MVMA Quarterly - Summer 2023

Page 5

Missouri Veterinary
2023 • A Publication of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association • Don’t forget to renew your 2023-24 membership. Go to and sign in. Quarterly


2500 Country Club Drive Jefferson City, MO 65109

Phone 573-636-8612

• Fax 573-659-7175




Dr. Matt Silvius


Dr. Kacie Ulhorn


Dr. David Wilson

Vice President

Dr. Shelia Taylor


Dr. Edward Migneco

Board Chair


Dr. Kenton Morgan

Northwest District Delegate

Dr. Jeffrey Sparks

North Central District Delegate

Dr. Laura Moon

Northeast District Delegate

Dr. Christi Belew

Kansas City District Delegate

Dr. Jessica Stroupe

West Central District Delegate

Dr. Jessica Farris

Greater St. Louis District Delegate

Dr. Justin Berger

East Central District Delegate

Dr. Julie King

Southwest District Delegate

Dr. Sean Byrd

Southeast District Delegate

Dr. Chuck Barry

AVMA Delegate

Dr. Carol Ryan

AVMA Alternate Delegate

Dr. Carolyn Henry (Ex-officio)

MU College of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Chuck Lemme (Ex-officio)

AVMA District 7 Representative

Dr. Cliff Miller (Ex-officio)

MVMA Legislative Chair

Stephanie Gilliam, RVT, MS (Ex-officio)

MVTA Legislative Chair

Robert Schmidt, Student Board Member


Dr. Lynn Martin • Dr. Sarah Reinkemeyer

Dr. Jason Nickell


Julie Braun

Executive Director

Brette Frank

Member Relations & Event Manager

Jessie Schulte


Lizzie Benke

Digital Communications & Program Coordinator

Kim Ralston

Director of Print Communications

Michelle Gentges

Executive Assistant

Dawn Felger

Member Data Specialist

Lori Muhlenbruch

District Coordinator

know about

Thanks to our members who volunteer in so many ways, we are able to help advance veterinary medicine in Missouri. One example is the Veterinary Legislative Day at the Capitol. Thanks to our Legislative Committee Chair, Dr. Cliff Miller, the MVMA Board of Governors, and a number of veterinarians from across the state, the MVMA lobbied for (and against) many issues that affect the way you practice medicine.

For a summary of the legislative issues covered, see pages 20-22 in this issue.

2 MVMA QUARTERLY - SUMMER 2023 Inside this issue... Happenings: MVMA People and Events 4-5 Highlights & Actions of the MVMA Board 6 Statement of Assets and Liabilities 8 Officer and At-large Candidates .................................................... 10-13 Upcoming MVMA District Meetings/CE & Events ........................ 14 Missouri State Fair Volunteers Needed ............................................... 16 Legislative Session Recap ..................................................................... 20-22 2023 MVMA Academy Members 24 MVTRA Spring Trail Ride 24 MoVTA Tech Notes 26 Foundation Update 28-29 Classifieds 31-33 2022-2023 Partners For Progress Sponsors ..................................... 35 On the Cover...
young pups know it
takes more than one to make a difference.
in your practice and the MVMA knows
Missouri Veterinary Summer 2023 • A Publication of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association Don’t forget to renew your 2023-24 membership. Go to and sign in. Quarterly

From the Board Chair

Hello to all of the members of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association.

It has been my privilege to serve on the Executive Board of the Association for the past 3 ½ years, and I have another 6 months as Chairman of the Executive Board. I have been involved with the Association since I graduated, but it is only since becoming an officer that I have seen “behind the scenes”, so to speak. I have learned so much about the workings of the Association and the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to keep us all on the forefront of what is happening in all aspects of veterinary medicine.

Working with and learning from all of the active committees has been an eye-opening experience that I wish every member of the Association could experience.

For example, this legislative year has been one of the most interesting and busiest that we have ever experienced. Our executive director, Julie Braun, and the chairman of the legislative committee, Cliff Miller, have been extremely busy keeping abreast of any current legislation that could possibly impact veterinary medicine in our state. Cliff and other members of the Executive Board have volunteered several times to testify on behalf of the Association in support of bills that may affect our ability to practice veterinary medicine as we see fit. We really need, as an association, to say thanks to all of the committee leaders, and members, for the tireless work done without most of the members being aware.

One of the most important tasks I had to do in my role as Chairman of the Executive Board is to find candidates for the role of VicePresident of the Association. I am extremely proud of the two candidates who graciously accepted my invitation to run in the election

From the Executive Director

later this year. I truly took to heart the task of finding members who would be able to continue the legacy that has been established with leadership the MVMA has seen over the years. It will be a difficult choice for the membership to decide between, but rest assured, the Association is in good hands for the future.

I have truly enjoyed my time on the Executive Board and am a little sad to see it come to an end. But, I will continue to be an active part of the Association and I hope others will be inspired to get more involved also. Thanks again and I look forward to seeing all of you next year in Columbia.

The driest spring I can remember in a very long time has come and went and the pages of summer are just beginning. Much planning and replanning has occurred around the bed of a truck. Decisions to change what crops will be planted or if grasses for additional hay will be sown to help offset the reduced hay crops due to drought. Taking care of livestock takes constant planning and effort. I am blessed to have the unique opportunity of knowing from a producer’s perspective as well as hearing from many veterinarians’ perspectives. Each work hard to do what we know is best for our livestock, but the key is working together to take care of and produce the best animal we know how.

My original message included highlights from the legislative session but then I was told it was too long for the space and it had to be cut back. That should tell you how busy this session has been!

The 2023 legislative session has been riddled with attacks jeopardizing the veterinarian’s

ability to care for animals in the way each one of you pledged an oath to do. Battles have been the worst we fought in the last two decades.

We successfully defeated a change in the definition of veterinary medicine; overhauled an absurd “animal chiropractic practitioner” bill that was quickly moving through the legislature; fought against several animal rights groups trying to change the scope of practice for veterinarians; advocated for an increase in the number of recipients and dollar amount for Missouri’s Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program; and headed the efforts to fund Phase 2 of the Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. We kept watch on over 50 bills this session. More details on these bills and others can be found in this issue of the MVMA Quarterly and on our legislative webpage https://www.

It is membership dues renewal time! The above information is just a taste of the hard work and effort the MVMA puts in on your behalf. The MVMA functions because each one of you pay your dues, talk about these issues with your staff and colleagues, bring topics of concern and interest to your district leadership, and then we get to work!

Electronic dues renewals were sent on May 1 and paper renewals were mailed on May 31. We are making an effort to increase online renewals to be a “greener” association. In addition, it saves you and us both time and money. If you would like to pay for multiple veterinarians with one transaction, just call the office and we will gladly do this for you in one full sweep. Thank you for your membership!

There is one more, very important, session highlight I would like to end on. This should come as no surprise, because I know for myself and the rest of your MVMA staff, that we believe we work with the greatest profession on the face of the earth . . . We are truly humbled by the number of volunteers who dropped what they were doing, rescheduled appointments, had late night zoom calls, and drove the hours to testify at multiple hearings this session. Thank you ALL for your very valuable time, dedication, and knowing how very important these few minutes of testimony can mean to not only your livelihood but every veterinarian in the state of Missouri.

Gratefully yours,



MU-CVM Class of 2023 Graduates 117 New Doctors

Ashley Bourgeois, DVM, DACVD, a 2010 graduate of the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, carries a number of titles: veterinary dermatologist, podcaster, wife and weightlifter. Last year she gained a title she never envisioned when her 3-year-old son was diagnosed with leukemia.

“Cancer mom. In the blink of an eye, I gained the title ‘cancer mom’, Bourgeois recalled. “After the initial shock of a cancer diagnosis wore off, once again I had to decide my next step. As many of the parents in this room can imagine, that is when mama bear came out. Nothing else mattered.”

Bourgeois addressed the CVM Class of 2023 during commencement exercises held May 14 in Jesse Auditorium. Bourgeois told the class she wanted them to think about tests and titles. She spoke of the tests that life has given her, of stepping away from her job to care for her son, and of the support she received from the veterinary community during his treatment.

The CVM graduated 117 new doctors of veterinary medicine and awarded 14 bachelor’s degrees in microbiology during the ceremony. House officers completing internships and residencies, graduate students, and visiting scholars were also recognized.

Interim Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Leah Cohn, DVM, PhD, convened the graduation ceremony. CVM Dean Carolyn Henry, DVM, MS, served as the emcee.

Henry introduced MU Provost Latha Ramchand, who congratulated the graduates and asked them to live by Mizzou’s core values of respect, responsibility, discovery and excellence in everything they do.

Curator Michael Williams conferred the degrees. David Wilson, DVM, MS, DACVS, CVM professor emeritus and vice president of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association, led the new doctors of veterinary medicine in reciting the Veterinarian’s Oath.

Henry then congratulated the graduates. “You have been given your diploma, but you were not given an education. That was achieved. That was earned,” Henry said. “We believed in you, and we were right to do so. So always, believe in yourself. Your diploma will inform prospective employers that you are driven by a work ethic that earned you that coveted spot in the Class of 2023 and possess a determination to push through during challenges and adversity. Your diploma will tell the world that you made a commitment to serve humanity by helping to improve the health and welfare of animals and people. And your diploma will tell the world that you refused to let your dream be derailed by a worldwide pandemic. You simply do not know the word quit.”

Members of the DVM Class of 2023 chose Mark Wendell, DVM, to deliver a response on their behalf.

“We started this journey four years ago at VET where we tested out friendships by having to do the most random team building exercises while being drenched in sweat from the 100-degree weather,” he said. In addition to thanking his classmates for their friendship, Wendall praised faculty, technicians, family members and friends for their selfless support.“ As the class representative today, I want to thank you all for not only showing up today but also for being there for us these last four years of our life. I know it can be so difficult to be supportive when we were so limited to give anything back. I can personally attest to having to refuse plans to hang out with my friends over and over and over again because I had to study. …The support they gave us is simply incredible,” he said.

MU-CVM graduates are all smiles after receiving their degree. Dr. David Wilson, MVMA vice-president, leads the new doctors in reciting the Veterinarian’s Oath.

Students, Faculty and Staff Recognized During MU-CVM Honors and Awards Reception

The MU College of Veterinary Medicine awarded more than $420,000 for scholastic achievement, clinical proficiency, community service and leadership during the 2023 Honors and Awards Reception held May 9. The reception featured the presentation of more than 70 awards to veterinary medical students, faculty members, house officers and a veterinary technician. Additional awards and honors were announced in the program books for the evening. A total of nearly 250 recipients were honored. The Dadd Award honors excellence in veterinary medicine teaching. George Dadd was a veterinarian and physician born and trained in England. He promoted the earliest formal veterinary medical education in the United States. Dadd equated veterinary medicine to human medicine, sought the best students for veterinary medicine, and pioneered the clinical use of anesthesia in animals. The recipient is chosen by their peers. CVM Dean Carolyn J. Henry presented this year’s Dadd Award to Tamara Hancock, DVM, PhD, DACVP, an assistant teaching professor in the Department of Veterinary Pathobiology.

Henry also presented the Zoetis Distinguished Award. Students vote for an outstanding teacher whose ability, dedication, character, and leadership contributes to the advancement of the profession. Justin Nash, DVM, MS, who teaches small and large animal gross anatomy, was the 2023 honoree. The Zoetis Award was one of three teaching honors Nash received during the evening. He was the recipient of the Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association (SAVMA) Teaching Award for Basic Sciences. Firstand second-year

students select a faculty member who has made immense contributions to their education and progression through the veterinary curriculum. First-year students also voted for Nash to receive their Golden Aesculapius Teaching Award.

Dr. John Groves Receives AABP

Practitioner of the Year Award

MVMA-member, John Groves, DVM, received the 2022 American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) Practitioner of the Year Award on September 22, 2022 during the association’s 55th annual conference held in Long Beach, CA.

Dr. Groves (Missouri ’92) owns Livestock Veterinary Service in Eldon, Mo., working exclusively with stocker and cow-calf operations. He is past-chairman of the MVMA’s Missouri Stocker-Feeder Quality Assurance Program.

A graduate of the Beef Cattle Production Management Series from the University of Nebraska, he is a founding member of Veterinary Advancement of Systems Thinking, a group of veterinarians interested in how the systems approach can be applied to animal health and production strategies. This year’s award was sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

In Memory

Dana K. Gillig, DVM

Sedalia, Mo.

