Leaders in the sale of quality Stellantis Mopar Parts.
May - June 2022
MMG Spring 2022 Parts & Service Managers 20 Group Mee ng Held in San Antonio
Also In This Issue From the Desk of MMG President Joe McBeth: “Welcome to Summer!” ................2 MMG Spring 2022 Parts & Service Mgrs 20 Group Meeting Held in San Antonio ....... 3-6 Susan McDaniel check two items off her “Bucket List” in San Antonio .......................... 7-8 The View From My Office with Kat Monteiro ....................................................9-11 MAKE YOUR PLANS! Fall 2022 MMG 20 Group Meeting .........12-13 10 Missions Media Aquired by Endeavor Business Media ............................14-15 MMG Vendors ...............................................16-17 Mopar Leather Installation Option Sunset MMG Announcement ...................................18-19 Endeavor Business Media/FenderBender ......20 CDK Global ..........................................................21 Snap-On Business Solutions ..............................22 CDK Global ..........................................................23 OEConnection ................................................24-25 Reynolds & Reynolds ..........................................26 ActivatorDS ..........................................................27 Wholesale Parts Pro/NiTS Solutions.......28-29 Katzkin Leather ...................................................30 Reynolds & Reynolds ..........................................31 AER Sales........................................................32-33 Endeavor Business Media/Ratchet+Wrench 34 Wholesale Parts Pro/NiTS Solutions.............35 Jeep Wrangler vs. Ford Bronco: No Early Losers .............................................36-37
Dealerships “farm” for Service Technicians .................................38-39 2022 MMG Officers/Committees ..............40
May - June 2022
From the Desk of MMG President Joe McBeth
Welcome to Summer! I hope everyone is doing well through the ho est part of the year. We are currently being blasted with some of the earliest 100 degree days on record in Texas. This heat wave is gripping most of the central U.S... Although it is not the most pleasant me of year it does certainly bring opportunity for service and parts sales. Several members of the Mopar Masters Guild recently a ended our 20 Group mee ng in San Antonio. These mee ngs are hosted by MBA Dealer Services. Mark Beaton and Jen Short always do a fantas c job in pu ng these mee ngs together and making sure we get the most out of the day and half we spend together. During these mee ngs we go over financial data, business prac ces, current events and opportuni es. There is always great conversa ons about many things that affect our day to day business. There is no other venue I know of that we can get so much out of in such a short period of me. Not only do we have great mee ngs during the day we also have the opportunity to network with our peers. We had a fantas c dinner at the Republic of Texas on the San Antonio River Walk. It was a great night with lots of conversa on and laughter. There was also a stop on the way back at a dueling piano bar. A ton of fun! We are hoping more Mopar Masters Guild members will be able to join these mee ngs in the future. Our next mee ng is scheduled for September 22nd & 23rd and will be held in Grand Rapids, MI. This mee ng will take place at the same me a great annual event is happening in Grand Rapids. The event is ArtPrize 2022. This should be another fantas c mee ng. If you are interested in joining our 20 Group. Please reach out to Jen Short at jen@mbadealerservices.com or Mark Beaton at mbeaton@mbadealerservices.com These mee ngs along with our Annual Guild mee ngs are most certainly the key to my success and I am forever grateful for all the knowledge and help I have received through these mee ngs over the years. Come join us! Be safe and con nued good selling! If you are not a member already please reach out and join. It will be the best thing you have ever done for your career.
