The New Day Herald | January 2016

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New Day Herald Volume 29, Issue 3 ∙

In this edition... John-Roger Q&A John Morton: Loving through the Eyes of the Christ Jeeni Lawrence on Living & Working with J-R Jutta Knobloch at 90 Collecting Soul Stories And more.... ∙ January/February, 2016

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The New Day Herald The New Day Herald, P.O. Box 513935, Los Angeles, CA 90051. All rights reserved, except those specifically agreed to in writing. Reproduction in whole or part without publisher’s written consent is strictly prohibited. Letters to the editor: All letters, written comments, suggestions and questions regarding any aspect of this publication are read by the editor. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Letters must include your name and address. Contributions: Manuscripts, photographs, art work, line drawings, charts, designs and maps, must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped mailer. Contributions will be handled with reasonable care. The publisher, however, assumes no responsibility for the safety of such contributions. All contributed material, including but not limited to manuscripts, photos, line drawings, art work maps and designs, shall be considered as text and part of the submission. The act of mailing or personal delivery of a manuscript and related material shall constitute an expressed warranty by said contributor that the said submission and material is original and is in no way an infringement upon the rights of others. Contributions and manuscripts express the sole opinions of the author, and do not constitute or reflect the teachings, doctrines and policies of the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.

MSIA Upcoming Events Calendar of all MSIA events - Click here:

Featured Events:

Passover to Resurrection Workshop

Easter Eve Seminar

Easter at the Beach

On the Road w/ John Morton

Live Stream

Save the Dates: MSIA Conference


Zen of the Mystical Traveler, Japan

Passage into Spirit Asilomar

Contents Click any title to go to the article

6 Q&A with John-Roger John-Roger, DSS

(This Q&A is compiled from two NDH Q&A articles from the 1990’s.) “Practice the things that converge the Spirit. . .”

18 Loving Through the Eyes of the Christ John Morton, DSS

“It’s like high-wire walking without a net. Although you may not realize it, you’re choosing to cooperate and trust in that One who is the God in you.”


44 MSIA Polarity Balances

by Julie Chenery with Q&A by John-Roger (originally published in the March/April 1995 NDH) I was asked lots of questions about the balances. . . ask for more clarity from the top, so I asked J-R.

56 Lighting Up With The Traveler By Jackie Petersen

The theme of this sixth Parliament was “Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity.” It was attended by approximately 9,500 people representing over 55 faiths.

MSIA Services - A Witness to the Blessings & Miracles by Angel Harper

“As a . . .“balancer” I went through a . . .faceted training, and honestly, my training still continues”

60 Jutta Knobloch

90 and Going Strong by Vera Ubaldi

“her 90th birthday is a celebration of milestone upon milestone that she has survived and surmounted on her journey.”




Living and Working with J-R An Interview with Jeeni Lawrence by David Sand

“They didn’t have anything like a dean before that. I asked, “What does a dean do?” and they said, “Anything you want.”

47 Doing Light Services by Elizabeth Frumin

“In this process of both being a recipient of light services and observing and offering these services over the past decade, I am continually in awe and deep gratitude as I watch the Traveler work with all of us as students of spirit.”

64 My Gratitude To Almighty God by Rev. Nathan Nwokocha (Nigerian Minister)

MSIA Services

“MSIA offers several different spiritual counselings—aura balances, polarity balances, and innerphasings. The counselings are done by the Spirit and performed by MSIA ministers who have been specially trained to do this work.”


Soul Stories Wanted!

Collecting Those Special Moments An interview with Jackie Petersen by Vicki Ecker

“Long-time MSIA minister Jackie Petersen asks to have your story so that others, now and in the future, know just “who we are.” NDH sat down with Jackie to get a glimpse of her book project.”

70 Directory of Organizations 71 MSIA Resources

“. . .six armed robbers/kidnappers broke into our compound. As l noticed this, I immediately called in the Light.” © 2016 The Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness


arma is very fickle. It is hard

to say how it will be paid, but it will be paid off to your greatest advantage. Whatever would be the greatest awakening and learning for you is the way it will be paid.�

Q&A wit (This Q&A is

6 New Day Herald



compiled from two NDH Q&A articles from the 1990’s.)


New Day Herald 7

Q: What is the difference between stubbornness and will?

J-R: Stubbornness is an automatic reaction. Will Q: I’ve had experiences that I would call the is a choice.

However, stubbornness usually follows through with the choice as an automatic reaction. Long after you’ve stopped choosing, it may still carry on with the choice, because it hasn’t received a new direction from you. Stubbornness used the right way becomes determination. Instead of holding back, it then reaches out and pulls. Determination is one of hope, of youth, of life, of vitality. Knowing those and putting them in your attitude starts to change the flow of energy.

convergence of Spirit. How do I bring more than a fleeting memory to this level?

J-R: Practice. Practice the things that converge

the Spirit. It can be while you’re doing spiritual exercises, it can be doing a simple activity of life, or it could be stepping off a curb. Some of those could be considered negative convergences, but they can shake you up, shake things loose and bring a new awareness to you. Bring your spirit in convergence consciously with the Spirit at the same time. Bringing back the Spirit with you from the higher country is the fulfillment of it. Practice. I don’t know any other way than practice. Keeping a journal is a very effective tool for bridging the inner experiences of Spirit back through memory into this level. Keep a journal by your bed and jot your dreams down in the morning; keep a journal or pad of paper with you during the day to jot down awarenesses. As you do this, your consciousness gets the message that you are interested in remembering, and starts to bring more and more information to you. Practice can bring you the experience you seek.


ou see it, you want it, and you haven’t taken the time

to bring it into a form where you can have it. That results in impatience, an attitude of, “I want it right now”, because you see it and feel it. It doesn’t work that way on this level. If you want it on this level, you must also do the work required to bring it into form.”

8 New Day Herald

Q: I have a lot of goals that I want to achieve.

I want to wake up and find out that what I visualized has all happened, its all done. Instead what I have is impatience.

J-R: You see it, you want it, and you haven’t taken the time to bring it into a form

where you can have it. That results in impatience, an attitude of, “I want it right now”, because you see it and feel it. It doesn’t work that way on this level. If you want it on this level, you must also do the work required to bring it into form. Inventing the light bulb was one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Ask your self the question, “Is this worth it to me to manifest it on this level?” If it is, do whatever is necessary to get it from the Spirit to the physical level. If it’s not worth it, let it go.


New Day Herald 9

Q: Sometimes when I’m in the middle of a

painful situation, I have the feeling that this is a good lesson for me that I will need in the future. How can I benefit from an experience when I’m feeling so badly?

J-R: The key here is to acknowledge that

there is a valuable lesson when you’re feeling badly, because then you can redirect the energy. Acknowledge what is happening. If you have a headache, acknowledge that to the people around you. Say that you’re not going to be good company for awhile, that you’re working to get out of pain, and in a few seconds the headache may go and you’ll start to laugh and have fun. Accept the things that are taking place, because they’re really perfect.

Q: I’ve heard you talk about God meditating us. Can you give me an example?

J-R: It’s like your Soul had you and was leading

you where it wanted you to go. Maybe it moves you down the right street, and to the right corner and to the right door and to the right person for the right thing to occur. Another way to say it might be, love took you where it wanted to go, and then you followed it. On the way to God all the garbage is just fertilizer for your use as the potential for growing. But when you’re not on the way to God, then the garbage is stinking and dirty. When you realize this is just another step to go, then you look to see what you can plan along the way. But you never stop. You sacrifice all, not by cutting it off, but by re-looking ahead to the next thing.


ut when you’re not on the way

to God, then the garbage is stinking and dirty. When you realize this is just another step to go, then you look to see what you can plan along the way. But you never stop. You sacrifice all, not by cutting it off, but by re-looking ahead to the next thing.”

10 New Day Herald

Q: How do I open my spiritual eyes? J-R: There’s not an explanation of how; it’s

a matter of just doing it. If I tell you to breathe, you don’t say you don’t know how, you just do it. Opening your spiritual eyes is like that, it’s that level of experience. You do it by doing it. Sometimes you’ll doubt what you see, and then think it’s just your imagination. But the question is, why did you make that up rather than something else? It doesn’t matter. Keep going.

Q: Could you talk a little about how we are all one? And creating with God as our partner?

J-R: We all have the same blood, the same lifeline spiritually. You have kept yours in one form, and I have kept mine in another form. But we’ve all been breathing the same air. Spiritually the same flow of energy that is going through you is going through me and through others, and we’re all on this same lifeline. That’s really one of the reasons why Jesus said, “When you’ve done it to one of these, you’ve done it to me.” So don’t hurt anyone, because you’re going to hurt yourself. If you’re going to hurt another, you’ve got to go into hurt in order to do it.

Q: I love creating with God as my partner, and sense a shift I could make in this area. Is there anything you can say about this?

J-R: When you’re dealing with God, all things

are possible—total possibility. When you’re dealing with the negative power, you are dealing with probabilities. If you go to strict possibilities, you’re in the frame of reference that all things are you. Therefore, you have to go nowhere and you just produce the effect, which is all God is doing with us. We’re just the effect of God.



hen you’re dealing

with God, all things are possible—total possibility. When you’re dealing with the negative power, you are dealing with probabilities.”

Q: How do you know if you’re paying off

karma, or if you’re in a karmic situation?

J-R: The intention behind the action is extremely

important and that’s going to be the deciding factor karmically. Remember that karma is another way of saying, past actions. So balancing karma means balancing past actions. It may seem like things are happening to you, but in the bigger picture, they are actions which originated with you, coming back home to you for completion. Karma is very fickle. It is hard to say how it will be paid, but it will be paid off to your greatest advantage. Whatever would be the greatest awakening and learning for you is the way it will be paid. There’s a saying, “Ignorance is bliss.” You don’t know and you go through it. We go through most things not knowing what the karma is or why it is. We just know it is, because we can’t get out of it. You will know that you are done with it when it is gone.

New Day Herald 11

Q: I’ve heard you talk about “spiritual crimes,”

and I think I’ve been doing that through denial. How do I get past it?