Passed Away: April 13, 2023

Survived by her parents, Ron and Jean; brother Jarrod and his wife Jami and their children, Dakota and Kinsley

Claude Ray “C.R.” Hammons, DVM

Neosho, Mo.

Passed Away: January 13, 2023

Survived by his wife, Dianne.

George Fischer, DVM, a member of the CVM Class of 1954, congratulates VM-4 Josey Bush, who received the Carl and George Fischer Veterinary Medicine Scholarship Fund. Dean Henry gives Dr. Justin Nash a congratulatory hug. John Groves, DVM


Highlights and Actions of the MVMA Executive Board

April 16, 2023

Columbia, Mo.

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association met April 16, 2023 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo. The following are highlights. All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried, unless noted otherwise:

• The MVMA Executive Board reviewed and approved the Board Agenda.

• Reviewed and approved the budget for 2023-2024.

• Heard and approved the candidate slate for vice president and reviewed the At Large Delegate terms and positions.

• Discussed a successful convention due to quick strategic planning after the notice of increased meal and supply costs associated with the event.

• Dr. Cliff Miller, Legislative Committee Chair and Ex-Officio on the MVMA Executive Board reported on active legislation of concern for this session including, the practice of veterinary medicine, animal chiropractic practitioners, large animal student loan program, breed specific bans; and many more. All of which were discussed with legislators during the Veterinary Day at the Capital with 18 participants.

• Dr. David Gourley has agreed to serve as MVMAPAC Chair. Many thanks to longstanding PAC chair, Dr. Mel Falk.

• AVMA Alternate Delegate, Dr. Carol Ryan, reported that leaders from every state would be advocating at the nation’s Capital on the Illicit Xylazine Act, Federal Loan Repayment Program, and Dog Importation Act. Other updates include AVMA’s Positive Care Guide, Council on Education, Shelter medicine specialty, Journey for Teams, #Paws4MentalHealth, and 2023 AVMA Convention & HOD Meetings July 14-18, 2023.

• MU CVM Dean’s Report included CE outreach, recruiter position, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs applicants, a successful updated admissions process accepting twothirds in-state applicants, open house, human and animal rabies testing now available at CVM VMDL, and the KC Emergency Clinic.

• Committee updates included appointment of long standing MVMA Animal Welfare committee member, Dr. John Bates, as Committee Chair.

• MVMA’s Policy Manual was presented for approval.

• MVMA’s annual financial review by a contracted CPA firm was reviewed.

• MVMA Legislative Policy Forum date is planned for October 29, 2023.

• MVMA Leadership is invited to address the incoming class during V.E.T.

• A record number of fourth years signed up during the in-person accreditation day after presentations from Dr. Matt Silvius, Dr. Melissa Boldan, and Mrs. Julie Braun. Emphasis was placed on organized veterinary medicine and what MVMA does for the profession.

• Update on the skills list being developed by the RVT Utilization Task Force and collaboration with the Veterinary Medical Board.

• MVMA continues to appeal for a fully up-to-date Missouri Veterinary Medical (Licensing) Board.

• Website and social media analytics continue to rise due to increased presence and the membership app is seeing increased downloads.

• MVMA Executive Board welcomed Mr. Brody Brown, Class of 2026, as the new MVMA Student Board Member.

• Consent agenda items reviewed included the financial reports for the MVMA, LLC and PAC; MVMA Minutes from the January Board meeting; Committee Minutes.

Missouri Veterinary MeDical association executiVe Virtual BoarD MeetinG aPril 16, 2023 coluMBia , Mo
Minutes of this board meeting and other committee meetings can be accessed through the MVMA website, under the “Volunteer” tab.

statement of assets, liabilities & net assets

Moberly area community college receives cVtea accreditation

The AVMA Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (CVTEA) announced that the Moberly Area Community College’s (MACC) Veterinary Technology Program was granted initial accreditation at the Committee’s April 27, 2023 meeting.

The MVMA would like to congratuate Stephanie Gilliam, RVT and the veterinary techician program at the college for this major accomplishment.

Initial Accreditation is a positive accreditation status and graduates of programs on Initial Accreditation are considered graduates of an AVMA CVTEA-accredited program.

In 1972, the AVMA House of Delegates authorized a program of accreditation of training for animal technicians - the Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (CVTEA). One of the committee’s charges is to recognize veterinary technician training programs that are fully capable of graduating acceptable assistants for veterinarians and to assist in the development of such programs.

ASSETS: CURRENT ASSETS Undesignated Assets: Cash – checking $220,116.77 Money Market Account 63,573.61 Certificate of Deposit 90,984.14 Total Undesignated Assets $374,674.52 Designated Assets: Cash – MSFQAP 2,992.12 Total Designated Assets 2,992.12 Total Current Assets $377,666.64 PROPERTY & EQUIPMENT Furniture & Equipment 28,223.44 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (25,701.02) Total Net Property & Equipment $2,522.42 OTHER ASSETS Investment in MVMA, LLC 181,726.00 Certificates of Deposit 41,694.60 Total Other Assets 223,420.60 TOTAL ASSETS $603,609.66 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS: CURRENT LIABILITIES Due to MVMF 300.00 Funds Held for Others 1,640.20 Total Current Liabilities $1,940.20 NET ASSETS Without Donor Restrictions: Designated by the Board for MSFQAP 2,992.12 Undesignated 598,677.34 Total Net Assets $601,669.46 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $603,609.66
RVT stuidents from the college visit the MVMF Museum on a field trip to Jefferson City.

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Note: Official ballots will be mailed or emailed on or before September 1, 2023.

Candidate for President Elect

Dr. Kacie Ulhorn grew up in Macon, Missouri. She attended college at Southwest Missouri State University, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science. She graduated in 2010 from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Ulhorn joined the Hermann Veterinary Clinic immediately after graduation and is now a co-owner of that multi-doctor practice. She enjoys the variety of a mixed animal practice and is happy to work with livestock and pets alike. Dr. Ulhorn lives near Hermann with her husband Tim and their four children. They share their farm with 3 dogs, an awesome orange cat, a small beef herd, and a few goats. Dr. Ulhorn has previously served as East Central VMA treasurer and president, followed by two 3-year terms as the East Central VMA Delegate to the Board of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association. Additionally, Dr. Ulhorn is a graduate of the inaugural class of the MVMA Power of 10 program and served on the planning committee when MVMA hosted the Heartland Veterinary Leadership Conference. She also led the task force that established the Ortu Stella young veterinarian award. Dr. Ulhorn has extensive leadership training through involvement in the National FFA Organization, where she was awarded her American Degree and served as Missouri State Officer. She is a member of St. George Catholic Church and the Hermann Jaycees. Four kids ago, when Dr. Ulhorn had free time, she enjoyed hiking, canoeing, gardening, traveling, and spending time with friends. Her current favorite hobby is coaching t-ball.

“Organized veterinary medicine is very important to me. I truly love this career and serving our association would be an honor. Continuing the services MVMA currently provides our members and continually searching for emerging needs is very important to me. Veterinary medicine is always changing as are the needs of veterinarians and animal owners. I believe my skill set and experiences will allow me to serve our membership well.

Candidate for Secretary-Treasurer

Shelia Taylor, D.V.M. received her degree from the University of Missouri-College of Veterinary Medicine in 1992. After practicing in private small animal practice for several years, she taught in Bioclinical Sciences at Ozarks Technical Community College in Springfield, MO for twenty-five years finally retiring from this position in 2022. Currently, she is enjoying retirement while also doing relief work in Ozark, MO.

“Being involved in organized veterinary medicine has given me an understanding of what our state and national veterinary organizations can do for their membership and the practice of veterinary medicine. Certainly a better understanding of the issues surrounding our profession today has given me an increased appreciation of what veterinarians face every day, whether one is in private practice or in other areas in which our degree is utilized. Today’s issues of corporate practices, veterinarian and veterinarian technician shortages, others wanting to infringe on the practice of veterinary medicine, as well as many other issues, must be addressed proactively and solutions must be found. Serving as your Secretary-Treasurer over the last several years has allowed me to help make sure that our organization is healthy financially in order to meet the needs of our members and our profession. Therefore, I am once again asking for your support as I run for your Secretary-Treasurer. The officer team, Executive Board and state office have worked hard to maintain the standards of the association and I wish to continue this honored tradition in this officer position. Thank you for your time and your support.”

Please return your ballots by October 1, 2023.


Candidate for Vice President

Dr. Julie King currently works in small animal general practice at Branson Veterinary Hospital. She graduated from Missouri State University in 2007 with a B.S. in Animal Science and the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine in 2013. She has been very active in the MVMA since she was a recent graduate serving in varying roles such as SW district VP, SW District voting delegate, and was a member of the inaugural Power of 10 class. She also is a co-chair for the Christian Veterinary Medicine Fellowship Group of SW MO.

When not at work she enjoys reading, porch sitting, and watching crime shows on tv. She is also very active in her church, where she sings on the praise and worship team. She is married to Will King, master electrician and owner/operator of KW Electrical Services. They have a feline child named Liam who keeps them entertained and on their toes.

I feel very blessed to be part of the greatest profession- veterinary medicine! Veterinary medicine is all about serving-we serve the general public by helping and healing animals. The profession has given me so much fulfillment and purpose and I love what I do. I have been serving my profession through my involvement in MVMA since I was a recent graduate. I have served as VP of the SW district, voting delegate for the SW district, and was a member of the inaugural Power of 10 class. Each role has been a blessing and a privilege. I wish to continue to serve my profession and contribute to keeping us the greatest profession!

Candidate for Vice President

Dr. Lynn Martin grew up in Minnesota spending time in her parent’s mixed animal practice before attending North Dakota State University. She graduated from the University of Missouri in 2014 achieving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Public Health. Dr. Martin then joined Retama Equine Hospital in San Antonio for an intensive private practice equine internship. In 2015, Dr. Martin returned to the University of Missouri to complete a Large Animal Internal Medicine residency program with an emphasis in equine medicine. She spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow, teaching veterinary students and conducting research for her PhD program in comparative ophthalmology.

She is currently an Assistant Teaching Professor of Equine Internal Medicine in the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery at the University of Missouri.

Outside of academia, Dr. Martin is presently serving her second term as an At-Large Delegate for the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA), is a member of the MVMA Equine, Legislative, and 2024 Convention Planning Committees, and is immediate past chair of the Missouri Horse Council. She is a member of the AVMA, AAEP, ACVIM, AQHA, NCHA, and Missouri Farm Bureau. She resides in central Missouri on a family farm where she and her husband have a row crop operation and raise western performance horses.

“I have always considered organized medicine to be important for preserving the duty and responsibility of our veterinary profession for the communities in which we serve. A leadership role in the MVMA, while working closely with other members and stakeholders, furthers the integrity, education, and rights of our vocation.”

Please return your ballots by October 1, 2023.

NOTE: Vice president candidates are listed alphabetically in the “Officer Candidate” article in this issue of the “Quarterly”. Candidates names and bios will be reversed on the official ballot mailed by September 1, 2023. An electronic or paper ballot will be sent according to your preference we have on file.



Note: Official ballots will be mailed or emailed on or before September 1, 2023. You will be asked on the ballot to vote for three (3) candidates out of the four (4) choices.

West Central District

Melissa Boldan grew up south of Columbia in a rodeo family. She graduated from MU CVM in 2012. After a couple years of mixed animal practice, she returned to her hometown to pursue small animal practice. She works in Columbia at Trailside Animal Hospital where she delights in building lifelong friendships with clients. When she’s not at the clinic, she’s chasing her three boys around and playing chauffeur for their various sports and activities I got into veterinary medicine, not only because I love the medicine and pets, but because I love the people. I have a strong sense of community and strive to make those that I’m a part of, better. I would truly enjoy the opportunity to serve as a liaison to one of my favorite communities, my MVMA peers. There will always be challenges on the horizon that our organization is working to meet. I look forward to being a part of the effort.

East Central District

Dr. Hall graduated from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine in 2011. From there she began her career as a mixed animal practitioner in Central Missouri. She was able to practice in Missouri for two years then her husband and herself decided to move to Nebraska to continue our veterinary experience. They started their family in Nebraska and practiced there for 6 years before moving home, when she made a career change with the MO Dept of Ag.

I have developed a love for serving people so that they can be better and do better. Serving as an At-Large-Delegate is just a step in the process to better serve my fellow veterinarians. Some of my greatest joys are seeing veterinarians working together to promote the profession, the humananimal bond, and agriculture. I also want to encourage and support our young veterinarians as they start their exciting veterinary journey.

