July 2020 The Engineer’s guide to new products & design ideas
Farm to fork
How igus plays a vital role
10: AGVs
28: Sensor integration
Motorising an Automated Guided Vehicle
Joining the dots with sensor integration devices
July 2020 The Engineer’s guide to new products & design ideas
Editorial Comment:
Farm to fork
How igus plays a vital role
04: Coal and COVID The road to recovery
Cover Story:
06: Farm to fork How igus takes our country from farm to fork 10: AGVs
28: Sensor integration
Motorising an Automated Guided Vehicle
Joining the dots with sensor integration devices
Cover Story:
200417_9_Mill_DPA_UK_Snipe.indd 1
General Feature: 4/16/20 3:45 PM
Robert Dumayne, dry-tech Director at igus, provides an overview of how igus bearings playing a vital role in removing the risk of lubricant contamination. p.6 (Cover image: igus)
Group Editor: Paige West paige.west@imlgroup.co.uk Assistant Editor: Sophia Bell sophia.bell@imlgroup.co.uk Publisher: Andrew Quenault andrew.quenault@imlgroup.co.uk Production: Holly Reed holly.reed@imlgroup.co.uk Design: Graham Rich Design www.grahamrichdesign.co.uk Head Office: IML Group, Blair House, 184/186 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1BQ Tel: 01732 359990 E-mail: dpa@imlgroup.co.uk DPA ISSN 0965-4747 Copyright in the contents of Design Products & Applications, its websites and newsletters is the property of the publisher. The publisher and the sponsors of this magazine are not responsible for the results of any actions or omissions taken on the basis of information in this publication. In particular, no liability can be accepted in result of any claim based on or in relation to material provided for inclusion. Design Products & Applications is a controlled circulation journal, published monthly. Completed print or online registration forms will be considered for free supply of printed issues, website access and online services. Annual subscription for non-qualifying readers is UK £121, EU £215.25, Airmail £315 and single copy price is £18.60 monthly.
08: Residual stress systems
Stress relief pre-heat treatment vs. straighten/flatten post-heat treatment
Drives & Motion Control
Special Report: 10: AGVs
Motorising an Automated Guided Vehicle
12: Motion control Top five commercial challenges for machine designers
16: Drives & controllers
KEB drives and controllers used for stone and slate cutting machines
Supplement: 18: Rocket science ABB robot helps test extreme high-temperature systems
20: Actuators Electric aircraft close to take-off
22: Drones Drones take to the skies as aerospace sector targets diversification
Sensors & Transducers Technology Focus:
24: Conductivity sensors Fast and precise conductivity sensors save water and cut costs
26: Laser triangulation sensors Laser triangulation sensors measure lateral position of rail bogie wheels
28: Sensor integration
Joining the dots with sensor integration devices
Bearings & Chains Special Report: 30: Split bearings
Split bearing solution cuts conveyor maintenance costs and risks 10,000 Average net circulation Jan-Dec 2018
Circulation Tel: +44 (0)1732 359990 Email: subscriptions@imlgroup.co.uk
32: Power transmission chain You do get what you pay for…
34: Pulley bearings NSK bearings and training help woodworking machine builder make savings
35: Buyer’s guide
dpaonthenet.net 3
Editorial comment
Coal and COVID: The road to recovery W
elcome to the July issue of DPA!
At midnight on Wednesday 10th June,
UK businesses that called upon the
Britain passed a historic milestone: we
government to implement a COVID-19
officially achieved two months of coal-
recovery plan in line with its net-zero
free power generation!
emission targets.
know me: my name is Sophia and I’m
For the first time in history, renewables
“We’ve estimated that the energy sector
the new Assistant Editor of DPA! I joined
have accounted for more electricity
alone will need hundreds of thousands
the team at the beginning of March and
generated than all fossil fuels put to-
of new recruits as we work towards net
am very much enjoying delving into the
gether. According to the BBC, in 2020
zero and believe that an economic re-
engineering world.
so far, renewables have been respon-
covery with climate action at its heart
sible “for 37 percent of electricity sup-
will be key to unlocking these opportu-
For my first editorial column, I thought
plied to the network, versus 35 percent
nities,” stated National Grid CEO John
I’d investigate the impact of the pan-
for fossil fuels.”
This is a huge achievement, especial-
This suggests that combating the cli-
ly considering that just ten years ago,
mate crisis and ensuring economic
wind and solar accounted for only three
recovery may go hand in hand. If oth-
percent of the country’s electricity. A
er sectors similarly strive towards sus-
significant part of this latest break-
tainability, more jobs could be created
through can be attributed to COVID-19.
– which would ultimately help to rebuild
Since the enforcement of lockdown on
the economy in the long term.
First of all, I’d like to take the time to introduce myself to those who don’t
Sophia Bell, Assistant Editor
demic on the environment.
23rd March, Britain has seen a sharp decline in demand for energy, resulting
However, I feel that there is still a long
in the National Grid shutting down the
way to go. The government will need to
four remaining coal-fired power plants.
put in place a clear and practicable plan if we are to meet our net-zero targets.
With the ongoing devastation of the pandemic, the climate crisis may have
Nonetheless, the move towards coal-
taken a backseat in public conscious-
free generation is certainly a step in
ness, but the lockdown has paved the
the right direction in achieving a bright
way for a greener future – demonstrat-
future that will aid the much-needed
ing the feasibility of committing to a
recovery of both the economy and the
more environmentally friendly way of
planet. The question is, will the UK con-
tinue to lead the renewable revolution, now that lockdown restrictions are be-
But I wonder, how will the UK’s ap-
ing lifted?
proach to tackling climate change evolve now that we are entering an eco-
Do let us know what you think of the is-
nomic recession?
sue and if there are any specific topics you think we should be covering. Email
On 1st June 2020, the National Grid
me at sophia.bell@imlgroup.co.uk.
was among more than 200 leading
Connect with us on LinkedIn. Join us on Twitter.
4 dpaonthenet.net
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Cover story: Farm to fork
How igus takes our country from farm to fork
The Farm to Fork Strategy aims to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable food system that should have a neutral or positive environmental impact. It is one of the reasons why lubrication-free tribopolymer bearings are quickly displacing their traditional metallic counterparts in farming equipment, through to food processing and packaging machines. Robert Dumayne, drytech Director at igus, provides an overview of how igus bearings play a vital role in removing the risk of lubricant contamination. 6 dpaonthenet.net
Automating manual tasks to increase productivity and throughput is a given in high-volume manufacturing, such as the automotive industry. Today, modular, low-cost automation is enabling other industries to automate manual tasks with a good return on investment – this is particularly so in the food production sector with vertical farming as well as traditional agriculture. This is driven by environmental
Cover story: Farm to fork considerations, such as the requirement for the elimination of external lubricant and the necessity of low energy production. iglidur bearings and liners are based on thermoplastic polymers that ensure good basic resistance to wear. Fibres and filling materials increase the bearing’s mechanical load-carrying capacity. Most importantly, they do not require any external lubrication as solid lubricants form part of the homogenous structure made up of millions of microscopic particles. The plain bearings release tiny amounts of solid lubricants during movement to lubricate the immediate surrounding area sufficiently. iglidur A160 and iglidur A181 are blue materials that are visually detectable to comply with EU regulation 10/2011 and the requirements of the FDA. Both materials have high wear-resistance, low moisture absorption and resistance to chemicals. iglidur A160 has good chemical resistance, which also makes it resistant to aggressive cleaning agents. iglidur A181, on the other hand, is suitable for use on stainless steel shafts and in applications involving pivoting and rotating movements. Developed specifically for food contact, iglidur FC 180 and igumid FC materials are also visually detectable by their blue colour, as well as by metal detectors. In case of damage, broken pieces can be quickly detected and removed. Even the smallest fragments of 0.0139g (iglidur FC180) or 0.015g (igumid FC) can still be identified on a conveyor belt when passing through a metal detector.
The isense bearing range comprises a number of materials, including iglidur A180, as well as the heavy-duty bearing iglidur Q2E for use in agricultural engineering, the all-rounder iglidur G, the endurance runner iglidur J and iglidur P210 for pivoting and rolling applications. In the field, where there is always a lot of dust, igus linear gantries (which feature iglidur bearings) are used in automated planting, picking, weeding and sowing. The fact that the bearings are resistant to media and require no maintenance ensures maximum uptime all year round. On food assembly lines, igus linear robots are used for the automated application of metered products, such as mayonnaise or tomato sauce. This not only maintains product consistency, but it also minimises product cost. In food production machines, bottling lines, packaging systems and knifeedge conveyors iglidur materials are used as the roller bearing. On conveyor tables, xiros bearings made from iglidur B180 are used in the ball transfer units. Stainless steel balls inside allow smooth running and absorb loads of up to 500N. Aside from bearings, the TH3 series of hygienic design energy chains are deployed on food processing and packaging machines. They feature rounded corners and simple, threadless connections to prevent dead spaces where debris and germs can build-up.
Its design avoids surfaces lying on top of each other, which prevents plastic on plastic abrasion and material wear. The blue material is also highly resistant to aggressive cleaning agents and chemicals. Every year, igus also carries out not only 1,000 customer-specific tests in its test laboratory but also more than 4,000 tests of its energy chains and over 12,000 tests of its plain bearing products. The results of all tests are fed into a database and, as a result, igus provides its customers with around 40 different web tools, such as the online product finder and the service life calculator. Therefore, users are always able to find the most suitable solution that improves the technical performance of their equipment while reducing costs. They can rely on tested and safe components in their machines and systems. www.igus.co.uk/food
About the author: Rob Dumayne is dry-tech Director at igus, responsible for the development and management of the drytech technology roadmap in the UK. Disciplined in Mechanical Engineering, responsibilities during his 21-year career with igus started in internal technical sales, which developed into project engineering and systems, and then design work, including new product development and testing.