J-R: It’s a forgiveness process. Do you think the God we know is not big enough to handle your spiritual crime?

Q: Well, no, I mean—He’s big. J-R: That’s right. He’s big. All you have to do is say, “God, I forgive myself for having denied You.”

And He goes, “Fine. I forgave you all along anyway. I didn’t take your judgment seriously. You forgive yourself for taking it seriously. Let’s have a laugh!” There “really” isn’t any such thing as a spiritual crime, spiritually. Not really—just metaphorically. What you do with it out of your imagination and ego is what you have to deal with. Your imagination is restricted by what it can produce. Your ego is restricted by what it can do. So you forgive yourself for your limitations. And laugh, have a good time, and keep moving ahead with your life.

“When you feel as though you

can’t handle something on your own, ask for help. No one said that you have to do everything by yourself; we are moving into a time when teamwork is becoming more and more important. You take care of yourself so you can help take care of others, so you can participate in your life with those around you.”

Q: Often when I forgive myself, I don’t feel like it really worked. Am I doing something wrong?

J-R: You appeal to the forgiveness, and you say,

“God forgive me.” When you say, “But I didn’t feel anything,” you are missing where the forgiveness takes place. It does not take place in your emotions or in your mind. You are forgiven in your Spirit, where you carry the judgments. If you are in touch with your Spirit, you’ll feel it quickly, and you’ll know that the forgiveness took place.

12 New Day Herald

Q: I have been trying to get my intention in

life clear, and I just can’t seem to do it. Can you explain what intention is and what I need to do to get mine clear?

J-R: You can’t get your intention clear because

God IS intention and He’s already clear; that’s already God’s. But you can get yourself clear regarding God. I’ll tell you what that is: God loves all of Its creation. Out of God comes all things. Not one Soul will be lost. Wow!

Q: You give us so much information, so many keys, and I’m beginning to

realize that no one is going to do things for me, that I need to do them for myself. Yet I need help sometimes. How do I ask for help, and allow help, yet do things myself?

J-R: You are the keeper of your own keys, and that is very important to know.

The Traveler points things out to you that are to be handled, and then it is your choice to do them or not. If you don’t do what’s yours, then the Traveler says, “Put away your keys, they are no good to you. Give them to somebody else and don’t be so burdened with them.” Some of these keys are very big and very important, and if you don’t use them, they can weigh you down inside. One of these keys is to love yourself. Loving yourself is not a feeling. It’s a commitment to do the things that are right and necessary for you, regardless of anyone else’s opinion. In the last analysis, other than God, you are the one who knows whats best for you. When you feel as though you can’t handle something on your own, ask for help. No one said that you have to do everything by yourself; we are moving into a time when teamwork is becoming more and more important. You take care of yourself so you can help take care of others, so you can participate in your life with those around you. Remember that God is your partner. All you have to do is ask, and then be willing to listen and cooperate with the answers, which may come to you in many ways. The man who stops to help you fix your flat tire is the answer to your prayer for help. The check in the mail from a forgotten debt, or the offer of a special project with good pay, is the answer to your prayer for more money. God dwells in each of us, and works through us all when we are willing. When you stay present, in the moment, taking care of what comes your way to the best of your ability, keeping your heart open, and asking for God’s assistance and blessing in all you do or say, then you are in good territory.

“When you stay present, in the moment, taking care of what comes your way to the best of your

ability, keeping your heart open, and asking for God’s assistance and blessing in all you do or say, then you are in good territory.” @msiaorg

New Day Herald 13

Q: Could you talk a little about how to find God? J-R: Find the essence of God in you. Travel the essence of

God in you. Travel the essence back to the form that you can relate to, and say, “That is the Divine Being.” And see yourself as God. Realize that you were always God here at the same time. That’s the joke!

“If you find yourself

lucky enough to experience the presence of the Divine, you are, indeed, very, very lucky. There are billions of people who do not experience it while they are living here on this earth. And this is where the key of it is—this is the springboard. That’s why souls want to incarnate here, in a body—to have the fullness of the

This whole Divine comedy is that this is just God talking to God. We talk to each other as if we don’t know something, or as if one knows more than the other. God knows the same thing in all of us; He just may not be expressing it in the same way. And that’s OK, because it would get incredibly boring here otherwise. If you find yourself lucky enough to experience the presence of the Divine, you are, indeed, very, very lucky. There are billions of people who do not experience it while they are living here on this earth. And this is where the key of it is— this is the springboard. That’s why souls want to incarnate here, in a body—to have the fullness of the experience of the Divine. Yet when you get here, it’s so easy to get hooked on the sensation of the flesh. If you do, you just keep incarnating back. The fleshly sensations do not exist in the Spirit world; there is a different sensation there. And it gets boring there, until you get high enough. Then the flesh stops pulling on you, and you no longer know there is an earth. You’ve already traversed the lower levels of existence so you just go back to the Soul realm and reside in the beingness of Spirit. I make it sound easier than it is. It’s really simple, but not necessarily easy. It’s a process of doing. When you’re tired, you don’t get to stop, you just keep doing. I use the phrase, etcetera. You just keep going. You win when you endure to the end.

experience of the Divine.”

14 New Day Herald

Q: I just had to put my two dogs to sleep

recently, as they were both old and very ill, and it brought up some questions about the right thing to do. Does putting an animal to sleep to keep them from suffering interfere with their spiritual path? I sent my dogs the Light often, kept them on the prayer list, loved them and touched them a lot while they were ill, held them on the way to the vet, and chanted the HU for my second dog, who passed over three weeks after her companion. For the future, is there anything else to do to help a pet with their transition?

“You may notice that when

J-R: Animals are on a different type of

over, it will go somewhere by

progression than people. When they leave this level, FOR THE MOST PART, they return to what I call a “group soul.” They take with them a type of learning, and they do lift and progress in their vibration. One of the experiences that lifts them a great deal is the experience of being loved, and of being around a Light person or family. Animals sometimes come in specifically to be around this energy. Suffering is not something an animal necessarily needs, as GENERALLY, they do not have the type of consciousness to work with it and learn from it. You may notice that when an animal is ready to pass over, it will go somewhere by itself and lay down, stop eating and drinking, and seem to be waiting to die. They do have an intelligence and know when it’s their time to go. It’s very challenging to decide yourself that a life has come to an end, and to assist that. The best you can do is pray, ask the Lord for guidance and assistance, and then start leaning in a direction and see if everything lines up with it. Whatever you decide to do, be gentle with yourself, and be loving with your pet. That loving is a very great gift to give them as they make their transition. All the things you mentioned above can help them. If you do something they don’t want done, they will let you know.


an animal is ready to pass

itself and lay down, stop eating and drinking, and seem to be waiting to die. They do have an intelligence and know when it’s their time to go. It’s very challenging to decide yourself that a life has come to an end, and to assist that. The best you can do is pray, ask the Lord for guidance and assistance, and then start leaning in a direction and see if everything lines up with it. Whatever you decide to do, be gentle with yourself, and be loving with your pet.”

New Day Herald 15

Come join us and receive the blessing of this Easter workshop


March 25 & 26, 2016


Friday 10am-7pm and Saturday 9am-1:30 pm PDT Times Tentative This two-day workshop is about coming into one accord, loving ourselves and loving one another. It’s about reflecting on our own individual process of taking ourselves out of bondage and choosing into liberation. In fact, wouldn’t it be wonderful if every one of us could come from this workshop resurrected, and ready to take multidimensional awareness to the next level?

Click Here to register for the Workshop Click Here to register for the Live Stream: for English for Spanish Location: 2101 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90403 Contact: Danielle Peterson @ or 323-328-1958 Tuition: $175 until at the door. Online Tuition: $150 Prerequisites: Active Subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses or SATs.

Easter Eve Seminar follows Saturday 3-4:30pm Cost: $15, adults; $ 8, 13-17 12 and under, free.

Join us for the Live Stream:



at the with John


March 27, 2016 Sunday 10:00am–1:00pm PDT Santa Monica Beach between Lifeguard Stations 22 & 24

Join us

for an Easter Morning Service at the Beach with John Morton - a day of celebration and renewal in the Christ. Come enjoy donations of Urth Caffé pastries and coffee on this Light filled morning with the Traveler. Share with your family, friends and loved ones in loving fellowship whilst basking in the sun on the beach, gazing out onto the ocean waters. And, kids of all ages can come and enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt with the Easter Bunny!

For Location Details Contact Danielle

Click Here

No registration required. Donations welcome. Bring an FM radio to hear the event.

A Free Recording of this event will be available on March 28 @ (English) (Español)



he God in you is One who is not distorted.