AT -L A rg E D ELE g ATE
The top three candidates based on votes will win the positions. The At-Large Delegate one-year terms will begin with the January 2023 convention.

Erica Nowlin, DVM

greater Kansas City District

Dr. Erica Nowlin is a 2013 graduate of the MU-CVM. She practices small animal medicine at Excelsior Springs Animal Clinic and loves being a GP with an interest in dentistry. In the MVMA, she has attended state conventions, leadership conferences, and was a member of the Power of 10. She participates on committees and is an Academy member. She attended AVMA’s Leadership Conference and is currently serving as an At-Large Delegate for the KCVMA.

All through my life I have enjoyed volunteering for positions that help the community around me. The MVMA provides community education, outreach, support for veterinarians, and it monitors legislation. With this experience, I can grow as a leader myself while providing a positive, openminded perspective to our organization. Servant leadership is the best way I can support the industry that has given me so much. Please consider me for this honor.

Sarah Reinkemeyer,DVM

East Central District

Dr. Reinkemeyer grew up on a small diversified family farm in central Missouri. She graduated from the University of Missouri - College of Veterinary Medicine in 2016. She was a practicing veterinarian for two years at a mixed animal practice in rural Missouri before transitioning to a regulatory veterinarian in 2018. She is currently working as the State Epidemiologist and district Veterinarian for the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

I wish to fulfill my final term as At-Large Delegate to become more active within the MVMA as well as expand on leadership abilities and knowledge. I have previously participated in the Power of Ten. This was a wonderful opportunity and truly opened my eyes to what the organization has to offer. I would like to continue to serve the organization by serving as an At-Large Delegate.

NOTE: At-Large candidates are listed here alphabetically. Candidates’ names and bios will be reversed on the official ballot mailed by September 1, 2023. Have

As Missouri’s statewide veterinary organization, Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s mission is to serve the members, promote the veterinary medical profession, promote animal welfare, and enhance veterinarians’ ability to advance animal and human health.

you paid your dues?
not, please pay your dues by July 1st to help save the cost of further renewal notices. Thank you for your membership in the MVMA. Go to to pay online or call 573-636-8612.

Upcoming CE & Events



10-20 Missouri State Fair, Sedalia, Mo. Volunteers are needed to man the booth. Come share your knowledge with fair goers in a four-hour shift. Bring the family! See article on page 16 with all the information.

25-26 Missouri Volunteer Veterinary Corps (MOVVC) Short Course. Sponsored by the MVMA, Boone County Fire Department and MU-CVM. Held at Middlebush Farm. More information to come.

25-27 Fetch DVM 360 Conference. Kansas City Convention Center. 120 CE sessions. Exhibit hall. MVMA members receive a 15% discount to the event. Watch for more information coming soon.

September 2023

17 MVMA Executive Board Meeting

29-Oct. 1 MVMA Equine Dentistry Seminar and Wet Lab. Union, Mo. Sign up online at or call the office at 573-636-8612.

October 2023

6-8 12th Annual Missouri Veterinary Trail Riders Association Trail Ride and Continuing Education. Panther Creek Campgrounds, Tuscumbia, Mo. Costs and other information to come. Check the website for updates. Go to for more information on these events.

mark your

August 10-20, 2023

Missouri State Fair

Volunteers are needed to man the booth. Come share your knowledge with fair goers in a four-hour shift. Bring the family! See article on page 16 with all the information.

Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2023

MVMA Equine Dentistry Seminar and Wet Lab

Held at Humane Society of Missouri Ranch. Union, Mo. Go to or call the office at 573-636-8612.

/MissouriVMA /MissouriVMA


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Distinguished Speakers*

Anne Avery, VMD, PhD

Jennifer Babineaux, MBA, DABVP (Feline)

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Ellen Carozza, LVT, VTS (CP-Feline)

Petra Cerna, MRCVS, AFHEA, AdvCertFB

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Renasant Convention Center � Memphis, TN & Virtual

Conference Education*

Pre-conference Day: Nutritional counselor program, diabetes masterclasses: oral hypoglycemics, SGLT-2 inhibitors - safety & efficacy data, getting started & monitoring, troubleshooting & complications, allergic patient/new insights in skin barrier science, and creating a calmer clinic for cats

Audrey Cook, BVM&S, FRCVS, MScVetEd, DACVIM (SAIM), DECVIM, DABVP (Feline)

Tracey Deiss, DVM

Sheryl Gamble, DVM, MS

Margaret Gruen, DVM, MVPH, PhD, DACVB

Melissa Hall, DVM, DACVD

Michael Lappin, DVM, PhD, DACVIM

Duncan Lascelles, BSc, BVSc, CVA, PhD, FRCVS, DSAS(ST), DECVS, DACVS

Patty Lathan, VMD, MS, DACVIM (SAIM)

Alison Manchester, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM)

Natalie Marks, DVM, MS, CVJ

Matt McGlasson, DVM, CVPM

Vicky Ograin, MBA, RVT, VTS (Nutrition)

Valerie Parker, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM, Nutrition)

Jessica Pritchard, VMD, MS, DACVIM (SAIM)

Sara Ramos, ACVD

Ilona Rodan, DVM, DABVP (Feline), CCBC, IAABC

Adam Rudinsky, DVM, MS, DACVIM

Catherine Ruggiero, MS, DVM, DACVIM (Nutrition)

Ashlie Saffire, DVM, DABVP (Feline)

Thomas Schermerhorn, VMD, DACVIM (SAIM)

Elizabeth Schooley, DVM, MS, DACVIM

Catharine Scott-Moncrieff, MA, VMB, MS, MRCVS, DECVIM, DSAM, DACVIM

Jennifer Slovak, DVM, MS, DACVIM

Kelly St Denis, MSc, DVM, DABVP (Feline)

Betsy Swanson, DVM, MS, DACVS (Small Animal)

Adronie Verbrugghe, DVM, PhD, DECVCN

Cynthia Ward, VMD, PhD, DACVIM

Craig Webb, PhD, DVM, DACVIM

Ken Yagi, MS, RVT, VTS (ECC) (SAIM)

Veterinarian Track Sessions: Nutritional management of the comorbid patient, assisted enteral nutrition, navigating alternative cat foods, feeding comorbidities, feeding the allergic cat, nutrition and chronic enteropathy, nutritional management of CKD and diabetes, nutritional idiosyncrasies, weight loss diets, nuanced nutrition for idiopathy hypercalcemia and calcium oxolate urolithiasis, diagnosis GI disease, pyramid of poop, diagnostic and therapeutic implications of cobalamin, management of liver disease, modifying the microbiome, IBD or GI lymphoma, constipation/obstipation/megacolon panel, surgical considerations for liver biopsies, interpreting liver biopsies, fecal microbial transplantation, stem cell in GI disease, vomiting cat, treating the itchy cat, diarrhea in kittens, pancreatic disease, the yellow cat, GI chronic enteropathy, GI diagnostic dilemas, probiotics in management of GI disease, infectious causes of diarreha, ductal plate malformations, GI eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia, probing for answers in the young and old vomiting cat, and more

Technician Track: Nutrition in the hospitalized cat, taking the stress out of feline neonate tube feeding, RECOVER CPR guideline updates, diabetes mellitus, and practical application of feline emergency transfusions

Interactive Workshops: Cat Friendly Interactions & Handling Workshop, Dr Ilona Rodan; Feline Orthopedic Workshop, Drs. Duncan Lascelles & Margaret Gruen (registration limited).

Breakfast Symposiums and Lunch & Learn Sessions: Oral solution for the diabetic cat, preventive care diagnostics & cat friendly practice, mitigating feline vet visit fear, anxiety & stress, immune relation to GI & nutrition, why is this kitty skinny?, how smart pet tech can make a big impact on cat care, feline constipation: updates on acute & chronic treatment modalities, elevate your practice's feline wellness at every life stage, treatment options for the diabetic cat.

*Topics and speakers are subject to change Lunch & Learn Sessions are only available to in-person attendees Speakers and sessions listed above are confirmed as of 5/11/23 Refer to catvets com/conference2023 for the updated program

All attendees will have access to the virtual platform and on-demand sessions through June 30, 2024.


Several antibiotics that are currently available over-the- counter (OTC) for animal use will require a veterinary prescription in the coming months (see table 1 for examples). This change represents the final phase of the Food and Drug Administration’s efforts to bring all medically important antibiotics approved for use in animals under veterinary oversight.

Many antibiotics went through a similar transition on January 1, 2017. Feed antibiotics that had once been available OTC required a veterinary feed directive (VFD), and OTC antibiotics delivered in the water required a prescription. However, some antibiotics remained available OTC in the form of injectables, intramammary tubes, boluses, etc.

Over the Counter Antibiotics Transition to Prescription Status

Several antibiotics that are currently available over-the- counter (OTC) for animal use will require a veterinary prescription in the coming months (see table 1 for examples). This change represents the final phase of the Food and Drug Administration’s efforts to bring all medically important antibiotics approved for use in animals under veterinary oversight.

FDA’s Guidance for Industry (GFI) #263 specifically addresses these antibiotics with the expectation that after June 11, 2023, all new product entering distribution channels display the following language on the label: “Caution: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.” Once antibiotics with revised labeling appears at veterinary clinics or retail locations, a prescription will be required to sell or dispense these drugs – regardless of the species of animal in which they are used In the meantime, FDA will allow existing stocks of OTC labeled antibiotics to be depleted and no further action by the veterinarian is required

If you’re interested in learning more about these changes you can visit ??????????


FDA’s Guidance for Industry (GFI) #263 specifically addresses these antibiotics with the expectation that after June 11, 2023, all new product entering distribution channels display the following language on the label: “Caution: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.” Once antibiotics with revised labeling appears at veterinary clinics or retail locations, a prescription will be required to sell or dispense these drugs – regardless of the species of animal in which they are used. In the meantime, FDA will allow existing stocks of OTC labeled antibiotics to be depleted and no further action by the veterinarian is required.

Cephapirin, Cephapirin Benzathine



Penicillin G Procaine, Penicillin G Benzathine

Sulfadimethoxine, Sulfamethazine

Product examples

Many antibiotics went through a similar transition on January 1, 2017. Feed antibiotics that had once been available OTC required a veterinary feed directive (VFD), and OTC antibiotics delivered in the water required a prescription. However, some antibiotics remained available OTC in the form of injectables, intramammary tubes, boluses, etc.

Intramammary tubes: ToDAY® and ToMORROW®

Injectables: Lincomix® 100, Lincomix® 300, LincoMed™ 100, LincoMed® 300

Injectables: Liquamycin® LA-200®, Noromycin® 300 LA, Bio-Mycin® 200, etc.

Boluses: Terramycin® Scours Tablets, OXY 500 Calf Boluses

Injectables: Penicillin Injectable, Dura-Pen, Pro-Pen-G®, Combi-Pen 48®, etc.

Intramammary tubes: Masti-Clear®, Go-dry™, Albadry Plus®

Injectables: Di-Methox 40%, SulfMed™ 40%

Boluses: Albon®, Sustain III® Cattle & Calf Boluses, Supra Sulfa III Cattle & Calf Boluses

Tylosin Injectables: Tylan™ 50, Tylan™ 200

Join Us at the Fair! Volunteers Needed For the MVMA Booth, August 10-20

We’re once again recruiting volunteers to man the MVMA booth at the Missouri State Fair. For first-time volunteers, you will receive a free, official MVMA logoed polo shirt just for helping during a four-hour morning or afternoon shift.

Volunteers also receive free admission and a lunch or dinner ticket to the beef or pork restaurants, plus a great time working with the public.

We’re combining our booth with the MU-CVM booth as a costsaving measure, and CVM students are back this year to back you up.

If you haven’t been to the fair or haven’t had some fun lately, go to the calendar on the home page to sign up.







The One You Want for One-And-Done Monthly Parasite Protection

First-of-its-kind formulation includes esafoxolaner—specifically developed for use in cats

Easy-to-apply topical solution provides a month of protection

Safe for use in kittens as young as 8 weeks, weighing 1.8 lbs or more

Contact your Boehringer Ingelheim Representative to learn more

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: NexGard® COMBO (esafoxolaner, eprinomectin, and praziquantel topical solution) is for topical use only in cats. Use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. The most frequently reported adverse reactions include vomiting, application site reactions, and anorexia. If ingested, hypersalivation may occur. Avoid direct contact with application site until visibly dry. For more information, see full prescribing information or visit

NexGard® is a registered trademark and NexGard COMBO™ is a trademark of Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health France, used under license. ©2023 Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc., Duluth, GA. All rights reserved. US-PET-0255-2023-A

For topical use in cats only

CAUTION: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.


