at that time were in Gostomel with their father. And then there was a long road passing by tanks and burning cars to the west of Ukraine where no shots had been fired yet. Acquaintances or strangers gave us shelter. At first there was hope that everything would end quickly and we would return home. But when it became known that my city was occupied, together with my daughters I left for Poland. Just then, I got a call from an old friend of the family – the Mexican Carlos Otero, who invited me to his place and promised to help us. So we ended up in Mexico, in his family.
– What challenges awaited you in Mexico? Was it difficult to get used to new conditions?
– Like all refugees, I experienced deep depression because it was a forced migration. In addition, there were no social programs in Mexico for Ukrainians fleeing the war. Fortunately, I was immediately offered a job in my specialty. Friends helped to send the children to school and arrange insurance.
Difficulties arose due to the language barrier, because we spoke English, not Spanish. Also, Mexico has its own peculiarities related to the mentality and safety of movement. On the one hand, Mexicans are very warm and familyoriented, love children and this helped
us in quick adaptation. And on the other hand, due to the existing system of racial hierarchy, they have a high rate of anxiety among the population. There was a moment when I was afraid that someone might offend my children, and I decided to start a new life in the United States. But fate decided otherwise. In America, I met my current husband, a Mexican, and returned here again. From that time, my more stable life began. I realized that I should study the history and culture of the country I live in, get used to Mexican food and mentality in general.
– Are there similarities between the culture of Ukrainians and Mexicans?
– In fact, there are many similarities. 15 years ago, I bought a traditional Mexican embroidered shirt, and no one in Ukraine could distinguish it from our national one. It was a very big shock for me then.
Mexicans are mostly Catholics by religion. They are very religious, and hence respect for the family, care for parents and children. The national flower of Mexico is the fluffy marigold. Sunflowers are very popular. Mexicans, like Ukrainians, wear flower wreaths, make them colourful and bright. They also have a charm – a doll similar to a Ukrainian reeled doll. There are similarities in various holidays, songs, traditional instruments, etc. Independence Day is a very big holiday for Mexicans as well as for us, because here they have not forgotten about the Spanish occupation.
– How did the idea to create a powerful, recognizable image of the Ukrainian diaspora come about?
– During the first six months of my stay in Mexico, I could not find people from Ukraine at all. That is, our diaspora (official or unofficial) simply did not exist. When I returned from a trip to America to Mexico, one such organization had already been registered here. And Ukrainians, who were scattered across the country, began to unite and help each other and the refugees. I got acquainted with the head of this diaspora and joined the cooperation. One of our projects is the rehabilitation of Ukrainian defenders and it still exists. The problem was also that the Ukrainians who were in Mexico were somehow considered Russians. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, it became
increasingly infuriating. It was very difficult to explain to Latin Americans that we are different, that we have a different history and culture, despite our similar names and the same skin colour. They haven’t heard anything about Ukraine in Mexico. Instead, they knew about the Soviet Union. And they did not understand at all why the neighbouring country attacked us.
That is why I had the desire to create such a strong image of the Ukrainian diaspora, which would contribute to the recognisability of our nation.
The majority of Ukrainians in Mexico are women. All of them are strong, ambitious and, unlike emigrants of other nationalities, achieve great success. They will not ask for alms, wash toilets or sell coffee. Our women open dance studios, beauty salons, restaurants, work in powerful companies like Google. That is, they realize themselves in some profession. Therefore, the goal of the project is to show the strength of our nation through a Ukrainian woman –talented, ideological and indomitable.
– What is the idea of the project?
– In general, the project is contemplated in three stages. We found 20 women who are ready to present Ukraine, collected their stories and took pictures in national costumes and symbolic black and white ones. Art projects in Mexico are highly appreciated and always attract large audiences. Therefore, first, we plan to hold a photo exhibition of Ukrainian women’s portraits.
The next stage is the presentation of short and meaningful videos about the life stories of Ukrainian women. Some of them sought salvation from the war in Mexico. And some came here many years ago to find themselves. In fact, we inform the world about the realities in Ukraine and at the same time motivate other people for certain achievements.
For example, one of our heroines came to Mexico from Lviv during her student years. In Ukraine, her parents forced her to study economics, but she always dreamed of becoming an astronaut. In five years in Mexico, she learned the language from scratch and graduated from a pilot school. Now, together with her husband, she has two of her own planes and is developing a private pilot school. Why am I emphasizing this? Because when I came to Mexico, I really lacked the motivation to do something,
to realize myself, to retrain. Such stories about women who did not give up can be an example for others. When the project was presented to Mexican students, they were extremely impressed.
Third, we are designing a book that will include 20 stories along with photos. This is a kind of almanac, the embodiment of intangible heritage, in which we will tell about the war, present the Ukrainian diaspora, culture and nation namely through the women who live in Mexico.
