scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
30 November 2020 Brussels, Belgium
Scientific Journal
of the Modern Education
& Research Institute
ISSN 2506-8040
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
In cooperation with our members:
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai and Modern Education & Research Institute organised a joint international scientific conference «Legal, administrative and institutional aspects of creating international educational projects and ways of their implementation» on 15 October 2020.
The event was held in the framework of the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Multi-dimensional study of history, problems and prospects of implementation of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan». The conference was opened by the Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Kingdom of Belgium Zhandos Kerimtayevich Bukhbantaev and Director of the Government of Lower Austria to the European Union Victor Vaugoin. Opening the scientific part of the conference, Laura Turarbekova, the coordinator of the multidimensional research project, explained the problems addressed in the third cycle of the project. Over 40 experts in the sphere of international relations, law, linguistics and sociology joined the discussion. The geography of participants included USA, China, Belgium, Austria, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. 20 speakers were divided into three working sections to present the results of their scientific work: • Education and Law in a Global World. • Dialogue of national legal systems on international cooperation in higher education and training. • Legal aspects in the application of international educational standards. There have always been obstacles to international education. However, international cooperation and academic mobility have been recovering quite rapidly. The problem with the current corona virus crisis is that no one knows when it will end. This means that it is necessary to look for new formats of international partnership in the situation of limited physical mobility, open double degree programs, as well as representative offices and international campuses of universities abroad. Universities are always active player of international social and political processes. Against the backdrop of an epidemic, much is changing and requires new thinking. The pandemic has served as an elevator to a new level of discussion about the international environment in education. The way universities and ministries react to the situation today will determine the state of international relations in the academic environment for a few years or even decades ahead. The conference provided an opportunity to think about the main problems in the field of international academic cooperation, ways and formats of positioning universities in the international arena to attract strategic partners and implement joint educational and research projects.
Ekaterina Tsaranok
Director Modern Education & Research Institute
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Dear friends, researchers interested in the problems of education and science! The Journal you hold in your hands is the result of the collaboration of two teams of researchers, Modern Education and Research Institute, and the project «The multi-dimensional study of history, problems and prospects of implementation of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan». This Journal is the final - third collection of articles published within the framework of the project above. This project received funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2018 for a period of three years and was executed by the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The current year 2020 is the final year of our research work, and today we can say that we are summing up on our study. The goal of the project was to address the difficulties faced by universities, states, individuals (teachers and students) in the process of internationalization. It is easy to say «let’s internationalize», but when it comes to bringing this imperative to life, we suddenly find a lot of obstacles. What are they? The first obstacle that comes to mind is the cultural differences between peoples, countries, nations. But what are these differences? And then, should we limit ourselves to only ideas about cultural differences? In a global world, it is no longer possible to focus only on ethnic discourse when explaining the causes of difficulties in the process of internationalization. I teach foreign students in Kazakhstan, so I know that, in general, we are more similar than different. We use the same devices, dress in similar clothes, the structure of our educational process strives for unity (for example, the three-stage model of education is adopted in many countries). Therefore, it is impossible to simply blame some abstractly ethnographic cultural differences. Therefore, if there are differences, they persist at some conceptual rather than domestic level. In the course of our project, we have tried to understand these conceptual differences and what they can relate to in relation to science and education. The first 2018 year of our research was devoted to philosophical concepts of education, old and new. We have come to the conclusion that the area of communication is particularly sensitive to such concepts, because it is an area of practical implementation of our everyday concepts. Gradually, we developed a kind of theoretical assumption that there are in general two main types of communication, two main types of communication design, namely – hierarchical and transversal. The hierarchical type is inherent in universities, which are based on an authoritarian tradition of governance. This communication is over down, usually not from the bottom up. In turn, transversal type of communication is a communication on a horizontal level, from researcher to researcher, from student to teacher, from teacher to scientific community, to university administration. This communication design is inherent in universities with democratic models of governance. In 2019, we moved on to the economic component of the process of internationalization of education. Of course, the issues of funding of science and education were touched upon, including comparison of the wages of educators in different countries. This is another important point – hierarchical communication leads to a disregard for the interests of inferior performers. All interests are centred at the top of the communication pyramid, and it is assumed that the performer only obediently performs the task. Finally, the current 2020 year is devoted to the legal and institutional aspects of the processes of internationalization of education and science. I thank the Modern Education and Research Institute for joining our forces to create a new format of discussion. 6
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Traditionally, education is considered to be pedagogy. That’s not quite true. To be more precise, this is not true at all. Neither the teacher nor the student is in isolation from reality contact with each other. They are linked by thousands of non-obvious connections – physical, economic, social, cultural needs and imperatives. The transversal approach in education and science studies may be the key to solving the problems. We need to introduce these transversal practices at all levels of education and in national strategies for higher education and science. Our team of project researchers thanks all participants seeking to work for the benefit and prosperity of education and science around the world! .
Laura Turarbekova, PhD
Associate professor Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Djumanova Elmira, Soyipova Manzura THE ROLE OF ICT IN TEACHING METHODS OF TEACHING LANGUAGE TO SCHOOLCHILDREN Kashkadarya Region, Shakhrisabz district school, Uzbekistan; 18th State Preschool Education Organization «Mumtoz» under the Department of Preschool Education of Chirchik city, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan.......................................................................................................................... 11
2. Issaliyeva Saule, Mombek Aliya, Babalykova Akerke INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL PROJECT FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: EXPERIENCE AND PROSPECTS Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan........................................................ 15 3.
Kassymova Sarvinoz ОБУЧЕНИЕ ПОНИМАНИЮ ТРАДИЦИИ АРАБСКОГО ЯЗЫКОЗНАНИЯ Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan..................................................... 19
Khamdadov Bakhrom РЕФОРМИРОВАНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ УЗБЕКИСТАН В ОБЛАСТИ ПОДГОТОВКИ БУХГАЛТЕРОВ И АУДИТРОВ Tashkent Institute of Finance, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.................................................................................. 21
Kurbanova Dildora THE EFFECT OF THE GLOBALIZATION TO GLOBAL EDUCATION Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan....................................................................... 26
6. Mekambayev Bauyrzhan ВЛИЯНИЕ ИНФОРМАЦИОННО-КОММУНИКАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ НА ОБЛИК СОВРЕМЕННОГО ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОЦЕССА Chirchiq Higher Tank Command and Engineering School, Chirchiq, Uzbekistan............................... 29 7. Mirzaev Shuhrat Legal Impact in the Law System Tashkent Branch of Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov, Tashkent, Uzbekistan....................................................................................................................................... 33 8. Rzhevskaya Natalia INTERNATIONAL PROJECT ACTIVITIES FOR GRADUATES SUCCESSFUL EMPLOYMENT University of Grigory Skovoroda in Pereyaslav, Pereyaslav, Ukraine....................................................... 36 9.
Saiken Aisin FIVE CHRONIC PROBLEMS OF KAZAKHSTANI SCIENCE Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan...................................................... 39
10. Saparova Dinara, Tleubekov Nariman THE CULTURE OF COMMUNICATION WITH «A NEW GENERATION» Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan............................................ 44 9
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
11. Shaldarbekova Amina GOVERNMENTAL POLICIES AND TRANSFORMATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN CHINA Xiamen University, Xiamen, China............................................................................................................... 48 12. Soyipova Manzura THE PROBLEM OF USING INFORMATION AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS 18th State Preschool Education Organization «Mumtoz» under the Department of Preschool Education of Chirchik city, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan................................................... 52 13. Umarova Nodirakhon CEFR system in teaching Arabic language in Uzbekistan (on the experience of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies) Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan...................................................... 55 14. Zholumbayev Marat ВЛИЯНИЕ ИНТЕГРАЦИОННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ НА РАЗВИТИЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ КАЗАХСТАН Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan...................................................... 60
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
THE ROLE OF ICT IN TEACHING METHODS OF TEACHING LANGUAGE TO SCHOOLCHILDREN Djumanova Elmira Salomovna Kashkadarya Region, Shakhrisabz district, 4-school teacher of English language Soyipova Manzura Zayidovnani Educator of the 18th State Preschool Education Organization «Mumtoz» under the Department of Preschool Education of Chirchik city, Tashkent region
Abstract The purpose of the study is to evaluate the importance of ICT usage in teaching foreign languages in school and the development of practical recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of foreign language teaching using ICT. Language is one of important part of education system. To learn a new language gives opportunities to open new world, new culture and new steps to students. This research will investigate some modern skills of teaching language in school.The paper summarizes the most effective types of ICT for the development of linguistic and communication competence of students: PowerPoint presentation, correspondence by email, training programs on CD-ROM, internet resources in teaching of foreign languages. In the study the full description of the above mentioned types of ICT is given. Keywords: ICT (information and communication technologies); teaching and learning foreign languages traditional curriculum, individual skills, project-based approach, grammar, vocabulary.
Introduction In the twenty-first century, there are tremendous changes in the field of communication. As a result, people all over the world can communicate easily with each other. Since language plays a major role in communication, people need to learn a language that is widely spoken all around the world. As English the language that is spoken in all the regions and countries of the world, it has attained the status of an international language or global language. The English language learners learn English in order to fulfill their life ambitions, desires and goals. So, they have to learn all the four skills of the English language viz. listening, speaking, reading and writing. Since there is more demand for communication skills in the global market, the teachers have started teaching communication skills in the regular English classrooms. Moreover, the learners have also realized that they have to acquire effective communication skills to sustain in their professions once they finish their studies. As speaking and writing skills are the part of communication skills, having proficiency in speaking is more needed in the modern world. Every language teacher dreams of teaching effectively, of knowing that the lessons they’re lobbing daily are hitting their marks and helping their students master the language. The current stage of development of the society puts in front of the O‘zbekiston education system a number of fundamentally new problems which are caused by the political, socio-economic, philosophical and other factors. Among them we should highlight the need to improve the quality and accessibility of education, increase academic mobility, integration into the world of scientific and educational space, creating educational systems optimal in economic terms, improving the university corporatism and strengthen the links between the different levels of education.
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
One of the effective ways to solve these problems is the informatization of education. Improving of means of communication has led to significant progress in the exchange of information. The emergence of new information technologies associated with the development of computer equipment and telecommunications networks has made it possible to create a qualitatively new information and educational environment as the basis for development and improvement of the education system. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are of key importance at all levels of the educational system. At each stage of cognitive activity, research and practical applications in all branches of knowledge ICT perform both the functions of tools and objects of knowledge. Consequently, ICT innovations not only provide a revolutionary development in this branch of knowledge, but also have a direct impact on the scientific and technological progress in all areas of society. Thus, information and communication technologies are a class of innovative technologies for the rapid accumulation of intellectual and economic potential of strategic resources, ensuring sustainable development of society. This paper discusses the opportunities of ICT, the ways of their realization in the Russian system of higher education training on an example of a discipline «Foreign language». Scientists have different approaches to the definition of ICT concepts. In the scientific literature can be found the following terminology: «IT training», «computer-based training technology», «new information technologies in education» or «NIT Education», «multimedia educational technology», etc. This indicates that the essence of ICT concepts, used in education is still not well established. We can see that, speaking of ICT, in some cases, scientists point to a specific research area, in other – on a particular way of dealing with information. At the same time, the analysis of the literature on the investigated problem allows us to speak about the complex of knowledge, the ways and means to work with information resources, and about technical resources, which scientists have linked with the technological chain, ensuring the accumulation, storage, classification, output and distribution of information (Kayser, 2009; Lyubova, Bilyalova, Evgrafova, 2014; McKenzie, 2000; Russell1997,Sorin 2005). A lot of works deal with the question of using technology in teaching English (Dudeney, 1985; Wright, 2008; Hartoyo, 2008). Some scholars have noted that the widespread use of identified technologies can significantly increase the effectiveness of active learning methods to all forms of organization of educational process in the study of a foreign language, namely: practical, individual lessons, during independent work (Nadolskaya, 2014). Other scientists have considered the use of ICT as a means of increasing motivation, commitment to the systematic study of a foreign language, which allows to obtain quick results in learning a foreign language (Wheeler, 2001). The use of ICT in the educational process directed to the full immersion of students in the language environment that contributes to the formation and development of their communicative competence, the part of which is the socio-cultural competence. It equips learners with digital age literacy, inventive thinking, creative thinking, higher-order thinking, effective communication, and high productivity (Tinio, 2002). Based on interpretations of scientists T.A. Lavina, I.V. Robert and others (Lavina,2014; Robert,1994) let us give our own definition of the ICT, which will be viewed as a set of methods and techniques designed to collect, organize, store, process, transmit and present the information which enlarge the socio-cultural knowledge of students and provides them with a socio-cultural competence. Methodology.The study was conducted in 2 stages. The first stage is the study of the problem of the use ICT in teaching foreign languages, based on the literature on methodology, psychology, educational theory and practice; also it includes identification of specific ICT requirements, which ensure the development of linguistic and communication competence and increase the interest and motivation of students. The second stage included the analysis and synthesis of experimental work on the use of ICT on the lessons of a foreign language, assessment of ICT as a means of improving the efficiency of the process of teaching a foreign language. The group of the second year students of the Philology Department were chosen randomly to be the sample of the study. The total number of the students was 50. The students of this group were appointed randomly into two groups; the control group which had (25) students, and the other experimental group which had (25) students. All the students included in this study had the same learning experience and used the same text books. Students during the second term were selected to achieve the purpose of this study. The second term is the important stage in which students’ language proficiency is an indicator of their language competence. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the researcher developed a set of research 12
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instruments: Reading Comprehension Test and Grammar Test. Both Tests consisted of 17 multiple choice questions. Students were given fifty minutes to answer the questions. Test items had choices, only one of which was correct. The potential of ICT in creating the foreign language competence of students of school when learning a foreign language. One of the effective ways to improve the quality of teaching foreign languages is the informatization of education. The use of ICT in learning a foreign language helps to intensify and personalize learning, promotes interest in the subject, makes it possible to avoid subjective assessment. In addition, the ICT contribute to overcoming the psychological barrier of students to the use of a foreign language as a means of communication. It should be noted that ICT is both a material supply means and the controlling means. New technologies make it possible to individualize the learning process in the pace and depth of the course. Such differentiated approach gives a great positive, because it creates the conditions for the success of every student, causing the students’ positive emotions, and thus affects their learning motivation. In contrast to conventional techniques while using interactive forms of teaching a student itself becomes the main acting figure and itself opens the way to assimilate knowledge. The teacher in this situation acts as an active assistant, and his main function is to organize and promote the learning process. Thus, the following digital resources can be effectively used at foreign language lessons: Power Point presentation (PP), tests, training programs on CD-ROM, online tutorials, educational Internet resources. In our opinion, multimedia presentations, e-learning software and educational Internet resources are of great educational potential, the description of which we shall discuss in detail. Here we should emphasize that each teacher applying ICT on foreign language lessons, should be aware that any educational technology should meet the following methodological requirements: • conceptuality: the scientific concept that includes psychological and socio-pedagogical substantiation of the achievement of educational goals; • consistency: the presence of all characteristics of the system (the logic of the process, interrelation of all its parts, integrity); • efficiency: ensuring results that match educational standards; • flexibility: the ability of variations in the content to ensure comfort and freedom of interaction between the teacher and students with the specific pedagogical reality; • dynamics: the possibility of development or transformation of technology; • reproducibility: the possibility of the use of technology by other teachers in this educational institution or in others. Differentiate — and using multiple modalities. All kids learn better when they engage with material in multiple ways: Lessons that involve writing, speaking, drawing, and listening, for example, give students four opportunities to deepen their understanding of the work. For ELLs, those additional engagements also provide a little breathing room so they can work through the language barrier. As a result, a comprehensive study found that the most effective for the development of linguistic and communication competence of students are the following types of ICT: PowerPoint presentation, correspondence by e-mail, training programs on CD-ROM and internet resources. Conclusion. The importance of the use of ICT in the formation of linguistic competence of students of school in learning foreign language is argued and proven in practice. Conducted pedagogical experiment showed that the use of ICT has a positive impact on the quality of teaching a foreign language. Finally, the study demonstrated that the integration of ICT in the process of teaching a foreign language makes it more dynamic, information-intensive, helps efficiently organize the learning process, increases the efficiency of formation of communicative competence, provides a positive motivation of learning and cognitive activity of students, facilitates the activation of independent work of students. On the basis of the foregoing, it can be argued that the use of ICT is a promising direction in foreign language teaching and needs further study.
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
References 1. Dudeney, G. (2008). How to Teach English with Technology. Pearson Longman. 2. Hartoyo (2008). Individual Differences in Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Semarang: Pelita Insani Semarang. 3. Lavina, T. A. (2014). Formirovanie kompetentnosti uchitelja v oblasti informacionnyh i kommunikacionnyh technologij v uslovijah vvedenija prikladnogo pedagogicheskogo bakalavriata. [Creating the competence of teachers in information and communication technologies in the context of implementation of applied teaching undergraduate]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija, 6. Available in: 4. Lyubova T.V., Bilyalova A.A., Evgrafova O.G. (2014) Grammatical and communicative method – a new approach in the practice of teaching foreign languages. Asian Social Science. 10 (21), 261-266. 5. McKenzie, C. (2000). Homepages. Built-in Motivation. English Teaching Forum. № 1, 34–37. 6. Nadol’skaja, Ju. A. (2014) Mul’timedijnye uchebnye programmy kak sredstvo aktivizacii uchebnoj dejatel’nosti studentov pri izuchenii nemeckogo jazyka kak vtorogo inostrannogo. [Multimedia training programs as a means of activization of educational activity of students at studying of German language as a second language] Mezhdunarodnyj jelektronnyj zhurnal «Obrazovatel’nye tehnologii i obshhestvo (Educational Technology & Society). Т. 17., № 1, 347–358. Available in: 7. 3.I. Lee, Project work made easy in the English classroom, Canadian Modern Language Review, 59, 282-290, 2002.
