The New Day Herald | May 2015

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Volume 28, Issue 5 ∙ ∙ May/June, 2015

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Contents 6 The Christ Within John-Roger, DSS

“Everywhere you go is sacred ground, every person you touch to is a sacred person . . .“

32 Being with John-Roger Various Contributors

“J-R left the planet. For some that is a significant loss. Frankly, for me, he has never left.”

58 An Interview with John Morton

50 John-Roger Q&A on the Christ

David Sand

“J-R brought in a consciousness that is the knowing of this: How would the creator advent itself, how would it manifest itself?”

John-Roger, DSS

“The Christ Consciousness is a specific line of energy. . .”

10 Invoking Christ Consciousness John Morton, DSS

“There may be an altar call for you to rise up in your Christ Consciousness from that place that would hold back your love, your charity, and your spirit.”

42 Christ Walks in Prison Walls Rev. Angela Bell

“They call me “Grandma Rock” and I am everyone”s loving grandmother and will continue to serve . . .”

24 Conference of the Christ

46 Ministry: Becoming Visible Marcos Cajina, DSS

72 Peace Portal Australia Barrie Chaffer


“MSIA ministers and initiates from both Australia and New Zealand came together at this special location to celebrate the establishment of a Spiritual Peace Portal.”

City Center Kids At PALG Carol Jones

“Kids closed their eyes, adults reveled in the stillness, and we all drank in the Spirit . . .”

78 Directory of Organizations 79 MSIA Resources

© 2015 The Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness

Everywhere you go is sacred ground, every person you touch to is a sacred person, and each consciousness is to be respected. All the hurts, the heartaches, and the sorrows can be turned over to the Master within and dissolved in the Light of your own wisdom and joy.

6 New Day Herald

The Master of Your Destiny

The Christ Within by

John-Roger, DSS Published in The Movement Newspaper, October, 1974

The story of the Christ is symbolic,

and I believe if you update this in your mind and bring it in as new, right now, you might very well discover something going on inside of you that is the moving of your spiritual inner awareness. It’s true that some are more spiritually aware than others. But on whatever level you find yourself, that will be the level on which you approach the Father, the level on which you approach the Christ within. That spirit of inner peace and wisdom and joy is there. It may be there in barren soil. Sometimes it’s there in scorched soil, but it is there. It will always be there, just waiting for you to scratch below the surface of your consciousness and bring the determination of who you are to bear upon this seed of greatness and usher it forward. Jesus’ life symbolizes the birth of Christ within each person. I’m sure we’ve all been taxed very sorely in one way or another in our travels across this planet. I’m sure we’ve all had trials and tribulations and cried out, “Oh Lord, Lord, how much longer?” And we didn’t hear anything, so we knew it had to be a little longer. Then we may have turned to our fellow men and said, “How much longer?” Then we knew it still had to be a little longer, because we heard nothing. You learn to use the wisdoms to step forward in those areas that are for your highest good. Sometimes your highest good may be a little bit different from what you think it should be. You ask for the highest good and something happens and you say, “That doesn’t feel too good.” Yet later on you look back and say, “I’m so glad I went through that. That taught me a tremendous lesson; a tremendous experience came forward.”

New Day Herald 7

If things in the past have seemed rough for you, it may

be that the barriers to your Self were being ripped away. Once you see your own Soul, once you can glimpse that Self within you in all its majesty and glory – then, there is nothing the world can give you that is going to mean too much from that point on. Someone may give you a new house, a new Cadillac, furs, jewelry, a lot of money – whatever – and you’ll say, “Yes, all right, okay, now let’s get going. I want to get back to the Self.”

On whatever level you find yourself, that will be the level on which you approach the Father, the level on which you approach the Christ within.

8 New Day Herald

You cannot destroy the True Self that expresses the inner wisdom. No matter what you do, it cannot be destroyed. The God of the negative powers cannot destroy the Self. He can make the body pretty miserable; but when that body is miserable, remember you can step away from it into a higher consciousness. I met a lady once, and I recognized that the pain in her body was fantastic. I asked, “How do you live within that body?” She said, “I don’t. I live in my higher Self. I know there’s pain in the body. I know this body does things other people can’t appreciate. I know it’s only a burden on them. But it doesn’t burden me. I keep lifting higher and higher.” If you were to look at this woman, you’d think, “What an angel.” You’d never think there was any dis-ease in her body. She was manifesting the higher consciousness and was getting very close to finding the True Self. We can never be parted from the True Self. As we resolve to remove each block, reaching further and further into this higher consciousness, we let our hearts sing joyfully, for unto us this day is given our birth. We are born anew into the spiritual Light, into our own unfoldment. Don’t be concerned with the little physical hangups you have. Maybe you do smoke one cigarette too many or have one beer too many or eat too much candy or over-indulge in other areas – but don’t hold these things against yourself. If someone doesn’t see eye-to-eye with you, that’s fine because it gives you a chance to see that person’s point of view; and when you see that point of view, you expand your consciousness even more. As you lift higher and higher, as you travel further and further through all the realms of your experience, you will know you are becoming the Master of your destiny and your life. So rejoice, because the knowledge is yours, and now you must manifest it, understand it, and know that you know. Everywhere you go is sacred ground, every person you touch to is a sacred person, and each consciousness is to be respected. All the hurts, the heartaches, and the sorrows can be turned over to the Master within and dissolved in the Light of your own wisdom and joy. If things in the past have seemed rough for you, it may be that the barriers to your Self were being ripped away. Once you see your own Soul, once you can glimpse that Self within you in all its majesty and glory – then, there is nothing the world can give you that is going to mean too much from that point on. Someone may give you a new house, a new Cadillac, furs, jewelry, a lot of money – whatever – and you’ll say, “Yes, all right, okay, now let’s get going. I want to get back to the Self.” It will be like a little child giving an adult a mud pie. You say, “Yes, yes, very nice – now let’s go on.” That’s the way these material things will look to you. Yet we’re in the flesh, and this is where we’re going to work out much of our karma. We’ll work out a good percentage of it here and the rest of it in the negative or psychic worlds while the body is sleeping. If you don’t get hung-up on the physical world, you can feel yourself lifting. But don’t escape the world; don’t do anything to escape it. So many people now are running so fast to get away from themselves, yet we have to come back to the Self; we have to come back to it in a natural, orderly way. We have to come back and say, “Here I am, Lord, the heir to the throne and the prince of all time.”

New Day Herald 9

Na]`u bkn Ukqn =hp]n ?]hh; Ejrkgejc pda ?dneop ?kjo_ekqojaoo Ejjk_aj_a nalnaoajpo ] lqnepu kb _kjo_ekqojaoo( ] lqnepu kb ejpajp* Okiakja pd]p ukq gjks ukq _kqh` pnqop* Okiakja sdk ukq gjks ej ukqn da]np sehh ^a pdana ^abkna ukq araj gjks ep*

^u Fkdj Iknpkj 10 New Day Herald

Sdaj ukq oaj` pda hecdp( sdaj ukq atpaj` ep kqp pk sdaj ukq iecdp jatp ^a `eopqn^a`( pd]p eo l]np kb pda ]hp]n _]hh kb pda ?dneop* Bkn okia kb ukq( ukq oecja` kj bkn ] sdkha oaneao kb ]hp]n _]hho ))) ikna hega kj pda kn`an kb _kqjphaoo( hega aranu `]u( oaran]h peiao ] `]u ))) ok pda ]hp]n _]hh eo kjckejc ej okia s]uo* Pdana i]u ^a ]j ]hp]n _]hh bkn ukq pk neoa ql ej ukqn ?dneop ?kjo_ekqojaoo bnki pd]p lh]_a pd]p skqh` dkh` ^]_g ukqn hkra( ukqn _d]nepu( ]j` ukqn olenep*

Sdaj E s]o ]^kqp Úra kn oet ua]no kh`( ej pda dkqoa where I grew up we were Sunday worshipers but not every Sunday. Some Sundays there was some reason or excuse why we couldn’t go to church. That was fine with me, because I really didn’t care for my relationship with church at that time. So I was rather glad when we didn’t go. I remember being at home on those Sundays, flipping television channels. Back in those days I think there were three. So it was pretty simple. But I felt frustrated because I didn’t really like anything that was on. I kept flipping back of forth hoping that whatever was on would be going off soon so I could watch something I really wanted to watch.

One of the shows that was on back then was called the Billy Graham Crusade. At some point I found myself watching the show. Even though I grew up in a family with an older brother and sister, what I remember is I was the only one watching the show. Everybody else in the house was doing something else or they were away.

At some point while watching Billy Graham, I felt moved by what I was watching. I remember a struggle started happening inside. Part of the moving that was going on was in my emotions, and I was uncomfortable with the experience. I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want to feel whatever it was I was feeling. So I started fighting it by finding fault with it. I don’t remember exactly what I thought. I just remember the inner fight and the cynicism and sarcasm in my thoughts, even at that very early age. There was always a point in the service where there was an altar call. Billy Graham would invite people to come down to the altar and let Jesus into their heart. What struck me was what I saw in the people as they came forward. I saw people that were so moved, more than I was, such that most of them were sobbing by the time they got close to the altar. They were responding with their arms wide open. Some people keeled over onto the ground from being so moved.

New Day Herald 11

Sdaj ukq ck ejoe`a( eb ukq baah ] heppha pajoa( epÑo ckk` pk ^na]pda ej* Pdaj hap kqp pdeo ^na]pd ok pdana eo ] cna]pan _]hi* =og bkn pda lnaoaj_a kb ukqn Hkn` Ck` dksaran pd]p naokj]pao sepd ukq*

I didn’t understand because this sort of experience didn’t go on in the Lutheran church my family and I attended. In our church, we didn’t have an altar call. We had something similar leading up to it. The choir sang, and then the minister did his part. There was a passing of donation plates, which was kind of fun because my father would give each of us a quarter, a dime or a nickel, so we could make some noise as the coins clinked in the brass plate that came by. It was a nice sound to hear --- all those coins dropping in.

like an embarrassing thing to do, especially on television. But there was something obviously very powerful about it that was going on, for those I watched as well as for me.

Back then, I wondered to myself when I saw Billy Graham what I would do if I was in the audience. I wondered if I would come down and make the altar call. It seemed

The altar call that we’re all being called into is this ---

I’m looking at what the Christ might have in mind for us and how we would do an altar call. If there was an altar call through MSIA, and I said I’d like you to come up here now and open yourself to receive the Christ and claim the Christ in your heart, would you come? Would you sit there? Would you run out the door?

Consider the next time you’re uncomfortable or faced with something you don’t like that disturbs or bothers you, or you’re tempted to get upset, react and be angry, or tell somebody off, or shut yourself down and be depressed and sad, or the next time you find yourself choosing not to participate anymore, feeling like you want to pick up your marbles and go home, etcetera. The next time you have that temptation, that’s your altar call. You can decide whether that’s just me making it up or that’s the Christ passing on a message to you. You can choose whether to see that moment as an altar call. When you send the light, when you extend it out to when you might next be disturbed, that is part of the altar call of the Christ. For some of you, you signed on for a whole series of altar calls --- more like on the order of countless, like every day, several times a day --- so the altar call is ongoing in some ways. There may be an altar call for you to rise up in your Christ Consciousness from that place that would hold back your love, your charity, and your spirit. The call

12 New Day Herald

may be for you to love whoever and whatever is in front of you as Christ has loved before and calls for now. People sometimes focus on what a terrible sinner they are as if that is the key to the kingdom and the way to come to the altar. That does nothing but present the garbage of the universe as an offering to the altar of God. That is not what gets you there. What gets you there is placing yourself in a surrender, in a humbleness of asking that you be reborn in this consciousness of the Christ. That you are willing to be assigned to and accept the conditions in which you find yourself. Surrender to the love of God. Bring yourself into the loving of it all. That’s your altar call. You come to the place of the Lord, where the Lord is gathering those who want to lay claim in their heart to the Lord. Consider that your altar call means your willingness to claim the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart, to activate and individuate the Christ Consciousness within you. If you want to make the claim of an altar call, the way the Church of MSIA works is the altar goes within you as the consciousness of the Christ within. There’s an opportunity when you make the altar call to be born in the Christ, to have the experience of the light that comes upon the planet, like the Star of Bethlehem. It touches down to you, within you. So maybe in your mind’s eye you could see something that represents the Star of Bethlehem bright in the sky. It has this quality that extends vertically and horizontally. There’s an extending of that light that represents the Christ in you, touching to you in those places in which you transform yourself from the law that would persecute, convict, condemn

or judge into the grace that is the Christ. It is a blessing upon you.

Ejrkgejc pda ?dneop ?kjo_ekqojaoo One of the things we can do that works at any time is invoking the Christ, that spiritual consciousness within. What it means to invoke the Christ is to pray, right there or right here, on the spot. So if there is something right now that you would like to offer that is a way of extending what is inside of you as the spirit of the Christ, just touch in and take a moment inside. When you go inside, if you feel a little tense, it’s good to breathe in. Then let out this breath so there is a greater calm. Ask for the presence of your Lord God however that resonates with you. Maybe invoking the Christ isn’t familiar territory for you. Maybe it’s something that feels in some way new or awkward. Regardless, just consider that you can call upon the Divine Presence now, extending it to any area that comes to mind that is not happening in the way you would like it to be. You can also extend your prayer to things that you’ve been wanting or wishing for. Envision a nice white light extending from the highest levels to whoever and whatever comes to mind. Breathe in and out and allow the peace from within to become present. If you haven’t done so already, extend this light and peace to others. It can be anyone of your choosing and as many as you would like. Extend this Christ Consciousness to those who are close to you. That may be emotionally as in your loving relationships. It may be more about proximity, so you can extend

this Christ Consciousness to those with whom you live or who live nearby. Extend it out to anybody in your neighborhood, in your community and your city, to your country and out into the world. See this process as an invitation to have a visit with the Christ at this time. And as personal as you can make it, do that. The Christ Consciousness begins in the heart, in the soul of each of us. It is an extension of a spiritual consciousness that is love and forgiveness. What I’d like to offer to you isn’t so much a definition of the Christ as it is an experience or an interpretation of the Christ Consciousness. You could have your own. You might come up with a whole different meaning. So we don’t have to be caught up with the word or how we spell that term. In my personal experience with the word Christ I see meaning in the name. To me, the Christ Consciousness is first about charity. It is a consciousness that gives. Not out of obligation, but because there is a goodness and an extension of this goodness.

