5 minute read

Generates positive positive life life events events as as the the result result of of a a fate fate roll roll TSAT2, TSAT2, p.176




737474 (1-2) Until the end of the quest, healing spells are only half as effective.

(3-4) The next character to make a death save does so so at disadvantage at disadvantage(5-6) The next time you reduce a monster to 0 (5-6) The next time you reduce a monster to 0 hp, you reduce it to 1 hp, you reduce it to 1 hp instead. hp instead.

Unsure of Foot Fatigue and dark forces are Fatigue and dark forces are conspiring against you, dogging your steps. During the nextconspiring against you, dogging your steps. During the next combat encounter, before every movement, make a DC 13 + tier Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, your character can only move up to On a fail, your character can only move up to half their speed. half their speed.

Tainted Potion If you possess no potions, re-roll.

Some sort of mould has altered the composition of one of your potions (select potion randomly if possible). 160





838484 When you use this potion, instead of working normally, it triggers a roll on the Variant: Mixing Potions table on p.140 of Dungeon Master’s Guide.

Conspicuous You and your allies stick out like a sore You and your allies stick out like a sore thumb in this environment. Perhaps your enemy thumb in this environment. Perhaps your enemy has alarms in place, has alarms in place, or perhaps they have or perhaps they have heightened senses. Whatever the case, remaining heightened senses. Whatever the case, remaining undetected in here is nigh on impossible. For the remainder of this quest, your party hasundetected in here is nigh on impossible. For the r disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and your allies have r allies have advantage on Dexterity advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Heightened Danger If you are not using the 6d12 system, re-roll. Things are starting to get more perilous, whether you are aware of it Things are starting to get more perilous, whether you are aware of it or not. Add 1 to or not. Add 1 to every die in your next 4 6d12 every die in your next 4 6d12 rolls. rolls.

Bestow Curse An unseen enemy has afflicted you with a bestow curse spell. During your next combat encounter, choose a member of your party to be affected by this spell.

Darkness Descends The area you are in is The area you are in is suddenly affected by a suddenly affected by a darkness spell. Any enemies are not affected by this spell. The effect ends at the edge of the current room or ent room or area you are exploring. area you are exploring.

Bane An unseen enemy has afflicted you with a bane spell. During your spell. During your next combat encounter, next combat encounter, choose a member of your party to choose a member of your party to be affected by this spell. be affected by this spell.



919292 Illusory Area If you are not using the 6d12 system, reroll. The current area you are in turns out The current area you are in turns out to be nothing more than a very real-seeming illusion. to be nothing more than a very real-seeming illusion. If using the 6d12 system, reroll, adding 5 to every dice except the treasure dice. If dice except the treasure dice. If enemies enemies are generated, your characters are surprised in the first round.

Invisible Trap You have blundered into a trap, which has been concealed with some sort of invisibilityYou have blundered into a trap, which has been conc spell. Roll on either the Wilderness or Standard Trap table (pp.40-41). Do not roll in ap table (pp.40-41). Do not roll in the the notice DC column. However, you will still be able to make a saving throw to o make a saving throw to avoid the avoid the effects of the trap (e.g., Dexterity save for a effects of the trap (e.g., Dexterity save for a spear trap). spear trap).

Hallucinatory Mould Some sort of mould has released its spores into the Some sort of mould has released its spores into the air, causing you to hallucinate and see air, causing you to hallucinate and see double. It appears that there are two of each of double. It appears that there are two of each of your party members, and this will also your party members, and this will also apply to any enemies you see. During the next combat encounter, every time you make an attack roll, make a DC 19 + tier Constitution saving throw. If you fail, make the attack roll at disadvantage. If you succeed, the effect ends at that point.





99100 Curse of Hideousness Some ancient curse has caused your visage to alter, making you hideously ugly! You have disadvantage on all Charisma-based checks. This effect can be ect can be ended with a ended with a remove curse spell. Perhaps you can find a mage in a nearby settlement, or a caster in lement, or a caster in your party can your party can learn this spell next time you stop for a learn this spell next time you stop for a long rest. long rest.

Slow Healer Some effect has caused your regenerative properties to slow down. You only regain halfSome effect has caused your regenerative properties your hit points on a long rest. Your your hit points on a long rest. Your hit points can still be restored to maximum with spells hit points can still be restored to maximum with spells or potions, but a long rest will or potions, but a long rest will only restore you to half your maximum hit points. only restore you to half your maximum hit points.

Speechless Randomly determine a characte Randomly determine a character in your party. Tr in your party. This character loses the ability to speak due his character loses the ability to speak due to an ancient curse on this area. Obviously, this affects casters more than other ffects casters more than other classes, but classes, but regardless this effect can be ended with a remove curse spell, or when your current quest is


Arch Enemy Randomly determine a character from your party. Randomly determine a character from your party. That character, through their heroic That character, through their heroic deeds or misdeeds, has attracted the attention of a being from the hellish planes. Use keywords and oracle rolls to determine the nature of this being, but regardless, until this being is defeated it will prove to be a being is defeated it will prove to be a major source of consternation to the character. major source of consternation to the character.

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