2015-2016 Franklin Key Club November Newsletter

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Monster Memories Volume VII , Issue VIII: November 2015

Fall Rally North attendees cheer hard and take back the spirit stick! (Page 12) Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH District Franklin High School 6400 Whitelock Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757

Table of Contents Officer Messages


Thanks & Spotlight Monster 4-5 Upcoming Events




Advisor Quiz


Past Events



Editor’s Message Hey Monsters, When I was a little girl, I was terrified of the monsters under my bed. I always had a nightlight on and my parents kept their door open in case I needed to run to them for reassurance. Flash forward to my first year of high school. I wasn’t scared of the monsters under my bed as much as I was the people surrounding me. But then I was welcomed by Key Club, home of the fluffy orange monsters that were kind and caring. Now I may be scared of a lot of things, my future, upcoming tests, spiders, heights, but I know that those monsters I was once scared of aren’t scary, rather they are my beacon during dark times. So here’s my thanks to you guys during the month of thanks. Thank you for always being kind and friendly, for waving at me when you see me at school. Thank you for always willingly taking photos and replying back with quotes whenever I loopmail you guys. Thanks for supporting Key Club by signing up for service events, going to DCMs, and spending money at fundraisers. I appreciate all of your beautiful souls and everything you do for me and everything you do for Key Club. Thank You, Eileen Eto

Secretary’s Message Hey Key Clubbers! Fall Rally North 2015 has sadly passed, leaving the wonderful memories of club bonding on the bus and winning the spirit stick for Division 7 South! This incredible achievement would not have been possible without the dedication and spirit of you guys, the members of Franklin Key Club. I look forward to seeing everyone at future social and service events, showing just as much pride and spirit for Key Club! Halloween may have already passed, but it’s not too late to keep raising money through Trick or Treat for UNICEF. The UNICEF boxes will be due sometime in November for submission, so until then, keep fundraising! Remember, every $1.80 can save a family from the deadly effects of MNT. On another note, I’ve been NOTE-ing all of your service hours and club achievements from the beginning of the year, and I’m sincerely impressed at the level of service and involvement that you all have served. Please be sure to COMMIT to the events you sign up for, and do your best at the job that you are EARNING hours for. Keep up the great work, monsters! In service and friendship,

Michele Nguyen


Dear Key Club... “I am incredibly thankful for being able to meet someone as beautiful as Cynthia.” -Andrew Fong. “I guess I’m thankful that I met amazing people like Cassie, Eileen, and Sammi. Let’s not forget how amazing of a person Cynthia is.” -Timothy Tobias. “I’m thankful for meeting so many wonderful important friends in my life, interacting and experiencing the community service with them, and making amazing memories with everybody.” -Crystal Chan. “I’m thankful for Key Club giving me the opportunity to grow my experiences as an individual.” -Nathan Dang. “I’m thankful for Key Club making orange look like an acceptable color to wear in public. All hail Cynthia Tze” - Kristen Kwong . “I’m thankful for Eileen. And all the other board members. And every single member for making us who we are.” -Cynthia Tze. “I’m thankful for Key Club helping me on my Eagle Scout pro ject. And I’m thankful for being a Key Club member.” -Eric Ngo. “I am thankful to have such a spirit ed and awesome Key Club community.” - Sunny Hurtienne. “I am extremely thankful for being part of this wonderful second family Key Club has provided for these four years! Thank you all, especially my fellow officers last year.” -Andrew Yu. “I’m thankful for meeting some of my best friends so far I’ve had in high school in Key Club. I’m thankful for Key Club because I can ship Anthony and Terry” -David Keet. “I’m thankful for Key Club painting my life in warmer, brighter colors and for meeting one of the most beautiful people in my life, Crystal. And thank you Cynthia.” -Brian Zhou. “I’m thankful for being able to become a part of this club and given an opportunity to help the community but also have fun with fellow Key Clubbers and friends at the same time.” -Sophia Duong. “I’m thankful for Key Club because it has motivated me to help others and make the world better.” -Joshua Diaz. “I’m thankful for all the members that we serve and all the fellow leaders that work to make this possible.” Michelle Nguyen. “I’m thankful for Key Club because Eileen.” -Sammi Tai “I am thankful for Key Club because it has given me a lot more opportunities to meet new people and make new friends. Key Club has also pushed me out of my comfort zones and I met Sammi and Eileen and the Editor Squd. I also love the board I serve with and I am grateful for them.” -Eseosa Omorogieva. “I’m thankful for Key Club it’s full of interesting people and I’m thankful for the experience I received.” -Alejandro Toy I’m thankful that so many people are willing to invest their time into Key Club” -Lesley Wong


Spotlight Monster of the Month: Allisen Trinh Trick-or-treat! Halloween is over, but you know what is not over? Treats! Specifically, UNICEF donations! If you have a UNICEF box, please do your best to receive as many donations as you can for the Pediatric Trauma Program. Now, onto Member of the Month. Please congratulate our November Member of the Month, Allisen Trinh! Allisen is currently a sophomore, and she loves to play games on her computer as well as on her PS3. She enjoys reading, specifically manga, and she makes sure to attend Key Club events on her spare time. She loves how Key Club is very friendly and welcoming to everyone and brings people together from all over the world. Her favorite Key Club event so far has been the Giant Pumpkin Festival because she enjoyed how she was able to rotate between various jobs and perform different activities with the staff and the public. Allisen volunteers whenever she can because she enjoys the opportunity to serve the community with her friends as well as meet new friends along the way. She appreciates how volunteering is a fun, Interesting, and productive time to better her community. Because Allisen has been an active Key Clubber this past month, and even has volunteered to be photographer for an event numerous times, she truly deserves to be the November Member of the Month. Congratulations Allisen! I appreciate your enthusiasm to volunteer as photographer for events, and I hope to see you continue being a dedicated Key Clubber. -

Andrew Yu


Allisen Trinh poses for photos at Neon Splash and Fall Rally. Often she’s the one taking photos so she doesn’t have many of herself at events...Thank you for all that you do!

