n today’s world full of challenges and tension, the ability to maintain inner balance becomes extremely important. We often look for support from the outside – in people, circumstances or material things. However, the real support is always within us. The speech of our expert, a psychologist with many years of experience, Mariana RUSYN, will help you understand the essence of internal supports, their structure and ways of development that will help you effectively overcome life’s difficulties.
– Greetings, dear readers! Supports can be external – the people who support us and the circumstances in which we find ourselves. But these supports are not always reliable. In contrast, internal supports are more stable.
Internal support is a psychological foundation that helps you to withstand in difficult periods. What do they consist of?
• The ability to rely on oneself. Worldview and awareness of one’s values. These are guidelines on the basis of which we make decisions and act.
• Gained experience. This includes the ability to cope with difficulties and successes that add confidence.
• Knowledge and skills. Understanding one’s skills and capabilities.
• Awareness of one’s own emotions and trust in yourself. It helps to act consciously and adaptively.
• Belief in one’s own strength.
• Responsibility for one’s life. This allows us to be independent and choose the life we want.
• Ability to build boundaries.
• Balance of life spheres. It plays the role of insurance: if difficulties arise in one of the areas, the others help to support the resource.
External supports are usually formed in childhood through the care of adults who provide comfort and stability. Over time, they can integrate and become internal, but this does not always happen.
There are several signs of a loss of connection with internal supports:
• dependence on someone else’s opinion;
• the desire to please everyone;
• the need for a person nearby who will tell you what to do;
• striving for an ideal;
• fear of authorities.
How do you start learning and restoring your inner strength?
It is best to explore this together with a psychologist who will help you identify and assimilate the resources you already have. However, you can also start on your own. Try answering the following questions:
• What is valuable to me?
• What are my strengths?
• What brings me joy and satisfaction?
• What am I good at?
• Am I aware of my emotions and reactions to events?
• Do I notice body signals and understand their meaning?
By pondering on these questions, you will take the first steps towards building inner resilience and getting to know yourself more deeply. Sometimes the answers don’t come immediately, but the reflection itself is the path to inner strength, confidence and the ability to overcome life’s challenges.
Mariana Rusyn marianna_rusyn
сповненому викликів і напруги, здатність зберігати внутрішню рівновагу стає вкрай важливою. Часто ми шукаємо підтримки зовні – в людях, обставинах чи матеріальних речах. Однак справжня опора завжди знаходиться всередині нас. Промова нашої експертки, психологині з багаторічним досвідом Мар’яни РУСИН, допоможе зрозуміти сутність внутрішніх опор, їхню структуру та способи розвитку, що сприятимуть ефективному подоланню життєвих труднощів.
складаються? • Уміння покладатися на себе. Світогляд і усвідомлення своїх цінностей. Це орієнтири, на основі яких ми приймаємо рішення і діємо.
• Набутий досвід. Сюди належить здатність справлятися з труднощами та успіхи, що додають упевненості.
• Знання та навички. Розуміння своїх умінь і можливостей.
• Обізнаність про власні емоції та
довіра до себе. Це допомагає діяти свідомо й адаптивно.
• Віра у власні сили.
• Відповідальність за своє життя. Це дозволяє бути самостійними та
Світ здається більшим та водночас ближчим, коли ти ділишся своєю історією й бачиш, як люди підтримують тебе.
— Ви — щаслива мама чотирьох діточок. Розкажіть, як вони адаптувалися до життя в новій країні. Чим захоплюються? Проявився хтось із них у творчості?
— Мої діти адаптувалися чудово. Вони займаються спортом, вивчають нові мови та відкривають для себе нову культуру. Особливо тішить, що моя донька захопилася мистецтвом. Вона вже створює свої перші роботи, і я бачу, як творчість допомагає їй
проявляти себе.
— Що ж, бесіда добігає кінця. Розкажіть нам ще про особисті підсумки 2024 року та
— 2024 рік був неймовірним. Мої роботи побачили тисячі людей, і я щаслива, що через
ще більшій кількості аукціонів, щоб продовжувати
Lana Kaufman
Sunflowers, which symbolize struggle, love and hope - these images from the paintings of Lana KAUFMAN find a response in the hearts of people all over the world. Her work inspires supports and gives faith in the best. In this interview, Lana shares her creative journey, the impact of war, and her sources of inspiration.
Inspired by a dream where humanity had become flowers, I created “The Kiss for Peace” for my series “War through the Blossoms.” In this piece, two sunflowers–a man and a woman–move toward each other. The man rushes forward with the force of a bullet, while the woman stops him with pure, unwavering love. Their soft yet powerful kiss creates a ripple of harmony, wings of freedom, and infinite peace. Above them, glowing in the air, are the words: “The Kiss for Peace.”
— Lana, we are glad to welcome you again on our pages! Please tell us how your life has changed recently.
— Thank you for the warm welcome! The last three years have been a very important stage in my life. Moving to the USA opened up new creative horizons for me. I do not just paint, but express the history of Ukraine through my works - its indomitability, beauty and spirit of the nation. My paintings became a way to convey the truth about our country to every corner of the world. Each stroke on the canvas is a part of the story that touches the heart.
— You settled in Texas! How do you spend your time? Do you like this region?
— Texas has become my second home. For more than two years, I have been participating in prestigious exhibitions, such as Art Basel, Art Palm Beach, Art San Francisco, and other well-known US art platforms. These events gather thousands of spectators, and I am happy to see how my works evoke emotions, inspire and draw attention to Ukraine. People especially like my sunflowers - the symbol of our country.
In addition to exhibitions, I actively participate in charity initiatives: many of my works are sold at auctions, and the proceeds go to help those who suffered from the horrors of war.
— How exactly did the full-scale war affect your emotional state?
— The war changed me forever. It is a pain that cannot be expressed in words, but I try to convey it as much as possible through my paintings. The meanings of my works have become much deeper. Now it is not only art, but also a message of hope, freedom and strength. In addition to the struggle, people see in my paintings a love that triumphs even in the darkest of times.
I want everyone who looks at my paintings to feel the energy and depth of Ukrainian culture. My main message is that our strength is in love, our voice matters to the world, and we can inspire others.
— What inspires you when you create your masterpieces?
— I draw inspiration from my country, from people who are fighting for our future, from memories of the nature and traditions of Ukraine. I am also inspired by the stories I hear at charity events and
auctions. These are places where people come together to help others. All this motivates to create more works capable of changing the world.
— Lana, how has your perception of the world changed over time?
— I learned to appreciate moments more and to notice the beauty even in difficult situations. The world seems both bigger and closer when you share your story and feel supported by people.
— You are a happy mother of four children. How did they adapt to life in a new country? What are they interested in? Did any of them show creative potential?
— My children have adapted wonderfully. They play sports, learn new languages and discover a different culture. I am especially pleased that my daughter has become interested in art. She is already creating her first works and I can see how creativity helps her express herself.
— Our conversation is coming to an end. Please share your personal results of 2024 and plans for the future.
— 2024 was exceptional. My paintings have been seen by thousands of people, and I am happy that I can talk about Ukraine through art. Plans for the future include organizing new exhibitions, participating in even more auctions to continue supporting the Motherland. I also want to develop charitable initiatives, attract more people and inspire the world for goodness and unity.
In conclusion, I would like to address the readers of the MILLENIUM CLUB magazine:
Protect your hearts from indifference, and open your soul to beauty. May there always be a place for creativity and inspiration in your life. And remember: every action you take matters. If you want to do good do it now. Perhaps one of my paintings will become a part of your world, which will remind you of the power of love and unity.
FROM THE EDITORІSHIP: Lana, we are extremely happy to continue cooperation with you, to tell about your creativity and achievements on our pages. You create incredibly moving pictures and fulfil an important mission. Thank you on behalf of all Ukrainians! We wish you inspiration, energy and strength!
he new section “My DNA – Ukraine” is opened by Inga SABOVA, a well-known specialist, trouble shooter, VIP magician, psychologist and our regular expert. In the January issue, she tells us about the “Lady New” women’s community she founded last year to help women feel strong and attractive.
– Mrs. Inga, greetings. Last year, you created a project that brings women together. What meanings do you put into this community?
– The goal of this project is to show that a woman is beautiful at any age. Attractiveness and curiosity do not disappear with age, but only acquire new shades. This is a space for communication and exchange of experiences between women from different countries, where everyone can feel support and inspiration. Ukrainian women with their relaxedness and well-groomed appearance arouse special interest among representatives of other cultures. This exchange can become mutually enriching for everyone. Age is just a number in a passport. And beauty is a force that can change the world. We are all born beautiful, and it is important to preserve this beauty and share it with others.
– In your opinion, how do Ukrainian women differ from European women in general?
– Ukrainian women are distinguished by their special style — both in appearance and in communication. They demonstrate a high level of tolerance and a unique ability to combine different roles. Unlike representatives of other cultures, who often prefer personal independence, Ukrainian women are mostly ready to support their family and partner while simultaneously realizing themselves in business, creativity or raising children. This versatility and hard work make Ukrainian women real superwomen. They are constantly striving for self-improvement and development.
– What character shortcomings do Ukrainian women have, in your opinion?
– Among many positive qualities, such as hard work and versatility, there is also one weakness – a tendency to take on too much. It is important to learn to delegate responsibilities in order to create harmonious relationships. Today, when many men are defending the country, those who remain behind may feel disoriented and infantilised. Therefore, women should stimulate them to develop. European women often know how to find a balance between work and personal life enjoying every moment. We should learn from them to maintain health and harmony in relationships.
– What is our strength? What can we achieve with it?
– This is an interesting question. The answer is that there are no limits. If you have the will, you can achieve anything. There is no such thing as “I can’t” or “I don’t know how” – there is only “I’m lazy”.
If you don’t hinder a woman, give her opportunities and support, she is capable of any achievement.
– What is your personal DNA in the psycho-emotional sense?
– I believe that you need to live life to the fullest, because no one knows when life can end. You have to try everything, develop, grow and never stop, because that’s what we were born for. Don’t give up, keep moving forward, and success will come.
From a passion for cruises to a successful business: Lyudmyla SKIRDINA shares her story of cooperation with InCruises, talking about the inspiration, motivation and opportunities the company offers for personal and financial growth.
– Ms. Lyudmyla, you are a young and ambitious person working for a promising company. Tell us, what attracts you to travelling?
– For me, travelling is not only a way to explore the world, but also an opportunity to discover new horizons, get to know different cultures and enjoy the beauty of our planet. Each trip is an opportunity to go beyond the usual, to get new impressions, ideas and acquaintances. Thanks to my work at InCruises, I see how travelling can change lives and give people freedom. It is not only my source of inspiration, but also a great way to show others that the world is open to everyone.
