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Dungeon trap table Generates a random trap within a dungeon TSAT1

Resting Resting

The party may take one short rest during the




Move Table Move Table

d20 Result

1-91-9 Something found.

10-18 No result

Combat encounter triggered. Use an encounter genera Combat encounter triggered. Use an encounter generator of 19-20

your preference.

What Found Table What Found Table

d2o What Found

11 Combat Encounter Triggered. Use an encounter generator of your preference.

2-82-8 Mundane Item Found. Roll on Item table (p.163).

99 Trap found. Roll on Trap table (Standard or Wilderness, pp.40-41) then react to the trap.

10-11 Skill Challenge triggered: Roll on the Skill Challenge Table (p.139).

12-19 Clue found. Roll on Item table (p.163) and gain 1 table (p.163) and gain 1 Clue Point. If necessary, reroll on Clue Point. If necessary, reroll on Item table until you get

something that makes sense given the context. Add this detail to the narrative of your text. It will his detail to the narrative of your text. It will influence influence

future events. You could also use the clue tables in n Chapters 8 and 9 of TSAT1. Chapters 8 and 9 of TSAT1.

Loot Found. Roll on [d6] (1-5) individual treasure table (6) hoard table, based table (6) hoard table, based on CR of most recent monster on CR of most recent monster 2020

encountered. This could be on a corpse or a container of er of some kind (like a chest). Determine with oracle rolls.some kind (like a chest). Determine with oracle rolls.

Clue Points Clue Points Interacting with Stuff Interacting with Stuff

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