Ej Pda ?dneop ?kjo_ekqojaoo ^acejo ej pda da]np( ej pda okqh kb a]_d kb qo* Ep eo ]j atpajoekj kb ] olenepq]h _kjo_ekqojaoo pd]p eo hkra ]j` bkncerajaoo* Sd]p EÑ` hega pk kbban pk ukq eojÑp ok iq_d ] `aÚjepekj kb pda ?dneop ]o ep eo ]j atlaneaj_a kn ]j ejpanlnap]pekj kb pda ?dneop ?kjo_ekqojaoo* New Day Herald 13

=hhks ukqnoahb pk _kjoe`an pd]p sd]paran _kiao pk iej`( ukq oaj` pda hecdp kb ?dneop ejpk sd]p skqh` `eopqn^ ukq* Ep skqh` ^a ckk` pk oaj` ukqnoahb pda hecdp necdp jks( ]j` pk pda jatp peia( ]j` ]o i]ju peiao ]o ukq baah `eopqn^a` kn b]_a` sepd ] `ebÚ_qhpu*

In the Bible, Jesus referred to the following as one of the greatest commandments: “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.” [Deuteronomy 6:5 KJV]

One of the ways I register that passage today is in the importance of taking the commandment and extending it out. Not just as something that we value or recognize, but as something that we look at as a reference with our children and all of God’s children. It’s about the importance of extending what we are as God’s beloveds to all of God’s beloveds. As a father, that commandment resonates a lot to me. But it also resonates because I am someone who is deeply devoted to doing something so that I make some level of contribution to the world. I will be leaving this world at some point in time. While I am here, I want to extend my loving and caring out into

Ej iu lanokj]h atlaneaj_a sepd pda skn` ?dneop E oaa ia]jejc ej pda j]ia* Pk ia( pda ?dneop ?kjo_ekqojaoo eo Únop ]^kqp _d]nepu* Ep eo ] _kjo_ekqojaoo pd]p cerao* Jkp kqp kb k^hec]pekj( ^qp ^a_]qoa pdana eo ] ckk`jaoo ]j` ]j atpajoekj kb pdeo ckk`jaoo*

14 New Day Herald

the world to make things better, not just for my children but for all children and all who come after me. In the Christ Consciousness, there is something holy and sacred. There is something that transforms who we are so that we’re lifted. So that whatever our ills are, whatever is a disturbance, is healed in this Christ Consciousness. Now there’s lots of stories in the Bible about healings, stories about people who were lame and walked, who were blind and then could see. Even someone who was dead was raised so that they were living. There’s great healing in the Christ Consciousness, and it takes quite a bit of trust on our part. At times, it may take all of our trust to make that leap to the highest level of healing. What level of trust would it take to heal whatever is your illness so you let go and release into the Christ whatever is your disturbance, sin or transgression? One of the ways that I look at Jesus is somebody who was very close to the children. There was a time when the Disciples were asking him, “Who amongst us is the greatest?” As part of his explanation, Jesus talked about whoever among you is the greatest servant is the greatest amongst you. Jesus also talked about being like a little child. He picked up a child in his arms and used the child as a reference point of the innocence that is part of who we are. Yet, our innocence may often be forgotten as we move through our life experiences and grow up. Innocence represents a purity of consciousness, a purity of intent. Someone that you know you could trust. Someone who you know in your heart will be there before you even know it. When the Christ

comes into us as an awareness, as a state of being, as an awakening, and a real force in our heart, it comes as a consciousness that has innocence and trust. Imagine having someone that you know that you could completely trust, and perhaps you do know somebody so you don’t need to imagine. That’s someone who would not betray you, would not lie to you or deceive you. That’s someone who would have your best interests in mind so that they come in a purity of consciousness and look upon you in that same purity. When the Christ looks upon each of us, we’re seen in our innocence and our purity. We are trusted. In the story, Jesus talked about going to prepare a place. Going ahead of us, perhaps like an elder brother, as someone that knew the way and was showing the way to those who were interested. Jesus said, “Come, follow me.” It’s always important at any time to consider how would you recognize this one we call the Christ. How would you know that consciousness, that presence? How would you know to follow the Christ Consciousness? There are lots of ways you can interpret and refer to the Christ. One of the obvious things that we have an opportunity to do every day is to open yourself up to the miracle that is Christ. The Christ is a rising consciousness. Part of the story of the crucifixion and death of Jesus includes the raising up of the body after a few days. There was an empty tomb, a place where his body wasn’t anymore. “He is not here: for he is risen.” [Matthew 28:6 KJV] What I find is that it takes a little, or sometimes a lot, of our innocence and all of these qualities --- our charity, our holi-

ness, the consciousness of our soul and spirit. It takes us to rise up and above what we would have as our doubts. We’re called upon to raise up beyond our judgments and cynicism to know the Christ.

Osaapjaoo kb pda ?dneop When I first had what I knew consciously was a direct experience of Christ Jesus, it happened inside. I went away from that experience with a kind of matter-of-fact feeling as I was touched by the ordinariness and the humanness of knowing Christ Jesus. I sensed that he was like me. I realized that due to my conditioning, I was brought up not to know Christ Jesus in that way. There was always a reference to him as being in a distant time. Since the time that Christ Jesus walked on this planet was so long ago, it made his life difficult to relate to. It required trust, a leap of faith, to connect to a direct experience of the Christ within. I was struck by another quality as I touched in to the Christ Jesus. This is the quality that stood out the most and still does to this moment. My word for it is sweetness, an absolute profound sweetness of the Christ Consciousness. That sweetness was so powerful that I had a hard time picturing Jesus with the human, ordinary qualities like getting angry, sad, depressed, and all of those upsetting emotions. That sweetness seemed to me to be all of who Christ is. I realize that when I’m not really active in the Christ, that sweetness isn’t really present. Something else is present such that I want to act according to what we refer to as the law. Man’s law keeps track of when did you do it, how did New Day Herald 15

Ukq i]u jaa` pk ]og ukqnoahb( Î@k E d]ra pda klajjaoo pk na_aera sd]p eo lnaoajp; =i E sehhejc pk pnqop pd]p( sd]paran eo pda oepq]pekj( pdana eo okiapdejc pd]p _]j ^a ] ^haooejc pdnkqcd pda ?dneop;Ï

you do it, how much does it cost, how much do you owe me, when are you going to pay me, and on and on. Man’s law is about what we want for ourselves or for others, where we focus on expectations and demands for what we think we or others are supposed to do if we were really good Christians and loved and cared for one another. How often have you participated in the exchange of presents at Christmas and not really enjoyed it so you weren’t thrilled by the process and you didn’t appreciate it? I remember as a child complaining about getting Christmas presents like clothes and supplies for school and being upset because I wanted toys and things I could play with. That’s about man’s law, not about the genuine sweetness and caring of the Christ. Sometimes when the Christ comes present, it isn’t necessarily something that registers inside as peace, harmony, or what you expected and wanted. I find often at those times we’re measured in our Christhood. Those are our altar calls. 16 New Day Herald

You may need to ask yourself, “Do I have the openness to receive what is present? Am I willing to trust that, whatever is the situation, there is something that can be a blessing through the Christ?” Allow yourself to consider that whatever comes to mind, you send the light of Christ into what would disturb you. It would be good to send yourself the light right now, and to the next time, and as many times as you feel disturbed or faced with a difficulty. You can extend this light on out to infinity as you can manage it. Know that you can ask for the light to go to you and anything that would disturb you, any occurrence in which you would react, strike out, or go against another in some way. The light can go to your judgements so you can move into forgiveness, forgetting and letting go. The Christ Consciousness extends out through your empathy and compassion. Through the Christ, you are the one who is transformed into the consciousness that has charity and forgiveness, understanding and compassion, who loves the other as you would be loved in the very best way.

by the Romans. What I remember is he notices that there’s excitement with the people. There are these gatherings out in the open, and people are very excited about whatever it is that’s happening. He doesn’t know what’s going on, so he asks and learns it’s about this man, Jesus. His first response is disbelief and cynicism. But then he gets exhausted and thirsty so that he’s kind of in a state of consciousness where he’s not in his mind, like he’s having a fever type of reaction. Then there’s a presence that comes in with just a hand offering him a gourd full of water. Even though it was somebody’s drama being portrayed, and who knows if Ben Hur was based on anybody real or not, what I remember is the impact of that charity, of that

Maybe some of you saw the movie Ben Hur. It’s a pretty good one if you’re interested. It takes place about the time of Jesus. The main character gets enslaved, becomes part of slave ship, and goes to Rome. He then manages to become a chariot driver who the Romans bet on to win in races. So he kind of raises his lot in life as a chariot driver. There’s a great scene in the movie about the chariots. But for me, an even more moving scene takes place when he comes back to the land of Israel still enslaved

presence. Not knowing the face, not knowing the person, yet there was this presence --- this presence of the Christ. When that presence comes in, it can bring chills and stir us as something like a wind from heaven. Often it comes when we’re not really expecting it. We’re probably not even prepared. But it comes to those who wait and those who have the faith. John the Baptist was somebody who came before Jesus, and he had a very clear message about preparing and making ourself straight so that we would have an opportunity to receive. I find that the cynicism that people have is the place that

bends or closes off that opening, that place of openness to receive. So when that Divine Presence is in our midst, rather than feel the charity, the trust, the holiness, the spirit and the soul, we instead feel the judgment, the mockery, the cynicism. If we’re participating in that kind of negative consciousness as a habitual form, if our way of relating to our world is through sarcasm, cynicism, finding fault, and criticizing, we’re really putting ourself into a bind that’s very difficult to loosen. We make it difficult to open ourselves up to the loving and healing of the Christ Consciousness.

I encourage you to be open to receive that one who is the Christ. Be open to the sweetness that can come into your midst and touch you and make itself known in your heart. Be ready for your altar call with open loving arms as you embrace yourself as one who knows and claims the Christ within.

>haooejc bkn pda =hp]n ?]hh I stand and extend my arms out at the altar. I receive the Christ. I welcome the Lord as my own, as flesh of my flesh, bone of my bones. My mind is the Lord’s mind. We share as one the loving that is the Father, Mother, God. I extend myself as a servant unto the Lord, to go forth in Christ’s name, doing God’s works from this day forward. I welcome the Lord’s angels to guide me, to do the work alongside me. I ask this blessing to extend to all those who make their own altar call inside of themselves, welcoming in the sweetness and spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.

>]nq_d >]od]j

New Day Herald 17

Walk in Peace I love you. God bless you. Peace, be still.

IIWP Peacemaker Meetings 2015 “I join you in claiming our spiritual heritage of peace and loving.” — John-Roger, D S S, IIWP Founder

What are you doing after Conference?

Join a Peace Tour of Windermere Ranch Mon July 6 or Tues July 7 RSVP required. Contact today!

Save the Date - Sunday, July 12 Peacemaker Meeting Windermere Ranch

Info: Kay Turbak at

Nigeria: July 25, 5-7pm Sept. 12, 5-7pm Sept. 20, 12 - 3pm Sept. 27, 9 - 11am Oct. 31, 12 - 2pm Contact Prince Iwuoha: Geneva, IL Sept. 21, 6 - 7:30pm Contact: Leslie Sann: Argentina July 19, 3-5pm Contact: Cristina Rivero:

Questions: or Sponsored by the Institute for Individual and World Peace

Connect with the Traveler’s energy and

enjoy this beautiful lineup of events # InPerson and / or Live Online as noted, technology permitting "

SOUTHWEST, U.S.A. Open MSIA Seminar with John Morton in Boulder, Colorado and Live Online Tuesday, June 16, 7:30pm-9:30pm

Communicating Living Love PTS Open Workshop with John Morton in Santa Fe, NM and Live Online Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 7:30 pm

InPerson Tuition: $15.00 Contact: Madonna Smyth; 303-452-5322 For Live Online Visit:

InPerson Cost: $15.00 Registration contact: Ann Folks; 505-984-8069 For Live Online Visit:

MSIA Q&A for Ministers and Initiates with John Morton in Boulder, Colorado Wednesday, June 17, 7:30pm-9:30pm

Open MSIA Seminar with John Morton in Austin, Texas and Live Online Saturday, June 13, 7:30pm-9:30pm

InPerson Tuition: $25.00 Contact: Madonna Smyth; 303-452-5322 For Live Online Visit:

InPerson Tuition: $15.00 Contact: Katie Laine; 512-507-7777 For Live Online Visit:

MSIA Fundraiser Dinner/Q&A with John Morton in Lyons, Colorado (near Boulder) Thurs, June 18, 6:00pm-Midnight* ending time approximate

June 14, Q&A for Discourse Subscribers with John Morton, Austin, TX & Live Online Sunday: June 14, 7:30pm-9:30pm In Person Tuition: 25.00 | Contact Katie Laine For Live Online Visit:

InPerson Tuition: $1500 for first priority question $500 for lottery for question Contact: Liz Todd: 303-442-5191

SOFIA, BULGARIA The Spiritual Warrior PTS Open Workshop with John Morton in Sofia, Bulgaria Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 7:30pm InPerson Cost $15 Registration contact: Bissi Marinova +359 888 226322

and Staff

For Live Online Events visit



M e d el l i n , C ol o m bi a a n d L i v e On l i n e

January 25-31, 2016 Once upon a time you said you wanted to

experience God...

The PAT Trainings were created under the direct supervision of John-Roger to provide a retreat where people can break through whatever blocks their conscious awareness of Spirit. If you’ve ever wished you could get free of the habit patterns and mind chatter that get in the way of attuning to the divinity of your heart, this is the training for you.

Grace is actually the glory of God. From our level, the only grace is loving God.

If we start to love God, we have stopped the judgments and the negativity, and that allows grace to be extended.” - John-Roger, DSS

Medellin, Colombia at Movich Las Lomas Hotel Hotel Contact: Sherie Wylie, or 323-328-1945 Registration Contact: Tatiana Gallo, or 323-328-1943 Tuition: Early Bird $1,800 (by July 20, 2015); Regular Tuition $1,950 (after July 20, 2015) Prerequisites: Aura Balances 1, 2 & 3 and PATs 1, 2 & 3. This event will have consecutive translation – English and Spanish on stage. The training begins with dinner at 6pm, on the first day, and ends around 1:30pm on the last day.

3EEING THE -ANY &ACES OF #HRIST WITH *OHN -ORTON 3ATURDAY -AY AM ­ PM PT “When we move into our own Christ center, we can gaze into the Christ within the other person, and we find that we can look at another without feeling anything but this spiritual love. Then we partake again of the Christ within and without.â€? – John-Roger, D.S.S

In Person Cost $5 Live Online Cost Free With Spanish translation Register: Watch Live Online:

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24 New Day Herald

New Day Herald 25

Events In Detail Hotel Rooms & Parking

How To Register For PTS & MSIA Events 3 Ways To Register: 1) Register via EventBrite: To attend InPerson go to: To attend LIVE Online go to: LIVE Online registration stays open throughout each event. 2) To speak with someone: Please call Danielle Peterson, PTS Registrar at 323-328-1958. After hours please leave your registration information on her confidential secure voicemail. 3) Mail: PTS Registrar (checks made payable to PTS) 3500 West Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90018 U.S.A.

IMPORTANT INFO for Attending InPerson!!! Pre-registration closes on Wednesday, June 24 and reopens Friday, July 3 at 8:30am at the Hotel. LIVE Online registration stays open throughout each event. For questions on Cancellations, contact the PTS Office 323-328-1958.

Registration Check-In: Awakening as the Christ Workshop 8:30-10:00 am Friday

Special Conference hotel room rates have been negotiated at the Four Seasons Hotel in Westlake Village, CA – $194 for Single/ Double, $194 Triple, $194 Quadruple occupancy. Reserve your room directly with the Four Seasons, be sure to say you are with MSIA. To reserve a room at these special rates, bookings must be received on or before Thursday, June 11; thereafter higher rates may apply. If you receive a message there are no rooms available at our discounted rate, call PTS, and someone will get back with you. After June 11, there may be limited availability, first-come, first-served. A credit card is needed to guarantee reservations. Reserve by calling the Four Seasons directly at 818-575-3000 or go online at, and click on the Conference banner. You can also go directly to the Hotel to reserve a room: Enter code: 0628MSIC Parking: Day guests - validated self-parking $5 per car, per day. Valet parking $10 per car, per day. Overnight self parking - $10 per car,

per night. Overnight Valet parking $25 per car, per day.