– What inspires you in your professional activities?
– My work at InCruises motivates me to continuous development, self-realisation and the desire to bring joy to people. It teaches me to be bolder, to believe in myself and to see how my efforts help others to fulfil their dreams. My inspiration comes from the successes of the team, the stories of those who have discovered the world through cruises, and the realisation that I am involved in creating bright moments in their lives. It’s not just a job - it’s a lifestyle.
– Tell us in more detail what opportunities InCruises company offers to Ukrainians?
– The platform allows Ukrainians to look to the future with hope, opening up prospects for travel and earnings. By
working with InCruises, you can create an additional source of income, which is important for those looking for new ways to develop. The company offers flexible conditions that allow you to earn money without being tied to an office.
– Lyudmyla, how profitable can this business be?
– Profits in the company depend on your efforts and strategies, so financial restrictions become unnecessary. With the right approach, this business can become a significant source of passive income.
– How does InCruises differ from its competitors?
– InCruises cooperates with leading cruise lines such as MSC, Royal Caribbean, Carnival, and others, offering trips around the world: Caribbean, fjords, the Mediterranean, etc. This makes the platform attractive to those who want to combine travel with earnings. The company provides support, information, and advice to make customers feel confident at every stage – from choosing a route to boarding the ship.
And finally, we have more than 21,000 cruise destinations, 500,000 hotels, resorts, and excursions in our booking engine!
“Write the script yourself” is a call for everyone to become the author of their own life. Feel free to make your dreams come true, because life is a book and you are holding the pen in your hands.
– Пані Людмило, Ви – молода й амбітна особистість, працюєте в перспективній компанії. Розкажіть, чим Вас приваблюють подорожі?
– Для мене подорожі – це не лише спосіб пізнати світ, а й можливість відкривати нові горизонти, знайомитися з різними культурами та насолоджуватися красою нашої планети. Кож-
на подорож – це нагода вийти
за межі звичного, отримати но-
ві враження, ідеї та знайомства. Завдяки роботі в InCruises
я бачу, як подорожі можуть змі-
нювати життя, дарувати людям свободу. Це не лише моє джерело натхнення, але й чудовий спосіб показати іншим, що світ відкритий для кожного.
– Що Вас надихає у професійній діяльності?
– Моя робота в InCruises мотивує мене до постійного розвитку, самореалізації та прагнення дарувати радість людям. Вона навчає мене бути сміливішою, вірити у власні сили й бачити, як мої зусилля допомагають іншим здійснювати їхні мрії. Моє натхнення – це успіхи команди, історії тих, хто завдяки круїзам відкрив для себе світ, і ус-
з InCruises, можна створити додаткове джерело доходу, що є важливим
стають необов’язковими.
правильно підійти до роботи, цей бізнес може стати значущим джерелом пасивного доходу. – Чим InCruises відрізняється від конкурентів?
– InCruises співпрацює з провідними круїзними лініями, такими як MSC, Royal Caribbean, Carnival та іншими, пропонуючи подорожі по всьому світу: Кариби, фіорди, Середземне море тощо. Це робить платформу привабливою для тих, хто хоче поєднувати подорожі із заробітком. Компанія забезпечує
Yaryna LEVYTSKA, a promoter of Ukrainian culture in the United States and a volunteer, actively promotes Ukrainian heritage in the international arena. How can the support of the nation bring victory closer?
– Mrs. Yaryna, congratulations! Last time we talked about the results of the year. How has the beginning of 2025 been for you?
– For me, it started with a trip to Ukraine, where I celebrated Christmas and New Year – it has already become a tradition. In addition to meetings with relatives, I stayed to help the military and veterans. I spent time in Kyiv, talked to people, and then together with military chaplains I went to the East – we visited soldiers of different brigades. Unfortunately, I was not able to see my brother, but I had the honour of celebrating my mother’s 70th birthday. After returning to the USA, I immediately immersed myself in work on new projects. In February, I will be traveling to the Invictus Games in Vancouver.
– How do foreigners perceive Ukrainian culture today?
– The full-scale war drew the world’s attention to Ukraine and gave us the opportunity to demonstrate our cultural identity. Americans and foreigners in general have become actively interested in our history, music, art and traditions. During cultural events, they admire the beauty of embroidered clothes, the
energy of Ukrainian dance, and the originality of our art. Our culture unites people around the struggle for truth and Victory.
– Last year you received many awards. What do they mean to you from a psychological point of view?
– From the beginning of the full-scale war, I acted on the call of my heart, not thinking about awards. It was important for me to help and be useful. But over time, when I started receiving awards, I realised how inspiring it was. They confirm that my work matters, give me confidence and strength and motivate me to move forward.
– You continue your volunteer activity and know very well how important it is to support Ukrainians in this difficult time. Could you share your advice on how to keep up your strength and faith?
– Everything has its beginning and end. The war continues, and it affects each of us. Our support is important for the soldiers, the country and all Ukrainians. What we do today determines our future. Every act, every help is a step towards victory. Believe in goodness, it always wins!
Yaryna Levytska levytskayaryna
бійців різних бригад. На жаль, не змогла побачити
не думаючи про відзнаки. Мені було важливо допомагати,
зрозуміла, наскільки це надихає. Вони підтверджують, що
hocolate is like art, and each product is a masterpiece. Alla is a talented chocolatier who turns an ordinary desserts into a real works of art. Her stories about inspiration, creative pursuits and plans for the future are in this exclusive interview.
– Mrs. Alla, congratulations on the new year! What achievements of the past year are you most proud of?
– The past year has given me unexpected emotions and achievements that make my family, friends and relatives proud. There were the first article, the first interview, the first facing pages in the MILLENIUM CLUB magazine, an international project for successful people. The article in this edition has become very important to me because it talks about my work with chocolate: what emotions people get from my chocolate products and the benefits of the chocolate I work with. This is the highest quality Italian chocolate by Master Martini.
I also received incredible feelings and emotions from the award ceremony in the «Ukraine begins with you» project in the «Constellation of the Best-2024» nomination.
– Where do you draw inspiration for creating your works of art?
– Under the current circumstances, it is important to maintain a psycho-emotional state by finding pleasure in everything. My favourite songs and compositions inspire me to create incredible chocolate products. But what motivates me the most is the feedback from my satisfied customers. They are a very powerful support for me. And their warm words of gratitude on all social media are my holder.
– What design and chocolate solutions will you offer Ukrainians this year?
– With the help of various techniques, you can implement any unusual ideas, make not just a chocolate bar, but evoke real vivid emotions! For example, before the New Year, I made chocolate cards with cocoa butter painting on any subject with the help of a chocolate transfer. This is paper with a film on which you can apply a drawing, photo, company logo, etc. I will continue to work in this technique in the new year of 2025. My chocolate made using this technique even visited Poland last year. This is how the man greeted his beloved.
– Mrs. Alla, can you share your plans for 2025?
– Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems that few of us actually do what we set out to do. But the most important thing for all of us today is health. That’s why it’s the first thing on my list of priorities for this year. I also have professional plans, but I will keep them a secret for now. My goal is to give as much goodness and positive emotions as possible with the help of chocolate this year. I want to help make this world a better place.
I wish every Ukrainian to be as active as possible in the new year despite the circumstances in the country. Today, as never before, it is important to pursue your aspirations step by step, even through setbacks. Yes, the Universe presents many challenges, but if your goal is to make this world a little better, then you are on the right track and will definitely achieve your goal.
I wish you peace and blessings!
– Пані Алло, вітаємо в новому році! Якими досягненнями за минулий рік найбільше пишаєтесь? – Минулий рік подарував мені неочікувані емоції та досягнення, якими пишається вся моя родина, близькі та друзі. Перша стаття, перше інтерв’ю,
Роботу в такій техніці я
тиму й у новому 2025 році. Мій шоколад, виготовлений у цій техніці,
Education is not only about imparting knowledge, but also about fostering values and shaping personalities. Anastasiia Krasnoyarova, Deputy Director for Educational Work and Mathematics Teacher, shares her vision of the modern educational process, talks about the challenges and opportunities as well as how to help children reveal their potential.
– Mrs. Anastasiia, tell us about your activities.
– I am the deputy director for educational work and teach mathematics at Odesa Lyceum No. 4. My work covers two important areas: education and teaching. As a deputy director, I am responsible for organising the educational process, planning extracurricular activities, working with parents and creating a positive microclimate in the lyceum. In teaching mathematics, I strive to make lessons interesting and admiring so that pupils not only learn formulas but also understand how to apply them in everyday life.
– How do you assess the current state of Ukrainian education?
– Ukrainian education is currently going through a period of significant change. On the one hand, we are seeing positive trends: the introduction of new technologies, the transition to competency-based learning and a focus on developing critical thinking and pupil independence. On the other hand, we face challenges, such as a lack of resources, insufficient support for teachers in their professional development and adaptation to rapid changes in society. However, I see great potential in our education system.
– How do you manage to harmoniously combine professional activities and maintain a positive attitude?
– Clear planning, love of work and the ability to maintain a balance help
me to do this. To maintain a positive attitude, it is important to have hobbies and spend time with family. In my case, these are walks by the sea, reading and learning new skills.
– What attracts you most in teaching?
– Pedagogy is more than just a profession. This is an opportunity to shape the future, help children find their way, reveal talents and look at the world from new perspectives. For me, it is important not only to teach mathematics, but also to educate pupils in self-confidence, respect for others, responsibility and the value of mutual assistance.
– What principles are you guided by to achieve success in your profession and life in general?
– My main principle is a sincere love for pupils and the ability to see the potential in everyone. I try to be organised, constantly develop, value the team and maintain a positive mindset.
Dear readers, I wish you strength, inspiration and faith in your abilities. Each of us can change our lives and contribute to the development of our country. Together, we are building the future of Ukraine, and I am confident that it will be bright and happy.
Let’s work for victory together!
Анастасіє, розкажіть про свою діяльність. – Я обіймаю посаду заступниці директора з виховної роботи та викладаю математику в Одеському ліцеї №4. Моя робота охоплює два важливі напрями: виховання та навчання. Як заступниця директора,
З одного
позитивні тенденції: впровадження нових технологій, перехід до компетентнісного навчання, орієнтація на розвиток критичного мислення та самостійності учнів. З іншого боку, стикаємося з проблемами, як-от нестача ресурсів, недостатня підтримка вчителів у їхньому професійному розвитку й адаптація до швидких змін у суспільстві. Однак я бачу великий потенціал нашої освітньої системи. – Як Вам вдається гармонійно поєднувати
Multiple sclerosis is not a sentence, but a challenge. The story of Oksana Chivi is a vivid confirmation of this. Her life, full of trials and unbreakable faith, inspires and gives hope. Today, Oksana talks about her fight against the disease, the foundation of the charity foundation and her dreams of a future without multiple sclerosis.