– Who supports you in the implementation of this idea?
– My husband supports me the most both with the idea itself and financially. Because starting something creative in a foreign country is in fact very risky and responsible. I am infinitely grateful to him for this.
And I also want to thank all Ukrainians who agreed to implement the project. These are not only heroines, but also photographers, correctors, retouchers and many others.
– I know you also plan to head a charitable foundation! What is its purpose?
– Now I work in the large logistics company Onest, in the department of social support and social protection. I am involved in projects and programs for people who need help. This is very close to me, because my activities in Ukraine were also related to the social sphere. I was engaged in social policy in the public service, was a deputy and was responsible for orphans and low-income families. And already in the Mexican company I was offered to head a social fund that will contribute to helping the weak and needy. Now we are working on it, going through the procedural points. It is important that an item of supporting emigrants will be provided in the fund. This will open up new opportunities for Ukrainian refugees in particular.
– At the end of our conversation, what would you like to convey to our readers, Ukrainian women?
– Ukrainians are a really strong nation. And this power flows through our veins, is transmitted to us genetically. To feel it, it is enough to remember who we are, to turn to our own roots!
A Ukrainian woman can achieve the impossible regardless of where she is. Feel this power in yourself and go ahead to win the world and be an example for others!
ми здатні організувати і вести за собою. – Олено, нещодавно Вас нагородили найвищою відзнакою для жінки з рук Митрополита Київського і всієї України Епіфанія Орденом княгині Ольги. Як це відбулося, і які Ваші
було викрито та зупинено масштабні корупційні схеми в соціаль-
ній сфері, порушено кримінальні
справи, відсторонено та звільнено
непрофесійних осіб. Як наслі-
док, результатом стало ухвален-
ня відповідного закону України та
ліквідація корумпованого органу.
Але найголовніше, я була і залишаюся спокійною. Все, що я роблю у
житті, роблю справді самовіддано, з
любов’ю і точно не заради нагород
чи орденів, якими б високими вони
не були. Заради результату для нас, для нашої країни, для наших дітей. – Агентство вражає своєю результативністю і сміливістю дій
ворогів і колаборантіввтікачів. Якими успіхами пишаєтесь найбільше? – Україна переможе цю війну, і світ
здобуде мир. Розділяю думку Пре-
зидента про те, що справедливість
не має кордонів. Україна – сильна
держава. Українці – найсильніша
нація, яка виборює зараз не лише
право на життя та незалежність,
але й мир у світі. Кожен на своєму
місці. Кожен на своєму «полі».
Впевнено скажу, майстерність системних маленьких кроків непереборна та має невідворотну силу.
Я очолюю АРМА рік. І він був нелегким: ухвалення складних рішень, звільнення непрофесійних людей, перегляд кадрового потенціалу, зміна правил на Prozorro, викорінення схем, що мали ризики корупції, відкриття Реєстру
та співпраця
Prozorro – це безумовний успіх для країни. Це і про використання бюджетних коштів на своє утриман-
ня втричі більше за задекларований дохід у державу від діяльності, і про конкурси в ручному режимі, бездіяльність щодо врегулювання питань управління активами на за-
конодавчому рівні, неефективність та наявність корупційних складових у минулих
Основні досягнення загальновідомі. Ми поширюємо та розповідаємо як
лігацій, і ці
йдуть на ЗСУ. А в 2024 році від управління арештованими активами АРМА направлено до бюджету країни ще 1,78 млрд грн. Це у 52 рази більше, ніж за весь попередній звітний рік. Отже, отримане незаконним шляхом майно, ми повертаємо, реалізовуємо на Prozorro або управляємо ним на
– Mrs. Olena, you head one of the most complex bodies with a special status. How do you overcome such challenges, not reacting to daily attacks, threats, pressure?
– Just as a woman, I can say that the Ukrainian nation is very strong. We have real men, heroes, warriors. They put their lives on the line to protect and fight for our independence and future for our children.
We can fight back: this is an illustration also of my activity. A woman, being the one who gives life to a child, will fight for it and its future without thinking. The woman has a keen sense of the preservation of the generation and restoration of justice. We can be not only beautiful and gentle, intelligent and hardworking, inspire and support, we are able to organize and lead.
– Olena, you were recently awarded with the Order of Princess Olga, the highest honour for a woman from the hands of Metropolitan Epiphanius of Kyiv and All Ukraine. How did it happen, and what are your feelings?