Joe McBeth - jmcbeth@thedallaspdc.com President - Mopar Masters Guild Parts Director - Dallas DCJR
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Mopar Masters Guild Spring 2022 Parts & Service Managers 20 Group meeting held in San Antonio, Texas The spring session of the MMG performance group mee ng was held at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio. With its rich history from bullet holes in the bar to the wedge placed in the bar from a lady and her axe during prohibi on! Built in 1859, the hotel is said to be haunted on the second floor. I did not hear any member talk about things going bump in the night, but it was possible. With a five minute walk to the Riverwalk and “The Alamo” just across the street, there was much to do and see here. Our night started off with the tradi onal meet and greet in the bar with everyone catching up with what they have been doing as well as gree ng our newest members and see where they are from. Day 1 Our moderator Mark Beaton introduced members current and new. We had a total of 32 members, 30 live and 2 virtual. Mark, with his hand full of knowledge, was researching how to find all the informa on about oneself stored on social media such as Facebook and how to remove it: Facebook.com/dyi Date range “all me” All files selected Request download Simple process. Great results! We moved on to our financial composites. This was a great me for new members that were unfamiliar with the composites on how to look at the composite and see just how much useful informa on is in there. A er a finishing lunch and the composites, we began the best idea session. There were a total of four best ideas. Ian Grohs – Parts Manager-Stateline CJDRF-Space contraints/clu er Keith Cox – Service Director-Zeigler CDJ of Grandville-Hiring poten al, not posi ons Steve Marrio -Service Director-Addy’s Harbor CJDRF-QB Business Solu ons and Pencil Wrench Joe Handzik-Parts Director-Be enhausen Motor Sales-Radio process
Continued on Page 4
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
Continued from Page 3
Winners: 1st Steve Marrio 2ndJoe Handzik 3rd Keith Cox
Moderator Beaton called mee ng adjourned and off to dinner at The Republic of Texas on the Riverwalk. Members had discussions of all the issues going on in their world only to find out that we are all in the same boat. Like our moto says, “The exchange of informa on by like-sized dealers in a non-compe ve environment.” We live by that mo o! Day 2 MMG President Joe McBeth called for a group discussion of the loca on of our fall MMG mee ng. It was decided to go to Grand Rapids, MI for the Art Prize Fes val that will be going on. Mark asked the members to bring informa on regarding expense accounts 340A/340B for service and 350 for parts. Discussions were held about “Who is all in there.” “Were they supposed to be there?” This led us in to I-EXAM and what was new in there
Mark discussed I-EXAM for new a endees. What to look at and where to find informa on. Where to get the informa on that is needed for the composite. We then moved into our “Break Out” session. Continued on Page 5
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 4 Parts/Service breakout session. Discussions included: Customer First Program Dealer rewards Overcoming nega ve effects We broke out into small groups. Pick best experience. “How did it make you feel?” “What did you do?” “Who did you tell about it?” Now do the opposite. Pick a bad experience. One from each group had to call someone else’s store to parts and ask for a diesel oil filter and price just to see how the staff would handle. These calls certainly opened some eyes up to see how phones were answered. If I remember correctly, Tim Price was on hold for 30 plus minutes. (Not his store, by the way!) This is a good exercise to do every once in a while. We then covered: Social Media – “what are the effects” Our group then welcomed a presenta on by QB Business solu ons represented by: Thomas Hail Pedro Leideman Lumena Li s QB Solu ons is a Retail/Warranty Reimbursement company. Lumena Li s, gave us a very nice presenta on.
Things to talk about as we move forward in our future mee ngs: John Balerna – Controlling organized chaos Paul Allred – VOR more parts John Balerna – Passing addi onal cost onto the customer John Balerna- Overcoming Frustra on General idea - Fuel surcharge General idea - Credit card surcharge
Continued on Page 6
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
Continued from Page 5 A ending these mee ngs is probably one of the most advantageous things you can do to help you manage your parts department. You can also take ideas from these mee ngs that help you implement other processes throughout your dealership. Make an effort to a end! Mark Beaton then adjourned our mee ng. Hope to see many of you in September when we meet in Grand Rapids, MI.
Submi ed by Jim Jaeger - MMG Secretary Parts Director - Be enhausen CDJR
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Susan McDaniel checks two items off her bucket list in San Antonio! The Mopar Masters recently held our bi-annual 20 Group mee ng in San Antonio, Texas with MBA Dealer Services. I went up a day early and experienced this beau ful city. There are many famous people from San Antonio; Joan Crawford, John Schneider (Dukes of Hazard), Tommy Lee Jones, Shaquille O’Neal, and my personal favorite is Carol Burne .
Riverwalk √ The San Antonio Riverwalk history begins in 1929 with an architect by the name of Robert H.H. Hugman. Mr. Hugman came up with a plan to improve the aesthe cs of the river that ran through the city. While many liked his ideas, it took 10 years to get funding for the Riverwalk. In the late 1930’s The San Antonio River Walk secured funding from the Works Progress Administraon to improve infrastructure along the San Antonio River. The city used the money to build bridges and pathways that made the area more walkable and allowed businesses to move in. The WPA was part of the New Deal Program. At the me it cost $430,000. That gives the San Antonio Riverwalk the dis nc on of being a project that helped pull America out of the Great Depression.