With the use of intelligent technology called isense – a monitoring system which accurately measures wear and reports back to a master controller – igus can offer predictive maintenance. Having a system that can predict any required maintenance before failure helps reduce unscheduled maintenance and downtime. This capability is especially useful in areas with minimal direct human operation. It also creates more efficient production and maximises productivity by minimising downtime, allowing companies to remain competitive and keep costs down.
dpaonthenet.net 7
General feature: Residual stress systems
Stress relief pre-heat treatment vs. straighten/ flatten post-heat treatment M
ost engineering components have a residual stress system. Such systems are inherent in bar stock, plates, and, to some extent, in forgings and castings. While the residual stress system can be modified by removal of material, further forming of the raw material, and heat treatment processes, modification invariably leads to distortion or cracking. “Distortion may be rectified by straightening or flattening operations. However, there is always a risk of breakage or cracking with such operations,” cautions Roger Haw, Managing Director of Flame Hardeners Ltd. Problems associated with changes of residual stress systems are often found in the heat treatment of rollers, shafts,
Problems arising from distortion during
es the risk of cracking. It is necessary to
and pins – together with items such as
treatment can be minimised by stress-
heat the component to a temperature in
gear rings, bearing rings, guide bars,
relieving at intermediate machining stag-
the range of 180-250°C and to keep it at
machine tool beds and press brake
es, and correct jigging during heat treat-
such a temperature for as long as possi-
ment. This can eliminate the requirement
ble. Larger objects may require several re-
for straightening after heat treatment.
heats during the straightening operation.
Modern machining techniques have
It’s a relatively low-cost heat treatment
led to increased rates of metal removal
operation, undertaken under controlled
“Over many years of processing compo-
and, in many cases, use of bar stock to
parameters and often giving a predicta-
nents that may distort, we have reached
produce complex machined parts from
ble response, whereas straightening and
the conclusion that it is far more econom-
which 50 percent or more of the original
flattening are risky operations due to the
ical to stress-relieve at an intermediate
material volume has been removed.
high risk of cracking or breakage.
machining stage prior to heat treatment
“Cases have been seen where, for the
“Economically, the cost of stress-reliev-
it is to straighten or flatten following heat
benefit of expedient delivery of cylin-
ing can be easily estimated and includ-
treatment. A component that cannot be
drical items, such as rollers and piston
ed in the overall estimate of cost for the
straightened or flattened is just a piece of
rods, available bar stock has been used
component,” continues Haw. “The cost
scrap – and often a very expensive piece
which can be 20 percent greater than the
of straightening is not easily estimated
of scrap,” Haw concludes.
diameter required. Gear shafts, which
as the degree of any distortion to be cor-
may have been made from forgings
rected cannot be easily assessed.”
to minimise or eliminate distortion than
some years ago, are now manufactured
Your specialist heat treatment contractor can often assist you at the design stage
from bar stock and diameters of the
For larger diameters of rollers, piston rods,
by recommending suitable treatment
length of a shaft can vary by as much as
guide bars etc., warm straightening is the
200 percent,” Haw elaborates.
most desirable process, as this makes actual straightening easier and minimis-
8 dpaonthenet.net
Drinking Water Analysis simplified. Type 8905 packs up to six sensors in one compact casing, and up to sixty on one customised panel! This saves space, time and money – during installation, operation and maintenance. The online analysis system can be modularly fitted with miniaturized analysis cubes – during operations with hot swap functionality. Each transmitter cube registers itself on the system through auto-addressing and transmits reliable measurement data even with minimal sample water flow.
Not sure if this is the right solution for your application? Contact us with a view to trialling our Type 8905 and to see for yourself why water municipalities around the world are choosing this compact, modular, and repeatable system for their process and water quality monitoring.
We make ideas flow.
Get in touch Call us at +44 (0) 1285 648720 or email sales.uk@burkert.com
Feature: Automated Guided Vehicles
Motorising an Automated Guided Vehicle A
utomated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are most often used in industrial applications to transport heavy materials around warehouses or factories. It is critical AGVs don’t fail. The choice of motorisation is key. If you’re thinking about motorising an AGV, maxon has five fundamental points to bear in mind:
1. Choose compact motorisation Being compact is an important factor in warehouses – in the machinery used and the storage solutions themselves. Customer demands have increased, and 24-hour delivery is becoming the norm. As things stand, warehouses can no longer afford to be far from major
2. Focus on true plug-andplay solutions
program everything online in just a few clicks. That way, the motor is config-
delivery areas. The price per m2 on the
Essentially, robots were designed to
ured to suit you and is delivered ready
outskirts of a town is not the same as it
help humans, and motorising an AGV
to use.
is in the middle of the countryside, so
is no exception. maxon’s IDX compact
logistics firms are opting for high-rack
drives have multiple connectivity op-
Motors with integrated electronics can
storage solutions. This means they
tions and are adjustable to suit individ-
be managed remotely because they are
need ergonomic robots that can move
ual needs. When you plug in the IDX
connected. The communication buses
vertically and reach required heights.
drive it works immediately, because
used can communicate with the Eth-
However, it is difficult, if not impossi-
they are delivered pre-programmed – a
erCAT and CANopen systems and, in
ble, to have a compact AGV if the mo-
true plug-and-play solution.
the future, with IoT networks too. Ro-
tor is bulky. Therefore, it is essential to
bots can, therefore, be programmed
choose compact motorisation. Drives
When you place an order for an IDX
by computer and controlled remotely,
must also be able to fit into restricted
motor, you define all the parameters
which makes maintenance much sim-
spaces, as they are sometimes inte-
you need through an online configura-
pler. This means you can work at one
grated into existing trucks. A small foot-
tor – how the product communicates,
time on your entire fleet of AGVs, to run
print is a major issue for applications in
what cables are needed, the electronics
diagnostics or carry out an update, for
you choose, the motor power, whether
or not you want a brake, etc. You can
10 dpaonthenet.net
Feature: Automated Guided Vehicles 3. Prioritise safety AGVs operate in close proximity to operators, staff and other AGVs. It is necessary to maintain safe human/machine interaction, encompassing all of the safety measures. Robots have movement and optical sensors, allowing them to detect the presence of humans and avoid any risk of
collision. This safety-oriented approach also applies to motorisation. To avoid any danger from overheating, for instance, IDX drives have two integrated temperature sensors, one inside the motor and the other within the electronics. If there is a problem, the motor is secured immediately, without waiting until the whole envelope has overheated. Most motors on the market lack this responsiveness because they have sensors only for the electronics. The motorisation of AGVs can be a technical challenge. To meet customer needs, maxon has designed a compact motor, with performance 25 percent better than its competi-
tors, while keeping pricing competitive. t
4. Base the design on modularity
Not all AGVs do the same job. Some will carry loads of one tonne or more, while others will lift loads of around 100kg; some will travel in a straight line, while others will have an integrated steering function.
er or not a brake or an encoder is required.
choose the type of motor and communication, as well as the power rating, electronics, connectivity, protection rating of the motor, and wheth-
1 0
Motorisation requirements vary with each application, and that is why it’s essential to have a modular solution as a base. It’s imperative to
Brake active
Safety over
All these parameters can be easily configured online. maxon’s configuration tool allows customers to benefit from highly organised production that can develop a drive solution to match requirements in just 19 days.
5. Opt for fast delivery Today, responsiveness is fundamental and expected as standard. max-
on is well aware of the challenges in the AGV sector and guarantees delivery of IDX solutions in 19 days. Irrespective of how you use your AGV, with maxon’s capabilities and tooling, you can be sure you will have the right motorisation. https://idx.maxongroup.com/idx/index
SAFETY FEATURES without Position feedback - highly flexible 0.75 to 400 kW FOR ALL MOTORS – ONE DEVICE Inc. ASM, PM, IPM & SRM, with speeds up to 45,000 rpm SAFETY IO ON BOARD 3 x 2 channel input 2 x 2 channel output SAFETY RELAY with positively driven contact
Automation with Drive
KEB (UK) Ltd. 5 Morris Close Park Farm Industrial Estate Wellingborough NN8 6XF Tel: 01933 402220 E-Mail: info@keb.co.uk
dpaonthenet.net 11
Feature: Motion control Design engineers are now looking for smaller components that are convenient to store and more efficient. (Image courtesy of Thomson Industries, Inc.)
Top five commercial challenges for machine designers F
rom benchtop laboratory automation to plant floor material handling to heavy-duty construction vehicles, motion control system users are under constant pressure to differentiate in an increasingly commoditised marketplace.
technology has enabled miniature linear motion components to be produced more efficiently to meet the needs of these machines. Those designing factory systems want to
Profile rails are one of the components in high demand for prototyping use by design engineers. (Image courtesy of Thomson Industries, Inc.)
