2015-2016 Franklin Key Club October Newsletter

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Monster Memories: Halloween Edition Volume VII , Issue VII: October 2015

Key Club gathers for the Homecoming parade Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH District Franklin High School 6400 Whitelock Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757

Table of Contents Officer Messages


Spotlight Monster


Upcoming Events




KEY Monsters Word Scramble

Past Events




Editor’s Message Happy early Halloween Monsters, I hope that all of you amazing students are well adjusted to school by now and can dedicate some of your time to serving Key Club. I’ve seen all the hard work you guys have done so far at events and I’m incredibly proud of our representation at fun events, so thank you! For freshmen and new members in general, my name is Eileen and I’m in charge of newsletters and photos, so if you guys sign up as photographer for a community service event, make sure to gmail them to me. Additionally, if any of you guys are artists in any way, shape, or form, I highly recommend you guys create art pertaining to Key Club, serving the community, orange monsters, bees, etc. and I will happily include it in the newsletter on the Great Wall of Spirit. Please spread the word to all of your friends so that we can have plenty of art submissions; considering that it is Halloween time I hope to see pictures sent in of Key Clubbers in orange monster costumes. Aside from that I’ll leave you guys to explore the rest of the newsletter and I hope you guys have a wonderful day! In service and friendship, Eileen Eto

Treasurer’s Message Hi Key Clubbers! A quick shout-out about our fundraising achievements last month: We raised $270 for Grassroots Soccer United to “kick” HIV and AIDS out of our generation AND $40 for PTP and $120 for club through our Jamba Juice fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who came out to support! Coming up at our next meeting, October 5th, will be the raffle drawing to determine which four lucky monsters will win a prize for paying dues and attending a service event by October 1st. For the rest who still haven’t paid, please pay your dues BEFORE Thanksgiving break. Dues go toward your OFFICIAL membership in Key Club International and also come back to you through field trip subsidies and prizes. If you’d like a more in-depth explanation, please ask me or go to www.keyclub.org. On a different note, Fall Rally North and Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, and Term 1 finals are all just around the corner, can you BEElieve it? Fall Rally North: please turn in your $40 to the concession stand and field trip form to us asap. Additionally, there will be a Spirit Festival held on October 10th and T-shirts will be distributed starting October 12th. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF: raises money for child survival and development programs; if you would like to take part, please pick up a UNICEF box from HK-4 and “trick or treat” for money! For more information, ask a board member or search online. Term 1 finals advice: hold off on service this weekend unless you feel comfortable with your grades, get enough sleep, and remember to eat healthy. Everything else depends on how well you study so good luck! Thank you for reading and have a monsterific October! Pauline Tze


Member Recognition Head’s Message Hello Monsters! Andrew here. A short officer bio about me. I am currently a senior and have been in Key Club all four years. I enjoy listening to K-Pop, am obsessed with organizing, and am a casual gamer. As for my position, I am in charge of finding multiple ways to reward the members for their service, such as Member of the Month. If you have not attended the meetings yet this year, I introduced the new Achievement System. All of you can attempt to reach various achievements. There will be two types of achievements: club achievements and individual achievements. For club achievements, all members have to work together to reach a certain number for an achievement. The prizes can be pie-an-officer or an end of the year party special. At the moment, the numbers are not released, but keep a look out for an update. For individual achievements, any of you can earn pin buttons! By reaching the third tier They will be separated into three tiers or levels. Gotta collect them all! If you want to learn what all the individual achievements are or what the pin buttons look like, they are on the forums. In service and friendship, Andrew Yu

Media Head’s Message Hi Franklin Monsters! The reason I call you all monsters is because you're a part of a secret cult that worships the monster. Just kidding. But we are monsters because that's our division's mascot! And we're orange too, so that makes us really bright monsters. My name is Nathan Dang and I am a senior. As Media Head, my tasks include photographing service events and other social activities. Not only do I take pictures, I also create videos for our club! They're usually about advertising for social events, fundraisers, FKC's activities, even recap videos! So if you see any Key Club videos on our school bulletin, they were all made by me! I am also part of the Division Leadership Team, a branch that oversees division activity throughout the term. There are currently nine of us members, including me as the Tech & Media Task Coordinator. As a Division Task Coordinator I keep in touch with all the other schools' activities that involve any kind of video production or photography in order for those clubs to succeed. For example, if a club historian from another school needs advice about how to use a camera, they can always message me and ask! Essentially, networking is the "Key" to keep the "Clubs" going towards a greater success! It's almost similar to Media Head, but on a much larger scale. This term is going to be my last, yet a memorable one, as I get to serve Franklin Key Club, as well as Division 7 South! Peace out Monsters, Nathan Dang


