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Second Step – Violence Prevention Program

Conduct that Violates Expectations or Code of Conduct Principles Definition

Leaving the classroom without permission Leaving the classroom/learning environment without permission


Action Level 1

Substantial environmental disruption

Examples include student exiting the classroom setting after class has started without direct permission from the teacher or administrator. Teacher: Documents behavior and teacher response in Classroom Behavior tab in PLP of multiple events over time prior to behavior referral being completed in Infinite Campus. Administrator: When responding to a Behavior Referral, review the Classroom Behavior tab for interventions used by the teacher and the Incident Intervention Toolbox for additional interventions that can be implemented.

* After multiple interventions have been implemented over time with no change in behavior, a student can be suspended for chronic violation of school rules only with documented regional approval (official communication).

Engaging in conduct that causes a substantial disruption to the educational environment such that teaching and learning, and/or normal school operation cannot continue.

Action Level 1

Examples may include intentional behavior (constant talking, arguing with the teacher/ others, mimicking, yelling over the teacher, chanting) after refusing initial redirection from staff members that substantially disrupts the environment but does not jeopardize staff or student safety but causes a disruption for other students. First offense.




(serious/ repeated)

1 1

Behavior contract Conference Counsel Exclude from extracurricular activities Parent contact Referral—BIT

1 4

Behavior contract Conference (w/ student and/or parent) Counsel Detention Exclude from extracurricular activities Parent contact Parent meeting Referral—BIT

Action Level 2

ACTION LEVEL KEY: Examples may include intentional behavior (playing music loudly, yelling over the teacher, chanting) after refusing initial redirection from staff members that substantially disrupts the environment and jeopardizes the learning experience of other students in the classroom. Repeated offense.

1–3 day OS: Suspension

q Conference/Intervention w Suspension e Referral to Dept. of Student Services r Expulsion Recommendation

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