Many are looking to their control com-
help customers make better use of limit-
ponent vendors for help. They are say-
ed floor space or present a cleaner, more
ing they need more functionality in less
open workspace. Even makers of larger
space. They need to deliver prototypes
equipment may want more efficient use
and products faster than ever. They want
of space so they can incorporate tech-
maximum control and flexibility over
nology that improves operating efficien-
price points and need everything to work
cy or safety, or offer other benefits that
together seamlessly. The motion control
might differentiate them in their markets.
industry has evolved in response to such requests and is committed to delivering
In the interest of meeting these space
new capabilities to help them add value
requirements, manufacturing technology
improvements have allowed for smaller products to be produced more efficiently,
Here are five current commercial chal-
enabling design engineers to incorpo-
lenges in which motion control innovation
rate more functionality into smaller form
can make a difference.
factors. Miniature ball screws, motorised linear actuators, motorised lead screws
1. Meeting the demand for smaller products
and linear bearings are increasingly be-
Small system designers want to go even
plications. In addition, electromechanical
smaller. They strive for systems that are
actuators have become more capable
more compact, and easier to carry and
of replacing the pumps, compressors,
store. Many of their customers want to
delivery systems, and other space-con-
move analytical or monitoring instru-
suming technology essential for hydrau-
ments closer to the point of use. This is a
lic and pneumatic actuation.
perfect example of where manufacturing
12 dpaonthenet.net
ing chosen for use in smaller-scale ap-
Feature: Motion control Embedding electronics into motion control products, such as smart linear actuators, makes for an even more space-friendly solution by supporting network communications, position monitoring and other functionalities that previously required external devices. Internal electronics also eliminate complex wiring, which is prone to forming bulky, unsightly clusters. These
latest actuators now connect to power sources and communications networks with just a few wires.
2. Faster prototyping As competitive pressures mount, demand for faster delivery of more personalised equipment heightens. Effective prototyping is important to many solutions, as designers typically must try various component options before settling on the one that best suits their application. Advanced modelling technology, such as 3D metal-based printers and simulation software, gives designers more flexibility and greater speed, but this enhanced modelling capability also puts the motion control components on the critical path. Whilst designers in the past may have been comfortable waiting six to eight weeks for a component, today they might need it in days. This need for speed is driving changes at the component manufacturing level. Some manufacturers reengineered processes to be able to offer nextday turnaround on one-off items for prototyping use. Some are increasing their inventory of the components most often in demand in prototyping initiatives. The distribution channels are also getting involved, increasing their stocking of inventory for components commonly used in prototyping.
3. Holistic component selection and integration Critical to increasing time to market is selecting the right components and integrating them optimally for maximum accuracy, precision, straightness,
noise level and other performance characteristics. The challenge is that motion control optimisation is complex. Although there are many system designers with the expertise necessary for selecting motion control products, many of them are closer to retirement than college. Replacing them will not be easy – partially because there are limited schools that train mo-
tion control engineers. Recruits are typically from either electrical or mechanical engineering disciplines. Their motion control expertise must be nurtured on the job. Less experienced design engineers might know what kind of speed or straightness they need but may not be familiar with the capability of their motion control components to meet their requirements. Someone design-
ing a patient table, for example, may know the decibel level they must achieve for compliance with industry standards or regulations but may not know how their choice of ball screw would affect the noise level or even the “quality” of noise. The electrical engineer may come at it from the electrical
To avoid under-designing or system problems, engineers will need to collect appropriate data that separate quality motion control components from inferior products. (Image courtesy of Thomson Industries, Inc.)
Packaging Machinery
Theatre Systems
Metall Processing
Textile Machinery
Process Engineering
Lift & Escalators
Wood Working
Wind Power
Plastics Machinery
Automation with Drive
KEB (UK) Ltd. 5 Morris Close Park Farm Industrial Estate Wellingborough NN8 6XF Tel: 01933 402220 E-Mail: info@keb.co.uk
dpaonthenet.net 13
Feature: Motion control a deciding factor. An equipment manufac-
neer from a more physical perspective,
4. Balancing component cost with the total cost of ownership
but neither may have enough experience
Although machine designers want to have
market, for example, may have more ap-
to appreciate the subtle interactions of all
the highest quality components for their
preciation of the value of the total cost of
components. To compensate for such,
systems, they don’t necessarily want parts
ownership over the long term. If purchase
designers may over-design, specifying
that will outlive the machine. Putting a mo-
price were the sole factor, they might opt
more capability than may be required
tion control component that is designed
for a pneumatic or hydraulic actuator solu-
and then optimising on the bench. How-
to last 20 years into a system that may
tion over an intelligent electromechanical
About the author:
ever, this can unnecessarily increase
be obsolete in five years does not make
solution. However, when other factors such
Markus Brändle is the Product Line Specialist, EMEA & ASIA Region, Screws and Linear Bearings & Guides at Thomson Industries, Inc. He has worked to run and push the ball screw and linear bearings & guides business within Europe and Asia since 2017. He aids in assisting sales and customer support with technical product training. His role also involves on-site training with engineering groups, such as OEMs and distribution customers.
time to market and production costs.
good business or engineering sense. As
as reliability, uptime, footprint and mainte-
perspective and the mechanical engi-
turer that sells many products to the rental
the component market matures, designers
nance are figured in, the electromechanical
The increasing importance of holistic
who take the time to shop can find a prod-
solution has much greater benefit.
system design, combined with the short-
uct that suits their needs and their budget
age of motion control experts, is all the
but using proper judgement requires a
more reason to involve motion control
greater understanding of motion control
5. Continuously adding product value
vendors early in the process. They have
systems – not less.
Probably the greatest commercial chal-
more experience with the impact of in-
lenge OEMs face is one they share with
tegration in multiple applications and, if
A designer driven only by economics is
the component manufacturer: understand-
consulted upfront, can save significant
more likely to under-design rather than
ing what the market will buy and how to
time and money. For engineers who pre-
over-design. Although testing will tell them
differentiate in delivering it. Many motion
fer to go it on their own, however, some
whether their design will meet the required
control users are looking to the increased
vendors are now helping via online con-
specifications in the near term, they typi-
capabilities offered by connected products
figuration tools. Thomson Industries, for
cally cannot test for the full life of all com-
that share data in the cloud as a promising
example, offers an online tool that can
ponents and will implement a shortened
opportunity for strategic differentiation.
help reduce optimal product selection
test procedure. This will not always provide
from hours to minutes. This can be found
enough data to differentiate a higher quali-
One major medical device manufacturer,
at www.linearmotioneering.com. Design
ty motion control component from a lower
for example, has put the Industrial Internet
engineers can now select the most suit-
cost/inferior designed product, which no
of Things (IIoT) at the centre of its busi-
able product for their application from
one discovers until they encounter prob-
ness strategy. The system records data
Thomson’s collection of online tools,
lems down the road.
on machine performance, and the status
which contains different product families
of its components and system errors is
from linear actuators to ball/lead screws
There are, however, many applications in
detected. In conventional systems, us-
and gearheads.
which the total cost of ownership can be
ing this data required a trained technician to tap into the machine, read the log files
Selecting the right components is very crucial for a design engineer. For example, there are various types/ sizes of ball screws and each one can affect the noise level in a different way. (Image courtesy of Thomson Industries, Inc.)
and manually schedule maintenance repair based on parts that need to be ordered. With their connected machines, those log files are securely uploaded for analysis and planning from just about any location. The motion control industry is going down this avenue as well, gearing up to help such companies integrate motion technology into their connected solutions. Toward this end, motion control vendors have added – and are continuously improving – the onboard intelligence of components, giving them the computational capability and communications necessary to participate in connected strategies. Whether it is connected systems or something else, the motion control industry stands poised to support OEM innovation with the right motion control performance at the right price. www.thomsonlinear.com
14 dpaonthenet.net
Streamlining power design N
ew and emerging devices are integrating USB-C interfaces for versatile, fast and efficient charging. Power specialist Relec responds to the demand with the addition of two compact, efficient and rugged power supplies.
The drive to design more compact products
models operate at ambient temperatures of 0
is causing developers to rethink power
to +40°C. The rugged power supplies have a
management and integration. The USB-C
MTBF greater than 100, 000 hours.
connector has been eagerly adopted by a multitude of product designers because of its
The EA1045 measures just 100mm x 45mm
small form factor and versatility. Not only is data
and dimensions for the EA1062 Series power
transfer faster than earlier USB formats, but it is
supplies are 113mm x 47.4mm. Both are just
versatile. The interface allows a single cable to
31mm high. All models are CE and FCC-
deliver data, audio, video and power, to meet the multiple end uses consumers expect in the space constrained designs they demand.
certified and qualified to UL/cUL 62368-1 TUV USB-C PD streamlines power charging for portable devices, from laptops to phones, using a single cable.
EN62368-1 and CB IEC 62368-1. The compact, rugged power supplies are
USB-C Power Delivery (PD) is the emerging
One of the principal ideas behind USB-C PD is
available now from Relec Electronics, the
protocol for power which is gaining popularity
to offer commonality of the power supply across
specialist in power conversion and display
because it offers fast, flexible charging of USB-C-
different products. One size fits all if you like!
products based in Wareham, Dorset.
enabled devices.
Historically the choice of power supply meant there were literally thousands of different options
The EA1045 and EA1062 ranges of USB-C PD
The Power Delivery (PD) specification
for different equipment. Some products ran from
power supplies are produced by Edac Power,
‘communicates’ between two devices to establish
ac, whilst others from dc. You then had to select
a pioneer in the design and manufacture of
the amount of power that is needed from the
an operating voltage, which might be anywhere
ac-dc and dc-dc plugtop and desktop power
charger. This is configurable and ranges from
from 5V to 48V, and power rating. Then what
supplies range from 30W to 200W.