18 New Day Herald

Through the Eyes of the Christ by John Morton

All of us are working with

without going through you to source it from within. To get the loving from you to someone what I call “compromised circumstances.” It’s or someplace else, you have to love yourself our version of the world. It’s about how each first. Otherwise, you are in conditioned love of us perceives things. As soon as you look out which has something like a price in it. It isn’t through your eyes, you are in distortion. As soon free and clear loving. Conditioned loved, in a as you speak, you speak distortion. When you sense, is not true loving. listen, you hear distortion. What are you supposed to do with that? You may not know. You When you love through the Christ, you have may just be off. But the God in you is One who compassion towards yourself. You can move is not distorted. into a place of acceptance and understanding To surrender to that divine will, that clear loving intention, to put aside your own version of it, that calls for your trust and faith. That calls for your acceptance. It’s like high-wire walking without a net. Although you may not realize it, you’re choosing to cooperate and trust in that One who is the God in you. You can make the loving choice because your heart knows what that is. It knows what it feels like. So when you don’t do it, you’ll get an immediate experience that says, “That’s not loving.” It hurts. It bothers. It shuts down. It moves into separation. It moves into some kind of a darkness. You may lose track of the loving. If you do, it doesn’t matter because the loving is still present now. You can choose the loving in each moment. So choose the loving that appears to you right here and now. Remember that love goes through you. So if you want to love, there’s no way to do that

about your experience and reaction to it. You can say to yourself, “I’m doing the best I can.” That applies to right here and now. So let go and forget about whatever just happened that may be troubling you. Redirect yourself into what’s happening here and now. Apply your loving to whatever is in need of loving or even as a way of joining in the loving which is present. The loving of the Christ is always present and available to you and whoever chooses to be loving. If you find you get over your head so you’re out of balance and you know it, then consider stopping and holding. If you’re way off track from your loving, it’s amazing that if you take a pause, you’ll find there’s still a loving flow. It’s a flow you can’t stop. You can’t hold it back. So remember to breathe and tune in to the divine loving source within which is always alive and moving towards greater loving. (Click Here to continue on page 22)


New Day Herald 19

Connect with the Traveler’s energy and enjoy this South America Cali, Colombia MSIA Open Seminar with John Morton, Spiritual Solutions for a Challenging World - Cali In Person Only Tues, Jan 19, 2016 at 7:30pm-9:30pm (local time) Cost In Person: $15.00 USD contact: Alvaro Pipicano - 57-318 846-4050 c.;

Q&A for Discourse Subscribers with John Morton Wed, January 20, 2016 at 7:30pm-9:30pm (local time)

Cost In Person: $25.00 USD Contact: Alvaro Pipicano - 57-318 846-4050 c.;

MSIA Open Seminar with John Morton Spiritual Solutions for a Challenging World Medellin & Live Stream Sat, January 23, 2016 at 7:30-9:30pm (local time)

Cost In Person: $15.00 USD Contact: Giovanna Restrepo - 57-318 537-0662;

beautiful lineup of events  In Person and / or Live Stream as noted, technology permitting 

AUSTRALIA Melbourne Peace is Present Open Workshop with John Morton and Leigh Taylor-Young & Live Stream Tues, Feb 23, 2016 7:30pm-9:30pm (local time) Cost: In Person $25.00 AUD Live Stream: free of charge Registration Contact: Janice Crittenden: 0404 852 972

Sydney (cont’d) DSS GRADUATION CEREMONY with John Morton In Person Only Friday, March 4, 2016 Approx. 6:30pm-7:30pm (local time) Cost: Free of charge The Sydney Boulevard Hotel 90 William Street Sydney, Australia NSW 2011

Q&A for Discourse Subscribers with John Morton & Live Stream Saturday, March 5, 2016 7:30pm-9:30pm (local time)

Adelaide Rest and Rejuvenate with the Beloved Within Open Workshop with John Morton and Leigh Taylor-Young & Live Stream Fri, Feb 26, 2016 7:30pm-9:30pm Adelaide (local time) Cost: In Person$25.00 AUD Live Stream: free of charge Registration contact: Raneey Singh,; 61 4 0491-9795

MSIA Community Meal with John and Travel Staff In Person Only Q&A for Discourse Subscribers with John Morton & Live Stream Saturday, February 27, 2016 5:00pm-7:00pm Meal 7:00pm-9:00pm South Australia time Cost: In Person $30.00 AUD includes the meal Live Stream Discourse Subscriber Cost $10.00 USD Registration contact: Raneey Singh,; 61 4 0491-9795

Sydney Introduction to the Christ Within Open Workshop with John Morton & Live Stream Thur, Mar 3, 2016 7:30pm-9:30pm (local time) Cost: In Person $25.00 AUD Live Stream: free of charge Registration contact: Susan Skelton; 61-407-717005

& Staff

In Person: $30.00 AUD Live Stream: $10.00 US per person Prerequisite: Active subscription to Soul Awareness Discourses or if completed, SAT’s. Registration contact: Susan Skelton: 61-407-717005

MSIA Ministers and Initiates Meeting with John Morton & Live Stream Sunday, March 6, 2016 10:00am-1:00pm (local time) Live Stream: free of charge Online cost: free of charge Registration contact: Susan Skelton: 61-407-717005

MINISTERS and INITIATES LUNCHEON with John Morton In Person Only Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:00-3:00pm (local time) Cost: In Person $40.00 AUD Registration contact: Susan Skelton: 61-407-717005

BlessingsFest with John Morton In Person Only Sunday, March 6, 2016 4:00pm -10:00pm (ending time approximate) Cost: In Person $600.00 AUD Registration contact: Susan Skelton: 61-407-717005

For Live Stream Events visit


ou may have an idea that you’ll get so high you won’t be tested anymore. You may think you’ll always know what the Lord’s will is. I don’t know about that. I just know you’ve got to keep your wits about you. You’ve got to be vigilant in your choosing to see through the eyes of the Christ.

22 New Day Herald

When you stop or pause your individual personal process, you may also choose to let go and surrender to the divine will and become part of that inner movement. It’s amazing how it knows exactly what to do for you, with you and through you. You may notice that suddenly things are working out and you’re not really doing anything. You just let go. You stop trying to do what you thought you should do. You stop trying to determine what should be happening. You let go of your agenda. You give up. You surrender to the greater loving. You may be amazed with how things start happening that actually work and serve. It is a sense of, “I’m not really doing anything. It’s doing it. I’m just letting it do it through me even to the point that it speaks through me. It’s in my hands. It’s in my ears. It’s listening for me. I’m just cooperating at a highest state or as clear a way as I can.” That’s kind of a coup --- a spiritual coup, if you will. It does a take-over. You do surrender, but it’s not here to imprison you or spite you. It’s here to lift you up.

Tests and Patience Regardless of however the world is to you, it can test you. It’s like with the biblical story of Job in which the negative power comes to the Lord God and says, “I want to test your servant, this guy Job.” The world could test Job. The world is entitled to do that. But the world couldn’t force Job in his relationship to the Lord God. And you can’t force yourself either. The relationship is what it is.

You’re more than this physical world. You need to become aware of that truth. Eventually the realization happens. It will happen because you will have the life experience to lighten and brighten your view so you realize this world is not your home. You’ll know, “I don’t belong here. I’m just visiting, and I have a job to do while I’m here that is to clear myself, release myself, complete myself so I am done with this place. If I’ve done that and I’m still here, then I’m being used as a servant of God like Job.”

The negative power can tempt you, just at it tempted Job. The negativity can bring things to you that are of the world. What happens in the world as negativity can be brought to you. But you can’t be forced by the negativity to abandon Job had the understanding that he was more or become separate from God. You always have than his body, and he was still here. Job was choice in your response to the negativity. used as an example and to teach. In fact, Job’s story is still teaching us thousands of years later. We might call that having the patience of Job. It’s understanding the world does what it does. It may even take your body because it’s entitled to, because of the karma, the flow or whatever it is. It may be there’s a window, and it’s time to close the window. So you’re done with this lifetime in whatever form that takes. Remember that when you’re in your body it’s temporary. It’s like you have temporary occupancy. One day comes a notice, “Get out.” You may say, “But you don’t understand, I had all these great plans. I’ve got all these involvements. I’m not done.” It won’t matter if it’s the time for you to get out. Then you’ll get above it and realize, “I didn’t understand what the opportunity was beyond the body. I was caught up and stuck in speaking from the body.” You may return to this world because you exercised your choices. You related and identified with the body circumstances. You forgot yourself spiritually. So you’re coming back. It’s not punishment. It’s just a simple circumstance of your learning and growth as a soul. You need to realize you’re more than your body. @msiaorg

Your choices are very important. They will demonstrate your commitment, your dedication, and your follow-through as one who loves regardless. You may say, “I don’t have that kind of patience --- the patience of Job.” Your soul has the patience of Job. So why not you let your soul take charge of your involvement with the world? When you choose the patience that serves God, there’s a quality of peace and integrity that integrates your beingness so there’s no real conflict between who you are spiritually and who you are physically. They line up. That’s you. And that takes great spiritual dedication. You might want to do something to make sure that you relate to your life as, “I choose this. I am choosing this.” Then you can see your progression. You see that it’s not one choice. It’s choosing. You can track your movement because your choices demonstrate your commitment and your intention.

New Day Herald 23

I know we all want some rest. So you may ask, “Can I choose to rest?” It’s like an experience when you leave the body and there’s a kind of a clap, like applause. Understand it’s more of a chorus or a celebration. It’s applause for a job well done. So choose to rest by tuning into the silence within. Resource yourself in the ever-loving Christ that applauds your devotion to your soul. When the Lord is well-pleased, the Lord who’s God and the Father and Mother of all the heavens rises up. Do you understand how majestic that is? See if you can get a glimpse of it, some sense of it inside of yourself. When you get that glimpse, start understanding that the glory of God is present now. It’s actually happening right here in this moment. Then what’s going on? You’re catching the Spirit of God. You’re bringing your body more present in the Spirit. And at one point, the physical awareness drops off because it’s designed to do that. There’s other psychic encasements that drop off because they’re designed to do that. But who I am, who you are, is in one accord with the glory of the Lord always.

Doubt and Truth A characteristic of the mind is to see a duplicity. The mind can take the source and split the imaging so then the experience is that there’s separation --- a sense of an “I” and “thou.” The reality of the truth is we’re all one. So it’s more like a variation on the oneness, while the perfection and the integration is entirely present always. When the spirit casts a pearl before you and you cast doubt all over it, it can become a shadow. Why is it a shadow? Because you’ve allowed the darkening. The mind is permitted

24 New Day Herald

to darken it. It’s in your favor when the pearl shows up for to choose to claim it, and claim it with all you got. If you’re off, then claim the conviction like, “I’m being convicted in the truth. I’m being convicted in my illusions so it showed me where I falsify. I proclaimed something that is not so and now I’m becoming more aware of what is so.” That’s in your favor too. It brings on the affirmation so you solidify your consciousness in, “I am the pearl. I am thou. The Father and I are one. When you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the father.” You may ask, “How could I proclaim such a thing? I’m a mere mortal like everyone else.” The One who is speaking is not a mere mortal. Why would that be allowed? Why would God in the highest choose to speak through you? These are issues of the lower nature, and they’re not really issues at all. They’re falderal. They’re fools folly that will come to an end when we choose to stop it. But part of it is to ask, “What do I proclaim? What do I profess?” If you say, “I don’t know. I don’t have an opinion. Come back tomorrow,” what are you really saying? You don’t stand for anything? You don’t have any substance? You don’t have a backbone? Yes, you do. You have a backbone. So what do you stand for? If you’re afraid to stand up for your spirit because you feel it’s not a popular response, then where are you storing your treasures? Are you storing them with your true friends? Will they take care of you? Or are you storing your treasures with God so if you lose your life in this world in God’s name, then you can join with God who always claims you.