– Mrs. Oksana, we are pleased to meet you. Please tell our readers about yourself.
– In 2003, I was diagnosed with an incurable disease – multiple sclerosis. This is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, when the immune system mistakenly attacks myelin, causing significant physical changes and the loss of working capacity. I have had a second disability group for 21 years, but my parents have always been there for me and did their best, for which I am incredibly grateful.
When I was young, my life turned into a constant struggle. There was a time when I couldn’t walk. On such
days, bedridden, I crocheted dresses and imagined myself dancing in them in high heels. One of these dresses became a symbol of resilience in the fight against multiple sclerosis.
The doctors at the Institute of Neurology call me a phoenix bird, because I am reborn after each exacerbation. In 2020, my condition deteriorated significantly. Doctors advised me to switch to highly effective drugs, but they turned out to be very expensive. Then I had to turn to people for help.
– How did you come up with the idea to create a charitable foundation?
– I have always dreamed of setting up a charity. After an expensive, highly effective drug helped me get back on my feet and walk without a cane, I decided to make this dream come true. In November 2024, I founded the Charitable Foundation “Samanda”l, which helps people with multiple sclerosis. In Persian mythology, the samandal is a wise and powerful bird that symbolises strength, rebirth and healing.
– What projects are you implementing at the foundation?
– The Charitable Foundation “Samandal” was created to change the lives of people with multiple sclerosis for the better. We strive to become their reliable partner in the fight for a quality life. Our goal is to make sure that every person with this diagnosis feels supported.
Recipient code: 45684736
We are currently launching a programme that provides access to MRI diagnostics for people with multiple sclerosis. MRI is a very important but also expensive procedure. In Kharkiv, many patients postpone the examination due to lack of funds, which leads to late diagnosis and complications.
– What do you want in life in general? What is your dream?
– It so happened that I became a motivator and an example for many people in the fight against a serious illness. My dream is a world where no one needs my help. I believe that the day will come when doctors will find a cure capable to heal everyone diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
– Oksana, we wish you good health! What would you say to people who have this diagnosis?
– Multiple sclerosis is a challenge, but it is also an opportunity to reveal your strength, endurance and faith in the best. Remember that you are not alone: there are those who are ready to support, help and go through this journey with you.
Believe in yourself, hold on to hope and don’t stop, because the power of the spirit helps you overcome the most difficult challenges.
We can do it all!
You are incredible!
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хворобою — розсіяним склерозом. Це хронічне аутоімунне захворювання центральної нервової системи, коли імунна система помилково атакує мієлін, спричиняє значні фізичні зміни та втрату працездатності. Уже 21 рік маю другу групу інвалідності, але батьки завжди були поруч і робили все можливе, за що я неймовірно вдячна.
У молодості моє життя перетворилося на постійну боротьбу. Був період, коли я не могла ходити. У такі дні, прикута до ліжка, я плела гачком сукні й уявляла себе в них, танцюючою на підборах. Одна з таких суконь стала для мене символом стійкості в боротьбі з розсіяним склерозом.
листопаді 2024 року заснувала БФ «Самандал», який допомагає людям із розсіяним склерозом. У перській міфології самандал — це мудра та могутня птаха, що символізує силу, відродження і зцілення. – Які проєкти реалізовуєте у фонді? – Благодійний фонд «Самандал» створено для того, щоб змінювати життя людей із розсіяним склерозом на краще. Ми прагнемо стати
Повна зала людей: дніпрян, гостей міста,
експертів, журналістів, поціновувачів мистецтва… Абсолютна тиша та затамований подих від очікування. З цього почалась
прем’єра неймовірно унікального, абсолютно
інноваційного культурного проєкту «Психологічний театр «Ситуація».
Авторка проєкту Людмила АКИМЕНКО зазначає, що дуже довго виношувала ідею, аби вона, сформувавшись, увібрала в собі виключно
Більшість з
не дозволяє собі звернутись до експертів по допомогу. Статистика розлучень говорить нам про те, що ми не маємо на сьогодні культуру побудови здорових
комунікації, досягнення порозуміння з оточуючими, розкриття внутрішнього
Окрім того, психологічний театр «Ситуація» має за мету розвивати психологічний напрямок театрального мистецтва. Це абсолютно нова концепція, що може бути ефективно застосована, як інноваційна терапевтична модель. Психологи зазначають, що в деяких життєвих обставинах саме театральні вистави можуть стати єдиним
глядачеві можливість побачити схожу ситуацію зі сторони та зрозуміти, як варто діяти, аби зберегти стосунки,
A full hall of people: Dnipro residents, guests of the city, experts, journalists, art connoisseurs... There was absolute silence and bated breath from anticipation at the start of the premiere of the incredibly unique, absolutely innovative cultural project «Psychological Theatre «Situation».
The author of the project Lyudmila Akymenko notes that she has been nurturing the idea for a very long time so that, once formed, it would incorporate extremely useful practical advice and the effectiveness of psychological assistance to people through the format of a theatrical performance.
«As a woman who has gone through a long way of her own transformations, I understand that young people who plan to create strong unions do not know how to prepare themselves for this at all. Most of them do not allow themselves to turn to experts for help. Divorce statistics tell us that we do not currently have a culture of building healthy relationships due to a lack of self-understanding and inability to communicate. For a very long time, these questions formed in me the idea of creating a project that through an interactive format would be able to help our nation, help women and men find a common language, create an atmosphere of trust, harmony, understanding and support in families. Thus, years later, the Psychological Theatre «Situation» was born, which we presented to the birthday of our city,» commented Lyudmila Akymenko.
The format of the project includes theatrical productions of a wide variety of situations faced by every person on the planet. Psychological theatre is a special form of influence on a person through creation, because theatrical art is able to perfectly manifest the inner world of
a person and change him or her.We can empower people in the light of creation to take important steps toward change. It is also about improving relationships, establishing communication, achieving understanding with others and revealing inner potential.
In addition, the psychological theatre «Situation» aims to develop the psychological direction of theatrical art. This is a completely new concept that can be effectively applied as an innovative therapeutic model. Psychologists point out that theatrical performance can be the only way to resolve difficult relationships with others in some life circumstances.
The experts with a psychological specialty reveal the topics of situations, causes and consequences and give practical advices in the project. They take their professional tools and help people see the objectivity of life’s situations. The themes of future performances will consist of real stories, which we expect to receive from you through social networks.
Due to the realities of our lives, not all Ukrainians can turn to a psychologist for help today, because this type of communication foresees openness,
which requires special courage. And this is where a theatrical performance can come to the rescue allowing the viewer to participate in a familiar situation without direct contact with a specialist, but to get the necessary answers. This interactive will give the viewer the opportunity to see a similar situation from the outside and understand how to act in order to preserve the relationship that will be discussed in the play.
The premiere of the first performance of the psychological theatre «The Situation» proved that Ukrainians today desperately need psychological help. The project’s experts answered more than a hundred questions of the guests of the event. Specialists who were presented at the project noted
that the great war further worsened the state of Ukrainians and they should be saved. They repeatedly emphasized that psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, sexologists, neurologists and coaches should consult in any life situation to support mental health. In this way, we will be able to create relationships having a good continuation and giving our nation strong unions and a healthy generation of future Ukrainians. After all, it is for them that we now choose our freedom and independence.
We thank everyone who joined us at the premiere, we are waiting for your comments on social networks and we are preparing for the new performance.
We are waiting for everyone!
ateryna SHEREMETYEVA — psychologist, Gestalt therapist, and co-founder of Courcetoleanness — shares her achievements, reflections on important issues, and plans for 2025 in a conversation with us.
— Kateryna, we are happy to talk to you again in 2025. Tell our readers with what achievements 2024 was notable for you.
— Greetings! I am glad to answer your questions. To be honest, I believe that there are always achievementseven our desire to live is already an achievement. And from the new: to distract myself from this disturbing background, I started another training. More precisely, this is the next stage of advanced training in Gestalt therapy. Now I am studying to be a supervisor and teacher in this field.
— Ukrainians, despite the circumstances, continue to believe in miracles and our victory. Is it worth it? How not to lose touch with reality and be able to analyse events?
— I am not against hope and faith, but they often postpone life for later. And I am for the «here and now». It is important to notice what is happening right now: what are your feelings, desires or unwillingness. I support interest in yourself and timely switching to different activities.
— Today, unfortunately, many people lose their loved ones at the front. It is an indescribable pain. How to cope with it?
— Losing loved ones is an indescribable pain. No one and nothing can replace a loved one. I deeply sympathize with every loss. But at the same time, it is important to remember that you are needed by yourself and those around you. If the pain is unbearable, you should seek help from specialists - a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Or at least share your experiences with loved ones. Don’t keep it to yourself. Always keep love in your heart and live on - at least for the sake of those who gave their lives in this struggle.
— How should we deal with circumstances that we cannot influence?
— War is a loss of control over your normal life. It is the ultimate frustration. It is important to regain a sense of influence, at least in the things that are within your control: taking care of your health, taking care of yourself, supporting those who need help. This is a way to regain a sense of power over your own life.
— Finally, please share your plans and dreams for this year.
— It’s hard to make plans, but I’ll try anyway. I’ll continue my studies at the third level of Gestalt therapy in Vienna and I dream of traveling to South Africa.
відповісти на ваші запитання. Якщо чесно, я вважаю, що досягнення є завжди — навіть наше прагнення жити вже є здобутком. А з нового: щоб відволіктися у цьому тривожному
n the modern world, psychosomatic disorders are becoming more and more common, especially among Ukrainians. How to recognise psychosomatics, what to do with spring exacerbations and how to help yourself cope with apathy, depression, and PTSD? These questions are answered by psychosomatics expert Olena BORYSOVA.
– Mкs. Olena, Ukrainians are increasingly facing psychosomatic disorders. What would be your recommendations?
– Ask yourself a few questions: Have my fear, resentment, feeling of guilt, shame, negative thoughts that cause unpleasant experiences disappeared forever thanks to food, medication, antidepressants, or any addictions? Do they return again and again? How do all these emotions affect my health? Can I change this? If it is so, then how it can be done? After that, you should contact a psychosomatic specialist and learn to cope with anxiety states with the help of movements, breathing practices, and visualisations that help you get out of this state.
– Spring exacerbations are coming soon. How to protect oneself from their manifestations?
– It is important to learn to understand yourself, your needs and regularly satisfy them. This includes timely rest, quality sleep, adherence to a regimen and skills in managing your emotional state. You should use psychological techniques to cleanse yourself of unnecessary information and other people’s stories as this directly affects the immune system.
