14 minute read
111, TSAT2
17-18 Boon of Perfect Health You are immune to all You are immune to all diseases and poisons, and youdiseases and poisons, and you have advantage on Constitution have advantage on Constitution saving throws. This boon lasts until the end of your r current quest. current quest.
Fitting Armour You are really getting the hang of You are really getting the hang of this armour now. After this armour now. After a while spent getting a while spent getting accustomed to it, you accustomed to it, you can take advantage of its features well, can take advantage of its features well, especially against attacks especially against attacks from certain angles. You may add +2 to your AC as a reaction, 1d4 times, after which reaction, 1d4 times, after which this boon disappears.
Revitalising Touch The gods have smiled on your efforts. Immediately take the benefits of a long rest. If you have just completed a long rest, or do not you have just completed a long rest, or do not need one, you may roll again on the need one, you may roll again on the Boon table but must use the new roll.
Boon of Planar Travel When you gain this boon, choose When you gain this boon, choose a plane of existence other a plane of existence other than the Material Plane. than the Material Plane. You can now use an action to cast the plane shift spell (no spell slot spell (no spell slot or components or components required), targeting yourself only, and travel to required), targeting yourself only, and travel to the chosen plane, or from the chosen plane, or from that plane that plane back to the Material Plane. Once you use this boon 1d4 times, 1d4 times, you can’t use it again. you can’t use it again.
Animal Mastery You feel tuned in to You feel tuned in to the world around you, the world around you, especially to animals. Until you complete especially to animals. Until you complete this quest, you have this quest, you have advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks, and +2 onadvantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks, and +2 on Perception checks relating to Perception checks relating to animals. animals.
23-24 Boon of Quick Casting Choose one of your spells of 1st Choose one of your spells of 1st through 3rd level that has a casting time of 1 action. through 3rd level that has a casting time of 1 action. That spell's casting time is now 1 bonus action for you. This you. This boon lasts until you finish boon lasts until you finish your next long rest. If you are not a your next long rest. If you are not a caster, then you can transfer this boon to an ally, or caster, then you can transfer this boon to an ally, or you may reroll.
Boon of the Night Spirit While completely in an area of dim light or darkness, you can become invisible as an action. You remain invisible until you take an action or a reaction. You may use this boon once.
Arcane Blessing You have been blessed by the gods of magic and give You have been blessed by the gods of magic and given temporary access to spells
beyond your ken. Regardless of class, you have access to one ss to one spell outside your class, spell outside your class,which you must choose now. The spell level can be which you must choose now. The spell level can be equal to up to half your PC’s level. equal to up to half your PC’s level. You have one use of this spell available. It does not use a ot use a spell slot. spell slot.


43-44 Blessing of Protection You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws for You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws for the remainder of this quest. the remainder of this quest.
Boon of Combat Prowess When you miss with a melee weapon attack, you can choose to hit instead. This boonWhen you miss with a melee weapon attack, you can c has 1d4 uses.
Blessing of Fortunate Find You discover a magic item! Go to Chapter 4-6 and roll on one You discover a magic item! Go to Chapter 4-6 and roll on one of the following tables: of the following tables: [d20] (1-14) Common (15-18) Uncommon (19) Rare (20) Very Rare.
Charm of Feather Falling This charm grants you the benefits of a ring of feather falling . These benefits last for 1d10 days, after which the charm vanishes from you.
Boon of the Stormborn You have immunity to lightning and thunder damage. You can also You have immunity to lightning and thunder damage. You can also cast cast thunderwave (save DC 15) at will, (save DC 15) at will, without using a spell slot or any components. This boon lasts untilwithout using a spell slot or any components. This boon lasts until the end of your current quest.
Blessing of Wound Closure This blessing grants you the benefits of a periapt of wound closure . This boon lasts until your next long rest.
Charm of Heroism This charm allows you to give yourself the benefit of a potion of heroism as an action. Once you do so, the charm vanishes from you.
Boon of Dimensional Travel As an action, you can cast the misty step spell, without using a spell slot or any components. This boon has 1d4 uses.
47-48 Charm of Vitality This charm allows you to give yourself the benefit of a potion of vitality as an action. Once you do so, the charm vanishes from you.
Blessing of Weapon Enhancement One nonmagical weapon in your possession becomes a +1 weapon whenever you +1 weapon whenever you wield wield it.it.

