2015-2016 Franklin Key Club January Newsletter

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Monster Memories Volume VII , Issue X: January 2016

Al Jubinal and friends help put together things at Santa’s Gift of Service (page 12) Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH District Franklin High School 6400 Whitelock Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757

Table of Contents Spotlight Monster


Upcoming Events




Executive Board Crossword

Past Events




Editor’s Message Happy New Year Monsters, A new year a new you right? Or at least that’s how the theory goes...often times people neglect their resolutions but I have an easy list that I aspire to follow and I recommend you guys do too! 1. Attend more service and social events. 2. Create something for the Great Wall of Spirit. 3. Study harder and stay healthy. 4. Go to more Key Club meetings. This list is much easier then a “get fit” resolution or a “suddenly get straight A’s” resolution. You guys can easily do these things by going on the forums, signing up, and going through with your sign up! I also recommend you guys consider the different Key Club leadership positions since it’s a new year. What will you guys try out for? What suits you guys the most? I encourage all of you guys to try something new out this year! Now with this list of resolutions I’ll leave you guys to follow them. I hope to see you guys be even more active in the club and I look forward to watching you guys grow and change the world, one event and one kind act at a time. In service and friendship, Eileen Eto

Spotlight Monster of the Month: Cassandra Woo

Unfortunately, the holidays are slowing coming to an end as well as winter break. Remember to keep watch of your health everyone in this cold California weather. With 2016 upon us, let us congratulate the January Member of the Month, Cassandra Woo! Cassandra is currently a sophomore, and in her free time, she can be found sketching and drawing, listening to music, reading manga, or watching Korean Dramas. Cassandra’s motivation to serve the community has allowed her to accumulate over 50 hours of service! Cassandra has even volunteered to be Project Chair for some of her events. Additionally, she recently has connected with members outside her club by attending the three most recent Division Council Meetings. When volunteering, she enjoys the opportunity to help other people, meet new friends, and gain work experience. As for Key Club, she appreciates the better relationships she has with her peers and the opportunity to meet Key Clubbers from other divisions and regions. Key Club lets her to feel more connected to her community. In fact, her favorite event, Santa’s Gift of Service, has allowed her to meet a variety of people while creating crafts to donate to children. Congratulations Cassandra on being the first Member of the Month of 2016! Your recent attendance at Division Council Meetings and your willingness to serve the community has definitely earned you Member of the Month for January. Keep on being a Key Leader!


Andrew Yu

Upcoming Events: January “Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.” -Goran Persson

January 2016 Sun
















Theater Floor Pad Painting

Outdoor Work

Party|Theater Floor Pad Painting






















Sactown Throwdown

Project Ride Crab Feed

Project Ride Crab Feed

Folsom Lake Sweet Water Trail Run


To find the most updated list of our service events, please go to: franklinkeyclub.freeforums.org



The Great Wall of Spirit

We’ve unfortunately had no submissions for the month of September! If you guys are interested in seeing your art on this page, please contact me at eileeneto.d7s@gmail.com. All sorts of art will be accepted as long as it pertains to Key Club. Examples include: drawings, ceramics, photography, creative writing, poetry, fashion/outfits, baking, origami, makeup, music, vlogs, etc. Please don’t limit yourselves to one art form and be sure to submit something! Anyone with a love of Key Club can submit!


Executive Board Crossword Directions: Key Club elections are coming up and I highly encourage you guys try out for a position. Below are some very vague guidelines for what each position does, do you know which one interests you the most?

Across 5. Makes club newsletters Down 1. Fundraises to make field trips cheaper 2. Leads club and serves as intermediary between Division and members and board 3. Assists officers and committee heads with duties 4. Keeps track of member service hours


CIM Photos taken by; Sammi Tai

“I handed out some bananas [and] sorted out some medals. I poured water on...guys. [I also ate yummy] food.” -Johnathan Tai Johnathan Tai diligently hands out medals to runners as they reach the finish line

“At the event, we helped hand out energy bars and fruits to the runners as they passed the finish line. My favorite part of the event was being able to see the faces of accomplishment on the runners’ faces as they finished the race. This event was fun and meaningful to me because I was able to provide aid to my community while also spending time with my friends and other volunteers.” Saarim Rahman prepares a blanket for the incoming runners


Jingle Bell Run Photos taken by; Jericho Mata

“After the volunteers got assigned their jobs, some other Key Clubbers and I assisted a paralyzed man who was going to bike the race. My favorite part of the event was when we saw the paralyzed man bike across the finish line. It was a very powerful moment. It really meant a lot to me, and it was a fun experiences that I would volunteer for again next year!”-Matthew Egashira Matthew Egashria helps decorate the inside of the tent.

“I helped set up the event and helped people get set up for the race. My favorite part was helping set up decorations in the beginning. The event was an opportunity for me to help out the community and see people try their best in the race.” -Kevin Hashisaka Kevin Hashisaka helps set up for the race


Theater Floor Pad Set-Up Photos taken by; Jericho Mata, Celena Yee, Maddie Tokunaga, Eileen Eto, Sammi Tai

“While at the event I mostly helped tape the checker outline and at the end I helped paint from a plain white floor to a new design. This event meant a lot to me because I knew a lot of the actors appreciated every ones hard work.” -Jazmyne Cason Jazyme helps line up the plank so she can lay tape down for later painting

“I helped out the theater by gridding and taping the stage. My favorite part of the event was taping. I never pulled or seen such a long tape that long before.” -Sunny Hsu Sunny Hsu helps lay tape down so they can paint black squares later


Jeanie Le helps paint black squares for a checkerboard look Eileen Eto and Celena Yee help lay tape down for the grid pattern

“I laid and measured tape on the ground and painted black squares. My favorite part of the event was seeing the finished product of the new theater floor. This event meant that I could help out FTC and give back to the school.� -Brandon Cerezo Brandon Cerezo lays tape down to create grid patterns for later painting


Other December Events Photos taken by: Nathan Dang, Jericho Mata, Sunny Hsu

Santa’s Gift of Service


Sacramento Santa Run

Garden Club Project



Project Head

Member Recognition Head

Serena Phen Project Head Andrew Yu Scrapbook Head

Rachel Yee Web Head Ryan Santiago Media Head

Kajal Maran Recycling Head Nathan Dang

Caressa Wong

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