Introduction to the Christ Within Workshop - InPerson & Live Online

John Morton & Leigh Taylor-Young Morton are invited to participate. Wed July 1, 7:30-9:30 pm (registration from 6:30pm) Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Begin our beautiful “Conference of the Christ” by participating in this workshop, which is designed for participants to experience their own Divine nature and their oneness with God. It does not matter what religious background you might have or if you believe in God, because this workshop deals with the wholeness of all parts of the Self. “When we look into each other’s eyes, bypassing the personality and the idiosyncrasies, we are looking into the windows of the Soul.” –John-Roger, DSS (from The Christ Within and the Disciples of Christ book) Prerequisites: None; open to the public Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER”Section or register at the door. Contact: Sponsored by: PTS

MSIA Ministers Meeting 10:30-11:45 am Sunday MSIA Initiates Meeting 3:15-3:45 pm Sunday Latecomers arriving after 10 am for the PTS Workshop, 12 noon for the Ministers Meeting, and 4 pm for the Initiates Meeting may not be admitted to the Ballroom. 26 New Day Herald

Schedule of Events Wednesday July 1 Introduction to the Christ Within workshop

Thursday July 2 r "MM 5SBWFMFS 0SHBOJ[BUJPOT 3FQ .FFUJOH r 154 .BTUFST %PDUPSBUF (SBEVBUJPO r **81 (BUIFSJOH PG 1FBDFNBLFST Friday & Saturday July 3 & 4 Awakening as the Christ–PTS Workshop Sunday July 5 r .JOJTUFST .FFUJOH r .JOJTUFST -VODI r *OJUJBUFT .FFUJOH

Monday July 6 r BlessingsFest r 8JOEFSNFSF 1PTU $POGFSFODF 5PVST Tuesday July 7 Windermere Post Conference Tours

# O N F E R E N C E O F T H E # H R I S T

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All Traveler Organizations Rep Meeting - InPerson & Live Online John Morton is invited to participate.

Thursday July 2, 9:15am – 1:15pm (registration from 8:30am) Location: Four Seasons Hotel, Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Key volunteers and representatives from all of the Traveler organizations are invited to come together as Lightbearers from around the world and receive the grace of connecting with our Rep family through an exquisite, participatory morning of coming present to the Beloved. Please join us for this uplifting, fun, and joy-filled gathering - we love you! Prerequisites: This meeting is open to all MSIA, PTS, Heartfelt, Insight, USM and IIWP Representatives, as well as MSIA Seminar Leaders, Cable TV Reps, Product Reps, Ministerial Board Reps, Scott J-R Productions and Gilgamesh Productions, and key community volunteers. Spouses are also invited. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER”Section or register at the door. Contact: Sponsored by: MSIA & PTS

PTS Masters & Doctorate Graduation InPerson & Live Online

John Morton is invited to participate. Thursday July 2, 3:30pm - 5pm Come be a part of the celebration as students graduate from both the Masters and Doctorate programs of Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy. Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: None; everyone is invited Registration: No registration required Contact: Sponsored by: PTS 28 New Day Herald

IIWP Gathering Of Peacemakers InPerson & Live Online John Morton is invited to participate.

Thursday July 2, 7pm - 9pm Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362

The theme we’re exploring this year is “Prayer for Peace”, with a

focus on living and expressing the Christ presence within with this peace acronym from John-Roger: People Enthusiastically Applying Christ’s Excellence. Join peacemakers around the world and receive the fellowship and grace of coming together to share your prayers for peace and choose the peace that is present. With the blessings of J-R’s words: “I love you. God bless you. Peace, be still” please participate with us, as we move within to a place of peace and give that peace forth in loving service to the planet. Prerequisites: This is a public event and open to everyone. IIWP’s donors and their families and guests are especially invited. Pre-registration is requested. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Sponsored by: Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP)

Awakening as the Christ - a NEW! PTS Workshop InPerson & Live Online

John Morton is invited to participate. Friday July 3: Registration Check-In 8:30am; Workshop 10am – 7pm Saturday July 4: 9am – approximately 9:30pm (including Dinner & Entertainment) “Your Christ Consciousness will eventually bring you into a position where you can enter into awareness of your true self, into your own movement of spiritual inner awareness. It will bring you to the point at which you become the Messiah, the promised one. You become the alpha and the omega, from everlasting to everlasting - because you already are.” - John-Roger, D.S.S. Please come and join us at this year’s Conference workshop Awakening as the Christ. We will be spending the workshop immersing ourselves in the sacred Christ energy and learning to live from the Christ and be in that - going deeper and deeper within so that we awaken as the Christ that we already are. There will be attunement processes, John-Roger excerpts and meditations (some never before heard or seen), and lots of John Morton sharing. All of this will be in a relaxed retreat-like atmosphere of love, openness, and relaxation. “It’s not just that two or more are gathered “in my name.” But can you imagine when the energy of being “in my name” moves into the focus of being loving? God can’t stay away. You’ll just pull the Spirit of loving into the room through you.” - John-Roger, D.S.S. InPerson tuition: $275 through June 8; $350 June 9 - to at the door. Live Online tuition (includes Entertainment): $150 Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Prerequisites: Active subscription to Discourses or SATs if #144 complete. Sponsored by: PTS

# O N F E R E N C E O F T H E # H R I S T

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MSIA Family Dinner at Conference!

Saturday July 4: approximately 7:30 - 9:30pm

Please join us for another Conference Saturday night of great food (it’s the Four Seasons after all!), and a chance for all of us to relax, dress up, laugh with our friends, and dance the night away. You never know who’s going to perform the song that touches your heart, or tell the perfect joke. We look forward to sharing the spirit with you. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Dinner tuition: $75 (if you attended the InPerson workshop, this is included in your tuition) Sponsored by: PTS

Post-Workshop Celebratory Gathering & Live Online

Saturday July 4: approximately 7:30 - 9:30pm Tuition: $25 (if you attended the Live Online workshop this is included in

your workshop fee) Registration: Sponsored by: PTS

MSIA Ministers Meeting – InPerson Only

John Morton is invited to participate. Sunday July 5, 12 noon – 2pm (registration 10:30am – 11:45am) Latecomers may not be admitted to the Ballroom after 12 noon. Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Minister in good standing with a current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Sponsored by: MSIA

MSIA Ministers Luncheon – MSIA Ministers only

MSIA Initiates Meeting – InPerson Only

John Morton is invited to participate. Sunday July 5, 4pm – 6pm (registration 3:15pm – 3:45pm) Latecomers may not be admitted to the ballroom after 4pm. Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Initiate with a current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Sponsored by: MSIA

BlessingsFest with John Morton InPerson & Live Online With Spanish Translation

Monday July 6, 11am - 5pm Location: Four Seasons Hotel, Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA InRoom Registration and more information; Donation: $1000;

contact Lisa Rittel at or 303-641-4016 or 323-328-1933. Live Online Registration: Donation $500. |

John Morton is invited to participate. Sunday July 5, 2pm – 4pm Location: Four Seasons Hotel Two Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Prerequisites: Must be an active MSIA Minister in good standing with a current MSIA Discourse/SAT subscription. Please register for the luncheon, only if you plan to stay for the meal. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” Section Sponsored by: MSIA

30 New Day Herald

Post Conference Windermere Ranch “Peace Tours”

Monday July 6 and Tuesday July 7 If you’ll still be in Los Angeles on the Monday and Tuesday following Conference, the Institute for Individual and World Peace invites you to take one of our “Peace Tours” and experience the peace of Windermere Ranch. Take a day to focus on your intentions for peace and bring your Light and love to Windermere. Come and see our peace pole, and place a blessing of peace there. Enjoy a docent tour of the Ranch and plant Light columns on the land. Visit with the horses, the llamas Vallentino and Casper, and also our beloved sheep and chickens. We are organizing round-trip transportation between LA and Windermere, leaving in the morning on both days. Contact the IIWP Office at for more information or to RSVP. RSVP in advance is required.

PTS Peace Awareness Trainings at Lake Arrowhead John Morton is invited to participate

r PAT 1 July 10-16 r PAT 2 July 17-21 r PAT 3 July 22-26 Location: Lake Arrowhead in Lake Arrowhead, California *Tuition: $599 for first-time participants paid in full by June 30, 2015; $650 after June 30. Audit Tuition is $400 for each training. *Special Offer: Tuition for all 3 trainings is $1,499 taken consecutively. Registration: See “3 WAYS TO REGISTER” section. Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Discourses, or SATs if 12 years of Discourses completed; PAT 1 for PAT 2; PAT 2 for PAT 3.

CONFERENCE DIRECTIONS Four Seasons Hotel, Grand Ballroom Two Dole Drive Westlake Village, California 91362 818-575-3000

From Glendale & Pasadena: Take the CA-134 W. Merge onto US-101 North. Take the Lindero Canyon Road exit. Turn right onto Lindero Canyon Rd. Take the 1st left onto Via Colinas. Take the 1st left onto Dole Dr. The Four Seasons Hotel will be on the left. From Downtown: Take the US-101 North towards Hollywood/ CA-110/Pasadena/Harbor Fwy. Keep right to stay on US-101, follow signs for Ventura Fwy/Ventura. Take the Lindero Canyon Road exit. Turn right onto Lindero Canyon Rd. Take the 1st left onto Via Colinas. Take the 1st left onto Dole Dr. The Four Seasons Hotel will be on the left. From West LA & Beaches: Take the 405 North to the US-101 N. Go to the 101 toward Ventura. Take the Lindero Canyon Road exit. Turn right onto Lindero Canyon Rd. Take the 1st left onto Via Colinas. Take the 1st left onto Dole Dr. The Four Seasons Hotel will be on the left.

# O N F E R E N C E O F T H E # H R I S T

New Day Herald 31

Being with


John Roger: Human and Divine by Matthew Van Fossen

As I reflect on these three encounters now I’m struck by how they demonstrate his simultaneous human and divine nature. He was fragile and powerful, ordinary and luminous, simple and profound. 32 New Day Herald

I met John-Roger for the first time at the Living in Grace

retreat in 2012. I was amazed by the enormity of his consciousness, which I experienced as a floaty feeling that surrounded and enveloped me minutes before we even crossed paths. I glimpsed him again at a PAT retreat. This time J-R wasn’t physically present. My experience was standing at the foot of a great skyscraper. I looked up and up and up in astonishment wondering where was the top, where did this end. And in a flash I saw the peak and was amazed. The last time I was in J-R’s physical presence was at a gathering following the 2012 Living in Grace. John was by his side. Michael Hayes was standing behind him and Jsu Garcia was helping him eat. And I wondered, “How is he eating? How much can he speak? Does he need help to go to the bathroom? Can he see me right now in this group of people?” This moment was the human side of J-R which my human side had barely considered up until then. This great spiritual teacher, this beacon of light for so many, had a human body that needed to be cared for, fed, and supported in a variety of ways. It was fragile, limited, and very ordinary.

And yet the devotion and attention paid to it by the people standing around him and by the people in the room was anything but ordinary. It was compassionate, revering, sensitive, fiercely loyal and dedicated. These three waking encounters with J-R were revealing. Twice I had profound spiritual experiences, one in his physical presence and one not. The third encounter was very ordinary and very human. As I reflect on these three encounters now I’m struck by how they demonstrate his simultaneous human and divine nature. He was fragile and powerful, ordinary and luminous, simple and profound. And so we all are. We have bodies that laugh, cry, make mistakes, get sick, and eventually die. We have families, friends, children, pets, homes and identities that we associate with because that is what comprises this human world. And through it all we are as immense as the skyscraper of J-R’s consciousness, we are as boundless and enveloping as J-R’s aura that touched me minutes before I even met him. We do not all anchor the traveler consciousness and work directly with masters and teachers of other realms. We do not all found churches that attune students to the sound current. We do not all guide others into inner awareness of the Soul.

spirituality we seek for J-R’s guidance, we receive it more fully as we detach from what it might be and where it might come from. Form is fleeting, loving is limitless. God bless us as we come to know ourselves as this loving, as this oneness, as God.

These three waking encounters with J-R were revealing. Twice I had profound spiritual experiences, one in his physical presence and one not. The third encounter was very ordinary and very human. As I reflect on these three encounters now I’m struck by how they demonstrate his simultaneous human and divine nature. He was fragile and powerful, ordinary and luminous, simple and profound.

But we all have the capacity to love as J-R loved, to live in grace and gratitude, and to offer joyful service to God. And at the end of the day, this is all that J-R asks of us. This is all that Jesus asks of us. This is all that anyone can ask of us because this is all we need do. Love and be loved. Live and be lived by Spirit. Be who we are and receive the kingdom of heaven. The human part of J-R has completed its work as a victor who endured till the end. The spiritual part of J-R lives on as a force of light and love. This work is never complete because God’s expansion is endless. If in our humanity we miss J-R’s body, perhaps that is simply a measure of the human devotion we showed it. And if in our

New Day Herald 33

He is a poor disciple who does not excel his master. –Leonardo Da Vinici, from The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci

Expanding Beyond the Void: The Resurrection of the Traveler Within by Rev. Mario Tenaglia

When J-R dropped the physical body we all knew and loved so much, I was

living at Prana. It was a wonderful place to be at such a momentous time. The community was so loving, the togetherness was immediate and palpable. That morning of October, 22, 2014, we pulled together hundreds of people in a matter of hours to join at Prana to celebrate and experience the loss (and gain) of our beloved John-Roger. The energy and solidarity among us was alive and thriving. Of course many were sensitive, crying, solitary, hugging, holding, remembering. It was a beautiful time. I especially recall sitting in the large seminar room at Prana after John had shared with us that morning. NOW Productions was playing the beautiful MSIA song, “The Master Calls,” with the accompanying video of a young and sprightly J-R on his various sweet adventures around the world, particularly in Israel and Egypt. It is a beautiful piece, and if you’re interested you can watch it here on youtube:

When this video and song came on, I for one felt the beauty and love of all of who J-R is and has been for me all these years (beyond lifetimes even!) flood over me and through me. The tears flowed freely and happily. The thought of him gone and me not being able to see him again (in that form) was a punch deep into my gut. I felt it hard in my throat. My tears cooled and calmed me down, brought me peace and solace. I know he’s with me. I know how much he That morning of loves me. I know. And truth be told, I was actually extremely ecstatic for the man—the great man and best friend of mine for all my life October, 22, 2014, and beyond—I was so happy and joyous for him that he finally got we pulled together to graduate and eat his cake too. He deserved it as far as I’m concerned! So at his passing it was a time full of greatnesses—great love, hundreds of people in a great loss, great fulfillment, great emotion, great togetherness.

matter of hours to join at Prana to celebrate and experience the loss

(and gain) of our beloved John-Roger. The energy and solidarity among us was alive and thriving. 34 New Day Herald

Interestingly for me, it wasn’t for another couple of months before I started to actually experience myself being “away” from J-R— as though the energy—the great, great, incredible energy—that is J-R started to feel distant and gone or used up and far, far away. It was as if there were levels within me that were still very much connected to the physical John-Roger whom I know and love so dearly, and it took a few months for those parts of my consciousness to really experience the loss of the physical part of him. There was an emptiness and a perceived void which began to overshadow parts of my personal life and in the way I was perceiving much of the world around me.