– Ukrainians have changed. Apathy, depression, PTSD, OCD, etc. What should we be prepared for?
– Such people need support, attention, peace, and setting new goals. It is worth contacting specialists who can help with these issues: explain, guide, inspire and support. Everything is individual, so it is important to formulate specific requests, listen to recommendations, and get help.
– I would like to summarise your achievements over the past year and your plans for 2025.
– Last year, I launched two powerful projects aimed at spiritual development, self-knowledge and understanding of psychosomatics. We work with various symptoms at the level of psychological causes, and this gives incredible results. Our clients are satisfied with the changes in their lives and health. Sign up for a diagnostic consultation and get professional help.
I wish everyone a good psychological state and good health!
Телефон/Viber/WhatsApp/Telegram: +380675225353 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/academy_psylife Telegram: https://t.me/zhizn_vpotoke
пертка з психосоматики Олена БОРИСОВА.
– Пані Олено, українці все частіше стикаються з психосоматичними розладами. Якими будуть Ваші рекомендації? – Поставити собі кілька запитань:
переживання, зникали назавжди завдяки їжі, лікам, антидепре
Телефон/Viber/WhatsApp/Telegram: +380675225353
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/academy_psylife
Telegram: https://t.me/zhizn_vpotoke
Fatigue, uncertainty, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)... Psychologist Olha KADYSHEVA talks about the most common psychological challenges of Ukrainians and shares practical advice on how to overcome them.
– Olha, nice to meet you. Tell us about your professional experience last year. What are the main problems that concern Ukrainians?
– The past year seemed difficult, many people feel exhausted. People are lost in uncertainty, they look for a direction, try to understand how to preserve themselves and their resources, and at the same time they need to make difficult decisions. I am currently preparing a seminar on the rehabilitation of vitality (life forces) – it will be useful for those who have faced despair and loss of motivation. The main idea of the seminar is to learn to see new opportunities and resources in uncertainty. The world is constantly changing and we need to learn to perceive it as a challenge, playing by new rules.
– How difficult is it to work with the traumatic experiences of Ukrainians under current conditions?
– We are talking about PTSD, a diagnosis that affects everyone: those who stayed home, those who left and those who returned or continue to serve in the military. All emotional manifestations in the current circumstances are a natural reaction. It is also important to understand that PTSD will unfold more widely when the war is over. There is also the concept of transgenerational trauma, which is transmitted to subsequent generations Foreigners often do not understand the aggressiveness or withdrawal of Ukrainians, because they are unable to understand
what they have not experienced. Working with PTSD takes time. It is important for us to support various forms of everyday social support. We must talk about our fortunes, learn to trust, share our pain with those we trust. Simple everyday warmth – a friendly smile to a neighbor, a kind word – evokes positive emotions and relieves tension.
– Many people афсу anxiety. What advice would you give to those who are slowly sinking into depression?
– Self-isolation is one of the factors in the formation of psychological trauma. I notice that many people avoid communication even with loved ones. In such conditions, a creative approach to the way out of internal isolation is important. Create a circle of support for yourself – a community with which you can share your experiences. This way the psyche is freed from emotional tension. You can also keep a diary or engage in personal creativity, creating works of art (literature, painting, music).
– Thanks for the frank conversation! What are your plans for 2025?
– I have been working with body practices for many years and organizing author’s projects that quickly help people restore energy. This applies not only to physical health, but also to self-knowledge, philosophy. My goal is to help people regain a sense of security, self-confidence and the meaning of life in new circumstances. This year I will continue to work with colleagues to solve the problems of identity crisis.
невизначеність, тривожність та посттравматичний стресовий розлад (ПТСР)…
– Ольга, раді знайомству. Розкажіть, як минув рік у професійній сфері. Які основні проблеми непокоять українців?
– Минулий рік видався складним, багато хто відчуває виснаженість. Люди губляться в невизначеності, шукають напрямок руху, прагнуть зрозуміти, як зберегти себе та свої ресурси, і водночас їм необхідно
реабілітацію вітальності (життєвих сил) – він буде корисним тим, хто зіткнувся з розпачом та втратою мотивації. Головна ідея семінару – навчитися бачити у невизначеності нові можливості та ресурси. Світ постійно змінюється і нам потрібно навчитися сприймати це як виклик, граючи за новими правилами. – Наскільки складно за нинішніх умов працювати з травматичними переживаннями українців? – Ми говоримо про ПТСР — діагноз, який стосується кожного: і тих, хто залишився вдома, і тих, хто
спілкування навіть із близькими. У таких умовах важ-
з якою можна поділитись своїми переживаннями. Так психіка
Natalia CHERNYAVSKA is a clinical psychologist, sexologist, Gestalt therapist, trainer, professional coach, as well as a Ph.D. candidate. She is a Member of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), the National Psychological Association of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists, EMDR Ukraine and the New York Institute of Gestalt Therapy (NYIGT). We discuss current challenges and ways to overcome them with the expert.
– Mrs. Natalia, welcome to our infospace. Please tell us why you chose your profession.
– Since my youth, I have felt that helping people fills my life with meaning.. At a certain point, I realised: to support, to be there in difficult times, to help find inner strength is not just my vocation, but my mission. Psychotherapy allows you to understand more deeply how the human soul functions and find those threads that help to unravel the tangle of pain, fears or insecurities.
My journey began with a personal search for answers to important questions: how to find harmony within myself? How to build a healthy relationship? This led me to study, numerous trainings and relentless practice.
– Among the topical issues of today, we highlight primarily the fight against stress. What recommendations would you give?
– Stress has really become an integral part of our lives. Here are some recommendations to help overcome it:
• Find your resource. It can be walks in the park, music, drawing or even 10 minutes of silence with a cup of tea.
• Learn to breathe. Although it seems simple, a few minutes of deep and slow breathing can restore a sense of calm.
• Focus on what’s important. Don’t waste energy on things you can’t change.
• Share experiences. Don’t be afraid to ask for support.
– The next question concerns the «impostor syndrome». It’s about devaluing yourself. What methods do you recommend to combat this phenomenon?
– «Imposter syndrome» is familiar to many, and I am not exception. It is an inner voice that questions our achievements. But there are methods that help learn to cope with it:
• Record your victories. Keep a diary of successes - from the most significant to the smallest.
• Listen to yourself with love. Instead of criticizing, ask, «What can I say to myself to be supportive?»
• Be realistic. Don’t try to be perfect. It is better to do something «good enough» than to strive for unattainable perfection.
• Ask for help. Psychotherapy is not a manifestation of weakness, but an opportunity to look at yourself from another side and learn to believe in your own strength.
– How do you assess the psychoemotional state of Ukrainians today? What wishes do you have for our readers?
– We live in a reality that constantly tests us. Many Ukrainians feel tired, anxious, insecure, but at the same time demonstrate incredible resilience and strength. My appeal: don’t ignore your feelings. Your emotions are important, even if they seem painful. Seek support. Take care of yourself. And remember: every small step forward is already a victory.
Natalia Cherniavska
ня, сексологиня, гештальт-терапевтка, тренерка, професійна
на здобуття ступеня Ph.D. Член European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), Національної
асоціації України, Української
тів, EMDR Ukraine та Нью-Йоркського інституту
ПОДОЛАННЯ – Пані Наталя, вітаємо в нашому інфопросторі. Розкажіть, будь ласка, чому Ви обрали свою професію. – Ще з юності я відчувала, що допомога людям наповнює моє життя сенсом. У певний момент я усвідомила: підтримувати, бути поруч у складні часи, допомагати віднаходити внутрішні сили – це не просто моє покликан-
ня, а моя місія. Психотерапія дозволяє глибше зрозуміти, як функціонує
людська душа, і знайти ті ниточки, що
допомагають розплутати клубок бо-
лю, страхів чи невпевненості.
Мій шлях розпочався з особистих пошуків відповідей на важливі питання: як знайти гармонію всередині себе?
Як будувати здорові стосунки? Це привело мене до навчання, численних тренінгів та невпинної практики.
– Серед актуальних питань сьогодення ми виділяємо насамперед боротьбу зі стресами. Які рекомендації Ви дасте?
– Стрес дійсно став невід’ємною частиною нашого життя. Ось кілька рекомендацій, які допомагають його долати:
Знайдіть свій ресурс. Це можуть
які допомагають навчитися
справлятися: • Записуйте свої перемоги. Ведіть щоденник успіхів – від значних до найменших.
• Слухайте себе з любов’ю. Замість того щоб критикувати, запитайте: «Що я можу сказати собі, щоб підтримати?»
• Будьте реалістичними. Не намагайтеся бути ідеальними. Краще зробити щось «достатньо добре»,
Пані Олено, вітаємо! Почнемо з основ. Що саме в людських проявах впливає на доходи? – Доходи напряму залежать від того, яку цінність людина приносить світові. Але справа не лише в тому, скільки користі ви даєте, а й у тому, чи дозволяєте собі брати оплату за це. Кожна людина бажає бути визнаною, цінною, масштабною. А моє бажання створити світ успішних і щасливих людей є основним наміром і стимулом до роботи. Мій принцип цінності, який є ключем до масштабного фінансового успіху та впливу, – дати людям
ціонального університету ім. Ю. Федьковича, потім навчалася в аспірантурі і в 24 роки захистила кандидатську дисертацію.
The path to wealth lies through changing the way the brain works! This is the belief of Olena BRYGAS, a speaker and founder of the online academy of neuroprojective psychology for women. Her approach is unique: she combines modern knowledge of psychology, brain research, quantum physics, and even chaos theory. Thousands of Olena’s clients have not only improved their lives, but also significantly multiplied their results! Let’s get to know her!
– Mrs. Olena, greetings! Let’s start with the basics. What exactly in a person’s behaviour affects their income?
– Income directly depends on the value that a person brings to the world. But it is not only important how much benefit you provide, but also whether you allow yourself to accept payment for it.
Everyone wants to be recognised, valuable and successful. My main desire is to create a world of happy and financially independent people. My principle, which is the key to large-scale financial success and influence, is to provide more value than the amount people pay.
People pay not for a product, but for transformation and personal change. When the goal is to help others become successful and happy, you’re not just selling a service or information, you’re changing their condition, quality of life, and way of thinking. If a person feels that their reality has become much better than they expected, then the cost seems insignificant compared to the benefits they have received.
– How did you come to financial independence and success? Where did the journey begin?
– I am a scientist, a researcher. My desire to study brain functioning started at school. I devoted a lot of time to this issue, visited libraries and collected research methods and schemes, which until 2017 were only partially freely available. I have always known that people live to make their lives and this world better. And since we exist in the material world, money is one of the key components of satisfaction!
