11 minute read
You have a strange feeling that you can’t shake. It’s as if eyes ’s as if eyes are watching you, from are watching you, from somewhere hidden perhaps. Make a DC 14 + tier Make a DC 14 + tier Wisdom (Perception) check. If successful, roll a d4. Wisdom (Perception) check. If successful, roll a d4. (1)(1) Someone is watching from a concealed place nearby, possibly a hidden room.
(2)(2) Someone is observing Someone is observing you magically. you magically. (3)(3) Someone is using a tiny creature as a familiar to spy on py on you. you. (4)(4) A member of your party is carrying an object which someone has cast someone has cast a spell on a spell on that enables them to track your that enables them to track your movements. movements.
Decide what in-game effects this result has Decide what in-game effects this result has on your quest. on your quest.
9191 The rigours of travel and adventure are taking their toll and you and any companions you have with you. It might also be some sort have with you. It might also be some sort of enchantment, but all of a sudden you are struck of enchantment, but all of a sudden you are struck with a ravenous hunger and parched thirst. If you have not eaten today, you must immediately take rations. If you have no rations, you will have to forage. Make a Wisdom (Survival) check, DC 9 + tier if (Survival) check, DC 9 + tier if outdoors, DC 14 + tier if outdoors, DC 14 + tier if indoors. On a fail, take one level of indoors. On a fail, take one level of exhaustion.
You reach a barrier where a spectral figure bars the way forward. e way forward. “Stop, travelers!” it “Stop, travelers!” it addresses you. “You shall go addresses you. “You shall go no further!” no further!” This spectral figure is blocking the way. You must either succeed on a DC 17 This spectral figure is blocking the way. You must either succeed on a DC 17 + tier + tier Charisma (Intimidation) or Charisma (Persuasion) check. Otherwise, based on eck. Otherwise, based on your PC tier, your PC tier, encounter the following:
•• •• Tier 1: 1 x Tier 1: 1 x shadow per character (if level 1, max 1 shadow per party)shadow per character (if level 1, max 1 shadow per party)Tier 2: 1 x Tier 2: 1 x wight per character wight per character
•• Tier 3: 1 x Tier 3: 1 x wraith per character wraith per character
•• Tier 4: 1 x Tier 4: 1 x alhoon per character alhoon per character
Off to the side of your Off to the side of your path, a glimmer catches your eye. You move closer and see smallpath, a glimmer catches your eye. You move closer and see small crystals that catch the light and appear to glow with a strange radiance. A DC 14 + th a strange radiance. A DC 14 + tier tier Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that these are arcane crystals. A arcane crystals. A spellcaster can take one spellcaster can take one of these, and cast 2 level 1 or of these, and cast 2 level 1 or 1 level 2 spell into it 1 level 2 spell into it for later use, following the same rules as for later use, following the same rules as aa ring of spell storing. You find 1d4 crystals. The crystal can only be used You find 1d4 crystals. The crystal can only be used once in this way. once in this way. IfIf you fail the Arcana check, you are not privy to you fail the Arcana check, you are not privy to this knowledge and would not know the this knowledge and would not know the crystals can be used in this way. Each crystal can also also be sold as a common magic item (if be sold as a common magic item (if unused).
You hear a cracking sound, and look up to see You hear a cracking sound, and look up to see a large rock or piece of masonry falling a large rock or piece of masonry fallingtowards you! Make a DC 10 + towards you! Make a DC 10 + tier Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check,tier Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save.
Your immediate area is a bit of a mess, Your immediate area is a bit of a mess, with small to medium piles of detritus lying on the with small to medium piles of detritus lying on the floor. A DC floor. A DC 12 + tier 12 + tier Intelligence (InvestigaIntelligence (Investigation) check will reveal tion) check will reveal a small chest containing a small chest containing a CR 1 treasure hoard.

9494 You encounter a shrine to You encounter a shrine to an obscure god, surrounded by an obscure god, surrounded by ritual offerings and several ritual offerings and several corpses. Make a DC 13 + tier corpses. Make a DC 13 + tier Intelligence (ReligiIntelligence (Religion) check to discern the nature of this on) check to discern the nature of this dark god, their name, and possibly the motives behind this horrific ritual. If successful, you will have advantage on checks to will have advantage on checks to determine surprise against cultists or other beings determine surprise against cultists or other beings engaged in similar rituals, for the rest of this quest.
Strange animals are dwelling a little way ahead, but t are as yet unaware of are as yet unaware of your presence. your presence. They appear harmless, but could stampede if alarmed. Make a DC 15 + tier Dexterity (Stealth) or Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to move through this through this area. If you fail, area. If you fail, the the