The Lord knows you. The Lord is with you. No one can take that from you. This world can take your body. They can take the things that are not of you. Eventually, it’s going to be taken anyway. But the Lord has something in mind for you while you are in this world. God has a plan. You have something to fulfill, to live out, so the Lord can then use you as a demonstration and a testament while you are here. You can understand that your life has God purpose. It may not appear so in the world, but you know that purpose is working through your soul consciousness. The boldness of the spirit is “all in.” It may seem like your body is on the line. Like, “All bets are up. This hand that has been dealt is called in. So either I win or I lose.” Some people don’t want to play at that level. But I call it, “We play for keeps.” It’s not like we’re just playing for fun and all the chips are returned. We’re playing for keeps. And it’s in your favor to find out how you’re playing in this world affects your life when you leave this world. This is when you would ask for the gift of discernment. This is a spiritual gift like, “Lord help me understand. Help me see Your way. Your Will not mine is my prayer.” You may have an idea that you’ll get so high you won’t be tested anymore. You may think you’ll always know what the Lord’s will is. I don’t know about that. I just know you’ve got to keep your wits about you. You’ve got to be vigilant in your choosing to see through the eyes of the Christ. You may say, “I don’t have eyes in the back of my head.” Remember, the Lord’s got your back. God is watching out for you. So don’t worry about it. Stay with what’s yours and breathe. It may not seem to be that simple, but remember the Christ’s burdens are “light and easy.”


he ord knows you. The Lord is with you. No one can take that from you. This world can take your body. They can take the things that are not of you.

John-Roger reminded us that the Christ is in all of us as it was in Jesus. The Christ within you is the way to see loving through the eyes of the Christ.

Baruch Bashan @msiaorg

New Day Herald 25

Awareness into your Soul ... Move your

MSIA’s event offerings Check out

“Moving your inner awareness into your Soul is easy, but it’s just as easy to lose that awareness.

You can fall out of awareness because the world doesn’t seem to support spiritual awakening. Spirit lets you in easily, but It has to give way to the materiality of the world. The material world has a billion distractions, so it’s necessary to watch where you place your focus and your motivation for creating what you want. If you want to know God, keep your eyes on God.” - John-Roger DSS, Founder of MSIA

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Intuition, Health, Openness, and Possibility

Journey into the Sound Current of God a NEW 12-month program Facilitated by Paul Kaye, DSS and Dr. Mark Holmes, OMD Location: PAL&G, 3500 West Adams. Blvd., Los Angeles AND Live Streamed in English with Spanish Translation Saturday/Sunday Month 2: Month 3: Month 4: Month 5: Month 6: Month 7: Month 8: Month 9: Month 10: Month 11: Month 12:

February 13-14, 2016 March 12-13 April 8-10 (3 days!) May 14-15 June 11-12 July 23-24 August 20-21 September 9-11 (3 days!) October 8-9 November 12-13 December 3-4

Saturdays 9am-7pm (Pacific Time); Sundays 9am-6pm; April 8 and September 9: 10am-6pm $275/month: In Person* $250/month: Live Online * Includes Lunch at Prana on Saturday & Sunday ***Special Discounts*** for current MSS/DSS Students, Assistants, Facilitators, and Readers. Prerequisite: Active subscription to Discourses or SATs if #144 complete. Contact: Tatiana Gallo, PTS Registrar, or call direct 323-328-1943.

I have found IHOP to be awesome in integrating the spiritual into the body more fully than I ever would have thought possible. To me, it has been an active exercise moment-bymoment in activating all the J-R Spirit principles into the body. And becoming all that I Am - the best version that I can be!!! A Truly Inspired class. I have often felt like we are in a Travelers Mystery School, where time stands Still. The energies are sweet and pure, and though I am taking it online I definitely feel as though I am in the room! —D.W.


he PAT Trainings were created under the direct supervision of John-Roger to provide a retreat

where people can break through whatever blocks their

conscious awareness of Spirit. If you’ve ever wished you could get free of the habit patterns and mind chatter that get in the way of attuning to the divinity of your heart, this is the training for you.

at Prana West, Los Angeles PAT 1 : J u l y 8 - 1 4 PAT 2 : J u l y 1 5 - 1 9 PAT 3 : J u l y 2 0 - 2 4 click here to register

Tentative: PAT 1 & 2

Summer, 2016 in British Columbia, Canada Dates and tuition to be announced Contact: Joy Orevik 503-260-5708

Tuition for LA PATs: $700 for first-time participants paid in full through June 1, 2016; $750 after June 1. Audit Tuition is $450 for each training Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Discourses, or SATs if 12 years of Discourses completed; PAT 1 for PAT 2; PAT 2 for PAT 3

Contact: Danielle Peterson at 323.328.1958 or email her at


“It was a very different way to work in the world than I had ever experienced, where there were really no limitations except as I set them. That’s a hard one to learn. . .”

100% Living and Working with John-Roger An Interview with Jeeni Lawrence by David Sand 30 New Day Herald

THEY SAID, “ANYTHING YOU WANT.” SO I WENT IN. . . NDH: So, what’s it like working with J-R? Jeeni Lawrence: I think the best way to illustrate what it was like working with J-R is to tell a story. I came on staff in 1986 and there were four guys working with J-R on staff at J-R’s house. I came in as Dean of PTS. They actually created the title for me. They didn’t have anything like a dean before that. I asked, “What does a dean do?” and they said, “Anything you want.” So I went in and looked at everything they had and started rolling up my sleeves. Soon after that we were offering the second initiates’ retreat in Yucca Valley. In the previous year, before I came on staff, I was told thirty or forty people drove over two hours to try to get into the event at the last minute even though the retreat was full, and they were very upset when they were turned away. So I was anticipating something like this happening again. I came from a legal background, having just quit my job as a music attorney, and all my memos looked like legal briefs. I would set forth the facts, then discuss and analyze them, and then propose a solution. The way things worked at that time, if you wrote to J-R about anything related to PTS—approvals, policies, whatever—we they always ran everything by him. Everything had to be approved by J-R and all four of his personal staff. The solution here was simple: People sign up, they pay the money, and then we send a letter confirming the first 150 that we can

take. But we can only confirm them for real when they turn all their forms in by a certain date. If they didn’t turn in their forms by that date they would go on a waiting list. I thought that was fair, and it was approved. But when the due-date came, I called J-R and told him that 100 people hadn’t turned in their forms. That was about 2/3 of the people who’d signed up. J-R asked what the policy was that was set up. I told him the whole story, and that the forms were due today. J-R went silent—that J-R “pregnant pause”— and within maybe twenty seconds he said, “No, we don’t treat initiates that way. You and your staff call every person on the list that didn’t turn in their forms and give them another two weeks.” At that time there was just me, another person, and a part-time person. So we were up until all hours calling people. That phrase, “we don’t treat initiates that way” became my guiding principle through the whole time I worked on staff. I realized that no matter what you do—no matter what policies you set up—if someone doesn’t follow through, you talk to them and ask them why, and give them a chance. Sometimes it became inconvenient or annoying, but most of the time it was exhilarating to think that I had the kind of job where I could always expand to look at things differently, and that I wasn’t locked into any way of doing things other than what was true and what was loving.

“I was in a relationship before I went on staff, but that ended shortly after I started. I always felt that J-R had my back. He would call down to Prana and tell me that I needed to have male company, not for sex or anything, but just for the polarity.”


New Day Herald 31

And loving didn’t always mean “yes.” But it meant looking at each situation and each person with compassion and then taking the best choice that I had in front of me. That is really what J-R taught me, and that happened within two months of being on staff.

that were going on, especially if I was involved in work that was really challenging. The times I would withhold and not tell him everything that was going on with me was when I would feel everything closing in on me.

I was in a relationship before I went on staff, but that ended shortly after I started. I always felt that J-R had my back. He would call down to Prana and tell me that I needed to have male company, not for sex or anything, but just for the polarity. That was an example of how I felt that he was always very personal in his taking care of the staff. If something was going on he would know it. And especially at the beginning, because I didn’t know any better, if I didn’t reach out to him, he would reach out to me. He did that a number of times with personal relationships and situations. He would come in very discreetly and respectfully, and ask me questions, and see how open I was to his input and support.

“Spirit is really precise in those areas. You keep the energy clean. When you try to muck around with it, you get called on it. When I was working with J-R I was fairly new in MSIA and I was very much in my karma of, ‘I have to prove myself. I have to earn God’s love and approval.’ So I would always make sure I did everything right. So I did a darn good job, and I did a lot of work for J-R and I think he appreciated it.”

