Moore Monthly - January 2022

Page 20



Moore Chamber Announces its Inaugural Awards Mixer


he Moore Chamber of Commerce • Demonstrates economic support of the Rising Star • Service and involvement in the Moore will proudly recognize members of Moore area business community. area. the Moore community that reach ex• Initiative in seeking and fulfilling leadceptional achievements in leader- Large Business of the Year ership roles throughout the community. ship and business growth with an inaugu• Must be a business that has been in op• Professionalism in their field of work. ral Chamber “Salute to Excellence” Awards eration for at least five (5) years. • Vision and passion to mentor and lead Mixer on Tuesday, Feb. 22, from 3 to 5 p.m. • Must be a member in good standing of others. at the Visual and Performing Arts Center at the Moore Chamber of Commerce. Oklahoma City Community College at 7777 • Must be a “for-profit” business with 50 S. May in OKC. The Mixer, which will be an or more employees in the Moore area. Employee/Team of the Year • Must be employed by a business with a annual event, will serve to raise the profile • Growth through revenue and creation membership in good standing with the of the businesses and professionals of the of jobs. Moore Chamber of Commerce, during Moore area that exemplify the excellence • Innovative products and services. the dates of Jan. 1, 2021, to Dec. 31, 2021. that makes our community world-class. Indi• Volunteerism of employee base. • Nominee must be a regular employee(s), vidual tickets are $50. • Demonstrates economic support of the with their accomplishments occurring Moore area business community. during this time period. Sponsorships are currently avail• Must demonstrate community able to Chamber members, which involvement and/or make civic coninclude: tributions. Premier - $2,500 (Exclusive) Executive - $1,000 Legacy Award (Lifetime Achievement) Advocate - $750 • Individual making a significant deAssociate - $300 velopment in the history of Moore area. Please contact Kelly Arnold at • Displays long-term leadership for or if over 30 years. interested in a sponsorship. • Volunteerism that results in civic, social or economic improvement The Moore Chamber will be acof the community that lasts over a cepting nominations in the categoperiod of time. ries listed below. The deadline to • This award may not be awarded nominate is Friday, Jan. 14, 2022. You each year. may find the nomination form here: Citizen of the Year Trailblazer of the Year (Entrepreneur) • Current or former chamber-member Small Business of the Year • Must be a local entrepreneur, business business owner, senior officer, or com• Must be a business that has been in opor service provider. munity leader who has, over the course eration at least five (5) years. • Must be a business that has been in opof his or her career, demonstrated a • Must be a member in good standing of eration 3 years or less. long-term commitment to the Moore the Moore Chamber of Commerce. • Must be a member in good standing of area and its business community. • Must be a "for profit" business with the Moore Chamber of Commerce. • Citizen in the Moore area involved in fewer than 50 employees in the Moore • Demonstrates involvement in the engrowing the community through their area. gagement, development and growth of vision and leadership. • Growth through revenue and creation • Demonstrated commitment to voluntary entrepreneurship. of jobs. service. • Positive impact on entrepreneurship or • Innovative products and services. • Displays high ethical and personal integrity. small business activity in the community. • Volunteerism of employee base.


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