In the 1950’s the Riverwalk gained a reputa on for seediness. To get the Riverwalk back to its former glory, city officials hired engineers from Disneyland to help revitalize the area. It was these designers who suggested including shops at the basement levels of buildings just off the Riverwalk. The San Antonio Riverwalk is now full of hotels, restaurants, bars, shops and boat tours with a touch of history included by the conductors. The Riverwalk is absolutely beau ful day or night. I really enjoyed strolling up and down both sides, taking in the authen c scenery and visi ng some of the a rac ons along the way. What a spectacular way to release all unwanted energies and rejuvenate!...not to men on ge ng my steps in! Continued on Page 8
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
Continued from Page 7 The Alamo √ The Alamo Mission, commonly called the Alamo and originally known as the Mission San Antonio de Valero, is a historic Spanish mission and fortress compound founded in the 18th century by Ramon Catholic missionaries in what is now San Antonio, Texas, United States. The ba le of the Alamo was an important event in the Texas Revoluon and American History because it rallied the rest of Texas to fight against the Mexican army eventually leading to a victory over Santa Ana at the Ba le of San Jacinto. On March 6th, 1836, a er 13 days of intermi ent figh ng, the Ba le of the Alamo comes to a gruesome end, capping off a pivotal movement in the Texas Revolu on. The Mexican forces were victorious in recapturing the fort and nearly all of the roughly 200 Texan defenders – including fron ersman Davy Crocke , died in the ba le. On April 21st, 1836, Houston’s army won a quick ba le against the Mexican forces at San Jacinto and gained independence for Texas. Soon a er, Houston was elected president of the Republic of Texas. The Alamo is currently under renova on and has been since 2015. While many have made dona ons to the Alamo Project, singer Phil Collins generously donated his priceless collec on of Alamo and Texana ar facts. He has been an avid fan since seeing the Walt Disney produc on of Davy Crocke , King of the Wild Fron er when he was a child. The mission offers guided tours and a 20-minute film to watch that tells a li le about the fateful ba le. There are s ll bunks in the infirmary and some uniforms on display as well. I was really surprised at how small people were during that era. They made such an enormous stance in our history. REMEMBER THE ALAMO! Submi ed by Susan McDaniel - Parts Director - Bill Luke CDJR
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
The View From My Office
With Kat Monteiro
Summer me has arrived! Kids are ge ng out of school, some are having their gradua on par es, others are just happy another year of school is over. The San Diego Fair is in full swing, the beaches are full of people, if you want a parking spot you be er go early. Families are planning road trips and visits to Na onal Parks (have you seen pictures of the lines? Crazy!) and summer camping trips. This is typical of how the summer starts, only this year is different. Gas prices are so high along with the prices of everything else from food or other goods. As I filled up my truck for $185, I wonder how families are affording their road trips or pulling their camper trailers? I am at the point where I hate to drive anywhere because I will have to replace the fuel I use at $6.75 - $6.99 a gallon. I am hoping this is just a phase, I think it has just hit everyone harder this me around because of all the a er effects of the Covid situa on. I just have this feeling of our country being in limbo, unse led, not truly knowing what is going to happen next. I just hope that what is happening now doesn’t last much longer. I want to feel stable again. Boy! That took a dark turn, sorry about that. Forget everything I just wrote and go out and enjoy your summer!! As I write this my view looks out over our pool. It looks very invi ng. It’s calling me to come jump in! But, that’s not going to happen, it’s s ll too cold for my bones. But it does make for a good view. I am looking forward to being able to hang out with Rick around home this summer. Our first summer in re rement mode. As I sit here and write this I started thinking about the newsle er and how this will be the first issue that Susan McDaniel will not be opening with her words of wisdom in a very long me. I guess that statement is kind of a lie since our new president Joe McBeth opened the last issue and Susan said a li le goodbye and welcome to Joe. Continued on Page 10
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
Continued from Page 9 I always looked forward to reading what she wrote. While I am going to miss Susan’s opening comments, I am looking forward to reading what inspira on Joe brings us. I hope everyone has given him a warm welcome as our new president. (Editor’s Note: Surprise, surprise…….Susan was a contribu ng columnist in this edi on of the Mopar Masters Magazine. Hope you enjoyed her ar cle!) Re rement is now 6 months old. Time is flying by! There are a few projects I wanted to work on right away that I haven’t even started yet. Where has the me gone? Rick is s ll working part me for Jack Powell. It’s been good. Gives him something to do each morning when he gets up. And he tells me it’s the fun stuff he is working on now. And the beauty is he can work from anywhere as long as he has Wi-Fi - so at the end of April we jumped in a friend’s car with the dogs and drove to Mazatlán, Mexico and stayed at our house down there. Not for the typical week but for a month! It took us 3 days to get there, driving between 6-7 hours each day. It was quite the adventure! We went down there with Rick’s high school friend, Randy. It was so weird to be away from home for so long. When the first week was ending, I ins nc vely went into cleaning mode. Need to get everything cleaned up and packed up and get ready to close the house up and go home. But wait! We s ll have 3 weeks! Rick and Randy went fishing 3 mes, catching