If I was open, the doors would fling open and he would just be right there. I also found that if I had any personal issues I could write to him about them. The extent to which he would answer was a reflection of how open and honest I was with him. It was always: Be honest, be truthful, and you open the gates to all the assistance that could be had. I did withhold my thoughts or feelings a number of times when I would feel ashamed of certain things 32 New Day Herald

NDH: It sounds challenging but incredibly rewarding. Jeeni: J-R would always challenge the truth and integrity of what you were bringing to him. I remember when we were designing prerequisites for the PTS Masters Class and people would

ask for exceptions. He would ask (sternly) “Why do you people set rules and policies and then ask me for an exception?” And I would say, “Well, I think this one is worth considering,” and I would describe the person to him and what their background was, their level of participation, etc. And then he’d say, “Do you have room in the class for him?” I’d say yes. And then he’d say (sweetly), “Fine.” He was always like that. He would challenge you. It was always on me when I would bring something to J-R. It would be, “Why are you bringing this to me?” And if I was clean and open and clear with him, then he would have an answer. I never dared go to him if I didn’t have that openness to be honest with him. And the other side of the coin was, if I was scared to bring something to him, that would count as withholding inside myself and I would feel the effect of that. It was a very different way to work in the world than I had ever experienced, where there were really no limitations except as I set them. That’s a hard one to learn, because most people want to be told what the rules are—play by the book and then you’ll advance this way and you’ll get approval. It takes a lot more self-confidence and trust to work the way that J-R invited me to work with him. NDH: It sounded like you would take the initiative. Then he would respond and assist. It’s a lot like the way Spirit works. Jeeni: J-R had very few rules. Just like MSIA has no rules other than

“One thing that J-R liked was to be informed. He was never bothered by too much information. He would read two to three page emails so that he could be informed and oversee things. But he would give us a lot of freedom to do our jobs and he would only step in if we were messing around with something and it was affecting the work spiritually. Otherwise he would let the personalities run, he would let us work out our karmas. But if anyone started messing around with the work he would come in and straighten it out with one line or one word. Sometimes that’s all it took—‘Stop it!’ And you’d stop it, because you knew what he meant.”

the basic ground rules of taking care of yourself so you can take care of others, not hurting yourself and others, and using everything for your upliftment, learning and growth. He gave a lot of “rope.” It was yours to create. And he wanted me always to come to him with two or three options so he’d know that I’d thought through and walked around this situation to see it more broadly and expansively.

It was a pretty fast response and cause-and-effect when working with J-R. I always found that the best shot was to represent the facts as I saw them, but always owning that they were just from my perspective—not saying that “this is so.”

One thing that J-R liked was to be informed. He was never bothered by too much information. He would read two to three page emails so that he could be When we created Living in informed and oversee things. But Grace, it started with just a note, he would give us a lot of freedom an idea from a PAT facilitator. J-R to do our jobs and he would gave us total room to create it, only step in if we were messing and it took about a year to get around with something and it everything together. Then he was affecting the work spiritually. reviewed it all and approved Otherwise he would let the it and we scheduled it three personalities run, he would let times that first year. I think Spirit us work out our karmas. But if comes in and plants a seed, anyone started messing around and then if you’re open to it the with the work he would come creative process begins. And in and straighten it out with one then J-R came and participated line or one word. Sometimes in all the trainings, which we had that’s all it took—”Stop it!” And never anticipated. you’d stop it, because you knew what he meant. That first year when I proposed doing LIG at Asilomar in He loved reading the horse December because those were reports written by the the only dates available, it was Windermere staff. They would be a real first. Back then J-R didn’t so detailed, like, “Uri (the stallion) like doing things around the had this much food today, and holidays because he said that he reacted this way when one of people get really emotional the mares came near.” And they’d and it’s hard on him. I had to talk about all the interactions make my pitch and said, “What between the stallions and the if we all got cleaned up and it females, their whole romantic made it easier for you during the life. It would just get hilarious. It holidays, if we could hold that was like, “the mare flicked her tail focus?” He reluctantly said, “Oh, at Uri, and then he looked at her, all right,” and then it lasted 25 and then she looked at him, and years. He was always like that. He he looked at her, and then she was very open if you presented moved closer, and then they ran the information to him in a clean off together, etc., etc.” and clear way.

(Click Here to continue on page 36)


New Day Herald 33

P eac e Th e o lo g i ca l S e m i na ry


C o lle g e of P h i lo s o p hy

2015-2016 Classes MSS Year One

MSS Year Two

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Los Angeles, California

Master of Spiritual Science “This is an amazing program... it has assisted me in removing many of the blocks within my self that prevented me from being more accessible to the Spirit/Soul within me.” - CL

“The MSS gave me my TRUE life. The life that I always knew was most important. My Spiritual Life.” - VM

“Michelangelo carved a stone, and David emerged. Through my participation in the PTS Masters Program, who I am emerges. Week by week, month by month, patiently, gently, effortlessly, the one I always hoped for, the ‘me’ I knew was there, emerges, takes shape and comes alive.” - MM

Prerequisites: Active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses for at least one year prior to beginning of program (12 complete) and active subscription to Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs) For details: check with and

Year One:

Creating Through Grace

Year Two:

Fulfilling the Spiritual Promise

Year Three:

Living From The Inside Out (Optional)

Doctor of




Santa Monica, CA

DSS Year Three, DSS Year Five (AMS II) January 29-31, 2016 February 26-28 March 18-20 April 22-24 May 20-22 June 17-19

Prana West & Live Streaming

DSS-2 Worldwide English w/ Spanish Translation February 5-7, 2016 March 4-6 April 1-3 May 6-8 June 3-5

Denver, CO DSS Year Five


ou see, God created us and He didn’t use any junk to do it. Sometimes you want to take who

you are as a creative being and make junk, thinking that’s going to be acceptable. At the level we are working in this PTS doctoral program, I want to be clear with you that it’s not. The thing we’re on the planet to learn is discipline

February 19-21, 2016 March 18-20 April 22-24 May 20-22 June 10-12 July 15-17 August 5-7 August 26-28 September 16-18

toward God’s direction. That discipline is not a punishment. It’s joy. And it’s a real thankful thing to have.”

— John-Roger, DSS

Prerequisites: Graduate of PTS’ MSS Program, active subscription to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses and Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs), active MSIA Initiate and MSIA Ministers, regular tither to MSIA, and official acceptance by PTS Administration. Completion of DSS-1 for DSS-2; DSS-2 for DSS-3, etc.

For information:

Elissa Giges PTS Director of Graduate Studies or (323) 328-1940 Applications available: (Forms/Formularios)

P e a c e T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a ry & C o l l e g e o f P h i l o s o p h y

Call now to Register (323) 737-1534 ■ fax (323) 328-9005 ■ ■

So one day I decided I would write a funny email to give him a laugh. As you know, J-R loved to laugh. I’ll read it to you: Hi J-R, I have been in a relationship for one-and-a-half years now, after not having been in one for six years. So I’m sort of a virgin at it, just learning my ropes again. I appreciate the tips I’m getting from the reports of the happy married couples at Windermere, but I wonder if I’m doing something wrong. I just read that Kabilla swishes her tail or walks away when she wants Jumper to leave her alone. I got so excited when I got these tips, as I just don’t know what to do with my honey sometimes when he’s too hot to trot on my you-know-what. So I couldn’t wait to try out the techniques, and I got an opportunity to do that last night. So I ran from him and hid myself in the bathroom until I could regroup myself, and I thought the tail might mean “pony tail,” so I put my hair up in a pony tail and came back out. When he advanced toward me again, I immediately turned away from him and swished my pony tail in his face, but that also seemed to turn him on more, so I again ran back into the bathroom to regroup. When I came back out again, my honey was still hot to trot after you know what, so I tried the last technique. I simply walked away. This was by far the weakest technique for me. It didn’t work at all. Help!

“It’s been a very complex web and it’s been fascinating, and now that I look back on it, it’s been incredible. I love the learning that I got. It was really really hard a lot of the time, but what I gained as a result.”

I signed it “Guess Who?” And J-R responded, “A horny mare.”

NDH: Sounds like he was involved in every level of your life. What about how he worked with you on your personal issues? Jeeni: Being the fourth girl born in a Chinese family, I felt unwanted, because the family wanted a boy. It was a karmic situation where I felt unloved and rejected. And J-R was always very gentle with me. Even though he would be very firm and strict with the guys on his staff, with me it was as though he knew I couldn’t handle that and he needed to be sensitive until I could grow thicker skin. He was very sweet and fatherly in guiding me each step of the way. It wasn’t until I got married and had someone by my side who loved me unconditionally that he let go of his part. 36 New Day Herald

That’s my story. I’m sure everybody has their own unique story of their relationship with J-R and how special that was. This is how personal he would get: Back in about 1990 I’d been on staff for four years and I was just starting to write J-R. He used to copy a small group of people on Easylink (an early version of email) about everything that was going on. It was a great teaching device because you had to come clean since everything was copied to about eight people. I experienced him teaching us how to communicate clearly and cleanly. Communication was a big thing with J-R. You could never communicate too much to him. He would welcome all information. It would allow him to work with what was going on and all the organizations could stay on the same page. Even if it was something personal, he would still copy the whole group. At one point I had this little flirtation going on with this 18-year-old who was at Prana. I wrote to J-R about it, and instead of copying everyone he only replied to me. He was so respectful. He said, “I’m sending this back only to you because now it’s getting personal.” He said, “Like all 18-year-olds, he just wants to have sex. But you’re ready for a more mature relationship, even into marriage.” I think that when he wrote that to me, it opened me up to the possibility that I could be in a relationship and eventually even get married. I think it was about six months after that that I got into a relationship with my husband Howard. So J-R could get really personal in that way. And then Howard and I could assist each other in working out the karmas that we needed to work out. It’s been a real partnership in that way, that’s produced results way beyond my imagination. I know J-R set me up for that. He married us and had a pre-wedding dinner with us where he had a very personal talk with us. On short notice, my parents wanted to throw a wedding banquet for us and I didn’t invite J-R because he’d already done so much. But when he heard about it, he called me up and asked if he could come! I


couldn’t believe it. I knew he was coming for a purpose because J-R was very on-purpose with whatever he did. He sat at the table with my parents and me and Howard and I knew he was doing something with my parents because of what followed after that. It was time for me to complete the karmas that I had that related to the family. I knew that he was doing something but I didn’t know how powerful it was until later on when I realized, “Oh my God, I’m working off ancestral karma and relationship karma as well as my own karma of feeling unloved and unwanted. NDH: And since you were one of the few Chinese people in MSIA, I think there’s a good possibility that he was working on the karma of the whole race through you. I remember him saying that on PAT IV each of us was representing something like thousands of other people who couldn’t be there physically. Jeeni: I think it went back even to experiences I had in the womb. I had done a whole bypass with that. I did what I could to survive the pain and hurt of it. Once I was really grounded in the teachings, and in his loving, only then was I able to go back and start dealing with what I had done to protect myself from the hurt of not being wanted, and what I did with my imagination and projections about how others didn’t love me. It’s been a very complex web and it’s been fascinating, and now that I look back on it, it’s been incredible. I love the learning that I got. It was really really hard a lot of the time, but what I gained as a result…no one could do that for me. J-R couldn’t do it for me, but he laid out the soil, and the fertilizer, and the background and the support. I still write to him and burn letters at least a couple of times a week. I used to do it every day. I write as if he’s here…”Here’s an update, J-R.” And I ask him to put the Light on whatever is going on in my life. I still have that going with him. I’ve nurtured that over the last ten years, since I didn’t have as much physical contact with him then.