And then—and this was the most frightening and shocking of all—I began to notice the overshadowing within myself! Inside of me I began to sense a dropping out, a fading away or a falling short of some kind. As though somewhere inside of me the place that I always “knew” and could “retreat to” and find sanctuary and solace—that place where J-R and I would always go to and meet up together like two lovers in a secret garden—it was as if that place vanished and no longer existed. As though the FBI and the CIA and Secret SWAT teams had come in and ransacked the place clean. The most interesting thing to me about all of this was it wasn’t a dirty or messy or negative experience within me—in fact quite the contrary, I was more loving and happy and grounded in my Spirit than ever before—but it was definitely different and unfamiliar, new and unusual. It was a void of consciousness, an emptiness and clear awakening that something I had known and loved so deeply and truly, and to some degree took for granted, was now truly gone. I was now catching up to the stark, cold fact that truly I am the one responsible - I am the one present and here now. Of course that could be seen as a rather dire picture to paint, don’t you think? Well at the time I sure did! And boy did I put myself through a number with that one! I was so discombobulated and disoriented inside that I didn’t even know what to make of it all—I wasn’t able to articulate or label or isolate or identify the experience I was having. It blew away all reference points I had that were familiar to me. And so thanks to many loving and incredibly bright and patient and perceptive people very close to me in my life, to whom I am eternally grateful, I began to process deeper with myself. I charted new courses further into this void, to see what was there for me. What lessons were being shown to me? What was I experiencing with all of this? You see I was getting hung up on the “form” of my beingness and the ways I could serve my Spirit. I was attached to “outer shells” as means and ways to participate with Spirit in my life. Somehow just knowing J-R’s body-form was alive and doing something (anything!) on this fair earth made a difference to me and my consciousness - his physical presence grounded and reassured me that all was okay, all was radiant. And now that his beautiful body was gone, levels deep within me that I wasn’t even fully aware of were capsizing in confusion and disorientation. What

My tears cooled and calmed me down, brought me peace and solace. I know he’s with me. I know how much he loves me. I know. And truth be told, I was actually extremely ecstatic for the man—the great man and best friend of mine for all my life and beyond—I was so happy and joyous for him that he finally got to graduate and eat his cake too.

do I do now!?! How do I relate to this form now? What is the spiritual way? How can I be more like J-R too? Do I devote myself to serving the church? Do I dedicate myself to my own personal life? Or perhaps to the lives of others in need? Or even to a life of art and beauty? To be honest, none of those options seemed to prove fulfilling to me in my consciousness. I was on a quest for how to really relate to this outer form - I was searching for how I too could be in my flesh the way J-R was in his flesh - and his passing was the only way to bring me into this next profound and sacred communion. And so as I began to observe and to perceive my experience, I began to unravel the mystery of the Spirit as I saw it moving before me and within me. I began to witness and to glimpse into something all-pervasive, something beyond forms and organizations and bodies and modes of thought or behavior. I began to see into the Spirit—”that which is” as J-R loved to refer to it. The Greater Estate. Available to all, always and forever more. Ever-present and closer to us than our next breath. Here it is! Here we are! A magical and mystical confluence of power and matter, Spirit and humanity! Divinity and Grace. As I began to unwind further, I fell back into myself, rediscovered truths I already knew, now deeper, now more pervasive, undulating ever further into me like the gentle persistence of water. All is gorgeous. All is here before us now. All is to be blessed by each of us particularly. We are all equal. No one and nothing is New Day Herald 35

greater or lesser than another—in any respect. We are all one and the Lord reigns supreme. From this place I opened up into a greater Spiritual realm and found my larger self before me, I found all of us there alongside me—sisters and brethren—and it was good. And lo and behold who else did I find but my dear and beloved J-R—the great Traveler and wayshower for so so many—my dearest of friends and beloveds. The homecoming is always so sweet. One of the greatest values of walking in valleys and shadows is how much we learn to appreciate and prize the views and vistas atop the mountains we ascend, and the great Lights we witness. It was then that I began to be shown that this void I had thought was J-R leaving me was actually in fact J-R once again so close to me—so alive and present with me in such deep and intimate ways that he was in fact creating and holding and supporting me to experience the very same void that separated me from him! He was propping me up in my own limited awareness and expression so that I could go into it more fully and experience it and clear it and move thankfully through it into a greater experience and oneness with the Traveler, and with J-R and most importantly with myself! And so here is where I thank J-R for all that he has taught me and done with me and with all of us for all these years (and beyond!). And I thank myself, and all of us too, for all that we have learned from all the teachings and the works of the Traveler as they are etched before us in all the hearts and minds of everyone around us, within everything we encounter, and always with all the love and truth we are all so blessed to be able to experience. So here’s to you J-R— and most especially here’s to the Traveler within every one of us - our Phoenix arising within!

John-Roger on top of the Great Pyramid, Giza, Egypt 36 New Day Herald

J-R left the planet. For some that is a significant loss. Frankly, for me, he has never left.

Notes from an Unbeliever by Rick Edelstein

In my first exposure to J-R

I was at a point in my life questioning the value of my personal and professional experiences. I felt like a puppet going through the motions but missing the juice. I had lost any sense of belief in marriage, writing/directing TV, drugs and meaningless sex. And so... I was an unbelieving judgmental dude when J-R specifically said, “Don’t believe me, check it out.” Okay...he said do two hours of s.e.’s every day. Whew...I had to go into training like a long distance runner...until I finally earned the daily two hours. Okay...he said be active in service. Piece of cake as what others may call service I have always created opportunities to give, to share, to teach, to direct others who were wanting. During all the years, the decades, I continued to “check it out.” Working in TV, sexuating, marrying, divorcing, always being of service before and after being on MSIA staff...I still do not believe. But I do experience the gift of Spirit. I have always continued to do s.e.’s, not because of shoulds but because the experience literally connects me with home. I have been with J-R on the physical level many times in many countries, profound to prosaic. BUT...there’s that big BUT again...I was and am with J-R every day during s.e’s, long walks and just breathing in and out. J-R left the planet. For some that is a significant loss. Frankly, for me, he has never left.

New Day Herald 37

As he said in 2012, in one of the

Is J-R Dead? by David Sand

many farewell messages that he’s been giving since he started his work: “I’m not going anywhere.” If anything, he just became more present inside.

It’s been weird,

it’s been a roller coaster, it’s been mostly great, it’s been scary, it’s been like a bizarre dream, it’s been confusing. Mostly it’s been exciting and very different from what I thought it would be. The day that he transitioned, or died (or however you describe a non-event where someone leaves but doesn’t leave) I felt as though I was emerging from a dream, where I was the same but everything around me was different. There was a strange lull in the air, like after an earthquake. I felt very detached, serene, lighter. It was disorienting, but there was a calm inside me that felt very elevating and spiritual. I remember lying outside on my deck in the sun, having no particular place to go, since the “earthquake” had rearranged everything. Nothing was going to be where it was supposed to be anyway so there was no point in sorting through the rubble. And the intense sense of peace and beauty inside me made me even less motivated to do anything. I remember when my mother died when I was a kid, my first question to my father (asked with some trepidation) was, “What happens now?” I had the same question the day that J-R died. But there was such a sense of security inside that there was no urgency, just curiosity. This was going to be an adventure. The physical body is solid, part of the earth, a block of stuff. It blocks things. It blocks the light, and it can also block invasions, bullets, small animals, wind, other physical bodies. It also can carry things, or bear burdens. With a spirit as huge as J-R inhabiting and maintaining a physical body, it meant that all kinds of things could be blocked. It also meant that all kinds of burdens could be carried by it. That body could block a lot of negative things, with just a word or even a look, as J-R often did with those around him, and with MSIA, and probably the planet. And that body could also carry the burdens of a lot of people, as J-R did with our karma, and prob-

38 New Day Herald

ably the planet’s. The day that body stopped functioning, I felt a relief, as though as much as possible had been loaded onto it in those final moments so it could be transported out of here, like loading up a train with as much as it could possibly take on its last trip out of the station, or a ship on its last trip out of port. He took as much as he could. And as he said in 2012, in one of the many farewell messages that he’s been giving since he started his work: “I’m not going anywhere.” If anything, he just became more present inside. And who is J-R anyway? Is he a guy who evolved and was promoted to higher spiritual awareness and now has some kind of bigger position? Or is he a guy who just let go, and became a vehicle for spiritual awareness, and then dissolved? Or is he a character we all invented in our collective dream because we wouldn’t believe spiritual truths if we told them to ourselves, and who we’ve pushed into a deeper, less conscious part of our dream so we can learn about the “dead” parts of ourselves? Being an initiate of someone like that is a bond, like a marriage. We’re connected. So when he went somewhere a part of me went with him; and another part of me stayed here. In a way I’m more split now, but the part that’s with him is less split because he’s less split. I’ve observed that since he’s been “gone,” I’ve given myself a bit more freedom to get myself into messes. The most frustrating part of my life is still there, which is that after 33 years in MSIA I still can’t consistently duplicate on my own what I experienced around J-R’s body and still experience around the workshops and institutions that he’s set up. So I still have to do spiritual exercises, listen to/watch seminars, go to workshops. I know the end goal is to do it all on my own, and I still complain about the inefficiencies and slowness of this whole setup, and I still participate in it. Unlike him, I have nowhere else to go…for now.

With J-R’s body gone, there seems to be less of a block to negativity. Since the earthquake everything’s been repositioned. What was a door is now blocked and what was a wall is now wide open. The winds can blow things in more easily, but at the same time it’s easier to step around them, and there’s treasure scattered all over the ground amongst the rubble. There’s less structure, more disorder, more freedom, more emptiness in the outer world. With so many of the structures blown to bits, you can see further; you can feel the wind and the rain and minute changes in the weather now. I think it’s a big shift for the planet too, and the adjustment period has just begun. The people who are living in the house where J-R lived (which is a huge vortex of Light energy) and who have some ability to see into other levels of consciousness, described how, on the night when he died, beings from other realms and other planets were coming to the house en masse, confused, looking around, asking “Where is he?” Since there’s no separation, we’re all in this together, and on more unconscious levels everyone on the planet is asking the same question. And on this dualistic planet we also all know where he is, and it’s as peaceful there as it ever was. One of the funniest things to watch iån the last six months has been how we have started to act as though he’s more distant (which would mean that spirit is more distant, an ab-surd idea), and that we can now get away with things,

or withhold things that we couldn’t withhold before, or that we now have to do something, or that we’re now “in charge” of something. It’s kind of like a baby who thinks you can’t see them if they hide their eyes. It’s all as open and obvious as it ever was, and spirit is as “in charge” as it ever was. J-R being “gone” is an illusion that we’ve all bought into, to varying degrees. It’s in the air, so there’s work required to overcome that illusion. As usual, I don’t have to do anything elaborate to break the illusion, just stay in good spirits, live life, do spiritual exercises, and ask for what I need. It’s all the things that I think I have to do that get me in trouble. “The training wheels are off,” as a friend said. And more than that, the roads have been reshuffled. It’s going to be an adventure.

With J-R’s body gone, there seems to be less of a block to negativity. Since the earthquake everything’s been repositioned. What was a door is now blocked and what was a wall is now wide open.

New Day Herald 39

October 22, 2014 for John-Roger by Joseph Millar

Even though you’ve often told us not to waste our time weeping everyone’s shedding tears today, salt water washing everyone’s face while you are traveling away from this body, body we’ve touched and gazed upon which came to earth near the coal mines of Rains, Utah, USA -body with reddish Welsh hair, dark blue eyes that seemed to change color, larger and more luminous in the pictures from Israel, body with delicate freckled hands wearing the black ring Sai Baba gave you healing and blessing the planet.

No words to say what it means to know you, to feel you close by in the company of horses in the fullness of trust, or walking beside the sea. Whatever we were thinking you already knew it, whatever dark deeds you had already done them and now this day has finally arrived you’ve waited for so long and we keep hearing your voice in the dawn. Though it’s an ordinary day on earth filled with the autumn wind, the boats all rocking, the church and the steeple, open the doors and see all the people: the waitresses and electricians, the garbage men and the Magi kings, the constellations far overhead invisible in the daylight tracking their vibrant rings.

40 New Day Herald

$PNF KPJO VT FYQMPSF TJNQMF UPPMT GPS CFDPNJOH BXBSF PG ZPVSTFMG BT 4PVM in your day-to-day life – all in a fun and in an experiential format.

The Journey of

Soul Transcendence September 4–6

September 4 – 6, 2015 John Morton is invited to participate.

Radisson Plaza Hotel at Kalamazoo Center 100 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI, 49007, US

PTS Registration contact: Danielle Peterson; or 323-328-1958 Local Contact: Lorraine Andrew at, 269-375-8346 Tuition: Early Bird $250 (by June 8); Regular Tuition $300 (after June 8)

Open to the public

“If you would learn the Secret of Soul Transcendence look only for the good, the Divine in people and things and all the rest leave to God.”– John-Roger, DSS


They call me “Grandma Rock” and I am everyone”s loving grandmother and will continue to serve in this capacity as long as I am called. I am so grateful to be an MSIA Minister.

42 New Day Herald

At a Ministers Meeting about twelve years ago Drs. Bonnie & David Paul announced they would be going to Valley State Prison for Women (a maximum Security Prison) to facilitate a workshop for the Lifers group incarcerated there and invited USM graduate volunteers to go. My spiritual heart vibrated. I had a strong inner calling to go. I was their first volunteer and little did I know that my life would change from that inner calling. A group of University of Santa Monica graduate volunteers walked thru the prison walls, with open loving hearts with the intention of serving and

loving in a nonjudgemental environment. We created an envelope of loving and Light in the gym, transformed it and lo and behold, heaven descended, and the essence of Christ permeated the room and continues to do so each time we go back.