5V to 20V for laptops, notebooks and mobile
connector to use, where you could stipulate,
barrel size, length, locking mechanism and finally
As a UK franchised distributor for Edac, Relec
polarity. USB-C PD has been developed to bring
Electronics can guide customers and designers
all of that to an end.
in the selection of an external power supply to
The history of USB Following USB-A, micro, mini and USB-B and
ensure they end up with a reliable, cost effective
Apple’s Lightning connector types, USB-C has
and fit for purpose solution.
been used in a variety of products, including Android devices as well as some of the latest
A legacy of design support
MacBook models. The reversible USB-C
Relec Electronics has been supplying plugtop
connector is easy to use; because it is not
and desktop power supplies for over 40 years.
polarised, it can connect whichever way up it is
The specialist prides itself on offering the best
used. It is small enough for use with handheld
EA1045 and EA1062 power supplies
devices while supporting high data transfer rates
Edac’s EA1045 Series and the EA1062 Series
and sufficient power to run larger devices.
both cover the 100-240Vac input range and
Relec Electronics is a specialist in power
provides USB-C PD compliant outputs of
conversion and display products, representing
leading brand names including Mornsun in
One of the key features of USB-C is that it supports the new power standard, Power
solution for each application.
power conversion alongside Bel Power, Chinfa,
Delivery or PD. PD is a universal standard
Both USB-C PD-compliant power supplies have
Cotek and Premium with key display partners,
whereby a conversation is established between
a reversible 24-pin USB-C connector system
Digiwise and RockTouch.
two connected devices to establish the voltage
which can deliver 5V, 9V, 15V or 20V from the
and power requirements needed by the device
same power source. Both series also have an
Relec’s team of specialist advisers can refine
from the power supply.
LED indicator and both incorporate short circuit,
an initial specification for a given application to
over-voltage, over-current and over-temperature
include bespoke features to meet the needs of
(optional) protection.
a particular design or project.
The 30-45W EA1045 and 60W EA1062 Series
PD power devices can typically deliver any one of four output voltages: 5, 9, 15 or 20V, depending on the requirements of the connected load.
dpaonthenet.net 15
Feature: Drives & controllers
KEB drives and controllers used for special-purpose stone and slate cutting machines
EB Automation has supplied a variety of drives and control equipment to Machines & Controls Ltd for use on specialpurpose cutting machines for stone tiles and roof slates. KEB provided a complete solution from a single source and gave engineering support throughout the machine design and building process.
KEB Automation, as they were able to provide all the drives, controllers, gear motors and HMIs from a single source and were willing to provide engineering support through the machine design and build phases, which you don’t always get from other suppliers,” says Wilson.
Based in Shropshire, Machines & Con-
5-axis CNC sawing machine that cuts
The stone façade cutting machine
trols Ltd is a small, privately-owned
stone tiles and cladding for buildings.
For the 5-axis stone façade cutting ma-
business. Established in 2018, it spe-
Around the same time, we also received
chine, KEB supplied four COMBIVERT
cialises in the design and build of spe-
an order from another customer for two
S6 drives, four servo motors, two gear
cial-purpose machines, including robot-
special-purpose cutting machines for
motors and a COMBIVERT F5 inverter.
ics and associated controls.
roof slates.”
All the control equipment is housed in a
Alex Wilson, Managing Director at Ma-
Both types of machine required a range
chines & Controls Ltd, states, “In 2018,
of drives and control equipment, so Alex
we received an order for a stone façade
Wilson conducted a thorough supplier
With dimensions of approximately 3m
cutting machine. The machine is a
evaluation process. “In the end, I chose
square by 2m in height, the machine
control cabinet which has an integrated
16 dpaonthenet.net
HMI touchscreen display from KEB.
Feature: Drives & controllers build stages of the project, which was
Drives, controllers and gear motors
crucial for us. We delivered the machine
Compact, flexible and powerful, the COM-
to the customer in February 2019, who
BIVERT S6 range of servo drives is suitable
is extremely happy with it. Since install-
for a wide range of highly dynamic servo
ing the machine, the customer has re-
applications, including highly automated,
ported no issues at all.”
safety-oriented machines. The drives pro-
KEB’s support through the design and
vide optimal motor control in real time and
The two slate cutting machines
integrated safety functionality. They are
The two identical slate cutting machines,
book-style format for easier mounting in
which have dimensions of around 2m x
control cabinets where space can be limit-
1m square, are inclined at 30 degrees
ed. The COMBIVERT S6 range is 100 per-
and comprise a pair of conveyors, each
cent in-house designed and built by KEB.
driven by a KEB servo gear motor. The
The drives are available in two different
conveyors pass over two cutter blades,
enclosure sizes across motor power siz-
which cut (‘hammer’) the slate to size.
es from 0.75kW up to 5.5kW or electrical
KEB COMBIVERT S6 drives control the
currents from 2.6A to 12.0A, with overload
position of the upper cutting blades, with
to 250 percent. The drives can be custom-
two KEB servo motors driving the cutter
ised with a variety of design options to suit
heads. All controls for the two machines
the specific application. Safety functional-
are housed in a single control cabinet
ity can be selected from three modules to
with operator control joysticks.
suit the requirements of the machine.
“On both machine projects, I was par-
In combination with its control systems
ticularly impressed with KEB in terms of
and drive controllers, KEB also offers a
their technical capabilities and engineer-
range of servo motors and geared motors,
ing support. They have been very helpful
including three-phase motors, servo mo-
and have always responded promptly
tors, helical geared motors, shaft mounted
when I’ve needed support on resolving
helical geared motors, helical worm geared
any issues. I look forward to working
motors and helical bevel geared motors.
also designed in a compact, space-saving
with KEB on future machine projects,” Wilson concludes.
comprises two conveyor bands with a bridge over them and two 4kW powered saw blades in the X-Y axis. As the stone is moved down the conveyor, the saw blades can be programmed to add chamfers and slots in the stone. Each saw blade has two axes of motion (up and down/in and out). The machine is fairly low speed (up to 1.5 metres per minute) but is precise and accurate. Two KEB gear motors drive the conveyor bands. Four KEB servo motors (two per head) move the cutting heads. A KEB COMBIVERT F5 inverter controls the two geared motors for the conveyors. The machine is totally enclosed by protective guarding. As Wilson explains, “All the control programs were written by KEB using its COMBIVIS software. This meant we had
dpaonthenet.net 17
Supplement: Aerospace
It is rocket science:
ABB robot helps test extreme hightemperature systems A
testing system designed to help with the development of components for jet engines and other hightemperature systems is 30 percent faster, thanks to a nimble ABB IRB 1200 robot. The developers predict that the new system could reduce the testing and development cycle from weeks to days.
London-based start-up Sensor Coating Systems (SCS) successfully completed the Automated Robotic REadout SysTem (ARREST) project. During this project, an automated readout system for SCS’s thermal mapping technology was developed. In this way, the company’s novel technique
Hygienic Design Extra cleanliness guaranteed
Supplement: Aerospace allows engineers to access temperature
and irregular surfaces. SCS offers this
test data in a faster and more accurate way
technology as a service and manufacturers
than previously possible.
send their components to the company for testing.
SCS’s technology measures the maximum surface temperatures experienced
According to Dr Jörg Feist, Managing Di-
by components in harsh high-temperature
rector at SCS, the key features that make
environments, such as aircraft engines,
the IRB 1200 ideal for this unusual appli-
gas turbines or automotive engines. The
cation include its combination of compact
unique SCS approach uses a coating that
components, which the robot then uses to
size and good reach, as well as the relative
luminesces when excited by a laser, with
calculate the optimum pattern of measure-
ease with which it can be programmed to
the luminescent light emitted relating di-
ment points across the surface.
work through non-standard patterns of
rectly to the peak exposure temperature
motion, rather than carrying out the kind
experienced by the coating. In effect, the
This approach is almost one-third faster
of repetitious movements typically called
coatings can ‘remember’ any temperature
than the previous, gantry-based test pro-
for on a production line. ARREST required
within the range of 150 and 1500°C. The
cedure. The increased agility of the robotic
SCS to develop a sophisticated algorithm
digitised temperature data is plotted on a
system makes it easier to access the com-
to compute the different moves that the
3D CAD model of the analysed compo-
plete surface of complex components,
robotic arm must make to reach all the
nent, generating a thermal map.
where the laser and optical probe might
measurement points efficiently – without
have previously struggled to reach.
any collisions or unnecessary moves.
Understanding exactly how heat is distributed across components working under
During the test process, SCS uses the ABB
“We are very pleased with the outcome of
extreme conditions helps engineers to de-
robot to guide the laser around the test
this project,” Dr Feist states. “The robotic
sign more environmentally friendly engines
subject and record the coating’s response
system adds more cutting-edge technolo-
with improved combustion efficiency and
with an optical probe. It systematically
gy to our sensing portfolio. Furthermore, it
reduced emissions. It will also help spot
builds up a detailed map of the surface –
will enhance our capabilities in future pro-
potential problems, thus improving engine
complete with the historical temperature
jects to provide temperature data more ef-
efficiency and safety, as well as prolonging
profile – from a series of points. SCS then
ficiently on highly complex components.”
the life of critical systems.
feeds the data into a 3D CAD model of the component to generate a thermal map.