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL PROJECTFOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: EXPERIENCE AND PROSPECTS Issaliyeva Saule T. ( Mombek Aliya A. ( Babalykova Akerke Kh. ( Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Abai University) Almaty, Kazakhstan
Abstract The article is devoted to the organization and implementation of international scientific and educational projects and work with international students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Modern trends in education, global challenges require a revision of the main trends in education, the expansion of international cooperation and the internationalization of higher education. The article presents some of the results of the dissertation research on the topic «Design a developing educational environment of a university for international students.» Keywords: international students, design technology, international scientific and educational project, adaptation and support of international students.
Modern society is undergoing global economic, political and social changes, which have led to a reassessment of the content of higher education. One of the main directions of reforms is the comprehensive modernization of the educational system around the world and in Kazakhstan, in particular. Special requirements are imposed on the quality of higher education as the basis for scientific and technological progress, social dynamics and sustainable development. Internationalization and globalization dictate their conditions, require the expansion of international cooperation and integration into the world educational space. Every year the contingent of international students is increasing, double-degree educational programs are expanding, and the academic mobility of students and faculty are developing. It was primarily facilitated by the accession of Kazakhstan to the Bologna process [1]. Thus, incoming mobility provides for an increase in the contingent of international students, for example, in the Strategic Development Plan of the Abai University, it is planned to increase the number of foreign applicants to 5% in 2025 [2]. The creation of a Central Asian educational hub in Kazakhstan, the annual educational exhibitions «Days of Kazakhstani Education» in Central Asian countries, will increase the number of international students, joint double-degree educational programs and academic exchange programs. Strategies for the development of modern educational technologies imply the development of skills of independent learning, and critical thinking throughout life, interaction at different levels. In the 2019-2020 academic year, the contingent of international students amounted to 406 people from 18 countries of the world (Figure 1) [3].
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Figure 1
However, the process of adaptation of international students to the educational space of Kazakhstani universities has not yet been thoroughly studied, a unified program of adaptation, external and internal factors of psychological and pedagogical support have not been developed. Analysis of the current state of adaptation of international students in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan revealed the central contradiction between the desire and opportunities for international students to receive a quality education and the insufficient readiness of Kazakhstani universities to accept them and ensure full socialization [1]. In this connection, the dissertation research of doctoral student Issaliyeva S.T. on the topic «Design a developing educational environment of a university for international students.» One of the striking results of the dissertation research is the Center for adaptation and support of international students «International students’ council office» under the Department of International Cooperation (from now on referred to as the Center), which was created in pursuance of the recommendations of the Republican August pedagogical meeting of educational workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Human capital in conditions the fourth industrial revolution» on the creation permanently of structural units to work with foreign students (August 13-16, 2018) [4]. Normative documents governing the work of the Center – the order of the rector, the Regulation on the Center, the Regulation on work with international students (for institutes and faculty), the work plan of the Center for the academic year. The Center’s tasks: improving information support mechanisms, developing and implementing a volunteer program, psychological adaptation of international students, adaptation of international students in a language environment, development and implementation of scientific and pedagogical support, organization of a system of supervising international students, etc. The COVID-19 pandemic has made adjustments to the educational process and the life of the entire university. With the introduction of the State of Emergency on March 16, 2020, the Center established roundthe-clock communication with all international students and advisers in WhatsApp chats, together with consulates, coordination of their movements, departure to their homeland was carried out, lists of those who remained in Almaty who did not manage to leave the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and left for regions of Kazakhstan. In the first weeks of quarantine, a video clip «#BIZBIRGEMIZ!» was created for psychological support, online meetings were organized in ZOOM and distribution of food packages was organized. The Consulate of the People’s Republic of China in Almaty provided masks and antiseptics for international students. In the summer, within the framework of the International Summer Club project, free courses in English, French, Chinese, Turkish and Arabic were held, teachers were international students and university teachers – native speakers. For international students wishing to improve the Russian language, together with the Department of the Russian language, the Russian Club worked all summer [5]. 16
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
At the same time, the integration of international students into the university environment is not only about psychological, social and intercultural adaptation. It is essential to immerse in the educational process and research work fully. For many of them, insufficient knowledge of the language of instruction in the absence of proper socialization becomes an obstacle on the way to mastering the necessary knowledge, abilities and skills. In this regard, the application of design technologies and innovations is relevant, an example of which is the International scientific and educational project «The meaning of life and destiny. How to build your future?» in partnership with Popova Tatyana Anatolyevna (Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia) [6]. The project has been implemented in Abai University since 2016 and has no analogues on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan [1]. Within the framework of the project, the Kazakhstan youth section of the international symposium «Psychological problems of the meaning of life and acme», the forum for foreign students «The FUTURE. I was yesterday. I am today. I am tomorrow» and the International competition of scientific research works of schoolchildren and students «Zhas zertteushi «(supervisor – S.T. Issaliyeva). To date, the symposium and the forum have been synchronized and held together, since the main difference is the form of participation – the forum has the opportunity to speak with a group project. In contrast, at the symposium, individual projects are presented. This approach allows international students who do not fully speak Russian or are not self-confident enough to participate in scientific events. The international scientific research competition is held jointly by the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology and the scientific and methodological journal «Pedagogy and Psychology». The format of the competition work is an article in the above journal following the requirements of the Scopus database, and triple-blind reviewing is provided (foreign reviewer, a reviewer from the RK University, a reviewer from Abai University). During the period of the Competition, classes are held for participants in writing scientific articles, selecting sources, formatting research results, etc. In conclusion, the participants present their work at a round table; the best articles are published in the current issues of the journal. A distinctive feature of all project activities is the same requirements for all participants, transparency of selection and deep immersion (classes on the project are held every week for four months, the results of the work are presented at the main forum in Moscow at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education). In 2020, events in Moscow were held online, which showed new opportunities for the use of digital and remote technologies, which significantly expand the geography of participants. Along with Kazakhstani schoolchildren and students, international students studying in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhstani students studying abroad participate in the project every year. Moreover, if in 2018 only one student from the Sound Audio Institute (Dubai, UAE) took part in the project, then in 2019 and 2020 – 32 and 22 international students, respectively (Figure 2).
Figure 2
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Every year Kazakhstani schoolchildren and students, including international ones, become holders of diplomas and certificates. Trips as part of the Kazakh delegation, visits to educational organizations, universities, museums, theatres and other attractions contributed to the expansion of the horizons of the participants, intercultural integration and successful adaptation of foreign participants, the development of communication skills in Russian and English. So, for example, in 2018 and 2019, according to the approved programs, the International Scientific and Cultural Forum «Books unite generations: the science of youth» was organized (at the Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education, St. Petersburg and the Center for Family Education No. 14, Pushkin Leningrad Region, Russia), the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Developing educational environment at school, college and university – modern trends and research» (in Lyceum No. 3 in Dzerzhinsky, Moscow Region, Russia) [7]. Thus, the results of the international scientific and educational project show that the interaction of Kazakhstan and international schoolchildren and students significantly expands intuitive abilities, develops creative thinking, imagination and language competencies, and also contributes to successful adaptation to new conditions and integration into the educational environment.
References 1. Issaliyeva S.T. Design a developing educational environment for international students on the example of an international scientific and educational project for youth // Science-education-profession: a systemic personal-developmental approach: Collection of materials of the XV Anniversary International Scientific and Practical Conference. – July 8-11, 2019. – M.: PI RAO, 2019. – P. 321-324. 2. Strategic plan for the development of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University for 20182015 [Electronic resource]: URL: (date of access: 25.04.2019). 3. The results of the activities of Abai University for the 2019/2020 academic year: Reporting meeting with the population. – 09/17/2020 [Electronic resource]: URL: Otchet_2020_7_02_compressed.pdf (date of access: 10.14.2020). 4. Plenary meeting of the Republican August conference of pedagogical workers «Human capital in the context of the fourth industrial revolution» [Electronic resource]: URL: view/2/986 (date of access: 12.10.2020). 5. Center for adaptation and support of international students «International students’ council office» of Abai University. – Instagram [Page]: URL: iso/?hl=ru. 6. Kazakhstan Youth Section of the International Symposium «Psychological Problems of the Meaning of Life and Acme» [Facebook]: URL: 7. Developing educational environment at school, college and university – modern trends and research: Electronic collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. – April 12, 2019, / ed. S.T. Issaliyeva. – M.-Almaty: PI RAO, Abai University. – P.7-11.
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Обучение пониманию традиции арабского языкознания Касымова Сарвиноз Сайфуллаевна, PhD Ташкентский государственный университет востоковедения
В статье даны сведения о формировании арабской лингвистики, о научных исследованиях арабских и европейских ученых(XI-XIII веков) в области грамматики арабского языка. Быстрый темп развития арабского языка считается определенным феноменом этой области. И в этом есть определенная доля заслуги ученых зарубежных стран. Определенным стимулом в развитии арабского языкознания послужило создание научных исследований учеными средневекового Маверанахра «ас-Сихах», «Муфассал», «Мисбах», «Мифтахул-улум». Данные исследования носят обобщающий характер ранее созданных работ арабских языковедов и признаны арабским ученым миром. Если в ранних исследованиях европейских ученых таких как А. Кремер, Ж.Т. Рено, Ю. Вельхаузен были лишь характеристики и класификация арабского языка, то в дальнейшем в следствии изучения традиций арабского языкознания стали решаться важнейшие лингвистические задачи учёными Сильвестор де Саси, К. Каспари, Г. Флейшерлар. Известно, что этот сложный процесс требовал совершенного знания арабского языка. Чтобы упростить и ускорить процесс обучения языку европейские ученые взяли за основу изучение арабской грамматики на базе грамматики родного языка. В результате создается арабская грамматика, базирующаяся на традициях и особенностях европейских языков. Хотя это традиция отличалась от арабской, но тем не менее она приследовала определенные цели. Такого рода попытки помогли раскрыть новые грани системы арабского языка и привели к генерации научных идей. Конечно же, здесь должна учитываться специфика теоретической структуры грамматики арабского языка. А именно, принадлежность одного из них синтетическим моделям, а другого к аналитическим. Арабскими учеными синтаксис арабского языка рассаматривается как синтетическая модель, а европейскими учеными как аналитическая модель. Европейская традиция языкознания не может полностью раскрыть основную суть системы арабского языка. Но идеи этой традиции могут помочь обогащению грамматическую теорию языка. Так как исследования представлены со стороны специалистов теории арабского языка. Эти исследования не потеряли своей актуальности и по сей день. Общим приоритетом в деле обучению арабскому языку, как со стороны европейских ученых, так и со стороны грамматиков Маверанахра являлся метод упрощения и доступности. Обучение чтению иноязычного текста связано с пониманием речевого высказывания. Нам известно, что научить – это значит не только выработать умение правильно озвучивать текст на иностранном языке, но и извлекать содержащееся в нем мысли, идеи, факты – понимать его и оценивать, использовать полученную информацию. Среди лексических опор особое место занимают мотивированная лексика и слова. В состав такой лексики входят слова, производные слова, известные слова в новом значении. В качестве опор лингвистического характера выступают также грамматические информационные признаки, помогающие распознать действующее лицо, действие, объект действия, аффиксы, артикли, предлоги, союзы, порядок слов в предложении и т.д.
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Также существуют логико-смысловые опоры, то есть те грамматические структуры, которые передают отношение принадлежности, место, соединение, представления и т.д. Деятельность, направленная на обнаружение всех возможных опор для понимания должна быть рационально организована. Опытным признается тот чтец, который из минимума опор извлекает максимум информации. И самым главным недостатком при обучении чтению является чтение с полным пониманием всего текста, то есть изучением текста. Ученый, знаток в области обучения чтению на иностранном языке, академик М.В.Щерба придавал огромное значение грамматической стороне речи как важнейшей опоре для понимания текста. Так, он предложил своим студентам фразу, слова которой не существуют на русском языке: Глокая куздра щтеко кубарнула бакренка и кудричит бокра. Важной опорой в грамматике являются главные члены, союзы, артикли, местоимения, порядок слов в предложении; а самой важной опорой является форма глагола. Эти навыки функционируют в самом тесном взаимодействии. Например чтобы понять незнакомое слово по контексту (лексический аспект), надо определить какой частью речи оно является, какую функцию в предложении выполняет (грамматический аспект). Значит грамматические и лексические функционируют в самом тесном взаимодействии друг с другом. Взаимодействуют они также с валентностью слов, то есть возможностью сочетания слова с другими лексическими единицами. Анализами традиций обучения арабскому языку показал, что арабская традиция более эффективна. Так как логика изложения слов в речи подробно предоставлена учеными арабами и ажамами.
Литература 1. Гиргас В. Очеркъ грамматической системы арабов. – СПб., 1873. – С. 86 2. Гранде Б.М. Курс арабской грамматики в сравнительно-историческом освещении. – М.: Вост.лит., 1998. – С. 481 3. Белова А.Г. Синтаксис письменных текстов арабского языка. – М.: Наука, 1985. – С. 52
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
РЕФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ УЗБЕКИСТАН В ОБЛАСТИ ПОДГОТОВКИ БУХГАЛТЕРОВ И АУДИТРОВ Б.К.Хамдамов д.э.н., профессор кафедры «Аудит» ( Ташкентский Финансовый институт, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация В статье раскрываются вопросы подготовки высококфалифицированных специалистов по направлению бухгалтерский учет и аудит в высщих учебных заведениях страны. Указываются резервы его совершенствования для более качественной профессиональной подготовки работников учета и аудита. Так так в условиях глболизации экономики основным компонетом обекта учета является её качественный аудит расмотрены некоторые вопросы организации учета и аудита при применение мировых стандартов. Ключевые слова: финансовая отчетность, международные стандарты финансовой отчётности, национальные стандарты бухгалтерского учета, международные стандарты аудита, классификатор образования, профессиональный бухгалтер, магистр менеджер. Мақолада мамлакат олий ўқув юртларида бухгалтерия ҳисоби ва аудит йўналиши бўйича юқори малакали мутахассислар таёрлаш масалалари кўриб чиқилган. Ҳисоб ва аудит сохаси хизматчиларини юқори малакали даражада етиштиришни такомиллаштириш захиралари кўрсатилган. Маълумки глобал иқтисодиётнинг ҳисоб объекти сифатидаги асосий қисми бу сифатли аудит бўлганлиги учун халқаро стандартларни қўллашда ҳисоб ва аудитни ривожлантириш масалалари ўрганилган. Таянч сўзлар: молиявий ҳисобот, молиявий ҳисоботнинг халқаро стандартлари, бухгалтерия ҳисоби миллий стандартлари, аудитнинг халқаро стандартлари, таълим класификатори, профессионал бухгалтер, магистр менеджер. The article reveals the issues of training highly qualified specialists in the field of accounting and auditing in higher educational institutions of the country. Indicates the reserves of its improvement for better training of employees of accounting and auditing. So, in the context of the globalization of the economy, the main component of the accounting object is its qualitative audit; some issues of accounting and auditing are considered when applying world standards. Keywords: financial statements, international financial reporting standards, national accounting standards, international auditing standards, education classifier, professional accountant, master manager. 21
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Стратегия действий по пяти приоритетным направлениям развития Республики Узбекистан на 2017–2021 годы разработаны на основе комплексного изучения актуальных и волнующих население и предпринимателей вопросов, анализа действующего законодательства, правоприменительной практики и передового зарубежного опыта, а также широкого общественного обсуждения [3]. Согласно приоритетным направлениям вопрос о учете, контроле и аудите приобретает особенно высокий общественный статус и что трубет решения некоторых созревщих вопрос подготовки специалистов с высщим оброзованине в области учета и аудита. Подготовка бакалавров и магистров имеет ряд положительных особенностей. Это индивидуальный подход к оценке знаний каждого студента и получение двухуровневое образование. Присоединение к Болонскому процессу стали основой реформ в сфере высшего образования Узбекистана. Характерной тенденцией реформирования высшего образования в настоящее время является реализация новых образовательных стандартов подготовки кадров высшей квалификации. Проводимые реформы оказали существенное влияние на изменение учебной, методической, научной и кадровой деятельности высших учебных заведений страны. Изменения, которые произошли в подготовке кадров по специальности «Бухгалтерский учет и аудит» как одной из наиболее многочисленных среди других вузовских специальностей экономических факультетов высших учебных заведений неоценимы. Одна из наиболее массовых профессий это профессия бухгалтера и аудитора. Сегодня она занимает первое место не только в рейтингах наиболее популярных профессий, но и является достаточно распространенной среди прочих специальностей экономической квалификации. По конъюнктурным соображениям эта профессии является престижной. Потребности современного общества в высококвалифицированных специалистах данного направления существенны. Кроме того, нельзя не подчеркнуть и общественную значимость данной профессии. От уровня квалификации и соблюдения высоких этических принципов бухгалтеров и аудиторов во многом зависит соблюдение экономических интересов хозяйствующих субъектов, органов государственной власти, акционеров, инвесторов и других участников рыночных отношений. Качественный учет и аудит является основой информационной и экономической безопасности страны. В феврале 1999 г. 16-й сессией Межправительственной рабочей группы экспертов по международным стандартам учета и отчетности, проходившей в Женеве, были приняты рекомендации в отношении национальных требований к квалификации профессиональных бухгалтеров. Рекомендации включали типовую программу учебной подготовки профессиональных бухгалтеров. Было также решено, что рекомендации будут время от времени пересматриваться, с тем чтобы их содержание соответствовало современным требованиям. Советом по торговле и развитию Организации Объединенных Наций в октябре 2003 г. была принята новая, пересмотренная Типовая программа учебной подготовки бухгалтеров, в разработке которой принимали участие эксперты Ассоциации дипломированных присяжных бухгалтеров, Организации дипломированных главных бухгалтеров Канады, Европейской Комиссии, Института дипломированных бухгалтеров Шотландии, Польского совета по стандартам бухгалтерского учета, Международной федерации бухгалтеров и представителей научных кругов и международных бухгалтерских фирм, выступавших в своем личном качестве . Немаловажным является также тот факт, что профессия бухгалтера и аудитора имеет международное признание и международную координацию, о чем свидетельствует принятое постановление Президента Республики Узбекистан от 19.09.2018 года «О мерах по дальнейшему развитию аудиторской деятельности в Республике Узбекистан» где отмечается, что за прошедшие годы в стране сформирована нормативно-правовая и методологическая база аудита, а также внедрена упрощенная и бессрочная система лицензирования аудиторской деятельности, что позволило создать рынок аудиторских услуг и обеспечить вступление отечественных аудиторских организаций в крупные международные сети аудиторских компаний. В то же время, как отмечается в постоновлении, ряд проблем и недостатков препятствует дальнейшему развитию аудиторской деятельности и повышению значимости аудиторских услуг для принятия управленческих решений и повышения качества корпоративного управления, в числе которых: 22
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первое, низкий уровень доверия к аудиторским организациям, а также рассмотрение аудиторской проверки как излишней и обременительной административной процедуры, а не как гаранта подтверждения достоверности финансовой отчетности; второе, имеющиеся ограничения и практика проведения конкурсов по отбору аудиторских организаций нередко способствуют недобросовестной конкуренции, в том числе ценовой, вследствие чего снижаются качество аудиторских услуг и достоверность аудиторских заключений; третье, действующая система специальной подготовки и повышения квалификации аудиторов носит формальный характер, не обеспечивает необходимый уровень профессиональной подготовки и качества аудиторских услуг, в том числе в соответствии с международными стандартами аудиторской деятельности, что приводит к падению престижа профессии аудитора; четвертое, отсутствует эффективная система внешнего контроля качества работы аудиторских организаций, что при ограниченности мер правового воздействия лицензирующего органа не позволяет оперативно реагировать на факты оказания некачественных аудиторских услуг и недобросовестные действия аудиторов; пятое, неполное соответствие национальных стандартов аудиторской деятельности общепризнанным международным стандартам аудита, что не обеспечивает формирование у иностранных инвесторов понимания достоверности финансовой отчетности отечественных предприятий.[4].