– Yes, this award is the highest and is given for dedication, self-sacrifice and courage for the sake of the Ukrainian people. It does not come instantly and certainly does not depend on posts. Four years ago, I was already awarded, by the way, by your publication with the «The Woman Who Cares is for Justice» distinction. Then it was in the context of the fact that I, as the leader of national platforms, fought for the constitutional and social rights of citizens, in particular, for the development of national-patriotic education and the
fight against corruption. I exposed and stopped large-scale corruption schemes in the social sphere, initiated criminal cases, suspended and dismissed unprofessional persons. The result was the adoption of the relevant law of Ukraine and the liquidation of the corrupt body.
But most importantly, I was and remain calm. Everything I do in life, I do it truly selflessly, with love and definitely not for the sake of awards or orders, no matter how high they are. I do it for the sake of the result for us, for our country, for our children.
– The agency impresses with its effectiveness and courage of actions against enemies and fugitive collaborators. What successes are you most proud of?
– Ukraine will win this war, and the world will find peace. I share the President’s opinion that justice has no borders. Ukraine is a strong country. Ukrainians are the strongest nation, which is now fighting not only for the right to life and independence, but also for peace in the world. Everyone does it in his or her place. Everyone does it on his or her own «field».
I can confidently say that the mastery of systematic small steps is irresistible and has an irreversible force.
I am the head of AІMA for the year. And it was not easy: making difficult decisions, dismissing unprofessional people, reviewing personnel potential, changing the rules for Prozorro, eradicating schemes that had risks of corruption, opening the Register of Attached Assets, fighting for a adequate salary for employees to motivate them to work transparently, daily work with employees, with their belief that justice will prevail, raising the status of the body among other authorities, in particular law enforcing ones, raising international status of the body.
I consider the fact that I and my team managed to raise the organization from a minus mark to a plus mark, and that the agency will never be able to repeat the shameful mistakes of the past periods as our greatest success.
The change in normative regulation of asset management and cooperation with Prozorro is a definitive success for the country. This is about the use of budget funds for one’s maintenance three times more than the declared income to the state from activities, and about competitions in the manual mode, inaction regarding the settlement of asset management issues at the legislative level, inefficiency and the presence of corruption components in past periods. The main achievements are well known. We share and talk about both the successes and the challenges we face every day. During the war, our activities gained special importance. AIMA’s deposit portfolio alone has already amounted to almost UAH 12 billion. About 6 billion hryvnias have been directed to the fight against the enemy for the Defense Forces. This happens through the purchase of military bonds, and these funds go to the Armed Forces. And in 2024, another UAH 1.78 billion are sent to the country’s budget from the management of AIMA’s attached assets. This is 52 times more than for the entire previous reporting year.
Therefore, we return illegally obtained property, sell it on Prozorro or manage it for the benefit of the state. Since such a mechanism has worked, it angers those who owned or managed such assets and had exorbitant wealth or income.
Our activity has no borders. We find criminal and unjustified income that was transferred abroad. A historic and turning point is the fixation of the agency’s initiative regarding the procedure for the sale of assets seized abroad in the normative field.
This means that we have demonstrated to the whole world that with our consistent and systematic steps we are capable of returning Ukrainian belongings to Ukraine. And what was stolen or acquired as a result of committing crimes on the territory of Ukraine or against the state will work and return to the country. At the same time, this means that the status of Ukraine as a belligerent state is strong. The ability to win and legalize the decisions of national courts in foreign jurisdictions is the ability to defend justice at the European level, it is the ability for independent economic recovery and it is satisfaction as a result of bringing to economic responsibility those who considered themselves untouchable and unreachable for Ukrainian justice.
– The search and management of attached assets is usually accompanied by high-profile events. It can be dangerous to do this with the assets of fugitive collaborators during a war. What motivates you and how do you manage to fight?
– To reach the goal, a person needs only one thing – to go. Our common goal is an independent, strong country in which happy children grow up. It motivates me every morning when I send my son to school. We have only one life. We feel its value especially keenly during times of alerts. Therefore, questions about pressure, threats and danger do not make sense, because they have no force against truth and justice. The only way to achieve results in any affair is to transcend one step after another ignoring those who intend to stand in the way. I call it mastery of small steps and professionalism.
I have faith and wings, I do everything with love – this is the basis. Victory to our Ukraine!
Our guest, Volodymyr Hrytsyk, is a doctor who sees the medicine of the future and is already using its capabilities. “I am deeply convinced that we are on the threshold of a new era in medicine, where innovative biotechnology will take its rightful place in every field.” Read more about stem cells and their effectiveness.
– Mr. Volodymyr, you have been engaged in regenerative medicine for over twenty years. How would you characterize the future of this field?
– Today, we have results from the use of stem cells that can be called fantastic. One of these advanced methods is a programme in which children with spina bifida (a hernia in the back) are treated with stem cells in the womb.
