29 minute read
Monster reaction table Determines monster reactions during combat TSAT1
22 On the side of a river, On the side of a river, with trees nearby. with trees nearby.
33 At the edge of a forest.
44 In the middle of a wetland, reached by a causeway.
55 On the far side of On the far side of a ravine, reached by a bridge. a ravine, reached by a bridge.
66 Near an open area where you can see burial mounds.
77 Beside a picturesque lake surrounded by Beside a picturesque lake surrounded by forest. forest.
88 At the base of a towering cliff or At the base of a towering cliff or mountain. mountain.
99 Atop a high, rocky outcrop or hill, Atop a high, rocky outcrop or hill, and perhaps surrounded by forest. and perhaps surrounded by forest.
1010 Just outside a town, and surrounded by farmland.
Castle Size Value (CSV) Castle Size Value (CSV)
Approaching the castle, you see that it is… In addition to the description given on the table below, check theIn addition to the description given on the table b resource (pp.8-15) for resource (pp.8-15) for some fantastic castle dressing resources. some fantastic castle dressing resources. This roll is important as the d4 result is This roll is important as the d4 result is now your now your CSV or Castle Size Value. This will determine many aspects of your castle moving forward. Take note of this value.
GM’s Miscellany Wilderness Dressing
d4 /
11 Small Small castle castle 1d2 1d2 watchtowers. watchtowers. Keep Keep and and bailey. bailey.
22 Medium castle
33 Large castle
44 Very large castle Keep and bailey, 1d8+4 watchtowers, Keep and bailey, 1d8+4 watchtowers, moat if appropriate. 25% chance moat if appropriate. 25% chance of an inner bailey.
Keep and bailey, 1d4+1 watchtowers, 50% chance of a moat (if appropriate).
Keep and bailey, 1d4+4 watchtowers, 75% chance of a moat (if appropriate).
88 Partially ruined but still inhabited This ancient keep or castle is hundreds, perhaps even a thousand or
more years old, but is still in more years old, but is still in use and inhabited. Many signs of wear, use and inhabited. Many signs of wear,crumbling walls, structures fallen down etc.
In use, but
dilapidated Possibly as a result of a Possibly as a result of a recent battle, or an older battle, but the recent battle, or an older battle, but the inhabitants cannot afford or cannot be bothered t inhabitants cannot afford or cannot be bothered t o fix it. o fix it.
In the process of being repaired
In good condition, but loosely guarded This castle or keep is well maintained, but you can’t see many guards on the battlement, perhaps just a few
In good condition,
well-guarded This castle or keep is in This castle or keep is in good condition and patrols and guards seem good condition and patrols and guards seem diligent, happening regularly. Stealth checks or some kind of
Charisma check (DC 17) will be required to Charisma check (DC 17) will be required to sneak past the guards sneak past the guards
In excellent
condition, loosely guarded This castle or keep is impressive to behold, but This castle or keep is impressive to behold, but you can’t see many you can’t see many guards on the battlement, perhaps just a few. Should be fairly easy to get in (DC 12 Stealth or Charisma-based checks)
In excellent
condition, well-
guarded This castle or keep is in This castle or keep is in outstanding conditiooutstanding condition and guards / patrols n and guards / patrols are diligent and regular. DC 18 are diligent and regular. DC 18 Stealth or Charisma-based checks to Stealth or Charisma-based checks to sneak or talk your way in.
Roll a d100. On a 50 Roll a d100. On a 50 or less, there are workmen currently at work on or less, there are workmen currently at work on the building. Regardless, there is scaffolding erected and work ted and work isis going on. Quarried stone and timber sit ready to be used for used for repairs. repairs.
Castle Exploration Tables (Organized by CSV)
Castle Size Value 1 Tables
Use these tables if your CSV = 1. Every time you move to a new area within the outer bailey of the castle, follow this procedure: First, roll a d4. Then, either procedure: First, roll a d4. Then, either choose the choose the random location that your die roll produces, or if you prefer choose any one of the set locations, all of which are definitely present. Reroll for repeats.
d4d4 Random Loc.