Upcoming Events: November “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.� -John F Kennedy

November 2015 Sun 1 Run

Mon 2

Tue 3

Wed 4

Thu 5

Fri 6

Because You Can

Sat 7 Spartan Race Shopping Faire CW Dillard Carnival















Beat the Blerch Run

Crabfeed Run








Run to Feed the Hungry



To find the most updated list of our service events, please go to: franklinkeyclub.freeforums.org


There are no November fundraisers listed at this instant. HOWEVER, there most likely will be many throughout the month so make sure you stay connected to the division for more information! And double check the forums for events.


The Great Wall of Spirit

Images drawn by: Sophia DUong


Knowing your Advisors Directions: Below are 20 statements about our faculty advisor, Mr. To, can you pinpoint which 10 are true? Advisors play an important role in running our club so make sure you thank him and Mr. Ortega Kiwanis Advisor, next time you see them!

False Statements: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19 True Statements: 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 1417, 19, 20

Wayne To: Club Advisor

1. I have a golden retriever, chow chow mix named Lucy

11. Citrus Squeeze with extra strawberries and no bananas is my Jamba of choice

2. I have a dragon tattoo

12. My food of the moment is pho with tendon and tripe

3. I had a girlfriend named Monica in high school 4. My favorite drink is Coke

13. I am club advisor for Historians Unite club

5. I only have one child

14. My secret indulgence is watching people play video games

6. I attended Elk Grove High School

15. I attended UC Davis

7. I have an Instagram and Twitter that I don’t check

16. My favorite drink is Ramune

8. I secretly make dance tutorial Youtube videos 9. My favorite trip was backpacking with my wife across Europe for a month

17. I became Key Club advisor thanks to Jeanette Lok and Lily Siu, founders of our club 18. I am of Japanese descent 19. I have a Stream account

20. My ancient text of the moment is II 10. I teach AP US history, my favorite president Corinthians 4:8B 9 is William Henry Harrison

EG Giant Pumpkin Festival Photos taken by; Cassandra Woo and Sophia Duong

“I helped at this one game where the goal was to slingshot these squishy pumpkins across the pond into the bat mobile boat. I really liked helping the smaller children use the slingshot and it was really awesome to see the look of awe on all of the kid’s faces when they got to see how far they launched them. This event was a great chance for me to interact with CO’s Key Club members and I always have a fun time working with kids.” -Megan Morris Megan Morris gives a man something

“I managed the bowling ball station/arts and craft. My favorite part of the event was when I cheered for the little kids. In this event, I met new people including the Franklin drumline when I was walking past them, and got o learn more about what people did for fun.” -Brian Chiu Brian Chiu resets up bowling pins so little kids could knock them down


“At the event I helped at the kid’s creation station. There were arts and crafts and games for the children such as bowling, decorating a pumpkin creating super hero capes, and more. My favorite part of the event was being able to ride golf carts throughout the park to get to and from places. This event meant a lot to me because the kids were really happy and lots of fun.” Serena Phen Serena Phen helps set up bowling pins The child determinedly jumps through as a volunteer cheers them on

Jasmine Le helps children up the obstacle course


Fall Rally North Have a photo you want to post? #frn2015 and tag our pages “_franklinkeyclub” or “FKC Photos.”


Food Fair

Photos taken by: Eileen Eto

“My job today was mainly dropping chicken katsu onto plates. The most frustrating thing in the world is how uneven the chicken was cut. I struggled so much with portioning. My goal is to exceed expectations and raise more money for the members of Franklin Key Club.” -Michelle Nguyen Michele Nguyen helps serve food at today’s food fair. Thank you to everybody who helped support!

“I was helping our club with scooping the macaroni salad for the food fair. What I liked about my role was that I was standing half a foot away from the food. Our goal was to get as many tickets as we can and we made piles of them!” Nathan Dang Nathan Dang plops macaroni salad onto plates. Thank you one again for helping support our club!


EG Society’s Haunted Stage Shop Photos taken by: Eileen Eto

“I sat in a chair, greeting people as they came into my room and I smiled with my fangs. My favorite part was when people were surprised to see me, sitting in a corner frozen like a doll until I waved at them. This event was my first that involved nonphysical labor whatsoever. It was really refreshing though!”- Maria Feng Maria Feng poses in the room she was assigned to

“I acted as a mad scientist in an attempt to scare passerbys in a haunted house. My favorite part of the event was seeing other people scared. This event was special to me because it was my first Halloween service event where I had the chance to scare people.” -Andrew Yu Andrew Yu poses as a mad scientist, effectively scaring people


“I was placed in the ‘Child’s Room’ to spook the people that went in to the section of the house. The room was decorated with zombies and dolls and dimly lit with some special effects. There was also creepy music that was playing in the room. My favorite part of the event was scaring people with out actuall y doing anything. We weren’t allowed to scare anyone so all I did was stand by the door and startle the people that came into the room. This particular event was pretty fun and proved that creating a haunted house really just takes good props, teamwork, and good actors with costumes. This event was like the embodiment of Halloween for me and was really fun to attend.” -Sophia Duong Sophia Duong poses as a “cat burglar” a punny Halloween costume. Angie Yan pretends to be a ghost while holding a candle stick. The Franklin volunteers assemble for a group photo



Project Head

Member Recognition Head

Serena Phen Project Head Andrew Yu Scrapbook Head

Rachel Yee Web Head Ryan Santiago Media Head

Kajal Maran

Recycling Head Nathan Dang

Caressa Wong

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