NexGard® COMBO is a topical solution containing esafoxolaner, eprinomectin and praziquantel available in 0.3 mL and 0.9 mL unit applicators to treat cats from 1.8 lbs to 33 lbs. Each mL of NexGard® COMBO contains 12 mg of esafoxolaner, 4 mg of eprinomectin, and 83 mg of praziquantel. Inactive ingredients: dimethyl isosorbide, unstabilized glycerol formal, and butylated hydroxytoluene.

Esafoxolaner is a member of the aryl isoxazoline class of compounds. Its chemical name is 4-[(5S)-5-[3-chloro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-5(trifluoromethyl)-4, 5-dihydro-1,2-oxazol-3-yl]-N-{2-oxo-2-[(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) amino]ethyl}-1-naphthamide.

Eprinomectin belongs to the avermectin class of anthelmintics and is a mixture of homologous components referred to as eprinomectin B1a and B1b. The chemical name for eprinomectin B1a is (4”R)-acetylamino-5-O-demethyl4”-deoxyavermectin A1a. The chemical name for eprinomectin B1b is (4”R)acetylamino-5-O-demethyl-25-de(1-methylpropyl)-4”-deoxy-25-(1-methylethyl) avermectin A1a

Praziquantel is a pyrazinoisoquinoline anthelmintic. Its chemical name is 2-(Cyclohexylcarbonyl)- 1,2,3,6,7,11b-hexahydro-4H-pyrazino[2,1-a]-isoquinolin4-one.


NexGard® COMBO is indicated for the prevention of heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis and for the treatment and control of roundworm (fourth stage larval and adult Toxocara cati), hookworm (fourth stage larval and adult Ancylostoma tubaeforme; adult Ancylostoma braziliense), and tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) infections. NexGard® COMBO kills adult fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) and is indicated for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations and the treatment and control of Ixodes scapularis (black-legged tick) and Amblyomma americanum (lone star tick) infestations for one month in cats and kittens 8 weeks of age and older, and weighing 1.8 lbs or greater.

Dosage and Administration:

NexGard® COMBO is dosed at a minimum of 0.055 mL/lb (0.12 mL/kg), which delivers a minimum dose of 0.65 mg/lb (1.44 mg/kg) esafoxolaner, 0.22 mg/lb (0.48 mg/kg) eprinomectin, and 4.53 mg/lb (9.98 mg/kg) praziquantel. For heartworm disease prevention, apply once monthly for at least three months after last exposure to mosquitoes (see Effectiveness).

Administer the entire contents of a NexGard® COMBO unit applicator topically once a month as specified in the following table:

Dosing Schedule:

Tick Treatment and Control:

For the treatment and control of infestations with Ixodes scapularis and Amblyomma americanum, the use of NexGard® COMBO may begin at any time of year. NexGard® COMBO should be administered year-round at monthly intervals or begin at least one month before the ticks become active.

Treatment and Control of Roundworms, Hookworms, and Tapeworms: NexGard® COMBO provides treatment and control of roundworms (adult and fourth stage larval Toxocara cati), hookworms (adult and fourth stage larval Ancylostoma tubaeforme; adult Ancylostoma braziliense), and tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum). For the treatment of hookworm, roundworms and tapeworm infections, NexGard® COMBO should be administered once as a single dose. Monthly use of NexGard® COMBO will control any subsequent infections. Cats may be exposed to and can become infected with roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms throughout the year, regardless of season or climate.


There are no known contraindications for the use of NexGard® COMBO.

Human Warnings: Not for human use. Keep this and all drugs out of sight and reach of children. Avoid direct contact with application site for 4 hours or until visibly dry. This product may act as a mild to moderate eye irritant.

Keep product in the original packaging until use. Wash hands after product administration. If the product accidentally gets into the eyes, rinse thoroughly with water. If wearing contact lenses, flush the eyes first with water and then remove the lenses and continue to flush thoroughly with water. In case of accidental ingestion, or if skin or eye irritation occurs, contact a poison control center or physician for treatment advice.


Esafoxolaner, one of the ingredients in NexGard® COMBO, is a member of the isoxazoline class. This class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including tremors, ataxia, and seizures. Seizures have been reported in cats receiving isoxazoline class drugs, even in cats without a history of seizures. Use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. Do not administer orally. Cats may salivate excessively if NexGard® COMBO is accidentally administered orally or is ingested through licking/grooming the application site (see Target Animal Safety).

The safety of NexGard® COMBO has not been tested in breeding, pregnant, or lactating cats.

The safety of NexGard® COMBO has not been tested in kittens less than 8 weeks of age or weighing less than 1.8 lbs (0.8 kg).

Adverse Reactions:

In a field safety and effectiveness study, which included a total of 201 households and 380 treated cats (244 cats treated with NexGard® COMBO, 136 cats treated with an active control), the safety of NexGard® COMBO was evaluated over a 90-day period through in-clinic physical examinations or through reporting of abnormalities by the owner.The most frequently reported reactions in the NexGard® COMBO and active control groups are presented in the following table.

Adverse Reactions by Treatment Group

Praziquantel’s mode of action is not precisely known, but treated tapeworms undergo muscular paralysis accompanied by a rapid influx of calcium ions and the disruption of the tegument.


After a single topical administration to healthy male and female cats of a combined topical formulation containing esafoxolaner (12 mg/mL), eprinomectin (4 mg/mL), and praziquantel (83 mg/mL), at dose volumes of 0.06, 0.12, or 0.24 mL/kg, there was a dose proportional increase in the exposure of each ingredient based on maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the plasma concentration time curve (AUC). After repeated monthly doses of the combined topical formulation at the target dose of 1.44 mg/kg esafoxolaner, 0.48 mg/kg eprinomectin, and 9.98 mg/kg praziquantel, steady state was reached by the fourth dose for esafoxolaner and after the second dose for eprinomectin and praziquantel. Additionally, modest accumulation was observed for esafoxolaner (approximately 3-fold) and praziquantel (approximately 1.5- to 2-fold) between the first and fifth dose, whereas no accumulation was observed for eprinomectin.


Heartworm Prevention:

In well-controlled laboratory studies, NexGard® COMBO (esafoxolaner, eprinomectin, and praziquantel topical solution) was 100% effective in preventing the development of heartworms in cats inoculated with infective larvae of Dirofilaria immitis 30 days prior to the first of three consecutive monthly treatments.

Flea Treatment and Prevention:

In a well-controlled laboratory study, NexGard® COMBO killed >92% of fleas within 24 hours. During subsequent weekly infestations, NexGard® COMBO killed ≥95.5% of fleas within 24 hours through Day 31 and killed fleas before they could lay eggs. The effectiveness against adult fleas at 24 hours postinfestation in the treated cats virtually eliminated flea egg production (99.8 –100% control of flea egg production by 24 hours) throughout the remainder of the month.

In a field safety and effectiveness study in the United States, conducted in households with existing flea infestations, the effectiveness of NexGard® COMBO against fleas was 97.8%, 99.6%, and 99.9% when assessed on Days 30, 60, and 90, respectively. Cats with signs of flea allergy dermatitis showed improvement in alopecia, dermatitis/pyodermatitis, pruritus, erythema, papules, and scaling, as a direct result of eliminating fleas.

Tick Treatment and Control:

In well-controlled laboratory studies, NexGard® COMBO demonstrated ≥95.1% effectiveness against Ixodes scapularis 48 hours post-infestation for a month and ≥95.6% effectiveness against Amblyomma americanum 72 hours postinfestation for a month.

Treatment and Control of Roundworms, Hookworms, and Tapeworms:

In 2 well-controlled laboratory studies, NexGard® COMBO provided 98.9% and 100% effectiveness against natural and/or induced roundworm infections with the dose-limiting gastrointestinal nematode species (adult Toxocara cati), respectively. Effectiveness studies against fourth stage larval Toxocara cati and hookworms (adult and fourth stage larval Ancylostoma tubaeforme; adult Ancylostoma braziliense) were conducted with an early formulation. The doses of eprinomectin in this early formulation are equivalent to that of the final formulation of NexGard® COMBO. In well-controlled laboratory studies, NexGard® COMBO provided on average 92.8% effectiveness against natural and/or induced infections with Dipylidium caninum

Target Animal Safety:

Margin of Safety Study:

A veterinarian or veterinary technician should demonstrate or instruct the pet owner regarding the appropriate technique for applying NexGard® COMBO topically to cats and kittens prior to first use. Keep product in original packaging until ready to use.

1. Use scissors to cut the blister along the dotted line.

2. Then pull the lid away.

3. Remove the applicator from the package and hold it upright. Pull back the plunger slightly.

4. Twist and pull off the cap.

5. Part the hair on the midline of the neck, between the base of the skull and the shoulder blades until the skin is visible. Place the tip of the applicator on the skin and apply the entire contents directly onto the skin in one spot. The product should be applied to dry skin on an area where the cat cannot lick it off. If the weight of the cat requires a second application, apply the contents in the same manner as described above in the same location.

6. Wash hands after use with soap and water.

Heartworm Prevention:

For the prevention of heartworm disease, NexGard® COMBO should be administered once a month year-round. At a minimum, administration of NexGard® COMBO should start at least 1 month before the cat’s first expected exposure to mosquitoes and monthly thereafter until at least 3 months after the cat’s last seasonal exposure to mosquitoes (see Effectiveness). If a dose is missed and a 30-day interval between doses is exceeded, administer NexGard® COMBO immediately and resume the monthly dosing schedule.

Treatment with fewer than 3 monthly doses may not provide complete heartworm prevention. When replacing another monthly heartworm preventive product in a heartworm prevention program, the first treatment with NexGard® COMBO should be given within one month of the last dose of the former medication. At the discretion of the veterinarian, cats older than 6 months of age may be tested to determine the presence of existing heartworm infection before treatment with NexGard® COMBO. Cats already infected with adult heartworms can be given NexGard® COMBO monthly to prevent further infections.

Flea Treatment and Prevention:

For the treatment and prevention of flea infestations, the use of NexGard® COMBO may begin at any time of year. NexGard® COMBO should be administered year-round at monthly intervals or begin at least one month before fleas become active. However, an environmental infestation may persist for a short time after beginning treatment with NexGard® COMBO because of the development of adult fleas from eggs that were laid prior to the initiation of treatment.

1Number of cats treated with NexGard® COMBO with the identified abnormality.

2Number of cats treated with Active Control with the identified abnormality.

Contact Information:

To report suspected adverse events, for technical assistance or to obtain a copy of the SDS, contact Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc. at 1-888-637-4251 or

For additional information about reporting adverse drug experiences for animal drugs, contact FDA at 1-888-FDA-VETS or online at

The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provides additional occupational safety information. For customer service or to obtain product information, including the SDS, call 1-888-637-4251.

Clinical Pharmacology:

Mode of Action:

Esafoxolaner is a member of the isoxazoline family, shown to bind at a site to inhibit insect and acarine ligand-gated chloride channels, in particular those gated by the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), thereby blocking pre- and post-synaptic transfer of chloride ions across cell membranes. Prolonged esafoxolaner-induced hyperexcitation results in uncontrolled activity of the central nervous system and death of insects and acarines. The selective toxicity of esafoxolaner between insects/acarines and mammals may be inferred by the differential sensitivity of the insects/acarines’ GABA receptors versus mammalian GABA receptors.

Eprinomectin is an endectocide in the macrocyclic lactone class that binds to glutamate gated chloride channels that are present in invertebrate nerve and muscle cells and increases the permeability of the cell membrane to chloride ions that triggers hyperpolarization of the nerve or muscle cell in susceptible parasites, resulting in paralysis and death of the parasite.

NexGard® COMBO was applied topically to healthy kittens (8 to 9 weeks of age) at 1X, 3X, or 5X the maximum exposure dose six times at 28-day intervals; kittens in the control group were dosed with mineral oil. One kitten in the 5X group exhibited recumbency, tremors, hypothermia, ataxia, disorientation, and pupil dilation (responsive to light) 9 hours after the third dose. This kitten received supportive care, including washing the application site, and recovered within 48 hours post-dose. During necropsy, a dark red subcutaneous area (≤5 mm diameter) was observed in the treatment site area of three cats in the 5X group, but microscopic examination revealed no histologic abnormalities. No significant changes related to NexGard® COMBO were observed for physical examination, body weight, clinical pathology (hematology, coagulation, and serum chemistry), histopathology, or organ weights.