В постановление отмечается, что аудиторские организации осуществляют аудиторскую деятельность исключительно на основе международных стандартов аудита, издаваемых Международной федерацией бухгалтеров. Одним из основных целее вышеуказанного постановления заключалась в том, чтобы обратить внимание на дисциплины, которыми должен овладеть будущие специалисты обучающиеся в высших учебных заведениях по специальности бухгалтерский учет и аудит, для того чтобы стать профессиональным бухгалтером. В Узбекистане в условиях перехода на рыночную модель хозяйствования также был разработан государственный образовательный стандарт высшего профессионального образования по специальности «Бухгалтерский учет и аудит», соответствующий международным образовательным учебным программам в данной области получения знаний и являющийся одним из приоритетных проектов развития образования в республике. Подготовка данного образовательного стандарта стала лишь одним из направлений более широких усилий по установлению квалификационных критериев для профессиональных бухгалтеров, выполнение которых позволит им более эффективно и качественно обслуживать глобальную экономику. К сожалению, сложившаяся тенденция упразднения специальности «Аудит» и отсутствие специального направления бакалавриата в соответствии с государственным образовательным стандартом не способствуют реализации поставленных ранее задач по подготовке квалифицированных специалистов в данной области. Для привлечение молодежи в аудиторскую профессию, в частности, обеспечение активного сотрудничества профессиональных общественных объединений с соответствующими высшими образовательными учреждениями предлагается создание нового направления бакалавриата и включить в классификатор образования направление «Аудит (по отраслям и сферам)». Учебные планы по подготовки бухгалтеров и аудиторов должны отвечать требованиям бизнес среды. В последнее время Узбекистан боле тесно включается в мировое сообщество, где стали заметно меняться принципы ведения бизнеса. Раньше основной целью деятельности компании являлось получение максимально возможной суммы прибыли. Однако в современных условиях этого все чаще становится недостаточно. Успех компаний стал в значительной мере зависеть от того, насколько принципы ее работы отвечают концепции устойчивого развития. А в последней, как известно, важное место занимают финансовые аспекты ее деятельности. Вместе с тем устойчивость развития компании в значительной мере зависит от происходящих изменений в реальной стоимости ее бизнеса. Все это потребовало помимо всего прочего внесения прин23
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ципиальных изменений в подходы формированию отчетности компаний и её аудита. Возникла необходимость по-новому взглянуть на многие вещи и прежде всего на вопросы использования в учете и отражения в отчетности информации о справедливой стоимости активов, обязательств, капитала. В настоящее время, к сожалению, действующий порядок учета и отчетности приводит к тому, что исчисляемая в их системе величина чистых активов, как правило, значительно отличается от реальной стоимости бизнеса компании. Одна из основных причин, хотя заметим не единственная, состоит в том, что целый ряд активов и обязательств отражается в них по первоначальной стоимости. В интересах дела следовало бы изменить данную ситуацию и перейти на МСФО. Кроме того исходя из соображений, что в Узбекистане аудиторские организации будут осуществлять аудиторскую деятельность исключительно на основе международных стандартов аудита, а так же запросов современного бизнеса и различных групп пользователей информации, содержащейся в финансовой отчетности предприятий (организаций), система учета и отчетности должна осуществляется на основе МСФО. Все это требует проведения комплексного анализа и мониторинга реализации учебных планов и программ в области бухгалтерского учета и аудита, а также принять меры по дальнейшему их совершенствованию и внедрению инновационных методов обучения. Распределение учебного времени между отдельными циклами в действующим стандарте имели существенные изъяны, так как не отвечали потребностям современной практики. В данном стандарте почти пятая часть учебного времени бакалавра, в том числе специализирующегося в области бухгалтерского учета, анализа и аудита, были отведены на дисциплины гуманитарного, социального и математического цикла, что последнем варианте значительно сократилась. В зарубежных вузах в странах с развитой рыночной экономикой их удельный вес в рабочих учебных планах по подготовке данных специалистов, как правило, гораздо меньше. Следует отметит так же о реформирование системы подготовки магистров, в том числе по направлениям «Бухгалтерский учет» и «Аудит». Вопрос требует решения о применение мировой практики по подготовки магистров на двухуровневой основе: -магистр менеджер, бизнес администратор (Master of Business Administration); -магистр науки (Master of Science). Некоторые аспекты передовой мировой практики внедрены в системе высщего оброзования в Республики Узбекистан. В Академии Гсударственного управления при Президенте и Банковскофинансовой академии готовят магистров менеджеров управления. В филиалах зарубежных ВУЗов акредитованных в Узбекистане так же существует дувухуровневая система магистратуры. Укрепление межвузовские связи по профилю «Бухгалтерский учет и аудит» осуществление более полной координации и кооперацию по созданию современных учебно-методических комплексов по учебным дисциплинам, прежде всего профилирующим, в частности по разработке деловых игр, кейсов, измерительных материалов для оценки знаний студентов, лабораторных практикумов, базирующихся на современных 1Т-технологиях, тренажеров и многое другое будет способствовать дальнейшему развитию подготовки специалистов в области учета и аудита. Особенностями образовательных программ по специальностям «Учет и аудит» являются: • инновационность – включение предметов, соответствующих современному уровню и тенденциям развития бухгалтерского учета и аудита, изучающих передовые технологии, направления деятельности бухгалтеров и аудиторов; • междисциплинарность – изучение смежных модулей, формирующих знания в области экономики, финансов, права и др; • гибкость – формирование компетенций с учетом потребностей работодателя как непосредственного заказчика; • практикоориентированность – обучение на производстве и выполнение магистерских диссертаций на предприятиях. Подводя итоги можно отметит что рассматриваемый вопросы являются важным звеном в внедрение в систему образовательных стандартов подготовки бухгалтеров и аудиторов и будет регулирующим в этой сфере деятельности отечественным структурам те участки, где необходимо внести изменения, чтобы сблизить нашу практику с международной. 24
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Литература 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Закон Республики Узбекистан «О бухгалтерском учете» 2016 год 13 апреля. Закон Республики Узбекистан «Об аудиторской деятельности» 2000год 26 май. Указ Президента Республики Узбекистан о стратегии действий по дальнейшему развитию Республики Узбекистан (Собрание законодательства Республики Узбекистан, 2017 г., № 6, ст. 70, № 20, ст. 354, № 23, ст. 448, № 29, ст. 683, ст. 685, № 34, ст. 874, № 37, ст. 982; Национальная база данных законодательства, 16.10.2017 г., № 06/17/5204/0114) Постановление Президента Республики Узбекистан от 19.09.2018 года «О мерах по дальнейшему развитию аудиторской деятельности в Республике Узбекистан» www. gov. uz
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Образование и право в глобальном мире
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
The effect of the globalization to global education Kurbanova Dildora Abdurakhmonovna ( Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Abstract The paper considers the origin of the Globalization, the impact of Globalization on the process of the Education takes the outlook to the concept of Global Education, identifies main advantage of global education and the negative side of it, analyses the number of students, who are online studying, and who is still out of getting an education, because of COVID 19 pandemic. At last, it shares information about the new transformation of global education. Keywords: Global education, globalization, education share, GDP, virtual education, COVID 19 pandemic
«If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.» Ben Franklin Despite the fact that the world has become globalized relatively recently; it opened many opportunities up for the people of the world. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 90 years, the integration of China into the World Trade Organization, and an announcement of democracy in South Korea in 1987, the development of the World Wide Web, and the allocation of free economic trades made globalization processes highly accelerated. [1] One of the major advantages of globalization to let people from all over the world be in touch with each other and get aware of all the news that happen. Because of globalization, people with low income and fewer opportunities, but with high intellectual abilities could have the chance to get an education in Japan, Germany, Singapore, and other developed countries. In order to give people this chance from developing countries get good education Although the world economy stepped to new level, there still are several global problems that keep people be alarmed. One of these challenges is the access to global education. Since English, French, and Spanish are usually required for fully paid foreign scholarships, mainstream students from poor countries, where there are usually very few foreign language teachers, simply fail because of non-compliance. the concept of Global Education was appeared in the 70s in the United States as an «educational response» to global challenges and the need to live in an interconnected world. In 1970, the American Forum for Global Education was created, which is a non-governmental organization that guides the process of global education in the United States and beyond. On the initiative of this forum in 1995 in New York, UNESCO held an international conference «Bridges into the future», which determined the main directions of the development of global education in the XXI century, and the purpose forum was to prepare a person for life in a dangerous, dynamic and interconnected world and ready 26
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to deal with aggravated global problems. [2] According to the Maastricht Global Education Declaration (2002), Global Education is a type of education that makes to be informed about the realities of the globalized world and lets people to bring more happiness, justice, equity and Human Rights for everybody. [3] In today’s life, it becomes obvious that only highly qualified education can save nations and governments. Recent researches showed that high education and economic development have direct connection. [4]. Despite the majority of countries are paying huge attention to improve the educational system, many young people still cannot afford themselves just primary education. Figure 1 shows information about education spending as a share of GDP was spent by some developed countries of the world in 2017.
Figure 1. Education spending as a share of GDP in selected countries in 2017 (in percent) Source: Last accessed 10.10.2020
It could be seen that the most education share in GDP was allocated in Norway in 2017. Sequentially, New Zealand and United Kingdom were the next countries with 6.3 percentage of GDP directed into education, while OECD education average share of GDP was 4,9 per cent for that period. Among other leading countries like Spain, Germany, Japan, Italy and Russia, the final one was the last in the list with a 3,5 percent of GDP share. Along with the dissemination of Covid 19 pandemic huge number of young people face to rough problems, because of school closures in accordance with pandemic, 11 million female students from the all over the world lost their chances to continue their education. [5]. More than 1,2 billion children along the world were out of their classrooms. While countries are at different points in their COVID-19 infection rates, worldwide there are currently more than 1.2 billion children in 186 countries affected by school closures due to the pandemic. In Denmark, children up to the age of 11 are returning to nurseries and schools after initially closing on 12 March, but in South Korea students are responding to roll calls from their teachers online. [6] Despite of negative effect of pandemic, which is expected the next stream of it, people are looking for the new ways of getting education via internet, television or just talking on the phone with their teachers. The pandemic has proven once more again the value of the education, the magic power of it in saving lives, teaching the ways of survival in desperate situations. Globally, education fits into the planetary process, and, on the other, this the latter turns out to be the very phenomenon that «forms» a person, adapting the «humanitarian part of the planet» to its natural, more fundamental foundation and origin. The movement towards this already perceived goal of the evolution of civilization will be effectively deployed only in the event of a cardinal change in value orientations and the formation of a new form 27
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of global consciousness in the form of virtual intelligence. The priority mechanism of such transformations will be the formation of the virtual education system as a new model of global education of the third millennium, fulfilling not only social the function of transferring knowledge, experience, and culture from past and present generations to future ones, but also its new and main function. This function already belongs to the competence of advanced education and is associated with the formation of future generations of civilization through a radical change in the consciousness of the present generations.
References 1. Vivien Stewart. A World-Class Education: Learning from International Models of Excellence and Innovation (2012) 2. A.D.Ursul . Towards global education. (На пути глобального образования) Journal of «Nauka I obrazovanie» Otkritoe obrazovanie #1/2010 Available at: Last accessed: 10/10/2020. 3. Maastricht Global Education Declaration (2002) 4. Yizhe Li «The effect of Globalization on Educational Attainment». A Thesis. May, 2018. Available at studt_schol Last accessed: 10.10.2020 5. UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report. A new generation: 25 years of efforts for gender equality in education Gender Report 2020. 6th page 6. The World Economic Forum. Last accessed 10.10.2020
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
ВЛИЯНИЕ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОКОММУНИКАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ НА ОБЛИК СОВРЕМЕННОГО ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОЦЕССА Мекамбаев Бауыржан Абдумаминович Чирчикское высшее танковое командно-инженерное училище, республика Узбекистан
Аннотация В данное статье рассматриваются вопросы использования возможностей современных информационно-коммуникационных технологий в образовательном процессе. Доводятся положительные аспекты, а также проблемы, возникающие в процессе внедрения и использования информационных технологий. Ключевые слова: информационные технологии, информатизация, образовательный процесс, методы преподавания, компьютерная техника, повышение качества обучения. This article discusses the issues of using the capabilities of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process. The positive aspects, as well as the problems arising in the process of introducing and using information technologies, are discussed.