“We are excited that ABB Robotics
Before adopting the robot, SCS used a
has been chosen to be part of such a
gantry system to move the test subject
The project was co-funded by Innovate
ground-breaking project and we hope to
around in the path of the laser. Now, the
UK, part of UK Research and Innova-
work again with SCS as their business
test subject remains stationary while the
tion, through the Government’s Industrial
continues to grow in future,” says Ian
robotic arm rapidly moves the laser in a
Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF). After 18
Schofield, Account Manager of ABB.
carefully calculated pattern to build up the
months of R&D, the complete system was
map. SCS typically primes the system by
successfully tested and demonstrated us-
feeding in 3D CAD drawings of the test
ing real engine components with complex
NEW: Hygienic Design
air/water heat exchanger
Ian Schofield trained as an Electrical/ Electronics engineer and spent his formative years designing and commissioning industrial control systems for highspeed packaging lines in the Food & Beverage industry. From various project and business development roles in engineering companies, Ian has over 25 years of experience in the sales and execution of bespoke automation and robotic solutions to a diverse range of industries. Ian is committed to helping UK manufacturing become more competitive and effective through robotic automation.
The Rittal hygiene standards for maximum productivity
About the author:
Significant savings on detergents and disinfectants More productivity, thanks to reduced cleaning times Comprehensive system solution, comprised of an enclosure plus climate control, up to a protection category of IP 54 and IP 69K Greater reliability, thanks to DGUV testing
Supplement: Aerospace Rolls-Royce, Airbus and Siemens are working on the E-Fan X programme
Electric aircr close to take-o T
echnology is being developed that could see electric aircraft in our skies within just 10 years. David Latimer, Chief Executive Officer of Magnomatics, explores how pressure to reduce noise and carbon dioxide emissions is driving the innovations that will make this possible. It is fast becoming a matter of when,
As in the automotive sector, the aviation
the sub-systems and components re-
industry is turning to electric and hybrid
quired. The firm says it should provide
technology to reduce environmental
fuel savings of at least 30 percent. It
impact, as a future without jet fuel be-
should fly in 2022 and is forecast to be
comes a real possibility.
ready for regional airliners by the mid2020s.
For example, Rolls-Royce, Airbus and Siemens are working on the E-Fan X
Moving to electric aircraft would help
programme, which will have a two-meg-
the aviation sector meet EU targets of a
awatt (2MW) electric motor mounted on
60 percent reduction in CO2 emissions,
a BAE 146 jet. It is set to fly in 2021.
90 percent less NOx and 75 percent
rather than if, a short-haul electric aircraft
less noise by 2050. The technology
will take to our skies. The pace of inno-
United Technologies, which includes
would see batteries put inside a plane’s
vation is accelerating as more organisa-
engine-maker Pratt & Whitney in its
wings instead of being slung under-
tions bring their research and develop-
portfolio, is working on its Project 804,
neath them, making the aircraft more
ment resources to the goal of creating
a hybrid electric demonstrator de-
the all-electric aircraft.
signed to test a 1MW motor as well as
20 dpaonthenet.net
Supplement: Aerospace Most large aircraft currently use hydraulics, but these systems are inefficient and carry the risk of leaking potentially harmful fluids. Magnomatics has been working with collaborators Triumph Aerospace, Romax and the University of Sheffield to develop a highly reliable and compact flight aircraft control surface actuator. For the more-electric aircraft, existing electromechanical actuator systems – both rotary and linear – are prone to
cations on unstable aircraft where a high
mechanical jamming events caused by
bandwidth is required.
failures in the mechanical drivetrain. For example, the mechanical gearbox in the
The low inertia and inherent torque fuse
rotary topology and the screw/gearbox in
also protect the actuator system from
the linear topologies.
jams or impacts. Rather than failing, the magnetic gear in the PDD simply slips
raft off
These failures can be caused by a combi-
until the problem is removed. This takes
nation of shock loads, such as wind gusts
place without damaging the system com-
or object strikes, and the kinetic energy in
ponents, which means other actuator
the rotor of the high-speed motor driving
components, such as end stops, can be
the actuator. The large mechanical gear
light-weighted, bringing further benefits
ratio employed between the motor and
for this type of actuation system.
the control surface has the benefit of reducing the volume/mass of the actuator
This slipping function has already shown
motor but increases the kinetic energy
to be of great benefit in difficult applica-
stored in the output rotor of the electrical
tions in other sectors. In the oil and gas
sector, a pump driven by a Magnomatics magnetic gear has been installed in a par-
Magnomatics has designed, built and
ticularly difficult oil well in California, by
tested a number of prototype electric
artificial lift specialist ZiLift, which is based
motors as part of the Electro-Mechanical
in Aberdeen. This pump ran continuously
Magnetic Actuator Systems (EMMAS)
for over two years whilst previous installa-
project. The electric motors use Magno-
tions were failing after just 30 days.
matics’ proprietary Pseudo Direct Drive (PDD) technology.
All these features suggest that a PDD based actuator for flight control surfaces
The PDD integrates a permanent magnet-
will be as reliable as the traditional hy-
All of these initiatives are supported by
ic motor and a magnetic gear, resulting
draulic systems used today. This is a key
the relevant governments. In the UK,
in a very compact electric motor. When
step on the way to the all-electric aircraft.
the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI)
compared with current benchmark tech-
A number of aircraft manufacturers and
has been established to stimulate and
nology, the results look very promising.
leading suppliers are showing interest in
steer the technical innovation required
this exciting new technology.
to maintain the UK as the number one in
Two variants of the PDD have been de-
the European aerospace sector. It is set
signed, a basic machine and a second
to allocate £150m per annum of funds to
one using a fault-tolerant (FT) stator wind-
innovative projects and has secured a to-
ing and a fault-tolerant control system
tal of £3.9 billion research and technology
developed by the University of Sheffield.
Even with the fault-tolerant winding, the PDD is around half the mass of current
Highly reliable flight actuator
technology with a conventional winding.
Whether pure electric or hybrid, industry experts agree that there will also be the
The PDD has a further benefit – low iner-
need for reliable all-electric actuators for
tia. This results in a very good response
control surfaces and other systems.
rate, making it suitable for military appli-
About the author: David joined Magnomatics in February 2013 in a business development role and became CEO in December 2015. Before Magnomatics, David was Chief Executive Officer of EVO Electric, a spin-out company from Imperial College. Under David’s leadership, EVO gained a strong position in the electric and hybrid vehicle sector and it formed a joint venture with GKN Driveline in June 2011.
dpaonthenet.net 21
Supplement: Aerospace
Drones take to the skies as aerospace sector targets diversification A
recent Protolabs Aerospace report shows more than half of people believe commercial drone deliveries will be commonplace by 2023, as governments and firms find new ways to guarantee services.
78 percent of companies questioned from the UK felt convinced that disruption, in the form of drones, represents aerospace’s best opportunity for growth in the future. This figure from the UK outperformed its peers in Italy (75 percent),
COVID-19 has left an undeniable im-
According to a new European aerospace
France (64 percent) and Germany (57
pression on the manufacturing world,
study, challenges posed by the pandem-
as companies struggle to come to terms
ic are even accelerating the willingness to
with what a ‘new normal’ will mean for
embrace drone technology and, encour-
“COVID-19 has brought huge disruption
people who make things.
agingly, the UK is leading the way.
to the global economy, with the aerospace sector being among the hardest
With the uncertainty of Brexit still shroud-
The first findings of Protolabs’ Horizon
hit,” explained Bjoern Klaas, Vice Presi-
ing industry, the last thing firms needed
Shift report, which involved 325 aero-
dent and Managing Director of Protolabs
was a global pandemic that ripped up the
space business leaders, highlighted an
rule book when it came to supply chains
increased appetite for ‘low space’ inno-
and imposed previously unheard-of re-
vation and more investment into the fast-
“However, a crisis can act as a catalyst
strictions on how we trade.
track testing of robots and drones.
for further innovation, forcing organisa-
It has also seen the very best of UK man-
More than half of the companies ques-
rapidly changing times. Our report shows
ufacturing. Businesses, who saw sales
tioned (53 percent) believe commercial
that right now within aerospace, the ‘low
fall off a cliff overnight, have pivoted to
drone deliveries will be commonplace
space’ sector is demonstrating agility in
transfer their expertise into supplying
by 2023, as both the public and private
its approach to innovation and there is a
critical parts for ventilators and other
sector seek safe ways to guarantee ser-
real appetite to see it work in the UK.
frontline efforts, whilst others have ex-
vices whilst containing the spread of any
plored new solutions to help satisfy the
tions to seek alternative ways to survive in
need to do things at a distance.
22 dpaonthenet.net
“In fact, the UKSA (the government agency responsible for the UK’s civil space
Supplement: Aerospace programme) recently announced a new drive to fund space-enabled technology to strengthen the NHS response to coronavirus. Drone technology can help meet challenges, such as delivering test kits, masks, gowns and goggles, in the management of infectious disease outbreaks. “Commercial drone deliveries are the most likely disruptor, and this was reinforced across the duration of our study, which was carried out as the COVID-19 pandemic started to take grip. In just a few weeks, the appetite for this technology increased by 11 to 53 percent.” Despite the positive outlook, there are a number of obstacles standing in the way of companies operating in low space. Cost of initial investment over return on investment (ROI) is seen as the biggest
Respondents work across senior man-
“There are real opportunities for suppli-
challenge by a third of respondents and
agement, R&D, engineering design,
ers to look at ways they can deliver parts
this is closely followed by technology in-
technology and supply chain manage-
that can be used in this transition, whilst
tegrations and issues caused by inflexi-
ment, providing a comprehensive over-
exploring material applications that de-
ble supply chains.
view of the sector.
liver the lightweight savings and opti-
Detailed testing programmes and prod-
Disruption was a core theme throughout
uct development cycles are the main
the survey, with 62 percent saying that
For further information and to down-
barriers to innovation, whilst risk man-
disruptive technologies are making their
load the initial findings, please visit
agement and an inability to learn from
companies more competitive.
mum performance required.”
failures could also stifle progress. Advances in technology will also unlock More than a third of companies want in-
the value migration to new business
vestment in STEM education, improved
models, including faster charging of
international regulation/collaboration and
lithium-ion batteries (59 percent), artifi-
increased government support.
cial intelligence (59 percent) and battery storage (58 percent).