Spotlight Monster of the Month: Irene Dich Can you believe it!? Term 1 is almost over and Term 2 is approaching fast. Good luck on finals, everyone. Remember, stay healthy and get as much sleep as you can! Do not forget to attend service events and even some division events as well! As for our October Member of the Month, please congratulate Irene Dich! Irene is currently a sophomore, and is in her second year of Key Club. She is a regular attendee at club events, and has attended at least one division council meeting. She does not mind volunteering for recycling events, and her current attendance in service events, overall, has earned her over 25 service hours! When she is not attending Key Club service events, she does arts and crafts. However, she volunteers whenever she can because she enjoys helping the people around her and the future generations that will come by. Additionally, volunteering helps herself grow as a person. She enjoys that Key Club is all about a united, dedicated group making a community blossom. Her favorite events involve helping at children’s events. For example, she volunteers whenever an available fairytale town event is posted on the forums because she loves seeing the smiles on children’s faces light up. Congratulations Irene on being the October Member of the Month! Keep up your attendance at club meetings and continue being a dedicated Key Club. We all really appreciate it.


Upcoming Events: October “Give, but give until it hurts.” - Mother Teresa

October 2015











EG Giant

Pumpkin Festival Aloha Festival Urban Cow Half Marathon






















EG Giant

Pumpkin Festival

Food and Cultural Bazaar

Urban Cow






EG Society’s Haunted Stage Shop Roy Herburger Elementary Carnival


EG Society’s Haunted Stage Shop

EG Society’s Haunted Stage Shop CW

Dillard Elementary School Carnival Fall Rally North


EG Society’s Haunted Stage Shop

To find the most updated list of our service events, please go to: franklinkeyclub.freeforums.org



The Great Wall of Spirit

“Key Club Revolution” - Drawn by: Maria Feng


KEY Monsters Direction: Unscramble the words and line up the numbers to create a word. These are the requirements for you guys to receive acknowledgement in CNH Key Club for being outstanding members! For more information contact andrewyu.d7s@gmail.com or go to cnhkeyclub.org


Wipe Out Run Photos taken by: Nathan Dang

“At the Wipeout Run event, I helped encourage runners as they ran through the course. My favorite part of this event was hyping the runners up and seeing them have fun. What made this event different from others is that it had a different vibe to it. I felt like the runners and the people in charge really cared about the volunteers and appreciated what we do.” -Charles Heng Charles Heng helps set up the run.

“At the event, I worked at a station called “Foam of Furry” where runners had to jump on to an inflatable and slide into a pool of foam. My job was to direct people where to go, what to do, and cheer up the runners and keep them motivated into finishing the obstacles. My favorite part of the event was shouting and yelling at the runners who were tiring out and slacking behind to ‘keep on running’ and ‘don’t give up.’ This event was special to me because it brought me closer to the Key Club family by meeting Key Clubbers from other schools and also new members from our school.” -Nathan Sy Nathan Sy helps with cleanup


Run to Remember Photos taken by: Jamie Adachi

Jason Lei pays tribute to the fallen after the run

Cassandra Woo pays tribute to the fallen after the run

“At the event, I passed out water to the runners after they finished the course. Shortly afterwards, I was able to put the American flag next to the names of the people who lost their lives on 9/11 at the memorial. My favorite part of the event was when all the coordinators, volunteers, participants, and officers gathered around the memorial to honor all the lives that were taken on that day many years ago. This event helped me realize how many people haven’t forgotten what happened on 9/11 and that there are many people who pay tribute to this event and honor the lives of the fallen.� -Cassandra Woo


Grassroots Soccer Tournament Photos taken by: Eileen Eto and Alexander Pham

“I was a volunteer at the event, I helped set up the event obstacles. I also did refereeing or the games and helped clean up the event. My favorite part of the event was the refereeing because I got to make the game very balanced. What made this event different from the others was that I was very included in the activity the event allowed and enjoyed working with the players and the other volunteers.” -Vincent Thao Vincent Thao helps clean up goals with Kajal Maran