В настоящее время, значительно увеличилась роль информационных технологий в жизни людей. Современное общество включилось в общеисторический процесс, называемый информатизацией. Этот процесс включает в себя доступность любого гражданина к источникам информации, проникновение информационных технологий в научные, производственные, общественные сферы, высокий уровень информационного обслуживания. Одним из приоритетных направлений процесса информатизации современного общества является информатизация образования. Цель информатизации состоит в глобальной интенсификации интеллектуальной деятельности за счет использования новых информационных технологий. Затянувшийся процесс мировой пандемии короновирусной инфекции придал новый импульс использованию информационных технологий в условиях отсутствия непосредственного контакта. Различные компании и фирмы переводят работников на удалённую работу, родственники и друзья поддерживают общение в различных форматах, в том числе и видео. Не осталось в стороне и область образования. В Республике Узбекистан с марта 2020 года для учащихся среднеобразовательных школ уроки проводиться в онлайн режиме. Для студентов институтов и университетов занятия, итоговый контроль также были организованы с использование современных информационнокоммуникационных технологий и средств. Актуальность данной темы состоит в том, что в настоящее время ак-тивно осуществляется внедрение информационных технологий в образова-тельный процесс. Сосредоточение современных технических средств обуче-ния способствует модернизации
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учебно-воспитательного процесса, активи-зирует мыслительную деятельность учащихся, способствует развитию твор-чества педагогов, позволяют проводить дистанционное обучение, развивают систему непрерывного образования, тем самым повышая эффективность образовательного процесса. В отечественных и зарубежных изданиях компьютеризация учебного процесса рассматривается как один из актуальных факторов организации обучения тому или иному предмету. Новейшие информационные технологии в обучении позволяют активнее использовать научный и образовательный потенциал ведущих университетов и институтов, привлекать лучших преподавателей к созданию курсов дистанционного обучения, расширять аудиторию обучаемых. Информационные технологии предоставляют возможность: рацио-нально организовать познавательную деятельность учащихся в ходе учебного процесса; вовлекая все виды чувственного восприятия обучаемого в мультимедийный среду сделать обучение более эффективным; построить открытую систему образования, обеспечивающую каждому индивиду собственную траекторию обучения; использовать свойства компьютера, позволяющие индивидуализировать учебный процесс; интенсифицировать все уровни учебно-воспитательного процесса. Основная образовательная ценность информационных технологий в том, что они позволяют создать неизмеримо более яркую мультисенсорную интерактивную среду обучения с почти неограниченными потенциальными возможностями, оказывающимися в распоряжении педагога и слушателя. В отличие от обычных технических средств обучения информационные технологии позволяют не только насытить обучающегося большим количеством знаний, но и развить интеллектуальные, творческие способности учащихся, их умение самостоятельно приобретать новые знания, работать с различными источниками информации. На современном этапе развития образовательного процесса среди пер-воочередных стоят задачи резкого повышения качества обучения, мотивации учения, преодоления накопившихся деструктивных явлений. Нам представляется, что это возможно путем сочетания традиционных средств с новейшими достижениями науки и техники. В условиях модернизации образования шире применяется идея усиления самостоятельного творческого мышления учащихся, их личностной ориентации, усиление деятельностной компоненты в образовании. Важную роль в обеспечении эффективности образовательного процесса играет его активизация, основанная на использовании новых педагогических технологий, в том числе информационных. Функции компьютера в качестве инструмента деятельности обучающего, основаны на его возможностях точной регистрации фактов, хранения и передачи большого объема информации, группировки и статистической обработки данных. Это позволяет применять его для оптимизации управления обучением, повышения эффектности и объективности учебного процесса при значительной экономии времена преподавателя по следующим направлениям: • получение информационной поддержки; • диагностика, регистрация и систематизация параметров обучения; • работа с учебными материалами (поиск, анализ, отбор, оформление, создание); • организация коллективной работы; • осуществление дистанционного обучения. При работе с учебными материалами компьютерная техника предос-тавляет преподавателю разнообразные виды помощи, которая заключается не только в упрощении поиска необходимых сведении при создании новых учебных материалов за счет использования систем справочноинформационного обеспечения, но и в оформлении материалов для обучения (текстов, рисунков, графиков), а также в анализе существующих разработок. Автоматический анализ, отбор и прогнозирование эффективности учебных материалов являются важными направлениями использования компьютера в качестве инструмента информационной поддержки деятельности обучающего. Наряду с преимуществами, внедрение информационных технологий может иметь и отрицательные стороны. Ряд проблем, возникающих в про-цессе применения информационных технологий: • проблема соотношения объемов информации: 30
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информация, предоставленная компьютером, может существенно разниться с теми объемами, которые пользователь (студент, ученик) способен мысленно охватить, осмыслить и усвоить. возможная индивидуализация процесса обучения.
Для достижения положительных результатов использования компью-терных технологий в обучении недостаточно просто внедрить их в учебный процесс, целесообразно разработать новые предметные программы, которые предусматривали бы использование компьютерных технологий на протяжении всего процесса обучения. Программа, в свою очередь, определит методы преподавания и условия осуществления учебного процесса. И, что наиболее существенно, указывая состав усваиваемых знаний и их связи, программа тем самым проектирует научный стиль мышления, который необходимо сформировать у обучаемых при усвоении предлагаемого им учебного материала с использованием информационной технологии. Наряду с перечисленными проблемами компьютеризации образования существуют и другие не менее важные. К ним относятся: информационная культура педагогов; готовность преподавателей к применению информационной технологии в обучении; техническое оснащение вузов и школ и др. Таким образом, сейчас уже очевидно, что темпы развития компьютерной техники явно опережают исследования и рассмотрение проблем, связанных с ее эксплуатацией. Большинство специалистов придерживаются мнения, что компьютер-ная техника, осуществляя ряд функций обучающего, не сможет полностью заменить преподавателя по ряду причин, главными из которых являются следующие: • на компьютере не могут быть полностью имитированы те аспекты деятельности преподавателя, которые связаны с его воспитательными функ-циями; • целью обучения также является развитие коммуникативной способ-ности человека, компьютер не сможет заменить человеческого общения и понять тайну человеческой мысли. Исходя из приведенных выше материалов, можно сделать вывод, что на современном этапе наиболее конструктивным представляется подход, со-гласно которому компьютер не следует противопоставлять преподавателю, а целесообразно рассматривать его как средство поддержки профессиональной деятельности профессорско-преподавательского состава. В целях наиболее эффективного применения достижений современных информационнокоммуникационных технологий в образовательном процессе предлагается на систематической основе осуществлять следующие: • продолжить работу по обеспечению образовательных учреждений современными ин формационно-коммуникационными средствами; • наладить тесное сотрудничество между образовательными учрежде-ниями в целях обмена накопленным опытом, современными знаниями, и др.; • вывести на качественно новый уровень практическую подготовлен-ность профессорскопедагогического состава рационально использовать возможности компьютерной техники и информационно-коммуникационных средств; • организовывать различные онлайн семинары и конференции с при-влечением не только педагогов, но и талантливой молодёжи; • внедрить в учебный процесс проведение занятий с использованием технологий виртуального присутствия. Вышеуказанные рекомендации конечно не охватывают всего спектра мероприятий, однако их осуществление позволит значительно повысить уровень подготовленности педагогов, что в дальнейшем благоприятно отразится на качестве освоения обучаемыми материалов дисциплин.
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Литература 1. Горбунова Л. И., Субботина Е. А. Использование информационных технологий в процессе обучения // Молодой ученый. — 2013. — №4. — С. 544-547. — URL archive/51/6685/. 2. Максимовская М. А. Информационное управление школой // Информатика и образования — 2003. — № 11 3. Машбис Е. И. Психолого–педагогические проблемы компьютеризации обучения. — М., Просвещение, 2006. 4. Полат Е. С., Бухаркина М. Ю., Моисеева М. В.. Петров А. Е. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования: Учеб. пособие. — М., Академия, 2000. 5.
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Legal Impact in the Law System Shuhrat Shavkatovich Mirzaev, Vice-rector, PhD in Juridical Science ( Tashkent Branch of Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov
Abstract This article reveals law as a systemic phenomenon. As a system of ideas, principles, rules, attitudes, behavior models, a set of freedoms, rights and regulatory regulators, it is constantly being embodied in real life, its implementation. Therefore, the law should be considered as an operating system, as a dynamic phenomenon. In this regard, the issues of functioning, «life» of law, and its action are of great scientific and practical interest.
В данной статье раскрывается право как системное явление. Как система идей, принципов, правил, установок, моделей поведения, свод свобод, прав и нормативных регуляторов, оно постоянно находит воплощение в реальной жизни, свое осуществление. Поэтому право должно рассматриваться как действующая система, как динамичное явление. В этой связи представляют огромный научный и практический интерес вопросы функционирования, «жизни» права, его действия.
It is known that the Law is not only a product of the historical and cultural environment, but also it actively influences the content of this environment, it reproduces itself, adapting to the environment, on the one hand, and adapting (creating) it on the other.[1. p. 12.] «Only the law is able to protect, organize and regulate the life of civilized communities. All civilizations and all cultures, one way or another, to a greater or lesser extent, rely on the law operation.»[1. p. 19.] Legal effect includes the entire process of the law influence on social life, consciousness and people’s behavior. The aim of legal effect is the legal order. The legal effect represents an invisible, but mutual relationship between the law and a person, where, on the one hand, the law affects a person who acts as his object, and on the other, a person perceives and cognizes this influence. In the legal literature, the notions of «effect» and «regulation» are differentiated. The category of «regulation» implies streamlining, coordination of relations between phenomena, between people. But the term «effect» means the influence on someone (something) or the achievement of a change in something based on the system of actions as a means of such a change. In its scope, the notion of «effect» is broader than the category of «regulation».[2. p. 770.] Thus, the phrase «legal effect on public relations» is a broad concept that includes in its content all directions and forms of the legal effect on the society life. Professor H. Adilkariyev notes: the law effect (influence) is manifested in normative regulatory, ideological and educational forms. Due to legal effect, progressive and positive relations receive legal protection and gain momentum for further
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improvement, while outdated relations that do not meet the requirements and interests of society leave the social life stage... The law affects the consciousness of participants in public relations and also establishes tough rules of conduct and thereby regulates them.[3. p. 431-432.] S.A. Komarov defines the legal effect as a productive, normative and organizational impact on public relations as a special system of legal means proper (legal norms, legal relations, acts of implementation and application), and other legal phenomena (legal awareness, legal culture, legal principles, law-making process).[4. p. 436.] D.N. Meshkov defines «the law effect as determined by socio-economic conditions, people’s needs and interests, the law properties (abilities) in a particular environment to have an informative and value-motivational effect on the personality, communities of people and, as a result, to ensure a lawful character in accordance with the goals, principles and requirements of the law their activities and actions, the achievement of actual results by civilized means and thereby contribute to the establishment of real rule of law in public relations. «[5. p. 8-9] In our opinion, this definition contains some disadvantages. Thus, the law effect is not only and not so much a property (ability) to exert influence, but the very productive potential embodiment of the content and requirements of the law in life. That is, this is the realization of the potential of the law to exert a regulatory effect on social relations. The law effect covers both the perception of its essence and requirements, and their implementation in practice, and the result of this embodiment is the rule of law. Legal effect may take the following forms: law information effect, law orientation effect and law special legal effect or legal regulation. The law information effect lies in the fact that it brings to its subjects information about the desired, encouraged, required, permitted and prohibited for society patterns of behavior, and also contains specific measures of information and psychological impact in the norms of law (benefits, incentives, suspension, etc. ) The purpose of the law information effect is to convey legal information to people. The object of the law informational impact is the legal consciousness of individuals. The main category of such effect is legal information. The law orientation effect is that the most important, basic social values are enshrined in the law, which is subject to respect and observance by all members of this society; the behavior of the individuals of such a society should correspond to the indicated values. The purpose of the law orientation effect is the consolidation and protection of values in law, legal values. The object of the informational impact of law is the legal consciousness of individuals. The main category of orientation influence is legal attitudes (encouraging lawful conduct or wrongful one). Legal regulation is a specially-legal stage-by-stage process of the effect of the right to public relations with the help of a system of legal means, which together comprise its mechanism. The legal regulation final result and its mechanism is the orderliness of public relations and the lawful conduct of its subjects. An increase in the number of regulated relations and the lawful conduct of its subjects contributes to the achievement of the goal of legal effect – the legal order. The distinction between action and regulation, therefore, allows us to find out the place and role of each element of the legal regulation mechanism in the general system of the legal effect mechanism, to determine the relationships and interactions between these elements.[6. p. 436.] The impact of law today is characterized by the variability of the forms of its manifestation (forms or sources of law). In the presence of such circumstances, it is necessary to identify and separate legal norms from other social norms, so that in the event of a legal relationship (the second stage of legal regulation) and in the process of legalization (third stage of legal regulation) it is legal and regulatory requirements that are fulfilled, and no other social provisions normal. A process of targeted influence of the law on society, public relations and, ultimately, on the person and his behavior is a component of legal effect and legal regulation. The need to establish the relationship of the legal effect and the impact of the law is explained by the fact that the latter plays an important role not only at the theoretical and methodological levels, but also at the practical level in the field of legal impact. Consequently, the theoretical development of the concept of the effectiveness of the impact of the law and its actual implementation in practice nowadays are top priority tasks. A well-known Russian theorist S. A. Muromtsev proceeded on the assumption that the study of legal norms in the context of social life will create a true picture of the law functioning. He analyzed the circumstances under which the norm is not implemented, and in this regard, substantiated the conclusion about the presence of «current» and «dead» norms. 34
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Legal effect is the process of the law influence on public relations, entailing certain consequences, predominantly of a positive nature, containing all possible instruments – legal norms, legal awareness, law enforcement, law enforcement, legal culture, legality, law enforcement, etc.). Legal effect – this is any effect of the right on human behavior, on social relations, produced by all available means. Legal means are involved in legal regulation and legal impact. If legal regulation is usually defined as being carried out by the entire system of legal means of influencing public relations in order to streamline them, then legal influence is as taking in unity and diversity the entire process of the influence of the right on public life, consciousness and behavior of people.[7.p. 724.] Legal effect is carried out through appropriate complexes of legal and non-legal means (institutions), which are often denoted as «legal regimes». The term «legal regime» and its meaning in legal reality once again testify the multidimensionality, versatility, and volume of the law. Professor S.S. Alekseev writes, «As soon as the law is viewed from the category of « legal means» point of view (and especially in dynamics and in the functioning of legal means), it is immediately revealed by new significant aspects, sides of its institutional nature, and there is a need for a multifaceted consecration of legal effect and regulation, such parties as the regulatory mechanism, and the legal regimes nowadays. The legal regime can be defined as the regulatory procedure, which is expressed in a diverse set of legal means that characterize a special combination of permissions and prohibitions that interact with each other and create a special focus on regulation. »[8. p. 334.] In the legal literature, the category of legal regulation mechanism (LRM) has been widely established. However, it is very little and rarely spoken about the legal effect mechanism. The first reason for this, from our point of view, is that the problem of legal effect is under-explored. The second reason is that the legal effect is very extensive, and somewhat vague. Nevertheless, an attempt to model the legal effect mechanism (LEM) can be made. It is obviously that LEM is a dynamic phenomenon, a state in action, in other words, the law in action. However, theoretically, LEM can be represented in statics. As such, this concept is considered by S.A. Komarov, – coincides with the category of «legal superstructure», which means the whole combination of legal phenomena.3 Prof. Z.M. Islamov believes that LEM coincides with the «legal system» phenomenon. [9. p. 437.] In the literature it is noted that if the statics of legal phenomena has been relatively fully explored, then their dynamics, action, and functioning are still examined not enough . In those cases when they are analyzed as the elements of a legal effect mechanism, attention is focused on the dynamic characteristics of these phenomena, on the interaction and correlation of all legal means with which legal effect is carried out. Hence, to sum up everything stated above, the legal effect mechanism reveals the structural features (composition) of the legal superstructure, considered in motion, in dynamics. [9. p. 437-438.]
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NTERNATIONAL PROJECT ACTIVITIES FOR GRADUATES SUCCESSFUL EMPLOYMENT Rzhevskaya Natalia Viktorovna ( University of Grigory Skovoroda in Pereyaslav, Pereyaslav, Ukraine
Abstract As part of their long tradition of economics and social sciences, regional development and analysis, the project partners will focus on building knowledge, best practices and synergies in the concept of knowledge management in youth entrepreneurship, its practical implementation and local development effects. In a number of Central Asian and Eastern Partnership countries, new ideas about entrepreneurship have been identified regarding resource efficiency, improved market solutions and services, and increased life cycle and innovative development. However, most of these articles provide evidence only at the phenomenological and descriptive level. Efforts to prioritize small and medium-sized business / entrepreneurship development at any key or level of government fail to account for a central compelling argument: the ability to calculate and anticipate what and who will be affected by entrepreneurship. Therefore, an important element is a concentrated point analysis of students’ talents for the implementation of entrepreneurial activity in a professional environment. Keywords: international cooperation, project activities, educational projects, entrepreneurial skills, open science, open innovation.