Disruptive times The Protolabs ‘Horizon Shift’ report was
Bjoern Klaas concluded: “We are oper-
completed during March and April and
ating at a time when the unimaginable is
involved 325 leading aerospace profes-
fast becoming reality and the aerospace
sionals from France, Germany, Italy and
sector and supply chain has to keep
the UK.
pace with this change in attitude.
Further information Protolabs helps aerospace customers to accelerate product development, reduce costs and optimise supply chains with technology-enabled 3D printing, CNC machining and injection moulding. Clients upload their 3D CAD drawings to www.protolabs.co.uk, where customised software reviews files and emails an interactive quote with pricing and design analysis. The company typically produces one to 50+ 3D printed parts in one to seven days, one to 200+ CNC machined parts in one to three days and 25 to 10,000+ injection moulded parts in one to 15 days.
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Feature: Conductivity sensors
Fast and precise conductivity sensors save water and cut costs T
he need for effective wash-down and cleaning whilst meeting increasing demands to save resources and cut costs has always been a tricky challenge – especially as optimum hygiene is essential in food and beverage manufacturing.
Image source: Shutterstock
A high-speed CombiLyz Conductivity Sensor, supplied by BAUMER, has made an important contribution at Granarolo, Italy’s largest dairy processing operation. Effective cleaning of a hygienic dairy processing system usually requires a range of liquids – such as milk, water, lye and acids – working within a complex, clean-in-place (CIP) process, where different liquids flow alternately through pipes and tanks. All these liquids have a financial and/or envi-
value of conductivity within 15 seconds,
underneath the metal are faster. However,
ronmental cost so must be used sparingly
compared to around 50 seconds typically
frequent temperature fluctuations tend to
and, where applicable, recycled.
achieved by other sensors. This means the
wear-off the transition between plastic and
control mechanisms can react faster and
metal, causing these types of sensors to
Precision and speed were crucial to the
separate the individual phases by actuat-
fail more frequently, rendering them unsuit-
success of the CombiLyz conductivity sen-
ing values.
able for hygienic applications.
The sensor’s ability to measure precisely
Bruno Landuzzi, Maintenance Manager
The CombiLyz sensors also have a col-
the electric conductivity of liquids in the
at Granarolo explained, “Our tanks, pipe-
our-coded touch display which enables
system determines which type of medium
lines and thermal treatment systems are
easy parameterisation. The freely definable
is flowing and its concentration. The Com-
cleaned up to 30 times a day and thanks to
conductivity areas can be allocated to any
biLyz sensor provides a precise measured
the quick temperature compensation of the
display colours, such as blue for water and
CombiLyz sensors, we can save more than
red for acid. This means operators can see
100,000 litres of water per year at every
from a distance which medium is passing
measuring point.”
through the pipes at any given moment.
sor in this challenging CIP fluids handling.
Additionally, the sensor transfers its measThe fast temperature compensation re-
ured values via a 4/20mA interface with op-
sponse is primarily due to the design of the
tional HART protocol.
CombiLyz sensor which features a onepiece hygienic design measurement probe
The options available are the CombiLyz
made of PEEK plastic. This contains the
AF14 (where the entire sensor is contained
inductive sensor elements for measuring
in a single housing) and the AF15 (for appli-
electric conductivity and the temperature
cations with limited space). The AF15 has
the sensor element and display separated and connected via a cable, to facilitate
The sensor tip has a low thermal mass
more flexible positioning. Both options
and low thermal transition, enabling the
have an IP69k rated stainless steel hous-
sensor to react very quickly, even to signif-
ing to ensure suitability for high-pressure
icant temperature fluctuations. Only sen-
steam cleaning.
sors with two-part measurement probes where the temperature sensor is located
24 dpaonthenet.net
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Feature: Laser triangulation sensors
Laser triangulation sensors measure lateral position of rail bogie wheels
The optoNCDT 1420 laser triangulation displacement sensor measures the lateral position of the bogie wheels relative to the railhead
aser triangulation sensors from Micro-Epsilon are being used to measure the lateral position of rail bogie wheels relative to the railhead in a rail traction technology project by SET Limited.
issues. What we want to do is to see this
“Actively yawing the wheels along with
technology implemented as the technolo-
active torque control manages the con-
gy of choice for rail passenger vehicles of
tact patch at the optimum point of the
the future.”
rail, practically eliminating RCF. This is because ideal [close to radial] steering
In the ActiWheel solution, the motor is inte-
reduces the energy in the contact patch
grated into the wheel, which means there
to a point where RCF does not occur
is no transmission between the two and
and wear is very small.”
ActiWheel is a traction system that uses ar-
no moving parts beyond a bearing which
tificial intelligence to guide trains along the
every wheel and axle has. In addition, there
tracks – enabling quicker, smoother and
are no friction braking systems, so there
Reliable, durable and lightweight
more economical rail travel. The solution
would be a significant reduction in the
The ActiWheel is a high-reliability, du-
could dramatically change the way that rail
amount of maintenance required.
rable system and Cooney expects his
vehicles run on the railway. As Martin Whit-
wheels to last somewhere between four
ley, Director at SET Limited, explains,“This
Neil Cooney, Technical Director at SET
to 10 times longer than a conventional
revolutionary wheel motor can be con-
Limited, comments, “One of the biggest is-
set-up. There is virtually no wear, which
trolled to produce more driving force on
sues facing the rail infrastructure is Rolling
means the rail isn’t being damaged and
one side or the other in order to steer the
Contact Fatigue [RCF], which occurs due
the wheels don’t deteriorate. The solu-
wheelset down the centreline of the track.
to the energy in the contact between the
tion is also lightweight, which means it’s
For the last 200 years, conventional rail ve-
wheel and the rail. Conditions under the
a lot easier to accelerate and decelerate
hicles have only had a solid axle and wheel
contact patch are always severe and the
the train and there is additional carrying
coning providing this capability, which
yield stress of the rail wheel is always ex-
capacity for passengers.
drives some significant compromises and
ceeded, on at least a microscale.
26 dpaonthenet.net
Feature: Laser triangulation sensors For the last nine months, ActiWheel has
provides distance information from the sen-
“The sensors have performed very well
been put through its paces in a technical
sor. All optoNCDT 1420 sensors operate
in the demonstrator project and on other
demonstrator project. An ex-London un-
using a web interface for fast sensor set
projects where we’ve tested the ActiWheel
derground train with a single carriage was
-up and configuration. Additional features
system. They are reliable even in the harsh
fitted with an ActiWheel system on each of
of the optoNCDT 1420 include video sig-
environment underneath a train, where
its eight wheels.
nal display, signal peak selection and freely
dust, dirt and moisture are present. They
adjustable signal averaging, which enables
operate reliably whether it’s a cold, wet,
For this project, each ActiWheel system
the optimisation of the measurement task. A
rainy day or a bright sunny day. In the
incorporates an optoNCDT 1420 laser
region of interest (ROI) function allows back-
demonstrator project, we didn’t even have
triangulation sensor. “A critical part of the
ground signal noise to be filtered out.
to clean the sensors after a couple of thou-
ActiWheel system is to understand the
sand miles of testing.”
lateral position of the wheel relative to the
SET engineers built a special frame that
rail. Then we can control the wheel and
lies beneath the wheel axle on the train.
avoid the flange contacting the rail head,”
The optoNCDT 1420 sensors are mounted
explains Cooney. “We’re really using the
at 400mm from the railhead, just in front
sensors to confirm that our complex con-
of the flange radius, pointing directly at
trollers are actually working correctly.”
the railhead. Measurement data from the
sensors is output to the ActiWheel control The optoNCDT 1420 laser triangulation sen-
system via 4-20mA.
sor, with an integral controller, is designed displacement, distance and position meas-
Robust and reliable in harsh conditions
urement applications. The measuring rate is
“The sensor met all our technical require-
adjustable up to 4kHz. A range of different
ments in terms of its flexibility, resolution
output signals enables easy integration of
and robustness. We are measuring down
the sensor into plant or machine control
to 0.1mm accuracy and lateral movement
systems. As well as analogue voltage and
can be up to a maximum of 20mm,” states
current outputs, a digital RS422 interface
for high-precision, high-speed, dynamic
ActiWheel is an autonomous control system that uses AI to guide the carriages along the tracks, enabling faster, smoother and more economical rail travel
Small digital pressure transmitters for your challenging project
Pressure transmitters and level sensors with digital interfaces are perfect for customised solutions. Their low supply voltage and optimised power consumption make them ideal for battery-operated and wireless applications. Pressure ranges: 0,3…1000 bar / ATEX Approval / Pressure and temperature data D Line pressure transmitters I2C interface up to cable lengths of 5 m 1,8…3,6 V (optimised for button cells) 20 μW at 1 S/s and 1,8 V Total error band ± 0,7 %FS at -10…80 °C
X Line pressure transmitters RS485 interface up to cable lengths of 1,4 km 3,2…32 V (optimised for 3,6 V lithium batteries) 100 μW at 1 S/min. and 3,2 V Total error band ± 0,1 %FS at -10…80 °C
Feature: Sensor integration
The SICK SIG200 gateway and SIG100 sensor hub
Joining the dots with sensor integration devices T
here was a time when sensors were simple switches, and their manufacturers just hardware suppliers. All that has changed. Sensors are the ‘eyes and ears’ that collect data on the front line of production and logistics operations. Equipped with ever-smaller microprocessors, they have become intelligent.