Study in Heartworm Positive Cats:

Adult cats, 4.7 to 6.6 months of age, were experimentally infected with adult heartworms (D. immitis) by venous transplantation. All cats were negative for heartworm antibody, antigen and microfilariae prior to transplantation. Two weeks after transplantation, immunoserology verified positive antigen and the presence of microfilariae in all enrolled cats. A combination of fipronil, eprinomectin, praziquantel, and (S)-methoprene was applied topically to cats at 1X or 3X the maximum exposure dose once every 28 days for three consecutive treatments; cats in the control group were dosed with mineral oil. One cat in the 1X group exhibited cyanotic mucous membranes and tachypnea for 24 hours following the first treatment. The cat recovered and exhibited no abnormal signs following two subsequent treatments. There was no difference between the treatment groups in the number of adult D. immitis recovered at the end of the study.

Oral Administration Study:

Oral tolerance was evaluated to assess the effects of accidental oral ingestion. Kittens (male and female) ranging in age from 7.4 to 8.9 weeks were orally administered NexGard® COMBO at 1X the maximum exposure dose; kittens in the control group were dosed with saline. Cats were observed for adverse reactions at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 hours following administration, then twice a day until Day 14. All 8 cats administered NexGard® COMBO immediately exhibited excessive hypersalivation after oral administration. However, all cats stopped salivating within 1 hour after exposure. No additional health-related observations were seen for the remainder of the study.

How Supplied: NexGard® COMBO is packaged as a single dose in 0.3 mL (for cats 1.8-5.5 lb) and 0.9 mL (for cats 5.6-16.5 lb) applicators. Each size applicator is available in cartons containing 1, 3, or 6 applications.

Storage Information:

Store at 59° – 86°F (15° – 30° C). Brief periods up to 104° F (40° C) are permitted. Protect from light.

Approved by FDA under NADA # 141-570

Marketed by: Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc., Duluth, GA 30096

NexGard® is a registered trademark and NexGard COMBO™ is a trademark of Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health France, used under license.

©2023 Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc. All rights reserved. 184238-002 Rev. 02/2023 US-PET-0187-2023

EVENT Treatment Group NexGard COMBO Active Control n1 % (n=244) n2 % (n=136) Vomiting 16 6.56 8 5.88 Application Site Hair Change 9 3.69 0 0.00 Anorexia 7 2.87 4 2.94 Lethargy 6 2.46 5 3.68 Bacterial Skin Infection 4 1.64 1 0.74 Itching 4 1.64 0 0.00 Sneezing 4 1.64 5 3.68 Skin Peeling 3 1.23 2 1.47 Diarrhea 3 1.23 3 2.21 Epiphora 3 1.23 1 0.74 Hypersalivation 3 1.23 0 0.00 Hyperthermia 3 1.23 0 0.00 Alopecia 2 0.82 0 0.00 Dermal Thickening 2 0.82 0 0.00 Ear Pruritus 2 0.82 1 0.74 Application Site Redness 2 0.82 0 0.00 Conjunctivitis 1 0.41 1 0.74 Cat Weight (lb) Volume (mL) Esafoxolaner (mg) Eprinomectin (mg) Praziquantel (mg) 1.8-5.5 0.3 3.6 1.2 24.9 5.6-16.5 0.9 10.8 3.6 74.7 16.6-22 0.3 + 0.9 14.4 4.8 99.6 22.1-33 0.9 + 0.9 21.6 7.2 149.4

keeping their strength up

new upgrade

NOW upgraded with our new ActivBiome+ Kidney Defense prebiotic blend.

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*Dry foods only © 2023 Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.

Another Session Comes to a Close

Legislative Session Recap

MVMA representation has spent a lot of time at the Capitol this session advocating for the profession during our MVMA Veterinary Day at the Capitol and multiple hearings on different House and Senate bills. Bi-weekly updates with our legislative consultants and legislative chair along with daily text and phone calls with MVMA leadership made sure dangerous legislation didn’t slip through the cracks. With the session over, we are still monitoring bills that are on the governor’s desk for signing.


If we had not intervened, a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) would soon be able to practice on animals without veterinary involvement! We successfully defeated language that would have taken “animal chiropractic” out of the definition of veterinary medicine leaving the practice of chiropractics on animals with no regulatory oversite. A true animal welfare and public health concern.

After many years of defeating poorly written animal chiropractic bills, this year was different. With a bill sponsor who is very well liked in the House, this horribly written bill moved quickly to committee. Multiple MVMA members testified ruthlessly in opposition of the bill but just as many chiropractors testified in favor. With our legislative consultants working behind the scenes, we were able to get the opportunity to work with the bill sponsor on a compromise that was something we could live with if it passed. We had one short week to edit the bill and we made it bleed red. Fellow MVMA members, leadership, legislative chair, staff, and legal counsel worked tirelessly on a compromise which includes a required referral from a veterinarian who has a current veterinary client-patient relationship. The number of referrals can be limited by the veterinarian at the time of referral or after consultation with a DC. Furthermore, we fought to make sure that DCs practicing as “animal chiropractic practitioners” were regulated under the Mo Board of Chiropractic Examiners and carry their own liability AND returned the definition of veterinary medicine back to its original verbiage to include animal chiropractic. MVMA began the session in active pursuit to defeat HB 88. Ultimately, we monitored the bill after the changes to make sure language did not revert in any way. This bill is on the governor’s desk for signing.


By now you have likely heard about the MVMA Scope of Practice bill that has been filed for the past two years by Senator Justin Brown. Senate Bill 115 prevents a municipality from regulating the practice of veterinary medicine. You must dig into this and not just hear that this bill stemmed from the banning of feline declaws in St. Louis City and County (without any input from a veterinarian). The MVMA bill in no way is about declawing cats. We respect the fact that our members have differing opinions on this procedure. What this bill does is fight for your professional right to discuss and decide with your clients what treatments are available and best for their animals. The veterinarian and the owner of the animal should be able to make those decisions together without local governances interfering to tell a veterinarian what procedures they can and cannot do. Missouri already has a robust veterinary practice act enforced by a very dedicated Veterinary Medical Board. SB 115 passed the Missouri Senate, was passed in the House Government Accountability Committee, House Rules Committee, but did not make it on the House floor calendar in time before the end of the session.


Modifications were made to the Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program to increase the number of recipients from six to twelve and the amount from twenty thousand to thirty thousand dollars. This bill expands the sources of funding for the Veterinary Student Loan Payment Program to include any private grant, gift, donation, devise, or bequest of moneys, funds, real or personal property, or other asset. In addition, the bill renames the “Dr. Merrill Townley Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program” to the “Dr. Merrill Townley and Dr. Dan Brown Large Animal Veterinary

MVMA members on the state Capitol steps during the annual Veterinary Day held on March 7th.

Student Loan Program”. The bill is on the governor’s desk for signing.


MVMA continues to advocate for the veterinary diagnostic lab in its second phase. With push from Senators Justin Brown, Lincoln Hough, and his Chief of Staff, Pat Thomas, we were encouraged to request funding in the form of line items in the appropriations bill. The long-standing need for the updated VMDL has been addressed with the ask of $43M for Phase 2. In addition, $25M was included in the appropriations bill to provide opportunities in workforce development and agricultural sectors with planning, design and construction of and used for training, education, technical support, and research located on the University of MissouriColumbia campus.

(DVM). This bill prevents a municipality from regulating dogs in a breedspecific manner. The sponsor’s intent with the legislation is to encourage good vicious dog laws, instead of breed specific laws. The House Local Government Committee voted on the bill “do pass” on May 2 and the bill did not advance further.

Other bills that MVMA watched closely.


House Bill 488 allows a taxpayer to receive a tax credit of up to $125 for animals adopted from a shelter.



House Bill 630 did not include our language to protect the veterinarian from the financial responsibility of the confiscated animal if the accused party was found innocent. This bill was passed by the Missouri House by a vote of 10251. The Missouri Senate did not take up this issue and it did not reach final passage.

A simple “thank you” doesn’t seem sufficient for all the work that has been put in behind the scenes from our Legislative Committee Chair, Dr. Cliff Miller, the MVMA Board of governors, and a patchwork of veterinarians from across the state for their time and input throughout the session. Your voices are loudest together and on behalf of the veterinarians across the state, THANK YOU!

Because these requests were not part of the governor’s original budget, it is possible the governor will line item veto these fundings. The request also included naming the VMDL building after the late Senator Dr. Dan Brown. The governor has until June 30, 2023, to consider the legislative budget and veto specific line items.


Because budget money was in surplus this year, we reached out to the Missouri accredited technician schools for a financial wish list. These five budget lines ($3.875M) and the appropriations to these community colleges will allow the schools to plan and advance their respective programs to produce more veterinary tech positions and help address the workforce issue.


This year HB 296 was carried out by our very own Representative Kent Haden


House Bill 755 - Inducing the death of a dog or cat must be performed by a licensed veterinarian or a physician. A lay person properly trained in the methods of inducing the death of a dog or cat may also induce the death if under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian or physician. This bill also specifies that the sole method for inducing the death of a dog or cat in an animal control agency, animal shelter, or pound is the injection of sodium phenobarbital or its derivative. The MVMA testified for informational purposes stating changes need to be made in supervising of a lay person administering of lethal controlled drugs. The MVMA also noted the current difficulty at times of obtaining supplies of sodium phenobarbital due to shortages and supply chain issues. The committee later changed the bill to remove the provision allowing a lay person to administer the dosage and then voted the bill “do pass”. HB 755 did not receive a hearing in the House Rules Committee.


The House Emerging Issues Committee held public hearings to discuss HB 1169. The bill requires product disclosures for any products that could act or has been exposed to process that could be resolute in the product potentially acting as a gene therapy, to be labeled with the words “Potential Gene Therapy Product,” and requires informed consent for medical intervention, vaccine, drug, or genetic modification products. Many allied and industry groups opposed the bill. Several other states have reached out to MVMA for more information on this bill. After considerable debate, the committee did not pass the bill by a 4-10 vote.


Senate Bill 91 requires animal control officers and animal humane investigators to be mandated reporters in cases of abuse and neglect of children, the elderly, and other vulnerable people. The legislation also ensures that adequate training be provided. Following the public hearing, no further action was taken on the bill. MVMA was able to have veterinarians exempt from this mandate in the Senate version but the House bill did not

(continued on page 22)


(Legislative-cont. from page 21) include our exemption and was referred to committee very late in the session.


Licensure based on work experience for at least 3 years in a profession in another state can submit application with work history to relevant oversight body in Missouri. The application must be reviewed within 45 days and any examination, education, or experience requirements must be waived by the oversight body. This bill was sent to the committee but was never heard.


SB 361 Exempted licensees who hold a current valid license and actively participated in the practice of the occupation for no less than one thousand hours every twelve months of reporting period. Referred to committee but never heard.


Opioid tapering protocols, instructions on when to decrease opioid doses, tapering strategies, would be regulated through the Dept. of Health & Senior Services. Appointed to committee late in the session and never heard.


MVMA is working closely with the AVMA to support passage of S. 993/ H.R. 1839 – the Combating Illicit Xylazine Act. H.R. 1839 would engage the DEA to address the emerging public health threat posed by illicit xylazine while preserving veterinary access to this essential prescription animal sedative. We have sent statements of support to our Congressional delegation to encourage the bill to move forward. We have also been in communication with Governor Parson to avoid any premature action on this important topic.

A list of the 2023 session bills can be found at page/LegislativeSession2023.

Associate Member

News Briefs

Funding from Purina available to help scientists investigate the Human-Pet Connection and the Healing Power of Dogs and Cats. The scientists and pet experts at Purina are seeking grant proposals from researchers interested in studying the unique and powerful bond between pets and people. The bi-annual Purina Sponsorship for Human-Animal Bond studies program provides up to $30,000 in research funding per project. The application period is open until July 15, 2023. Researchers interested in applying and getting more details can visit Completed applications must be sent to well-being@purina.nestle. com.