Recently, doctors from the University of California performed a unique operation. They made an incision in a pregnant woman’s abdomen, lifted the foetus up to the opening in the uterus, which allowed them to reach the hernia on the baby’s tiny spine and carefully apply a patch with stem cells. If the child had not been treated, it would have been born with paralysis of the legs. This is no longer fantasy, but the real future of regenerative medicine.
– Is this line of medicine used for our military?
– I think that not many of us, including doctors, are aware of the unique Ukrainian technology of bone restoration using stem cells in case of severe combat injuries of the limbs. Many fighters have already avoided amputations thanks to this technique.
I am sure that after the creation of organoids – mini-organs from amniotic fluid stem cells – we will learn to “print” human organs of full
value. Then the problem with donor organs will disappear by itself.
– There is still an opinion about the oncogenicity of stem cells. What are your comments on this matter?
– I often hear similar fears when it comes to stem cells both from patients and from acquaintances. And, unfortunately, I hear it from colleagues.
Here is a quote from Dr Li D.: “Today it (umbilical cord blood cell transplantation) is already a widely
accepted treatment option for many types of blood cancer and genetic haematological diseases.”
Thus, stem cells not only don’t provoke the malignant tumours, but are also used to treat certain types of cancer, especially in oncohaematology
– Mr. Volodymyr, there is a war in our country today, and we have many wounded defenders and civilians. Do you work with such patients?
– I remember well my first patient with a bullet wound to the spine and spinal cord. It was in 2016. It was for him that the traumatologists grew and implanted a fragment of his shoulder bone. But we started treating his spine. Just imagine how happy the whole team was when the patient who needed constant outside help recovered after stem cell treatment. At our rehabilitation centre, we do our best to help our defenders recover as much as possible after combat injuries. We have to treat wounds that do not heal for a long time, bedsores and the consequences of extremely severe pathologies –spinal column and spinal cord injuries.
DOSSIER: Graduated from Ternopil Medical Institute. He is a neurosurgeon, co-author of two monographs, author of more than 20 scientific articles. He worked at Ilaya Medical Company, DEVA Clinique. Currently works in the ADONIS group of medical companies. vladimir.gritsyk
– Пане Володимире, вже понад двадцять років Ви займаєтесь регенеративною медициною. Як би Ви охарактеризували майбутнє цього напрямку?
– На сьогодні ми маємо результати використання стовбурових клітин, які можна назвати фантастичними. Одним із таких передових методів є програма, в межах якої дітей із розщелиною хребта (грижа в спині) лікують за допомогою стовбурових клітин ще в утробі матері.
Нещодавно лікарі з Каліфорнійського університету провели унікальну операцію. На животі вагітної жінки зробили розріз, підняли плід до отвору в матці, що дозволило дістатися до грижі на крихітному хребті дитини та обережно наклеїти пластир зі стовбуровими клітинами. Якби дитину не вилікували, вона народилась б із паралічем ніг. Це вже не фантастика, а реальне майбутнє регенеративної медицини.
– Чи використовується цей напрямок медицини для наших військових? – Думаю, що не багатьом із нас, в тому числі й лікарям, відома унікальна українська технологія відновлення кісток за допомогою стовбурових клітин при важких
та генетичних гематологічних захворювань».
Отже, стовбурові
деяких видів раку, особливо в онкогематології. – Пане Володимире, сьогодні
гато поранених захисників та цивільних. Чи працюєте Ви з такими пацієнтами?
sraeli products by Rena Rosh are the choice of healthy, beautiful and successful people, convinces our guest Larysa Kurylo! Read about this year’s novelties and great options for New Year’s gifts in our conversation!
– The preparaTion hondro proTeCTor appeared This year iTs ComposiTion, enriChed WiTh dead sea minerals, supporTs The healTh of The enTire musCuloskeleTal sysTem, sTrengThens joinTs, CarTilage Tissue, eTC. and We already have very good resulTs!
We also have a produCT for WeighT loss — synergy body CorreCTor.
We sTarTed produCing sugar-free ChoColaTe bars synergy healThy food WiTh Whole honeysuCkle berries. Thanks To Their unique ComposiTion, They boosT meTabolism and improve immuniTy.
all This is for our healTh and Well-being!
– even though it is stiLL autuMn outside the window, it’s tiMe to get ready for the new year hoLidays! what wouLd you advise our readers to choose for gifts?
– rena rosh produCTs are a greaT gifT ThaT Will saTisfy any requesT.
for Those Who WanT beauTiful, healThy hair, rena rosh shampoo WiTh red algae and CondiTioner mask are available.
if you dream of sTopping Time and having a Well-groomed faCe, Choose The enTire eliTe line
We offer magiCal «mango oil» for body Care, massages and removal of CelluliTe signs.
and for resourCes, healTh, energy – dieTary supplemenTs, Creams, salTs and rena rosh masks!
iT’s my anniversary This year and i Clearly knoW ThaT life WiTh The rena rosh produCT is ComforTable! and everyone To Whom i give These produCTs beComes even happier, more beauTiful and healThier! so Choose boldly!