Reducing youth unemployment and bringing about more opportunities for successful professional careers remains one of the major global challenges for decades to come. This represents a challenge with unique dimensions and it therefore requires specific responses. First, the increased number of graduating students with formally recognized qualifications but poor opportunities for professional realization in their field of competences has created a high percentage of unemployed young people. According to ILO (2019) «working poverty, poor job quality and persistent labour market inequalities remain concerns» for Europe and Central Asia [1]. Second, the ILO alarms that globally, 21.2 per cent of young people were not in employment, education or training (NEET) in 2018. Progress during the past ten years has been negligible: in 2008, the NEET rate was 22 per cent [2]. Among young people (aged 15–24), the decline in labour force participation has been even more pronounced, largely owing to extended education and an associated postponement of labour market entry. Third, youth employment rates closely relate to the general environment, namely legal-political, economic, socio-cultural and educational systems of a country – e.g. labour market regulations; mismatch between youth skills and aspirations and labour market demand and realities; constraints on self-employment and entrepreneurship development. Youth labour market is dependent on the national employment policies that can help business to compete globally 36
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and to attract foreign investments. At the same time statistics on new ventures in vibrant economies illustrate the vital role of start-ups on keeping the economy dynamic and growing. Ignoring youth employment challenge imposes tremendous economic and social costs now and in the future. Nowadays the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development is more than ever dependent on developing youth potential and unleashing youth capacity, as it aims to reduce substantially the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training through the global strategy for youth employment. To that extent, the European Union has been in pursuit of the European Youth Strategy 2019-2027 that formulates unemployment, entrepreneurship and education as inter-twined objectives in youth engagement and empowerment in Europe and partner regions worldwide. The Strategy that acknowledges the aggravating situation with NEET youth in the EU adopts a robust, comprehensive approach that translates the impact of efficient measures beyond the European continent. Fully admitting and understanding the interdependencies between the EU market and the neighborhood countries, the Strategy proposes a set of actions that address the alarming conditions of NEETs EU-wide and beyond. Creating more jobs for labour market entrants is comprehended in the context that ensuring economic growth leads to more and better jobs in the EU and the region. Aligning better skills and labour market needs includes an attempt to make education more applicable to the current demands of the economy. In creating a sustainable mechanism to tackle with NEETs, far ahead of the ongoing crisis in youth unemployment and lack of engagement in startups long-lasting cooperation between educational institutions, the industry and policy-makers is necessary. These efforts may be successful only if at bottom-up level, engaging actively local stakeholders rather than EU-level actors working out solutions that do not reflect the regional dynamics and specifics of youth in NEETs. Accelerate smart growth by facilitating: youth entrepreneurship, startup companies and growth of new micro and small enterprises; creating jobs and employment opportunities for unemployed youth; and improving the regional framework of MSME development through the support and networking of local and regional partners. The project will set the ground for a skilled and adaptable workforce with high-level qualifications and practically-based orientation. We will build a framework for knowledge and support to develop skills, competencies and resources necessary to develop entrepreneurial culture and knowledge among young people and to transfer these into a workable solution against youth unemployment and professional realization. While achieving this, the process will foster the relationship between the important actors involved, both at vertical and horizontal level – universities, business, NGOs, and will stimulate them for a wider participation in the practical realization of the youth. Collaboration between these key competence levels is seen as a vehicle to bring more young people into labour market and to create pathways that lead to further professional opportunities, including appropriate employment. Through this integrated approach, we will identify areas where significant added value to the knowledge and learning, engagement of local authorities and business community will be achieved. Possible ways to cooperate between the needs and requirements of the MSMEs sector, market, education and youth employment by: • Strengthening competitive-based value chains by identifying and developing key intervention points (youth capacity-building and training, knowledge transfer); • Identifying driving factors that could improve competitive-based value chains for the start-ups – creation of Virtual Business Incubator; • Facilitating quality level and excellence of the regional stakeholders and institutions by proposing recommendations/ structural models to contribute to active international integration and strong view on regional sustainability (Table).
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Table. Objectives and specific objectives
Objectives SO 1: Capacity building – training, consulting and other development services to SMEs/start-up and job seekers
Specific objectives SO 1.1. Skill Gap & Labour market analysis – main components SO 1.2. Develop MSME & Employment Services Portfolio with the aim to stimulate technology/ knowledge transfer
SO 2: Job creation – facilitate start-up and competitiveness of the SMEs (incl. student/ researchers) and promote new ideas in sector with highest potential employment creation and growth
SO 2.1. Select Incubator Tenants
SO3: Institutional development – academia – business networking
SO 3.1. Business Incubator Forums
SO 2.2. Incubator Tenancy & Services SO 2.3. Conduct regular/ upon request analysis SO 3.2. Briefings
International project activities should focus on to accelerate smart growth at regional level by facilitating: youth entrepreneurship, startup companies and growth of new micro and small enterprises; creating jobs and employment opportunities for unemployed youth; and improving the regional framework of MSME development through the support and networking of local and regional partners in the public, private, civil-society and academic sectors.
References 1. Progress in reducing unemployment globally is not being matched by improvements in the quality of work, says the International Labour Organization’s World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2019 report, available at: WCMS_670171/lang--en/index.htm 2. ILOSTAT, ILO modelled estimates; ILOSTAT Spotlight on Work Statistics, No.5 March 2019, available at:
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FIVE CHRONIC PROBLEMS OF KAZAKHSTANI SCIENCE Saiken Aisin ( Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
Abstract The article highlights five problems of Kazakhstan science: the problem of rejuvenation of Kazakhstani science; unreasonably high load on scientists; lack of quality management in Kazakhstan science; problems of the commercialization of science. The author claims that if the state does not solve these problems now, then negative consequences should be expected in the future. Keywords: science, foreign publications, commercialization of science, scientist.
According to state statistics in 2017 about 386 organizations were engaged in research and development in Kazakhstan. The total number of employees who carried out research and development reached 22,081 people (of which 17,205 were research specialists) [1]. Thus, in terms of the number of research scientists who are directly involved in scientific research, our country lags far behind most of the leading countries of the world and this gap continues growing steadily. In 2017 alone compared to 2016 the number of workers in research institutions decreased by 904 people, including researchers by 206 people. For example, Belgium and the Netherlands, the population of which is comparable to Kazakhstan, have far more researchers than our country. There are only 22,000 scientists per 18 million citizens of Kazakhstan. For comparison, the number of police officers, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reaches almost 90 thousand people [2], and there are about 39 thousand soldiers and officers [3]. Looking at such statistics, one involuntarily recalls the famous caricature of the Soviet artist Julia Ganfa, which was published in 1954 in the Krokodil magazine (see Figure 1).
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In 2019, the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan assigned conducting legal monitoring of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Science». In addition to the bylaws, media materials were analyzed, including researchers’ emotional reports regarding the deplorable state of science in Kazakhstan. The analysis helped to identify five chronic problems of domestic science: 1 – the problem of rejuvenation of Kazakhstani science; 2 – unreasonably high workload on scientists; 3 – senseless pursuit of foreign publications; 4 – lack of quality management; 5 – research commercialization problems.
I. The problem of rejuvenation of Kazakhstani science In the field of science, over the past 10 years, the number of scientific publications has decreased by 40%, foreign internships by 26%, and the average salary of a scientist has become much lower in comparison with the salaries of workers in other professions. But the most alarming thing is that the number of research personnel during this period decreased by 8% and this figure continues growing steadily, thereby facilitating the high aging process of research personnel. Thus, the average age of an employee with a research degree is 57 years old, a chief research officer is 65 years old, leading and senior research workers are 54 years old, and the younger ones are 30 years old. More than 15% of employees have reached retirement age [4]. The sociological research on the topic «Status and problems of Kazakhstani science: an outward glance» conducted by the order of the National Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan confirms the aging of the country’s research staff, especially in the first crisis decades of the post-Soviet period. The sociological survey also determined the following average statistical ages: 56 years old – Doctor of Sciences; 46 years old – candidate of sciences; 39 years old – employees without academic degrees [5]. Experts emphasize that the share of scientists, namely candidates of sciences in the age group of 50-60 years old continues to increase steadily, while the share of the most efficient age group of 30-40 years old is decreasing. Regarding this problem, the world-famous biologist Ken Alibek believes that the lack of researchers is caused mainly by the brain drain from the country. And as a way out of this situation, he insists that the state should increase funding for training of young researchers, raise their status and, finally, under the Bolashak program, focus on most needed and relevant specialties. He believes that without these actions, it will be practically impossible to retain valuable professionals, raise the bar of the scientific school or win the competition with developed countries [6].
II. Unreasonably high workload on scientists According to the sociological report 60% of researchers in universities in Kazakhstan combine research with academic teaching. And what is important, about a quarter of university teachers work part-time in research institutions. At the same time, more than half of the surveyed teachers take part in research projects only within the state order, which serves as a disguise for the absence of real research work. Thus, majority of respondents are still far from mastering new tool for stimulating research activity. Only less than 9% of those surveyed had grants, and half of them were from the Ministry of Education and Science. Only 11.6% of the respondents tried to find additional sources of funding, and about 40% of this number limited themselves to searching for information disseminated within a university or research institute [5]. According to Doctor of Engineering Science M.F. Urkumbaev, a university employee with an academic degree can barely be called a researcher. This is, first of all, a lecturer and teacher, who is forced to do academic and other administrative work not related to research. A researcher from a university, or, to be more precise, a teacher with a research degree, uses his annual leave time, days off, and night-time for doing research. But even if the teacher finds this time for research, the success is not guaranteed, because there is 40
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no proper infrastructure in place. Therefore, a university researcher, even a highly qualified one, as a rule, continues old practices. Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Aliyarov E. in his article «Problems and Prospects of Political Science in Kazakhstan» notes that today anyone can get bachelor’s and master’s degrees, but there is no opportunity for those who want to continue doing research and academic studies to obtain Doctor’s degree. Since any competitive selection is quite subjective, not everyone who wishes, or even those who are worthy, have an opportunity to pass the selection. Therefore, many promising young people leave abroad to get PhD degrees, and some of them, to the detriment of their own country, remain there and continue working successfully [7].
III. A senseless pursuit of foreign publications Since the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Science» in assessing the results of scientific achievements, and in all branches of science, the demand for the use of quantitative identifiers, namely the impact factor and the citation index, has increased. It seems not entirely correct to make the data absolute and be based only on them. And this point of view is shared by some Russian scientists. In particular, E. Aliyarov asks the question: if we all «rush» to write to for foreign publications, will domestic research publications develop? Perhaps we need to strengthen our academic periodicals more effectively. We should not consider the assessment based on the number of articles with an impact factor as the only and universal indicator of a researcher’s competence [7]. Thus, a scientist-lawyer, a leading specialist in constitutional law M.T. Gabdualiev disagrees with the fact that foreign research publications are placed above domestic periodicals, and argues that some research areas (for example, history, linguistics and music) specific to Kazakhstan may not be of interest to European and Western publications. However, all scientists in Kazakhstan are forced to publish works in foreign journals under the slogan of integrating domestic science into the global scientific environment [8].
IV. Lack of quality management The authoritative publication Forbes Kazakhstan referring to experts, reports that in the field of public administration of science, and among scientists there is no single view on the further development of science in Kazakhstan. Unfortunately, many have already agreed with the catching-up nature of domestic science and with the fact that from year to year weak research projects continue to be financed, while the promising projects remain unnoticed by the state institutions. At the same time, we keep saying that we are self-sufficient, that the opinion of leading foreign researchers is not important for us, that we are unbiased and impartial in assessing our research potential [9]. The doctor of technical sciences M. Urkumbaev says: «I do not exclude that all reforms of the education ministry in recent years were based on sincere intentions of the authorities to introduce something new into the existing state of education and science. Unfortunately, all this was done without evaluations of academicians or researchers, extensive discussions with experts and thoughtful analysis of the possible consequences. Few scientists have preserved the foundations of research over the years, but they might give up when the next education minister starts declaring that the country does not need scientists and invites other researchers from abroad. But a decent researcher will not come to the country that destroys its own research capital – the National Academy. Only «Western swindler» will appear for a salary that is 50-100 times higher than ours, and the country becomes dependent on foreign technologies» [10]. Researcher at the Research Institute of History and Ethnology named after V.I. Sh. Ualikhanova Nurlan Zhetpisbai notes with sadness that there is practically no science in the country’s higher educational institutions, since academicians and teachers, instead of doing research, are forced to spend their valuable time on submitting all kinds of reports. The excessive red-tape forces academicians to engage in short-term projects and does not provide an opportunity to engage in long-term and promising research. This, in turn, aggravates the development of Kazakhstani research, which today is on its way to its decline. Our science, says 41
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Nurlan, resembles our huge country – looks like a huge ship, speckled with poisonous arrows of corruption, which is slowly but surely going to the bottom [11]. The president of JSC «National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise», honoured public figure of Kazakhstan Adil Ibraev, talking about corruption in the academic environment and research councils, believes that the problem lies in government officials, who try to manage science without understanding of its functioning and the processes of cognition. The officials consider research as a kind of business project that should bring immediate revenues and apply standard business processes that are good for business projects, but destructive for research activities. It should be noted that some countries have successfully developed research without large and clumsy bureaucratic organizations. For example, the United States has no ministry of science, however this country is a global leader in research. Instead of an entire ministry, the United States have allocated a small department of research and technical policy at the presidential structure, and funding is provided by some federal departments.
V. Research commercialization problems Kazakhstan has the lowest rates of commercialization in science. When compared with developed countries, there is a huge gap between research and design developments and their application in industrial production. According to domestic experts, the biggest problem of science in Kazakhstan is not a low level of funding, but lack of demand for research at domestic factories and plants. This point of view is confirmed by the fact that companies with foreign participation and private ownership have more research activities, 5% and 3.7% accordingly, while state-owned companies have only 0.6%. Today in the country we have a very small share in the R&D sector of design and construction organizations: on average, there is one design organization per nine research structures. Moreover, the share of specialists makes about 5% of the total number of workers performing R&D, or 0.1% of the personnel of the industrial and production complex in the country. Considering the above problematic issues, it can be stated that there are no serious remarks to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Science» itself, all issues in most cases rely on insufficient funding and inept management of processes. As noted by the deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Smirnova I.V. the law should simply be followed and then everything will fall into place [12]. However, every year we see how people try to interpret the law to their favour in order to bypass its provisions. Widespread violations of the Law are observed when appointing members of research councils, which, in turn, violate the rules for selecting scientific applications and try to lobby for «relevant» projects for state funding. Some of such cases have already been inspected by law enforcement officials, which, by the way, were initiated by the researchers themselves, and not by officials from the ministry. Concern is also caused by the fact that the Ministry of Education has come under the strong influence of foreign ideas, which in our Kazakhstani reality work the other way around. What works well abroad for the interests of the whole society, in our country it creates the conditions leading to the corruption and abuse of power by certain officials. It is worth noting that while introducing a new idea, foreign experience is undoubtedly necessary. However, it should facilitate the creation of own adapted model not a foreign copy, otherwise foreign innovations might lead to disastrous consequences. In conclusion, I would like to express the hope that the state will nevertheless pay attention to the problems of the national researchers, as it is done in all developed countries, and the sooner the better. It is no secret that today some scientific developments of Kazakhstani researchers, which are not in demand in our own country, benefit the economies of other countries. Many young scientists are ready to implement their ideas and work for research institutes in neighbouring countries. This should be prevented, because lagging behind at least one year in the research field entails long-term negative economic consequences. However, I would like to hope that effective vaccines will yet be developed in Kazakhstan to combat «chronic» problems in domestic science.
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References 1. National Science Report. – Astana; Almaty, 2018 .– 118 p . 2. The media calculated the number of police in Kazakhstan 3. What does the army of Kazakhstan look like against the armed forces of other countries http:// 4. Modernization and development of agricultural science http:// modernizaciya-i– razvitie-agrarnoj-nauki/ 5. «State and problems of Kazakhstani science: an inside look» report of the results of a sociological study commissioned by the National Center for Scientific and Technical Information with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan ru/reports-and-publications/otcheti / 6. A science that is not in Kazakhstan: who will answer if Nurlyzhol fails https://aqparat. info/news/ 2018/03 /03/8760232 -nauka_kotoroi_ net_v_kazahstane _kto_otvet.html March 03, 2018 7. Aliyarov E. Problems and prospects of political science in Kazakhstan php?query=kz 8. Kazakhstan Science: pending a breakthrough process/science/ nauka_ kazahstana_v_ojidanii_proryiva/ August 10, 2018 9. Amanov S. «Curiosity in Kazakhstani science has faded into the background» serzhan-amanov-nauka-kazahstana-pochemu-po-moemu-mneniyu-ne-vse-horosho/15.09.2016 10. Ibraev A. Direct speech on the collapse of the science of Kazakhstan news/i458 10/21/2016 11. Ibraev A. About corruption in the scientific community and about the work of scientific councils 12. Kazakhstan’s anti-record science: why are scientists published in fake magazines? Source: www. antirekord _nauki_ kazahstana_ pochemu_uchenie_ publikujutsja_v_ fejkovih_ zhurnalah_ 1153662797. html.
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THE CULTURE OF COMMUNICATION WITH «A NEW GENERATION» Saparova Dinara Rakhmetovna, senior teacher of the Department of foreign languages and translation studies ( Tleubekov Nariman Tleubekuly, Master’s degree student of the Department of foreign languages and translation studies ( Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University (Amanzholov EKU), Ust-Kamenogorsk, the Republic of Kazakhstan
Abstract The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern state of culture, transforming into a new digital reality, as well as the peculiarity of human existence in it. The focus of attention is the digital Generation Z and its process of communication with other generations. The authors propose a communication model consisting of a culture of participation and digital literacy. At the core of building a dialogue with the network generation is the humanization of social space, which acts in virtual and real reality. Keywords: digital generation, digital literacy, culture participation, virtual reality, digital culture.
Global trends of the 21st century (cyberculture, speeding up time, deleting of spatial boundaries, inclusive digitalization of all areas of life) dictate norms and rules to society, which are also not permanent, but only give a vector of development. In 2017, the famous businessman Ilon Musk announced the creation of Neurolink, which will work to create a full-fledged interface of brain-computer. In the future the development of neurotechnologies will give the person the opportunity to increase the productivity of mental labor, to read brain signals. Time and space are erased and technological breakthrough comes first. The gradual superstructure of the usual reality virtual or additional absolutely expands the private space of a person. A person consciously accepts a new space as a place of expressing himself real or searching for his own identity. In the real grayness of everyday life, virtual space makes our life brighter, more beautiful and more interesting. «Virtual reality technologies strengthen the digital world, and additional reality technologies erase the boundaries between worlds» [2, p. 16]. The research by E. Loshkareva and P. Luksha gives scheme No. 6 «Gradual transition to digitalization of the private and even internal world» [2]. The model of the picture of the human world from 1960 to 2020 is of a big interest. The authors show how a person’s place in the world is changing. The economic approach (salary, order, product, profit 1960-1999) is replaced by a psychological (sensual) vision and understanding of oneself (activity history, presence effect, internal identification, emotions, brain activity, 2000-2020) (picture 1) [2].