Zoetis Inc. today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Librela™ (bedinvetmab injection) for the control of pain associated with osteoarthritis (OA) in dogs. Librela is the first and only once-monthly, anti-NGF monoclonal antibody treatment for canine OA pain and is approved as safe and effective in providing long-term control of OA pain symptoms in dogs, which can improve their mobility and overall quality of life

Librela is expected to be available to veterinarians in the U.S. in late 2023. To learn more, please visit librela.

MWI Animal Health, a part of AmerisourceBergen, today unveiled an updated and expanded version of its pet wellness web and mobile application platform, the PetPage® Patient Portal. Offered through AllyDVM, MWI’s cloud-based suite of veterinary software services, the refreshed PetPage® Patient Portal streamlines communication between veterinary practices and their clients, giving pet owners the power to manage their animal’s health from their computers or smartphones and allowing veterinary practices to provide a personalized client experience while saving time and staff resources.

For veterinary practices, the new PetPage® Patient Portal application introduces the unique ability to customize the in-app colors and branding to their specific practice. Once clients log into their PetPage® Patient Portal account — either online or through the iOS or Android app — they will see an experience that is customized just for them, complete with the practice’s logo, imagery, contact information and more.

To learn more about harnessing the PetPage® Patient Portal’s capabilities at your veterinary practice, please visit https://www

23 MVMA QUARTERLY - SUMMER 2023 Bank of America Private Bank is a division of Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC and a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation. Bank of America and the Bank of America logo are registered trademarks of Bank of America Corporation. © 2023 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. | MAP4821932 | PB-528-AD | 07/2022 Donald Wratchford Senior Vice President Private Client Advisor 816.292.4380 To learn how we can help you pursue your goals, please contact your advisor: Bank of America Private Bank is proud to support Missouri Veterinary Medical Association. enhance lives

MVMA 2023 Academy Members

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association Academy is the continuing education arm of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association. Its members are those MVMA members who have met or exceeded the Academy’s membership requirements of 40 hours of CE and have applied for Academy membership. There is no cost to join and be recognized for your efforts. For more on the membership process, go to

Dr. Lonnie Blum

Dr. Philip Brown

Dr. Sally Burd

Dr. Jessica Dean

Dr. Peggy Fisher

Dr. Tamara Gull

Dr. Mark Hale

Dr. Marcy Hammerle

Dr. Julie King

Dr. Elizabeth Kistner

Dr. Praveena Kolli

Dr. Doug Krofft

Dr. Cody Lewis

Fun and Education Highlights the MVTRA Spring Trail Ride

The Missouri Veterinary Trail Riders Association (MVTRA) continues the SPRING trail ride and camping event for the second year in a row.

The fun was held May 19-21, 2023, at Pinecrest Campgrounds in Salem, Mo. with over 20 in attendance for CE, meals, and fellowship. Thank you to our generous sponsors Zoetis, AmerisourceBergen MWI Animal Health, IDEXX, Elanco, Midwest Veterinary Supply, and MVMA Academy.

The MVTRA 12th annual fall ride will be October 6-8, 2023, at the traditional location of Panther Creek Trail Rides and Campgrounds in Tuscumbia, Mo. See the MVMA website calendar for details and reservation information.

Dr. Richard Linn

Dr. Tony Martin

Dr. Betsy Marziani

Dr. Susan McCarty

Dr. Edward Migneco

Dr. Ryan Montgomery

Dr. Laura Moon

Dr. Erica Nowlin

Dr. Pete Rucker

Dr. Linda Scorse

Dr. Steven Smith

Dr. Brett Ward

Dr. Bruce Whittle

Go to
for more information.
to see you for the fall ride in October!
See what you missed.... Hope



Manypeoplewithmentalhealthillnessescanbenefitsignificantlyfrompersonal developmentwork.Ingeneral,peopleareunfamiliarorundereducatedaboutpersonal development.Howaboutyou?Doyouknowyourlifepurpose?Whatareyour dreams?Doyouhavewrittenquarterly,annual,andlong-termgoals?


Purpose -98%ofthepopulationisdriftingthroughlifewithoutapurpose,wandering aimlesslytakingwhateverlifehandsthem.Wewereallputonthisearthforareason, anditisourresponsibilitytoidentifythispurpose.Onceweidentifyit,thenweneed toliveandworkinourpurposetofeelfulfilledinlife.

Passions –Whatareyoupassionateabout?Whatareyoudoingwhenyouare“inflow” and5hoursseemslike5minutes?Howmuchtimedoyouspendonyourpassions?

Isveterinarymedicineyourpassionandpurpose?Ifso,fantastic!Ifnot,investtime inlearningyourpurpose.Ifyouarenʼtpassionateaboutwhatyouspendthemajority ofyourtimedoing,youwillquicklyburnoutandbecomemiserable.

Plan –Whatdreamsdoyouhaveforyourlife?Whatdoesyouridealhealthlooklike? Whatrelationshipsdoyouhave?Whatimpactareyoumaking?Whatlifestyledoyou live?Whatfinancialresourcesdoyouhave?Areyoucurrentlylivingyourideals?If not,whatareyoudoingtogetthere?Doyouhavewrittengoals?Doyouworkon thesegoalsdaily?

Toliveinabettermentalandemotionalstate,determineexactlywhatitisyouwant toachieveinyourlifeandwriteitout.Thenwrite why youwantit.Followthisby takingaction!

Lifeisallaboutchoicesandpriorities.Whenthe“why”isstrongenough,youwill naturallymakeitapriority.

Ihave15yearsofextensiveeducationandexperienceinpersonaldevelopment.Iam currentlyinvolvedinanon-profitworkingwithveteranstohelpthemfindanew purposein“lifeafterthemilitary”.Wehavesaveddozensoflives!Suicideisrampant forveteransandveterinarians.IwilldoeverythingIcantosaveonemorelife!Itis partofmypurposeandoneofmygreatestpassions.Ifyouwanthelpidentifyingyour purpose,passions,andsettinggoalstocreateyourideallife,givemeacall!

NikkiNitz,CPA,CMA Simmons Midwest*877-322-6465 CurrentListingsinMissouri: 1. PRICEREDUCED$100,000!!! Springfieldarea,1DVM,SA,Px **Visitourwebsiteforadditionaldetailsonourlistings**

tech notes from the MoVta

SAVE THE DATE! Join us for our 2023 Fall Conference at Moberly Area Community College in Moberly, MO. This event is FREE for members and includes 5 hours of CE. Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Please visit our website at for more details, or email us at

Have a career opportunity available that you would like us to post for our membership? Just email your job description to us at and we will be happy to post it on our MoVTA Facebook page!

Our membership runs from June 1-May 31 of each year. Please encourage your veterinary technicians to become members of their state association! If you are a hospital manager and are interested in membership for all of your technical staff we do offer group memberships. Please find more information at https:// or email us at with any questions. You can also find us on Facebook @MoVetTechAssoc.

We are always looking for energetic veterinary technicians to serve within our organization. Please encourage your vet techs to become involved today!

Stephanie gilliam, r VT, MS, CCrP, VTS

Legislative Chair, MVTA

Veterinary technology Programs

accredited by the aVMa cVtea

Crowder College

601 LaClede Avenue, Neosho, MO 64850 417 -455-5772

Shawna Estep, RVT Director

Associate of Applied Science

Jefferson College

1000 Viking Dr., Hillsboro, MO 63050 636-942-3000

Dana Nevois, RVT Director

Associate of Applied Science

Maple Woods Community College

Veterinary Technology Program 2601 NE Barry Rd., Kansas City, MO 64156 816-604-3235

Chris Morrow, DVM Director

Associate of Applied Science

Midwest Institute

Veterinary Technology Program 2 Soccer Park Rd., Fenton, MO 63026 800-695-5550

Jeffery Vemmer DVM, Director Associate of Occupational Science

Moberly Area Community College

Veterinary Technology Program 2900 Coreli Lane Mexico, MO 65265 660-263-4100

Stephanie Gilliam, RVT Director

Associate of Applied Science


27 Eliminate 100% of credit card processing fees Discover Your Savings Transform your veterinary practice! Contact Mark Thompson and Bobbie Koerner today! Get started with zero cost credit card processing, no contracts, and no termination fees! Mark Thompson | 785-224-4565 | Bobbie Koerner | 785-806-4114 | *Offer runs through March 2022. Free next-generation payment terminal Guaranteed compliance *No monthly fees

Foundation update


Animal Archives

Pet of the Year

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation (MVMF) has announced the winner of the 2023 Animal Archives “Pet of the Year.” The Archives offers an internet-based memorial program devoted to departed pets. This year’s winner is “Grant,” a fifteen-year-old Toy Poodle owned by Cathy Forand of St. Louis, Mo. He was honored by Grantview Animal Hospital, St. Louis, Mo.

Grant was one of six nominees in this year’s competition. Nominees are chosen from the previous year’s submissions to the Archives. During 2022/2023, the public was invited to vote online for their favorite departed pet based on its life story and the bond between the pet and its owners. Votes from across the state were cast for the six candidates. An Honorable Mention goes to the other five Pet of the Year candidates: “Mila”, “Lily”, “Maddie”, “Oliver” and “Simon”.

“Grant was the best buddy I ever had. He followed me everywhere and was so loyal to me. I miss him so much and I don’t think I will ever have another dog like him. I was so blessed to have him 15 years. He loved to go out every morning and get the newspaper with me and lay on the couch, next to me, watching TV. He will always be my special boy and I will see him again one day at the Rainbow Bridge.

I am so thankful Grantview Animal Hospital did this for my Grant. I miss the little guy so much but something like this helps. He was the best dog, so loyal and always by my side. He will be in my heart forever.” – Cathy Forand

You can now view the next Pet of the Year candidates and vote for your favorite pet. Go to the Animal Archives of Missouri website at

Veterinary Honor Roll Inducts Three New Members

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation (MVMF) has announced the induction for three new members into the Veterinary Honor Roll of Missouri.

On April 29, 2023 a ceremony was held at the Foundation’s Museum in Jefferson City, Mo. to honor Dr. Dale Grotelueschen, Dr. Carol Ryan and Dr. Gayla Whittle.

Dr. Carol Ryan, Troy, Mo. is the MVMA’s 2023 Veterinarian of the Year. She is past-president and pastboard chair of the association.

Dr. Ryan is a 1992 graduate of the University of MissouriCollege of Veterinary Medicine. She has worked as a mixed animal practitioner at the Troy & Wentzville Veterinary Clinics since graduation. She was raised on a registered Angus and swine farm and is still involved in the production of beef at the family’s Centralia farm. She is a member of the AVMA, MVMA, and the GSLVMA. Dr. Ryan has been president of the MVMA and its Academy, AAVSB Race program screener and a co-chairman of the Missouri State Medical Board. She is an AVMA alternate delegate and attends many nationwide meetings focusing on AVMA advocacy and leadership training.

She currently serves on AVMA’s Committee of Scientific Activities. She is a member of Sacred Heart Church, the St. Charles Cattlemen’s and Pork Producers, is a 4-H club leader and a 4-H livestock advisor.

Dr. Gayla Whittle, is owner/practitioner at Honey Creek Veterinary Hospital, Trenton, Mo. She was nominated by Dr. Lynn Martin.

She started her career at age 15 in 1978. Her mentor Dr. Randall Lary in Kansas City was kind enough to give her a job cleaning kennels. Throughout her career she had many mentors including her husband, Dr. Bruce Whittle,

28 EvEnt
HigHligHts from Your missouri vEtErinarY mEdical foundation
“Grant” the 2023 Animal Archives Pet of the Year. From left: Julie Braun, Dr. Carol Ryan, and Dr. Scott Fray.

who have all guided her to become the practitioner she is today.

Dr. Whittle has practiced small-animal medicine and surgery since graduating from the University of Missouri Veterinary Teaching Hospital in 1994.

She and her husband opened Honey Creek Veterinary Hospital in Trenton, Missouri immediately upon graduation. They have two sons, Brandon and Wyatt, who were a daily part of their family business, helping with surgeries, cleaning and entertaining clients.

Gayla was the founder and president of Green Hills Animal Shelter from 1998 to 2018. From 2003 to 2019, she organized and taught novice obedience for her community as well as Puppies for Parole at the local correctional facility. Concerning the care of her patients she says, “God provides me with the tools but he does the rest, all the glory goes to God.”

Dr. Dale Grotelueschen, Harvard, Neb., is Professor Emeritus with University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He was nominated by Dr. Greg Popp. He graduated from the University of MissouriColumbia (MU) with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in 1974 followed by a Master of Science degree in Clinical Sciences from Colorado State University in 1992.