Fifty nervous women entered the room and occupied the trios. Two women insisted that I do the first trio with them. One had In that moment I witnessed and green eyes and went by the sensed the Spirit wash down over she name Curly, the her. She broke down in my lap and other had brown I have blue sobbed. From that time on Curly eyes, eyes and my first communication attended all of our workshops. was “The eyes have it”. That broke the ice and we had a wonderful and fun trio. Little did I know Curly was the Head Honcho of the prison yard and if you’re not in

her inner circle, she was to be feared. She would not let me go out of her trio even though I communicated that moving to another trio with others would be a good experience. I had to go for help to get free. However, she and I becaome fast friends from that time on. Almost all of her cell mates and the prison staff said she would never crack. Somewhere deep inside I knew, if I held a positive Light filled vision of her divine essence and continued to love her as she was, she would transform. For some years each time we came back (we have been doing workshops there consistently twice a year for the past twelve years) and even though she did not attend, she always sent one of her inner circle to find me and tell me, “Curly said hello”. When she did come back, I witnessed the miracle of the Spirit of God (in God’s timing) take place. The loving that takes place in a trio is healing, transforming, miraculous, and New Day Herald 43

palpable. Somehow my deepest loving which I experience as the Christ emerges here and has been and is life-changing and transforming. In my service to the women, I am served. The women are filled with wisdom. When she did come back she told me she was tired of being called “The Devil” and stated emphatically “She wanted to find God”. In that moment I witnessed and sensed the Spirit wash down over her. She broke down in my lap and sobbed. From that time on Curly attended all of our workshops. She became a positive presence in the prison, assisting new inmates, helping to organize our workshops. Whenever we see each other, we joyfully dance with each other and reconnect in a long time friendship. She no longer goes by the name Curly as it is associated with her past but is now using her birth name. In one of the early workshops, a woman came up to me and said I reminded her of her grandmother. She sang a song in my ear that her grandmother sang to her as a child. The fulness of the loving (a lifeline) she had for her grandmother emerged so strongly between us. This then brought to my awareness a song my grandfather (who was the love of my life) sang to me 44 New Day Herald

as a child. I sang that in her ear, and the loving between us expanded infinitely. That loving then became the pathway to healing over the years. Her grandmother died while she was incarcerated. She became my surrogate granddaughter and the relationship continued over the years (we go to the prison twice a year), and continues in a new way now. From the skills she learned through Freedom to Choose, she used her time in prison well, completing education she forfeited as a younger woman, and became a vital positive force in the prison .She headed up positive programs for the women, became certified as a drug counselor. She had very little chance of being paroled and spent 18 years in transforming herself. Lo and behold, she went before the parole board, with much support from our volunteers, and was approved for parole. The Governor signed her parole and she entered the free world. She now works part time for Freedom To Choose Foundation, is completing her Bachelors Degree and will be going to USM in the Fall. She is now a Surrogate Grand Daughter in the real sense of the word and we do things together in the free world. Is this not a testimony to the power of loving and forgiveness? We now go into the prison with a group of between 70 to 80 volunteers strong, all of whom travel and serve at their own expense. We set up an envelope of Loving Light, do the work in a joyful Spirit to set up the room and welcome the women. Many

of the women have attended previous workshops and keep coming back. We now work with about two to three hundred women. I am continuously amazed at the Love, the devotion, the level of commitment, the Light and the expertise with which our Facilitators, Dr. David and Bonnie Paul facilitate and pour their loving into this work. I am grateful and honored that they keep letting me come back. We are now going into a men’s prison twice a year in addition to the women’s and what a joyful experience this is!! I am not quite sure how this happens but it does: I expand into my deepest loving when I am serving in the prison. In my perception, Christ is very present and I am inwardly closest to that part of me there. Jesus loved and served those in need and the forgotten. Women and Men in prison many times are forgotten and judged even tho the divine spark of God lives in them. They are valuable Human Beings, loved by God and are divine. When this part of them is witnessed and acknowledged, and the power of forgiveness is present, transformation takes place. Freedom then becomes a matter of Geography. They call me “Grandma Rock” and I am everyone’s loving grandmother and will continue to serve in this capacity as long as I am called. I am so grateful to be an MSIA Minister.





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Yp DXiZfj :Xa`eX# ;JJ I am very comfortable being invisible doing silent service to others.

Preferring silence to talking (although I am confident my wife Moira will strongly disagree) is a paradox as I work as a business facilitator standing in front of groups of executives. Recently, Spirit provided an opportunity to step forward and share at the Spirituality and Creativity Management World Congress that took place in Barcelona, Spain, on April 2224. There, I had the chance to share my experience of doing research on Compassion in Business over the last two years. The opportunity to facilitate a workshop came from a fellow minister who had declined presenting a workshop at this event and diverted th request for proposal to me. I wobbled, resisted, justified, rationalized, and attempted to remain hidden by anchoring myself to a life pattern of undeservedness. I finally gave in and gave up worries, concerns, disturbances, and turned in a proposal for a workshop. I was faithing. However, to be honest, I had designed a workshop proposal in the hope that it would be turned down. And guess what, you are right, the workshop got approved. Oh no! It seemed that I had no place to hide and no other option than to go to Barcelona and dive into what Spirit had prepared. Soon after I had arrived at the Congress, I found out that some professional colleagues with whom I work had also signed up for the Congress. All of them were very keen to participate in the workshop on Compassion in Business that I had prepared. Oh, no! I feared that the mask of

46 New Day Herald

seriousness and professionalism that I had very much cultivated over the years would finally fall off and reveal my engagement in spiritual unfoldment. What would people think of me if they knew of my interest in Self-Compassion and Compassion in the business world? Oh no!

facilitated was assessed as transformational, original, and practical. Oh, no! A minute later, I was on stage addressing the audience. I was standing there like a lemon. I was speechless. Oh, no! The silence was so intense that it felt like I had been gazing at people for hours. At that point, Spirit touched my heart. I went on admitting openly my preference to remain silent and the fear I had of disclosing my heart at work. I stated that the good Lord seemed to have had other plans for me at the Congress and that remaining invisible seemed no longer an option.

The first day of the Congress went well, with worldwide scholars and keynote speakers sharing their knowledge and research with an audience of about 300 people. My ego imagined (and very much wanted) to enjoy the recognition these keynote speakers seemed to enjoy. Cleary, Spirit had other In my sharing, I remember stating that I had learned plans for me. At that very moment, that I could serve visibly and yet I felt small, insignificant, and out of @ nXj k\cc`e^ nfic[ remain active, tuned and attuned with È place. Oh, no! i\efne\[ i\j\XiZ_\ij that which is invisible. I concluded k_Xk k_\p _X[ kf kXg saying that scholars could only explain The day of the workshop, 12 people the answers to the compassion that `ekf k_\`i _\Xikj turned up including my professional I had found inside with graphs and Ôijk `] k_\p nXek\[ colleagues that I very much prayed inferential statistics. Reading and kf \og\i`\eZ\ would choose a different workshop. figures are insufficient to experience ZfdgXjj`fe% F_# ef Compassion, I affirmed. I vehemently The best efforts to dissuade and persuade them had evidently failed. @ nXj j_fZb\[ kf _\Xi stated that Compassion starts with Oh, no! n_Xk @ nXj jXp`e^%É oneself. Oh my God, I was telling world renowned researchers that Soon after I silently called myself they had to tap into their hearts first if they wanted forward into the Light, Spirit poured in so powerfully to experience compassion. Oh, no! I was shocked through me that I surrendered completely to the will to hear what I was saying. More importantly, I was of God. I was no longer in control. Oh, no! overwhelmed to experience how Spirit was pouring As Spirit worked with each one of the people in the an invisible (for them—but very visible to me) room, I experienced how sweetness and compassion blessing to all those present in the room. It was so flooded into the room and tangibly touched the powerful, palpable, and beautiful that it almost made hearts of all there including mine. me break into tears right there and then. Oh no! Soon after the training had finished, some participants came forward to the front of the room and shared how much healing had taken place. I walked out of the room transformed. I had become a person who had helped executives and coaches interested in Spirit to feel the blessing poured into their hearts. On the last day, the Director of the Congress walked on stage to close the event. During three days, many business leaders, scholars, consultants, researchers, doctoral students, facilitators discussed the importance of awakening Spirituality in the workplace. Oh, yes! Then the Organizing Board announced the award ceremony for the best doctoral paper and the best workshop. Shockingly, the workshop I had

A few minutes after people had left the plenary room, I found myself standing alone in silence. I was puzzled by what had just happened. Has the time to awaken Spirituality at work and businesses arrived? Is it time for the invisible to become visible in the hearts of executives, CEO´s, and employees? Is it time for many to reveal and share their love and express it in acts of kindness instead of cruelty, abuse, and exploitation at the workplace? Deeply engaged in my thoughts, the giggling and smiling face of the fellow minister who had come along with me to the Congress pulled me out of my introspection. I lifted my head and looked back at him when he said: The time to share who you truly are is now. New Day Herald 47

< Nkdmdop\g J\ndn di oc` >dot C`\_lp\mo`mn ja HND<

Sfpfqp # Qlrop ^q Mb^`b >t^obkbpp I^_vofkqe # D^oabkp' Hjno Npi_\tn w Op`n_\t(Amd_\t w /oc N\opm_\t ja hjioc ,-(/ kh >g\nn`n ! Rjmfncjkn R``fgt ! Hjiocgt %>gjn`_5 H\t ,1(,2' -0' Epi` ,.(,/ ! ^\i ^gjn` pi`sk`^o`_gt) %@q`io]mdo` Od^f`on m`lpdm`_ oj `io`m5 ojpmg\])`q`io]mdo`)^jh

Pbbfkd qeb J^kv C^`bp lc @eofpq Pbjfk^o tfqe Glek Jloqlk ĂŒ I> # Ifsb Lkifkb N\opm_\t H\t .+ w ,,5.+\h ĂŠ ,kh KO

Di K`mnji >jno 0 w Gdq` Jigdi` >jno Am`` M`bdno`m5 ehgdq`+0.+,0)`q`io]mdo`)^jh w R\o^c Gdq` Jigdi`5 hnd\)jmb*gdq`jigdi`

Pfjmiv Pmfofqr^i Ifsfkd tfqe Ao+ M^ri H^vb Hji_\t H\t ,, ! `q`mt np]n`lp`io -i_ Hji_\t ja hjioc 25.+(45++kh w Am``' _ji\odjin r`g^jh` M`bdno`m5 ndhkgtnkdmdop\ggdqdib)`q`io]mdo`)^jh

ĂŽTebk tb jlsb fkql lro ltk @eofpq `bkqbo) tb `^k d^wb fkql qeb @eofpq tfqefk qeb lqebo mboplk) ^ka tb cfka qe^q tb `^k illh ^q ^klqebo tfqelrq cbbifkd ^kvqefkd _rq qefp pmfofqr^i ilsb+ Qebk tb m^oq^hb ^d^fk lc qeb @eofpq tfqefk ^ka tfqelrq+Ă?

ĂŒGlek*Oldbo' ?)N)N+

A SPIRITUAL OASIS IN THE CITY, Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90018 323-737-4055 | |


Peace Labyrinth

N7 I have always considered that the so-called “reappearance of the Christ” was an inner

process that meant that as we move into the new age and into a greater consciousness and expression of Spirit, the Christed consciousness would appear more and more through each of us. Now I have been reading that some people working with who they call, “The Ascended Masters” are saying that the Christ, in His new age expression as “Khuthumi” will appear as a single person in human form.- Can you clarify this for me?

G*O7 If you really want to know whether or not the Christ in a new age expression as

Khuthumi will appear physically on earth, stick around and find out if that comes about. Prior to the time that it might come about, it’s all conjecture and people s opinions. And of course, if you stick around and it doesn’t come about, you’ll know that it hasn’t happened so far. And, the answer for the future will still be, “Stick around and find out, if you really want to know.” 50 New Day Herald

Glek*Oldbo N > #

lk qeb @eofpq

%colj Qeb Jlsbjbkq Kbtpm^mbo ^ka Kbt A^v Ebo^ia qeolrde qeb vb^op&

N7 I was not raised believing in Jesus the Christ, and I would like to know what is so special about him? G*O7 Whether or not you believe in Jesus the Christ does not alter who he was and what he did. Jesus demonstrated his awareness of the Christ Consciousness more fully than anyone ever had up to that time. He manifested his connection to Spirit and God in ways that were more complete than other people did then or do now. His awareness of being the Son of God, his knowledge of his Father’s work, the purity with which he lived and his integrity and ability to demonstrate pure, unconditioned loving under any and all circumstances makes him—to say the least—quite special.


What is the relationship of Jesus the Christ who lived two thousand years ago to the Christ Consciousness that is here today?

G*O7 We all have access to the Christ

Consciousness today because the Christ said this was possible. And as soon as you say, “I believe,” you’re halfway there. The other half is to demonstrate it. Prior to the time that Jesus entered into the sacrifice, the negative powers confined man to the lower realms of Light. Man was confined into the physical, causal, astral, mental, and etheric realms; he could not get back into the Soul Realm, back to God. The cosmic Mirror, which divides the etheric and Soul realms, always reflected man back into the lower reams so that he kept reincarnating back. Jesus came through from pure Spirit and bridged from the positive into negative. In this bridging, he came down into the negative realms and told the negative forces that any human consciousness on any of these lower levels who turns towards God and Light and Purity cannot be denied that turn and that movement. The Bible says it in different words; it says that Jesus unshackled, that He started the resurrection — not just of the physical, but of the whole, total process. This is why He is like one of the great hinges on the door of this dispensation into which

we are moving. Buddha was also a hinge on the door, as was Moses and Abraham and many others. But I took at Jesus as being the top hinge. However, without all the other hinges on the door, Jesus’ work would have been fruitless. We are also hinges on the door; we’re also the door and the bridge on the other side of the door and we get to walk across the bridge. That’s our job in this time. We chose it, everyone of us. The key is to do it.


Is the Christ Consciousness the same as the Traveler Consciousness? If not, can you explain the difference?

G*O7 The Christ Consciousness is not

the same as the Traveler or Preceptor Consciousness. The Christ Consciousness is a specific line of energy ... the Traveler is more universal, encompassing a greater field. The Preceptor Consciousness is an energy of the highest source that is only present on the planet, in any type of physical embodiment, every 25,000 years.

New Day Herald 51


What’s the specific difference between the salvation of the Christ and Soul transcendence as taught by the Traveler?

G*O7 Jesus, through his death and

Glek*Oldbo N > #

lk qeb @eofpq

N7 What is the difference between “Christ Consciousness”

and “Cosmic Consciousness ?”

G*O7 “Christ Consciousness” is a Christian way

of saying “Cosmic Consciousness.” To say, “Christ Consciousness’ does not include the Buddhists. Moslems, etc. “Cosmic Consciousness” includes all people. But the two terms are so close in the level of consciousness they identify that there is almost no difference.

resurrection, changed the karma of the planet. Before Jesus’ time, the law of the planet was “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” also known as the law of Moses. Through the Christ action, human beings came under grace, and salvation was won for all of us at that time. Though grace, our individual karma can be instantaneously dissolved; then we are no longer bound by the law of cause and effect in that area, providing we stay in the grace and do not recreate the karma. We open to grace by connecting to the Christ Consciousness within, thus becoming, in a sense, our own salvation. Plri Transcendence, as taught by the Travelers (and Jesus was also a Traveler), is a process of balancing past actions on each of the levels (physical, astral, causal, mental, and etheric) and moving in consciousness into the Soul. Another way of saying it is that a person becomes aware of his or her Soul and, more than that, of being a Soul. As you can see, salvation through the Christ and Soul transcendence are closely interwoven, although they are viewed as separate actions.

N7 Do you believe in Christ? G*O7 The teachings of the Christ are our teachings. The teachings of the Christ

are the teachings of Spirit. We seek to live in the ways demonstrated by the Christ, to be honest and loving in every way.

52 New Day Herald

N7 I am Jewish and I am comfortable in believing that Jesus, like all of us, is the son of God. I believe he, like Moses,

played an important role in human growth towards the awareness of God. Jesus is God because we are all God and he is no more God than I am. Does this conflict with the views MSIA teaches and will my belief be a possible block in my path toward God or soul awareness?


Your beliefs will not block your path to God and there is no conflict with what MSIA teaches and your perceptions. Your present perceptions can be amplified and expanded by saying we all have within us the potential to actualize our God or Christ self. Jesus reached his potential and manifested the Christ more fully than anyone had done at that time. He became the example many of us chose to follow because he represented the God-Man.

N7 Is Jesus and His teachings part of your work? G*O7 Christ stands at the head of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness and supplies the energy. Nothing in MSIA is separate from the Christ action and in fact the teachings are taught by Christ.

N7 Some groups claim that the Christ has presently returned to the Earth. Is this true? G*O7 The Christ is a holy office. As such, the energy of forgiveness and transcendence has never left the Earth. It is the inhabitants of the Earth that have forgotten, ignored, or turned away from this blessing. It is possible that individual human beings are re-awakening to this divine presence.

N7 How can Jesus be both the only son of God and also our elder brother? G*O7 The Christ could certainly be seen as the Son of God, the only son of God. As a man, Jesus exemplified

the consciousness of the Christ more fully than anyone before him. Jesus is our example of a man fulfilling the Christ action, and we may look to his example as our goal. We use his example as a beacon for our own development. In that spiritual action, we are all the sons of God. It’s just that Jesus manifested it more fully, and thus we call him our elder brother as we realize in ourselves those qualities of divinity, beauty, and the perfection of our spiritual natures.