I graduated from the Faculty of Biology at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, then went on to do postgraduate studies and defended my PhD thesis at the age of 24. Exploring the fundamentals of the universe is my vocation. In 2013, I actively started studying psychology and realised my true purpose - to help people discover themselves and build a successful life. Since then, thousands of my clients have improved their reality. There are also those who scale their results, returning to work with me at each new stage of life. I founded an online academy of neuroprojective psychology for women, and this is my life’s work!
– Is it possible for all people to gain great wealth?
– If we consider this question from the point of view of neuropsychology and the deep workings of the brain, the answer is obvious: yes. But not everyone allows themselves to do so at the level of inner readiness.
Money is not an accident or a gift of fate. It is a reflection of mental programmes, behavioural patterns, and the level of inner permission. Abundance is not just an external factor, but a consequence of the structure of thinking and the energy state of a person.
The brain works on the principle of energy saving. If the deep neural connections are built in such a way that great wealth is perceived as something unusual, dangerous or unattainable, the psyche will automatically block any opportunities for a financial breakthrough. If a person is conscious, adaptable and ready to change, they can achieve any level of wealth.
Great wealth is possible for everyone, but only those who reprogramme the limitations of their financial selfconcept, are ready to maintain powerful financial flows, surround themselves with an environment of abundance, think big and allow themselves to have significant influence can achieve it.
Wealth is not a lottery, but an internal state and a set of skills that can be developed. Anyone who is willing to work on their thinking, emotions, and actions can achieve a level of income that matches their inner permission and mindset.
– What advice would you give to our readers today?
– Wealth is a big energy load. It is a flow that requires internal stability. If a person is afraid of responsibility for big money, does not feel worthy of receiving more, has a fear of “losing everything”, does not know how to expand his or her energy capacity, then his or her subconscious will create scenarios in which money either does not come, or quickly disappears.
What to do?
• Work on emotional adaptation to financial growth.
• Learn to feel comfortable with large sums of money.
• Develop strategies not only for earning money, but also for maintaining and increasing resources.
Great fortunes come to those who are ready to create significant impact, bring large-scale benefits and value. A person, who thinks globally, seeks opportunities to create, not just earn, focuses on scaling their energy, knowledge and resources, opens up much broader financial prospects for themselves.
he story of Tetyana Goncharuk is a vivid example of how a personal story can become a life calling. Her path is from a doctor to a psychologist, from an ordinary woman to a volunteer who helps defenders and their families.
– Mrs. Tetyana, tell us about your professional path. Why did you choose psychology?
– I have two professional paths. The first is medical education, and the second is psychological one.
After the birth of my second child, while on maternity leave, I felt the need to change my life. It was a moment of rethinking and a desire to better understand human nature. That is why I decided to study psychology. I have always liked to help people, and psychology is all about support and help.
– You are actively involved in volunteering. What projects do you think have been the most influential?
– In 2014, when the war broke out, I couldn’t stand aside and started helping our wounded soldiers in hospitals, and later their families.
Later, I conducted training for the military at training grounds and in the war zone.
Today, my main goal is to teach our defenders emotional resilience so that they can stay calm, make the right decisions and avoid injuries during missions. This project is still ongoing.
– How has the full-scale war affected you personally?
– The war has radically changed me in all aspects of my life. I am particularly inspired by the military who demonstrate unbreakable spirit and incredible willpower.
I have never seen such love for our native land and such fervent patriotism. The war has taught me to value the most important things: family, spiritual values, the warmth of home and loved ones.
– You run retreats for military families. What impresses you most about this work?
– A retreat reveals people. At the beginning, everyone is closed; everyone keeps in his «shell». But over time, through communication and interaction, people open up.
War changes everyone. It is impossible to go through everything our defenders are going through and remain the same. People change, come back as new people, different people.
I am fascinated by the ability of the military to rethink and accept themselves. I see how relationships in families improve, especially at retreats where I work with military wives. The greatest joy for me is to see how their relationships become warmer and stronger. This is the best result of my work.
– What advice can you give our readers to maintain inner peace and live in harmony?
– Look at life through the prism of new values. Pay attention to spiritual development that fills us from the inside.
Do not forget about respect, care and the ability to hear yourself and others. Take care of your emotional state and your loved ones. Look for the positive even in difficult situations.
It is important for us to adapt to the new realities in order to help others including those with combat experience. I wish peace to you, your families and our Ukraine!
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Nation!
сторія Тетяни ГОНЧАРУК –яскравий приклад того, як
особиста історія може стати життєвим покликанням. Від медика до психолога, від звичайної жінки до волонтерки, яка допомагає захисникам
– Пані Тетяно, розкажіть про Ваш професійний шлях. Чому обрали
я відчула потребу змінити своє життя. Це був момент переосмислення та бажання краще зрозуміти людську природу. Саме тому вирішила вивчати психологію. Мені завжди подобалось допомагати людям, а психологія – це якраз про підтримку і допомогу.
– Ви активно займаєтеся волонтерством. Які проєкти, на Вашу думку, стали найвпливовішими?
– У 2014 році, коли почалася війна, я не змогла залишитися осторонь і почала допомагати в госпіталях нашим пораненим військовим, а зго-
і їхнім родинам.
Tetyana Rozova is a child psychologist, neuropsychologist, PhD (in psychological sciences), associate professor of the Department of Psychosomatics and Health Psychology at the Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, author of more than 45 scientific publications and founder of the Centre for Health Psychology and Development ”Personality”. In this issue, we highlight the importance of parents visiting a neuropsychologist if their child’s behaviour causes concern.
– Mrs. Tetyana, what is the specificity of your work?
– My passion is to help children find their way to emotional wellbeing and develop their abilities and talents. Neuropsychology is a branch of psychology that studies the relationship between brain functioning and human behaviour. The task of a neuropsychologist is to diagnose, assess and correct disorders that affect emotional state, thinking, memory, attention, speech and other cognitive functions.
– What are the main requests you can identify?
– The main requests from attentive parents include mental and speech development delays, attention deficits and hyperactivity, difficulties in learning school material, autism spectrum disorders, the consequences of neurological diseases as well as psychological trauma.
– What stages does your work consist of?
– My work involves three key stages. The first is neurodiagnostics. The second is the development of an individual programme adapted to each child. And the third is
neurocorrectional work, which includes regular classes aimed at developing weak brain functions and compensating for lost skills.
– Thank you for your answers, Mrs. Tetyana. How would you define your main goal?
– The main goal of my work is to ensure the harmonious development of the child’s brain, which contributes to its successful adaptation to learning and social life. Since children are not always aware of their problems, classes are mostly held in a game format.
Child development is a complex process that includes the formation of cognitive, emotional and behavioural skills. However, sometimes parents or teachers may notice difficulties that prevent the child from fully learning, communicating or adapting to changes. In such cases, consulting a neuropsychologist becomes the first important step.
If you notice that your child is having difficulty concentrating, completing new tasks or finding a common language with peers, contact a specialist. Your support now is the foundation of his or her happy and harmonious future!
– Пані Тетяно, в чому полягає специфіка Вашої роботи?
– Моя пристрасть – допомагати дітям знаходити шлях до емоційного благополуччя, розвивати їхні здібності й таланти. Нейропсихологія – це галузь психології, яка досліджує зв’язок між функціонуванням мозку та поведінкою людини. Завдання нейропсихолога полягає в діагностиці, оцінці та корекції порушень, що впливають на емоційний стан, мислення, пам’ять, увагу, мовлення та інші когнітивні функції. – Які головні запити Ви можете виокремити?
– Серед основних запитів, з якими звертаються уважні батьки: затримка психічного та мовленнєвого розвитку, порушення уваги та гіперактивність, труднощі в засвоєнні шкільного матеріалу, розлади аутистичного спектра, наслідки неврологічних захворювань, а також психологічні травми.
З яких етапів складається Ваша робота?
ulia YAKOVENKO is an expert in psychosomatics, works with thinking and helps people become healthy and happy. To date, our interlocutor has conducted over 200 consultations, after which clients have achieved the desired results.
– Mrs. Yulia, psychosomatics is playing an important role for Ukrainians today. Tell us, how do you recognise the manifestations of psychosomatics?
– Experience shows that everything that happens to us has a connection with psychosomatics. Every disease or problem has a cause-and-effect relationship with a psychological component. Which one – this requires individual analysis.
– What is a disease from the point of view of psychosomatics?
– Illness is a way for our body to adapt to experiences that we have not been able to overcome psychologically. Any diseasefrom the common cold to cancer - is the result of an unresolved emotional conflict. Constantly being under stress exhausts a person, disrupts biological functions, and they cannot eat or sleep normally. In this case, the body takes the initiative and converts general stress into local stress, i.e. a symptom in one of the organs.
– How can a psychosomatics specialist help?
– I help you understand what exactly your body is signalling, why it “created” the disease, help you understand your own behavioural strategies and change them to more effective ones. In this case, the body will no longer need a painful signal.
– Ms. Yulia, how can we learn to understand our own body?
– First of all, you need to realise that illnesses are not punishments, but signals from the body that indicate what you should pay attention to. It is worth understanding that the body is our friend. Thank it, take care of it and treat it with care. It is important not to shift responsibility to others, but to look for answers within yourself.
Accept your feelings, do not ignore them, but live them. Do not be afraid to get to know yourself, learn to hear and understand your own body. Start taking care of both your body and your psyche. Respect your emotions and do not stay with problems alone – seek help from specialists.
I wish us all health, peace, harmony and victory!
t is not normal if betrayals happens regularly in your family and you forgive it. If conflicts and insults have become a habitual part of communication, if your partner constantly says that he or she does not want intimacy because sex is no longer relevant to them...
I am a psychologist-sexologist Nadiya LIMA, a member of the Association of Psychologists of Ukraine and the National Association of Sexology and Sexual Medicine, author of the motivational “Happiness Notebook”, a guest expert on radio, women’s brunches and private men’s clubs.
Olya (name changed), 38 years old, married, mother of four children, approached me. Her request was as follows: “I am tired of my husband’s betrayal. I love him, and we live peacefully, but… We talk about it, he repents, and after six months everything repeats again.”
During the work, I realised that everything is far from harmonious in their family. Olya’s self-esteem leaves much to be desired, and her desire to be loved and needed has led to the fact that her husband avoids her, seeking attention on the side. Now we continue to work, and there are already the first positive developments. Olya temporarily decided to move away from her husband.
The biggest problem is that many couples get used to the toxic scenarios they live in. They endure it, complain to friends or acquaintances, and then return home and put up with their circumstances again.
Women imitate orgasm and avoid intimacy, while men believe that their task is to bring their partner to the peak of pleasure. All of these distorted ideas about sexuality, family and relationships distort a couple’s lives.