11 Servant’s quarters
22 Combat Practice Area
33 Barracks
44 Storeroom
Cooks, kitchenhands, handmaidens, cleaners, footmen, pageboys and other staff live here. footmen, pageboys and other staff live here. IfIf not here, then perhaps they live in the l not here, then perhaps they live in the l ower or ower or basement levels of the k basement levels of the keep itself. eep itself.
If the castle is inhabited, and it If the castle is inhabited, and it is daytime, there is daytime, there is a 60% chance that soldiers and ot is a 60% chance that soldiers and other castle her castle inhabitants will be present and practicing their combat skills. Well A place to draw water for A place to draw water for soldiers and horses. soldiers and horses.
This is a building where the lord This is a building where the lord of the keep’s of the keep’s militia is housed. If inhabited, there will be ((Castle Size value) x d10 men who live here. If it is night-time, they will be asleep is night-time, they will be asleep in this building in this building (apart from those on sentry duty). If it is daytime, they will probably be on other daytime, they will probably be on other duties, duties, unless a meal is being served If uninhabited, remnants of the militia, old weapons, maybe corpses, might be found.
A place for storing foo A place for storing food for castle inhabitants, d for castle inhabitants, militia and livestock. Stables
If the castle is inhabited, there is a 90% chance that the stables will be stocked with ((Castle Size value) x (d6+2) mounts. Mounts could be horses, warhorses, mastiffs for halflings or other smaller humanoids to ride, whatever fits with the local flavour. A whatever fits with the local flavour. Adjust djust
stable size according to number of mounts.
Inner courtyard
This area would be perhaps opened to townsfolk from a nearby settlement for townsfolk from a nearby settlement for aa market day where they could display their wares.
Usually stationed by the gate, this is a small structure where guards can monitor comings and goings, organize sentry rosters, and generally manage castle security.
Use these tables if your CSV = 1. Every time you move to a new area within tier 1 of ve to a new area within tier 1 of the castle, follow this the castle, follow this procedure: First, roll a d4. Then, either procedure: First, roll a d4. Then, either choose the choose the random location that your die roll produces, or if you prefer choose any one of the set locations, all of which are definitely present. Reroll for repeats.
d4d4 Random Loc. NOTES Set Loc. NOTES
1-2 Audience Chamber
Used by the lord/lady of the castle to receive visitors. Roll on this table again when leaving. Throne Room
When leaving, When leaving, roll for a roll for a random location on this table.
3-4 Banquet Hall / Great Hall
Where grand dinne Where grand dinners are held, rs are held, and and sometimes just everyday meals as well. 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. When leaving, there is a 70% there is a 70% chance of changing to chance of changing to Tier 2 table. Antechamber
A small cham A small chamber where ber where visitors/petitione visitors/petitioners wait rs wait until the lord of the castle is ready to is ready to receive them. receive them. Roll again on this Roll again on this table table when leaving.
Use these tables if your CSV = 1. Every time you move to a new area within tier 2 ve to a new area within tier 2 of the castle, follow this of the castle, follow this procedure: First, roll a d8. Then, either procedure: First, roll a d8. Then, either choose the choose the random location that your die roll produces, or if you prefer choose any one of the set locations. Reroll for repeats.
d6d6 Random Loc. NOTES Set Loc. NOTES
1-2 Barracks
3-4 Games Room
5-6 Armory
Used by elite guards. 50% chance of Used by elite guards. 50% chance of a staircase a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay you stay on this floor, roll again on this on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% table, or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 3 table. Kitchen
For preparation of meals for castle inhabitants and guests. This room connects directly to t guests. This room connects directly to the banquet he banquet room, dining room (Tier 1 table) and pantry (this table). When leaving, you can choose to go to any of those locations, or to roll those locations, or to roll again on this table (ignoring again on this table (ignoring the kitchen.
For entertainment of visitors. When leaving, roll again on this table. Pantry
Including cellar for wine or spirits. This room connects directly to the kitchen. When leaving, you can choose to go there, or to roll again on this ta can choose to go there, or to roll again on this table.