a Marlin, a Sailfish, and some Dorado. We made ceviche with the bit of Marlin they brought home and it was so good! Nothing is be er than fresh from the sea. They did not bring home any of the Sailfish. We kept the Dorado. We barbecued it at home a couple nights, and we also took some to one of the local restaurants and they cooked it for us - twice! We had them grill it and fry it, and one night we had them make some into ceviche. It was so good. And it is so nice to let them do all the cooking. It was a real good price, and they gave you all the fixings to go along with it. There are so many good restaurants in Mazatlán. But my favorite, where we took the fish for them to cook for us, is out at Play Bruja - Witches Beach and the restaurant is now called Mr. Lionso. If you are ever in Mazatlán, you really need to go check it out. They have the best coconut shrimp! And everything else we have tried there has been really good. While we were there, we also took a catamaran ride along the coast line, bay, and Deer Island. Also visited the Mazatlán Observatorio which was very neat and educa onal. Beau ful grounds with a restaurant at the top with the best views of Mazatlán! Continued on Page 11
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 10 We did a lot, we hung out downtown at the Muchado, had drinks at the top of the old Freeman Hotel, and also spent me at home relaxing and hanging out by the pool when Rick wasn’t working on his laptop. It was our first re rement adventure, and we are thinking that this re rement life is going to be pre y sweet. As much as we enjoyed our me down there it was s ll good to get back home. I am looking forward to planning a trip up to Northern California and spending an extended amount of me up there. We also would like to travel across the states but I think we will wait to see if the gas prices go down before we do that! Hope you enjoy some of my pictures of Mazatlán, Mexico. Un l next me have a great day and take me to smell the roses, they are in bloom everywhere this me of the year! Kat
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
Mopar p Masters Guild Fall 2022 20 Group Meeting
Our O u fall 2022 MMG Parts & Service Managers 20 Group meeting is sch scheduled for September 22nd & 23rd, at the Courtyard by Marriott Downtown, D ow Grand Rapids, MI. This hotel is in the heart of ArtPrize 2022 and a nd is ready to accept your reservation. To make your reservation, c lic here: Hotel's Reservation Link for You. To make your reservation click before b ef or after our meeting dates, please contact the hotel directly at +1 + 1 616-242-6000.
Back of hotel
You Y ou will want to come a few days early or stay a few days later to enjjoy oy ArtPrize 2022, Beer City USA, the restaurants in the area, and other tthings hin to do in Grand Rapids.
SStandard ta and Room - Double, $169 +
Stand Standard Room—King, May be m be more $
Pool P ool Area
Work Workout Area
Bar and Bar Area
Our Our Meeting Room
Is Is Up Those Stairs and to the Right Rig gh
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Mopar Masters Guild Fall 2022 20 Group Meeting Information Airports: Gerald R. Ford (GRR) Delta, United, American, Southwest, Frontier, Allegiant Located 22 Minutes from the Courtyard Rental vehicle, Uber, or Lyft approximately $27-$30 one way)
Kalamazoo/Battle Creek (AZO) Delta, America, US Air Located 52 minutes from the Courtyard (US 131) (Will need rental vehicle)
Lansing Capital (LAN) Delta, United, Allegiant Located 1 hr. 9 mins from the Courtyard (I-96) (Will need rental vehicle)
Video: https://vimeo.com/293998573 Additional ArtPrize information: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ a7a6df67f0614870ab409ccb4653adac/?draft=true
Webpage: https://www.experiencegr.com/things-to-do/beer-city/
Webpage: https://www.experiencegr.com/restaurants/
Webpage: https://www.experiencegr.com/things-to-do/
Three Things MBA Recommends: 1) Reserve your rooms NOW; we are limited to 25 overnight rooms only/the cutoff date is August 24th 2) Reserve your flights NOW; who knows how much airfare is going to go up plus, ArtPrize is expecting 300,000 people to attend this year 3) Stay a few days before or after our meeting dates and enjoy ArtPrize 2022, Beer City USA, our Restaurants and other things you can do in Grand Rapids; contact the hotel directly for room rates after you reserve your discounted room
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
10 Missions Media Acquired by Endeavor Business Media June 1, 2022—Endeavor Business Media on Wednesday announced the acquisi on of 10 Missions Media, a Minnesota-based company producing leading media brands in mul ple segments of the automo ve a ermarket, including independent repair facili es, independent re dealerships, collision repair facili es and quick lube/fast maintenance outlets. Brands included in the acquisi on are ADAPT, Auto Job Central, Auto Service Professional, FenderBender, Modern Tire Dealer, MTD TEN, MWACA magazine, Na onal Oil and Lube News, and Ratchet+Wrench. Complemen ng Endeavor’s Transporta on business, these tles will join such brands such as Motor Age Training, Professional Tools and Equipment News (PTEN), Fleet Owner, and Vehicle Service Pros among others. “We are pleased to welcome the 10 Missions Media team to Endeavor Business Media and are excited to expand our reach in the transporta on market with these highly-respected brands,” said Chris Ferrell, CEO of Endeavor Business Media. “This por olio of brands will be invaluable in expanding our ability to provide the transporta on industry with full coverage of the en re spectrum of vehicle repair and maintenance.” Specializing in print, digital content, live events and training, 10 Missions Media has centered their business model around connec ng people and driving their businesses forward through providing inspira on, proven business strategies, and the latest in trends affec ng the automo ve a ermarket. Their audiences represent highly-engaged decision makers and professionals across the automo ve a ermarket. “I am thrilled that 