New Day Herald 37

NDH: Was J-R demanding to work for? Jeeni: You could call it that. I remember him saying something like, “Why should I thank any of my people because they’re just doing their jobs. If I thank them, they’re going to want me to thank them all the time.” That’s the way he worked. He didn’t say thank you that much but you got the loving. I think the way he worked with us was to bring the best out in us. And that meant to bring all your creativity, all your brains, all your training, bring all the abilities that you

“That’s the way he worked. He didn’t say thank you that much but you got the loving. I think the way he worked with us was to bring the best out in us. And that meant to bring all your creativity, all your brains, all your training, bring all the abilities that you have, and do your job. He didn’t determine what your job was. You had to determine what your job was. Then he would agree, ‘OK that’s your job, and do it well.’” 38 New Day Herald

have, and do your job. He didn’t determine what your job was. You had to determine what your job was. Then he would agree, “OK that’s your job, and do it well.” It was like, if you didn’t do your job, get out of here, because you were doing a real disservice if you said you’re going to do a job and then you didn’t do it, and so we didn’t give it to somebody else to do and now we’re behind. I remember that there was someone on staff who made some errors in their choices at work, and it cost the church money. It was never a problem for J-R. I could see that the way he worked with that person was he would ask the person a lot of questions, and they would answer him, and as long as that answer was honest, he would say, “OK let’s do better next time.” As long as you were honest and clean he was OK with that. But as soon as you would backpedal or make excuses or you weren’t clean in your approach, then you would get called on it. He was a tough master in that way. One time in my enthusiasm and excitement being on staff for the first time on PAT IV [group journey to Egypt and Israel—ed.], I got on the bus and started giving these overenthusiastic instructions and he said, “Sit down and shut up.” He was demanding because I think the Spirit is demanding. For example, When I was involved in overseeing the creating of the Masters class, he said, “Make sure that when you say you’re starting at 9:00 am that you start at 9 am, because the Spirt

is already present. Don’t mess around with it.” Spirit is really precise in those areas. You keep the energy clean. When you try to muck around with it, you get called on it. When I was working with J-R I was fairly new in MSIA and I was very much in my karma of, “I have to prove myself. I have to earn God’s love and approval.” So I would always make sure I did everything right. So I did a darn good job, and I did a lot of work for J-R and I think he appreciated it. I was always honest with him, and he would never bring up all my issues that I thought I was hiding from him (and that I’m sure he could see). He was just open to working with me on whatever level I was on. He was always very gentle with me, but demanding about the work. Not in the sense of, “I want 5000 people in the Movement and 1000 people participating in trainings and I want this to happen and that to happen…” There was none of that. But it was just that you do the best job you can do and do it with the love and respect for Spirit and for the work. I could see that J-R loved and respected his work. And he loved what he created. And he must have had so much trust in himself and so much trust in what he had created that he was able to give people a lot of room to participate. He wanted people to participate and bring their gifts in. He was very expansive in that way. He invited any participation because he didn’t want to do all the work himself. He couldn’t. There would have been no expansion if he tried

to hold it tight and control it. I’ve heard it said that control is the master addiction. I never experienced that with J-R. He gave everything away.

to being spoiled that way. He could have had anything—but he always disciplined himself and he knew where to draw the line.

J-R was so active at that time in the sharings. He demonstrated so much compassion and respect for each person. With one person it could be total sweetness and with another person he could be short and abrupt. In all of it I experienced the loving for the next step of their spiritual growth, not necessarily for their own desires and wants.

“It was a pretty fast response and cause-andeffect when working with J-R. I always found that the best shot was to represent the facts as I saw them, but always owning that they were just from my perspective—not saying that ‘this is so.’”

J-R was very human. People used to always offer to rub his shoulders or give him back massages or things like that. He told me one time that he didn’t want that because he didn’t want to spoil himself and get used @msiaorg

People offered him all kinds of things and he could have had it all at his fingertips but he was always very disciplined. Not in a stiff way

but in a very natural way where he knew what he would get if he went down that road. One time on PAT IV we were at dinner and people were coming back from climbing Mt. Sinai. It was a long climb, two or three hours each way, so you had to start as soon as we got off the buses. I remember someone mentioned that there was a person who got left up there in the dark by themselves. I remember someone asking something like, “Well, how did they get left behind and how did all that happen…?” J-R immediately said, “You just got yourself involved in the karma.” The person said, “How?” J-R said, “You asked about it and it was none of your business.” That stuck with me. Responsibility New Day Herald 39

“It was amazing to experience a master who was so ordinary and so human and filled with so much loving and compassion. And at the same time he could get feisty and yell if the moment called for it. And all the time he was accompanied by this amazing energy. He could walk into a room that was energetically junked up and just clean it up by being there.” takes a lot of awareness—to hold to what you’re responsible for and not get involved in other people’s responsibilities. NDH: Was it hard work? Jeeni: I just wanted to do things for J-R. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for him. And he would never ask. He wouldn’t ask anything of me. But if I could see that I could do something for J-R I would go to the nth degree. I would pour my energy into writing a memo so he could get the information and make the choices, and he just had to check it off and it was done. So working long hours never bothered me. I came in with all this hoity-toity legal training and I was basically a secretary. And I loved it. If he wanted me to run an errand my heart would just fly open and I would just get in the car. It was really hard for me when I left staff—like leaving a father. But I knew it was time for me to go and really work on what I came here to complete. I think if I had stayed in J-R’s shadow I would have hid and thought, “Oh as long as J-R loves me everything’s OK.” But when I left staff I had to be on my own and really look at myself and my own process. Even long after I left staff, I was traveling with him in England, and Nat, one of the staff people, asked me to get some Twizzles for J-R. I was like, “Oh my God,” and I was so excited that I was running around London to look for the Twizzles. I must have gone into about ten stores to find them. It reminded me of the days on staff when I would do anything for him, and the love for him that didn’t get called on for many years after I left staff.

40 New Day Herald

You would start a project and he would just pump the energy in. J-R would give minimal guidance because he wanted your own ability and creativity to be opened up. And miraculously all these ideas and all this flow would come in. And then he’d review it at the end. Later you’d look back on it and it would seem unbelievable because it was beyond what you could do yourself. As soon as you would step in to take the mantle of a job he would support it energetically. You’d just sit in a chair and do it, and then when it was done the mantle was lifted and you were back to your normal self. It was amazing to experience a master who was so ordinary and so human and filled with so much loving and compassion. And at the same time he could get feisty and yell if the moment called for it. And all the time he was accompanied by this amazing energy. He could walk into a room that was energetically junked up and just clean it up by being there. He would do this at Living in Grace. The room would get really junked up and J-R would barely open the door and we could feel his energy field come in and clean out the whole room. It’s hard to translate how cute he was. One time I was driving down 23rd street in Santa Monica to go to Prana, and I could see someone was driving near me with a huge ice cream cone. I thought, “How cute, there’s someone eating an ice cream cone that’s so tall it’s almost the size of their head.” And sure enough, as he drove by, I realized it was J-R.

“It’s hard to translate how cute he was.”

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Aura Balance Aura Balancing is a technique for clearing imbalances in the aura (or energy field) that surrounds the physical body. There is a series of three aura balances, physical, emotional and mental/spiritual. Each aura balance helps strengthen the consciousness so that you can better handle everyday stress, tension, and emotional changes.

Polarity Balance Polarity Balancing is a technique by which the energies of the body are brought into greater balance and the flow of energy within the body is enhanced. Energy blocks in the body can be created by many different things—anything from sitting improperly to thinking negatively. The effects of releasing these blocks can include more energy, lightness, greater attunement to the body, and a greater ability to physically function in the world.

If you are interested in scheduling


spiritual counseling services,contact the

MSIA office

to make an appointment at

(323) 737-4055

Innerphasing An Innerphasing programs out old, undesirable habits (for example, smoking, nervousness, fears) and programs in new, desirable responses (for example, greater self-confidence, more calm, and remembrance of dreams). An Innerphasing can bring positive changes on deep levels of the consciousness and can be an effective way to free yourself from habits that are no longer “really you.”


New Day Herald 43

MSIA POLARITY BALANCES by Julie Chenery with Q&A with John-Roger originally published in the March/April 1995 NDH I’ve had the wonderful opportunity of traveling with the MSIA Staff during 1993 to lands outside of my native Australia. I’ve been part of the team doing MSIA Services, meeting fellow travelers on the path home to God in various MSIA communities. As I enjoyed getting to know my fellow MSIA’ers, I was asked lots of questions about the balances, particularly the Polarity Balance. I answered the questions from my understanding and also decided to check things out further, as we’ve often been told, and ask for more clarity from the top, so I asked J-R:


How does the Polarity Balance work?

J-R: A Polarity Balance is a technique by which the energies or electromagnetic field of your body are brought into greater balance and the flow of energy within your body is enhanced. Q:

Does that mean it is just a physical balance?

J-R: All the MSIA Services are spiritual services. Q:

Can you explain that?

J-R: The Light of the Holy Spirit and the Mystical Traveler consciousness work through the Balance, allowing any negativity that can be lifted at the time of the balance to be lifted and any changes and healings that can take place at that time for the highest good.