architecture, but the data generated can
data efficiently. They deal with the data at
be shared not just at the machine level,
a local level while making it visible global-
but also via cloud-based systems. First,
ly. Manufacturers like SICK have already
that data can be monitored and trended
begun to roll out a portfolio of devices to
on a PC, machine HMI or cloud-based
facilitate sensor integration into fieldbus
dashboard. It also has the potential to be
environments and higher automation hi-
used in ERP (Enterprise Resource Plan-
ning) and MES (Manufacturing Execution System) software; indeed, this is seen as
Sensor integration gateways
fundamental to the future of Industry 4.0
To begin with, most people are familiar
manufacturing and logistics.
with IO-Link Masters that sit on a higher-level bus system, such as PROFINET
With their own decentralised comput-
Digitisation, intelligence and networking
or EtherCAT. They act as a gateway for
ing power right on board, sensors may
will increase until, eventually, systems will
IO-Link data to be passed on to the
no longer need to rely completely on a
control and optimise themselves – all us-
PLC or higher-level systems. The SICK
higher-level or central control system to
ing the data from sensors. Data transpar-
SIG200 Sensor Integration Gateway is
process and make sense of all the data
ency enables trends to be monitored and
an IO-Link Master with the addition of an
they produce. They can also provide ad-
gives us the ability to understand more
on-board web server that collects, com-
ditional data to the control system via IO-
about a system. From Overall Equipment
bines, evaluates and transmits signals
Link. Some even process applications,
Effectiveness (OEE) to Deep Learning, it
from IO-Link devices from any manufac-
or ‘Smart Tasks’ by themselves. Soon,
is the integration of the data that allows
turer. It works as both an IO-Link Mas-
some will combine multiple functions in
a user to become more aware of what is
ter and small, distributed logical control
a single device, for example, detecting
happening within a system.
system in one. It needs only one cable
piston position, vibration and angular velocity for end-of-arm tooling.
to communicate simultaneously via the The key to all this integration lies in the
fieldbus with the machine controller
gateways and devices that act as the
and with higher-level enterprise or web-
Integration of hardware takes place at a
translators – and, sometimes, as localised
based systems.
local level within the systems and control
controllers – to aggregate and route the
28 dpaonthenet.net
Feature: Sensor integration Sensor integration flow wrapping example
Sensor hubs To expand this integration, a sensor hub can squeeze the outputs from a number of on/off sensors into one string that can be passed via an IO-Link Master to the PLC. SICK’s SIG100, for example, can be used to bundle up to twelve standard I/Os in a single IO-Link data packet, which can then be communicated to machine controllers and cloud-based systems via the SIG200. A maximum of 52 I/Os can be connected to one SIG200 by using the SICK SIG100.
Sensor Integration Machines Sensor Integration Machines (SIMs) are programmable devices with configurable on-board software, so they can be used to process many different tasks, including more complex machine vision applications. They also include some or all of the functionality of an IO-Link bles them to be displayed, monitored,
Easy data transparency
recorded and analysed via a server
How can you easily detect all the IO-Link
The SICK SIM1000 and SIM2000 Sen-
or cloud system. By transferring data
devices in a machine? This is simple us-
sor Integration Machines, for example,
via mobile communications protocol
ing software such as SICK’s FieldEcho.
collect and evaluate data from multiple
(MQTT), a real-time overview of selected
This closes the remaining gaps in integra-
sensors working together at the field-lev-
plant and processing parameters can be
tion and makes all IO-Link devices visi-
el via standard interfaces, including Eth-
provided, and SMS text or email alarms
ble, providing direct access to process
ernet, IO-Link, CAN and Serial. With up
can be configured.
and service data and enabling the IODD
to four Ethernet ports, they can support
device descriptions to be automatically
interfaces for cameras, lighting, LiDAR
The SICK TDC system also enhanc-
downloaded. It visualises all configured
scanners, encoders, photoelectric or
es system transparency to SICK and
IO-Link Masters and the IO-Link sensors
displacement sensors, as well as to
third-party sensors compatible with
and actuators and displays their status.
higher-level controls and the Cloud. The
Ethernet, CAN, RS232, RS485, 1-Wire
multi-sensor outputs, values and results
and UART interfaces. Output communi-
It is networked production and control
can be used to drive typical industrial
cations can be via cable, wireless signal
processes, working in complex machine
automation applications such as cam-
or GSM.
environments, that will shape our indus-
era-based inspection, measurement, or identification of objects.
trial future. The degree of digitisation in The SICK SIG200 can take sensor data
future will mean smart factories will or-
and pass it on over REST API to the
ganise themselves using huge amounts
cloud or fieldbus to the machine control-
of up-to-date information to make inde-
The term ‘gateway’ can mean different
ler. The SICK TDC can take data directly
pendent decisions. This information will
things depending on what is using the
or via REST API and pass it to the cloud
be provided by smart sensors.
‘gate’. In the case of sensor data, it may
or a local network storage solution.
be the SICK Sensor Integration Gateways. More generally, a cloud gateway is
About the author: Charlie Walker is Product Specialist for Presence Detection at SICK UK. A graduate of Lancaster University, Charlie helped run a factory engineering department before specialising in the application and technical support of sensors. He has particular experience of implementing IO-Link sensor applications and knowledge of their successful integration with many well-known PLC brands. Charlie joined SICK UK in 2017.
a device that takes all sorts of data and passes it to the next level via the relevant protocol. An example of this would be SICK’s TDC (Telematic Data Collector),
Telematic data collector
used to aid real-time condition monitoring and predictive maintenance. The SICK TDC collects and processes sensor outputs and data in stationary and mobile machinery, together with GPS localisation information, and ena-
dpaonthenet.net 29
Feature: Split bearings
Split bearing solution cuts conveyor maintenance costs and risks F
or companies and employees in the mining, mineral processing and cement industries, maintenance and replacement of conveyor bearings may come at a very high price. Clive Jennings, SKF Cooper Split Bearings Product Manager at SKF, presents a way of reducing safety risks as well as material and downtime costs. Anatomy of an SKF Cooper split spherical roller bearing – including optional seals
According to some studies, 43 percent of
The conveyors typically use standard open
longevity. The range includes sealed ver-
accidents and 24 percent of fatalities in
(unsealed) pulley bearings, which are vul-
sions which give better protection against
these sectors happen while maintaining
nerable to contamination. These have a
contaminants, for even longer life and lower
conveyors. A key danger often lies in the
relatively short service life (usually less than
grease consumption. Best of all, the bear-
need to hoist heavy couplings and gear-
that of the pulley lagging) and require large
ings are designed for in-situ replacement in
boxes to access bearings. If the process of
amounts of grease to purge contaminants.
much fewer steps, with no need to remove
replacing a bearing could be made quicker
or hoist the gearbox and drive coupling.
and simpler, and if bearings were made to
Rapid wear and damage necessitate fre-
last longer, everyone would benefit. Work-
quent bearing repair and replacement, typi-
Their anatomy includes inner and outer
ers would be safer, maintenance would
cally in hard-to-reach locations. Replacing a
rings, a cage and rollers, an outer shroud
be less expensive and loss of production
standard bearing in the machine’s trapped
and two inner clamp rings. The shrouds
would be minimised.
position is especially difficult and hazard-
and clamp rings are bolted together with
ous, requiring a long sequence of proce-
screws. Two seals are added if that option
dures. It can take up to 24 hours in total.
is chosen. Rings are split using a precision wire-cut-
ing and contamination conditions faced by
Increased bearing life, performance and operational economy
rotating machinery and their bearings in
SKF Cooper split spherical roller bearings
and outer rings and means that the two
plants which handle minerals and cement.
answer all these problems with a durable
halves align more accurately, and supe-
design that brings improved reliability and
rior clamping is achieved. Outer race and
Harsh challenges The challenges SKF has overcome to make this possible are considerable. First, there are the extreme temperature, heavy load-
30 dpaonthenet.net
ting technique, rather than by fracturing. This minimises discontinuities in the inner
Feature: Split bearings shroud joints interlock to ensure close
tasks which require rental of equipment
The split outer ring dimensions match
alignment between the halves and to lower
such as cranes and alignment tools. Work-
those of standard spherical roller bearings,
the chances of damage at the splits while
ers are exposed to safety hazards through-
enabling an easy fit into split block hous-
operating. The angular inner race joints
out this long operation, in which hoisting
ings with standard locating rings where
are also wire-cut, contributing further to
of heavy components poses particular
necessary. Shaft requirements for the
the smoothness of the roller path. This
split bearing (ISO h9 shaft diameter toler-
wire-cutting approach not only improves
ance and IT5 form) also match those of a
clamping and reduces looseness but low-
By contrast, replacement with an SKF
standard spherical bearing mounted on an
ers the chances of fretting corrosion at the
Cooper split bearing takes substantially
adapter sleeve.
shaft interface.
less time and consequently, reduces workers’ exposure to risks. Table 1 highlights
A long-awaited breakthrough
In combination, these design elements
the much smaller number of procedural
Over a hundred years since the heavy-duty
extend the bearing’s life and improve its
steps involved in using a split bearing.
belt conveyor’s introduction, many oper-
performance. Tested against comparable
ators still see maintenance as its Achilles’
competitors’ split spherical bearing prod-
Crucially, gaining access to replace a split
heel. Heavy grease consumption and pre-
ucts, its steel clamp rings increase permis-
bearing does not require movement of the
mature bearing failure – together with the
sible axial loads by around 50 to 100 per-
conveyor belt, and it involves little or no
difficulty and time demands of repair and
disturbance to the drive coupling or gear-
replacement – generate high costs, limit
box. There is certainly no need to discon-
productivity and endanger maintenance
nect and lift them from the machine. Only
teams. These are major concerns for all in-
a slight raising of the shaft is necessary. As
dustries, and nowhere more so than in the
well as removing a significant hazard, this
world of mines, minerals and cement.
SKF Cooper split spherical roller bearing
solution saves maintenance staff from having to spend time repositioning and aligning
Designed for faster and safer pulley bear-
the assembly after bearing replacement.
ing replacement in the trapped position, SKF Cooper split spherical roller bearings
Easy applicability
slash mean time to repair (MTTR) and
The SKF Cooper products are interchange-
improve worker safety. Their design and
able with competitors’ split spherical roller
manufacturing techniques also enhance
bearings. They are also compatible with
performance and extend service life, es-
any SKF metric (SNL, SNLD) or inch (SAF,
pecially when sealed variants are chosen
SAFD, SDAF) split plummer block housing.
to counteract contamination, so fewer re-
First to be launched was the 231 series,
placements and less grease are needed. In
with shaft diameters ranging from 240 to
short, they offer a safer alternative that cuts
450mm and from 9.5 to 18 inches. These
maintenance costs, increases machine
can replace standard 23152 K to 23192
availability and minimises lost production.
K spherical roller bearings mounted on cent. An additional bonus is a reduction in running noise levels.
adapter sleeves.
Standard, non-split bearing
By adding seals, the bearing’s service life
SKF Cooper split spherical roller bearing
Safety lockout/tagout
Safety lockout/tagout
can be more than doubled and, in some
Block machine (pulley) from rotation
Block machine (pulley) from rotation
cases, multiplied by 2.9, compared with an
Block and move belt to access pulley
unsealed bearing. At the same time, this
Disconnect gearbox coupling from motor
can reduce grease consumption by 90 to
Disconnect gearbox coupling from machine
95 percent, saving on lubricant expense,
Remove coupling from machine
labour, exposure to safety risks and impact
Lift and remove gearbox
on the environment.
Quicker bearing replacement SKF Cooper split spherical roller bearings
Remove split block housing cap
Remove split block housing cap
Lift and support machine shaft
Lift and support machine shaft
Remove and replace bearing
Remove and replace bearing
Replace housing cap
Replace housing cap
Reposition gearbox
are especially useful when it comes to
Connect gearbox to machine
bearing replacement in the trapped posi-
Connect gearbox to motor
tion. To replace a standard, non-split bear-
Check alignment of motor to gearbox
ing, the gearbox and drive coupling must
Remove machine blocking
Remove machine blocking
be disconnected, hoisted out of the way
Remove safety lockout/tagout
Remove safety lockout/tagout
and then replaced afterwards in the cor-
Table 1: Comparison of general in-situ sequence of bearing replacement procedures between standard and split bearings in the trapped position
rect alignment. These are time-consuming
About the author: Clive Jennings is the SKF Cooper Split Bearings Product Manager at SKF.
dpaonthenet.net 31
Feature: Power transmission chain
You do get what you pay for… W
hen it comes to a power transmission chain, Tsubaki proves that buying a quality product results in significant lifetime cost-savings. The climate in most industries now is focused on cost reduction to protect margins. While this is a noble pursuit – and one that can offer real benefits to a business and its customers – it is important that when it comes to procurement, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is considered over initial cost savings. While some components may seem like the
Tsubakimoto proves that buying a quality product results in significant lifetime cost-savings
cheapest solution in the short term, they can quickly prove expensive if regular
Tsubakimoto believes that the key to
All too often, when we hear about a
maintenance, repair and replacement
real world cost savings lies in an extend-
business cutting its costs, we hear
work become necessary.
ed, low-maintenance operating cycle.
that the cuts have been achieved by sourcing cheaper components during procurement. However, while these savings may look appealing in the short term, the only real way to gauge success is to look at the total cost of the product throughout its life. Cost of installation, maintenance requirements, downtime caused by early failure, and replacement are all hidden costs which can add up when a budget component is specified. A power transmission chain is an area where many procurement managers may feel they can reduce costs by specifying budget chains. As the technology is apparently so simple, and there are few outward differences in appearance between brands, it would
Cost-saving comparison table showing the differences between a standard chain and a Tsubaki Lambda Lube-Free chain
32 dpaonthenet.net
be easy to assume that this is an area where budget components may be
Feature: Power transmission chain justified. However, the truth is very different; a chain which has been properly specified and well produced using high-quality materials can often earn its initial procurement cost back many times over when com-
Precision Safety Screens
pared with cheap chains. Jake Yamamoto, Sales & Marketing Director for Tsubakimoto Europe, comments: “Initial procurement is just one cost that needs to be considered when determining the TCO of [the] power transmission chain. After procurement, there is installation time, which can vary greatly between products, as well as the necessary maintenance requirements – such as lubrication or removing links due to elongation. Then, there is the cost of replacement. A chain with a shorter life will need replacing, which not only causes downtime but also introduces a further round of procure-
Protect Components from Rogue Contamination
ment into the equation. When all of these hidden costs are taken into
All Stainless Steel Insert Design
consideration, it is easy to see how budget chains can quickly become
Internal Retention System
a false economy.”
5.5, 8, 10 and 12mm Dia. Sizes 25-300 microns absolute Cost-effective design for high volume applications
The ability for a premium chain to offer significant TCO savings has been experienced first-hand by a food producer who was looking for an alternative roller chain solution for its cake production line. The basic 12B chain that it specified as standard had an average life span of nine months, despite regular maintenance. The plant’s management was concerned about the regular replacement costs and approached Tsubaki to see if an alternative solution could be provided. Having conducted a site inspection, a Tsubaki engineer specified Lambda lube-free chain. The Lambda chain does not require any external lubrication, which instantly saves maintenance costs. As the chain surface is dry, any contamination risk is avoided. The chain bearing surfaces remain lubricated, which minimises wear and offers a much longer operating life. The procurement cost for a single length of Lambda chain was almost 150 percent more than the cost for the basic 12B chain – which may have put a lot of operators off. However, once installed, the chain lasted for 40 months without the need for any maintenance. Over 40 months, the basic chain would have been replaced four times and accrued regular maintenance costs. As such, the Lambda chain was almost 45 percent cheaper to run which represented a saving (as shown in the table). If you consider lubrication and replacement maintenance time, then the TCO figure starts to look more realistic, and closer to 100 percent more expensive. This is also without adding any potential downtime costs. If the chain is replaced during a routine maintenance window, then there is no figure there, but if the plant could be up and running instead of being stopped while the roller chain is replaced, then the cost per hour of lost production can easily run into thousands. Jake Yamamoto concludes: “Tsubaki invests heavily in R&D and offers a wide range of products which have been designed for all types of industries and environments. This means that for most applications, even traditional hard-wearing ones, we can specify a solution which will last many times longer than a basic chain. We will conduct a site visit prior to specification to make sure that we understand the unique requirements of every job so that we can provide an accurate estimate for our chain’s TCO.” https://tsubaki.eu/
dpaonthenet.net 33
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Feature: Pulley bearings
NSK bearings and training help woodworking machine builder make savings A
fter suffering repeated failures of its table guide rollers, an international woodworking machine manufacturer called upon the expertise of NSK and its AIP Added Value Programme to resolve the issue. The decision proved lucrative, with NSK
A proposal was made to adopt NSK pulley
the ingress of dirt and other types of con-
bearings, predominantly because of their
tamination. These bearings also serve to
higher tolerance levels. In tandem with a
reduce wear on the raceways and ball
suitable NSK training course that allowed
surface, cut noise levels, and reduce vi-
consistent table guide assembly, it was
bration and the danger of lubricant fail-
calculated that the problem would be re-
ure. A further advantage of NSK pulley
solved. Sure enough, these actions ena-
bearings, which accommodate radial and
bled the fault-free running of the machine
axial forces in both directions, is their po-
and reduced fitting times for the bearings.
tential to be re-greased through the inner
helping the company to save a total of
€13,333 per annum in reduced labour
Pulley bearings from NSK correspond in
and assembly costs.
design to a sealed double-row angular
At the woodworking machine manufac-
contact bearing. Based on their function
turer, NSK pulley bearings were subject-
Upon arriving at the customer’s facility,
as pulley bearings, the outer ring – which
ed to an initial trial, which demonstrated
NSK set about investigating the problem
can be cylindrical or crowned – is rein-
their performance, without any failures. In
with the table guides, discovering that
tandem with employee training in bearing
the existing bearings had insufficient tol-
installation and removal, it was possible
erance. This issue, in combination with
Importantly, in harsh operating conditions
to reduce assembly costs and staff de-
inconsistent bearing assembly methods,
(such as those found in woodworking
was resulting in frequent failures.
shops), NSK pulley bearings feature contact seals that provide protection against
34 dpaonthenet.net
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Zero Cabinet – on-machine power!
Power supply
by Murrelektronik
Move your power supply out of the cabinet and onto the machine We help our customers move components from the control cabinet onto the machine. This concept makes applications transparent, user friendly and cost-efficient. Customer advantages: Use smaller control cabinets (or no cabinet at all!). Reduce power loss, energy costs and wiring by converting the voltage from 230 V AC to 24 V DC directly next to the load. IP67 approval rating ensures the power supply can stand up to all the on-machine demands.