67-68 Boon of Recovery When you choose to, you can use a When you choose to, you can use a bonus action to regain a number of hit points equal bonus action to regain a number of hit points equal to half your hit point maximum. Once you use this boon, you can't use it oon, you can't use it again. again.
Eagle’s Eye When you miss with a ranged attack, you can choose to hit When you miss with a ranged attack, you can choose to hit instead. You can use this instead. You can use this boon once.
Boon of Resilience You have resistance to You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagica nonmagicall weapons. You can use this boon as a weapons. You can use this boon as a reaction to an attack 1d4 times, after which it reaction to an attack 1d4 times, after which it disappears.
Bane of Your Enemies You feel as if you could take on any horrific fiend and defeat them! The gods and defeat them! The gods have have blessed you with a rare power. blessed you with a rare power. This boon has three uses. When an enemy succe This boon has three uses. When an enemy succeeds on eds on an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, you can force them to can force them to reroll and they must reroll and they must use the new result. After you have used this three times, the boon disappears.
Boon of Speed Your walking speed increases by 30 feet. In addition, you can use a bonus action to Your walking speed increases by 30 feet. In addition, you can use a bonus action to take take the Dash or Disengage action. This boon lasts for 1d4 days.
Rogue’s Cunning You may use this boon to gain the benefit of a You may use this boon to gain the benefit of a rogue’s cunning action ability once on rogue’s cunning action ability once on your turn. This boon can be used twice.
Boon of Spell Mastery Choose one 1st-level spell that you can cast. You can now cast that an now cast that spell at its lowest spell at its lowest level without expending a spell slot. This boon lasts until you finish your current quest. If you are not a caster, you If you are not a caster, you may confer this boon on an ally, or you may confer this boon on an ally, or you may reroll. may reroll.
Highly Attuned Your senses become highly alert, and you begin to pick up on even the smallest details.Your senses become highly alert, and you begin to p Until you complete your next long rest, Until you complete your next long rest, you have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) you have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks.
69-70 Boon of Spell Recall You can cast any spell you know or have prepared wi You can cast any spell you know or have prepared without expending a spell slot. This boon has 1d4 uses.

73-74 Boon of the Fire Soul You have immunity to fire damage. You You have immunity to fire damage. You can also cast can also cast burning hand s (save DC 15) at will, without using a spell slot or any components. This boon lasts 1d4 days.
75-76 Blessing of Health Your Constitution score increases by 2, up to a maximum of 22, imum of 22, for the remainder of for the remainder of this quest. Make sure you remember to reduce it again at the in at the end of the quest. end of the quest.
77-78 Boon of Irresistibility You can bypass the damage resistances of any creature. You can use this boon for 1d4 separate attacks.
79-80 Boon of Invincibility When you take damage from any source, you can reduce that damage to 0 as a e that damage to 0 as a reaction. reaction. This boon has one use.

85-86 Blessing of Valhalla This blessing grants you the power to summon spirit warriors. In practical terms, you can cast spirit guardians at third level as an action, without using a spell slot (if your character has spell slots, that is). This boon has two two uses. uses.
Boon of High Magic A caster in your party gains an extra slot at the A caster in your party gains an extra slot at the highest level at which they gain spells. highest level at which they gain spells. This boon lasts until the end of the current quest.
Blessing of Understanding Until the conclusion of your current quest, your Wisdom score increases by 2, up to sdom score increases by 2, up to aa maximum of 22. Remember to reduce it again at the end of the quest.
93-94 Charm of Restoration This charm has 6 charges. You can use an action to expend one of its charges to cast one of the following spells: greater restoration (4 charges) or lesser restoration (2 charges). Once all its charges have been all its charges have been expended, the charm vanishes from you. expended, the charm vanishes from you.
Boon of Truesight You have truesight out to a range of 60 feet. You have truesight out to a range of 60 feet. This boon lasts 1d6 days. This boon lasts 1d6 days.
Boon of Fortitude Your hit point maximum increases by tier x 10. This boon lasts until the boon lasts until the end of the end of the
current quest.
Boon of Fate When another creature that you can see within 60 feet of you makes an ability check, an attack roll, or a saving throw, you can roll attack roll, or a saving throw, you can roll a d10 and apply the result as a bonus a d10 and apply the result as a bonus oror
penalty to the roll. Once you use this boon, you penalty to the roll. Once you use this boon, you can't use it again until you finish a short can't use it again until you finish a short rest. This boon lasts until the end of your rest. This boon lasts until the end of your current quest. current quest.