10 Missions Media has joined Endeavor Business Media and am confident that this combina on of teams will provide new opportuni es and expanded capabili es for our combined audiences of readers, online users, event a endees, training members, and marke ng partners,” said Jay DeWi , President of 10 Missions Media. “Our team has been dedicated to producing meaningful work and making an impact on the markets we serve. Our team has done that and our talented group of people have achieved a lot over the years. And with all that Endeavor Business Media is doing, they will now have an even greater opportunity to make a bigger impact and I am excited to watch them flourish.” “The acquisi on of 10 Missions Media is a perfect fit with the market segments we already serve,” said Reggie Lawrence, EVP of Endeavor’s Transporta on business. “Adding these respected brands to Endeavor’s Transporta on por olio will significantly expand the market coverage and capabili es for our Commercial Vehicle and Vehicle Repair customers.” Endeavor Business Media Headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, Endeavor Business Media was formed in 2017 to acquire and operate business media brands, events and marke ng solu ons. Today the company is one of the largest B2B Media companies in the US with more than 700 employees, 7,000 customers and a database of over 10 million business professionals. The company serves business professionals and marketers in key business sectors such as avia on, buildings, construc on, dental, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, networking systems, public safety, transporta on, and water. Continued on Page 15
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 14
The company has offices in Nashville, TN; Tulsa, OK; Nashua, NH; Birmingham, AL; Sarasota, FL; Skokie, IL; Fort Atkinson, WI; Houston, TX; Independence, OH; Fort Collins, CO, and Overland Park, KS. To learn more, visit www.endeavorbusinessmedia.com
.”10 Missions Media has been a supporter of the Mopar Masters Guild for many years,” says Chris Messer, VP/Group Publisher of Endeavor’s Vehicle Repair Group. He added, “Now being a part of Endeavor Business Media we have new opportunities and advertising channels to help drive even more value for our users and customers, and plan to continue our support of the Mopar Masters Guild as the exclusive media sponsor of the organization. Mopar dealers can expect to receive the same world-class service, respect, and attention that they have grown accustomed to. We are committed to the success of the Mopar Master Guild and all contingents included in their membership.”
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
Our Supporting Vendors: Support those who support you.
May - June 2022
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Our Supporting Vendors:
Wholesale Parts Pro Powered by
Support those who support you The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
Mopar Leather Installation Option Sunset MMG Announcement MMG Members, The Mopar Accessory Leather Program is going to undergo a change with regard to installa on services offered at the me of part purchase beginning in July. This decision has come with feedback from some of you, other key dealers around the country, the installa on centers and the Mopar Team. The decision to sunset the Mopar Accessory leather installa on program was not taken lightly, and we did extensive research before moving forward with Mopar on this decision. Since 2004, Mopar and Katzkin have partnered to offer Mopar leather sea ng upgrades through the Mopar Accessory program. Since incep on, and a er 100K plus sales, the program has evolved to an “Uninstalled” only program effec ve July 1st, 2022. The Mopar Leather program has always offered amazing flexibility for the Mopar dealer body. Op ons include: o Two Tone Leather o Contras ng S tching o Branded Logos o Premium Tuscany Leather o TekS tch Op ons (Diamond S tch, ETC) o And much more! Expansive Pa ern Library Provides Mopar Dealers sales opportuni es through offering one of one vehicles Dealers have always had the op on of self-installa on since program incep on, whether in their own facility or suble ng to a qualified installa on center. Dealers will s ll be able to market and sell this Mopar Accessory that counts towards Accessory PNUR, Mopar Loyalty, etc. The Katzkin backed Mopar 3/36 Warranty policies will remain unchanged. Katzkin strongly encourages each dealer to con nue to work with the installa on center that has been servicing their dealership for all of their installa on needs. Our customer service team will be prepared to assist you with contact informa on for your installer as needed A lis ng of installa on centers can be found at www.sellmoparleather.com/restylers
Continued on Page 19
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 18 To ensure this transi on is smooth as possible for all Stellan s Dealerships, Katzkin has made an addi onal investment in dealer support. Included in this recent expansion are a call center and field based technical support personnel, and an expanded field training staff. A great example of how this change could work to your dealerships benefit came from Sco Brenneke and the team at Jerry Ulm CDJR in Tampa, Florida. With vehicle supply limited the Jerry Ulm Team decided to pull leather installa on in house and make it part of the PDI process on select vehicles. The sales management team gave Parts & Service a 72-hour window from the me the vehicle was delivered at the dealership to being “front line” ready. Sco and team took the opportunity to train a leather installer and stock some fast moving leather kits for quick selling vehicles. At present, the Jerry Ulm team is selling an average of 15 leather interior upgrades per month since they have ac vated this strategy. If there are ques ons with regard to this change or any other ques ons about the Mopar Leather program, please contact at our group email Mopar@katzkin.com We look forward to helping you grow your Mopar leather business in the future!