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Picture 1. Scheme 6. «Gradual transition to digitalization of the private and even internal world»
Futurologists predict that in the near future the existence of cyberculture along with traditional culture, artificial intelligence in interaction with the human, high competition between man and robot, the replacement and even non-demand of many professions, the emergence of new working positions, the transformation of time and space. In this sense, there are many questions about how a person can socialize in a society surrounded by networks, information noise; how a young person can realize his/her capabilities and potential? Kazakhstani people are a dynamic and young nation: every second resident of the republic is under 30 years old, judging by the results of a sociological study of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kazakhstan, a modern Kazakhstani person is the most «western Europeanized person in Central Asia» [3, p. 94]. The focus of our attention is the digital Generation Z, specifically teenagers of middle and senior school age. The cultural space of the digital Kazakhstani teenager has been formed and continues to form in the global Internet environment, where digital forms of communication determine their attitude to life, to the world, to themselves. Since a feature of a teenager is his active phase of socialization, where communication occupies an important part of his life, the process of communication of the digital generation with the previous and subsequent generation is of interest. The purpose of this article is a theoretical understanding of the cultural space of the digital generation and a description of the communication model as a necessary condition for the development of harmonious relations between generations. In management, there is such a concept of VUCA, which is an acronym for the English words volatility (instability), uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. The VUCA world is a world where predictive tasks are difficult to achieve. «[4] As a solution, the VUCA concept offers the following: Vision (communication, faith, focus), Understanding (curiosity, empathy, open mind), Clarity (simplification, intuition, system thinking), Agility (determination, innovation, tolerance). Based on these postulates, in conditions of uncertainty, the digital generation will face a number of problems, the main of which will be the lack of real communication, the practice of behavior in interpersonal communication will change. Due to the complex and contradictory nature of socio-cultural transformations, the new generation is facing two options for future life: • a digitized person, which means the dominance of an artificial person (replicant) or superhuman and the end of Homo Sapiens era; • a creative person, which means using digital technologies to self-realize themselves, as part of a global society, as a carrier of national code. Proceeding from these characteristics, we offer model of forming of communication with digital generation which first of all consists of the culture of participation and digital literacy (digital competence). Let’s consider these two components separately: Culture of participation. 45
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The formation of a new communicative space and its impact on real and virtual social, cultural interpersonal, inter-ethnic relations should be carried out through a «participatory culture». This term was coined by Mr. H. Jenkins in 2000, and we think it remains relevant in the digital age. «A participatory culture is a culture with relatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic engagement, strong support for creating and sharing one’s creations, and some type of informal mentorship whereby what is known by the most experienced is passed along to novices. A participatory culture is also one in which members believe their contributions matter, and feel some degree of social connection with one another (at the least they care what other people think about what they have created» [6]. Jenkins says that the development of Internet technologies has given the digital generation a tool of new forms of self-expression, communication through the possibility of active participation in the digital environment, the creation of new texts and meanings. Generation, in this sense, is becoming a carrier of new cultural experiences that it can pass on to previous and future generations. The culture of participation implying active participation in the creation of new texts, has different forms of expression. These are: 1. Creating interest groups whose aim is not only to unite for similar interests, but also to create new «products» and activities. It is a community where all participants fill a single Internet content with their new content, consuming and sharing information. 2. Expression – creating new creative forms such as digital sampling, modding, fan videos, gifs, memes, etc. 3. Collaborative problem-solving is teamwork, formal and informal, to accomplish tasks and develop new knowledge (e.g. via Wikipedia, augmented reality of the game, spoiling), 4. Distribution – the formation of a media flow (e.g. podcasting, blogs). In our model of communication with the new generation, the culture of participation plays an important role in shaping the culture of communication. In the practice of building communication, two principles are at the heart of this culture of virtual networking. Digital forms of communication help to update social connections strengthen intergenerational interaction, especially in career building, in the development of professional skills. Stability and the ability to solve problems creatively are important for Kazakhstany digital generation. Salary is important, but the prospect of new impulses and incentives is more important. For the vast majority of teenagers, the authority is enjoyed by a person who creates something new and useful, rather than a «veteran» who has been in office for a long time. Clearly, the culture of participation involves the collaboration of people to create a new product that aims to harness the potential of each participant and brings satisfaction to all its members. Let’s consider the second component of the communication model – digital literacy. Digital literacy, as well as Jenkins’ culture of participation, is particularly essential in educating new-generation children. The state Digital Kazakhstan program calls the development of human capital the fourth priority, including the development of new competencies and digital literacy of the population [1]. The culture of participation and digital literacy will allow us to investigate the degree of influence of digitalization on the views of young people in Kazakhstan and analyze the possible prospects for the development of digitalization and the associated social risks. The concept of «digital literacy» is usually associated with the name of Paul Gilster, American writer and journalist (USA, Chicago) [5]. According to his concept, it is a semiotic system that consists of media literacy (critical attitude to information, its validity and reliability, cybersecurity), information literacy (skills to find the right information, work with it), communicative competence (communication skills with real and virtual users of the network), and creative competence (skills of creating a new information product). Digital literacy forms new patterns of human behavior, features of communication. Critical approach to information, tools to select its authenticity, allow forming digital hygiene, ethics of communication and avoiding trolling and cyberbulling. In our opinion, the digital literacy of the generation is based on two components: technological and sociocultural. The technological component includes media literacy and cyberculture. The sociocultural component is communicative language competence. The Internet is a space as a medium of communication without geographical, national, political, economic, cultural barriers; its main characteristic is interactivity, freedom of choice and total control. No matter how contradictory these characteristics may seem to us, they reflect the modern trend: the internetization of things. According to Gartner, about 20 billion devices will be connected to the Internet of Things by 2020, which will create more opportunities for hackers to carry out large-scale attacks through botnets. Purchases of all goods will be carried out in most cases on the Internet and the new generation will be vital skills to work with hypertext, hyperlinks, with information, its validity and reliability. The increase in the number of young people promoting their product, advertising through social networks will increase, which has already led to the transformation of existing and new business 46
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models and in the future will create new ones. The ability to use search tools, to store information in the cloud, the ability to use communication channels (SMS, Skype, e-mail) will create a cyberculture. Cyberculture includes the ability to use information protection programs (fighting virus programs, protection from spam). Network culture has changed a person’s attitude to work, to rest, to work. For example, from a conversation with Kazakh teenagers, we learned why the social network Instagram is popular. In it, each participant can become an entrepreneur and build their own business, promoting goods or their services through the aforementioned network. This is done by a middle-aged generation and young people, even those who have just turned 16-18. At the same time, according to M. Castels, the Internet does not promote social exclusion and personal alienation. In fact, it promotes intra-social interaction and the construction of interpersonal networks. It helps to increase communication, not eliminates it. Online and offline communication is almost indistinguishable from each other and the communicative component of digital literacy should, first of all, create a culture of communication in the network, etiquette and ethics (without insults, profanities, ridicule). The ethics of communication implies responsibility for writing text, communication, compliance with the rules and regulations of communication. So, independence and creativity are important characteristics of generation Z. At the same time, the limitless of real communication, the search for one’s own identity expose the problems of the formation and maturity of the new generation. The model we propose should, first of all, create a comfortable environment for the digital generation, which is a consumer of digital products. The purpose of the model or building a dialogue with the network generation is to humanize the social space that have virtual and real space as well. The place of culture is such that it is culture that acts as the main tool, while simultaneously restraining the individualistic features of the modern generation, its development, through the expansion of the horizon of its values and ideas, the enrichment of the spiritual world. Cultural transformation in the new reality, it seems to us, should be expressed in the realization of the creative origin of man as a carrier of humanitarian knowledge. For the modern generation, culture must help to construct new meanings and in this sense the «culture of participation» and digital competence gives a look at the world from the outside, to see all spheres of life wider, more global.
References 1. The state program «Digital Kazakhstan.» Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 12, 2017 No. 827 Electronic Resource. Access: id=37168057#pos=14;-46 09.04.2020 2. Loshkareva E., Luksha P. Skills of the future. What you need to know and be able to know in a new complex world. Report by Global Education Futures and WorldSkills Russia experts. Electronic resource. Access mode: 11.04.2020 3. Young people in Central Asia. Comparative review. Based on a sociological survey. Under the scientific direction of Prof. Klaus Hurelman and Per teschendorf (Germany,Berlin), Almaty, 2017.– 90 s. 4. VUCA World and Survival Approaches in It. Access mode: vuca.htm 27.04.2020 5. Gilster P. Digital literacy//John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 1998. – 276 p. 6. Jenkins H. Confronting the Challenges of participatory culture: media education for the 21st. Century.-MacArthur, 2006.– 72 p.
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Abstract China’s higher education system has undergone an unprecedented transformation over the last thirty years. A dramatic increase in both enrollments and number of HEIs can be observed. The article addresses the major changes in terms of the massification and diversification in higher education as a result of various governmental policies and practices. Keywords: Higher education in China; governmental policies; massification; diversification.
Introduction China has built the largest higher education system in the world. As of 2019, there were 2,688 colleges and universities, with more than 40 million enrolments in total [8]. Indeed, those achievements are the results of changes taken place in higher education over the past 30 years. In general, the modern Chinese education system, like elsewhere, consists of primary, secondary and higher education. In addition, there is also fourth subsector – adult education, which coincides with all three of the education subsectors in many ways. It covers various kinds of specialized schools and universities for adults. For example, worker’s primary schools, cadres’ schools, distance learning universities, cadre institutes, workers’ colleges, peasant colleges, and correspondence colleges etc. [1, p.7]. Higher education structure mirrors international standards. Usually, students need four years to complete undergraduate degrees, three years for associate degrees. A master’s degree requires two or three years, and a doctoral degree takes four years of study. Undergraduate admissions to higher education institutions (HEIs) are based on the performance on the national college entrance examination (gaokao). Given the vast number of applicants, entrance into the best HEIs is highly competitive. Moreover, higher education is relatively decentralized. The Ministry of Education does not directly control, but monitors at the macro-level. It guides by issuing laws, plans, budget allocation, information services, policy guidance and administrative means. In the most part, provincial and local authorities exercise the chief management of the institutions. Overall, various policies and regulations of the 1990s and 2000s have reshaped current higher education system in China [3, p.170]. Therefore, in the last decades, higher education rapidly expanded both in terms of scale and size. This paper addresses some policy choices that have led to massification and diversification of the higher education landscape.
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Massification of Higher Education Although the earliest HEIs were founded at the end of 19th century, Chinese higher education system witnessed substantial expansion almost a century later. The system was considered as an elite in the 1990s. Gross enrolment ratio was estimated at about 5 percent in 1988, whereas it only achieved 8 percent in 1998 [1, p.21]. China’s fast-evolving economic development, coupled with the pressure from increasing numbers of secondary school graduates, have made the Ministry of Education to enlarge the university annual enrollment by 30 percent in 1998 [6]. In other words, the state declared the massification as an objective of its policies [3, p.177]. Besides, the government could not fully support a growing number of students. HEIs needed more facilities, dormitories, classrooms to serve students. It led to partially privatizing the public sector. Thus, tuition and fees were steadily introduced by 1996. As a result, soon after enrolments more than tripled. For example, age cohort participation in HEIs reached 22 percent in 2005 [1, p.21]. This upward trend has continued further. The rate prevailed 26.5 percent in 2010 by accommodating more than 31 million students on campuses (See Figure 1). As for 2019, 51.6 percent of age cohort had access to higher learning. It indicates that the country has universal access to higher education according to sociologist Martin Trow’s theory. The expansion of higher education has provided more educational opportunities, met economic and manpower needs, and achieved policy goals in terms of enrolment rate.
*Gross enrolment rate Figure 1. Participation in Higher Education (Statistical Bulletin on National Education Development in 2019)
Institutional Diversification For decades, HEIs in China have been elite institutions, available to a small part of students [4]. Starting from 1980s the system has experienced dramatic growth in number of HEIs as well. It increased from 675 in 1980 to 1,075 in 1988. Furthermore, the policies in the 1990s adopted for building key HEIs have produced a series of achievements. With the state’s interference, colleges and universities were launched, 49
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upgraded, merged and reorganized. From 1998 to 2015, the number of regular colleges and universities increased by 1,538 [7, p.1]. A gradual growth in amount of institutions also made higher education accessible for many students in the relevant age group. At present, various types of HEIs exist, such as national institutions, provincial universities, institutes, colleges, vocational colleges, and private HEIs. In 2019, out of 2,688 institutions of higher learning, 1265 were undergraduate colleges, 1423 higher vocational (academic) colleges, 268 adult colleges and universities, 828 postgraduate training institutions, including 593 regular colleges and universities, and 235 scientific research institutions [8]. A big part of HEIs are state-owned while the share of private or minban institutions is quite small. In 2019, nearly 9.4 percent (257 units) were non-state. Despite a long history, private HEIs have not been able to live up to the standards expected by society. Chinese higher education system not only enormous but also diverse. According to Cai, can be vertically separated into four layers as research institutions, research and teaching institutions, teaching institutions, and application-oriented institutions [3, p.171]. «Project 985» universities are usually as research universities. At present, 39 HEIs are members of this project, which are also part of the «Project 211». This project includes 112 universities. Thus, Project 985 represents top layer of HEIs. The rest 73 Project 211 universities are the next layer. They mainly focus on teaching and research. More than 1000 HEIs – a few private institutions are amongst them – are considered as third layer. These institutions concentrate on teaching, though research takes place but in a very small amount. The bottom layer of Chinese higher education system are application-oriented institutions. It covers about 1,327 tertiary vocational colleges, including majority of non-state HEIs. They typically cater 2-3-year undergraduate programs offering associate degrees. The four layers of Chinese regular HEIs can be designated in a pyramid (See Figure 2) [3, p.172].
Figure 2. Pyramid of Chinese higher education institutions
Building First-Class Universities The state reforms in the 1990s highlighted competitiveness of Chinese HEIs as well. The Chinese government’s initiative to build up top level universities begins with the «Project 211». The state officially launched it in 1995. The title «211» was derived from the abbreviation of the 21st century and 100 higher education institutions respectively. The core idea was to advance in about 100 specifically funded universities and key disciplinary areas in teaching, research and management. Moreover, those selected HEIs were anticipated to assist economic development in the country. In general, the governmental agencies invested over 47.4 billion yuan to the project’s HEIs between 1996 and 2010. [2, p.96] 50
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Another transformational project was created after the former president Jiang Zimin’s speech on May 4, 1998. He declared that China needed a number of first-rate universities on an international level. Accordingly, «Project 985», named after its launch date, was the government’s effort to establish world-class universities. The project strived for elevating about 12 top universities which could compete with international ivy-league HEIs. On top of that some high-level HEIs would be developed as research institutions [2, p.96]. At the beginning, Peking University and Tsinghua University received the Project 985 status [2, p.96]. Other 37 HEIs were included later. Overall, the project was co-financed by the central government and regional governments. The state’s recent endeavor for rising education standards is the «Double First-Class» project. «Double First-Class» is the short form of construction plan for world-class universities and first-class disciplines. The new project is based on the «211 Project» and «985 Project» and committed to promoting regional coordinated development of higher education. The project was officially publicized in October 2015, and has been implementing since September 2017 [7, p.1]. According to the government’s plan, 42 HEIs are selected – divided into A and B categories – to raise to a world-class level. Another 95 institutions have been designated to develop their core disciplines into first-rate disciplines [7, p.1]. The institutions were selected after a process of peer competition, expert review and government evaluation. They will be received dynamic monitoring and management [5, p.96; 7, p.3]. «Double First– Class» is also well-funded by the state. In fact, its funding is much higher than the «985 Project» and «211 Project». For example, in 2017 Tsinghua University’s budget revenue was 23.335 billion yuan. In 2018 it reached 26.9 billion yuan, an increase was 15.28%. In 2017, Tongji University’s budget revenue was 7.665 billion yuan. It went to 13.421 billion yuan in 2018. Other universities have also increased their financial budgets by a large margin [7, p.4].
Conclusion In the past few decades, the scale of higher education in China has experienced leaps and bounds. With a limited number of institutions, limited enrollment, the country has not only made significant efforts to expand higher education participation, but also created diverse of programs and HEIs. To a great extent, higher education development was impacted by variety of governmental policies and practices.