Relationships are healthy
• when you can say frankly: ”I am capable of living without a partner, but I don’t want to”;
• when you immediately react to discomfort;
• when you take care of yourself, your needs and desires.
I understand that for many people the topic of sex remains taboo. Therefore, I recommend my Telegram channel, where you will find simple techniques to improve your intimate life, as well as the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people.
If you have any questions about relationships, sexuality, or life in general, I invite you to an individual consultation. To make an appointment, write to the direct mail on my Instagram page.
Remember: “Always choose yourself in your life.”
+38(093) 347 06 70
логів України і Національної асоціації
суальної медицини, авторка мотиваційного «Блокнота щастя», запрошена експертка на радіо, жіночі бранчі та закриті чоловічі клуби.
Viktoriya BOBITA is an entrepreneur from Kropyvnytskyi who works in the field of selling medical products. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, she has been actively supporting the military, displaced people and hospitals. Her activities draw attention to important issues and help unite people.
– Mrs. Victoriya, greetings! Could you tell us when and how you started volunteering?
– In the first days of the war, I realised that I could help. Thanks to my experience in the medical field and the availability of a certain stock of medical products, I handed over first aid kits, syringes and antibacterial agents to the military. I bought first aid kits, knee pads and antiseptics for the pyrotechnics of Kirovograd region. I also provided assistance to the territorial community of Kropyvnytskyi, the Kirovohrad Regional Children’s Hospital, the Oncology Clinic, the Regional Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and the city maternity hospital.
– It is known that you helped not only the military, but also the internally displaced people. How exactly?
– When people from Donetsk, Kharkiv, and Dnipropetrovsk regions began to arrive in Kirovohrad region, I was involved in their resettlement and finding housing. I provided them with clothing, hygiene products, and toys for children. I talked about the availability of medical supplies on social media. Later, I managed to find like-minded people and organise international material assistance for the community. In particular, we handed over a vehicle to the regional oncology clinic for transporting medical supplies and, if necessary, transporting displaced persons.
– Are there any stories that are particularly memorable?
– Yes, for almost two years now I have been helping a veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war. We go to rehabilitation together and work on his social adaptation. I helped him get a military pension. He uses a wheelchair to get around, but he leads an active life. We attend concerts, shoot videos for TikTok, and contact government agencies to draw attention to the problems of veterans in civilian life. Once I wore a T-shirt with the words “Armed Forces of Ukraine”, boots, a khaki skirt and a cap to visit government agencies, including the military registration and enlistment office.
– What motivates you to continue?
– I have consciously chosen the path of volunteering, altruism and humanism, as I consider it my duty in these difficult times for our country. I will not stop helping those who need it most.
Завдяки досвіду в медичній сфері та
певного запасу медичних виробів я передала військовим аптечки, шприци, антибактеріальні засоби. Для піротехніків Кіровоградщини закупила аптечки, наколінники та антисептики. Також надавала допомогу територіальній громаді Кропивниччини, Кіровоградській обласній дитячій лікарні, онкодиспансеру, обласному центру контролю та профілактики хвороб, а також міському пологовому будинку.
TikTok, звертаємося до
привернути увагу до проблем ветеранів у цивільному житті. Якось я вдягла футболку з написом «Збройні сили України», берці, хакі-спідницю
ou can get rid of childhood fears, overcome family conflicts or even heal psychological trauma with the help of a fairy tale! Of course, if it’s therapy from the famous psychotherapist Olha Voitikova. Our regular expert, a master of psychology and art therapist, spoke about the benefits of this universal method of working with the subconscious in an interview.
– Olha, why is fairy tale therapy called a universal method in the work of a psychologist?
– Fairy tale therapy is a “special train” that contains valuable meanings that a person cannot perceive directly. To work with a client, a psychologist needs a metaphor to bypass the resistance of the subconscious. Consciousness often resists, so we use a workaround.
During fairy tale therapy, a person who seems to be looking through a broken window turns into someone who is able to see new perspectives. It is a therapeutic method of personality disclosure and correction.
– What fairy tales do you use in your work with children?
– My considerable experience in child psychology proves that a fairy tale, like a game, is a language of childhood, a way of communicating with a child.
In my work, I use different types of fairy tales, depending on the request and after diagnosis. These can be:
• Didactic fairy tales — aimed at training and capacity development.
• Psycho-correctional fairy tales — help to correct behaviour by showing how to handle conflict situations in a gentle way.
• Psychotherapeutic fairy tales — “heal” a child’s soul, helping them to look at events from a different perspective.
• Fictional fairy tales — form the worldview, reflecting the struggle between good and evil.
• Медитативні казки — are useful for both children and adults, as they promote spiritual
growth. They have no tragedies and always have a happy ending.
– How can fairy tale therapy help adults?
– In our dynamic world, full of stress and a constant flow of information, people often seek to immerse themselves in a different reality - a fairy tale one.
Fairy tale therapy helps to overcome personal problems, as well as difficulties in family relationships and love. It is effective in cases of insecurity, complexes, shyness, resentment, jealousy, aggressive behaviour, depression, sleep disorders and phobias. This method also helps to reduce stress levels.
– What archetypal female plots can be traced through fairy tales?
– Fairy tales reflect archetypal female plots that are relevant in modern life. For example, the following plots: “Beauty and the Beast of Prey”, “The Rescuer”, “Stepmother and Stepdaughter”, “Female Cunning”, “A Woman Waiting for Awakening and Rescue”, “The Picky Bride”, “The Hermit”.
For example, in the fairy tales “The Snow Queen”, “Beauty and the Monster”, “The Little Mermaid” the archetypal plot “The Rescuer” is revealed.
This plot teaches you to recognise your “shadow”, to fight for harmonious relationships with your partner. The woman in it often fights alone.
The plot trap is the temptation to take responsibility for your man doing his job.
The solution is to support your man with faith in him, helping, but not solving his problems for him.
So, if you are trying to understand yourself, improve your life or get rid of psychological difficulties, I will be happy to help everyone!
методу роботи з
– Ольго, чому казкотерапію називають універсальним мето-
у роботі психолога?
Казкотерапія — це «особливий
час казкотерапії людина, яка
дивиться «в розбите вікно»,
ту, що
перспективи. Це терапевтичний метод розкриття та корекції особистості.
вання з дитиною.
У роботі я застосовую різні види
бути: • Дидактичні казки — спрямовані на навчання та розвиток
жети: «Красуня і хижак», «Рятівниця», «Мачуха і падчерка», «Жіноча підступність», «Жінка, що чекає на пробудження і порятунок», «Перебірлива наречена», «Відлюдниця». Наприклад, у казках «Снігова королева», «Красуня і чудовисько», «Русалонька» розкривається архетипний сюжет «Рятівниця». Цей сюжет вчить пізнавати свою
he Beauty Academy «Profi Cosmetology» is not only an educational institution, but also a guarantee of quality education recognised abroad. Iryna Tsymbal, the head of the academy, shares the achievements of her graduates and plans to develop a culture of cosmetics use in Ukraine.
– Mrs. Iryna, you continue to work successfully in Ukraine, and this is very important for our nation. What new achievements have you had recently?
– In 2024, I entered the nationwide rating «LEADER OF PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS – 2024» in the nomination «Charm. Strength. Indomitability» and was awarded the «Order of Queen Anne «Honour of the Fatherland». Also, last year I visited Korea twice, from where I brought two leading Korean cosmetic brands to Ukraine. Korean cosmetics are rapidly gaining popularity due to their high quality, effectiveness and powerful composition. I continue to engage in professional cosmetic lines and their promotion on the Ukrainian market. I want Ukrainian women to continue to be recognised as the most beautiful in the world. Currently, I am working on strengthening international ties with the Republic of Korea.
– What exactly motivates you to continue working and developing?
– I love my homeland infinitely. I lived abroad for two months, but I realised that I wanted to stay in Ukraine. My aspiration is to develop my country, make it successful and show the world how strong we are as a nation.
– You are known to be the head of one of the best beauty training centres in Ukraine. What results do your graduates achieve?
– First of all, our Beauty Academy “Profi Cosmetology” is licensed by the Ministry of Education. The certificates that our graduates receive are recognised abroad without additional confirmation. For example, one of our students moved to the USA and adapted our certificate without the need to go through additional commissions. This is a high indicator that I am proud of.
– Can ordinary Ukrainians order the cosmetics you promote?
– Unfortunately, many women in our country do not know how to use cosmetics properly. That’s why I always emphasise that professional cosmetics need to be learnt under the guidance of a beautician. Now I am planning to open a boutique store where a beautician will work to help women choose care products. My wish is to develop a culture of cosmetics use.
I wish all of us peace and victory for Ukraine. And I wish our beautiful women to always stay well-groomed and demonstrate their inner strength despite the challenges!
FROM THE EDITORSHIP: On the Instagram page “Beauty Academy “Profi Cosmetology” you can get expert advice on choosing cosmetics that will be effective for your skin type and condition.
знайти контакти
і волонтерів, які допомагали з медикаментами.
Другим напрямом стало кураторство групи морпіхів, серед яких
був мій друг. Вони перебували
в найгарячіших точках на різних ділянках фронту, і я робила все можливе, щоб забезпечити їх усім
музичні інструменти. Наступна мрія, яка вже здійснилася, – це йога-тур до Португалії (деталі є в highlights у моєму Instagram).
І ще одна мрія, що стала реальністю, – навчання та отримання міжнародної сертифікації RYS200
Аліно, Ви – досвідчений
майстер з лазерної епіляції.
Почнімо з трійки найпоширеніших міфів галузі.
– Лазерна епіляція займає особливе місце в моєму серці. Я присвятила їй понад 10 років свого життя! Але, на жаль, сфера лазерної епіляції в Україні, особливо в Дніпрі, обросла міфами. Через це останні два роки наші послуги сильно знецінилися. Я виступаю за чесну роботу та рекламу цієї послуги. Тому
ніколи не обіцяю видалити біле, руде чи сиве волосся, позбутися
всього волосся за 3–5 процедур
і не рекомендую робити епіляцію щомісяця.
– Чому це неможливо?
Лазерна епіляція працює за
методом селективного фототермолізу, тобто вибіркового
видалення найтемнішого пігменту. Волосяний фолікул має
бути темнішим за шкіру. У та -
кому разі світло лазерного про -
меня перетворюється на теплову енергію, яка спалює фолікул і знищує волосся. У сивому, білому та рудому волоссі не -
достатньо меланіну, тому лазерний промінь розсіюється, і ефекту немає.