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
&T H I N FenderBender supports the Mopar Masters Guild.
FENDERBENDER.COM/GROWMOPARPARTS S e l l i n g M o r e C o l l i s i o n P a r t s To g e t h e r
Print & digital options help to grow your Mopar Wholesale Business.
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
How Do You Turn Standard Maintenance...
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
wiADVISOR and Snap-on EPC 5 Integration Now Available! Snap-on’s Electronic Parts Catalog, EPC 5 is now integrated with wiADVISOR. Your dealership can improve cycle time and shop throughput, resulting in a parts and service department that is more efficient and profitable.
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Interested in Learning More? Click HERE to learn how you can sign-up for EPC 5 to start improving productivity and efficiency in your Parts Department today!
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
How Can You be in Two Places at Once? It’s easy – use
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
OEC® RepairLink is not only the market’s most comprehensive OE mechanical SDUWV IXOȴOOPHQW VROXWLRQ EXW D WRRO IRU \RXU SDUWV WR EH DYDLODEOH WR VKRSV RQOLQH while you’re on the phone. Now your SDUWV FDQ EH LQ WZR SODFHV DW RQFH $UH \RX JRLQJ WR EH RQH RI WKH PLOOLRQV RI RepairLink searches this month?
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
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Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
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May - June 2022
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
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The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
Jeep Wrangler vs. Ford Bronco: No losers early Ford’s revived Bronco has expanded the off-road SUV segment instead of just ea ng into Jeep’s base. DETROIT — The Ford Bronco was billed as a thorn in the side of the Jeep Wrangler that would challenge the venerable model for off-road bragging rights ahead of its release a year ago. It’s s ll early, but the Bronco’s long- awaited return appears to have expanded the segment instead of just ea ng into the Wrangler’s base. There looks to be room for more than one trail cruiser in the SUV market. Even as the Bronco steadily carves out its own space, the Wrangler has been able to maintain its market share in the face of its first direct compe on in years, according to an S&P Global Mobility report. The Bronco’s share has climbed to as high as 6 percent at mes, S&P said, while the Wrangler con nues to account for 7 to 9 percent of the compact SUV segment as defined by S&P. The Wrangler was the Bronco’s most conquested vehicle during the nine-month period the study examined, from July 2021 through March 2022. In February, the Wrangler made up 10 percent of the Bronco’s conquests, the highest to date. t the Wrangler is holding steady.
“It looks like the pie for off-road-oriented SUVs grew when the Bronco [was] added, rather than Bronco and Wrangler figh ng over” the same slice of the market, said Stephanie Brinley, an S&P Global Mobility analyst. “The interes ng thing about it will be if anybody else decides to join in. We’re not necessarily saying we’ve got a ton of growth opportunity in that space, but Bronco’s addi on has made the pie bigger.” Nick Anderson, general manager of Chuck Anderson Ford in Excelsior Springs, Mo., said he doesn’t recall taking in a single Wrangler yet as a trade for a Bronco. Continued on Page 37
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 36 Some buyers are ge ng the Bronco as their third or fourth vehicle and not trading anything in, he said. “I don’t think it’s really taking away the Jeep market,” Anderson said. “I think it’s giving people that never really gave that segment of vehicle a chance an opportunity to buy something that they want.” More adventure-seekers Karl Brauer, execu ve analyst at iSeeCars.com, said he thinks Ford and Jeep both have to be sa sfied with how their off-road rivalry is playing out so far. The Bronco is “turning more people into adventure-seeking off-road enthusiasts,” Brauer said, “rather than taking some kind of fixed number of those and stealing them from Jeep.” S&P Global said almost half of Bronco purchasers already have a Ford in the garage. The study found that Bronco customers tend to be slightly younger than Wrangler buyers, have marginally higher incomes and more o en are men. Anderson said the Wrangler has a cultlike following that is difficult to break into even if buyers like some of the Bronco’s technology. At this stage, he wouldn’t call it a sales race between the Bronco and Wrangler as much as it is a produc on ba le, with Ford trying to fulfill a backlog of orders amid the ongoing microchip shortage. “There was so much market an cipa on and hype for the vehicle,” said Fernando Varela, owner of two Ford stores in Pales ne and Kilgore, Texas. “What we’re doing is