Is a Polarity Balance only for when you have a physical illness? Q:

J-R: It depends on what you define as an illness. The Polarity Balance allows the energy blocks that we have created (emotional, mental, or unconscious) and are holding in the electromagnetic field of the body to be released, and this in turn allows the physical body to change. 44 New Day Herald


How is the balance done?

J-R: It is usually done by someone who has been trained and approved through MSIA; the Traveler works with that person. In a Polarity Balance, the balancer places their hands on certain centers on the physical body, one hand as the negative polarity and the other as the positive polarity. This creates a circuit of Light, and Light energy is circled through these centers until each is balanced. The balance is primarily done at the Spiritual level and the balancer is just there to facilitate the process.

Why were these particular centers chosen? Do they relate to any particular body organs? Q:

J-R: Some of the centers may be over particular body organs or known energy centers used in other forms of therapies. This particular pattern of energy centers was given in Spirit.


What if I had a recent operation and can’t have the pressure of hands on the body?

from Los Angeles every time a minor is requesting an MSIA service.

J-R: It can be done very lightly so that it causes no discomfort.


What changes should I expect to feel after the Balance?

If I have a serious illness can I have a Polarity Balance more often?

J-R: Because it is a spiritual balance, you may or may not experience any physical change. The effects of releasing these blocks allow the physical body to come into a greater attunement and a greater ability to function physically in the world. You may feel more energy, lightness (as though a weight has been lifted), and/or more peaceful.

J-R: More frequent balances are beneficial in certain cases. It’s a good idea to check with me personally.



How often should I have a balance?

J-R: We recommend one or two a year or whenever the MSIA Staff is in your areJ-R: Q:

If I have a serious physical illness, will the Polarity Balance clear all those blockages on the emotional, mental and unconscious so that my physical illness will be healed? Q:

J-R: It depends on your own karmic flow. Some physical illnesses are to help you learn. Sometimes it makes you stop for a while, take a second look at the way you are running your life and make adjustments. Sometimes it is to give yourself time for SE’s, or to just appreciate everything you already have. Spirit works for the highest good in every situation. Because you have placed yourself in Spirit’s hands by having a Polarity Balance, you are already open to change and to the Grace that is available. Q:

Do I need a Polarity Balance if I am physically well?

J-R: It is designed to allow blockages that we already have and are still accumulating to be removed— anything from sitting improperly to negative thinking—and bring the body into greater alignment. You may not experience these changes yet as physical disturbances, but it makes good sense to use the Polarity as preventative. Q:

Do you have to be in MSIA?

J-R: No, they are open to everyone. Q:

Can children have them?

J-R: With the permission of the parents, children 12 years and older can have them. You need to contact the MSIA representative in your area to get clearance @msiaorg

How long can the Balance last?

J-R: The Balance continues to integrate through your energy fields If you hold a positive focus, it can last longer. It depends on how quickly you accumulate blocks through your negative patterns.

Do you reeducate new patterns in the energy circuit with the Polarity Balance, and can these new patterns hold long by having a Polarity Balance? Q:

J-R: Yes.

Why is it important to abstain from sex, drugs and alcohol for three days after the Balance? What will happen if I don’t? Q:

J-R: At the completion of the Balance, a protection of Light is placed with you while spiritual changes continue to occur within your consciousness. Given the sensitive nature of the Polarity Balance, and in order to ensure that this process takes place without any interference, it is highly recommended that you refrain completely from any sex, recreational drugs or alcohol for at least 72 hours following the service. Prescription drugs for a medical condition and prescribed for you by a physician are OK. Engaging in sex, recreational drugs, or alcohol can produce a disruption in the protective layers of Light that are placed with you and may leave you less protected. Personally, I’ve always enjoyed having Polarity Balances. I certainly come out more peaceful, accepting and loving, and I particularly love the meditation at the end. It also gives me a focus of staying as clear as possible between balances. And I certainly plan to have a “top up” Polarity to clear those negative patterns away and face the world with a Light-filled energy field. New Day Herald 45

MSIA Services

A Witness to the Blessings and Miracles by Angel Harper

I have had the honor

and privilege to facilitate MSIA services for over thirty years. As a services facilitator or “balancer” I went through a thorough and multi-dimensional or faceted training, and honestly, my training still continues as there is always more to learn. The training period is unique for each of us “balancers”--certainly was for me. Truly an apprenticeship, this training period can last a year or a decade or more. The first stage is just observing the technique of doing the service and we practice “doing” absolutely nothing in order to attune to the energy of Spirit and the Mystical Traveler Consciousness that is present in each session. Much easier said than done for some of us, this is an unhooking, detaching process. We learning to be a witness and hold in the Light of the Holy Spirit and the Christ for each person’s perfect unfolding.

the flow of energy and staying attuned to how best to serve, remembering at all times that it is Spirit doing the service, not us. That the balancing happens between each person and God, and we truly are witnesses in a very sacred space. In the final stages we balancers in training do the service as an approved balancer watches and checks, until we are approved to go solo. Through all these years I still find that each service is new. I’m amazed at the miracle of how, after a service is done, whatever has been said or let go during the session disappears from my memory as I walk out the door of the room. There is always a discovery, something to learn from each and every time. I find myself saying “Thank you, Lord, Thank you, Traveler” for allowing me to witness and also receive of your grace, your joy, your love and compassion in action.

In the next stage we integrate and practice doing the different techniques. increasing our sensitivity to

Angel Harper, on MSIA staff and the MSIA Travel Coordinator for 27 years, is a Washington, D.C. born mother of three and grandmother of seven, so far. 46 New Day Herald


Light Services by Elizabeth Frumin

I am one of these slow,

steady and persistent light workers and initiates, a learner in holding the light, studying, observing and participating in the MSIA mystery school. MSIA light services have been one of these areas of learning for me. I have probably needed these aura balances, polarity balances and innerphasings to trust in God, to let go of my doubts and insecurities and to remember who I truly am.

ence. I recognize how our energy fields transform to a shiny brilliant gold through acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, loving and surrender to the Light. For me, Grace is extended by simply being present and letting go.

Sometimes in these services, laughter pushes away the illusions. Sometimes, simply hanging out in the light with a balancer is enough for the Traveler to distract us while the work is being done. I truly do not In this process of both being a recipient of light services and observing and offering these services over know how these services work, how JR and the crew of Travelers set this up in Spirit. But, in my experience the past decade, I am continually in awe and deep gratitude as I watch the Traveler work with all of us as they do work, again and again and again. And in so doing, we all glow with a greater light. We recognize students of spirit. It is truly magical seeing the peeling off of karma, watching how the Spirit infuses and our divinity, being a soul, having experiences on the strengthens the body and consciousness with grace, journey home. light and loving. I recognize how God’s essence is I find it a valuable experience. I set my intention to more transparent and permeable in this 10% level release my karma and The Traveler pulls it away. It’s we all inhabit. a really fun, cool ride with the loving. I recommend light services as a gift from the Traveler. Praise God. The light is present and guides MSIA services. The Truly, Baruch Bashan. metaphor I think of is where the Traveler and the Christ change the tarnished metal of our 10% experiElizabeth Frumin has been learning services since 2004. @msiaorg

New Day Herald 47

“Divine communion

is really just loving.

It’s that quality where you experience yourself

dancing in your own heart.” –John-Roger DSS

“Without a doubt, this is the best dance event in LA! The space is open and the vibe is very high.” – M.S., Dancer


Dance Open to everyone – no dance expertise needed. A free-style dance evening with great music and fantastic sound, and spiritual moments interspersed designed to take you as high as you want to go so your dance becomes a spiritual exercise—a romance with the Beloved.

Santa Monica Feb 17, Mar 16, Apr 20 Los Angeles Feb 4, Mar 3, May 5



Keepers Workshops

Santa Monica Next: Feb 7, Mar 13, Apr 10

The Wisdom Keeper class teaches children the truth that they are the Living Love that God is. Children learn how to express this love and enjoy exploring how to put the loving into situations they encounter in life. The class includes listening to stories, creating crafts, singing, telling jokes and creating a wisdom book. Parents may bring fun organic food treats that can be shared. Free of charge. All children are invited to come if 5 years or older.

Contact: Elizabeth Spanton:

Soul Storie

collecting those An Interview with

Jackie Petersen by Vicki Ecker

Once contact with the Traveler takes place, a rare spiritual opening can usher in some reallife magic in the form of memorable moments or events. These flashes or unfoldments of Light awareness and personal revelation can happen with the Traveler inwardly or outwardly. While the more sacred experiences are to be kept private, such as those connected with S.E.s or initiations, others are meant to be shared. Often profound and moving, they can signal a new level of understanding so important on our journeys to soul awareness. Long-time MSIA minister Jackie Petersen asks to have your story so that others, now and in the future, know just “who we are.� NDH sat down with Jackie to get a glimpse of her book project.

50 New Day Herald

es Wanted!

e special moments The Traveler can bring

experiences to us. . . What is our experience with it all? This is a lot of the focus of the book.

