Beauty Biz Year 17 Issue 1

Page 58


Going for Goals! By Robyn McAlpine

It’s easy to set goals amongst the hype of a new year and with the pressure of seeing everyone else go for gold on their goals. But now that the dust has settled, where are you at with your career aspirations this year?

It’s easy to write a list or dream up some big scary audacious plan, seeing yourself in the light of all the ‘New Year, New Me’ possibilities. It’s like you ignite this little spark, filled with big dreams and hope and the year ahead feels exciting, fresh, and sparkly. But with goals that scare you a little bit, comes the actual doing, because we can’t just wish them into reality. There’s a little bit of work involved to bring these dreams to life. If you were following the people on the internet who were loudly spruiking their massive goals, their intentions and their ‘word of the year’ style motivation posts, you may have noticed that it’s right about now that these folks tend to slip off the radar as the year gets bogged down with obligations and life starts throwing lemons. Suddenly, the good intentions, the manifesting energy, the “let’s do it” attitude dwindles, and the stark light of day reminds us that big goal things require big actions and some of those actions take hard work, a bit of sacrifice and above all, showing up a different person than you’ve ever been before. So, I’m here, as a not so gentle reminder that NOW is when the real work begins. But I’m not going to leave you hanging. I’m giving you three things you can do that will help you get back on track and keep the spark alive! Maybe your goal was to step into being that amazing skin therapist you dream of being, but you get to work and forget to rebook your clients, or you chicken out when it comes to having those home care conversations with clients that mean they might actually have to buy something from you. Maybe you wanted to finally leave the job that’s sucking the life out of your soul and apply for that dream career with the boss you admire, the team you want to be part of, but the bills keep coming and “it’s just not great timing” to take a new direction. (Pssst! There’s never a good time) Perhaps you decided that this year was going to be the year you went back and requalified or you wanted to uplevel your knowledge, but when you logged onto the website to apply you saw the cost of the training and you quickly logged back out again. (Side note: Hun, I’m here to tell you learning is absolutely and investment and an investment in yourself is always the best kind. You’re worth it and if you’re going to back a winner, always back yourself! So how can I help? Besides a swift kick up the rear end and pushing you kicking and screaming into your goals, let’s first look at what Inspired you to aim the high in the first place. When you dream of your career in this industry, what do you see?


When you think about the impact you want to have, the clients you want to see, the business you aspire to… What do you FEEL? Is it warm fuzzies? A little bit of fear? Like it’s exciting but scary at the same time? When you get that feeling, it’s the part of you inside that’s giving you the green light to take the leap and go for it. This is the energy you want to go into this big goal with. But it can be so easy to let that spark die out when the world throws bills, obligations, and distractions in your way. SO how do you dig under all the distractions to get the spark back? Now I’m not your hippie ‘woo woo’, manifesting kinda gal, that stuff gets lost on me. But what I do know is the more you can get back to the feeling of the spark, the more likely you’ll be in the right mindset, in the ideal headspace and the zone that you need to be in to make these big scary goals a reality. Here’s three things you can do to keep the spark alive: Number 1: Write your dreams (goals) down and go ‘ham’ on the details. Write as though you’re writing a wish list to Santa Claus and grown-up life hasn’t told you it’s not possible yet. Write some of the most audacious things. Some of them might actually surprise you. Maybe you want to win an industry award with your skin care brand or perhaps a big industry event like the AIBAS? You might want to apply for that promotion or advanced role in your clinic? Maybe you see yourself starting your own business? Now as you read it, What kind of therapist would you need to be to live that life? Who are they? What would they do? What’s something that kind of therapist would do every day? Would they show up to work on time, ready to take clients’ skin to the next level? Have purpose driven skin focused conversations with every client? Would they make home care recommendations without cringing on the inside?



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Articles inside

Embracing Confidence with Courage. A Journey Within.

page 75

Mind Over Matter: Cultivating a Positive Mindset for 2024 and beyond.

page 74

Harnessing the Power of User Generated Content for your Beauty Business on Social Media.

pages 72-73


pages 70-71

How on Earth do we read our Client’s Minds ?

page 69

Engaging Hearts, not just screens.

page 68

The Consistent Beauty of a One-Day System to Slay Your 2024 Marketing .

pages 66-67

Bums on Seats !

page 65

Where do I Start to Negotiate a Market Rent with the Landlord?

page 64

3 key leadership lessons I learnt from hanging out with President Obama for the day…

pages 62-63

Unleash Your Personal Power, Not Another Strategy!

pages 60-61

Going for Goals!

pages 58-59

Avoiding Burnout as a Salon Owner

pages 53-55

Beyond Quick Fixes:

page 52

Paving the Profitable Path to a Better World .

page 50

It’s Easy Being Green ...

pages 48-49

A look into the World of Jabbas Makeup .

pages 43-47

New Year? Achieve a New Level of Success Powered by Synergy.

page 42

New Opportunities! New Year,

page 40

Navigating Aesthetic Education and Device Partnership Choices in 2024:

pages 38-39

Exploring the Marvels of Exosomes.

pages 36-37

Glass Skin: Hot Trend or Just Too Much?

pages 34-35

Chelsea Holmes

pages 30-33

Circadia Australia’s Triumph

pages 26-30

A Double Delight of Elegance and Excellence.

pages 22-25

The Skin Coaches Triumph Best Salon Training at the 2023 Australian Beauty Industry Awards

pages 20-21

A Legacy of Beauty.

pages 16-19

10 Minutes With Elle Wilson 2023 ABIA Hall Of Fame Inductee

pages 14-15

Spotlight on Katherine McCann ABIA 2023 Cosmetic Tattooist of the Year

pages 10-13


pages 8-9
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