scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
The role of training in changing public attitudes towardsthe Students with Special Educational Needs Maia Kalandarishvili ( Sn. Andrews Gerogian University Tamar Tukhashvili (, Eka Ninoshvili ( D. Uznadze Psychological-Counseling Center
Abstract The theme is about the training ,which was held at D. Uznadze Psychological-Counseling Center for students with special educational needs and the survey of the attitude of the training participants before and after the training. disorders of the students with special educational needs, there are also presented the results of a similar study conducted in Georgia .It also describes the effective impact of the training how to change the Georgian population attitude towards the students with special educational needs. Keywords: inclusive education; Special educational needs.
According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child(2006), education is a fundamental right of all children. Inclusive education is an approach that means involving a student with special educational needs in the educational process with peers. The term ,special educational need means learning difficulties or disabilities in the learning process, which is faced by the student and it’s difficult for him/her to overcome without special help. The student with special educational needs can be a student who has: a )physical disorder; b) intellectual disorder;c) sensory disturbance (hearing and / or sight); d) speech disorder; e) behavioral and emotional disorders; f) the need for long-term hospitalization; g) difficulties due to social factors and for this reason he/she is not able to overcome the requirements of the National Curriculum. The need for this research is due to the fact that in general, many people talk about raising awareness through various means of communication: media, social network, by raising competence in inclusive education (training, webinars, etc.). In fact, whether this approach has an impact on changing attitudes towards the students with special educational needs has not been discussed while doing the experiment.
Purpose and objectives of our research: 150 people participated in the study at the Dimitri Uznadze Psychological-Counseling Center. The training was named,, «Theory and Practice of Inclusive Education»). The training consisted of two parts; Theoretical, where the essence of inclusive education was discussed, developmental disorders(down syndrome, autism spectrum, attention deficit and hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD), ), intellectual development disorders, etc.; legislative case in Georgia about inclusive education regulations, exercises and discussion, which was directly related to a specific violation and etc. The duration of the theoretical part was 24 hours, 6 days, four hours a day with face-to-face contact. In the second part of the training, participants received information about the evaluation criteria, which would help to describe students’ skills in the assessment process in different areas: