2 minute read

Dispositions for Regular Education Students

] Arrange for the student’s new assignment and transportation, if necessary. Notify the Student

Services supervisor of the outcome of the manifestation determination within 24 hours of the IEP meeting.


In cases involving students with 504 needs, the 504 supervisor must: ] Attend the conference conducted by the Student Services supervisor. Ensure that a current copy of the student’s 504 plan is in the School Administrator’s Packet or cumulative folder. ] Conduct a 504 accommodations team meeting to review/revise and modify the 504 plan if appropriate, and complete a manifestation determination. Notify the Student Services supervisor of the outcome of the manifestation determination within 24 hours of the meeting.

Dispositions for Regular Education Students

The dispositions for regular education students are listed below. Special education students are referred to the IEP team for review. q Dismiss the case when the offense has not been substantiated. w Allow the student to remain at the present school. e Allow the student to remain at the present school on behavior probation through a specified date with or without a recommendation for services (i.e., IEP evaluation). r Reassign the student to a new regular school placement. t Reassign the student to a partnership school placement. y Upgrade the offense to the expulsion level and initiate expulsion proceedings, based on additional information/evidence presented at the conference or on review of the student’s Central Services conference record. The Student Services supervisor is responsible for determining the least corrective disciplinary action that is intended to prevent the student from repeating the offending behavior and to maintain safety and order in the school. The following are some of the factors the Student Services supervisor may use to make this determination: q The seriousness of the offense as determined by these variables: a. The amount of time and number of staff involved to restore order b. The degree of injury to students/staff c. The number of students and staff involved in the incident d. The victim’s and victim’s family’s concerns e. Involvement by the police and or fire departments w Resolution of the conflict/behavior e The student’s needs (i.e., age, behavioral and academic records, etc.) r Interventions provided/offered by the school t The administrator’s recommendation y The student’s parental/guardian involvement u The student’s deportment during the conference i Review of all documentation related to the incident o The student’s knowledge and understanding of the district’s student code of conduct and the school’s rules and consequences.

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