Following graduation from MU, he engaged in private practice, the first 2 years in dairy practice in Seymour, Wisconsin, and then 9 years in primarily beef cattle practice at Medicine Valley Veterinary Hospital, Curtis, Nebraska, where he was a practice owner, and which grew to a 4-veterinarian practice. A call from UNL resulted in acceptance of a Veterinary Extension and Diagnostics faculty position, serving as Professor and Director of the Panhandle Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, at Scottsbluff, Nebraska, for 16 years. He then served in the Veterinary Operations group of Pfizer Animal Health for 12 years. Following that time, he served as Professor and Director of the UNL Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center, Clay Center, Nebraska, for 6 years.

Highlights and Actions of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Jefferson City, Mo.

All formal actions were electronically voted upon due to the need for a quorum, and all motions carried unless otherwise noted.

• Reviewed and approved the agenda for the April 29, 2023 meeting.

• Reviewed and approved the minutes of the January 26, 2023 meeting.

• Reviewed and approved the treasurer’s report.

• Reviewed and approved the 2023-2024 budget as presented.

• The 2023 convention activities and events were reviewed noting a successful Foundation event Friday evening.

• An Amazon Wish List has been created for members to donate items to the Foundation Silent Auction.

• The Facebook donation button is drawing funds through shares.

• Animal Archive participation has increased due to more frequent promotions.

• Missouri Life Magazine will be publishing an article on the Veterinary Museum.

• Per Annum Board Member positions are filled for 2023.

• Dr. Art Bryant was voted in as an MVMF Board Member.

• The partnership between Nestle-Purina FurEver Program and the MVMA has been extended through 2023.

• 2023 April Honor Roll inductions conducted.

• Honor Roll nominations were discussed for the fall induction ceremony.

• MVMA grant applications were discussed and the grant task force will review applicants and present recommendations at the fall Board meeting.

• Scholarship ideas suggested and more information will be collected to make a determination.

• The next Foundation Board Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 5, 2023 immediately following the Honor Roll induction(s).

Full minutes of the MVMF Board and all other boards and committees can be accessed through the MVMA website,

Go to the home page, click on Volunteer tab.

From left: Dr. Lynn Martin, Dr. Gayla Whittle and Dr. Bruce Whittle.. Dr. Dale Grotelueschen with his wife, Elizabeth.

MVMa’s Quality assurance Program

What is the Missouri stocker/Feeder Quality assurance Program?

The Missouri Stocker Feeder Quality Assurance Program is designed to meet the quality improvement and pre-conditioning needs of producers, feeders, and consumers. This program educates participants in immunology, animal well-being and the economics of disease. Participation in the program increases producer accountability for quality and safety of the product they sell.

How Does the Program Work?

Veterinarians must be MSFQAP and BQA-certified by February 2024. Veterinarians are certified by MVMA MSFQAP in-person or online training. Producers are MSFQAP-certified by their veterinarian. Veterinarians and producers learn how they can influence carcass quality and consumer confidence by monitoring where and when injections are administered.

Once certified, the producer may participate in the program at one of three levels (white, red or blue tag). The three-level approach allows all producers the opportunity to match their level of management and facilities to the level of participation.

level 1: show-Me select (White tag)

• Participating veterinarians and producers must be certified.

• Calves must be properly identified with an approved ear tag. Tag numbers will be listed on an approved certificate.

• External and internal parasite control is administered.

• Calves will be dehorned and healed. Calves will also be castrated with a knife and healed or verified to be steers.

• Vaccinations: 7-way clostridial, IBR, BVD, PI3,

BRSV, Mannheimia haemolytica with leukotoxoid, (Histophilus is optional.)

• Cattle must be born on the producer’s farm. A range of birthdates or the birthdate of the oldest calf in the group must be recorded.

• Bull in and out dates will be provided.

• Individual calf treatments will be recorded to include date, product, dosage, route of administration and injection site.

• Vaccinations must be given no younger than four months of age and at least 21 days before sale.

level 2: show-Me superior (red tag)

• Weaned 45 days before offering for sale.

• Meet Level 1 requirements - NOTE: Initial vaccinations may be given at an age determined by an attending veterinarian.

• In addition, a second round of vaccinations must be given using the following guidelines:

• A 7-way clostridial as well as a modified live vaccine containing IBR, PI3, BVD and BRSV must be administered;

• Histophilus somni is optional;

• Only one dose of Manheimia heamolytica is required if that dose is administered to calves 5 months of age or older;

• The time frame between initial and second vaccinations must be a minimum of 21 days and all vaccinations must be completed at least seven days prior to sale;

• If a veterinarian determines initial vaccinations should be given to calves less than 4 months of age then second vaccinations must not occur until calves are 5 months of age or older.

level 3: show-Me supreme (Blue tag)

• Meet Level 1 and Level 2 requirements.

• All cattle must be tested and be negative for persistent BVD infection.

• Genetic information is optional.

MSFQAP Electronic Resources: go to • Veterinarian MSFQAP Certification (1 hour CE) • Tag Submission Forms: Part 1 & 2 • BQA Certification Webinar • Guide for Veterinarian & Staff • Producer Manual

Classified Ads

Classified Ad Policy

Ads can be submitted online (see “Submit an Opening” at top) or to Lizzie Benke at and are due by the dates shown below. The MVMA is not responsible for omissions or errors. Member ads will be run for two issues, unless otherwise requested, up to a maximum of three issues. Non-member ads run one issue. Ads will run on the website and in the Missouri Veterinary Quarterly Magazine.


Members’ Ads Online and Print: Free (up to 70 words). Additional words beyond 70 words will be billed at a cost of $3.00 for each additional 7 words.

Closing Dates: February 10, May 15, August 15, October 5

Veterinarians Wanted

R Veterinary - located in Fenton, MO is seeking an Associate Veterinarian to join our team! Fullservice SA and exotic practice providing comprehensive medical, surgical, and dental care. Benefits include: Starting salary $110-130k; Annualized production bonus (paid monthly); Sign-on bonus; Paid dues/licenses; PTO (vacation, parental, sick leave); Medical/dental/vision/life insurance; 401k with 4% match; HSA & More! Contact Alexis Tamborrino 1-314-500-1721 or apply here: https://

Jackson Animal Clinic - located just north of Kansas City, is a modern, mixed-animal, privately-owned veterinary practice seeking an Associate Veterinarian to join our team! We offer a wide array of services for our patients utilizing updated equipment that can be found on our website ( Benefits include: 401k policy, PTO, health/vision/dental/ disability/life insurance, paid dues/memberships, & more! Contact (816) 858-3112 or partchie7@ for more details!

Harrisonville Animal Clinic is seeking an Associate Veterinarian to join our team! Located on the outskirts of Kansas City, we are a SA private practice with a newly renovated clinic as of 2021. We provide many services for our patients through conventional and preventative medicine. Benefits include sign-on bonus, simple IRA, PTO, paid CE/licensing fees, disability insurance, and more! Contact (816) 380-5071 or hac21hess@gmail. com for more details!

Christian County Veterinary Service, LLC is a progressive mixed animal practice with six DVMs located in a rural, small town setting just outside the greater Springfield, MO area. We are seeking to add a full time large animal associate veterinarian. The position would consist primarily of beef cow-calf and equine practice with a small percentage of dairy and small ruminant work.

Clinic hours are 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday and 8am to noon on Saturdays. 1/3 rotation for weekend and emergency duty with opportunity to earn additional compensation. Scheduled weekdays off to provide for work/life balance.

Our clinic is equipped with a primary clinic building and a separate large animal barn. The large animal haul-in facility is advanced and expansive including an indoor hydraulic tilt chute with scales and an adjustable alleyway for cattle work, specially designed OB/Surgery chute, extensive holding pens, indoor horse stalls and stocks equipped with power dentistry equipment. We also utilize direct digital radiography, reproductive and soft tissue ultrasounds and in house hematology and blood chemistry.

ProSal compensation package with base salary determined by level of experience. Benefits include: Work truck and vet box provided, Health insurance stipend, Simple IRA retirement plan with company match, Two weeks paid vacation, Professional liability insurance, CE allowance, Licensing fees paid, AVMA/MVMA and one additional association membership, Christmas Bonus, $1500 sign on bonus.

Contact Darren Loula DVM at 417-224-4831. Email resume to

We are looking for a driven, patient-care oriented veterinarian who can keep up in a high volume, fasted paced clinic. We are primarily small animal but if you are willing to re-build the large animal cliental, we can accommodate that. We are open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm and Saturdays 8am-Noon. Competitive salary, PTO, paid health insurance, paid CE and dues, rotating weekend and treatment schedule. Please email resume to Thank you!

You have been to school your whole life and now what? Come to the heart of it all. Yes, Imperial Missouri. Just South of St. Louis, Missouri, beautiful green grass and trees. We have camping and rivers all around us and professional soccer, football and baseball 20 minutes away. We are the Imperial Animal Hospital. Family owned since 1986, we currently employ 7 diverse doctors and would love to bring on two more doctors. We offer 35 hours of appointments a week, (NO on call or after hours emergencies) with a weeks vacation the first year of employment. We work challenging cases all to save the planet of pets around us. We enjoy, teaching and mentor-

ing new doctors. You will have a trained, loving, staff surrounding you to support and help you. We practice in a beautiful new building that hosts a doctor’s library, two dental suites, three surgery suits, ultrasound and all the medical toys you have dreamt about. We were ranked the fifth best animal hospital in 2019 by DVM Insider Magazine. We broke the mold, they don’t have this ranking anymore. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram or our new rebuilt website (coming soon) You can respond to this by sending resume or interest letter to Imperialvets@ or you are welcome to call 636-4640777 ask for Dr. John Bates or Dr. Scott Bates.

LOCUM DVM OPPORTUNITIES: Topeka, KS, or greater KCMO! Western Veterinary Partners, a people-centric veterinary support organization, has multiple opportunities for regional DVMs in the Midwest. We have a mix of single-doctor and multi-doctor hospitals (mostly small animal GPs) and a well-trained staff is a staple of them all. Benefits: Six figure base (DOE) plus quarterly production, exciting bonus program, mileage reimbursement, $1,000/month housing stipend (1 year), 1 week paid Airbnb vacation, paid parental leave, 3 weeks PTO, $2,500 CE allowance, structured mentorship, and more! Contact Nikki at to learn more!

Full-time Veterinarian wanted for Saline County Veterinary Service. This is a 3 doctor mixed animal practice (65% small and 35% large animal including equine) in Marshall, Missouri and is willing to mentor new graduates. Our clinic uses Avimark software, has digital x-ray, an IDEXX in-house lab, and a haul-in facility. Marshall is a rural community located on Hwy 65, ten miles north of I-70, halfway between Kansas City and Columbia. The area offers lots of wineries, historic tourist attractions and is only 30 miles from the State Fair. The owner is looking towards retirement. Salary and benefits are negotiable. Contact Dr. Scott Pfizenmaier or Teresa Pfizenmaier at 660-886-6812 or email resume:

Looking for a private owned practice that will let you pursue your own interests and practice your own medicine? Then you are looking for US! We are located 1 hour south of St. Louis in Park


Hills in a semi-rural area. We are currently 98% small animal and 2% exotics, with 3 veterinarians and 4 full time registered technicians. Surgery is NOT a requirement. We have in-house Idexx LaserCyte, Catalyst, Sedivue, DR radiographs, and Sonoscape Ultrasound. Part or full time considered with no emergencies and only 1-2 Saturdays per month. Potential for buy-in is available. Those looking for mentorship are encouraged to apply. Our compensation cannot compete with corporations, but the life/work balance, beautiful area, and awesome staff are worth it! I would love to hear from you! Contact Dr. Harding at

Millersburg Veterinary Hospital, a full service, private companion animal practice serving Millersburg, MO, and the surrounding communities, looking for a full or part time veterinarian. Our practice values empathy, compassion, and longterm relationships with our clients. Our doctors practice medicine their own way. We offer a flexible schedule with 4 workdays a week and no scheduled weekend hours. Benefits include paid licensing fees and dues, health insurance stipend, paid CE, vacation, sick leave, a hospital wide production bonus program, and SIMPLE retirement plan. We support you in exploring new clinical practice ideas, increasing your knowledge, and traveling paths that appeal to you. Please contact Susan McCarty, DVM or Rebekah Frost, Practice Manager at 4358 State Road J, Fulton, MO 65251, by phone at 573-642-8723 or by email at rfrost@ for more information.

