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Behavior Management: Evaluating & Processing Referrals

Behavior Management: Evaluating & Processing Referrals

The first step in assessing whethera referral is correctly completedis to check thatall the following elementsarepresent.


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1. The Title and Event are the same. 2. Context and Location arecompleted. (Context and Location Description are optional) 3. The Details box has only a few sentences to describe the incident,and no student or staff names are in the description. 4. In Events and Participants, an Event ischosen along with at least one participant.

If these are not correct, the staff member who submitted the Behavior Referral should be coached so as not to make the same mistakes.

When the Add Event/Participant wasselectedby the staff member, the following elements should have been completed in a fashion similar to the samplebelow.

1. The Event chosen is accurate for the incident type. 2. If Behavior Response is checked, a restraint was used by staff during the incident.

If restraintwas notused, uncheck the box and it will be removed from the incident. 3. The Role selected for each participant is correct. Example: In a bullying incident,the victim is identified as Victim.

4. If the student has violated the Code of Conduct, their role should be Offender.

They should not be listed with the role of Participant. 5. All Participants involved are included and a detailed written summary is included for each Participant’s involvement. In each Participant’s Details section, only their name is shown. All other students are not identified by name. 6. If the event is listed as Harassment, a harassment type must be selected. 7. If the event involved drugs or a weapon, select the type of drug or weapon from the dropdown and list the description.




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