This room connects directly to either the barracks or guardr barracks or guardroom (this table). When oom (this table). When leaving, either go to one of those r leaving, either go to one of those r ooms, or roll ooms, or roll again on this table. 50% chance of again on this table. 50% chance of changing to changing to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 3 table. Guardroom
50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] ( 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) 1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of changing to table, or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1-2) [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 3 table
Use these tables if your CSV = 1. Every time you move to a new area within tier 3 ve to a new area within tier 3 of the castle, follow this of the castle, follow this procedure: First, roll a d6. Then, either procedure: First, roll a d6. Then, either choose the choose the random location that your die roll produces, or if you prefer choose any one of the set locations. Reroll for repeats.
d6d6 Random Loc.
1-2 Servants’ / Footmen’s quarters
3-4 Dressing room
5-6 Latrine or bath
50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] ( 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-12) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, floor, roll again on this table, or 70% or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table(3-4) Tier 2 table. Bedroom
Featuring a number of wardrobes. When leaving, roll again on this table Extra bedroom
When leaving, roll aga When leaving, roll again on this table. in on this table. Bathroom For use of the lord/lady of For use of the lord/lady of the castle, or the castle, or important important guests. 50% chance of a st guests. 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up aircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of changing to table, or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1-2) [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 2 table.
For use by the master’s / mistress’s family or other important guests. Extra rooms for the lord / lady o important guests. Extra rooms for the lord / lady of the castle’s children, other relatives.
Outfitted with a marble floor and Outfitted with a marble floor and other luxurious other luxurious accoutrements. When leaving, roll again on this table
Use these tables if your CSV = 2. Every time you move to a new area within the outer bailey of the castle, followUse these tables if your CSV = 2. Every time you move to a new area within the outer bailey of the castle, followthis procedure: First, roll a d6. this procedure: First, roll a d6. Then, either choose the Then, either choose the random location that your die roll produces, or if you prefer choose any one of the set locations, all of which are definitely present. Reroll for repeats.
d6d6 Random Loc.
11 Servant’s quarters
Cooks, kitchenhands, handmaidens, cleaners, footmen, pageboys and other staff live here. If not here, then perhaps they l If not here, then perhaps they liveive in the lower or basement levels of the keep itself. Stables
If the castle is inhabited, there is a 90% chance that theIf the castle is inhabited, there is a 90% chance t stables will be stocked with (Castle Size value) x (d6+2) mounts. Mounts could be horses, warhorses, mastiffs for halflings or other smaller humanoids to ride, whatever fits with the local flavour. Adjust stable s with the local flavour. Adjust stable size according to ize according to number of mounts.
22 Storeroom
A place for storing food A place for storing food for castle for castle inhabitants, militia and livestock. Well A place to draw water for so A place to draw water for soldiers and horses. ldiers and horses.
33 Smithy
44 Barbican
55 Temple
Here weapons, horseshoes, tools and other implements essential in the maintenance of the castle and its assets are repaired.
This is an alleyway connected to the gatehouse, and funnels attackers through a deadly obstacle course, where they can be fired upon by archers through murder holes and the like. Inner courtyard
Temple to the god or gods worshipped by the in worshipped by the inhabitants of habitants of the castle. Barracks
This area would be perhaps opened to townsfolk from aThis area would be perhaps opened to townsfolk from nearby settlement for a market day where nearby settlement for a market day where they could they could display their wares.
Usually stationed by the gate, this is a small structure where guards can mon where guards can monitor comings and goinitor comings and goings, organize gs, organize sentry rosters, and generally manage castle security.sentry rosters, and generally manage castle securit
This is a building where the lord This is a building where the lord of the keep’s militia is of the keep’s militia is housed. If inhabited, there will be (Castle Size value) x d10 men who live here. If it men who live here. If it is night-time, they will is night-time, they will be asleep in be asleep in this building (apart from those on sentry duty). this building (apart from those on sentry duty). If it is If it is daytime, they will probably be daytime, they will probably be on other duties, unless a on other duties, unless a meal is being served If uninhabited, remnants of the militia, old weapons, maybe corpses, might be militia, old weapons, maybe corpses, might be found. . found. .