References 1. Brandenburg, U. Higher education in China in the light of massification and demographic change. Lessons to be learned for Germany / U. Brandenburg, J.Zhu. – CHE, 2007 – P.59. 2. Cai, Y. Chinese higher education: The changes in the past two decades and reform tendencies up to 2020 / Y. Cai // China and Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities/ ed.; L. d. C. Ferreira, J. A. G. Albuquerque. – Campinas: Anablumme, 2013. – P. 91-118. 3. Cai, Y. Higher education and university / Y.Cai, F.Yan // Handbook of Chinese Education / ed.: W.J. Morgan, Q. Gu, F. Li. – Edward Elgar, 2017. – P. 169-193. 4. Hayhoe, R. China’s universities 1895--1995: A century of cultural conflict / R. Hayhoe. – New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1996. – P. 313. 5. Liu, Q. The «Double First-Class Initiative» in China: Background, implementation, and potential problems /Q. Liu, D. Turner, X. Jing // Beijing International Review of Education. – 2019. – № 1. – P. 92-108. 6. Ma, W. Economic reform and higher education in China / W. Ma // CIDE Publications Series / ed.: J. N. Hawkins, V. D. Rust. – LA: CIDE and GSEIS, 2003. – P. 23. 7. 8. Дата доступа: 05.10.2020. 51
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THE PROBLEM OF USING INFORMATION AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS Soyipova Manzura Zayidovnani, Educator 18th State Preschool Education Organization «Mumtoz» under the Department of Preschool Education of Chirchik city, Tashkent region
Abstract The article deals with issues related to the introduction of information and computer technologies to improve the effectiveness of students ‘ cognitive activity and motivation for independent activity in primary school. Keywords: information and computer technologies, multimedia component, modern computer systems, level of mental activity.
Information and computer technologies (ICT) are widely used in primary school today. As a result, the need for the introduction of new information technologies in every grade of primary school is becoming one of the pressing issues. Scientists note the influence of the ICT component on the development of personality, in the process of learning in elementary school, using information technology, the student learns to work with text, visual material, use an interactive board both for play and for study. As a result, he learns new ways of collecting information. In addition, he learns to use them for further application in areas of interest to him. When using the ICT component in the classroom, the motivation for further learning increases and the cognitive interest of students is stimulated, the effectiveness of independent work increases. The opportunity is used to form knowledge and research skills that contribute to the development of theoretical and business activity [3, p.38]. Modern education is a space that is rich in multimedia components: a computer, an interactive board, a projector, etc. The main task of which is to interest the student in completing the educational task. The essence of this task is revealed in the fact that it is necessary not only to give knowledge, but also to identify interest and the ability for continuous learning. Therefore, it all comes down to the use of a multimedia component to visualize the material under study, and in order to master it, it is necessary to use all the senses, and the more the teacher uses them, the better the new material is assimilated. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the more concretely the studied image is presented in the student, the more information will be assimilated in the context of a specific material. This moment is very essential for the presentation of new material. The use of ICT in the educational process is an urgent problem of modern school education. In primary school, the introduction of ICT allows solving a number of the following learning problems. 1. Students of primary school age find it difficult to set themselves specific learning goals that stimulate the child’s active participation in the school process. In this regard, to increase motivation, close goals are used: not to upset mom, read faster than a neighbor on a desk. 52
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Considering that the main activity of primary school children is play, it can be assumed that it is the computer with its wide range of possibilities of interactive interaction that will help solve the above problem. Modern computer learning systems set a real, quite achievable goal for the child: if you solve all the examples correctly, you open the picture, if you guess all the words correctly, you will be closer to your goal, if you answer all the questions, you will be the smartest. Thus, in the process of playing, schoolchildren develop a positive motivation in assimilating new knowledge. 2. Teaching in elementary school is precisely the basis on which all further activities of each person will be built. Each teacher has a specific task – to achieve the assimilation of the program material in full by each student. Taking into account the different level of training of schoolchildren, differences in the development of thinking, memory, speech and attention, the teacher is forced to focus on the average level of readiness of students. As a result, most of the students take an active part in the lesson. One of the ways to successfully teach students can be the use of computer technology in the classroom. Students with a high level of mental activity can, with the help of a computer, familiarize themselves with new material, receive new information, deepen their knowledge in a particular area, performing exercises of a higher complexity. Students with a low level of mental activity can work at the computer at an individual pace, completing certain tasks, without slowing down the learning process. Pupils who have missed classes can fill the gaps in their knowledge at certain stages of the lesson or during the allotted extracurricular time. 3. The use of a computer in a modern school will not replace a teacher or a textbook, but will radically change the nature of pedagogical activity. The introduction of ICT into the educational process expands the capabilities of the teacher, provides him with such means that allow him to solve previously unsolved problems, including: • computers can help fill the gaps created by missing lessons; • improving the organization of teaching, increasing individualization in teaching (maximum work with each student); • increasing the productivity of self-study after school; • a means of individualizing the work of the teacher himself (a computer is a repository of the results of the teacher’s creative activity: interesting tasks and exercises invented by him – everything that is missing in standard textbooks and that is of value to other teachers); • accelerates the replication and access to everything that has been accumulated in teaching practice; • the ability to collect data on the individual and collective dynamics of the learning process. The information will be more complete, regular and objective. The use of ICT in the classroom allows: • to make each of the lessons more visual and interesting; • to involve all students in active cognitive and research activities at each lesson; • strive to realize oneself in any activity. For elementary school, this means a change of priorities in setting the goals of education: one of the results of teaching and upbringing in a first-stage school should be the readiness of children to master modern computer technologies and the ability to apply the information obtained with their help for further self-education. To achieve these goals, it becomes necessary to apply in the practice of primary school teachers different teaching strategies for younger students and, first of all, the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process. The use of information and communication technologies in the classroom in elementary school allows developing the ability of students to navigate the information flows of the surrounding world, master practical ways of working with information, develop skills that allow exchanging information using modern technical means. The use of ICT in the classroom in primary school makes it possible to move from an explanatoryillustrated way of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject of educational activity. This contributes to the conscious assimilation of knowledge by students. 53
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With the active use of ICT in primary school, the general goals of education are more successfully achieved, knowledge such as the ability to collect facts, compare them, organize, express one’s thoughts on paper and orally, reason logically, listen to and understand spoken and written speech, and discover what something new, make choices and make decisions.
References 1. Lebedinskaya V. G. Mera—kategoriya filosofskaya i yazikovaya//Izvestiya Dagestanskogo gosud. ped. Universiteta — Maxachkala, 2012. —№ 4. — s. 81-85. 2. Razvitiye sistemi obrazovaniya — obespecheniye budushego / Germanova G. N.,Gorshenina M. V., Yeskindirova M. J., Zubareva V. A., Karasyuk V. V., Konovalova N. G.,Krasilnikova YE. V., Makeyeva I. A., Romanenko YE. S., Stovpets V. G., Utkina A. N.,Sharkun Y. F., Sharkun Y. F., Shevchenko S. V. // Odessa, 2013./ Tom 1, Kniga 3. 3. Sitak L. A. Formirovaniye ekologicheskoy kulturi studentov pedagogicheskogo kolledja vo vneklassnoy rabote: Monografiya, Pyatigorsk: GOU VPO PGLU, 2011.-172 s. («pedagogicheskiy kolledj -pedagogicheskiy vuz»): Monografiya. -M. 2003, 174 s. 4. Sitak L. A. Formirovaniye ekologicheskoy kulturi studentov pedagogicheskix vuzov sredstvami vneklassnoy raboti// Krimskiy nauchniy vestnik. — №4 — 2015 g., Tom 2. «Pedagogicheskiye nauki», s. 242-248. [Elektronniy resurs]. — Rejim dostupa: SitakLA1.pdf
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CEFR system in teaching Arabic language in Uzbekistan (on the experience of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies) Umarova Nodirakhon Isamatovna ( Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies (TSUOS)
Abstract This article discusses some suggestions on the concept of teaching Arabic in the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, aimed at further improving and developing methods and approaches to teaching foreign languages. The article provides a brief analysis of the current state of affairs regarding teaching methods of the Arabic language in Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, in particular, the practicing of teaching methods of Arabic through textbooks written in Soviet and post-Soviet times based on the European language tradition and teaching methods based on Arabic traditions adapted to methodological recommendations that meet the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). It is proposed to develop a unified method that combines the advantages of the above two methods, as well as taking into account innovative methods of assessment and teaching foreign languages, in particular, based on the experience of pan-European competencies in foreign language skills: study, teaching, assessment (Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR) – the system of levels of proficiency in a foreign language used in the European Union. Keywords: Arabic language, concept, teaching, method, methodology, competence, CEFR, intermediary language, language tradition, teaching aid, curriculum, educational process, textbook, starting level.
В соответствии с «Концепцией развития системы народного образования Республики Узбекистан до 2030 года», утверждённой указом Президента Республики Узбекистан, перед языковыми вузами страны стоят серьёзные задачи по дальнейшему усовершенствованию и развитию методов и подходов к обучению иностранным языкам, внедрению в учебный процесс, отвечающих мировым стандартам инновационных форм и методов обучения. Изучение арабского языка в Ташкентском государственном университете Востоковедения основано на качественном обучении, нацеленном на освоение базовых знаний на первых двух курсах обучения бакалавриата и доведения языковых навыков на завершающих (3-4) курсах до профессионального уровня владения языком и овладения основами теоретической грамматикой арабского языка. Арабский язык в ТашГУВ изучается как прикладная дисциплина, и основная цель обучения арабскому языку является комплексной. Она включает в себя коммуникативную задачу, которая осуществляется путем формирования у студентов устойчивых языковых и речевых навыков и умений: в произношении, письме, чтении, аудировании, говорении, а также в переводе, направленных на овладение арабским языком как средством общения, так и средством для осуществления различных профессиональных задач, включающих преподавание арабского языка,
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применение языка в научных целях: в исследованиях в сферах языкознания, истории, международных отношений и др. Комплексность предусматривает обучение классическому арабскому классическому, современному литературному языку (в западной арабистике используется английский термин Modern Standard Arabic — современный стандартный арабский язык), а также теоретических основ грамматики арабского языка. Кроме того, языковое обучение включает в себя курсы по диалектологии и практических занятий по овладению навыками письменного, последовательного и синхронного перевода. Что предпочтительней? Изучение классического арабского языка или современного, так называемого стандартного арабского языка? Вопрос неоднозначный и вызывает споры в различных кругах. Однако, учитывая специфику предметов, преподаваемых в ТашГУВ, а также ее научную ориентацию, представляется целесообразным исходить из обучения арабскому зыку на основе классического арабского языка, ибо овладение им на должном уровне обеспечит без всякой специальной подготовки владение современным литературным языком. Язык – это не только слова и грамматические модели. Это целый ряд элементов, которые могут характеризоваться одним словом – культурой. Благодаря изучению арабского языка, студенты открывают для себя богатый мир научного и литературного наследия не только арабских стран, но и Узбекистана, средневековые арабоязычные учёные которого внесли неоценимый вклад в развитие мировой цивилизации. Кроме того, арабский язык имеет непосредственное отношение к религии ислам, его моральным и этическим нормам. Всё это является основным мотивирующим фактором для изучения классического арабского языка студентами. Кроме того, овладение навыками современного арабского языка даст возможность свободного ориентирования в современной арабоязычной литературе по выбранной специальности, а также письменного и устного общения в международной академической среде. В настоящее время существует два метода преподавания арабского языка в ТашГУВ. Первый — это преподавание языка посредством учебников, написанных в советское и постсоветское время на основе российской языковой традиции, а именно: «Учебник арабского языка» Халидова Б.З. [6]; «Учебник арабского языка» Ковалева А.А., Шарбатова Г.Ш. [4]; «Учебник арабского языка» Кузьмина С. А. [5]; «Араб тили грамматикаси» Иброхимова Н., Юсупова М. [7]; «Араб тили» Абдужабборова А. [1]; «Араб тили дарслари» Хасанова М., Абзаловой М.[8] и др. Второй представляет собой методы преподавания языка, основанного на арабских традициях, адаптированных методическим рекомендациям, отвечающих «Общеевропейской компетенции владения иностранным языком» (CEFR) В частности, в последнее время, апробируются учебники, изданные в арабских странах такие как: 1) – » »مّلكتلا/At-takallum/ – A Comprehensive Modern Arabic Course», составленные группой египетских лингвистов (Сабир ал-Машрикий, Саад ал-Хаули и Абу Увайс Махмуд). Данное издание представляет собой комплекс учебников, охватывающих четыре уровня обучения: стартовый (Starter) – А1; начальный (Elementary) – А2; предпороговый к среднему уровню (Pre-intermediate – В1 и средний уровень (Intermediate) – В2. 2) – Курс, разработанный д-ром Абдур Рахимом. Данный курс известен как یبفعلر غللر سورد اهب نیقطانلر فیغلDurûs al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah li-Ghair al-Nâtiqîna Bihâ, широко известен под другим названием: «Мадинанские книги» [9]. Анализируя оба метода можно прийти к выводу, что оба метода могут дать положительные результаты. Тем не менее, задачей современных преподавателей арабского языка является разработка единого метода, сочетающего в себе преимущества вышеупомянутых двух методов, а также с учетом инновационных методов оценки и обучения иностранным языкам, в частности на основе опыта общеевропейских компетенций владения иностранным языком: изучение, преподавание, оценка (Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR) — системы уровней владения иностранным языком, используемой в Европейском Союзе. Опыт последних лет показывает, что мировое сообщество преподавателей арабского зыка не только в европейской части нашей планеты, но и в ряде арабских стран все больше склоняются к применению системы изучения, связанной с преподаванием и оценкой на основе опыта общеевропейских компетенций владения иностранным языком – CEFR. 56
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Преподаватель – профессор арабского языка Университета Лидса д-р. Раша Солиман на 17-й конференции Ассоциации языковых центров университетов в 1916 году представила доклад на тему: CEFR, применительно к преподаванию и изучению арабского языка (The Common European Framework of Reference for Arabic Language Teaching and Learning: Implementation and Challenges), в котором представила краткий экскурс в новейшую историю внедрения CEFR в учебные программы арабского языка [10; 24]. 2010 году на Ежегодном собрании MESA (Ближневосточной исследовательской ассоциации), определило результаты обучения для «основного» уровня учебной программы B1 / B2. авторы: Стив Робертсон, Кевин Бернхам и Лето Лумис. Андреа Фаччин из Университета Венеции в 2014 г. опубликовал рабочий документ о важности применения CEFR к преподаванию арабского языка. Д-р Мехмет Хакки Сучин представил документ на Первой международной конференции по преподаванию арабского языка для носителей других языков – в Стамбуле в апреле 2015 года. Д-р Мехмет работал над написанием программы для арабского языка на основе CEFR для уровней A1 и A2. Программа была основана на его интуиции и опыте того, что должно быть систематическим способом представления языковых элементов. В учебном плане основное внимание уделяется важности коммуникативных навыков и интеграции различных тем с использованием четырех языковых навыков. Бьорн Норрбом из Национального центра оценки в высшем образовании Саудовской Аравий в 2014 опубликовал статью «Арабский профиль: CEFR для арабского языка». Таким образом, CEFR приобретает все большую популярность и значимость не только для европейских языков, но и для обучения арабскому языку и системы оценки уровня владения арабским языком, как в мире, так и в арабских странах. В связи с этим, представляется важным использование объективных инструментов, учебно-методических пособий, исследований в области лингвистики, а также многолетний опыт и знания преподавателей, доцентов и профессоров ТашГУВ для обеспечения эффективного подхода к применению CEFR для арабского языка в нашем учебном заведении. Введение общеевропейской системы уровней владения языком не ограничивает возможности различных педагогических коллективов по разработке и описанию своей системы уровней и модулей обучения. В этой связи, с учетом предварительного тестирования студентов, предлагается разделение групп с первого семестра обучения в зависимости от их стартового уровня. Таким образом, предлагается концепция преподавания арабского языка в ТашГУВ, исходя из складывающихся реалий трех стартовых уровней в первый год обучения бакалавриата (А0, А1, А2), предусматривающая комплектование трехуровневых групп на первом курсе и двухуровневых (стандартные и продвинутые) групп на втором и последующих курсах бакалавриата. На первом курсе обучения, наряду с группами со стандартным и продвинутым обучением, могут создаваться группы с интенсивным обучением для достижения «отстающими учащимися» к концу второго семестра стартового порогового уровня –А-2+, для продолжения учебы на втором курсе. К концу восьмого семестра обучения возможно достижение студентами максимальных релультатов: продвинутого уровня (Advanced – B2+ – С1), а для обучающихся со стартового среднего уровня (Intermediate – В1) до профессионального уровня владения языком С1. Предлагается применение гибкого подхода к учебным программам, не исключающего корректировок в учебном процессе в зависимости от фактического стартового уровня студентов, как в сторону понижения, так и в сторону повышения уровней, преподаваемых языковых компетенций. В этой связи идет разделение вновь поступающих на первые курсы бакалавриата на группы, соответствующие их стартовым уровням. Например, слушателей, обучавшихся до поступления в бакалавариат иному, чем арабскому, иностранному языку (английский, французский, персидский и т. п.) определить в начинающую группу со стартовым уровнем А-0. Для обучавшихся арабскому языку (до поступления) в качестве второго иностранного – в продолжающую группу со стартовым уровнем «выживания» А-1 или пред пороговым – А2. Обучавшиеся арабскому языку в качестве основного иностранного языка (выпускников лицеев, средне-специальных религиозных учебных заведений со стартовым пороговым уровнем В1 – в группу с углубленным изучением арабского языка с акцентом на дальнейшее совершенствование классического арабского языка, а также развития навыков владения современным арабским языком. CEFR подчеркивает, что язык использования и пользователь языка должны быть указаны в рамках, включая домены и контексты, для которых язык изучается и учится. Как показывает практика, 57
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создается феномен, когда многие студенты владеют иностранным (в нашем случае английским) языком на достаточном уровне, чтобы пользоваться им для изучения других языков, например, арабского. В то же время показывают весьма слабый уровень владения русским языком или не владеют им даже на уровне бытового общения. Наличие учебников и учебных пособий на узбекском языке, безусловно, большая заслуга и ощутимый шаг вперед в области развития преподавания арабского языка в нашей республике на родном языке. Однако, по нашему мнению, лишение возможности использования языков посредников, в качестве вспомогательных для восприятия всех нюансов грамматики, лексики и синтаксиса арабского языка лишает обучающихся возможности пользоваться дополнительно информацией и учебной литературой, в частности для самостоятельной работы по освоению каждого языкового модуля. Узбекский язык является аффиксальным языком и в нем не существует предлогов. Арабский язык, также, как и русский, и английский является префиксальным и объяснение значений предлогов и их роли в словосочетаниях и предложениях более понятно в сравнении с их значениями в русском или английском языках. Трудности возникают также при объяснении таких словосочетаний, как «Идафа» – عاضالر. и терминов هیلر فاضملر و فاضملر. Однако, исходя из опыта преподавания данной темы студентам, очевидно, что усваимость ее намного повышается при применении описательной системы и сравнении аналогов подобного словосочетания на узбекском, русском и английском языках. Например, словосочетание « – ») سردملر باتكузб.: «ўқитувчининг китоби»; русс.: «книга учитиля»; анг.: Teacher’s book. В учебниках на узбекском языке это правило объяснется термином «мослашмаган аниқловчи», тогда как в английском варианте как «The Possessive Expression» – притяжательное выражение, в русском передается арабским словом «идафа», и переводится как «несогласованное определение». Иногда этот термин переводят как «изафетное сочетание», или обозначают латинским названием «status constructus». Практика преподавания данной темы для начинающих обучение арабскому языку показывает, что усваимость студентов этого материала была повышена посредством применения третьего языка-посредника, в данном случае – английского. Причём, объяснение данного материала как для студентов владеющих русским языком, так и не владеющих русским языком имели равные положительные результаты, благодаря сравнительного анализа арабских примеров изафетных сочетаний на примере английских словосочетаний –«Possessive Expression». Освоению материала посредством английского языка способствует также тому, что в английском языке, в отличие от узбекского и русского, существует категория определенности и неопределенности имен. Например, для объяснения примеров с определённым артиклем и без определенного артикля более доступны пониманию примеры на английском языке: 1.The house’s door ت ی بل ر ب ا ا ب 2. A house’s door ٍتی ب ب ا ا ب В первом случае слово байт с определенным артиклем «ал» преведено на английский с также с определенным артиклем. Во втором, неопределенность слова байт, выраженная танвином касра и в английском переводе предана неопределенным артиклем «a» – «an». Таким образом, как графически, так и грамматически английский перевод дает более ясное понимание разницы между употреблением هی ل إ ف اض م اв определенном и неопределенном состояниях, тогда как при переводе на русский или узбекский языки, нам бы пришлось прибегнуть к абстрактному-описательному переводу для выражения определенности, например как: Дверь вот этого (определенного дома) или Дверь какого-то (неопределенного дома) и т.п. Таким образом, как узбекская система, так и западная описательная система (в том числе русская) грамматики, сталкивается с трудностями при применении грамматических терминов. Однако, в сочетании с арабскими, узбекскими, русскими и английскими терминами объяснение преподаваемых тем и их усвоение, по нашему мнению, могут быть более эффективными. Кроме того, для студентов филологических курсов важно ориентироваться в грамматических терминах как на арабском, узбекском, русском, так и английском языках, что может послужить важным подспорьем для их дальнейшей педагогической и научной деятельности в области лингвистики. В этой связи, в качестве третьего языка – посредника (наряду с узбекским и русским языками) в обучении арабскому языку, исходя из сложившейся языковой ситуации в ТашГУВ, может быть вполне эффективно использован английский язык. 58
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Занятия были построены по принципу: «от практики к грамматике», от «простого к сложному». Обучение строилось по принципу первичности практических занятий и морфологических, грамматических и синтаксических комментариев к ним. На каждом занятии, вне зависимости от их сложности, уделялось внимание правильному произношению звуков, чтению и написанию слов и словосочетаний. Данная методика, как это показали результаты её пилотного применения его при обучении студентов указанного выше курса, привела, по нашему мнению, к положительным результатам.
