Saberes Profesionales 2021 - Bachillerato - A

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Ingles ALPHABET Aa Pronunciation: ei Example: Apple, ate, action, attic, ace, art, alphabet, angel, animals, ant… Bb Pronunciation: bi Example: Blocks, boots, bear, boat, boy, ballon, butterfly, bus, broccoli… Cc Pronunciation: si Example: Car, carrot, cry, colors, cream, cool, come, cellphone, come… Dd Pronunciation: di Example: Dinner, dusty, dreaming, difference, dinosaury, dollar, domestic… Ee Pronunciation: i Example: English, early, eyes, embrace, easy, emergency, ever, empty, energy… Ff Pronunciation: ef Example: Fear, failed, for, forever, follow, faith, feet, food, free, found, fake… Gg Pronunciation: lli Example: God, gathered, good, grace, grow, generalization, grandparents, glue… Hh Pronunciation: eich Example: How, heart, hand, had, home, here, hang, high, homework, hospital… Ii Pronunciation: ai Example: Island, it, inside, imagination, ice, iron, inches, insects, igloo, infant… Jj Pronunciation: llei Example: July, jug, jungle, jeep, jar, jump, judge, journal, juice, jacks…


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