Use these tables if your CSV = 2. Every time you move to a new area within tier 1 ve to a new area within tier 1 of the castle, follow this of the castle, follow this procedure: First, roll a d6. Then, either procedure: First, roll a d6. Then, either choose the choose the random location that your die roll produces, or if you prefer choose any one of the set locations. Reroll for repeats.
d6d6 Random Loc. NOTES Set Loc. NOTES
1-2 Banquet Hall / Great Hall
3-4 Chapel
Where grand dinn Where grand dinners are held, and sometiers are held, and sometimesmes just everyday meals as just everyday meals as well. well. 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] ( 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2)1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of again on this table, or 70% chance of changing changing toto Tier 2 table.
Dedicated to a deity associated with the stronghold's master. 50% chance of a st stronghold's master. 50% chance of a staircase aircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay you stay on this floor, roll again on t on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% his table, or 70% chance of changing to Tier 2 table.
5-6 Gallery
For the display of expensive works of art For the display of expensive works of art andand trophies. 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 50% chance of changing to Tier 2 table. Throne Room
Audience Chamber
When leavi When leaving, roll for a ranng, roll for a random dom location on this table.
A small cham A small chamber where ber where visitors/petitio visitors/petitioners wait until the ners wait until the lord lord of the castle is ready of the castle is ready to receive them. to receive them. Roll again on this Roll again on this table when leaving. table when leaving.
Used by the lord/lady of the castle to receive visitors. Roll on this table again when leaving.
Use these tables if your CSV = 2. Every time you move to a new area within tier 2 ve to a new area within tier 2 of the castle, follow this of the castle, follow this procedure: First, roll a d8. Then, either procedure: First, roll a d8. Then, either choose the choose the random location that your die roll produces, or if you prefer choose any one of the set locations, all of which are definitely present. Reroll for repeats.
3-4 Armory
5-6 Games Room
This room connects directly to either th This room connects directly to either thee barracks or guardroom barracks or guardroom (this table). When (this table). When leaving, either go to one of those rooms, or roll again on this table. 50% chance of again on this table. 50% chance of changing to changing to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 3 table. Pantry
Including cellar for wine or spirits. This room connects directly to the kitchen. When leaving, you can choose to go there, or to roll again on this table.
For entertainment of visitors. When leaving, roll again on this table. Guardroom
50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] ( 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) 1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1- 2)2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 3 table
7-8 Larder For cooling food. Barracks
Used by elite guards. 50% chance of Used by elite guards. 50% chance of a staircase a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 3 table.
Use these tables if your CSV = 2. Every time you move to a new area within tier 3 ve to a new area within tier 3 of the castle, follow this of the castle, follow thisprocedure: First, roll a d8. Then, either procedure: First, roll a d8. Then, either choose the choose the random location that your die roll produces, or if you prefer choose any one of the set locations, all of which are definitely present. Reroll for repeats.
5-6 Random Loc.
Dressing room
Featuring a number of wardrobes. When leaving, roll again on this table Bedroom
For use of the lord/lady of the castle, or important guests. 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on you stay on this floor, roll again on this this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance table, or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 2 table.
Latrine or
bath When leaving, ro When leaving, roll again on this table. ll again on this table. Extra bedroom
Sitting room
For family or intimate guests. 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4 of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4)) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of on this table, or 70% chance of changing to changing to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 2 table. Bathroom
Study, including a writing desk Servants’ / Footmen’s’ quarters
For use by the master’s / mistress’s family or othe For use by the master’s / mistress’s family or other important guests. Extra rooms for the l important guests. Extra rooms for the lord / lady of ord / lady of the castle’s children, other relatives.
Outfitted with a marble floor a Outfitted with a marble floor a nd other luxurious nd other luxurious accoutrements. When leaving, roll again on this table
50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] ( 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (31-2) Up (34) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of ch table, or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1-2) anging to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 2 table.