fulfilling orders for people that have placed orders for the last two years. They’re really not staying in inventory very long.” Orders for the 2022 Bronco have closed. Anderson said he wouldn’t be surprised if Ford ends up selling out two or three years’ worth of Broncos before dealers are able to keep them in stock. “I think the overall market is just going to grow” in the off-road department, Anderson said. “That’s where the Bronco’s going to step in and not necessarily gain market share from Jeep, but gain part of the new market share. That’s how they’re going to survive.” More versions Mike Marco e, president of Marco e Ford in Holyoke, Mass., said he hopes Wrangler owners can test drive Broncos as more inventory becomes available. He believes some can be won over. “I think the more that are out there, obviously the more people can see them on the road,” the more new customers the Bronco can generate for Ford, Marco e said. “We did have one in our rental fleet for about six months, which was great.” While the Bronco con nues to find its place, Jeep should “stay the course” with the Wrangler and “con nue to reinforce the image of a unique, true off-roader,” said Tom Libby, S&P Global’s associate director of loyalty soluons and industry analysis for automo ve. There is a plug-in hybrid version of the Wrangler, unlike the Bronco, and Jeep tends to periodically release other varia ons to keep buyers interested. “Jeep’s going to update the vehicle because that’s what they do,” Brinley said. “You’ve got 4xe, 392 and different versions of the Wrangler, so there’s s ll plenty for them to do with it.” Source: www.autonews.com - Ar cle by VINCE BOND JR.
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
Dealerships ‘farm’ for service technicians
Shawn Vaughan developed a model of hiring that departs from the industry’s tradi onal recruitment prac ces. When Shawn Vaughan took the reins at Mike Calvert Toyota in Houston, one of his first orders of business was to implement a hiring model he had developed previously that works contrary to the usual prac ce of luring technicians from compe ng dealerships with higher pay. “In order to recruit technicians, the industry subscribes to a mercenary concept,” Vaughan said. “We steal each other’s technicians and pay up to move them from one dealer to another.” Vaughan, who is now CEO of Vaughan Automo ve in Boerne, Texas, developed a recrui ng method he says is more akin to farming. He brings in candidates from local high schools, trade schools or associate degree schools and puts them through a rigorous 100-hour internship program that, if completed successfully, results in a full scholarship to Toyota’s Technician Training and Educa on Network, or T-TEN. “We take the long-term approach to growing technicians that will grow into parts counter associates, service advisers or middle management,” he said. “When you get into stealing other dealers’ technicians, it creates a super nega ve environment in the market that does have a ripple effect.” He developed the method in 2012 when he became general manger of Vic Vaughan Toyota of Boerne, situated about 30 miles northwest of San Antonio. Vaughan already was working with the school districts in Boerne and nearby Fredericksburg, Texas, on tech accreditaons when he thought to tap into the student body for what would ul mately become an internship program for the dealership. It started as more of an appren ceship, Vaughan said. The first candidate was Stone Benne . He received mentoring in different disciplines of the fixed opera ons business. Upon comple on, Vaughan paid for him to a end the two-year TTEN program in Waco, Texas. Grassroots
Continued on Page 39
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Leaders in the Sale of Quality Mopar Parts
Continued from Page 38 Farming for talent required a big grassroots commitment from Vaughan and his team. “We want to develop the rela onship with school districts, and they’re looking for programs that can widen the horizon of their students and give them a broader perspec ve on automo ve,” Vaughan said. He noted that students who are more interested in an advisory role can bypass T-TEN and opt into a six-month course called Vaughan Automo ve Individual Development Program. Vaughan says his “grow from within” method yields mul prong results: It builds company loyalty, fosters camaraderie among team members and, perhaps most immediately, helps control labor costs and reduces turnover. It moves away from the industrywide situa on of technicians in one dealership working for disparate wages — which Vaughn refers to as a “Frankenstein” pay scale. “It’s where you’ve promised all these different techs of different walks of life different pay plans, and you’re praying that they don’t share their pay plans with each other,” he said. “As a business owner, you have to try to put the right job with the right tech and manage that average cost of labor,” Vaughan said. “You have to have a good balance of lower-level