9898 beasts panic and stampede, looking to escape. In that case, make a DC 16 + at case, make a DC 16 + tier Dexterity tier Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check to get out of the way or take ut of the way or take (tier x 3) d6 (tier x 3) d6 bludgeoning damage.
You reach a door which has a magical talking mouth. It demands you tell it one truth and one lie, and it has to guess which one lie, and it has to guess which is truth. It tells you, if you is truth. It tells you, if you succeed in fooling it, it will succeed in fooling it, it will open and reveal its secrets. If you are outdoors, open and reveal its secrets. If you are outdoors, you encounter a structure with this door as you encounter a structure with this door as the entrance.
Make a DC 15 + tier Make a DC 15 + tier Charisma (Deception) check. If you succeed, you gain entranceCharisma (Deception) check. If you succeed, you gain entrance through the door. Use keywords to determine what secrets you gain access to here something directly relevant to your quest.
You find a flickering portal - a shimmering rip in the air. The image behind it stutters and changes from moment to moment. If you changes from moment to moment. If you succeed on a DC succeed on a DC 14 + tier 14 + tier Intelligence (Arcan Intelligence (Arcana)a) check you can stabilise the portal for a few seconds to s to travel anywhere you want within 100 travel anywhere you want within 100 miles (If you fail the check by 5 or miles (If you fail the check by 5 or more, you end up in a random location 100 miles away). more, you end up in a random location 100 miles away).
You come across a small band of four men encamped around a cooking fire. On seeing youone of them calls out, “Greetings good friend! It has been a long time since we have been in a stranger’s company and have grown quite bored with each other. Please, come join us and tell us of your adventures.” Make a DC 11 tell us of your adventures.” Make a DC 11 + tier Charisma (Performance) check to entertain + tier Charisma (Performance) check to entertain the men with stories of your exploits. On a the men with stories of your exploits. On a success the group becomes friendly to you and success the group becomes friendly to you and gives you some information about a new or current quest (roll on keyword or uest (roll on keyword or event event meaning tables). On a fail, one of the men draws his bandit’s scimitar and points it in s bandit’s scimitar and points it in your your direction as the others circle around you. “Hmmm....not all that impressive I’m afraid. Now give us all your gold!” Encounter (tier x 1) thugs.
You feel an ancient force here, but cannot tell whether it is benign or malevolent. Make a DC 13 + tier Intelligence (Arcana) check. If successful, roll on the Boon table (p.152). If unsuccessful, roll a d4. (1-3) Roll on Bane table (p.157). (4) Roll on Boon table (p.152).
You find a ring. Make a DC 15 + You find a ring. Make a DC 15 + tier Intelligence (Arca tier Intelligence (Arcana) check to recognize that this is a na) check to recognize that this is a ring of mind shielding . There is a random NPC's soul . There is a random NPC's soul within the ring and If any character within the ring and If any character decides to put it on, the NPC's soul may decides to put it on, the NPC's soul may interact telepathically with the mind of the interact telepathically with the mind of the character wearing it. If the character succeeded on the check, they will be aware that the ring is causing this, otherwise they will simply hear voices and may think they are losing their mind. This might continue until they come across someone (such as a mage) who can tell them why they tell them why they are hearing these voices, and identify theare hearing these voices, and identify the ring. ring.
100 tell them why they tell them why they are hearing these voices, and identify the are hearing these voices, and identify the ring. ring. Once per day, the wearer may try Once per day, the wearer may try a DC 19 + tier Persuasion check to convince the soul of a DC 19 + tier Persuasion check to convince the soul of the random NPC to depart for the afterlife and vacate the ring. Regardless of there being a soul or not in the ring, the character wearing it can an benefit from all of its characteristics. benefit from all of its characteristics. The player can decide whether completing a side quest will be enough to convince the soul within the ring to depart for the afterlife.

Time passes, and you find you have nodded off and woken up inside some sort oken up inside some sort of dream of dream world. Make a DC 19 + world. Make a DC 19 + tier Wisdom saving throw to escape immediately and wake up intier Wisdom saving throw to escape immediately and wake up in
the real world. If you fail this saving throw, you must perform a minor quest within this world. All skills and rolls are based on your Charisma modifier. You have to sma modifier. You have to find the way find the way out of this world, which means making a new DC 19 out of this world, which means making a new DC 19 + tier Wisdom saving throw at the + tier Wisdom saving throw at the beginning of each new scene or story point. Everything you see is strange, especially the monsters. The rules of science do not necessarily apply.


Chapter 4-1 Chapter 4-1 Boon Table
When to use these? You can use these at any time, when an oracle determines you have encounteredYou can use these at any time, when an oracle deter a boon, or by a boon, or by any method you deem appropriate (perhaps a god grants you a boon and you need toany method you deem appropriate (perhaps a god grants you a boon and you need to know what it is). They are know what it is). They are also included in the 6d12 system, the Battlemap Crawl and Realm Crawlalso included in the 6d12 system, the Battlemap Crawl and Realm Crawl systems, and as a rollable result on the random encounter tables.
3-4 Boon of Magic Resistance
You have advantage on saving throws against spells boon lasts until you finish your current quest. and other magical effects. This
Blessing of Torm When you miss with a melee attack, you can choose t When you miss with a melee attack, you can choose to hit o hit instead. You can use this instead. You can use this boon once.