Use these tables if your CSV = 3. Every time you move to a new area within the outer bailey of the casUse these tables if your CSV = 3. Every time you move to a new area within the outer bailey of the castle, follow tle, follow this procedure: First, roll a d8. this procedure: First, roll a d8. Then, either choose the Then, either choose the random location that your die roll produces, or if you prefer choose any one of the set locations, all of which are definitely present. Reroll for repeats.all of which are definitely present. Reroll for rep
d8d8 Random Loc.
11 Smithy
Here weapons, horseshoes, tools and other implements essential in the maintenance of the castle and its assets are repaired. Stables
This is an alleyway connected to the gatehouse, and funnels attackers through a deadly obstacle course, where they can be fired upon by archers through murder holes and the like. If the castle is inhabited, there is a 90% chance that the stables will be stocked with (Castle Size value) x (d6+2) mounts. Mounts could be horses, warhorses, mastiffs for halflings or other smaller humanoids to ride, whatever fits with the local flavour. Adjus with the local flavour. Adjust stable size according to t stable size according to number of mounts.
44 Casemates
There are 1d4 + (Castle Size value) casemates visible. A casemate is a small room in the wall of a castle, with holes from which missiles can be fired which missiles can be fired onon enemies outside. Guardhouse
55 Dungeon / Jail
Accessed via a stair in Accessed via a stair in thethe courtyard, this is where misbehaving soldiers, captured spies and other hostiles are kept. Barracks
66 Livestock pens
77 Kennels
For keeping livestock such as pigs, cows, sheep etc.
Where monsters or train Where monsters or traineded animals that protect the stronghold are kept. There may be wolves, hawks, crows for sendi wolves, hawks, crows for sendingng messages, any kind of creature that fits with the flavour of the castle. Combat Practice Area
Servant’s quarters
88 Undercroft
Cellar or storage room, often vaulted. Sometimes hired vaulted. Sometimes hired out as a out as a shop to a local merchant. Storeroom
Usually stationed by the gate, this is a small structure where guards can mo where guards can monitor comings and goinitor comings and goings, organize ngs, organize sentry rosters, and generally manage castle security.
This is a building where the lord of This is a building where the lord of the keep’s militia is the keep’s militia is housed. If inhabited, there will be (Castle Size value) x d10 men who live here. If it men who live here. If it is night-time, they will is night-time, they will be asleep in be asleep in this building (apart from those on sentry duty). this building (apart from those on sentry duty). If it is If it is daytime, they will probably be on other daytime, they will probably be on other duties, unless a duties, unless a meal is being served If uninhabited, remnants of the militia, old weapons, maybe corpses, might be f militia, old weapons, maybe corpses, might be found. . ound. .
If the castle is inhabited, and it If the castle is inhabited, and it is daytime, there is a is daytime, there is a 60% 60% chance that soldiers and other castle inhabitants will ill bebe present and practicing their combat skills.
Cooks, kitchenhands, handmaidens, cleaners, footmen, pageboys and other staff live here. If pageboys and other staff live here. If not here, then perhaps not here, then perhaps they live in the lower or they live in the lower or basement levels of the keep itself. basement levels of the keep itself.
A place for storing foo A place for storing food for castle inhabitants, militia a d for castle inhabitants, militia andnd livestock.
Use these tables if your CSV = 3. Every time you move to a new area within tier 1 ve to a new area within tier 1 of the castle, follow this of the castle, follow this procedure: First, roll a d8. Then, either procedure: First, roll a d8. Then, either choose the choose the random location that your die roll produces, or if you prefer choose any one of the set locations. Reroll for repeats.
d8d8 Random Loc.
1-2 Chapel
Dedicated to a deity associated with the stronghold's master. 50% chance of a st stronghold's master. 50% chance of a staircase aircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of changing to Tier 2 table. Throne Room
When leaving, When leaving, roll for a random roll for a random location on this table.
7-8 Lounge
Used to entertain guests. 50% chance of Used to entertain guests. 50% chance of aa staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down (switch to Tier 2 if going up, Tier 3 if going down). If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 50% chance this table, or 50% chance of changing to of changing to Tier 2 table. Banquet Hall / Great Hall
Used by the lord/lady of Used by the lord/lady of the castle to the castle to receive visitors. Roll on this table again when leaving.