Лазерна епіляція – це медична процедура, а не манікюр. Робити її щомісяця
– Моє найбільше досягнення – це те, що за роки своєї роботи я не витрачала коштів на рекламу послуг. Можливо, це недолік, але для мене – доказ того, що пацієнти цінують якісну роботу і турботу про них. До мене приходять сім’ями і цілими компаніями.
n integrated approach to beauty and health, a medical licence for injection procedures and a team of specialists with medical educationYulia Matyushenko talks about the benefits of a new clinic with European standards that has opened in Horishni Plavni.
– Yulia, greetings! Please share your achievements in 2024. We know that you and your partner have opened a new clinic. Tell us about its features.
– The year 2024 was not an easy one. I was in Germany with my three children while working in the field of aesthetic cosmetology. I completed the course and passed the exams in optical radiation for the skin and received the relevant certificates that allow me to officially work in the field of hardware cosmetology. At the same time, I continued to teach girls aesthetic cosmetology in Germany.
– What exactly inspired you to open the clinic?
– I have been dreaming about my own clinic for a long time. About a month before the war, we bought premises in Horishni Plavni and started renovating it. We wanted to create a modern clinic that would stand out from the crowd. In December 2024, we realised this plan.
Our key advantage is an integrated approach. For example, we do not recommend beauty injections without a correct bite. If a patient has a skin rash, they are first consulted by a dermatologist and an endocrinologist, and only then by a cosmetologist. We tried to create a space where patients receive a professional approach and understand that, for
example, botulinum therapy injections should be performed exclusively by medical professionals. By the way, we are the only ones in the city who have a medical licence to perform beauty injections. All of our employees have a medical degree, not just short-term courses.
– How did competitors react to the opening of a clinic with such a highquality approach?
– This question is asked very often. I have colleagues who were sincerely happy to see a modern clinic in Horishni Plavni. It was very nice to receive congratulations from my fellow doctors.
– What services do you provide and what are their advantages?
– Currently, we do not have a very wide range of services: dentistry, orthodontics and medical injection cosmetology. In the spring, an endocrinologist and a dermatologist will begin to accept patients. We will also introduce a new high-quality service – dermatoscopy of neoplasms, express tests for glucose and cholesterol.
We are happy to welcome everyone who appreciates a professional approach and wants to look unsurpassed. And those who are waiting for me can rest assured – I will also accept patients as a doctor.
реалізували цей задум. Наша ключова перевага – комплексний підхід. Наприклад, без правильного прикусу ми не рекомендуємо робити ін’єкції краси. Якщо у пацієнта висипи на шкірі, його спочатку консультують дерматолог та
ендокринолог, а вже потім косметолог. Ми прагнули створити
lha BARBEN, a famous singer and successful woman, shares her thoughts on the character traits of Ukrainians and their uniqueness in the column “My DNA is Ukraine” She talks about her love for her Motherland.
– Mrs. Olha, you travel a lot, communicate with listeners in different parts of the world. Tell us, what do you think is the peculiarity of Ukrainians’ character.
– Probably the first thing that should be emphasised is openness to the world, to people, to learning new things. These traits help us to achieve significant heights. We are brave, confident, erudite and friendly. We are people of quality and great aspirations. We love and value life.
– And what do you think we sometimes lack?
– Ukrainian women are always well-groomed, intelligent and well-mannered. Of course, we are talking about the majority. It is, as they say, in our blood. We strive to be feminine, to bring love for beauty and light to the world. Despite all the challenges, we are happy women who radiate joy. This uniqueness makes us attractive in the eyes of Europeans. I am convinced that Europeans can follow our example. Therefore, in my opinion, we lack nothing – we have everything we need.
– Today you can often be seen on international stages, but you regularly return to Ukraine. What exactly attracts you to your homeland?
– Indeed, I travel a lot and feel harmonious everywhere. But my homeland remains special to me. I have a very deep connection with Ukraine. Even though I have been living in Switzerland for over 15 years, I always feel like a Ukrainian. I never have any problems with identification. Ukraine is the temple of my soul. It is a place where purity, beauty and the best feelings are reflected. By the way, this year I am planning to release a Ukrainian-language album “My Ukraine”.
– Thank you, Olha! We wish you to always remain a sincere and talented Ukrainian woman. How do you image Ukraine after the end of hostilities?
– Of course, post-war adaptation will take some time, but I am convinced that we will certainly achieve prosperity. I wish everyone patience, health and to remain good people.
— між «до» і «ля». Напевно, так Бог призначив. Хіба можна
житті змалечку. Бабуся постійно співала вдома, хоч і не мала музичної освіти. Дві рідні мамині сестри також музикантки: одна — вчителька гри на скрипці, інша — хормейстерка, як і я. Колись я дуже мріяла стати кіноакторкою, але тепер розумію, що Бог спря-
мував мене правильним шляхом. Актори проживають
багато чужих життів, а я інша. Дитяча щирість співзвучна з моїм єством, а співзвучність — це мелодія
відчуваєш піднесення, а під час співу відчуваєш переродження. У цьому є щось магічне, неземне… Чесно. Я дивлюся на своїх «зоренят» і бачу справжніх янголів. Хоча в житті вони бешкетують, як усі діти.
Торік ми десять днів провели в Італії у межах співпраці з Європейським молодіжним оркестром. Разом виконували класику, співали колядки. Найзнаковішим був концерт у центральному храмі Болоньї, що вміщує 1500 осіб. Коли хор закінчив виконання «Алілуя» Генделя, диригент заплакав. А весь зал, наповнений людьми, аплодував стоячи. У такі моменти в мене самої пробігають мурашки по тілу. І я розумію, що живу
недарма й роблю свою справу правильно. Це неймовірне відчуття, яке складно пояснити, — якась хімія.
пов’яже своє життя з музикою, а хтось стане лікарем, фахівцем у галузі IT чи майстром своєї справи. Головне для нас – виховати людину.
Але змагатися наживо –
зовсім інша справа. Діти слухають інших, аналізують, критично оцінюють власні виступи.
Конкурси завжди вимагають значних фінансових витрат.
Реєстраційний внесок, проїзд, проживання, харчування – усе це зазвичай лягає на плечі батьків. Проте
міжнародні поїздки залишаються для нас пріоритетом. Я часто порівнюю
навчання музиці зі спортом: якщо
діти не братимуть участі в змаганнях, то навіщо тренуватися? Саме там во-
ни доводять, що здатні на більше.
До речі, минулого року «Зоринка»
отримала почесне звання «Гордість Тернопілля – 2024» у кате-
«Співак року». І особливо
inging that conquers hearts! The Children’s Choir School «Zorynka» in Ternopil is called an example of bright professionalism. Its director, Angela DOSKOCH, is convinced: children are capable of everything that adults are, but they do it much better. Under her leadership, the choir not only wins prestigious international competitions, but also performs in the most famous cathedrals in the world. A candid interview with a talented choirmaster about her life, creativity, achievements and plans is for your attention.
Angela Doskoch
Angela Doskoch
– Mrs. Angela, we are glad to meet you! Why did you decide to connect your life with art? Did you consider other options?
– My destiny is between “do” and “la”. Probably, this is how God intended it. How can you argue with that? Music has been in my life since I was a child. My grandmother constantly sang at home, although she had no musical education. Two of my mother’s sisters are also musicians: one is a violin teacher; the other is a choirmaster, like me. Once I really dreamed of becoming a film actress, but now I understand that God directed me on the right path. Actors live many other people’s lives, but I am different. Children’s sincerity is in consonance with my nature, and consonance is the melody of the heart, it is the song of my life. Believe me.
– How did you get to “Zorynka”?
– In a children’s camp, I played the pipe during a concert. My future husband (Izydor Doskoch – Ed.) was a senior counsellor there. He was interested in my playing. After graduating from “Zorynka” and entering the pedagogical university, I started working at this school in my second year. That’s how it all started.
For the first year, I taught the pipe while studying at the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy. Later, Izydor said: ‘Well, have you got used to it? Now get down to business!’ And he offered me to recruit a group of small children and work with the choir.
– To whom do you owe the most for your development as a musician and teacher?
– The most important teacher for me was my Izydor. I learned a lot from him. And it’s not just about musical art or working with children, but also about my attitude to life. Thanks to him, I fell in love with my profession, singing, and eventually became a mother to all our «stars». It’s hard to talk about this, because my husband hasn’t been around for eight years...
– How did an ordinary group become a choir school known throughout Ukraine?
– Initially, «Zorinka» was a choir in a secondary school. But my husband, who graduated from the opera and symphony department of the conservatory and was a symphony conductor, raised the choir to a higher level. In 1980, he transferred the choir to the city Palace of Pioneers, where a choir department was created on its basis. And in 1996, a choir school was opened on the basis of the choir.
– You travel the world a lot with your choir, singing in churches. What is special about these performances?
– For 15 years in a row, we have been giving concerts in churches and temples, both in Ukraine and abroad.
I remember that in 2019 we performed at the Riga Cathedral. After the concert, a priest from another church came up to us and said that he dreamed of hearing us sing in his church. This year, his dream came true. We were on our way to a concert in Latvia, and he wrote to me on social media and asked me to stop by Riga. Although our destination city was different, we adjusted the route. You should have seen the faces and eyes of the people, ordinary parishioners! They were crying, recording the performance on video, didn’t even know how to approach the children - they were so excited to see them.
It is very pleasant to bring joy to people. This is the light that children carry within them. As soon as you cross the threshold of the temple, you feel elated, and when you sing, you feel reborn. There is something magical, unearthly in this... Honestly. I look at my ‘stars’ and see real angels. Although in real life they are naughty, like all children.
Last year, we spent ten days in Italy as part of a collaboration with the European Youth Orchestra. We performed classical music and sang carols together. The most significant was a concert in the central church of Bologna, which seats 1500 people. When the choir finished performing Handel’s ‘Hallelujah’, the conductor cried. And the whole hall, filled with people, gave a standing ovation. At such moments, I myself get goosebumps. And I realise that I am living for a reason and doing my job right. It’s an incredible feeling that’s hard to explain - some kind of chemistry.
– Your choir has many significant victories, including international ones. What about competitions in today’s reality?
– Over the past five years, since the start of the pandemic, we have participated in a large number of competitions, as it has become possible to do so online. We record the concert at our place and send out the video. But competing live is a completely different matter. Children listen to others, analyse and critically evaluate their own performances.
Competitions always require significant financial costs. Registration fees, travel, accommodation, meals - all this usually falls on parents. However, international trips remain a priority for us. I often compare learning music to sports: if children don’t take part in competitions, then why train? It is there that they prove that they are capable of more.
By the way, last year “Zorynka” received the honorary title of ‘Pride of Ternopil - 2024’ in the category “Singer
of the Year”. And it’s especially nice when you are appreciated and recognised at home.
– They say that the highest reward for a teacher is students who become colleagues! How are stars born? What are your main principles as a teacher?