– what are your goaLs for the near future? what do you dreaM about?
– Mrs. Larysa, how was this year for your business?
– This year rena rosh CorporaTion CelebraTed iTs 5Th anniversary! We have noT only Coped WiTh The diffiCulTies of doing business in ukraine during The War, buT also inCreased our Turnover Compared To previous years! We ConTinue To Work, CreaTe jobs, Train people in neW professions, pay Taxes, donaTe To The armed forCes, bringing our viCTory Closer. We also do ChariTy Work and supporT people WiTh CanCer.
This year, Thanks To our produCTs, liTTle ukrainians Were born in families Who did noT have Children! in parTiCular, my granddaughTer, Whom We have been WaiTing for 10 years, Was among Them!
– teLL us about new products for your cLients.
– mosT of all, i dream of Waking up and reading The neWs ThaT The War is over and our soldiers, husbands, sons, faThers, broThers, friends and sTrangers, Whom We are infiniTely graTeful To for The opporTuniTy To live, Work, sTudy and TeaCh, for every minuTe of our lives, are Coming home!
i also WanT every home To have a rena rosh produCT – The ChoiCe of healThy, beauTiful, suCCessful people! and i Will Talk a loT abouT iT, organise evenTs and uniTe everyone Who sTrives for developmenT and sCale!
корпорація Rena Rosh відзначила своє 5-річчя! Ми не лише впоралися зі складнощами ведення бізнесу в Україні в умовах війни, а й збільшили товарообіг у порівнянні з минулими роками! Продовжуємо працювати, створювати робочі місця, навчати людей новій професії, сплачувати податки, донатити на ЗСУ, наближаючи нашу Перемогу. Також займаємося благодійністю та підтримуємо онкохворих людей.
Цього року, завдяки нашим продуктам, у сім’ях, які не
дітей, народилися маленькі українці!
he founder and owner of the STYLE_NAILS studio, Hanna Dubilevych, is convinced that beauty begins with the inner state! She makes her clients not only happy but also stylish to the very tips of their fingers!
– hanna, you are raising three sons and joke that you go to work to reLax! what Magic happens in the styLe naiLs studio? why do cLients choose you?
– sTudio «sTyle nails» is noT jusT a business; iT is a parT of me as a nail TeChniCian, i undersTand The imporTanCe of an individual approaCh To eaCh ClienT, so TogeTher WiTh my
Team i CreaTe an aTmosphere of ComforT and TrusT. i Came To This beCause of The love for my Work and The desire To CreaTe someThing more Than jusT a maniCure. iT is a spaCe Where beauTy meeTs Care, Where everyone feels speCial. The sTudio even has iTs oWn moTTo: «be sTylish To The Tips of your fingers.»
in addiTion, We are alWays improving, learning neW TeChniques and Trends To offer The besT
– Last year you Launched the star Lip baLM! what is its secret?
– i have alWays dreamed of CreaTing someThing unique ThaT Would refleCT The sTyle and qualiTy We are knoWn for aT sTyle nails. i WanTed To CreaTe a produCT ThaT noT only moisTurises, buT also nourishes The lips and makes Them look healThy. CusTomers noTe ThaT The balm helps To geT rid of dryness and CraCks, and also gives Their lips a lighT shine i have many more ideas, so sTay Tuned for more good neWs!
– share your own recipe for woMen’s happiness.
– for me, Women’s happiness is harmony in all aspeCTs of life. This is self-love: iT is imporTanT To find Time for your oWn needs and hobbies. This is The supporT of loved ones Who inspire and moTivaTe. iT is equally imporTanT To do your favouriTe Thing, WhiCh brings pleasure and self-realisaTion. and, of Course, This is The abiliTy To enjoy The small joys of life: WheTher iT is a Cup of Coffee under The morning sun or a Walk WiTh relaTives. all This TogeTher CreaTes harmony and alloWs you To feel happiness every day!
Thanks To my beloved husband, i have The sTrengTh and inspiraTion To CreaTe beauTy his supporT and belief in me inspire me To neW aChievemenTs and help me To realise my ideas. he is my mosT loyal ally in all my endeavours and i am infiniTely graTeful To him for ThaT i Wish every person To have suCh a parTner Who inspires, supporTs, undersTands and loves!