N7 What is meant by the phrase “Jesus died for our sins?” What actually happened on the cross? G*O7 Jesus was so willing to cooperate with Spirit or the God force within him, that he actually “took” all of

the negativity of the world with him to the cross. Another way of saying this is that he loved so much he was willing to stand forward and sacrifice himself for all of us. Up to this point in history, we as humans were really stuck in the negativity of the planet, but when Jesus died on the cross he provided an example for all of us to follow and therefore a way for all of us to become free. In that way, he was a wayshower and teacher to all of us.

N7 Is Jesus able to help people back to the Soul Realm? G*O7 Jesus is able to lead people back into the Soul Realm by working through the Mystical Traveler

Consciousness. In order to lead people into the Soul Realm a spiritual teacher must be living so that he is presently sharing and experiencing all levels of consciousness. And thus Jesus works through the one who carries the keys of the Mystical Traveler Consciousness on this physical earth, just as he did when he was here physically.

New Day Herald 53

N7 I don’t know of all the Travelers

in history, but I understand Jesus the Christ was a Traveler. Did he teach about doing spiritual exercises?

G*O7 Jesus lived a life that

Glek*Oldbo N > #

was one big spiritual exercise. He taught by example. In addition, when Jesus talked about communication with God, he was teaching spiritual exercises. “And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive “ (Matthew 21:22). Each Traveler shares the keys according to the dispensation of his time, so the form might change from Traveler to Traveler, but never the essence. Out of God comes all things, and all things shall return to God.

lk qeb @eofpq N7 Is calling on the Lord Jesus Christ the same as calling for the Traveler? G*O7 No. When you call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you are calling on the

energy line that was brought forward some 2000 years ago. It was brought forward during that dispensation because of certain needs of mankind at that time and it continues to exist today. The Traveler energy, even though it is always here, is periodically brought to the forefront of the planet to accelerate the opening of people’s consciousness. The Christ energy and Traveler energy are compatible and work side by side (intertwined)—and they are available for different reasons. For a more detailed explanation, I suggest my seminar entitled “So Hawng Meditation,” which is part of a meditation series entitled “Joyful Meditations-Volume II,” #3705.

54 New Day Herald

N7 Was Jesus a “silent one” when he physically walked on the planet 2000 years ago? If he was,

what happened to the Preceptor energies?

G*O7 Jesus was not a “silent one” — he was and is the Christ. The Preceptor

consciousness does not fit in here.

N7 How can I experience the Christ in my everyday life? G*O7 The answer is very simple: serve, serve, serve. I should say, serving, serving,

serving. To serve means getting up and going and doing what’s in front of you to do. I think we find the Christ more readily in that serving than we do in anything else. Fk qhe Bible, Christ says, “How do you know that ye are my disciples? That you do love one another.” How do we know that you do love one another? Because you help each other, you work with each other, and you support each other. And you just don’t judge each other.

N Where Is Jesus the master now located (aside from in the hearts of his devotees)? G*O7 In your next breath and the heart of God.

N7 I seem to have a lot of blocks in the areas of connecting with the Christ. I get confused

sometimes about who to connect with, the Traveler, the Christ, God, the Holy Spirit... Can you say anything about this?


If you have connected with the Traveler, you have connected with the Christ, so I wouldn’t worry about that. F tould just look at it all as air. On one side of the room you have roses, on the other side, lilies, on another, pine tree scent. It doesn’t matter which place you prefer to smell, it’s all air anyway. That takes it out of the whole concept of separation. There just is only air. Have all the air you want, and I take the same freedom to myself.

N7 If on Christmas Eve, the angels touch the earth with their hearts, what happens on Easter? G*O7 Christ touches his heart.

New Day Herald 55

It's not too late

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Dates & Times: Previously recorded weekend sessions are available Online with Registration.

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in Los Angeles and Live Online In English with Spanish Translation Facilitated by Paul Kaye, DSS and Dr. Mark Holmes, OMD

This inspiring documentary

follows the life and times of Dr. John-Roger...

NY Times #1 Bestselling Author and Spiritual Wayshower. From adolescence John-Roger was aware of much more than this physical level. This film follows his life from early childhood, through a near death experience in his early twenties and the anointing of the Mystical Traveler consciousness, followed by over 50 years of dedicated service to peace and spiritual upliftment worldwide. Breathtaking footage of pilgrimages through the Holy land and travels all across the globe, this visually stunning documentary will inspire and move you.

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Living and Dying with John-Roger by David Sand

58 New Day Herald

N MORTON, SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR OF MSIA “I’ll bet you think I’m reading the newspaper.”

NDH: What’s it like working with J-R? John Morton: Well, I’d have to answer that as it applies to right now. I’m looking for the superlatives. It’s a deep question because now he’s not really in a body. So that’s obviously different. I have a lot of reference points about when he was here with us physically. But the real key is my experience from his passing—that is, what it would be like working with him after he passed. He spoke of that really clearly and long ago. And my experience is that it is more powerful now because he had a 10% level (the level of physical existence), and now his 90% (the spiritual level) is 100%. In our teachings when you go from 90 to 100, there’s something about that gradient that keeps going higher. The power and ability you’d need to go from 95 to 95.5 might take the same energy that it took to go from 65 to 95. It’s more intense. I see that what happened in 1963 was an advent of the Traveler consciousness, where it was determined spiritually that there was going to be another

dispensation. In that dispensation is the Preceptor, and that’s of higher consciousness in its nature than the Traveler. J-R didn’t have much to say about it because for the most part it didn’t apply in this world. But then again it did because it was here. I think what was being done John Morton on PAT IV Middle East trip, 1986 was something that’s very difficult in an instant, and everything to evaluate or even determine, came from that, and its density because it happens about every is beyond anything we know, 25,000 to 28,000 years. What so it’s smaller than the smallest is that? It’s big, it’s huge, it’s particle—still, it is constantly gigantic, it’s hard to measure, expanding. Anything material and it’s something that doesn’t that can be measured physically happen in a single second. But (like a galaxy) is in motion. then again maybe it does. The There’s nothing that’s static. So big bang supposedly happened this reality is done, but it’s not in a single instant, so they can finished in its evolvement. And trace back to a moment when we’re in that as a Movement this reality came into being. that transcends, because we’re There’s a reality that we’re in of a spiritual nature. that is beyond our mind to comprehend. And there’s a J-R brought in a consciousness reality that is beyond that, so that is the knowing of this. How that even if we determined that would the creator advent itself, everything in this reality came how would it manifest itself? It into being 13.7 billion years ago would have a consciousness, an New Day Herald 59

order. If we were capable of seeing the order, like someone who could see the Preceptor consciousness enough to know what it is, then we would have to be in some way beyond it so we could observe it in its wholeness, with altitude, and then be able to put it in terms that we could relate to. That would be called stepping itself down.

times that the difference between me and you is that I forget a lot of things, like your name, but I never forget I’m the Traveler. He was very emphatic and he said it very specifically several times, that “I’m the Traveler incarnate, or in the physical, and I have these keys that you don’t have, and what they allow is that I’m in connection.” So to me he was someone who was always winking. Then you ask, “Why are you winking at me?” I have all kinds of references, and they go on and on and on, and ten times or a hundred times that much I’ve also forgotten. But they’re somewhere here in my life experience and I don’t remember. Once we were at Lake Arrowhead and we checked into a hotel for one of the retreats. I was unpacking J-R’s suitcase and it was just J-R and me there. There were two rooms, a living room and a bedroom, and I went into the living room and he wasn’t there. I went out to the relatively small parking lot that’s fenced in, and J-R wasn’t there. I went back into the living room and didn’t see him. At some point I’m looking under the bed, in the closets, in the shower, behind a chair, anywhere that his body could possibly be in the room. I looked in the office, all around outside—and I did this at least three times. Then maybe the fourth time I walked back in the living room, and he’s

Am I saying he’s God and we’re not? I’m not saying that, I’m saying that in some way he was assigned the job to speak for God, or be God, or express what it is, and he articulated it, but in this very ordinary, down-to-earth way that many people would dismiss. . . to me he was someone who was always winking. So, what’s it like working with J-R? What’s it like working with God? To me it’s like the same question. Some people might say, come on, he was an ordinary guy, he bled, he farted. Am I saying he’s God and we’re not? I’m not saying that, I’m saying that in some way he was assigned the job to speak for God, or be God, or express what it is, and he articulated it, but in this very ordinary, downto-earth way that many people would dismiss. People go, “If he does that behavior, or talks like that, he’s not God. God wouldn’t do that.” Well, what makes you think that? What if God comes down to earth and in a sense is like one of us, like in the song, “What if God was one of us?” And we’re also God, but we just don’t remember. There’s the difference. J-R said many 60 New Day Herald

sitting in a chair with a big grin on his face, and says, “Where have you been?” I say, “Looking for you.” He says, “I’ve been here all along.” I say, “No you weren’t, because I looked in that chair.” And it was one of those conversations, where I’m starting to get goose bumps and my head is starting to wobble. I’m going, “OK, the only explanation is that you became something that I could not see physically.” And he just says, “I was sitting right here.” He didn’t explain it. And that was part of how J-R would relate. He’d take you so far and then it was like, “You figure it out.” Very early on he said, “I’m not your ‘Shell answer man.’ I’m not here to just answer your questions. There are a lot of things I’m doing that you don’t have any idea about, and I’m not here to stop what I’m doing and have you interrupt things.” It was like, curiosity is not cool. My attitude was, I can’t help it, I’m going to be curious and wonder how he does that, but I realized that if I’m going to work closely with him my place was not to pull on him. Here’s another example. This had to be within a month after I arrived at J-R’s house at Mandeville. We’d get J-R’s newspaper and put it on the dining room table. Someone who was doing volunteer work there decided to open up the newspaper and read it. Later on J-R asked, “Who’s been reading the newspaper?” It was like, “How do you know?” J-R said, “I can tell. Their vibe’s all over it. I don’t want that. If I read it I don’t want to have to read their aura and whatever’s going on for them while I’m trying to read the newspaper.” So that became one of my jobs, to make sure he got a clean newspaper.

I also came in while he was reading the newspaper and I popped out a question about some mundane thing like what shirt I should pack in his suitcase. He lifts his head up and says, “I bet you think I’m reading the newspaper.” I can still feel the sinking feeling, like, “Yeah, I did think you were reading the newspaper.” And J-R says, “Was whatever you were asking about more important than what I was listening to when the Lord was talking to me?” I felt like some thing on the floor at that point…I’m pausing because it still gets to me. I understood that this guy was playing at some unbelievable level that I was just so clueless about. I would ask myself why I would be around working this closely when I didn’t seem to have the sensitivity, the awareness, the perception, the clairvoyance, anything you want to call it, to be able to be properly attuned. But I just figured there was something about my willingness to serve—I’m going to claim that—and my willingness to adjust to his way of being and what it called for. It called for a lot of sensitivity, quiet, respect and surrender. And it also called for some kind of understanding because J-R was a rascal, a kind of troublemaker, a kidder, with a great sense of humor—as anyone who was around him knew. He liked to pull practical jokes and all kinds of antics that made him unpredictable. Surprises were part of the deal. I saw myself early on as someone who was just trying to help. And I felt like kind of a bungler, or thick and insensitive, but I still had the willingness. And I knew that was a key. I knew that if I made an error

or if I stepped on John Morton and John-Roger in Africa, 1989 something I shouldn’t have stepped on, there was a willingness to correct me (J-R was not hesitant to make that clear) and at times that was intense. It wasn’t about, “How do you feel about that?” It was like, “You have the responsibility for your feelings so if you think I’m responsible for your hurt feelings, I’m not. I need people who can deal with what we’re doing here so nobody gets in the way of the work.” He used to say that a lot: “Nobody gets in the way of the work. Including myself. I don’t get to get in the way of the work.” That was the phrase—”the end he asked if I was hungry, and work” and it referred to something I said yes, and he asked me to that was bigger than all of us. We come along to dinner. He asked were all doing “the work.” where I was staying and I pointed to my car because all my things I have a lot of those stories about what it’s like working for J-R. I could were in my car which was parked go on all day, for days, talking about in the parking lot. And that’s when he offered me the motor home all kinds of ways I experienced that was on the property. Later working with J-R. on, when one of the staff left, I NDH: Did it change over the moved into a bedroom. I made years? Did you feel like less of a a determination that I wasn’t “bungler” as it went on? going to leave until I was asked to leave—which violated how JM: Yeah I definitely learned a I was raised, particularly by my thing or two. I started at around mother, which was to be polite, to the end of ‘78. My intention was to be honorable, to be respectful, a get to J-R, to get to where he lived, “good guest.” to be close to this guy. When I had I wasn’t asked to leave, and a meeting with him to listen to a then other staff left, until at the tape of my ministerial ordination beginning of 1988 it was just it went on for seven hours. At the New Day Herald 61

J-R and me. Then lo and behold, the next thing I’m the president of MSIA in early 1988, and then a couple of months later J-R is asking if I’m interested in being the next Traveler. My response was something like, “If I’m helping you J-R. Whatever that means, I’m in.” He said Spirit was deciding this, and often that’s how he would describe where these things were coming from. So clearly there was a difference when J-R was deciding it and when Spirit was deciding it. For the Traveler part, clearly Spirit was referenced as deciding this. At that point I realized that I had endured. One of my final “tests” if you will, was when J-R was having a very difficult time in 1987, physically and health-wise. His blood pressure was up, he gained weight, and it was very difficult because it was the era of the Los Angeles Times articles came out about John-Roger and MSIA. It was challenging not just for John-Roger but for anyone working on staff that year. Things were changing and shifting, and not in ways that I personally liked or agreed with or understood. It

was a year when everyone was being tested or measured to see how they would respond. J-R told the three of us that were still there in 1987 that he was getting so sick that he couldn’t stay in the house because the negative power was there so powerfully. He said, “Either you three have to go or I have to go. So I’ve ordered up applications for Prana residency and I’d like you to fill them out.” For me, that was like, “You want me to go to Siberia?” God bless Prana, and I have stayed there one or two nights, but once I was with J-R I didn’t want to be anywhere else. Things changed after I became the Traveler and got married, but in that period of time I just wanted to be with J-R wherever he was. So I filled out the application but I waited two or three weeks, and I’m pretty certain that the other guys didn’t fill out the application. I brought the application to J-R and I said if I’m in some way making you sick and bringing the negative power into this house, then I’ll go. He basically told me, “That’s OK, what the negative power is doing is about

finished. If I were you I’d just stay out of the way. Just go on about your business.” He said I didn’t need to submit the application, it was just a way of seeing who was willing to cooperate and who wasn’t. That was probably around November of 1987. There was a lot of other stuff going on in the administration of MSIA at the time other than the focus of the work of Soul Transcendence. I considered that I took care of J-R and attended to him, but there was also a lot of work in the area of public relations and getting ready for the LA Times article, that kind of thing. That was in large part the area that I didn’t agree with or understand. Over the years newspeople had asked to talk to us about our work and we would respond. But to make that the prime focus of our business, and try to prepare for what the newspeople might say and strategize a response, I just thought, “That’s off.” We needed to just focus on the work. It was good work. People weren’t disagreeing with what was going on in the work, they were finding fault with people’s personalities

1986-87 John Morton on PAT IV bus

62 New Day Herald

and making things up about the purpose of the organization.

of adjustment where we cut back, I’d like to see if we can do what’s already been planned.” I remember NDH: I have this image in my mind the first trip that was up was from around 1987 or ‘88. I had Australia, with a pretty full schedule, hitched a ride in a car that was and J-R agreed, and we brought in part of J-R’s caravan. I remember people who had just been learning seeing you, and the sense I had to do services, we called whoever was one of total dedication, and was available, and we went and did also exhaustion, like this is a everything scheduled. I had such a guy who’s been going non-stop great experience with that. I know for years. But with a dedication that Paul Kaye and Vincent DuPont that overrides any personal were called in and for a while they considerations. There was just were on every trip. Angel Harper this very strong, steady focus that was there with her then-husband, was like, we’re just going in this and I was also doing the services. direction and everything else And we had to learn how to do the gets sacrificed. NOW Productions (audio/video) part of it too. JM: In 1988, when the president It was at a very professional level. of MSIA (who had also been living It was intense, with very full days, and working with J-R since the day in and day out. But the energy early 1970’s) and another staff was there. Maybe I was exhausted member (who had been there for and I didn’t know it, but I look back five years) both left at the same time, around February of ‘88, it was and I consider that we did the work and we did it with excellence. We just J-R and me. I told J-R, “I don’t want any of the work to falter—the didn’t falter because we were too exhausted and we were making seminars, the workshops, MSIA mistakes. We just stepped up so services. Rather than do any kind Spirit could do what it does. But to make that the prime When I look focus of our business, and try to back, we didn’t prepare for what the newspeople skip a beat. I think that was might say and strategize a part of what response, I just thought, “That’s prepared me off.” We needed to just focus for what I’m doing now. on the work. It was good work.

People weren’t disagreeing with what was going on in the work, they were finding fault with people’s personalities and making things up about the purpose of the organization.

It’s interesting to think back to Roger Hinkins and his personality and expression, and then think of what he

stepped into…and then I think of how I stepped into what I’ve stepped into. I stand up there and I do look at it as speaking for God. That’s the best way for me to look at it when I do this work. I just see my time with J-R as having prepared me for the next logical progression. When I was the president of MSIA I was doing everything I could to pick it up so he was free to do what was primary for him. From day one J-R needed to be out of the body. Anyone who worked with him would tell you lots of stories of how often J-R was “down” which was code that meant that the body’s down. We all have the opportunity to be out of the body with our eyes open, even if you’re driving a car. I wouldn’t recommend that for safety reasons. But I’m sure Jsu and Nat, who also drove J-R, could tell you how it’s not an easy job to be driving the car while J-R is “out” and you in some way experience yourself “out” with him. I don’t know how far out I would go—and we’re not talking about miles, we’re talking about realms. Clearly I experienced myself out of the body and many people would recognize that feeling and call it “sleepy.” But in MSIA we’re talking about an attunement that shifts into soul awareness and soul body travel, and that to me is exponentially different from psychic body travel. I was learning how to step into that. Then once the Traveler mantle came along in 1988, I didn’t grill J-R about it, because of the way I was with J-R. I didn’t say, “Can I see the manual for being the Traveler now?” There was no such thing. New Day Herald 63

We all have the opportunity to be out of the body with our eyes open. . . Clearly I experienced myself out of the body and many people would recognize that feeling and call it “sleepy.” But in MSIA we’re talking about an attunement that shifts into soul awareness and soul body travel, and that to me is exponentially different from psychic body travel. I was learning how to step into that. And I didn’t ask for an explanation. I was built to not do that. It’s not like I didn’t ask questions at all, but as much as possible I tried to determine the answers from my own experience, and then be open. So once I had the mantle at some point he was more or less making me do the seminars. In Berlin for the first time I was called upon to address the group. J-R was wrestling with me to sit me down in a chair, in front of everybody. And my attitude was, “J-R, I don’t want to do this.” But it was like, no, it’s time for you to do this. You’re the Traveler, you have the keys. You can’t just keep refusing. You have to step into this.

that I wasn’t in a state of mind to be open. But the energy came in so people got the experience. I think people realized that even though John doesn’t seem to have a clue about what he’s saying, the Traveler consciousness is walloping us in an energy field that people recognize. Over the years I’ve really thought, “Wow, the difference between J-R’s attunement and my attunement is so huge, I don’t even know how to measure that.” But just the same I’ve witnessed over and over that the Traveler consciousness is the Traveler consciousness. It doesn’t come in diminished.

But it’s also in everybody, so it’s not like it’s dependent on a body; but, mechanistically or practically, it uses That’s how I went into it. I don’t one. It uses a body that is anchored, really consider it to be a seminar so it can anchor itself to a body. because I was in so much resistance It needs that body to get into the level. I’ve had that experience all It can keep along. If I just have the willingness shifting itself. It’s a to step up to the plate, to get in a consciousness that is chair…I just tell people this ministry all, knows all. Capacity is one of showing up. And then over the years many times I’ve is a misnomer. I doesn’t looked at as, “What am I going to have capacity, or you talk about? I have this assignment,” could say it has endless and then I realize, “Just get up there and say whatever comes present.” capacity. So there’s And that’s what you see. I get up nothing it can’t do. there and the attunement comes in. 64 New Day Herald

What is that? Is it channeling? No. J-R made it clear that we’re not doing that, we’re not going out of the body so some other consciousness can come into the body. So what are we doing? Attunement. That attunement can be something like… “at this moment I’m in the mind of Einstein.” How did I do that? God knows how to do it all. What’s the big deal? It can keep shifting itself. It’s a consciousness that is all, knows all. Capacity is a misnomer. I doesn’t have capacity, or you could say it has endless capacity. So there’s nothing it can’t do. Why would God make a rock so heavy he can’t lift it? God’s not that stupid. In that realm there are no rocks, there are no limitations, there’s not even gravity. So it’s all weightless. If you try to do it here in the world, it’s in another framework. How we perceive and express it here is different. J-R made it so clear that you have to be here in this world, you can’t not be here. You can’t just check out of this world, you have to deal with it. We all resist and say we don’t agree with how my physical body functions because I have these other awarenesses of a body so clear and free of the physical. So what? We all have that. Deal with this, do the best you can, but also you have an opportunity to do attunement to what’s higher. End of Part 1 To Be Continued Next Issue. . .

#ALLING FORWARD ALL 043 &ACILITATORS AROUND THE WORLD You are invited to help create the beautiful Christ energy, inside and out, for us to welcome and set the tone for MSIA’s Conference of the Christ 2015 by offering PTS Christ workshops in your communities. Classes are being scheduled in Michigan, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, Maryland, Sweden, Australia, and many other communities for May and June. Join us and participate in this global Christ energy!


is a beautifully designed class to explore and experience the Christ Energy at a very deep level and can be offered as:

UÊa one-day workshop UÊa weekend workshop UÊa 5-week class

Contact Antonietta Schulz for any inquiries, tuition, support or materials for the class. Phone: 323-328-1948 or


MSS Year One Los Angeles, California – English Los Angeles, California – Spanish Santa Barbara, California (Tentative) Philadelphia, PA (Tentative)



2015-2016 Classes MSS Year Two Los Angeles, California

Master of Spiritual Science Year One:

“This is an amazing program... it has assisted me in removing many of the blocks within my self that prevented me from being more accessible to the Spirit/Soul within me.” - CL

“The MSS gave me my TRUE life. The life that I always knew was most important. My Spiritual Life.” - VM

“Michelangelo carved a stone, and David emerged. Through my participation in the PTS Masters Program, who I am emerges. Week by week, month by month, patiently, gently, effortlessly, the one I always hoped for, the ‘me’ I knew was there, emerges, takes shape and comes alive.” - MM

Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses for at least one year prior to beginning of program (12 complete) and active subscription to Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs) For details: check with and

Creating Through Grace

Year Two:

Fulfilling the Spiritual Promise

Year Three:

Living From The Inside Out (Optional)

Doctor of




Santa Monica, CA

DSS Year Three, DSS Year Five (AMS II) September 25-27, 2015 October 23-25 November 20-22 January 29-31, 2016 February 26-28 March 18-20 April 22-24 May 20-22 June 17-19

Sydney, Australia DSS Year Five (AMS II) May 9-10 June 13-14 July 11-12 August 8-9 September 12-13 October 8-9 November 7-8

Prana West & Live Online

DSS-2 Worldwide English w/ Spanish Translation


ou see, God created us and He didn’t use any junk to do it. Sometimes you want to take who

you are as a creative being and make junk, thinking that’s going to be acceptable. At the level we are working in this PTS doctoral program, I want to be clear with you that it’s not. The thing we’re on the planet to learn is discipline toward God’s direction. That discipline is not a punishment. It’s joy. And it’s a real thankful thing to have.” — John-Roger, DSS

Prerequisites: Graduate of PTS’ MSS Program, active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs), active MSIA Initiate and MSIA Ministers, regular tither to MSIA, and official acceptance by PTS Administration. Completion of DSS-1 for DSS-2; DSS-2 for DSS-3, etc.

October 2-4, 2015 October 30-November 1 November 20-22 January 15-17, 2016 February 5-7 March 4-6 April 1-3 May 6-8 June 3-5

For information:

Elissa Giges PTS Director of Graduate Studies or (323) 328-1940

P e a c e T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a ry & C o l l e g e o f P h i l o s o p h y

Call now to Register (323) 737-1534 ■ fax (323) 328-9005 ■ ■


World City Center Kids Visit Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens by Carol Jones

“At one point the teacher asked for quiet and got complete silence, which was an unexpected sort of mini-miracle. And just then the sweetest energy descended on the group. Kids closed their eyes, adults reveled in the stillness, and we all drank in the Spirit of the moment. So precious. �

68 New Day Herald


uesday, March 31,together with their teachers and director, Rebecca Bernard, a delightful group of five to nine-year-olds walked to Prana from World City Center, housed in another historic building about four blocks away on Adams. Their purpose was to learn about the different styles of architecture in the neighborhood and to experience peace. Rebecca had prepared the group for a treasure hunt, so they came equipped with photographs of various artifacts here at Prana like the marble lions, stone angels, the intercom call box, fountains, and chandeliers. What fun they had finding these things! Equally delightful was Kevin McMillan’s style of shepherding the group. Mr. Kevin, as they called him, interspersed historical facts with the sweet pastime of finding as many angels as possible depicted in Prana’s ceiling paintings, and on the chandeliers and sconces. Hand on his heart, Kevin had this little troupe follow suit—not just once but many times during their hour visit—and say “Peace”, explaining we can find peace inside. They toured the meditation garden in small groups with great enthusiasm, convening in front of the central urn. More moments of peace there. Listening to the sounds of the water and birds, feeling the cool breeze. More sharing about how that felt. “Nice!” “Happy!” “Mmmmm!” At one point the teacher asked for quiet and got complete silence, which was an unexpected sort of mini-miracle. And just then the sweetest energy descended on the group. Kids closed their eyes, adults reveled in the stillness, and we all drank in the Spirit of the moment. So precious. Some kids took our visitor cards with them to show their folks, and teachers took brochures. And after more marveling at the reflection pool, touching the water at the fountain, scaring me by coming too close to the edge of the red bridge across the pond, and several trips to the restroom, they bid us farewell. Many of us who witnessed this idyllic scene had sore cheeks from smiling ear to ear! On their departure, they were heard to say in unison, “Thank You, Mr. Kevin.” Thank you, beautiful kids!

New Day Herald 69

Insight I: The Awakening Heart Seminar

Teen Insight 1

The Awakening Heart Seminar What would your life be like

you felt happier and



expressive person you really are

When: June 25-28, 2015 Where: Santa Monica, CA Who: Ages 14–18 Tuition: $425 (Tuition assistance funds may be available)

“Best four days of my life.” –Jasper “I learned how to take positive risks, even when I think OMG I can’t do it.” –Wendy “I know what I want more clearly and I can just go out there and make it happen for myself.” –Angie

Sign-up or check it out: Questions: Contact Rachael Jayne at or 800-311-8001, ext. 223


On Thursday March 12, 2015, twenty-five MSIA ministers and initiates from both Australia and New Zealand came together at this special location to celebrate the establishment of a Spiritual Peace Portal dedicated to the Lord Christ Jesus and our Beloved John-Roger.

a unique spiritual event took place in a tranquil corner of Sydney’s vast, historic Centennial Park. On Thursday March 12, 2015, twenty-five MSIA ministers and initiates from both Australia and New Zealand came together at this special location to celebrate the establishment of a Spiritual Peace Portal dedicated to the Lord Christ Jesus and our Beloved John-Roger. A week before J-R’s 80th birthday, a magnificent sandstone Labyrinth, almost identical in dimension and design with the one at Prana, was opened in this city by the New South Wales Governor. It cost $500,000 to construct, and as a minor donor, I was one of several NSW ministers who attended. Most enthusiastic of all the many visitors on that day was our ministerial colleague Brenda Gould who for several years past had been been spiritually assisting Emily Simpson (the creator and founder of the Labyrinth) as well as actively planting and reinforcing Light Columns around that site. When our State MSIA Rep Susan Skelton suggested that Brenda form a subcommittee to explore the possibility of John Morton planting an IIWP Peace Pole or Peace Tree near the Labyrinth at the time of our 2015 Conference of Soul Transcendence, I gladly accepted her invitation to participate, viewing Brenda’s involvement in this Peace mission as a natural progression from her Light Up Australia initiative in the year 2000 which protected this city during Sydney’s Olympic Games. In that year Brenda inspired a small group of NSW ministers to engage in widespread planting of Light Columns, which she “bridged” with Divine Love. The efficacy of this Light protection had been noted by John Morton who declared it to be the work of ‘The Light of Australia Ministry’ by inscribing that title in her signed copy of The Blessings Already Are during his Sydney 2000 book launch. When ill health and other issues combined to disrupt team action, Brenda was obliged to adopt a more silent, solitary ministry. Her aptitude for Light Column planting and bridging has continued unabated as evidenced in her strong support of Emily Simpson’s work.

72 New Day Herald


Targeting March 2015, we contacted MSIA staff Angel Harper and Debbie Roth and then approached the Central Parklands Authority in New South Wales seeking permission for John Morton to plant either an IIWP Peace Pole or a Peace Tree at the Labyrinth just five kilometres from our selected Conference venue. When permission was withheld by the Park Authority, we proposed that John Morton preside over the establishment of an invisible Spiritual Peace Portal, a precedent quite acceptable to the Authority and one which fully honoured the objectives of the Institute for Individual and World Peace. Our beloved Traveler then indicated that interested Australian ministers might like to complete their own Peace Portal (already nascent among the many Light Columns planted and nurtured there). Grateful for the Traveler’s Blessing and mindful that the Labyrinth had already been blessed by a diversity of spiritual, cultural and religious leaders (ranging from Aboriginal Elder to Zen Roshi), we were more than ready to accept responsibility for facilitating and anchoring this Greater Emanation of Peace in its sublime Sydney setting.

Grateful for the Traveler’s Blessing and mindful that the Labyrinth had already been blessed by a diversity of spiritual, cultural and religious leaders (ranging from Aboriginal Elder to Zen Roshi), we were more than ready to accept responsibility for facilitating and anchoring this Greater Emanation of Peace in its sublime Sydney setting.

