The timeline for the proposal is suggestive of the process that can be taken to implement each of the placemaking strategies throughout the length of the project and ensure ongoing management and stewardship. The timeline is flexible to change in response to stakeholder engagement, evaluation findings and unexpected societal/ environmental adjustments as the project progresses. The proposal is composed of four phases: Activation, Engagement, Sense of Place, Stewardship.
The Four Phases Each of the four phases identifies the core objective of the placemaking activities at that time and ensures that they are front of mind. The four phases focus on the transition from initiation through creating an identity for Tin Alley and onto enduring community stewardship.
Phase 1- Activation: the focus is on small interventions to introduce the project and get the community’s interest.
Phase 2Engagement: the focus is towards interventions that actively engage a diverse range of the community in meaningful ways.