3 minute read
Generates neutral neutral life life events events as as a a result result of of fate fate rolls rolls TSAT2, TSAT2, p.175
555656 NPC Exhausted If you do not have an NPC or If you do not have an NPC or sidekick, re-roll. sidekick, re-roll. “I can’t go any further,” your NPC says, dropping to their knees. “How o their knees. “How do you keep this up, do you keep this up, all day every day?”
656666 Your travelling companion seems unaccustomed to such exertion. Have the h exertion. Have the NPC/sidekick NPC/sidekick make a DC 14 + make a DC 14 + tier Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they take one level oftier Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they take one level of exhaustion. If they succeed, their hit exhaustion. If they succeed, their hit point maximum is reduced by 10 point maximum is reduced by 10 until they complete a until they complete a
long rest.
Curse of Madness Some ancient malediction infects this area. You feel the l the tendrils of madness creeping into tendrils of madness creeping into your mind… Every character must make a DC 12 + tier Every character must make a DC 12 + tier Wisdom saving throw. If they fail the save, they Wisdom saving throw. If they fail the save, they make a roll on the short-term madness table (DMG, p.259)make a roll on the short-term madness table (DMG, p .. If they roll a nat 1 then have them roll on the them roll on the long-term madness table (DMG, p.260). long-term madness table (DMG, p.260).
Vulnerable Dark gods aligned with your enemies have cursed you! Until the end of the next combat encounter, you have vulnerability to [d6] (1-2) encounter, you have vulnerability to [d6] (1-2) Bludgeoning (3-4) Piercing (5-6) Slashing Bludgeoning (3-4) Piercing (5-6) Slashing damage.
Magic Susceptibility A curse has made you susceptible to arcane attacks. You have disadvantage on your next three saving throws vs. spells or other magical effects. This curse ends with ects. This curse ends with your current your current
Elemental Susceptibility Until the end of the current quest, you are vulnerable to one of t ble to one of t he following damage types: he following damage types: [d4] (1) Fire (2) Cold ( [d4] (1) Fire (2) Cold (3) Lightning (4) Force. 3) Lightning (4) Force.
Unproficient Some malignant force clouds your brain, making you lose expertise in something you were previously a master of. Until the end of the current quest, you t quest, you lose proficiency in one of lose proficiency in one of your skills. Count the number of skills you are proficient in and devise a ficient in and devise a dice roll to dice roll to randomly determine which skill you have lost randomly determine which skill you have lost proficiency in. This effect ends at proficiency in. This effect ends at the the conclusion of the current quest (take note on your character sheet so you can restore your
skill later.
Rusty Weapon Reroll if you do not possess any steel weapons. One non-magical steel weapon in your possession has become rusty and does not do asOne non-magical steel weapon in your possession has much damage as it used to. If you roll much damage as it used to. If you roll a nat 1 with this weapon it breaks and a nat 1 with this weapon it breaks and cannot be cannot be used until you find a weaponsmith. Until then, deduct d4 from each of your damage rolls with this weapon. This effect lasts until you can find a weaponsmith. The cost ind a weaponsmith. The cost to repair will to repair will