Full or Part-time associate needed for rapidly growing practice in South St. Louis County. New Building and equipment 1 year ago. Contact Dr. Dan Theobald via email We’re looking for veterinarians and support professionals to add their passion, skills, and education to our team. We believe in hiring doctors with diverse perspectives, ideas, and cultures, and we support veterinarians who use their expertise in a way that benefits pets, clients, and communities. Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced veterinarian looking for a change, a new beginning means an open door to explore the next best move in your professional career. We offer competitive salaries, weekends and holidays off, flexible scheduling. For new grads, we have mentoring available. Send resumes and inquiries to

Tilsit Road Animal Clinic LLC is a privatelyowned and very active mixed animal practice in Jackson, MO. We are looking for a full-time veterinarian to join us as either a small, mixed, or large animal associate. We would also consider part-time or relief applicants. We would love to expand our services as we find the right associate veterinarian! Contact Info: Dr Emily Henderson at (573) 243-2010 or email TilsitRoadAC.LLC@

Veterinarian Bogey Hills Animal Hospital. Bogey Hills has served the community and suburbs of St. Louis for over 30 years. We are seeking a Medical Director or Associate to join our well-established, small animal practice located in St. Charles, Missouri. We embrace a collaborative team approach to ensure the best care for every patient allowing us to continue to advance our level of medicine. Contact for more information.

Summit Veterinary Services, a privately owned,27 year established hospital in Holts Summit Missouri is seeking a full time or part time small animal or mixed animal veterinarian. We are mainly small animal, equine, but do have some bovine and small ruminant patients as well. We are fully equipped with Abaxis laboratory machines, GE ultrasound, digital radiography, dental suite, power floats and much more. New small animal hospital, plus haul in facilities. Generous salary, benefits package. Call Dr. Bates at 573896-9301 or e-mail

Looking for a Full time Licensed Veterinarian to join our team in the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks. We are an established full service animal hospital and have been in business for over 25 years. New graduates are encouraged to apply. We will mentor until comfortable working on your own. Salary negotiable depending on experience. Apply online or contact Christy , office manager at 573374-5279 or

Looking for a veterinarian to join a growing practice in northwest Missouri. 80% large-animal, mostly cow-calf and backgrounding cattle. Good communities and lots of activities in the area. 1 full-time and 2 part-time vets currently with lots of support staff. chutes, truck, box and ultrasound equipment. Contact by phone (660)562-4700 or email

We are seeking an immediate, full time experienced equine associate veterinarian to join our primarily equine hospital. HVH is located just west of the St. Louis suburbs in Villa Ridge, MO. Ten minutes WEST of the hospital is historic Washington, MO that sits on the banks of the Missouri River. It is a small, quiet town with great dining and shopping, as well as access to the Missouri wineries on HWY 94. Outdoor activities such as hiking, biking and horse trails abound. Downtown St. Louis is approximately one hour to the EAST of Villa Ridge and offers many sporting, musical, and dining activities. Homestead Veterinary Hospital (HVH) is 70% equine, 20% small animal, and 10% small ruminants. We are a 5 ½ doctor practice that serves a very diverse caseload. We service all types of horses whose abilities range from backyard trail riding to high level English sporting events. The candidate must be a great team player with exceptional communication skills necessary to provide the excellent veterinary care our clients deserve. We are primarily an ambulatory practice, but also have a 10,000 square foot state of the art hospital. We offer four stalls, two mare/

foal stalls, isolation, and stocks to work on cases brought into the hospital. RVT’s present in hospital to provide 24 hour care when necessary. HVH provides medical and surgical veterinary services that involve, but are not limited to: Pre-purchase exams; Lameness Work-ups; Ophthalmology Digital Radiology; Digital Ultrasound; Acupuncture; Endoscopy; Field Surgery; Reproduction; Dentistry; PRP; IRAP; Stem Cell Therapy; CO2 Laser; In-House Laboratory; Prostride; Laser/Shockwave Therapy; Emergency Care 24/7/365.

On call duties are shared. Base salary plus commission based on performance. Stocked vehicle, medical insurance, malpractice & liability insurance, disability and life insurance, paid professional registrations (AAEP, AVMA, MVMA, BNDD, DEA), paid vacation, paid CE, and a SIMPLE retirement program. Please contact Dr. Aarah Craig at 636-451-4655 or via e-mail at homesteadvet@

Mixed animal practice in SW Missouri. 2 doctor practice, but room and demand for more. Moved into a new building Summer 2022. In-house labs, digital radiography, large animal facilities. Flexible and friendly environment. Full time, part time, or relief work available. Open to someone with large animal, mixed animal, or small animal only desires. Compensation and benefits will vary depending on experience, abilities, etc. If you would like to inquire about the opening, then please reach out by email to

Bradford Park Veterinary Hospital in Springfield, MO is seeking a FT Associate Veterinarian to join our practice. Mentorship available and new graduates are welcome! Bradford Park Veterinary Hospital is a full service, referral/general practice veterinary facility, located in Springfield, MO. The professional and courteous staff seeks to provide the best possible medical care for their highly valued patients. We have loyal clients and a large clinical trials program! We currently have seven Doctors on staff and have patients referred to us for surgery, internal medicine, dermatology, and dental along with our general practice. Sign on bonus, relocation monies and retention bonus opportunities!

About our Hospital: Ultrasound; Endoscopy; Digital dental x-ray; Digital radiography; Surgical laser; In house laboratory with Idexx Catalyst/ Procyte/Snapshot; Hard and Soft-tissue surgery suites; Fully stocked pharmacy; AAHA accredited since 1993

About our City: Whether you prefer an eclectic urban scene, the peace of the countryside, or the close-to-everything convenience of suburban life, Springfield can fit your lifestyle. You’ll find some of the most affordable housing values in the United States. We have two of the best healthcare systems in the nation and the cost of living is 10% lower than the national average. A pleasant fourseason climate and fast, easy access to anywhere you need to go in town or out. Best of all there is


a friendly, neighborly vibe wherever you go. It’s a sense of community that you won’t find anywhere else, and that’s what makes Springfield, Missouri quickly feel like home.

The Associate Veterinarian is an invaluable member of the hospital team who works directly with a Managing Doctor and supporting medical staff. This individual advances the quality of medicine in the practice and provides exceptional client service to our clients and patients. Are YOU the next Veterinarian to join this team and make a difference? Email to apply & for more information.

Central Missouri mixed animal practice seeks full time veterinarian: Boonslick Animal Hospital in Boonville, Missouri, was established in the late 1960’s. We are a doctor owned, plus one associate practice located 20 miles west of Columbia, Missouri, in the very center of the state. The practice is 75% small animal with the balance being primarily beef cattle. Our animal hospital is full computerized with an in-house laboratory, digital x-ray, ultrasound, and laser surgery. There also is a large animal haul in facility as well as a stocked veterinary truck for mobile work for each doctor. Salary is negotiable with paid time off. Area rapidly undergoing urbanization. New graduates are encouraged to apply. We will mentor until comfortable working on your own. Future buyin/buy-out potential exists. Contact Dr. Wiley R. McVicker at 660-882-2472 or email resume to

New Haven Veterinary Hospital is a full-service small animal hospital excelling in customer service and providing the highest standard of care for pets. We are seeking a full/part time Veterinarian who has the ability to make decisions and communicate clearly/effectively with team members and clientele. NHVH rewards its team members with a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits/retirement package. For more details please contact us. Please e-mail resume to nhvh@ or call 573-237-7387

Southwest Missouri mixed animal practice seeks full or part time veterinarian. Mitchell Veterinary Clinic in El Dorado Springs was established in 1995. We are a doctor owned, plus one associate practice. We are located centrally between Springfield, Joplin and Kansas City in a rural area with short drives to several lakes, resorts, and state parks for outdoor activities and local hunting opportunities. We’re settled in a small town that’s a great community to raise a family. Our clinic is fully computerized with Avimark software, in house labs, digital x ray and ultra sound. We offer a modern 6000 sq ft small and large animal facility as well as stocked vet trucks for mobile work. Salary is negotiable with experience. Benefits include group medical insurance, PTO, association dues and licenses, liability insurance and Simple IRA with match. Future buy in/buy out potential exists.

Contact Dr. Bryan Mitchell for more information or email resume to or call 417-876-5717

Relief Veterinarians Wanted

Tilsit Road Animal Clinic LLC is a privatelyowned and very active mixed animal practice in Jackson, MO. We are looking for a full-time veterinarian to join us as either a small, mixed, or large animal associate. We would also consider part-time or relief applicants. We would love to expand our services as we find the right associate veterinarian! Contact Info: Dr Emily Henderson at (573) 243-2010 or email TilsitRoadAC.LLC@

Mixed animal practice in SW Missouri. 2 doctor practice, but room and demand for more. Moved into a new building Summer 2022. Inhouse labs, digital radiography, large animal facilities. Flexible and friendly environment. Full time, part time, or relief work available. Open to someone with large animal, mixed animal, or small animal only desires. Compensation and benefits will vary depending on experience, abilities, etc. If you would like to inquire about the opening, then please reach out by email to

Veterinary Technician and Practice Staff Wanted

Are you interested in using your RVT skills to interface with the public and help patients be seen in a timely manner?

This position provides excellent customer service to the public by responding to callers. Requires at least 5 years RVT experience and veterinary knowledge to triage individual situations. Always maintains an empathetic, positive and professional public image. The goal is to improve client satisfaction and trust. Perfect for someone who no longer wants to do the physical tasks involved in most RVT positions! Contact: Resume/CV to Elizabeth Thompson, CVPM or email ethompson@ Phone: 314 951-1583

CVA Opening: Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: • Previous experience or training/education working in a veterinary facility preferred. • Must be friendly, outgoing, “people oriented.” • Excellent communications skills. • Must be capable of being cross-trained for front office receptionist duties that will be expected in the job. • Telephone and computer skills are necessary. • Must be a team player willing to learn new techniques and treatments and to accept change. Send resume to

We’re looking for veterinarians and support professionals to add their passion, skills, and education to our team. We believe in hiring doctors with diverse perspectives, ideas, and cultures, and we support veterinarians who use their expertise in a way that benefits pets, clients, and communities.

Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced veterinarian looking for a change, a new beginning means an open door to explore the next best move in your professional career. We offer competitive salaries, weekends and holidays off, flexible scheduling. For new grads, we have mentoring available. Send resumes and inquiries to

Businesses For Sale/Lease

Growing freestanding Saint Louis Missouri area practice for sale. Real estate available for sale or lease. Work for yourself and take home $100,000+ profit or work for someone else and they get the $100K. If interested email DS1978MU@gmail. com or text 314-583-1108.

Established 52 years ago. Primarily large animal ,mostly cow/calf. Great potential to increase other areas of practice. Located in a small rural community in southwest Missouri within easy driving distance of larger cities. Large lake nearby with good local hunting and other outdoor recreational activities. Clinic is in a convenient location with large animal haul- in facilities. For more information call: 417-809-8802

Small animal practice for sale in Shrewsbury (St. Louis suburb), MO. Over 30 years with a solid client base and heavy traffic volume. 1600square foot space in strip center. CR radiographic equipment, Idexx Lasercyte and Catalyst machines. Solo practice with opportunity to expand. Contact Contact

Clinic opportunity in Springfield, MO! This clinic was an NVA walk in clinic with 4 doctors and several million in top line sales. The neighborhood is up and coming with nearby development and gentrification all around! Located near Missouri State University with 187,000 residents in a 5-mile radius. Neighboring tenants are Walmart, Chickfil-A, Starbucks, Drug stores, Bass Pro Shop, and more. Located at 1037 Grant Avenue in Springfield, this clinic was built before 1990 with 3,341 sq. feet. NVA decided to move 1-2 miles away for a much bigger building because the business was so robust. NVA is moving out in February 2023 and the opportunity will be available March 1st. This is an incredible opportunity to own you clinic with much less risk! Please don’t hesitate to reach out and discuss. Reach out to Whitney Martin at

Items for Sale

Misc. Veterinary equipment for sale in Versailles, MO. Abaxis HM5 and VS2 analyzers, Shoreline stainless steel cages, 3ft. x 6ft. custom made stainless steel run doors. Shoreline exam room table, shoreline tilt surgery table. DR x ray processor. Misc. surgical instruments. Please contact Kaslyn @ 5737461925.


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