technicians, mid-level technicians and master-level technicians. “In 10 years, you look up, and 65 percent of your technicians are s ll with you.” Mike Calvert Toyota is the second dealership in the Vaughan Automo ve por olio. Vaughan came on board at Mike Calvert as an execu ve manager in late 2018 and worked for two years to improve the store before it was officially folded into the group in January 2021. The two dealerships together sold 13,578 new and used vehicles combined from May 2021 to April 2022. The Houston store has 48 service bays. But when he took over, it had only 12 service technicians on payroll. He implemented the curriculum opportunity immediately, reaching out to Houston-area public schools, which were eager to par cipate. He also connected with the Houston tech college Universal Technical Ins tute and with Houston Community College, among others. Vaughan said he was able to level-set pay and control labor costs, which helped the dealership go from “barely profitable to wildly profitable.” Today, there are 56 service technicians at Mike Calvert Toyota and seven interns at any given me. Modern updates Vaughan also discovered another benefit to the hiring approach: It helped the store adopt more modern prac ces. While upda ng the service center, he added a video mul point inspec on process for customers, which he said brings a new layer of credibility to the guest experience. But not all the veteran techs were in favor of that change. “When you have a bunch of guys that have done it one way and you say, ‘Star ng tomorrow, I’m going to give you a camera and you’re going to do video mul point inspec ons,’ they look at you like a horn is coming out of your forehead,” Vaughan said. But techs that came through his program showed enthusiasm about the changes, and that in itself proved to be a mo vator for the more tenured team members. “The older guys see the young guys doing it,” Vaughan said, “and all of a sudden, they are running more hours.” Source: www.autonews.com - Ar cle by CARLY SCHAFFNER
The exchange of information by like sized dealers in a non-competitive environment.
May - June 2022
2022 2 0 22 M Mo opar p ar M Master ast er s G Gui ui ld O ffi cer c e r s & Com Co mmittees m i t t ees Officers: President - Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX Vice - Pres - Cody Eckhardt - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT Secretary – Jim Jaeger – Bosak Motors – Merrillville, IN Treasurer – Chris Hojnacki – Milosch’s CDJR – Lake Orion, MI Executive Committee - All Officers Including: Dan Hutton - Tom O’Brien DCJR - Greenwood, IN Alan Yancey - Hayes CDJ - Alto, GA Rick Cutaia - Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN Susan McDaniel – Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ
Guild Committees Nada 2022 Planning Jill Vance - Apogee Event Agency Don Cushing - MMG Magazine
Finance Committee
*Jim Jaeger - Bosak Auto Group - Merrillville, IN
OEConnection Dan Hutton - Tom O’Brien CJD – Greenwood, IN (Chair) Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX Jim Jaeger - Bosak Motors - Merrillville, IN Chris Hojnacki - Milosch’s CDJR – Lake Orion, MI *Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN
Snap On Business Solutions Cody Eckhardt - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT (Chair) Randy Rogers - Huffines CJDR - Plano, TX *Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN
AER Manufacturing Robert Chatwin - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT (Chair) John Waltereit - Milosch’s Palace CDJR - Lake Orion, MI Ted Hawkins - Cerritos Dodge - Cerritos. CA Chris Hojnacki - Milosch’s CDJR – Lake Orion, MI *Josh Gouldsmith - Gladstone CDJR - Gladstone, MO *Joe Handzik - Bettenhausen Auto - Tinley Park, IL
Chris Hojnacki - Milosch’s CDJR – Lake Orion, MI Susan McDaniel - Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ Don Cushing – MMG Magazine
Vendor Chairs
Newsletter/Website/Social Media
Susan McDaniel - Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ Cody Eckhardt - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT
Don Cushing – MMG Magazine
Vendor Committees
Reynolds & Reynolds Rick Cutaia - Rick Hendrick DCJR – Charleston, SC (Co-Chair) Susan McDaniel – Bill Luke CJD – Phoenix, AZ (Co-Chair) Joe Handzik - Bettenhausen Auto - Tinley Park, IL Randy Rogers - Huffines CJDR - Plano, TX Kent Cogswell - Jack Phelan CDJR - Countryside, IL *David Kiser - Spartanburg CDJR - Spartanburg, SC *Chris Hojnacki - Milosch’s CDJR – Lake Orion, MI
CDK Global Joe McBeth - Dallas DCJ – Dallas, TX (Chair) Ian Grohs – Stateline CDJR – Fort Mill, SC Mick Padgeon - Fred Beans Parts - Doylestown, PA Cody Eckhardt - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT Robert Chatwin - Larry Miller DCJR - Sandy, UT Dan Hutton - Tom O’Brien DCJR - Greenwood, IN *Steve Hofer – Park Chrysler Jeep – Burnsville, MN
Mopar Masters Guild Magazine
Since 1992 The exchange of information by like-size dealers in a non-competitive environment