– Ганно, Ви виховуєте трьох синів і жартуєте, що йдете на роботу, щоб відпочити! Яка магія відбувається у студії «STYLE_NAILS»? Чому клієнти обирають саме Вас? – Студія «STYLE_NAILS» – це не просто бізнес, це частинка мене. Як майстриня нігтьового сервісу, розумію важливість індивідуального підходу до кожного клієнта, тому разом зі своєю командою створюю атмосферу затишку й довіри.
vitlana CHYSTOVA is a spiritual coach, innovator, visionary and author of the Illuminata method, which helps people achieve rapid evolution of consciousness and harmonise their lives through the balance of material and spiritual life. Then, you will find an interesting guest and valuable information in our conversation. Listen to her advice.
– Svitlana, you are a master of rapid transformations. That is exactly what people want today, because time has accelerated. What exactly do you offer Ukrainians?
– My activity is aimed at helping people learn to manage their energy and open the way to rapid and profound changes in life. It is important to understand that energy is the basis of everything around us. Epigenetics proves that we can influence our own genes through changes in behaviour, lifestyle, and energy practices. Neurobiology confirms that working with thoughts and managing attention changes the structure of our brain. Therefore, my offer to Ukrainians is to work deeply with their energy through my Illuminata method.
– Your services have a rather interesting format. How do you help people deal with their problems?
– The Illuminata method, which I developed based on many years of research and practice, is a unique energy management system. It combines ancient knowledge and modern technologies of energy interaction. This allows you to achieve rapid and profound changes at the level of the soul and consciousness. Compared to traditional methods of working with energy, Illuminata is like a «system upgrade» that allows a person to function more efficiently by removing blocks and increasing energy throughput. And this affects health, relationships, money, achievements and opportunities, quality of life.
The Illuminata method meets the needs of the New Age person. It not only helps to restore inner resources, but also accelerates the process of spiritual growth, providing people with the necessary tools to achieve personal and professional realization.
– What main theses could describe you?
– I find my strength in unity with the source of all things, with the Creator, through whom all answers, inspiration and confidence to follow my path come. My vision is wider than the visible. My understanding of energy and its laws is based on the wisdom I draw from the depths of the collective memory of ancient civilisations. I feel the cycles of life as part of my energy, see beyond external circumstances and help others to see the hidden.
– Can you share the achievements of your clients that impressed even you?
– Among the achievements of my clients, there are stories that not only impressed me, but also showed the power of transformation that can occur through working with energy.
One of my clients came to me in a state of deep disorientation and loss of meaning in her life. She had numerous emotional traumas. Using the Illuminata method, we began to work deeply on her subconscious blocks and traumas. We unblocked the energy pathways that were restraining her development, and within a few months she not only found harmony, but also created a new business that became a source of financial independence and fulfilment of her spiritual aspirations.
This is just one example that shows that through proper energy management, significant results can be achieved in all areas of life, from personal to professional – What could be your advice to Ukrainians to maintain their strength and develop it?
– My main advice is to learn how to manage your energy. This is not only a spiritual practice, but also a necessary skill for modern life. Start your day with a short meditation or grounding practice, and clear your energy field of negativity. Energy is the key to your health, success and inner peace. Remember that true power is born within us. Each of you has inexhaustible resources to cope with any challenge and move forward. Ask yourself every day: How do I feel energetically today? Do I feel energized, inspired, or exhausted? Is there anything that is lowering my energy level today? What practices will help me restore balance? Do I need to meditate, exercise or just relax and sleep…?
– Світлано, Ви – майстер швидких трансформацій. Сьогодні люди прагнуть саме цього, бо час пришвидшився. Що Ви пропонуєте українцям? – Моя діяльність спрямована на те, щоб допомогти людям навчитися керувати своєю енергією, відкриваючи шлях до швидких і глибоких
змін у житті. Важливо зрозуміти, що енергія – це основа всього навколо нас. Епігенетика доводить, що
ми можемо впливати на власні гени через зміну поведінки, способу
життя та через енергетичні практики. Нейробіологія підтверджує, що робота з думками та управління увагою змінює структуру нашого
мозку. Тому моя пропозиція українцям – це глибока робота зі своєю енергією через мій метод Illuminata. – Ваші послуги мають досить цікавий формат. Яким чином Ви допомагаєте людям долати їхні проблеми?
– Метод Illuminata, який я розробила на основі багаторічних досліджень і практик, – це унікальна система управління енергією. Вона поєднує давні знання та сучасні технології
енергетичної взаємодії, що дозволяє
які не лише вразили мене, а й показали силу трансформацій, які можливі завдяки роботі з енергією.
Одна з моїх клієнток прийшла до мене у стані глибокої дезорієн
The fight against corruption should not violate human rights. Lawyer ANDRIY MAZALOV is convinced of this. He knows from his own experience that loud statements by law enforcement officers are not always supported by proper evidence, and courts can sometimes succumb to public pressure and pass unfair sentences. Details are in the interview below.