Литература 1. Абдужабборов А. Араб тили. Олий ўқув юртлари талабалари учун дарслик. –Т.,2005. 2. Гранде Б.М. Курс арабской грамматики в сравнтельно-историческом освещеннии.2-е издание. – Москва. 2001. 3. Иброхимов Н., Юсупов М. Араб тили грамматикаси. – Т., 1997. 4. А.А. Ковалев, Г.Ш. Шарбатов. Учебник арабского языка. – Москва. «Восточная литература». 1998. 5. Кузьмин С. А. Учебник арабского языка для 1 курса. МГИМО. Москва 1993.; 6. Сабир ал-Машрикий, Саад ал-Хаули и Абу Увайс Махмуд. « – مّلكتلاA Comprehensive Modern Arabic Course». Каир. 2019. 7. Халидов Б.З. 2-е изд. — Ташкент: Ўқитувчи, 1977 8. Хасанов М. Абзалова М. Араб тили дарслари. – Т., 2016. 9. Dr. V. Abdur Raheem. Durûs al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah li-Ghair al-Nâtiqîna Bihâ. Part I. (غللر سورد لوالر ءزجلر اهب نیقطانلر فیغل یبفعلر. میحفلر دبع روتكدلر.) 10.
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ВЛИЯНИЕ ИНТЕГРАЦИОННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ НА РАЗВИТИЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ КАЗАХСТАН Жолумбаев Марат Копжасарович ( Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова, Кокшетау, Казахстан
Аннотация Статья посвящена анализу влияния современных интеграционных процессов, на систему профессиональной подготовки в Республике Казахстан. Ключевые слова: законодательство, интеграционные процессы, международное право, образование.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the impact of modern integration processes on the system of professional training in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Keywords: legislation, integration processes, international law, education.
Анализ современных тенденций глобализации в образовании и их результатов позволяет заключить, что глобализация образования не предполагает равноправия сторон в отношениях. Напротив, вектор двусторонних и многосторонних отношений направлен в сторону интересов технически развитых государств и транснациональных корпораций. Они обладают колоссальными интеллектуальными и финансовыми ресурсами и навязывают свои стандарты образования, свой язык и культуру общения, форматы коммуникации. Всё это нередко противоречит национальным особенностям того или иного государства, и ведет к разрушению национальной культурной основы в образовании. В среде политологов, историков, социологов такие процессы нередко связывают с так называемой «психоисторической войной». Термин «психоисторическая война» или «психоментальная война» активно разрабатывал в своих работах основатель Института психоистории Ллойд Демос. Однако более широкое распространение он получил после выхода в свет первой из семи книг (1951г.) американского писателя Айзека Азимова «Foundation» («Академия»). По мнению профессора А.И. Фурсова «психоисторическая война – это комплекс систематических, целенаправленных и долгосрочных действий, цель которых – установление контроля над психосферой общества-мишени, прежде всего над психосферой его властной и интеллектуальной элиты с постепенным выходом за рамки первичных целевых групп воздействия и последующим стиранием атакуемой психосферы и замещением ее своей» [1]. У психоисторической войны несколько уровней. Самый простой уровень информационный – это когда осуществляется фальсификация фактов. Следующий уровень 60
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концептуальный – это когда фальсификация происходит на стадии пакетирования фактов. И, наконец, последний, смысловой уровень, когда навязываются чужие смыслы. Таким образом, главная цель психоисторической войны полностью поменять модели мышления и поведения общества мишени, перекодировать его историческую идентичность1. Как говорил один из героев Орэулла: «Тот, кто контролирует прошлое, тот контролирует будущее». В качестве примера обратимся к событиям недавнего прошлого. Как известно, 19 сентября 2019 года Европарламент принял резолюцию «О важности сохранения исторической памяти для будущего Европы». Резолюция вызвала неоднозначную оценку мирового сообщества. В документе, в частности, утверждается следующее: «Вторая Мировая война, самая разрушительная война в истории Европы, была начата как непосредственный результат печально известного нацистскосоветского договора о ненападении от 23 августа 1939 года, известного также как Пакт МолотоваРиббентропа, и его секретных протоколов, в соответствии с которыми два тоталитарных режима, разделявших цель завоевания мира, разделили Европу на две зоны влияния». За резолюцию проголосовали 535 евродепутатов, 66 проголосовали против и 52 воздержались [2]. В Европе Резолюцию встретили критикой с разных сторон. Среди критикующих были коммунистические партии Италии, Австрии, Чехии, потребовавшие от своих правительств отвергнуть резолюцию. Международная федерация борцов сопротивления (FIR), Международный комитет Бухенвальд Дора и Коммандос (IKBD) выступили с развёрнутым анализом резолюции как неприемлемого оскорбления памяти жертв фашизма, преграды на пути воспитания молодёжи и строительства демократии в Европе. Немецкий сайт «Страницы для размышлений», писал по этому поводу: «Джордж Оруэлл ворочается в гробу: своей немыслимой резолюцией наши любимые депутаты в Европарламенте доказывают, что они знают европейскую историю последних десятилетий в лучшем случае фрагментарно» [3]. Резолюция носит рекомендательный характер. В то же время, учитывая, что Казахстан, ратифицировал расширенный договор о партнерстве и сотрудничестве с Европейским Союзом (вступил в силу с 01.03.2020г.), рекомендации Европарламента, гипотетически могут найти свое отражение в учебной литературе Казахстана. Тем более, что печальный опыт подобного рода у нас уже имеется. Так, в 2016 году по протесту Украины издательство «Мектеп» исправило в школьных учебниках по истории и географии информацию, где Крым указывался как «субъект Российской Федерации» [4]. Например, в выпущенном в этом издательстве учебнике «География современного мира» для 11-го класса указывается, что в соответствии с итогами референдума 16 марта 2014 года бывшие в составе Украины Автономная Республика Крым и город Севастополь вновь вошли в состав Российской Федерации в качестве ее субъекта. После ноты протеста Украины и обсуждения вопроса в МОН РК, в учебнике «История Казахстана» за восьмой класс издательства «Атамура» наряду с известными личностями казахского народа было уделено место и украинскому великому поэту Тарасу Шевченко. В 2017 году Министр информации и коммуникаций Д. Абаев назвал банальной ошибкой, не имеющей под собой никакой политической подоплеки, публикацию государственным агентством «Казинформ» карты, на которой несколько городов России, Узбекистана и КНР оказались на территории Казахстана [5]. Возвращаясь к резолюции Европарламента «О важности сохранения исторической памяти для будущего Европы», следует отметить, что 15 января 2020 года президент России в послании Федеральному Собранию вынес на обсуждение ряд конституционных изменений. Первое среди них – изменение, гарантирующее приоритет Конституции над требованиями международных договоров и решениями международных органов. На сегодняшний день конституционно-правовые предписания Российской Федерации сводятся к тому, что требования международных договоров и решения международных органов могут действовать только в той части, когда они не противоречат Конституции. Таким образом, примат международного права над правом национальным исключен. 1 В Российской Федерации в период с 2009 по 2012 годы, в соответствие с Указом главы государства, функционировала комиссия по противодействию попыткам фальсификации истории. 61
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В правовой системе Казахстана при юридической оценке способов исполнения международных обязательств доминируют признаки, так называемой «формальной» интеграции – обязательна ратификация международного акта для обеспечения его приоритета перед местными законами. Пункт 3 ст.4 Конституции Республики Казахстан, гласит: «Международные договоры, ратифицированные Республикой, имеют приоритет перед ее законами» [6]. При этом международный договор, согласно подпункта 6 ст.1 Закона РК «О международных договорах» [7] определяется как международное соглашение, заключенное Республикой Казахстан с иностранным государством (иностранными государствами) или с международной организацией (международными организациями) в письменной форме и регулируемое международным правом независимо от того, содержится такое соглашение в одном документе или в нескольких связанных между собой документах, а также независимо от его конкретного наименования. Отсюда следует, что содержащееся в законодательстве понятие «международный договор» позволяет признать решения международных организаций, членом которых является Республика Казахстан, разновидностью иных международных обязательств Республики Казахстан, которые в свою очередь, включены в систему действующего права страны (п.1 ст.4 Конституции Республики Казахстан). Означает ли это, что в случае коллизии международного и национального права государство и общество должны безоговорочно подчиниться не всегда приемлемым решениям – идеологемам международных организаций? Полагаем, что ответ на данный вопрос заложен в нормативных разъяснениях Конституционного Совета. Так, в постановлении Конституционного Совета Республики Казахстан от 7 мая 2001 года № 6/2 подтверждается принцип верховенства Конституции на территории Республики, указывается на обязательность соответствия ей международных договоров. В постановлении от 18 мая 2006 года № 2 «Об официальном толковании подпункта 7) статьи 54 Конституции Республики Казахстан» Конституционный Совет указывает, что в случае признания в установленном порядке международного договора Республики Казахстан или отдельных его положений противоречащими Конституции Республики, такой договор полностью или в части, признанной не соответствующей Конституции, не подлежит исполнению. В Нормативном постановлении Конституционного Совета Республики Казахстан от 5 ноября 2009 года № 6, закреплено, что процедура принятия обязательного для Казахстана решения международной организации или его органа должна предусматривать правовые гарантии, исключающие возможность искажения заложенной в международном договоре воли народа Казахстана, выраженной в решениях, принятых республиканским референдумом, а также в актах президента и парламента Республики при заключении и ратификации договора. Окончательный вывод Конституционного Совета состоит в том, что решения международных организаций и их органов, образуемых в соответствии с международными договорами, по общему правилу имеют приоритет перед ее законами и могут применяться непосредственно. В случае коллизии между таким решением и законодательством республики действует решение международной организации до преодоления такой коллизии. Одновременно не могут применяться непосредственно и, соответственно, иметь приоритет перед национальным законодательством решения международных организаций и их органов, ущемляющие конституционные права и свободы человека и гражданина, а также нарушающие положения Конституции о распространении суверенитета республики на всю ее территорию и недопустимости изменения установленных Конституцией унитарности, территориальной целостности государства и формы правления Республики [8, с.2]. Таким образом, не подвергая сомнению, важность интеграции образования Казахстана в мировое образовательное пространство, считаем, что в законодательстве Казахстана существует оптимальный механизм в определении баланса между общепризнанными ценностями международного права, с одной стороны, и национальными интересами – с другой. В заключении сошлемся на авторитетную позицию профессора В.Д. Зорькина, полагающего, что роль права и состоит в том, чтобы найти гармоничное сочетание национальных и глобальных интересов при очевидной необходимости, с одной стороны, осуществлять постоянную корректи62
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ровку национального законодательства в соответствии с международно-правовыми стандартами, которые признаны в соответствующих международных договорах, с другой – отстаивать в законодательстве новые специфические национальные интересы, которые соответствуют закрепленным в законодательстве коренным национальным интересам. Следовательно, речь может идти не о механическом копировании международного, западного опыта по вопросам правового регулирования в области прав и свобод граждан, а о выработке «политической и правовой толерантности в международных отношениях» при учете традиционно сложившихся национальных особенностей [9, с.31].
1. А.И. Фурсов. Психоисторическая война. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://dostoyanieplaneti. ru/4145-Psihoistopicheskaya-voyna-Andpey-Fupsov 2. Резолюция Европарламента о «сохранении исторической памяти» – спецпроект для Германии. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: 3. Европа должна помнить свое прошлое, чтобы строить свое будущее. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: 4. Украина обратилась в МИД РК с нотой протеста из-за казахстанских учебников. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: 5. Казахстан предъявил территориальные претензии к России, КНР и Узбекистану? [Электронный ресурс]. URL: 6. Конституция Республики Казахстан от 30.08.1995г. (по состоянию на 23.03.2019г.). [Электронный ресурс]. URL: 7. Закон Республики Казахстан от 30 мая 2005 года № 54-III «О международных договорах Республики Казахстан» (с изменениями и дополнениями по состоянию на 21.01.2019 г.). [Электронный ресурс]. URL: 8. Нормативное постановление Конституционного Совета Республики Казахстан от 5 ноября 2009 года № 6 «Об официальном толковании норм статьи 4 Конституции Республики Казахстан применительно к порядку исполнения решений международных организаций и их органов» // «Казахстанская правда» от 3 декабря 2009 г. № 283 (26027) 9. Зорькин В.Д. Верховенство права и конституционное правосудие // Журнал российского права. – 2005. – № 12.
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute โ ข The Kingdom of Belgium
Modern Education and Research Institute Square de Meeรปs 38-40, 1000 Brussels, Belgium +32488866865
Editorial & Reviewing Board
Dmitry Lepeshev, PhD Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Professor Abai Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan
Zayrulla Tokubayev, PhD First Vice-Rector, Professor Central Kazakhstan Academy
Elena Shumilova, PhD Professor Kuban State University
Ekaterina Tsaranok , M.A. Director Modern Education & Research Institute Design by
Ksenia Kolosova
scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium