Not many people can say they have ticked Pitcairn Island off their bucket travel list

A visit to Adelaide E-BIKES
How to start off on one
Not many people can say they have ticked Pitcairn Island off their bucket travel list
A visit to Adelaide E-BIKES
How to start off on one
The re-opened garden show with hundreds of gardens to visit - on every spring
Taranaki’s Garden Festival season has returned with a bang in 2022. See page 6.
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Directors 2022-2023
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Vice-Chairman: Michael Ransom
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Please check all travel prices as they vary depending on time of year. Before booking any travel overseas, always check insurance options, especially health insurance. Every care is taken to ensure pricing, offers and content is correct at time of publishing. Please check with advertisers when making a purchase as the publisher cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies in this publication. Please note that some content is advertiser supplied. This is viewed and edited to ensure it is of value to most readers.
Taranaki’s Garden Festival season has returned with a bang in 2022. More than 80 gardens open to visitors.
Explore one of Australia’s most popular tourist food and wine destinations and find out why so many New Zealander’s are captivated by the experience.
Not many people can say they have ticked Pitcairn Island off their bucket travel list.
Getting regular hearing health checks is the first important step towards maintaining good hearing health, and Audika offer free hearing checks.
Seniors have been missing Operatunity and their monthly dose of fun and music for the past couple of yearsnow it’s back!
AS we count down the weeks to the festive season and a new year, I am reminded of the wonderful celebrations that I have attended, so many happy times and memories. Now, the joyful holiday season is just around the corner.
I love this time of year – things are warming up, the days are getting longer, and meteorologically it’s a time of transition. Summer also heralds holidays and festivities.
Many of our Probus Clubs are currently enjoying Christmas events and sharing the spirit of the season, no doubt Members are wishing each other good health, peace and prosperity.
The modern definition of the holiday season is most often equated with frivolity and enjoyment. No matter one’s culture or background, most people seem to get involved in Christmas in some way, whether by attending an annual club function, parties with family and friends, exchanging gifts, or going all out and hosting that very special meal.
At the end of the day, the original meaning of the festive or holiday season has usually been about human connection and using our time to return to core values such as joy, love, kindness and compassion. The fancy decorations and special meals are just the sprinkle on the top, not the core reason for celebrating the season.
Let’s be mindful of those around us who may not be as fortunate as us. Consider inviting a Probus friend or neighbour who may be facing a lonely time, to a celebration or meal you are planning –set an extra place at your table.
For many of us this is what the festive season is all about–– affection, mindfulness and authentic connection. Sometimes, the best gifts aren’t things, but simple joyful experiences, heartfelt
feelings, and genuine emotions. Joy can be found in life’s smallest, everyday moments—if we choose to see it. Unlike gifts, kind words cost nothing, but their echoes are truly endless.
This past year went by like no other. On a positive note, within our Probus Community, the recent Probus Day Celebrations provided an opportunity for Clubs to promote Probus locally. It is pleasing to see many Clubs increase their promotional activity as a result. Of course, we hope to see a lot more of that activity as more and more people appreciate the value of Probus.
If you have not yet had the opportunity to read our Probus Day edition of Active Retirees, you can view it on our website at: https://issuu.com/monikapprobussouthpacific/docs/final_active_ retirees_november-special_2022_101122
May I take this opportunity to thank all of our valued Club Management Committees and our Membership Representatives, you have all contributed so much during some challenging times - your support of Probus is very much appreciated.
I also wish to recognise and thank our wonderful Management and staff, their commitment and loyalty has been inspiring, led by our CEO Silvana who has recently celebrated her 15th year anniversary with PSPL.
On behalf of my fellow Directors, I’m sending my warmest wishes your way. May the holiday season bring you good cheer and health throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Probus South Pacific LtdWONDERING where you want to travel this Autumn with international travel becoming increasingly expensive? Travel local, think sustainable with eco minded Driftwood Eco Tours who are offering two great new options for the savvy traveller.
This new tour takes you on a time travel journey narrated by locals of our early pioneer ancestors. This in depth and fun tour introduces you to some of the West Coast’s most knowledgeable characters who will be showing us around visitor destinations many never get to see.
Phil Barker who was featured in the New Zealand Geographic will take you on a big tree hunt, off track to see some of New Zealand’s largest native trees.
We are equally honoured to have Te Rua Mason of Ngãti Waewae tell us the story of the pounamu at the side of the sacred and beautiful Arahura River.
Mickey Ryan will take you on a tour to the Denniston Plateau where you will learn about the mining from the locals.
Many more local experiences have been fossicked out just for you.
This popular new tour shows you Kaikoura as you have never seen it before. Staying each evening at the relaxing Te Mahuru Retreat. You will be taken on a new adventure each day into the back country of Kaikoura.
Imagine flying along in an allterrain vehicle driven by your local guide Alistair Trewin who will share with you his personal stories of farming on Glenstrae.
One day traces the flight path of the rare and endangered Huttons shearwater from the water where they dive for fish to their mountain top home, guided by Nicky McArthur of Puhi Peaks, one of New Zealand largest QEII conservation areas.
A highlight is a 4x4 drive into the Clarence Reserve, farmed by Muzzle Station, over the mountain pass of the Seaward Kaikoura’s. This day offers stunning views and stories of early farming. All tours include delicious catering and beverages, and many more opportunities to enjoy local farming hospitality and more stories, such as the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake.
These small group tours are strictly limited so if you are interested, please contact Driftwood Eco Tours now for an no obligation copy of the itinerary or hop onto their colourful website at driftwoodecotours.co.nz of ring one of the friendly team at 0800 708 844 now.
THE region hosts two separate, but synergistic garden festivals at the same time every spring, which one organiser calls a “bonanza” of more than 80 gardens open to visitors.
The Centuria Taranaki Garden Festival is hosted by the Taranaki Arts Festival Trust (TAFT), which also organises events such as WOMAD, Spiegel Fest and the Right Royal Cabaret Fest. It started in 1987 as the Rhododendron Festival, and had 43 gardens open this year.
The Taranaki Fringe Garden Festival has been run by the Taranaki Garden Trust since 2005.
Its focus is on “real gardens for real people,” with 41 gardens and places of interest that are “unashamedly honest,” the likes of which visitors could more easily replicate in their own gardens.
Gardens in the TAFT event can be more spectacular and grandiose, and include some with full time management, such as Túpare Gardens, Pukekura Park’s Fernery and Display Houses and Pukeiti.
The two festivals ran alongside each other from October 28 to November 6 this year. Early indications suggest there were more than 100,000 garden visits
across both events.
TAFT Festival Manager Tetsu Garnett says she printed 60,000 tickets before the festival started, and had to go back to print another 10,000 more due to high demand.
“We had 22 tours from across New Zealand and even Australia,” she says. “2020 was the biggest year we’ve had in terms of the number of people who attended, and this year has been just below that.”
“Around 70% of attendees came from outside the Taranaki region. 41% came for the first time, but
we had a lot of people come for the 14th time too - it’s a really loyal customer base because a lot of people make friends with garden owners along the way.”
Fringe Festival organiser Anne Clough is equally enthusiastic about how well attended her event was.
“I got around all of our gardens and places of interest, and the reaction is just so positive,” she says. “Numbers have been exploding. One garden alone had more than 1,900 people attend, and most had more than 1,000. We had a tour bus come from as far as a
retirement village in Nelson, and some gardens recorded more than 50 motor homes.”
The TAFT Garden Festival also teamed up with the Taranaki Arts Trail in 2020 and the Sustainable Backyards Trail in 2017. Together with the Fringe Garden Festival, it creates a broad range of events, gardens and attractions to appeal to all interests.
“It just highlights the talent we have in Taranaki,” Garnett says. “Gardeners and artists; there’s a real symbiotic relationship between the two.”
Both festivals pride themselves on being accessible and friendly. Private garden owners are typically on hand to welcome guests and talk about their gardens.
“Our aim is to make our visitors feel they’re a friend of the gardener,” Clough says. “We have courtesy cups of tea and coffee, and we’ve deliberately kept entry fees low ($2 per garden) so people can go and see multiple gardens each day.
“A lot of our gardeners have potted plants and seedlings for sale, and I’m hearing a lot of car boots went home full of goodies to take home and plant. People get so much from being able to talk to the garden owners, and it goes both ways - our owners say they learn a lot from visitors too.”
Tetsu Garnett says having an audio-described garden tour for people with low vision this year was a real highlight.
“A lot of our gardens are wheelchair friendly, so the festival is accessible from that point of view. We thought it was important to have something that caters for everyone.
“We visited five gardens and had three audio describers, and it went so well the provider has committed to it being an ongoing relationship.”
For Anne Clough, she found herself drawn to the big, bold colours - although she adds she’s also learning to love subtropical blooms and succulents.
“I get to know the gardeners during the year, then when I visit at festival time I see their personality shine through in their gardens. A lot of them are really creative, so they have hand-made creatures and pottery, and a raft of other creative displays.
“That’s what makes me love their gardens, because I see their personality in there and it brings it alive.”
With so many gardens on offer and just 10 days to see them, fitting in every garden is an ambitious task. Gardens are spread from rural Urenui in the north to Patea in the south - a drive of just under two hours - and all around Mount Taranaki.
“If people are here for a few days, we recommend they pick a different location and see the gardens in that area,” Clough says. “They’re often cluttered close together, only a few minutes’ drive away. It tends to be easier than zig-
Turkiye (Turkey) is considered one of the lesser-known jewels of Europe and perhaps the world! Join us over 17 magical days as we take you on a wonderful journey comprising hidden gems and must-see highlights. Visiting the ancient sites of Troy, Hierapolis and Ephesus and the natural wonderlands of Pamukkale and Cappadocia. We step back in time to take in the solemn battlefields of Gallipoli and visit the capital city of Ankara before heading to the UNESCO World Heritage site Safranbolu, together with amazing Istanbul, where east meets west, and Europe and Asia connect.
Our guests join us for our tours from all corners of New Zealand and you can rest assured your tour host will always be one of our friendly wellexperienced YOURTours team members, ensuring everything is looked after from start to finish, allowing you to relax and just enjoy your holiday.
are more than 50 Department of Conservation managed reserves and several predator-free wildlife sanctuaries here, gives us hope for the future of New Zealand’s at-risk wildlife. At Blumine Island we learn of the translocation of the once widespread Orange-fronted Parakeet, now New Zealand’s rarest parakeet, and the South Island Saddleback, brought back from the brink of extinction last century from just 36 birds rescued in 1964, the descendants of which were translocated here in 2009.
Retirees explore the tranquil waterways of Marlborough Sounds’ Queen Charlotte and Pelorus Sounds, French Pass and d’Urville Island aboard Heritage Expeditions luxurious 18-guest expedition yacht Heritage Explorer.
Famed for the breath-taking beauty of their winding cobalt waterways, iconic landscapes, lush native forests, wildlife and remote coastlines, Marlborough Sounds is also rich in early New Zealand history and the location of some of our country’s most important conservation efforts.
Our 7-day adventure aboard purpose-built expedition yacht Heritage Explorer, complete with two Zodiac tenders and kayaks for more intrepid explorations, sees an intimate group of like-minded travellers exploring the famed scenic playground of some of the Marlborough Sounds most inaccessible inlets and bays. Formed by a system of submerged valleys carved out following the last ice age around 10,000 years ago, Marlborough Sounds offers an
iconic, jaw-droppingly scenic Kiwi adventure on a grand scale. At Ngawhakawhiti Bay in Pelorus Sound we enjoy a glimpse of what the sounds might have looked like before the native forest was cleared, as we explore Nydia Track and the impossible blues of Nydia Bay.
Rich in history, we spend two full days exploring the waterways and islands of Queen Charlotte Sound with our guides, walking sections of its world-famous track, learning about the life of Perano Whalers at Tory Channel and visiting Captain Cook’s memorial at Ship Cove, his New Zealand base between 1770 and 1777.
Exploring the region’s conservation success stories, there
While just 500 treacherous metres from the mainland, d’Urville Island, named after French admiral Jules Sebastian Cesar Dumont d’Urville and his ill-fated passage of the infamous French Pass, is now a conservation reserve and one of the last strongholds of the critically endangered Long-tailed Bat, and home to the world’s rarest shag –the King Shag.
Sailing through the iconic French Pass, d’Urville Island is a contradiction of wild and unrestrained beauty with imposing sea cliffs, mountainous spine and the fastest moving tidal flows in New Zealand all tempered by some of the country’s finest peninsula scenery. It’s here we are joined by a pod of Dusky Dolphin escorts, reminding us of Pelorus Jack, the endearing Risso’s Dolphin who famously stole the nation’s heart guiding ships across Cook Strait between 1888 and 1912, just as our flippered friends are guiding us today.
New Zealand’s only expedition cruise company, Heritage Expeditions are pioneers in environmentally-responsible small ship expedition cruising. Family-owned and operated since 1985, we are industry leaders in sharing stunning natural wonders, incredible cultural exchanges, and unforgettable wildlife encounters and wilderness adventures with intrepid travellers. Travel is aboard our purpose-built, luxurious 18-guest expedition yacht Heritage Explorer where sophisticated accommodation and gourmet fare meets unique itineraries led by expert expedition guides as we explore some of New Zealand’s most remote shores and islands.
• Experience conservation in action on Tiritiri Matangi
• Kayak & Zodiac cruise Great Barrier Island
• Snorkel Poor Knights & Cavalli Islands
• Russell & Roberton Island
• Cape Brett & Hole in the Rock
• Includes all excursions, meals, house drinks & transfers
7–14 Jan, 19–26 Feb & 12-19 Mar 2023
$6,725pp + $500 FLIGHT CREDIT*
(Based on Salvin’s, twin share)
• Explore Great Barrier Island by kayak, Zodiac and on foot
• Experience conservation in action on Tiritiri Matangi
• Ship cruise Little Barrier Island
• Look for Spotless Crake, Fernbird, Brown Teal, Banded Rail, North Island Kaka and more
• Includes all excursions, meals, house drinks & transfers
8–12 Feb & 4-8 Mar 2023
$3,245pp + $350 FLIGHT CREDIT*
(Based on Salvin’s, twin share)
Freephone 0800 262 8873 info@heritage-expeditions.com
• Two days exploring Queen Charlotte and Pelorus Sounds
• Explore by kayak & Zodiac
• Walk parts of Queen Charlotte and Nydia Tracks
• Tory Channel, Ship Cove & French Pass
• Look for dolphins, seals & birdlife
• Includes all excursions, meals, house drinks & transfers
11–17 Dec 2022, 5–11 & 17–23 Apr 2023
From $5,550pp + $500 FLIGHT CREDIT*
(Based on Salvin’s, twin share)
AIRChathams began life flying crayfish between Chatham and Pitt Islands and then the Chatham Islands and mainland New Zealand. This was a far better and more economic option than had been previously available and now a substantial part of Air Chathams operations continues to be in freight.
Owned by Craig and Marion Emeny, Air Chathams was established in 1984 and worked with the local Chatham Island people to create a safe and reliable airline that would support the transportation of both people and freight to and from New Zealand.
Craig Emeny first moved to the Chatham Islands when he was offered a job as a pilot operating services between Chatham and Pitt Islands on behalf of a New Zealand based airline. At that time there was no regular service between the Chatham Islands and New Zealand and this prompted Craig to start his
own airline, beginning operations to mainland New Zealand airports. Our spiritual home and head office is still on the Chatham Islands – Tuuta/Chatham Islands Airport but operationally, we’d consider Auckland Airport to be our base. From our hangar at the Eastern end
of the airport, we have a full Part 145 maintenance facility, parking for our fleet, customer service team, airline operations and our leadership team.
Our contemporary aircraft fleet consists of 10 aircraft providing scenic flights, charters, passenger services and freight.
We currently fly from Auckland to Whakatãne, Whanganui and Kãpiti Coast (Paraparaumu), as well as our Chatham Islands service that flies from the Chathams to Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. We also operate NZ’s only service to Norfolk Island.
Culturally we are a customerfocused and solution-orientated airline who thrive on being innovative problem solvers that deliver safe, efficient, and sustainable outcomes for our customers… and live by a simple motto:
“At Air Chathams it’s all about family! Your family is our family across the friendly skies.”
Explore the unique ancestral cultures, environment, and way of life on the Chatham Islands with its own proud airline.
Flights to the Chathams Islands depart weekly all year round, from Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
exclusive guided tours ranging from half a day to four days, all of which incorporate the iconic rail cart trip with a front row seat into New Zealand’s pioneering history.
greatly enriched by guides whose passion for their region’s rich history and storytelling is shared during perfectly timed stops throughout the trip.
The afternoon is spent soaking up the rugged beauty as the tour ventures further off the beaten track. You’ll see remnants of original settlements and pass by oncethriving towns that time seems to have forgotten. A highlight must be spotting majestic Mount Ruapehu in all its splendour. Truly magnificent.
IStravelling along 142 km of abandoned railway line through one of the most breathtakingly beautiful and remote locations in New Zealand on your bucket list? If not add it straight in at number one. This is a must-do for travellers of any age and ability seeking one of the most authentic and enchanting kiwi experiences.
Forgotten World Adventures offers
“The Ultimate” is the two-day guided tour on which guests travel the entire line between Taumarunui and Stratford in their own cartthrough the 24 hand-built tunnels, spectacular open hill country, untamed native bush and over its 98 bridges. Sitting alone with your travel companions creates an intimate setting for leisurely chats with friends or family. The line tells its own story but it is one
When the carts pull into the self-proclaimed Republic of Whangamomona, it feels like you’ve stepped back in time. Guests stay at the Whangamomona Hotelone of New Zealand’s most iconic, historic and secluded destinations. It’s bursting with warm hospitality, wholesome gourmet pub-style food and old-world charm.
Day two sees guests return to their carts for more historical commentary stops and an imposing view of Mount Taranaki. When the tour comes to an end at Stratford there are smiles all round. Travellers feel a real sense of joy, privileged to have been so at one with nature and to have experienced one of the country’s most worthy unsung achievements of the twentieth century.
Other premium tours include “The Expedition” and “The Epic” which boast the opportunity to discover the Bridge to Nowhere, fly over the Whanganui National Park and more. Or why not customise your own experience with family or friends. Reservations can only be made via phone call to the friendly bookings team who can help identify the most suitable tour.
So update your bucket list and book a front row seat for one of the most authentic experiences New Zealand has to offer. You certainly won’t regret or forget this unique kiwi adventure. You’ll just be left wondering why you didn’t do it sooner.
Just one of the comments from a guest who rated their experience with us as ‘outstanding’ – and from the hundreds of online reviews to date, 97% of our guests wholeheartedly agree. Many are attracted by the novel idea of travelling by rail cart through one of the most breathtakingly remote locations in New Zealand. But it’s the enriching sense of escapism, quality time with friends and family and learning about our region’s rich history that our guests love the most. And it ’s also their humbling comments of gratitude about us that inspires our whanau to give everyone a never to be forgotten experience. To discover more visit www.fwa.co.nz or call us on 0800 7245 2278. Go ahead, be our guest!
While sometimes it can be interesting and enjoyable to plan your own holiday itinerary, for many of us it is timeconsuming and simply overwhelming. When you’ve been dreaming of discovering a new destination, you know what sights you want to see, the local delicacies you want to taste and cultures you want to experience –but it’s the ‘how’ that is easy to overlook. Luckily, that’s what we specialise in.
Guided touring takes away the complexities and unknowns giving you the freedom to enjoy, explore, eat, engage and be entertained without the stress of planning or fear of leaving anything out. Whether you’re travelling on your own or with family and friends, one of the greatest blessings to come from travel is the inspiring people you meet and lifelong friendships created. Group travel is the ultimate facilitator of friendships, and our holidays attract people from all over the world who are looking to travel with likeminded explorers. No matter who you are, where you
come from, or what your passions are, a diverse range of travellers choose to travel on a guided tour, and you will make genuine, lasting connections on board. When travelling on a guided tour, of course we make sure you see all the bucket list items (after all, the icons are iconic for a reason) and take you to the main tourist attractions - often with priority entry and VIP experiences. However, we’ll also reveal the local secrets of each destination and give you the time to uncover its gems at your own pace. Food can be just as important as the travel so we’ve hand pick a number of authentic dining experiences from Michelin star restaurants that will have your taste buds dancing to delicious farm-totable feasts and ‘do it like the locals’ street food that’ll have you’ll sipping, savouring and sensing the local flair with every meal.
Whether you want to see the sights at leisure, enjoy an active itinerary, stay in one region or whirl around multiple countries, we have a trip for you.
As a Probus Club Member you’ll save $100 per person^ when travelling with TTC’s awardwinning travel companies: AAT Kings; Adventure World Travel; Costsaver; Luxury Gold; Insight Vacations; Inspiring Journeys; Trafalgar and Uniworld Boutique River Cruises. Uncover the diverse beauty and wonder of your own backyard, or discover fabulous international destinations, with our amazing choice of travel experiences across 7 continents.
^Full offer details: travel.ttc.com/en-nz/probus
Dream holidays without the stress of the ‘what ifs’, is what we do. We design our tours so you can experience the world differently. You’ll get the personal service, attention to detail and ease you’re looking for, while enjoying the unmissable icons and one-of-akind experiences you’ve always dreamed of.
Discover the Best of Italy on one of our favourite trips, from ancient treasures of Rome to Renaissance Florence and everything in between.
Explore the British Isles on this 22-day guided tour brought to life by Local Experts. Unique Insight Experiences include Orkney Isles, Kilkenny Castle, Dartmoor National Park, and more.
From kicking back on the canals of Amsterdam and Venice, to exploring Rome, Florence and Paris with a Local Specialist, this European Whirl has it all.
Starting in Lisbon, you’ll travel north and south to explore the Best of Portugal. Revealing a nation’s proud history, warm-hearted locals, and soul-warming cuisine.
Go beyond sightseeing and make lasting connections on a premium guided tour. Enjoy authentic experiences, stylish hotels and an expertly trained Travel Director to ensure a fabulous, seamless journey.
Explore Scotland’s highlands, islands, and culture capitals on this 9-day guided tour by Local Experts.
Witness the world’s finest collection of Spanish paintings as you tour the Prado Museum, visit the Alhambra Palace and Generalife Gardens, and other iconic sights during this tour.
*Probus exclusive save $100 off is valid on all trips departing in 2022 and 2023. Offer applies to new bookings only. A non-refundable deposit per person, per trip is required within 5 days of booking. Full payment is required up to 90 days prior to departure. Savings apply to the land portion of the chosen trip and does not include port taxes, intra trip air & taxes or permits. Discounts are not valid on all itineraries and/or departure dates, are subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Offer is combinable with Seasonal Offers and Year-Round savings should the chosen trip & departure qualify. Offer not valid on special departure or interest groups. ^*10% saving is valid as per terms and conditions on each brand website.
ASwe fly into Australian air space we observe the land mass below that is still under water from widespread flooding across the state. What is it about Australia –it’s either floods, fires or drought?
We’re quickly through immigration and with our luggage loaded we head for the city. Approaching the CBD there is something uniquely familiar about this urban sprawl. The wide majestic tree lined avenues, open gardens and easy to navigate grid remind us of what Christchurch once was before the earthquake.
Enter Colonel William Light: a distinguished military officer who designed Adelaide and Christchurch 200-years ago. Thanks to the Colonel’s bold vision and forward thinking Adelaide today airs a feeling of wide open spaces and independence. Back then the Colonel could not have imagined that he was laying the foundations for creating one of Australia’s most gastronomic regions producing fresh gourmet produce and some of the world’s finest wines.
With backdrops of the Adelaide
Hills to the east and the Gulf St Vincent to the west, the city offers its million plus inhabitants life in a Mediterranean climate and a blissful lifestyle. Set amid fertile valleys and pastures and an unspoiled coastline, Adelaide is undoubtedly one of the most liveable cities in Australia.
Often referred to as the city of churches and with more restaurants per capita than any other Australian city, Adelaide could easily be referred to as the city of restaurants with some of the best wines in its backyard. With just five short days we decided to make a meal of it.
For those wanting to build up an appetite a walk along Gouger Street, Adelaide’s undisputed eat street is a great place to start a culinary tour. Centrally located and easily accessible by foot, the area brings a wealth of alfresco dining with first class restaurants, bars and cafes.
We started our culinary journey with a stroll through the Adelaide Central Markets, a 150-year-old twoacre cosmopolitan European style
food court located in the heart of the city serving 150,000 customers a week. With over 250 colourful stalls under one roof this is a mecca for foodies. Selling everything from artisan cheeses, fresh fruit and vegetables to charcuterie and seafood, the markets are an integral part of city life and what’s in season that guarantees to excite the taste buds.
Next, the National Wine Centre: the showcase of South Australia’s multi- million dollar wine industry. Situated in the Botanic gardens,
DENNIS & ROSAMUND KNILL explore one of Australia’s most popular tourist food and wine destinations and find out why so many New Zealander’s are captivated by the experience.Photos. South Australian Tourism Commission ST PETER’S CATHEDRAL. RESTAURANT MUNI. NATIONAL WINE CENTRE OF AUSTRALIA.
the National Wine Centre displays 40,000 bottles of wine in its cellars. This is the out-and-out place to learn all the basics of wine and the growing regions in South Australia. Barossa, Clare Valley, Adelaide Hills in the north to McLaren Vale and Coonawarra to the south. All are within city limits making for perfect day trips.
We devote the afternoon with a visit to Adelaide’s best known and favourite beach. A short 15-minute tram ride from the CBD is Glenelg, Adelaide’s premier seaside destination and home to some of South Australia’s most expensive real estate. Synonymous with white sandy beaches, wide ocean views and stunning sunsets, not to mention its vibrant restaurant and café brigade.
The following morning we rise early and set off for a day wine tour of the Barossa Valley, one of the world’s most famous wine regions renowned for its shiraz, grenache and cabernet sauvignon. The wines grown here are typically deep in colour and aroma, concentrated flavours and fine tannins. Its dry, undulating landscape could not be more Australian yet the principal influence on its cuisine and culture is from Europe. More reflective of the Barossa are the unlimited classics as Penfold, St Hallets, Seppeltfield, Wolf Blass, St Hugos, Jacobs Creek,
Peter Lehmann’s and Yalumba. The list is endless.
Next stop Eden Valley, a higher, cooler sub region to the south east 90-minutes from the CBD noted for its historic and rich heritage. A fertile wine region that’s home to over 40 cellar doors and some of the most award winning wines in the country. While well suited for red wines, the bony weathered hills are responsible for some of Australia’s finest riesling .
We begin the next day with a casual 20-minute drive to Adelaide Hills, South Australia’s coolest region and at one time considered Barossa’s poor cousin. It’s one of Australia’s fasted growing wine regions with over 60 cellar doors and a popular weekend
destination for city dwellers.
Entering this extraordinarily beautiful almost alpine landscape is like entering another world. An enchanting drive up into the slopes of Mount Lofty Ranges the road twists and turns and then abruptly, as if emerging from a cloud burst, you’re suddenly surrounded by stone cottages, rolling pastures, orchards and vineyards.
Hahndorf, the original German settlement, makes much of its heritage. Now a busy little tourist town and just the sort of place to draw a breath and spend a few hours with a unhurried stroll to explore the arts and craftspeople, cafes, antique shops and food outlets.
We end the day with a visit to Port Adelaide on the city fringe and where the Navy ties up. We walk along the docks with its new cobbled streets and revived Victorian buildings that have been fully restored to their former glory. Oozing with maritime history, this waterside heritage precinct is a must do experience as are the Maritime, Aviation and Railway Museums. Every Sunday next to the iconic lighthouse, the Sunday markets is a popular haunt for bargain hunters wanting to check out the boutiques and curiosity shops.
25-minutes south from the city and part way to Fleurieu Peninsula is McLaren Vale with its burgeoning vineyards and intense swell of
vineyards dotted with pretty, quaint cottages. The constant climate of warm sunny days and light sea breezes off the Gulf of St Vincent make for a perfect wine growing region. McLaren Vale is all about full bodied reds from vines planted over 150 years ago. Although much of the region’s wine growth has occurred on soils of inferior quality, the well-drained and shallow red soils of terra rossa make for some of the finest wines ever made in Australia.
Coonawarra thoroughly deserves its international reputation for its outstanding shiraz, merlot, cabernet sauvignon as well as some wonderfully dry chardonnays. It’s also one of Australia’s most prolific olive oil regions, with cheeses, smallgoods, almond’s and berries thrown in for good measure. Not to be outdone, the region has evolved into a buzzing theme park of restaurants, cafés and wine bars and is a magnet for the food and wine buffs that frequent here.
Just 145km long and 57km at its widest point is Kangaroo Island, Australia’s third largest island. Located 13km off the southern coast the island is home to 5,000 locals and considered one of Australia’s last wildernesses with an abundance of native flora and fauna.
Named by famous explorer Matthew Finders after his meat-
starved crew tucked into a hearty meal of kangaroos that greeted them on the foreshore when they landed on the beach.
Crammed with kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, sea lions, penguins, fur seals and 250m species of birds, the island also boasts some of the best crayfish in South Australian waters. Sadly in 2019 much of the wildlife and homes were destroyed by fires reducing the island to sandy dunes and charred trees but thanks to the resilience of the locals the island has quickly regenerated.
With so much to see and do Adelaide deserves more than five days. Over that time we explored many of regions unique sights, tasted some exceptional cellar doors and sampled some exquisite cuisine while raising our glasses along the way!
Getting there: Air New Zealand fly four times per week direct from Auckland www.airnewzealand.co.nz
Getting around: Rental car is the best option
Places of interest: Bradman Collection, Botanic Gardens, Port Adelaide, Colonel Light’s Lookout, Carrick Hill, Mount Lofty Summit, Ayres House, Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Art Gallery, St Peters Cathedral, Railway Museum, Adelaide Oval, Haigh’s Chocolates, National Wine Centre
Best shopping: Rundle Street Mall
Background reading: Adelaide a brief history by Kathyn Gargett and Susan Marsden, South Australia Lonely Planet by Denis O’Bryne
Other information: South Australia Tourism Commission southaustralia.co.nz
THEMurray Princess is a true inland paddle-wheeler built in 1986 especially for the Murray River. She has a character and charm of yesteryear and is the largest inland paddle-wheeler in the southern hemisphere.
Catering for up to 120 guests, she brings the unique advantages of small ship cruising to the remarkable setting of the amazing Murray River and Australia’s outback.
The onboard atmosphere is relaxed and informal in style. The
lounge features a majestic view of the paddlewheel in action through the two-story viewing window. Upper and lower lounge areas are accessed by the classic brass and mahogany style spiral staircase.
The Murray Princess cruises between Mannum, Murray Bridge and Salter’s Station along the Murray River. The wetlands in this area provide essential breeding and feeding habitats for many species of waterbirds, fish, invertebrates and plants, meaning that you’ll see the wonderful wildlife in this outback setting.
Offering 3, 4 or 7-night cruises,
our guests enjoy all meals, live entertainment each evening, an exciting selection of onshore tours, guided tours and eco excursions throughout their cruise.
Why not stay longer and visit the iconic attractions South Australia is so famous for such as Kangaroo Island, the third largest island off the coast of Australia. KI, as the locals call it, is known for its spectacular coastline, native Australian wildlife and vibrant food and wine scene.
For further information and bookings call Murray Princess on 1300 729 938, or visit murrayprincess.com.au.
many people can say they have ticked Pitcairn Island off their bucket travel list. It’s not a matter of jumping on a plane and arriving in Pitcairn Island a few hours later. There is no air strip on Pitcairn Island and the only way to visit is by ship! Aside from the cargo ship that visits on a rotational basis throughout the year, the only way to visit Pitcairn Island is by cruise ship.
Some cruise lines call into Pitcairn Island en-route between French
Polynesia and South America, often combining Pitcairn with a stop at Easter Island. Twice in 2023 and just once in 2024, however, Aranui 5 will make a special voyage to Pitcairn Island, heading out from Papeete , via the Tuamotu Islands to Mangareva in the Gambier Islands. From there, it’s across to Pitcairn Island, returning back to Papeete with two more stops on the way home.
It’s an amazing adventure, visiting parts of the world not many see.
You’ll wonder why more people don’t know about these incredibly beautiful, remote islands with long stretches of powdery white sand and impossibly blue lagoons and where life moves at a much slower pace.
On Pitcairn Island, home of less than 50 people, there are no cars or traffic lights – quad bikes are the go-to in this part of the world! You’ll see why this island was the perfect spot for Fletcher Christian and friends to hide away from the rest of the world after the Bounty mutiny and discover the remnants and artefacts dating back to this historic
period. Today, you’ll discover a unique community living a remote and isolated lifestyle without the hustle and bustle of modern life. There really isn’t any place else like it in the world!
The ship is comfortable with a relaxed ambiance and a friendly, hospitable crew who will be serving you a drink at the bar one minute, then picking up a ukulele for a sing-a-long the next. There are no casinos or nightclubs aboard the Aranui 5 – it’s more about chatting with new friends over a drink on the deck, a swim in the pool, learning
the songs and culture from the crew and enjoying some excellent French Polynesian hospitality.
The cruise package is fully inclusive of airfares, transfers, precruise accommodation, 10 night cruise, all meals on board, wine with lunch and dinner, shore excursions and more.
With less than 100 cabins and just two voyages to Pitcairn each year, these cruises sell out very quickly. Book by 28 February 2023 for February 2024 and save 10% but be quick – these cruises sell out quickly!
For more information:
Ultimate Cruising
T: 0800 485 846
Prize includes:
Australia is a place of extremes and the dramatic Kimberley, in the country’s northwest, is no exception. One of Australia’s remotest regions it is home to some of the country’s most unsung natural attractions – many of them inaccessible by road.
Discover ancient landscapes on Swan Hellenic’s exceptional 11-day voyage exploring Kimberley, Western Australia’s most sparsely settled northern region. Your journey around this precious coastal wilderness is defined by azure blue seas, tiny islands, fjordlands and extraordinary high tides. Inland, Aboriginal art daubs towering sandstone cliffs and caves, while the scraggy eucalypt savannah is home to crocodiles and rock wallabies. Get your camera ready as we sail through humpback whale calving grounds, as boobies, egrets and Eastern spreys take to the skies.
With some areas only accessible by sea, cruising this revered land on our luxury, boutique ship will leave lasting memories. The spectacular Indian Ocean coastline, reef systems, gorges and sandstone ranges of the Kimberley are home to several marine and terrestrial national parks. Keep an eye out Eastern ospreys, endangered Gouldian finches, humpback whales, saltwater and estuarine crocodiles and six of the world’s seven species of turtle.
That’s how long we’ve been navigating the world’s waters. Swan Hellenic is built on a passion for exploration, a reputation for safety and professionalism of the highest standard.
Just you and nature, that’s how you’ll feel on our 5 star contemporary ‘Scandinavian inspired’ ships. With open-plan design, panoramic views and a focus on wellness, they’re the perfect place to relax, recharge and explore.
Once, we travelled to educate – professors, scientists, researchers. Over the years, we’ve developed a deep knowledge of the world. Today, we use this knowledge to create immersive cultural experiences that take you to the heart of a place.
• 1 Darwin, Australia
• 2 At Sea
• 3 Wyndham, Australia
• 4 King George River, Australia
• 5 Hunter River & Mitchell Falls, Australia
• 6 Bigge Island & Low Rocks, Australia
• 7 Ashmore Reef, Australia
• 8 Montgomery Reef & Fresh Water Cove, Australia
• 9 Kury Bay, Talbot Bay & Horizontal Falls, Australia
• 10 Lacepede Islands, Australia
• 11 Broome, Australia
Our 5 star boutique ship, SH Minerva, has taken expedition cruising to new heights. Featuring elegant interiors, wide unobstructed views throughout the ship and dedicated expedition facilities for a remarkable travel experience. Explore off-the-beatentrack destinations in style and comfort as you take in the scenery from a panoramic sauna, warm up in an outdoor hot tub, dine in a worldclass restaurant, and unwind in an elegant stateroom.
King George River Bigge Island & Low Rocks
Hunter River & Mitchell Falls
Montgomery Reef & Freshwater Cove
Kury Bay, Talbot Bay & Horizontal Falls
AUDIKA are a part of Demant, a company originating in Denmark that began because of founder Hans Demant’s passion for helping his hearing-impaired wife in the early 1900s. We have carried that passion through time and across countries.
Backed by 115 years of global experience and hearing care leadership, Audika promise expertise, care, technology and value for every ear. More than 280,000 New Zealand and Australian clients have entrusted their hearing to our expert teams.
Hearing health is important to our general health and wellbeing. Untreated hearing loss can have a big impact on the life of the person suffering the loss, and their loved
ones. Living with hearing loss may affect more than your ability to hear.
Untreated hearing loss can impact your ability to communicate and connect with your loved ones and it can have health impacts such as increased risk of dementia and mental strain.
Getting regular hearing health checks is the first important step towards maintaining good hearing health and Audika offer free hearing checks for adults over 18. Should a hearing loss be detected, the expert hearing health teams are able to offer advanced hearing technology solutions that suit a variety of budgets.
As a Probus Partner, Audika are offering a range of services and discounts to Probus Club members across New Zealand. Apply now to have one of our hearing health experts attend your next local meeting or event, where your members will be offered free hearing checks and advice on hearing health.
Probus Club Members receive 10% off the Optimal and Premium range of hearing devices purchased from an Audika hearing clinic
MORE INFO: Request an Audika hearing health expert to attend your next event, FREE. Visit audika.co.nz/probus-partnership
CRAMPSTOP for any kind of cramp is an essential addition to your medicine cupboard.
It’s 100% natural and safe, even during pregnancy.
Make sure you always have some on hand, just one spray for instant relief!
The chances of getting cramp increase over time. The changes that occur in our bodies as we age make us a prime target for muscle cramps. The older you get, the more likely you may begin to get cramp on a regular basis.
One of the reasons for this is dehydration.
We naturally lose water daily through breathing, working in air conditioned rooms and drinking coffee or other sugary drinks which are actually very dehydrating. We also lose water from the more obvious like sweating, urination, vomiting and bowel movements.
The general effects of dehydration are feeling lethargic and run down.
It occurs when our bodies are losing more fluid than we are putting in. You shouldn’t ever ignore any lethargic feelings as being dehydrated can lead to serious health concerns. It’s so important for our bodies and general health to make sure we are drinking enough water regularly.
Common signs of dehydration are:
• muscle cramps
• dry mouth
• headaches
• dry skin
• decreased or dark yellow urine output
• moodiness
• difficulty concentrating
You may also think you are hungry - how often do we gravitate to the biscuit tin for a sugary snack to fill that need? You are more likely to actually be dehydrated in this case, not hungry at all!
One of the first things to try if you are getting regular cramp is to up
your water intake. Chances are, you will begin to get relief this way.
More specifically:
• Start your day with a big glass of room temperature water, before your tea or coffee
• When exercising, drink plenty of water before, during and after, particularly during the hot and humid months.
• Make sure your diet has plenty of fruit and vegetables incorporated with plenty of vitamins and minerals.
• Tea, coffee and alcohol are all dehydrating so add a glass of water between drinks.
ELECTRIFY NZ started with one mission in mind – to rapidly grow the number of people around New Zealand using bikes.
Founder Michael Tritt had been a regular cyclist and sustainability advocate for two decades when he tried an e-bike, realised that they were a game changer and set up the first Electrify store in central Auckland in 2015.
“People who haven’t ridden for years are now enjoying the great number of recreational cycling opportunities that New Zealand can offer, while many e-cyclists also find
themselves using an e-bike as a car replacement” says Tritt.
The e-bike market has exploded in recent years, from an estimated 2,000 electric bike imports when Electrify NZ started to more than 50,000 currently.
Electrify New Zealand now has 11 retail outlets throughout New Zealand, all of which are locally owned and operated.
Tritt says Electrify NZ was able to grow rapidly because of the growth in the market, but also because it had a clear point of difference.
“We are New Zealand’s electric bike specialists. There are other nationwide retailers who sell e-bikes, but don’t specialise in them, and there are other e-bike stores in some places. Electrify NZ however has a nationwide network of brick and mortar stores that only sell e-bikes (plus related accessories and services.)”
Tritt says that customers can get a better experience from an electric bike specialist.“We know our product
category really well, whereas in a big box retailer you might get more inexperienced staff who have to sell a lot of different products, so they’re not experts in e-bikes and can’t give the same quality of advice”.
Electrify NZ also places a high priority on after sales support.“An e-bike is a substantial investment for most people, and it’s important that the retailer is there to help you out after you’ve bought it,” says Tritt.
Electrify NZ has full service workshops in all of its stores, and a large supply of spare parts covering the brands it sells in its 1300 squaremetre Hamilton warehouse.
“It starts when you first walk into the store,“ says Tritt,“Electrify NZ welcomes everyone, regardless of where you are in your e-bike journey or how much you know about bikes. We are happy to take time to educate customers, to answer any questions you might have, and of course we offer free test rides so that you can try out an e-bike properly before buying”.
A heart murmur can be a sign of heart valve disease.
You may think you are slowing down just because you are getting older but that’s not necessarily true. A diagnosis is crucial for ensuring heart valve disease is treated at the right time.
Talk to your doctor today about getting an echocardiogram, a simple heart ultrasound.
EVERY week at EAT we produce 9 fresh delicious meals, 3 healthy soups, 5 sweet desserts, 3 comforting cakes and we buy our slices in… This incredible selection is ready for you to eat at home at your convenience. Our
customers are always delighted to receive their nutritious, portioncontrolled, delicious meals, but they are more excited by the fact that they actually save on grocery as they are not throwing away wasted vegetables or left overs
that they just don’t end up eating. We are big on reducing waste at Eat… Our recipes are carefully measured, meals are portioned and any fresh meals we don’t sell, are frozen down and sold in ‘Pot Luck’ frozen variety boxes. There is very little ‘waste’ which helps our pocket too. We are also very diligent about the packaging of our food. Delivery via an ambient network means the box has to act as a fridge for 30 hours. We are aware a lot of our customers are in a vulnerable group so our ice can sometimes outweigh the meals. We have a stringent environmental test to ensure meals arrive at a safe temperature. We definitely don’t scrimp on packaging with our prime focus on food safety over cost. Therefore with each delivery comes wrapping, ice, insulation liners, boxes, trays and containers… checking the recycling codes/ numbers and what to do with them is like trying to decode the ingredients on a can of coke. The good news is that our packaging is 80% kerbside recyclable and 19.9% soft plastics recyclable (if you can arrange to drop it off, cleaned to your local supermarket soft plastics bin). The 0.01 % is the tape on your box… that is for the bin No waste for you.. no waste for us and a recycling programme that keeps it out of the landfill ensuring we are all conscious consumers.
Delivery week starting 28 Nov-02 Dec
06-10 Feb Waitangi
13-17 Mar
Pure NZ roast pork with caramelised apple, roast vegetables, peas and broccoli.
**Carb lite option available
Swedish meatballs with creamy mash, green beans and carrots
**Carb lite option available
Tender NZ beef steak with mushroom sauce, roast vegetable medley and steamed baby beans
**Carb lite option available
Pan-fried NZ fish, lemon caper sauce, chunky roastie potatoes and stir fried vegetables. $13.50
NZ free range chicken & chorizo paella $13.50
NZ beef bourginion, mashed potato, sliced carrots and green medley.
Free range french chicken with braised vegetables. $13.50
Delicious beef sausages, sticky onion gravy, peas and wedges.
Pasta pomodoro $12.00
Delivery week starting 05-09 Dec
13-17 Feb 20-24 Mar
Pure NZ roast beef with cauliflower cheese and roast vegetables.
**Carb lite option available
Pickled Pork with parsley sauce, creamy mash, beans and carrot. $13.50
Slow cooked beef steak with red wine jus, potato au gratin, carrots and steamed green beans. $13.50
**Carb lite option available
Smoked salmon and spinach penne pasta $13.50
Chicken Cottage Pie $13.50
‘Melt in your mouth’ beef stew, carrot and potato mash, buttered spinach. $13.50
Chicken Coq au vin with potato gratin and broccoli $13.50
Beef and black bean with asian vegetables and steamed rice.
**Carb lite option available
Roasted Pumpkin and Parmesan risotto $12.00
Delivery week starting 12-16 Dec
16-20 Jan
20-24 Feb
27-31 Mar
NZ lamb shank braised in red wine with creamy mash, carrot sticks, baby beans. $15.50
**Carb lite option available
Our famous meatloaf with our own relish,roast potato, pumpkin and spinach. $13.50
Tender NZ beef steak with fried onion ring creamy potato, pumpkin, broccoli. $13.50
**Carb lite option available
Fish provencal with steamed greens and new buttered potatoes. $13.50
Red Thai chicken curry with steamed rice. $13.50
**Carb lite option available
Beef and Beer casserole, potato roasties and green beans. $13.50
Creamy boneless mustard chicken with pommes boulangere and broccoli florets. $13.50
Traditional Pork sausages, a balsamic onion gravy and bubble n squeak $13.50
Vegetable lasagne $12.00
Delivery week starting
23-27 Jan Wgtn Anniv
27-03 Mar
03-07 Apr
Free Range roast chicken with whole cranberry stuffing, roast vegetables & peas. $13.80
**Carb lite option available
Corned beef with mustard sauce, mash potato, buttered silverbeet/ cabbage and carrot. $13.50
Tender NZ beef steak with herb butter, medley of sautéed vegetables. $13.50
**Carb lite option available
Steamed fish in summer ragu with pesto and spaghetti. $13.50
Free range chicken and vegetable Pie with pastry top. $13.50
Beef hotpot, slow cook beef and vegetables with a scalloped potato top. $13.50
**Carb lite option available
Chicken forestiere (creamy mushroom sauce) with roasted carrot and potato chunks and creamed spinach. $13.50
Beef lasagne, premium beef mince ragu, bechamel sauce, pasta. $13.50
Pumpkin, spinach and chickpea coconut curry with steamed rice $12.00
Delivery week starting COOKS ON HOLIDAY
30-03 Feb Auck Anniv
06-10 Mar
10-14 Apr Good Friday
Glazed ham with Cumberland sauce, roasted potato, broccoli, pumpkin and grilled pineapple. $13.80
Tarragon Pork steak, with creamy mash, pumpkin and baby beans. $13.50
**Carb lite option available
NZ beef steak with béarnaise sauce, sauté potatoes, pumpkin & baby beans. $13.50
**Carb lite option available
Traditional smoked fish pie $13.50
Butter chicken curry with steamed rice. $13.50
**Carb lite option available
Braised beef and vegetable casserole with potato colcannon $13.50
Free range golden chicken with leek, spinach, pea trio & potato au gratin. $13.50
Traditional cottage pie (premium NZ beef) with creamy mash top. $13.50
Macaroni cheese $12.00
the best combination of superior absorbency, reliable leakproof performance and slimline profile of any reusable incontinence underwear on the market.
Confitex CEO Christine Arden recommends buying one pair and testing them out in the comfort and privacy of your own home. “Once you know you’ve got the right size and absorbency for your needs, you can stock up on enough pairs to allow you to get on with life.”
ONEwoman in three and one man in five leaks a little when they sneeze, cough, laugh or lift something heavy.
Kiwi company Confitex believes nobody should live in fear of life’s little leaks, so they’ve created new Just’nCase absorbent briefs for women and Confitex for Men leakproof trunks – designed to be worn every day and at night for discreet protection against light-tomoderate bladder leakage.
They’re quality cloth underwear that you can machine wash and tumble dry like ordinary undies, but with the added benefit of a built-in panel of Confitex’s world-leading absorbent and leakproof textile, right where you need it.
Initially invented with elite athletes in mind, Confitex’s patented textile technology has been independently labtested and verified, and offers
Not only are absorbent underwear more environmentally friendly than single-use pads, liners, guards and shields, but because you can wear them again and again you’ll save money in the long run. “Many of our customers tell us it’s a relief to no longer have to buy incontinence products at the supermarket checkout or figure out how to dispose of them in public bathrooms, at work or when visiting friends,” says Arden.
“Every day we hear from men and women who say that Confitex underwear has reduced their anxiety and given them the confidence and freedom to live an active life.”
Just’nCase absorbent briefs for women and Confitex for Men leakproof trunks are available only online at the official website confitex.co.nz with discreet delivery to your door.
Don’t let wee accidents stop you living your best life.
If you or someone you love leaks a little, you can feel confident in Confitex.
Confitex for Men trunks and Just’nCase women’s briefs are comfortable fabric underwear that look, feel and wash exactly like ordinary undies, but with the added benefit of a built-in panel of our patented absorbent and leakproof textile for discreet everyday protection from life’s little leaks.
The trunks are just perfect for my husband. He says they are extremely comfortable and absorbent and give him a great deal of confidence. So pleased we have found them. – Jean
LEAKY bowel, Crohn’s disease, bloating and general discomfort – the list goes on. It seems our modern lifestyle (antibiotics, diets, illness, stress) may be playing havoc with our gut and microbiome.
The probiotic strain Akkermansia was identified many years ago as a determining factor of a healthy microbiome. The problem was not the research, nearly 2000 scientific papers have been published on the
consequences to human health of low levels of Akkermansia. The issue has been, that after years of trying, no one could figure out how to grow Akkermansia at scale. In fact, the only way physicians could increase human levels of this important strain was with a fecal transfer.
Enter PhD microbiologist Dr Collen Cutcliffe, who, together with her partners from leading tech and research institutions around the US, set up bioscience company Pendulum Therapeutics – and developed a special oxygen-free lab to study and grow Akkermansia.
Akkermansia is regarded as a “keystone” strain for gut health and plays a special role in supporting
a healthy immune response, gut barrier integrity, intrinsic weight management and glucose handling processes.
Akkermansia also naturally supports GLP-1 production, the chemical in our body which regulates hunger and signals when we are full.
The current scientific evidence collectively points to supporting healthy Akkermansia levels as a logical step in supporting microbiome diversity and human health.
Pendulum’s Akkermansia is now available in NZ exclusively at www.pendulumlife.co.nz
Until recently, the only way to support healthy levels of Akkermansia was by faecal transplant With funding from the Mayo clinic, Pendulum’s team of PhD scientists finally discovered a way to cultivate this anaerobic strain at quantity (in a specially constructed oxygen free lab) and designed a capsule to ensure it survives the digestive juices intact
Akkermansia has been the subject of +2000 scientific studies and is known as a “keystone” probiotic for gut health. Akkermansia is an important strain that inhabits the gut lining, where its interaction with mucin supports a healthy intestinal wall.
Furthermore, Akkermansia is used as a predictor for wellbeing, with higher levels being seen in healthy individuals and high performance athletes
New Zealand is the first country in the world outside of the USA to have access to Pendulum’s next-generation, health supporting probiotic range.
Pendulum’s Akkermansia is a patented probiotic strain available exclusively at www.pendulumlife.co.nz | info@pendulumlife.co.nz
Pendulum’s Akkermansia supports:
• Healthy gut wall integrity
• Healthy body composition
• Metabolic health
• Immune system health
• Healthy blood glucose levels
• Healthy GLP-1 levels
After years of research & development, “keystone” probiotic strain Akkermanisa muciniphila is now available to consumers as a once-a-day probiotic.
AGEDADVISOR New Zealand wants retirees to get the most out of their later years - and retirement village living can be a great choice when you find the right one. There’s a lot to consider and plenty of documentation that goes with looking and moving into a village, so it’s good to get the right advice.
If you’re looking to move into one...
“We advise people to consider the
implications from a personal, legal and financial point of view. Ask the right questions, visit and talk to the people in the villages (or read the reviews) and compare each facility based on your own list of priorities,” says Tania Ryan, GM for AgedAdvisor. She says that some of the implications are covered in the new 2023 magazine, along with a checklist of possible questions to ask.
Each year AgedAdvisor runs the “People’s Choice Awards” to recognise villages and care homes that residents rave about. The results of the Winners & Finalists for the 2022 “Peoples’ Choice Awards” are live at www.agedadvisor.nz/awards which includes a variety of villages from your Ryman and Summerset villages to ones, like Karaka Lifestyle and Hopper Living, that share capital gains.
Next year, AgedAdvisor expands its offering of information and
reviews to legal services, financial services and funeral services. “We started with retirement villages and care 7 years ago because there was a gap in the market. But the steps before moving into a village or care, and that final step afterwards can also be fraught with questions and uncertainty. We want to assist with that too.”
With almost 10,000 reviews and ratings on more than 810 facilities, Tania says hearing from people who have used a legal firm, financial service or funeral director recently will help. You can post a review at www.agedadvisor.nz/reviews
The magazine includes “My Village - My Life”, a 16 page section on villages specifically for residents. If you’re not an RVResident member, then you can order a copy from www.rvr.org.nz
When it comes to relaxing in the comfort of your own home, you can’t pass up a good quality recliner chair. More than just a ‘chair’, a supportive recliner chair is essential for those who sit for long periods of time or those who struggle with lower back pain. Recliner chairs are specifically built to accommodate comfort.
RECLINERS come in all shapes, sizes and styles. Choose a recliner that suits your home, from the traditional, yet classic fabric recliner chairs, to more modern and sleek leather recliner suites. Recliners also vary in their functionality - there are your standard manual recliners, but there are also some more advanced recliners that are equipped with powered controls ensuring that you have ultimate comfort in all seating positions with just the push of a button.
No matter what recliner you opt for, a recliner allows you to correct your posture through multiple seating positions. You can put your feet up and recline to read a book or watch TV. When you get tired, you can lie back with your legs up and have a rest without moving from your seat at all.
Recliners feature a quiet, smooth and easy operation, making some of life’s more difficult tasks simple and easy. Some modern designs also combine extra features such as USB ports, cup holders and adjustable headrests; meaning you can create the ultimate lounging experience in your own home.
Explore an extensive range of recliner sofas and chairs at your local Harvey Norman Store today. The team at Harvey Norman can assess your needs and help you select the perfect recliner so you can start living life with ease.
Shop in store at one of our 27 Furniture and Bedding stores nationwide or head online to harveynorman.co.nz
Buying a new bed is an important decision and not one that should be rushed. These days there are so many options, it can be hard to decide on just one. An adjustable bed is a great solution. With an adjustable bed you can move the bed to your desired sleeping position and there’s added benefits such as being able to raise your head to read. When you buy an adjustable bed, you’re buying a bed that can be altered to exactly what you want.
• Being able to adjust your bed can help with health issues such as poor circulation, heart burn and breathing problems.
• If you and your partner prefer to sleep in different positions, you can choose a split model. With a split bed base, each side of the bed can be independently moved - one person can have the bed laid flat to sleep while the other can lift the back up and read in bed at the same time.
• Another advantage of a split bed is that you and your partner can each select the mattress comfort you desire – even if one person prefers super firm and the other likes their mattress soft, there’s no compromise needed.
• The base can be paired with different customisable headboard styles to suit your bedroom décor. Select from upholstered headboards or beautifully crafted timber designs.
As well as having movement features, upgraded models have additional functions such as vibrating massage settings, speakers, Bluetooth capability and under bed lighting. You deserve a rejuvenating, restful sleep every night. Head into your local Harvey Norman and let our sleep experts help find the perfect bed for you - an adjustable bed might be just what you’re looking for.
Shop in store at one of our 27 Furniture and Bedding stores nationwide or head online to harveynorman.co.nz
SENIORS have been missing Operatunity and their monthly dose of fun and music for the past couple of years since Covid struck in 2020. Now like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Operatunity is back presenting concerts and musical trips.
Operatunity is New Zealand’s leading concert and music travel provider with a customer base of tens of thousands. They present different themed daytime concerts of popular songs and music travel, taking in the great sights of the world.
Covid, lockdowns, and isolation rules have significantly affected
Operatunity. With over 350 cancelled concerts, 100,000 tickets processed, and 120 trips affected, it is a miracle this beloved company is still around. Hard work, dedication, and an incredible outpouring of love and support from customers, artists, and the office team have meant Operatunity has survived. They have just announced their 2022/23 series of concerts and music travel.
Operatunity starts its 2022/23 season this Christmas 2022 with Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, a joyous celebration of the spirit of the season. This concert features Cameron Barclay, star of the Ten Tenors, with
Operatunity favourites Karl Perigo, Kelly Lim Harris, Russell Dixon, Grant Winterburn and Alex Foster joining him.
In 2023 their season continues with a further seven national tours presenting a variety of music genres; When Irish Eyes are Smiling, filled with jigs and jollity; The Ultimate 70s Show, a grooving celebration of the hits of the 70s; Strike Up the Band, a scintillating celebration of the best of the big band era; From Broadway to Westend, a glitzy and glamorous music theatre show; Last Night of the Proms, filled with flag waving and soaring singalongs; Viva Las Vegas, an homage to Vegas’ most famous headliners; and Christmas in Vienna, capturing the magic of Viennese waltzes and Christmas classics.
Co-owners Susan Boland and John Cameron have had to make tough decisions during Covid, one of the toughest being pressing the pause button on the daytime concerts last August. “After so many cancellations and changes in 2020 and 2021, we simply had to press pause on the company for a few months. We could not keep asking our customers to buy tickets for concerts and trips when we could not guarantee we would present them. We felt this would be unethical. Our staff were also going nuts with cancellations, credits, and the myriad of logistical
arrangements we had to change for both trips and concerts. Now we cannot wait to see our customers and start singing again, says Susan Boland.
To help keep Operatunity going, there have been monetary donations and many messages of support and encouragement. This was an outpouring of love for a beloved brand whose ethos of customer service and bringing joy comes first. “We simply thank everyone, especially our customers, for their support in keeping us going, both financially and emotionally. Every message or donation we received reminded us how important Operatunity is to so many people and made us even more determined to rise again!
Outside of their daytime concerts, Operatunity’s music and arts tours have proved the perfect combination, opening the world to those travelling in retirement. These trips range from operas in Italy, seeing André Rieu in Maastricht, English literature tours, music theatre in Australia, and presenting their own music festivals in Australia, NZ and the South Pacific. The artists from their daytime concerts host the trips, miraculously transforming from guides to singers performing in incredible locations around the world such as a Murray River chartered paddle steamer, a private concert in Pavarotti’s house in Italy, Welsh Male Choir at Cardiff Castle, concerts in pubs in Ireland, or at home in
New Zealand’s Waitomo Caves or Doubtful Sound.
Susan Boland says, “Seniors can be put in a position where they feel they are a burden. We want our seniors to feel the opposite. We want them to be themselves, have fun, and enjoy exceptional experiences. We want them to see places they never thought they could.” Operatunity’s musical tours allow seniors to live life to the fullest and feel young again, “We want them to laugh and live. We do this through music, companionship, a high level of care and safe travel”. Music provides a common bond connecting seniors with like-minded people who have gone through similar experiences. Susan says “Many of our customers are widows who want to travel but often this is their first solo trip. There is great benefit in travelling with those who understand grief and challenges but are still brave enough to take the plunge and start living again.”
The 2023 programme of travel includes big music festival style trips where several artists present concerts in great locations. These include trips to Samoa, Vanuatu, and Fiji. “With tourism such an important part of their economy, Covid has devastated our struggling Pacific neighbours. It is great to be going there, feeling we are supporting the local people while having a fabulous time
presenting masses of music as well!” Boland comments.
It is not only seniors who have missed Operatunity. As one of the leading providers of professional work in New Zealand, artists are also delighted to see Operatunity back. Over 40 artists rely on Operatunity for either their part-time or full-time income. Operatunity was only able to keep on 4 full time artists, presenting free happiness half hours to keep customers and artists connected, even getting their artists to do building repairs or gardening to keep them employed and sane during lockdowns and never-ending cancelled concerts or trips.
One comment from a customer, Margaret from Kapiti says, “I have so missed seeing you and enjoying all the music and feeling like part of your family. You don’t realise what you miss until it’s not around anymore. I have felt so lonely being without Operatunity over the past couple of years!”
“Time to start living, time to stop looking in the rear vision mirror and the stresses of the last couple of years, time to look forward and definitely time to give happiness to New Zealand seniors again!” says Susan Boland.
In other words, for this company, its artists, and customers throughout New Zealand, no more missed Operatunities!
GETTING into a new Suzuki could not be easier, with lower emissions, fabulous fuel efficiency, and exceptional performance; all topped off with ‘thank you’ from the Government’s Clean Car Discount for helping to reduce New Zealand’s emissions.
To help you select your next Suzuki, here are our top three picks of their Clean Car Discount range. For an affordable super-compact SUV, look no further than the Suzuki Ignis. Distinctive from every angle and easy to manage around town, the vibrant Ignis has three specs available including the super affordable GLX MANUAL and for those who prefer an automatic gearbox, the GLX AUTO. These efficient little SUVs start from just $21,990 plus on-road costs (ORC) - that makes it just $19,500+ORC as a net price with a Clean Car rebate of $2,490 for the manual. Next on your must-consider list is the Suzuki Swift. Well known and well-loved for all the right reasons,
the Swift continues to be super economical and exceptional value for money. Thanks to its extremely low emitting engine, the fully petrol Swift GL gets up to $2,593 back with the Clean Car Rebate. The lightweight Swift, starts from $21,990+ORC for the GL MANUAL and $23,990 for the GL AUTO. Alongside its 5-star ANCAP safety rating on all autos, the Swift always delivers a smile and is a great choice to suit your lifestyle and budget.
Last but certainly not least is the Suzuki Swift Hybrid. With a Clean Car Rebate of $3,160, this Swift Hybrid gets the most cash back by way of its smart hybrid powertrain. The electric engine assist means remembering to plug in isn’t a concern, with the Hybrid capable of charging itself as it drives. Starting with the GLX AUTO at $27,990+ORC (or $24,830+ORC with the rebate), the Hybrid is the next step in lowering emissions and fuel costs.
Suzuki has recently released the top spec HYBRID RS AUTO. Available with the same cash back, this clever Swift has the full safety assist suite, two tone options and other helpful features such as keyless entry, climate control and electrically folding mirrors.
No matter what Suzuki you choose, you’ll have something more to sing about when you claim the Clean Car Discount. As the automotive brand that gives kiwis more for less, Suzuki turns every journey into a pleasure.
For more info on a new Suzuki and it’s five-year warranty package and five years of Suzuki roadside assistance head to suzuki.co.nz, or contact your local Suzuki dealer for a test drive.
IN June 2022 the Massey University Fin-Ed Centre released its Annual Update to the New Zealand Retirement Expenditure Guidelines. The Centre aims to empower New Zealanders to make more financially savvy decisions – giving people the tools they need for the life-long process of managing their finances.
The New Zealand Retirement Expenditure Guidelines – as at 30 June 2022 – are prepared from Statistics New Zealand’s triennial 2018/19 Household Economic Survey for the year ended 30 June 2019.
The June Update noted that current high inflation particularly concerns Kiwis in or near retirement, eroding purchasing power and reducing the value of their investments.
The Update commented that interest rate increases resulting from attempts by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, and other central banks globally to combat inflation, may negatively impact the value of fixed income investments held in KiwiSaver and other managed funds. This means, KiwiSaver members are seeing their KiwiSaver account balances drop.
Retirees are likely to have a greater proportion of fixed income investments in their portfolios, due to the lower volatility of this asset class, which is preferred for those at this life stage.
The Update notes the main contributors to continued cost
increases for retirees for the twelve months ended 30 June 2022 were transport (with inflation of 14.5%), housing and household utilities (rising 9.1%), and food (up 6.5%).
Inflation is at levels last seen in the early 1990s. Long-term bond rates of 4% suggest investment values will continue to be eroded for some time, which may encourage diligent investors to make their nest egg work harder.
Significant demand from baby boomers is driving the thriving senior living sector, which offers a long-proven record of generating attractive income for Kiwi investors.
John Jackson, Executive Director of the Senior Trust Retirement Village Income Generator, has been involved in the investment
sector for more than two decades. He believes the growing surge in demand for quality modern retirement villages reflects the concerns of many senior New Zealanders about social isolation, security, and a desire for a good life in their golden years.
Senior Trust focuses on this segment of the industry, supporting and funding experienced, capable operators who deliver quality retirement villages at the premium end of the market.
Building wealth and wellbeing, to help Kiwis live more comfortable lives.
Senior Trust Income Generator – specialist funder of premium retirement assets that deliver attractive, steady returns – while helping create quality places to live.
Visit www.seniortrust.co.nz
call 0800 609 600.
I was disappointed to read about Consumer NZ’s call for “an urgent review of retirement village consumer protection” because I had always considered it to be a sensible organisation.
My wife Rosy and I moved into the Ranfurly retirement village in Three
Kings, Auckland, two years ago and it is very clear to us that the kind of examples being cited by Consumer or by the Retirement Village Residents Association (RVRA) are far from typical.
I’d go as far as to say that using obscure cases as scare tactics is a form of elder abuse in itself. It concerns us that this scaremongering may worry and unsettle some people living in retirement villages and their families or even deter elderly people from making the move into one.
My background is in the defence force and the education sector, so when we started to think about moving to a retirement village, my first question was “which one?” and I drew up a detailed list of what we needed from a village.
There are over 100 retirement villages in Auckland and we went to see most of them. Our list included being on a main supply route, with access to the airport, good public transport, a pharmacy and health care.
We did lots of research - we found the Retirement Villages Association (RVA) website very informative. We knew it was what we wanted and that we had to consult a solicitor
before we signed our occupation right agreement (ORA). We knew exactly what we were getting into and that we had a guarantee that 70 per cent of the capital that we paid for our ORA would eventually be returned to our children as our legacy to them.
Of course, real estate values go up - or down - but it comes down to the question of “how much is enough?” I think what is often overlooked is the question of what is most important to you and your children, leaving them the maximum amount of money or maximising your quality of life for however long that might be?
We pay weekly fees but we know they won’t go up more than the Consumer Price Index (CPI). We don’t pay rates, or insurance or for a gardener or painter or to get
the lawns mowed. If anything goes wrong in our home, maintenance people come in swiftly to fix it and that’s all included.
From our apartment, we have views to One Tree Hill and Manukau Harbour. We like the security –not just physical security but the security of knowing that we can live the way we want to for the time we have left, however long that may be.
There is one aspect our research didn’t prepare us for and that’s how much we would use and enjoy the facilities here. To name just some, there is a bar and restaurant - we had meals delivered to our door during COVID. Rosy does yoga several times a week. There’s a bowling green, a pool room, a 39seat movie theatre and even a fullyequipped workshop that’s as good as any school technology room. We also underestimated how much we would enjoy the village
community. There is a really good mix of people here, in terms of ethnicity and interests. I believe the vast majority of our retirement village neighbours appreciate the life we have here as much as we do. One resident said to me recently, “Every morning I wake up and think that I’m on a cruise ship”.
From our experience of living in a retirement village, I do feel that complaints that I see flagged up by the RVRA are simply not typical.
My concern is that such a negative portrayal may give the impression that these are challenges you are likely to face in all retirement villages, but they should not all be covered by the same blanket.
The model isn’t perfect but not all villages are the same. I do not agree with lengthy settlements regarding ORA’s but it is also important to remember that probate takes a significant amount
of time - I believe it’s currently four to six months. So, much of the delay often attributed to retirement village management is actually a legal delay due to probate.
I certainly don’t agree with people still paying fees after they have stopped using the facility. However, requesting operators to stop charging weekly fees once a unit contract is terminated or the resident leaves is included among the voluntary reforms recently announced by the RVA.
My message to elderly people considering a move to a retirement village is do your due diligence, visit the village as many times as you want to, talk to the staff and residents and make absolutely sure that you fully understand all the terms in your ORA. But please don’t be deterred by ‘scare stories’ from considering a move that is very likely to considerably enhance your quality of life.
I have been dismayed by claims made recently by some retirement village residents supposedly unhappy with village life, and I feel compelled to speak up.
The impression this small number of residents give doesn’t tally with my experiences, and a lot of my fellow village residents agree. The claims are also insulting to the many people like my wife and I who did our homework on village life and made an informed decision based on the facts.
Despite suggestions from some people who claim they speak on our behalf, we are living life on our terms.
was the first village we looked at and we liked it immediately but we went on to look at a lot of others before we made a decision.
We did our due diligence before we signed our occupational right agreement (ORA) - the village insisted on it. We went through everything with our solicitor and we knew exactly what we were signing up to and what the fees and conditions would be.
We like everything about living here - there isn’t anything we would change and other residents seem very happy here too. We like the fact that it is secure and all the maintenance is taken care of. I can sit and have a glass of wine and watch someone else mow the lawn.
higher level of care.
Our family enjoy visiting us here and we like the fact that they don’t need to worry about us, we don’t want to be a burden to them.
Being on our village residents association, I’ve heard about the voluntary reforms the industry is rolling out.
That includes asking operators to stop charging weekly fees once a unit contract is terminated, paying interest on the money owed to a former resident if the unit is not resold within nine months and providing better support for residents wanting to move into another facility.
My wife and I moved into our home in the Acacia Cove retirement village four years ago and our only regret is not doing it sooner.
We had been living in a 440 square metre house in Clevedon set in 2.5 acres. We had been there for 14 years but we had a 15 year plan to eventually sell that, move to a retirement village, release the equity and live on the interest. We haven’t encountered any problems at all. We spent two years doing a lot of homework to find the right retirement village for us. This
There are 33 different things you can do in this village, if you want to get involved. It’s set up so that the residents plan events and activities, with a residents-appointed activity co-ordinator, so we choose what we want to do. We have regular social functions. I’m on the social committee and on our village’s residents’ association. There’s also a nine hole golf course just over the road, so we trundle our clubs over, play a round and then trundle back.
It’s very well run. There isn’t a care facility in the village but the management provides support to help people move if they need a
The reforms are reasonable, and while we don’t have any of those issues in our village, I can see how they would work well for other residents. There isn’t an aged care facility in our village, but there’s one over the road and the management help residents if they need to move.
Our advice to people considering moving to a retirement village would be to do your homework, as we did, to find the right village for you and do your homework.
I’d also say, make the move while you can make the most of retirement village life and make new friends. We have a great circle of friends here - we call them our “village family”.
On 17th of October, members of the Combined Probus Club of Botany Downs met at Eastview Church, Chapel Road, Auckland to celebrate the 21st anniversary.
Joining in the celebrations were Adele White, Chair of the Howick Local Board; Olwyn Grant, President of the Probus Association of Auckland and Dennis Kavanagh representing the Rotary Club of Pakuranga each of whom congratulated the Club on reaching the 21st milestone.
During the meeting, two members were made Life Members. They are Rosemary and Murray. Both members have given outstanding service to the Club.
The trio pictured, from the Richmond Men's Probus Club, arrived bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 9am to set up the Probus stand at the Positive Ageing Expo. They had this completed in short order and took turns talking to members of the community.
John, 2006-2007 Past President from Wellington Combined Probus Club, presented this collar to current President Lesley to mark his appreciation of his long Club membership, and on the occasion of his 90th birthday. Most Clubs have a President’s Collar, but the Club didn’t, so this was a generous and thoughtful gesture.
An excellent day was had by all at last month’s trip when the Manurewa Ladies Probus Club toured New Zealand’s Icon, Eden Park Stadium. They were met by Graham Walton, their tour guide who promptly hustled the members into lifts to the 6th floor, here the top corridor was like a huge cloud. They were shown into one of the many corporate boxes and they were told the stadium seating capacity is just under 50,000 and can be temporarily increased to 60,000 for Cricket and Rugby Union cup days.
A fabulous day and far more interesting than the Club first thought. There was also the Multiflora Honey pot, which a member had purchased that included a noted inscription on the back that stated, “Experience the unbeatable taste we’re buzzin about - almost sweeter than a win against the Aussies –straight from the Garden of Eden”
The Probus Club of Takaro Palmerston North celebrated Probus Day in October 2022. They had a wonderful celebration with a beautiful cake, special morning tea, an interesting talk on the History of Probus and were entertained by the Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School Year 8 students. Foundation member Lorraine cut the cake which was shared by all. Each guest went home with a party bonbon filled with sweets and chocolate.
It was a fabulous morning, and the Club members really enjoyed this special time.
Members from Kaiapoi Combined Probus Club recently enjoyed a bus trip to Ribblesdale Gardens in Oxford, North Canterbury. On the return trip home, they visited Ashley Gorge a popular camping and picnic spot. Some of the members posed for a happy photo by the river.
Papamoa Sunshine Probus Club held a High Tea to celebrate Probus day with many members bringing friends to join in. Dressing up with hats and beautiful china made it a fantastic day.
Probus provides retirees with the oppor tunity to connect socially, which is so impor tant in today’s world.
monthly meetings
guest speakers
• Trips and Outings
in your community