– Mr. Andriy, how would you comment on the state of work of anti-corruption bodies in the conditions of a full-scale invasion?
– Unfortunately, even the war has not changed the mode of thinking of corrupt officials, who continue to seek to enrich themselves at the expense of public funds and humanitarian aid. The news shows that anti-corruption agencies are not left without work. The NABU, SAP and HACC should not only detect corruption crimes, but also prove that justice is an integral part of the state’s defence. At the same time, lawyers in corruption cases play an important role in ensuring a fair criminal trial. After all, loud statements by law enforcement officers about the detention of our clients are not always supported by proper evidence. Unfortunately, unfounded accusations often become a side effect of PR campaigns by anti-corruption bodies.
– What cases became your calling card among the bar association at the High AntiCorruption Court?
– My first case in defence of a client before the NABU and the SAP, at the very beginning of their work, resulted in the cancellation of the suspicion and the closure of the proceedings against my client. This was a good sign for me that justice for anti-corruption agencies is not just words. The essence of the case was that the head of a state research institution was accused of taking a bribe of USD 500,000, and my client was considered to be involved in this crime. Two months of hard work and a “gentleman’s” bet with the prosecutor, in which I promised to prove my client’s innocence, yielded results – the case was closed with the signature of the Prosecutor General.
– Do you consider the work of the Anti-Corruption Court to be competent and honest today?
– Honest – yes. Competent – with certain issues. The fight against corruption has become a priority for the state and society, but sometimes this public demand puts pressure on judges, who, in order to avoid accusations of lenience, tend to hand down guilty verdicts even with dubious evidence. This gives rise to a dangerous phenomenon – the replacement of a fair trial with an accusatory bias.
Courts, fearing public condemnation or loss of reputation, sometimes succumb to pressure and ignore the presumption of innocence. Such an approach not only violates the rights of the accused, but also undermines trust in justice. It is important to remember that justice should be above public emotions and that sentences should be based solely on evidence.
A fair trial is not necessarily about punishing someone, but about
establishing the truth and respecting the rights of every citizen. This is the only way to build a strong rule-of-law state where the fight against corruption does not violate human rights.
– We know that at the beginning of the invasion you were engaged in volunteer activities. Could you share the details?
– At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, I was a member of the territorial defense battalion in Kyiv and the region. When the threat to the capital had passed, my colleague and I started volunteering in Donetsk region. We provided our soldiers with two dozen cars, FPV drones, electronic warfare systems and other equipment. The military appreciated our efforts with gratitude and awards. However, the highest reward is to see the guys from the frontline alive, to hear your call answered by a sworn brother’s voice, to have a coffee with the guys in the east and to plan the next trip when you return to Kyiv. The guys at the front are heroes. I tell them about it every time. I know they will see this publication, and I will tell them again: thank you very much, a low bow and Glory to the Heroes!
– Пане Андрію, як Ви прокоментуєте стан роботи антикорупційних органів в умовах по-
На жаль, навіть війна не змінила мислення корупціонерів, які й далі прагнуть збагатитися за рахунок державних коштів і гуманітарної
допомоги. З новин ми бачимо, що антикорупційні
без роботи
залишаються. НАБУ, САП і ВАКС мають не лише виявляти корупційні злочини, а й доводити, що справедливість – це невід’ємна частина оборони держави. Водночас адвокати у корупційних справах відіграють важливу роль, забезпечуючи справедливий кримінальний процес. Адже гучні заяви правоохоронців про затримання наших клієнтів не завжди підтверджуються належними доказами. На жаль, безпідставні звинувачення нерідко стають побічним ефектом PR-кампаній антикорупційних органів.
– Які справи стали Вашою візитівкою серед адвокатської колегії у Вищому антикорупційному суді?
– Моя перша справа із захисту
однак іноді цей суспільний запит створює тиск на суддів, які, аби уникнути звинувачень у поблажливості, схильні виносити обвинувальні вироки навіть за сумнівних доказів. Це
породжує небезпечний феномен –
заміну справедливого суду обвинувальним ухилом.
Суди, побоюючись громадського осуду або втрати репутації, іноді піддаються тиску, ігноруючи презумпцію невинуватості. Такий підхід не лише порушує права обвинувачених, а й підриває довіру до правосуддя. Важливо пам’ятати,
trong, charming, inspiring! Model and Chinese philosophy expert ANASTASIA BESSARAB is convinced that being a queen is a state of mind! What is the strength of a woman? Read the expert’s opinion in our interview.
• MRS. ITALY 2024
– Anastasia, you have been living in Italy for 10 years, and this year you represented this country at the prestigious Mrs. Europe 2024 beauty contest. What are your impressions?