99-100 Boon of Undetectability For the remainder of this quest, you gain a +10 bonus to us to Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and you can't be detected or you can't be detected or targeted by divination magic, including scrying sensors.targeted by divination magic, including scrying sensors.
Resurrection The gods have granted you the ultimate boon. The next time your PC dies, you may resurrect them. They are instantly brought back to life with half their hit points and may immediately take actions.

Chapter 4-2 Chapter 4-2 Bane Table
When to use these? You can use these at any time, when an oracle determines you have encounteredYou can use these at any time, when an oracle deter a boon, or by a boon, or by any method you deem appropriate (perhaps a god grants you a boon and you need toany method you deem appropriate (perhaps a god grants you a boon and you need to
know what it is). They are know what it is). They are also included in the 6d12 system, the Battlemap Crawl and Realm Crawlalso included in the 6d12 system, the Battlemap Crawl and Realm Crawl systems, and as a rollable result on the random encounter tables.

7-8 Curse of Shar The goddess of dark, The goddess of dark, night, and forgetfulness roams this area, and you night, and forgetfulness roams this area, and you have unknowingly have unknowingly been touched by her malevolent energy. One random player must make a DC 12 + tier Charisma saving throw. If they fail, they are under the effects of a level 1 bane spell, but will not be aware of this until the next combat encounter begins. During your next combat, deduct 1d4 from all attack rolls and saving throws. You may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of your turns, ending the effect on a success. a success.
Dark Foreboding You have been assailed by a haunting vision or prem You have been assailed by a haunting vision or premonition. Choose a character to make a DC 17 + tier Wisdom saving throw. If they DC 17 + tier Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, then for the rest of this quest that fail, then for the rest of this quest that character has disadvantage when making attack rolls against one of against one of the following monster the following monster types [d8] (1) Aberration (2) Beast (3) Construct (4) (1) Aberration (2) Beast (3) Construct (4) Elemental (5) Fiend (6) Humanoid (7) Elemental (5) Fiend (6) Humanoid (7) Monstrosity (8) Undead.
Moment of Weakness Any resistances you are able to gain, as a Any resistances you are able to gain, as a result of traits, feats or other effects (for example, result of traits, feats or other effects (for example, a barbarian’s resistance to certain damage while a barbarian’s resistance to certain damage while raging), are gone during the next combat raging), are gone during the next combat encounter. Other aspects of the encounter. Other aspects of the trait or feat are trait or feat are unaffected (for example, the barbarian unaffected (for example, the barbarian would still get the +2 damage bonus from raging, just not the resistance).
Forgot to Stretch You woke up You woke up this morning feeling a little bit this morning feeling a little bit stiff, perhaps after recent exertions. You have stiff, perhaps after recent exertions. You have a -1 to a -1 to any Dexterity-based checks and saving throws until you complete your any Dexterity-based checks and saving throws until you complete your next long next long
131414 Rumbling from Below Something you ate recently is not Something you ate recently is not agreeing with you. You have a agreeing with you. You have a -2 to Constitution-based -2 to Constitution-based checks and saving throws until you complete your next long rest.
Thieving Rascals Someone’s been into your pack while your back was turned! Choose or urned! Choose or roll for a random roll for a random possession to remove from your inventory, or deduct 1d10x10 gp.
Dancing Lights Not far off, Not far off, you see strange dancing lights which attract you you see strange dancing lights which attract you with their playful movement. with their playful movement.
You cannot help but feel You cannot help but feel drawn towards them. drawn towards them.Make a DC 9 + Make a DC 9 + tier Wisdom saving throw or suffer one of the following effects (yourtier Wisdom saving throw or suffer one of the following effects (your choice): Lose 1 Clue Point