New Day Herald 73

To this end, we immediately reached out to consult with Queensland’s inimitable Master of Ceremonies Andrew St. John. Andrew and partner Carolyn Canet both participated in developing an exemplary program and both joined us in divining the perfect position for the Peace Portal, using a crystal pendulum.

Beginning with a guided meditation, Andrew called forth the divine energies of Peace and Tranquility, anchoring them into the Earth while everyone joined in muted chanting of the Sacred Sound of the highest Levels of Spirit.

74 New Day Herald

Under clement skies on a mild March afternoon, everyone gathered on a grassy knoll which overlooked on one side the Sacred Labyrinth, and on the other, Willow Pond—one of several spring-fed lakes which once served as Sydney’s water source, and now as a refuge for native waterbirds including “sacred” ibis. From a small altar covered with white cloth on which twin lanterns burned, Andrew called in the Light and extended a heartfelt welcome to everyone present including a large assembly of celestial beings. His most fervent and joy-filled welcome went to the Lord Christ Jesus and our beloved John-Roger to whom the whole occasion was jointly dedicated. Beginning with a guided meditation, Andrew called forth the divine energies of Peace and Tranquility, anchoring them into the Earth while everyone joined in muted chanting of the Sacred Sound of the highest Levels of Spirit. “It wasn’t long” according to Pauline Kirby “before the momentum of Spirit moved the dark cloud from the horizon. I saw all the colours of the realms flashing across the spiritual sky with the white Christening overpowering it all.” Later Andrew delineated for us the shape and dimensions of the Portal itself, emphasizing its pivotal importance in the whole unfoldment process not only for Australia but also for other parts of the planet. All of us got to see this event as an ongoing gift for the whole of mankind—truly a divine outpouring of peace heralding the Golden Age of Humanity. Here is an excerpt from Dawn White’s account of what took place:

“I experienced a tremendous vortex of energy that came ever more present with the anchoring, the Line of Mystical Travelers as well as many angels and devas in support of this Light action. There continues to be a sweet, Grace-filled energy of De-Light and grounding in that place, radiating Peace. When I checked in the next day, I experienced that the vortex was continually swirling (a bit like our MSIA spiral graphic) with a beautiful rose-pink lotus flower type effect at the top—allowing the positive energies to move freely. I see now that it is extending to encompass the planet …”

We give thanks for places of simplicity and peace, Let us find such a place within ourselves.

We give thanks for places of refuge and beauty, Let us find such a place within ourselves. We give thanks for places of joy, inspiration and renewal, Places where we all may find acceptance and belonging. Let us search for those places In the world, in ourselves and in each other. With Love and Blessings from a Scribal Elder of the Light of Australia Ministry

Barrie Chaffer

New Day Herald 75

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“The journey of your Soul is to return to an awareness of and a oneness with God.�



INSTITUTE FOR INDIVIDUAL AND WORLD PEACEŽ (IIWP) is a nonprofit THE HEARTFELT FOUNDATION, founded in 1979 by John-Roger, is a 501(c)(3) foundation whose mission is to identify and present the volunteer-driven service organization which is operated through the processes that lead to peace. Its unique approach is based on the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), a 501(c)3 principle that peace is present and that it starts with us, as individuals. nonprofit organization. 100% of donations received go to those we IIWP presents peace processes through speeches, community peace serve. HeartFelt’s mission statement is: “Changing people’s lives through projects, and workshops. Our workshops are designed to anchor the the healing power of heartfelt service.� People and the loving heart are a The MOVEMENT of SPIRITUAL INNER AWARENESS (MSIA) teaches Soul experience and power of choosing peace as a practical reality in one’s life. primary focus of our work, and volunteers are the key to our success. Transcendence, which is becoming aware of oneself as a Soul, and, more IIWP also owns Windermere Ranch, in beautiful Santa Barbara, An important part of HeartFelt’s work is the HeartReach Program, whic than that, as one with God. Soul Awareness Discourses are the heart California. Windermere offers people the opportunity to explore and h responds with Light and assistance to members of our spiritual family of MSIA’s teachings. They offer many practical keys to more successful experience peace in a natural setting and includes a unique horse who are undergoing life-challenging or medical crises. living. Even more important, they offer keys to greater spiritual awareness program based on communication and mutual respect. The HeartFelt Global Network reaches out to our worldwide and knowledge of the Soul. MSIA’s approach is to present activities and IIWP, 3500 West Adams Blvd family, connecting us in our service to our communities, techniques that direct us toward the Spirit and loving that are the essence P E A C E Los Angeles, CA 90018 with the intent of sharing and inspiring the serving heart. of who we are, and to provide support for practicing those things if (323) 328-1905 For more info please contact Skyler Patton (serve@heartfelt. people choose to use them. QFBDF!JJXQ PSH r XXX JJXQ PSH org) and subscribe to receive future HGN Bulletins at In MSIA we respect any approach that encourages people on their present Join IIWP on Facebook: path home to God. We certainly don’t claim to have the only way, The Heartfelt Foundation but we do have a way that is assisting thousands of people to do this 3500 W. Adams Blvd. while experiencing greater health, happiness, abundance, and joy. The Los Angeles, CA 90018 foundation of MSIA is loving, and it is in that spirit that we invite you to (323) 328.1908, USM WAS FOUNDED IN 1976 BY JOHN-ROGER and is a private graduate participate with us in whatever way works for you. school offering Master’ s degrees in Spiritual Psychology and Spiritual MSIA, P.O. Box 513935, L.A., CA 90051, (323) 737-4055 Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health, and Healing.Known Have you traveled the MSIA Website yet? as the Worldwide Center for the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, USM’s mission is communicating the principles and practices of Spiritual Psychology worldwide through the process of Soul-Centered education.




PEACE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY & COLLEGE OF PHILOSOPHY (PTS) provides spiritual education to students in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) and to the general public to enhance awareness of Spirit. PTS offers classes, workshops, retreats, correspondence courses, a Master of Spiritual Science (MSS) degree, and a Doctor of Spiritual Science (DSS) degree. Founded in 1977 by John-Roger, PTS is a private, non-denominational educational seminary that teaches practical spirituality in our changing world. PTS maintains that our primary relationship is with our own Soul, and the business of PTS is to provide educational opportunities that support students in becoming more aware of the Divine in themselves. We invite you to join us in expanding your consciousness, enhancing your understanding, strengthening your spiritual awareness, embracing your loving, and allowing grace to lead the way. Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy 3500 West Adams Blvd. L.A., CA 90018, (323) 737-1534,

Peace awareness Labyrinth & Gardens

esprit travel & tours

Soul-Centered education recognizes spiritual reality and begins with the assertion that rather than human beings who have a soul, we are more accurately described as souls having a human experience. This assertion evokes a radical paradigm shift, which results in a psychological and Founded in 1975, Esprit serves our community and the general public. educational process whose goal is to bring forth the beauty, wisdom, and Esprit’s Independent Travel Department specializes in creating individuallycrafted cultural tours of Japan and Asia that journey deep into the compassion inherent in every human being. arts,crafts, history, cuture and cuisine of distant lands. Our custom tour This experiential educational paradigm evokes in students their own itineraries deliver extraordinary cultural travel experiences. answers to the three essential questions: For more information about Who am I? Why am I here and what is my purpose? our tours, contact us at: How can I make a meaningful contribution in the world? (800) 377-7481 USM 2107 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90403 310-829-7402,


insight Seminars

INSIGHT SEMINARS is an international non-profit educational organization founded over 35 years ago, by John-Roger and created by Russell Bishop. Insight’s mission is to assist us in transforming ourselves and the world to loving and our purpose is to inspire people everywhere to a life of greater happiness, success and fulfillment, built on self-awareness, HOME OF MSIA AND PTS HEADQUARTERS IN LOS ANGELES, Peace loving, caring, compassion and service. Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens is a place where people can be in Insight operates throughout the world including North, Central and retreat without leaving the city. South America, Australia, Bulgaria, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, Visitors may walk the hand-carved stone outdoor labyrinth, enjoy a the Caribbean and the Middle East. Through the Insight Seminar Series, moment of peace in the meditation garden, attend regular meditation men and women, children and teens are provided opportunities to events and seminars, and join the staff and residents for lunch and dinner learn practical skills and techniques for living a happier, more effective, during the work-week. Students in MSIA who come to Peace Awareness successful, abundant and heart-centered life. Labyrinth and Gardens also enjoy volunteering in the offices and doing Business Insight is available for companies to create corporate transspiritual exercises in the solarium. formation and strategic success through the Business Insight Seminar, Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens Teambuilding or Leadership Workshops, Executive Transformational 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Coaching or customized programs. Los Angeles, California 90018 Phone: (323) 737-4055 1.800.311.8001 Email: 2101 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 221, Santa Monica, CA 90403

78 New Day Herald

New Day Herald




John Morton

Editorial Directors

Paul Kaye Mark Lurie Vincent Dupont

Contributing Editors

Zoe Golightly Leigh Taylor-Young Sherie Wylie Graphic Design & Production

Greg Battes David Sand


Staff Photographer

Communications Coordinator


David Sand Zoe Golightly

David Sand

Elissa Giges Kim Guisinger Antonietta Schulz


res ou rc e s INITIATION

Audio or video seminars with John-Roger or John Morton are held in many communities around the world. They are an excellent way to lift your spirits and further your spiritual attunement. Contact your local MSIA representative or call 323-737-4055 to find the closest home seminar in your area.

PTS CLASSES The educational arm of MSIA, Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy (PTS), offers experiential learning of Soul Transcendence and practical spirituality in a variety of formats, including evening classes, retreats, weekend offerings, e-mail and correspondence courses, and a 2-year Master’s and 3-year Doctor of Spiritual Science program. For more information, go to, call PTS at 323-737-1534, or e-mail

LOVING EACH DAY Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton are delivered daily to you via e-mail. Start your computer session with a daily e-mail message of inspiration and loving. Available in four languages—English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese—a subscription is free upon request by visiting Loving Each Day e-postcards, on an award-winning site, are also available at

If you are just starting the Soul Awareness Discourses, Discourse #1 explains initiation into the Sound Current. You may choose to study the Discourses with the intention to be initiated on this path, or to simply read them as information. If you do choose to study toward initiation, the Traveler works with you more closely, and you may notice a greater spiritual awareness in your own consciousness as this work goes on. If you are studying toward initiation, you need to write and mail a letter to the Traveler that this is your intention. If you have written and mailed your intention to the Traveler, you can apply for initiation when you have completed Discourse 24.

THE MSIA MINISTRY The MSIA ministry is for initiates of the Traveler who are called inwardly to serve the spirit of their hearts. Service may be in any form, from volunteering for the Church to assisting people in need or organizations that serve those people, and anything in between. The only requirement is that the ministry is active and done regularly. MSIA ministers may perform services, like marriages, that clergy of other denominations are authorized to do as long as they comply with the laws of the locality in which they serve. People who have received initiation into the Sound Current through the Traveler may request an Application for Ordination packet from:


WRITING TO JOHN MORTON THE NDH ONLINE Visit the New Day Herald online at for up-to-the-moment stories and travels with John Morton. The e-NDH is a free online subscription which lets you know when new articles and stories are posted on the web. For a free subscription, go to and click on “Subscribe to NDH by e-mail.�

THE MSIA STORE A complete catalog of books, audio and videotapes, CDs, subscriptions, and other materials is available at

WEB RING r r r r (explore the programs, classes, and events offered through PTS. Register for PTS classes, and take a free e-mail class) (fresh news, articles by J-R and John Morton, daily stories and photos during the Traveler's journeys for peace, and more‌) (send a free e-mail postcard!) (news about John-Roger and John Morton and their books) (download a free spiritual warrior journal; discover your purpose) (look for a sample blessing) (Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens—news, events, information) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Tithe online!) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Seed online!)

Sometimes people reading Discourses, especially those studying toward initiation, want to write to John Morton. Writing often helps you let go of a troubling situation and open more to the Traveler’s assistance inwardly. As soon as you write to John Morton, he gets the message on the spiritual levels, and they do what Spirit allows. Then, to let go of the situation in your consciousness, you burn or mail your letter. Whether you burn or mail what you wrote, you may find that you get your answers on the inner levels, sometimes very quickly. You may also experience greater calm, clarity, or peace, which can help you go through whatever challenges you face. We suggest that you place the situation in the Light, ask for clarification during s.e.’s, dreams, etc., and then look for the answers within you. Often reading a Discourse or listening to an MSIA tape (either at home or at a seminar) will provide keys to assist you in handling your situation. You can also refer to any of the numerous books by John-Roger and John Morton to find information that relates to what you are dealing with. These two have shared so much with us over the years, and we encourage you to send your letters via e-mail, using these addresses:

For John Morton: If you live in the United States and if you send your letter to John in hard copy via the mail, you need to include a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) if you want a reply from either of them. Many hundreds of people write personal letters each month to The Traveler, so please note that even if you do send a letter by e-mail or if you do send in an SASE with your letter, you may not receive a response back. This does not imply that your concern is not important or that you are being ignored. There simply may be no need for a physical reply, or there may be no answer available to you at the time you write. In addition to the e-mail addresses above, mail to John Morton can be sent to: .4*" r 1 0 #PY r -PT "OHFMFT $"

THE JOHN-ROGER LEGACY FUND The John-Roger Legacy Fund within MSIA ensures that the teachings of the Mystical Traveler are available for many years to those who are looking for them. The Fund’s prime objective is to continue to maintain the archives of J-R’s spiritual work and to share it with the world, and to support MSIA, as necessary, as a conduit to maintain the availability of the Traveler’s teachings and to preserve John-Roger’s legacy.

How to Contribute to the John-Roger Legacy Fund 1. By Mail: Mail check or credit card number with dollar amount and indicate that your contribution is for the John-Roger Legacy Fund: MSIA, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018 2. By phone: 323.737.4055 to donate by credit card. 3. Donate online through the MSIA store at: or through the God Is Your Partner website at:

How to include MSIA, Heartfelt, or IIWP in your will or living trust s A planned gift in the form of a bequest in your will or living trust is a great way to benefit the Traveler’s organizations. Information to make a donation through your estate planning: s Heartfelt Foundation: Full legal name: Heartfelt Foundation d/b/a of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA Federal tax identification number 23-7137833 s IIWP: Full legal name: Institute for Individual & World Peace d/b/a of Peace is Present Foundation. Federal tax identification number 20-4583765

s MSIA: Full legal name: The Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). MSIA Federal tax identification number 23-7137833. If you wish, you can specify that your bequest goes to the John-Roger Legacy Fund at MSIA. (The above is not intended as tax or legal advice. We recommend that you consult with a financial or legal advisor for estate planning and tax advice specific to your situation. If you have any questions about giving to MSIA, Heartfelt or IIWP, please contact Mark Lurie by email: or call 323.737.4055 , ext. 1150.)

New Day Herald 79

Blessingof YourMinistry


Weekend Workshop Scotts, MI

Sat May 30 and Sun May 31, 2015 Facilitated by Rev. Kay Stolsonburg Tuition: $75 In a loving and methodical way, the Blessing of Your Ministry workshop offers ministers the opportunity to more clearly understand the power of the MSIA ministry and experience the profound depth of attunement with, and appreciation for, their individual ministerial blessing. As a result, participants can attain greater awareness of how to apply their ministerial blessings more effectively as they go forward into the world, ministering to all.

Information and Registration: Judith Beavers: Prerequisites: Active MSIA Discourse subscription (or SATs if #144 complete) and active MSIA minister.

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