Where grand dinn Where grand dinners are held, and ers are held, and sometimes just everyday meals as well. 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] ( 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2)1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% ch again on this table, or 70% chance of ance of changing to Tier 2 table.
Use these tables if your CSV = 3. Every time you move to a new area within tier 2 ve to a new area within tier 2 of the castle, follow this of the castle, follow this procedure: First, roll a d10. Then, either procedure: First, roll a d10. Then, either choose the choose the random location that your die roll produces, or if you prefer choose one of the set locations, all of which are all of which are definitely present. Reroll for repeats. definitely present. Reroll for repeats.
d10 Random Loc. NOTES Set Loc. NOTES
1-2 Strong
Vault for protecting im Vault for protecting important treasures. portant treasures. 75% chance of being hidden behind a secret door.. When leaving, roll again on this table. 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 3 table Kitchen
For preparation of meals for castle inhabitants and guests. This room connects directly to t guests. This room connects directly to the banquet he banquet room, dining room (Tier 1 table) and pantry (this table)..
When leaving, you When leaving, you can choose to go to any of those can choose to go to any of thoselocations, or to roll again on this locations, or to roll again on this table (ignoring the table (ignoring the kitchen.
3-4 Games Room
For entertainment of visitors. When leaving, roll again on this table.
5-6 Larder For cooling food. Pantry
7-8 Laundry
For washing clothes of all inhabitants of the castle. Occupied by staff more or less
all day. Barracks
Including cellar for wine or spirits. This room con Including cellar for wine or spirits. This room connects directly to the kitchen. When leaving, you directly to the kitchen. When leaving, you can choose to can choose to go there, or to roll again on this table.
50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] ( 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) 1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1- 2)2) Tier 1 table (3-(34)4) Tier 3 table
Used by elite guards. 50% chance of Used by elite guards. 50% chance of a staircase leading a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of again on this table, or 70% chance of changing to [d4] changing to [d4]
(1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 3 table. (table continues over page)
9-10 Buttery
Part of the kitchen. Close to the Banquet Hall and traditionally the place from which the yeoman of the butte which the yeoman of the buttery served ry served beer and cand beer and candles to those lower les to those lower members of the household not entitled to drink wine. The room takes its name from the beer butts (barrels) stored there. When leaving, roll again on this table. Armory
This room connects directly to either the This room connects directly to either the barracks or barracks or guardroom (this table). When leaving, either go to one of those rooms, or roll again on this table. 50% chance of changing to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 3 table.
d10 Random Loc.
1-2 Latrine or bath
3-4 Sitting room
5-6 Study, including a writing desk
7-8 Small Library
When leaving, ro When leaving, roll again on this table. ll again on this table. Bedroom For use of the lord/lady of the castle, or important guests. 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4) Down. If you stay on you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 2 table.
For family or intimate guests. 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3 of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3-4)-4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this table, or 70% chance of on this table, or 70% chance of changing changing to [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 2 table. Extra bedroom
Includes a writing desk and some books. When leaving, ro When leaving, roll again on this table. ll again on this table. Bathroom
Featuring tomes, some perhaps rare, on the local area or on the family history of the owner of the castle. Servants’ / Footmen’s’ quarters
For use by the master’s / mistress’s family or other important guests. Extra rooms for the other important guests. Extra rooms for the lordlor d / lady of the castle’s children, other relatives.
Outfitted with a marble floor and Outfitted with a marble floor and other luxurious other luxurious accoutrements. When leaving, roll again on this table
50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) 50% chance of a staircase leading [d4] (1-2) Up (3Up (34) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on this4) Down. If you stay on this floor, roll again on t table, or 70% chance of changing to table, or 70% chance of changing to [d4] (1-2) [d4] (1-2) Tier 1 table (3-4) Tier 2 table.
Cistern Provides drinking water. When leaving, roll again on this table. Dressing room
Featuring a number of wardrobes. When leaving, roll again on this table