– Participation in the Mrs Europe 2024 contest is not only an opportunity to demonstrate your abilities, but also a chance
to present your culture and values. The event of this format focused on inner beauty, family traditions and social activity. It was also a great opportunity to meet women from other countries, exchange experiences and new ideas.
– What does being a queen mean to you?
– Being a queen is not just about looks or social status. It’s about self-confidence, fortitude, self-respect and the ability to make decisions. This is the inner harmony that manifests itself in the attitude towards oneself and towards others. A woman who feels like a queen radiates energy that inspires and uplifts those around her. So the crown is just a symbol for me.
– What is a woman’s strength, in your opinion?
– Women’s strength is manifested in many ways. First, it is emotional endurance and the ability to cope with stress. Secondly, women often demonstrate an extraordinary capacity for empathy and support, which strengthens relationships in the family and community. In addition, their capacity for adaptation and learning allows them to successfully cope with challenges. Women’s strength also lies in their ambitions and aspirations, their willingness to fight for their rights and achieve their goals. This inner strength inspires others and creates positive changes in society.
A woman is also capable of experiencing unconditional love, which is a wise feeling and one of her deepest strengths. This ability to love without conditions or expectations brings warmth and support to relationships. Unconditional love allows women to be a source of support, patience and understanding, which has a profound impact on others. This manifests itself in motherhood, friendship, and community, where women are willing to give their energy and time to help others grow and develop. This love creates bonds that can overcome challenges, inspire and change lives.
– What new project are you planning to launch?
– I’m currently working on my second cookbook, and I’m also planning to open a chain of vegan bars across Europe with a tea room.
перемоги». Так вважає
– Пані Олено, раді бачити нових, цікавих і творчих персон у нашій спільноті. Почнімо з того, чим саме Ви зараз займаєтесь?
– Усе моє життя — це суцільна творчість. Але вміння презентувати свою творчість, зробити її комерційною — це бізнес, який межує з мистецтвом.
Під час подорожі у 2012 році я випадково потрапила на навчання візажистів. Бажання бути візажистом, ймовірно, йде від прагнення оточувати себе
помічати гарні речі та створювати їх. Уже 12 років
— про красу.
дівчатам. Бачити їхні щасливі очі та посмішки — це найприємніша нагорода за мою працю.
Як наразі змінились тренди в образах українських жінок? – Цього року
– Пані Олено, як Вам далася режисерська діяльність у постановці рок-опери «Гамлет» Леся Подерв’янського? Скільки працювали над нею?
– Для сценічного втілення твору, автор дописав сцени, у
поставити «Гамлета», а вже бажали придбати квиток на прем’єру! Уявляєте, скільки сміливості мені знадобилося, щоб піти на це!? Скажу чесно, було складно. Ретельно відібрані
театрах, тому знайти зручний час для репетицій з
свої арії. Це виглядало як протест, як жест незламності! У такі моменти у мене сльози з’являлися на очах. Цілий рік ми працювали над виставою! Для мене це
12 місяців цілеспрямованості та терпіння, бо
режисер бачить цілісний фінальний результат і знає, куди веде команду і яким все має бути.
ні хвилини не сумнівалася
Лесь має гострий розум, неабияке почуття гумору і на все свою точку зору. Поєднати його бачення п’єси, як автора, з моїм режисерським було завданням не з легких! Увесь період роботи над виставою ми були в діалозі, часто сперечалися, іноді до хрипоти, обговорювали нюанси, характери персонажів. Мене настільки поглинула ця постановка, що я ночами уві сні співала всі партії та програвала мізансцени за акторів. Саме це допомагало мені відстоювати свою думку, коли ми заходили у глухий кут у розмовах з автором. У моїй голові картина була настільки чіткою, що я могла відповісти на будь-яке питання, чому саме так має бути, а не інакше. Як розумієте, консенсусу ми дійшли і результатом задоволені.
що міняє образи протягом вистави. То він професор, то
суддя, то священик... Комедія італійського автора, лауреата Нобелівської
премії Даріо Фо «Випадкова смерть Анархіста» заснована на реальних подіях, хоча у це важко
цю виставу в інших театрах, щоправда не в Україні, і вони чомусь були не смішними... Не можу цього зрозуміти. Мабуть, складність матеріалу перемогла акторів. Тому запрошую до Молодого, на нашу виставу «Анархіст», у нас ви точно не нудьгуватимете!
Які творчі плани маєте на найближче
стилістами. Коли ти стаєш відомою в цьому середовищі, модельні агентства самі пропонують тобі співпрацю. Сьогодні також є соціальні мережі. Завдяки їм багато моделей не потребують агентів. Просувати себе саму набагато простіше і домовлятися про заробіток теж. – Катерино,
зах, а який стиль імпонує саме Вам? Як Ви одягаєтесь
katerynanych nychart