– My main principle is to believe in the child so that he or she can reveal their full potential. There are students with rather modest vocal skills, and there are more gifted ones – those whom God has given a voice and natural musicality. But if the teacher does not believe in the child and the child does not believe in oneself, success will not be achieved.
Belief in children and love for your work really bear fruit. Many of our graduates play in orchestras abroad and sing in opera theatres, particularly in Germany and Austria.
– What is your main goal?
– Like my late husband, I don’t aim to make every student a professional musician. Some will connect their lives with music, while others will become doctors, IT specialists or masters of their craft. The main thing for us is to educate a person. We want our children to be compassionate, well-mannered, attentive and able to support others and love their Motherland. These are not just lofty words. The modern world, unfortunately, often fosters selfishness in children.
– What are the prospects ahead? What are you preparing for?
– In 2000, we took part in the first World Choir Olympiad. The best choirs from all over the world competed then – 250 choirs from 80 countries. It was an incredible performance, something I’ve never seen before, even on television. “Zorynka” won two silver medals and a bronze one in three categories. I really dream of entering this competition again!
This year, the Holy Gates are opening in Rome, a unique event that happens once every 25 years. It is a great honour and an exceptional opportunity to perform there.
– What would you like to wish our readers in conclusion?
– I dream that the future Ukraine will be as sincere and open as my “Zorynka”. Sing with your heart! This is the gift that makes us special and can save our world.
– Вітаємо, пані Ліліє! Як починався Ваш творчий шлях? Чи пам’ятаєте свою першу картину? – Перші картини, які створила, вже навіть і не пригадаю. Я одразу почала працювати олійними фарбами. На початку бракувало досвіду та технічних знань, тому трохи соромилася показувати свої роботи. Найчастіше вони залишалися вдома
в Італії? Як ця країна вплинула на Вашу творчість?
роботах я додаю елементи природи, щоб зробити їх живими й емоційними.
Взагалі, дуже люблю експериментувати у мистецтві.
Іноді поєдную техніки, які, на перший погляд, здаються несумісними. Хоч це й ускладнює процес, але результат завжди вартий зусиль.
Як і кожен митець, я не завжди повністю задоволена своїми роботами. Але експерименти допомагають розвиватися та відкривати нові горизонти. Мистецтво — це суб’єктивний
простір, у якому важливо шукати власний шлях.
Ознайомитися з моїми роботами, виставками та резюме можна на моєму сайті: www.kaluzhyna.art.
– Мистецтво для Вас – це …?
– Мистецтво для мене — це мова душі, моя медитація, сцена, на якій оживають емоції та почуття, якими ділюся
зі світом. Це унікальний спосіб спілкування з глядачем.
Кожна картина має свій характер, сенс і емоцію. Я прагну, щоб мої роботи випромінювали тепло, позитив і натхнення. Щоб вони спонукали до роздумів, дарува-
надію та світло. Проте з 2022 року у моїй
псевдоніму. «Аліка» має просту розшифровку: «А» — арт, «Лі» — Лілія, «Ка» — Калужина. Разом це створює гармонійне ім’я, яке легко запам’ятовується.
Цей псевдонім символізує мою творчість, мої роботи й мене саму. «Аліка» для мене — це позитивний образ, що
надихає творити та висловлювати свої думки через мистецтво. – Ваші роботи були представлені на багатьох міжнародних виставках. Які події стали найважливішими для Вас?
До 2018 року я не брала участі у виставках, адже тоді метою була насолода процесом
Her paintings are thought-provoking and inspiring at the same time! Ukrainian artist Liliia KALUZHYNA, known in the world under the pseudonym ALIKA, fascinates the audience with her paintings. The artist’s works not only decorate the modern interiors of numerous fans, but are also exhibited at prestigious international exhibitions. Mrs. Liliia frankly told in an interview how her hobby turned into her life’s work.
– Greetings, Mrs. Liliia! How did your creative path begin? Do you remember your first painting?
– I don’t even remember the first paintings I created. I immediately started working with oil paints. At the beginning, I lacked experience and technical knowledge, so I was a little shy about showing my work. Most often they stayed at home or became gifts for my sister. However, one day an event happened that changed my attitude to creativity. My sister showed my first paintings online to Ivan Marchuk. His opinion became an important impetus for me. It was then that I realised that art was not just a hobby, but something I was passionate about and wanted to devote my life to.
– Who was your teacher and source of inspiration?
– My main teacher has always been nature and my imagination. I admire its harmony and perfection. I did not attend an art school – I learnt everything on my own, guided by intuition, inspiration and a great desire to create. Impressionist artists occupy a special place among my sources of inspiration. Their influence has had a significant impact on my style, as most of my works are made with oil paints in this direction. Also, Ivan Marchuk is the standard of Ukrainian art for me. His talent and courage still inspire me.
– How long have you been living in Italy? How has this country influenced your work?
– I have been living in Italy for over ten years. Every corner here is filled with the spirit of culture, history and art. Italy has expanded my vision, added new accents to my work, especially in the use of light and colour. Moreover, it was here that I took my first important steps as an artist. My first major exhibition took place in Venice during the 2019 Venice Biennale, where I presented five of my paintings. This experience was crucial for my further creative path.
– Now you create paintings for modern interiors. What techniques and images do you use?
– Oil painting remains my favourite. It is a classic that always finds a response in the hearts of the audience. At the same time, taking into account modern trends, I experiment with acrylic and textured three-dimensional works in 3D technique.
I use different materials to create such works: plaster, fabric, foam, natural elements. They add volume and uniqueness to the paintings, which fits perfectly into minimalist modern interiors. Even in abstract works, I add elements of nature to make them lively and emotional.
In general, I really like to experiment in art. Sometimes I combine techniques that, at first glance, seem incompatible. Although this complicates the process, the result is always worth the effort.
Like every artist, I’m not always completely satisfied with my work. But experiments help me develop and open up new horizons. Art is a subjective space in which it is important to find your own way.
You can familiarize yourself with my works, exhibitions and resume on my website: www.kaluzhyna.art.
– For you, art is...?
– Art for me is the language of the soul, my meditation, a stage on which the emotions and feelings that I share with the world come to life. This is a unique way of communicating with the viewer.
Each picture has its own character, meaning and emotion. I strive for my works to radiate warmth, positivity and inspiration. So that they provoke reflection, give hope and light. However, since 2022, the paintings have appeared in my work, which convey pain and suffering. These are our realities that I cannot ignore. However, even in such works I try to find a ray of light and faith.
– Why did you choose the creative pseudonym Alika?
– In Italy, my first and last names are hard to pronounce and remember, so that was the impetus for creating a pseudonym. «Alika» has a simple interpretation: «A» – art, «Li» – Liliia, «Ka» – Kaluzhyna. Together, this creates a harmonious name that is easy to remember.
This pseudonym symbolizes my creativity, my works and myself. «Alika» for me is a positive image that inspires to create and express my thoughts through art.
– Your works have been presented at many international exhibitions. Which events were the most important for you?
– Until 2018, I didn’t participate in exhibitions, because then the goal was to enjoy the process of creativity. However, in 2018, I was invited to participate in an exhibition that took place at the Venice Biennale 2019. I received the invitation from the famous professor and art critic Giorgio Grasso. This event was a turning point in my life.
In fact, my career as an artist began in 2019. Since then, I have participated in more than 50 exhibitions in different countries, including Switzerland, the UK, France, Spain, Greece, the UAE, the USA, as well as in many parts of Italy and the Vatican.
Recently, I have been working with the VitaUkr organisation, which organises exhibitions in support of Ukraine. For example, the exhibition Art Wins the War, which took place in Milan in 2024 from September to October, was aimed at supporting the Ukrainian people.
– What are you preparing for now? What ideas do you plan to implement in your works?
– Currently, I am working on a series of paintings called «Interesting and mysterious cities». I recently completed work on a canvas dedicated to the mysterious Innsbruck, and the next one will be Heidelberg, a city with a unique atmosphere.
Since oil works take a lot of time, in parallel I am working on a space-themed painting, which inspires me a lot.
I also plan to create a series of paintings called «Emotions», but I will keep the details a secret for now.
In addition, I participate in two large exhibitions. One of them opened in Venice on January 18, and my work «Relax» is presented there. This painting is part of the catalogue of the best contemporary artists according to art critic and art professor Giorgio Gregorio Grasso.
– Despite the distance, you remain with Ukraine in your heart. What would you like to wish Ukrainians and the readers of our magazine?
– First of all, I want to wish everyone peace. Although I live in Italy, my heart always belongs to Ukraine. Ukraine is my homeland, my roots and my soul.
I wish all Ukrainians unbreakable spirit, faith in a bright future and our victory. May art become a source of inspiration, support and hope for everyone. I thank everyone who creates and works for Ukraine in these difficult times. You are an example of resilience for the whole world.
y mission is to make people fall in love with singing, with the process of self-development, to help them overcome fears and doubts, and to gain confidence in their abilities. Music is the path to freedom, and I want my students to walk boldly on this path,” says Tetyana KUDIYAROVA. Next, we’ll talk about creativity, inspiration and self-discovery.
– Mrs. Tetyana, art is eternal. You create miracles and inspire. What do creativity and music mean to you?
– For me, creativity and music are a source of life, a universal language of emotions that does not require translation. It brings people together, opens hearts and helps everyone find themselves. I am convinced that every person is unique, and through the love of music, you can unlock their unique potential.
– Tell us more about what you offer your students.
– My approach to teaching is based on an individual approach. I create a friendly atmosphere that brings joy and motivates. My motto is “Manifest”. It reminds us that it is important not to imitate others, but to reveal our own uniqueness.
I work with children, teenagers, adults and professional artists. Together we learn vocal technique, develop stage skills and work on emotional expression. Students have the opportunity to create original songs, perform on big stages, and participate in large-scale projects.
– What sets you apart from other teachers?
– My advantage is the emphasis on the uniqueness of each student. I have created a space where everyone can
reveal their talent and enjoy learning. Teaching for me is about developing not only technical skills, but also creative freedom, confidence and self-expression.
I am constantly improving my methods by attending international trainings to provide my students with the most upto-date approaches to teaching.
– What personal achievements can you highlight?
– My pride is the EngaMusic Academy of Arts, which has been helping people fulfil their music-related dreams for 11 years. Another important project is the World of the Talent international festival, which I founded in 2021. This festival brings together talented people from all over the world and gives students the opportunity to perform on big stages.
– Tetyana, how does music affect a person psychologically?
– Music has a therapeutic effect: it relieves stress, helps to express emotions and find inner harmony. Learning music allows you to overcome psychological barriers, increase selfesteem and open up new horizons of creativity.
I invite everyone to the world of music, where they can reveal their talent and find joy in creativity!