“At the event I helped the referees and helped clean up when needed. I also played with water guns and did the social thing with people. My favorite moment was either when we had the water guns or when the officers were pied in the face.” -Maddie Tokunaga Maddie Tokunaga squirts water at an attendee Ian Gomez kicks the ball away from his opponents


“My favorite part would be playing soccer with everyone from different schools. I got a chance to meet new people but never got a chance to get their names. What made this event stand out would be the amount of people participating in this charity event to support those with AIDS in Africa!” -Zaifa Xiang Zaifa Xiang from Monterey Trail High School grapples for the ball Ian Gomez

“My favorite part of the event was being able to play with my friends. I love playing soccer and I love it more when you’re able to play and have fun with people you know. I did meet some new people, I met someone named Norby on a different team when a friend on my team introduced me to him. I also met some students from Elk Grove High School. The one thing that stood out the most to me was the amount of fun everyone was having and the energy at which they played at. At the event you didn’t have to know how to play soccer to have fun. To me that is really awesome and unique and it really made this event stand out.” -Jacob Florez Jacob Florez plays rowshambo with his opponents to see who got to play first. Winners of Grassroots this year were: Sinjun Jang, Owen Anastasio, Diego Martinez, Kyle Andrus. Thanks to everybody who participated!


Smoke on the River Photos taken by: Serena Phen

“I served meat samples to people since the event was a competition for who had the best cooked meat. Besides getting free food, my favorite part was being able to help serve people food which was a lot of fun since the people were so nice. This event helped me experience something new since it was different from what I usually do at other events.” -Crystal La Crystal La serves meet to another Key Clubber

“At the event, my job was to serve the customers this long white tent. There were barbecue chefs from around California (cooking outside of the fence and bringing their food to us so we could pass them out for people to tryout. With those tryouts, people voted on which restaurant they thought had the best chicken, brisket, and pork. We also helped clean up after the event. This event was different from others because I have never encountered such a hectic event. Because there were only about 15 of us in the tent and 30 windows we had to serve, many of us had to run around within our windows. I had three windows to serve and when my windows were empty, I ran to the window behind me to help out. This event was different because it made me realize how fast and efficient we had to work in order to keep the people satisfied. Although the event was hectic, I thought it was quite fun running around serving people because I actually enjoy the experience of serving people, saying hi to them, and seeing them smile, talking to them, and receiving comments from them.” - Crystal Chan Crystal Chan and Jiawei Li serve food


Heart and Stroke Walk Photos taken by: Alissen Trinh

Risa Archeiga helps prepare food for attendees of the walk

Ethan Dang helps clean up buckets while carrying a friend as well

“I helped set up booths that supplied little snacks and water, that was my first job. Then I was assigned to help at the VIP section, where I passed out even more food like bagels, sandwiches, and coffees. Near the end I helped clean up by disassembling the booths and picking up trash. I would have to say [my favorite part of the event] was the social part of it. I hung out with friends while helping (of course) and...I remember meeting this one particular individual, his name was Miles, freshmen from COHS. The reason why I remember him the most...is because he told a lot of interesting stories and he was very outgoing. We also exchanged cheesy jokes.� -Ethan Dang


Recycling Sorting Party Photos taken by: Eileen Eto

“Just another boring, dirty old Recycling Sorting Party for Franklin Key Club.. Not! This first sorting party of the 15-16 term began as another great bonding AND fundraising opportunity for the club! Sorting and stomping on bottles and cans will always be the best way to meet new people.. haha. With every new load of recycling that gets sorted in this backyard, I get the chance to meet and connect with the members of the club that I rarely get the chance to interact with. This is why I always attend these Recycling Sorting Parties, despite the smell of some bags.. Raising money for the club and meeting new people is definitely worth it. “ -Michelle Nguyen Michelle Nguyen throws out water bottles so others can crush them

“We sorted the bottles, cans, and glass bottle from the recycle cans. I like the part where we crush the bottle, sounds childish but it was really fun. I met one of my classmates, Brian , Megan, and Eileen.” -Tyler Vong Tyler Vong helps uncap cans and throw them on the ground so a fellow Key Clubber can help squash on them


Other September Events Photos taken by: Mike Lam

Project BeYOUtiful

AND Special thanks to sponsors of the Grassroots Soccer Tournament:

Cosenza Family 17


Project Head

Member Recognition Head

Serena Phen Project Head Andrew Yu Scrapbook Head

Rachel Yee Web Head Ryan Santiago Media Head

Kajal Maran

Recycling Head Nathan Dang

Caressa Wong

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