NDH: From your own story it looks as if the Traveler and the energy from MSIA have had a tremendous impact on your life. JP: Oh, yes. I met John Roger when I was 21, and it completely turned my life around. After my first seminar, I didn’t go back for about three weeks. My girlfriend who had brought me there finally just sat me down and said, “Are you coming back? Because I’m going to do this.” I turned and looked at her and said, “If I go back there even once, my whole life is going to change--my values, everything that’s important to me. Everything will change.” And two days later, I went to my second seminar. Within a year I was an ordained minister, living in Los Angeles. NDH: You became a minister rather quickly. JP: I was in Berkeley at the time, and I became the first minister in our Berkeley group. I was doing hands-on spiritual healing, and the group I was working with at the time said I needed to be ordained. They suggested I become ordained through the Universal Life Church. But I came down to L.A. for @msiaorg

MSIA’s Conference of Love and my third aura balance, and that was held at J-R’s house in Baldwin Park. I mentioned to him I had been instructed to be ordained, but I said, “Since I’m doing this with you, do you do ordinations?” He said, “Yes—write down what you’re doing on a piece of paper,” and I did. Then I went in for my aura balance, and as it was completed he came in, rubbed his hands and said, “OK, come on in, I’ll ordain you.” NDH: Just like that! Now, some 35 years later, your ministry has some new directions. JP: The project I have going on now is collecting peoples’ stories for a book about us; about who we are as students of the Traveler, and about what our experiences are working with the Traveler. We have J-R and John’s experiences, of course, and they are very, very well documented because they’ve given so many seminars and have described their experiences so thoroughly. But how do we receive those experiences, and what do we do with the information they give us? How have we, as individuals, experienced what has been brought to us through the teachings? Because with the Traveler, that is one of the big keys. The Traveler can bring experiences to us. Who are we, and what did we do? What is our New Day Herald 51

JP: I’d like to collect stories from about 250 people. Not that I’ll necessarily use all of those, but NDH: Have you had any responses I want all of the stories to go yet? into the MSIA archives, in their original, unedited form. Because JP: Oh, yes. I’ve had I think over I’ve heard J-R say that years from 45 contributions so far. They range now, historians will be writing our from about 250 words to over story, but this is our opportunity 6,000. to tell our own story, to tell the truth about who we are, what our NDH: So no set length, really. experiences are. This book will When do you foresee having all probably not be the definitive, the stories you need to be sure the end-all of our stories, but simply book is complete? the beginning. So I want to have as much material as we can JP: I would say less than a year possibly get into the MSIA files. from now. It’s taking people a lot of time to consider their lives NDH: The number 250 is quite and consider what they want to specific. How did you come up with write and to actually sit down that? and do it. experience with it all? This is a lot of the focus of the book.

NDH: That’s pretty typical with writing in general! JP: I want to give people ample time to participate in this project. Years ago, I did another project that turned into the book called Blessings of Light, where I and two other ministers collected ordination blessings. This was when John-Roger was the only person doing ordinations. Many people came up to me after the book was published and told me, “I wish I’d known about it. I would have loved to have been able to participate and have my blessing in that book.” So I want to give people plenty of time to consider what they have to say and have the opportunity to write and contribute to it. NDH: Do you have a general idea of how many stories you’d like to end up in the book? 52 New Day Herald

JP: It just showed up in my consciousness one day! “Let’s go for 250.”. . . Well, OK! NDH: Well, Spirit must be very specific about this! JP: The whole project has been that way. My husband of 38 years, Jim Petersen, passed away almost three years ago. After he passed, I looked at my life. I did my grieving and cleaning up, and I did some travel; a friend of mine talked me into going with her on a cruise in Tahiti. When I came home, I was literally doing S.E.s one day and inside me this clarity came: “OK, God, I’ve been to Tahiti. What do you want from me now?” I was just . . . “I’m open. Where do you want to put me? Where can I be of service?” . . . and this project was presented to me. It was presented to me with so much energy, so much enthusiasm, and that enthusiasm has not waned at all. It’s just like this

Light inside me that propels me forward. I wrote to J-R and he said “yes” immediately. NDH: Almost magical. Feels great, doesn’t it? JP: It really does. It’s so sweet, too, because at first I just went, “OK, I’m doing this.” It was just me, and I started talking to people, and then soon I realized, well, I should contact the president of MSIA and tell him, hey--I want to do this! And Vincent Dupont, the vice president of MSIA who’s in charge of books and publications, said, “Well, collect your stories and let’s see how you do,” which is a very reasonable response, because I’m sure that he gets lots of people coming up to him with lots wonderful ideas. NDH: Yes. An offer of, “put the energy out and see what happens.” JP: It’s usually presented as, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if somebody did this?” and then it’s usually somebody else. But I was coming forward with “I will do this.” It was one of the things that made the difference. So I worked on it over a year, and periodically would check in with him. I was learning to do MSIA services, and I asked John if I could make an announcement about the book in the different cities we were going to. He let me make announcements at the closed seminars, and after that I started getting emails from people around the country. It became really exciting. John has been such a supporter of the project. Totally awesome. He knows where this is going, and what a fabulous thing

it is. He had some meetings with the MSIA presidency and it’s now officially an MSIA project. To me and my little MSIA project, they’ve essentially said, “we’re behind you.” NDH: It doesn’t sound so little. JP: (laughs) Now we’ll be looking into the MSIA archives where some of those people who’ve passed have been interviewed. We’ll have access to that material for the book.

The book is not just

about experiences with J-R, it’s also about experiences with John. My intention is to bring to the book, through people’s stories, the magic of J-R and how he expressed the Mystical Traveler Consciousness, then how It moved on to John.

then how It moved on to John. How it’s still that consciousness, just with a different expression. People’s own experiences [of the Traveler] and how they manifested it, inside themselves. I hope to make these teachings available so that people 100 or 150 years from now can see that this is available now. It’s not something specifically tied to one person, because Spirit always has a Traveler on the planet. This Consciousness is always available to anyone reaching towards it. I really want to express that in the book. NDH: What other aspects of your ministry have fed into this?

JP: After Jim passed away, I recognized that I had never written his story. And he was a wonderful storyteller, and had some amazing stories. When he passed, those stories were gone. I can’t tell his stories like he could. Writing my own stories, working with my memories of my experiences with the Traveler, has been forming what I’m doing with the book to a certain extent. Now I’m at the point where I need to read these stories together, because they’re written as NDH: So it will cover a whole span moments. Other people’s stories of generations, so to speak. are also written as moments, so there’s the selection and reading JP: It will, and of course I’m asking process, reading the stories the younger people, and people who have come into the Movement together to complete a whole. That’s what I’m doing with the in more recent years and who book and on a much smaller scale perhaps never met J-R, to consider with my own story. contributing. The book is not just about experiences with J-R, it’s also NDH: Do you have other ministers about experiences with John. My involved? intention is to bring to the book, through people’s stories, the magic JP: Oh, yes. It’s not just me. There of J-R and how he expressed the are actually three of us -- me, Mystical Traveler Consciousness, Kate Ferrick and Lori Matson. I @msiaorg

told them about this project two years ago, and they immediately signed on and we have become a wonderful team. I’m collecting the written stories, and Kate and Lori are actually conducting interviews with people who are unable to write their stories. They’re videotaping and recording those interviews and will get them transcribed and those will be contributions to the book. NDH: As they read this, I’m sure many out there will want to offer their experiences to this wonderful project. How can they submit their stories to you? JP: It’s so easy to participate! Just write your story; it can be simply a moment in time or include who you are, what you do in life, how old you are, etc. Tell us about yourself. If you have a sharing with John or J-R, it’s not only is the Traveler’s response (What did he say to you?) that’s important. Also very important is: What did you do with the information? One question I am asked is about sharing sacred experiences. I am very clear on this. We are not asking for initiation experiences or anything on that order, from S.E.s, etc. Those stories are sacred and between you and the Traveler. We are asking for the stories of your life, the moments that can be shared. So share who you are with us by writing your story and sending it to

See an excerpt of Jackie’s own story, “Lighting Up With The Traveler,” in this issue. New Day Herald 53

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Community events peek This issue featuring: Nigeria Sacred Tones Workshops Free of charge Contact Prince Iwuoha: Tel; +2348036723122, +2348173282630. Sunday Jan. 31, 2016. 12-3pm 80 Ikwerre Road MSIA Center, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria. Saturday March 19, 2016. 5-8pm Nondon Hotel, off Chime Avenue Enugu State Nigeria.


The Travelers Through the Ages 10-week class Feb. 10, 17, 24, Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6 & 13 Times: 7-10pm Tuition: $70. (1200 Argentinian pesos) Facilitator: Luis Sabbi Contact information & Registration Pablo Balbuena: +54 15 6822 7073 or Marcelo Sabbi: +54 15 3701 5053 or email:


PTS Email Classes

take place entirely through email and are offered free of charge. These classes bring people together worldwide to work the teachings of Soul Transcendence daily, for three weeks, in an intimate and supportive environment. To receive information & dates for upcoming classes:Â

Click Here

At one point

during my first Light Study with John-Roger, he turned the tape off. “Are you using any form of birth control?” he asked.

That first balance was great. I could feel the difference and liked it. At the end I was told, “No sex, drugs or alcohol for three days.” No problem!

“Yes, I have an IUD.” I replied, startled.

Two days later, I found myself in a Volkswagen bug going across the Bay Bridge packed with people smoking dope. It was cold and the windows were all rolled up. The car was so full of smoke you could barely see out. Being a good little rule follower, I declined when the joint was passed to me. I waited my three days.

“OK.” He nodded. Turning the tape recorder back on, he continued. “There was a dark area in your aura in the creative center. If it had turned up no IUD or no birth control, we would have referred you to a medical doctor, real fast. Then, an aura balance would be almost mandatory. Given that there is an IUD and that block was put there purposefully so you won’t bring forward more children, well, it’s OK.” That piqued my interest and so I scheduled an Aura Balance. This was very expensive for me in 1971. I was just 21 years old, living on $148 a month plus food stamps, and going to school while raising my two-year-old daughter. The aura balance back then was $25.

56 New Day Herald

I was happy. I went around saying I had finally found a teacher who wasn’t “down on dope.” Four months later, J-R and his staff returned to Berkeley (spring break) and I scheduled my second balance. Michael Sun started the balance by “combing” the aura. This looks like someone stroking the air just a few inches from my body. He paused, then stopped. Looking right at me he asked, “Have you been smoking dope?” “I waited the three days like you said.” I replied, wondering but not saying anything about the trip across the Bay Bridge.

“I have said this to only one other person, and that was in Miami. Now I am going to say it to you. If you want to keep doing dope you might as well take your $25 and go buy some good stuff. This will not help you if you keep doing dope.” I lay there stunned. By now, I was regularly attending seminars. I was working the information J-R had given me four months earlier in my Light Study. My life was changing and the change was really good. My emotions were calmer, I was happier. Michael stood above me, patiently waiting for my response. I told him to continue the balance. As I was leaving the hotel I found myself walking across the lobby, automatically pulling out my pack of cigarettes. Just as I pulled a cigarette from the package I was drawn to look up and saw this beam of light. It was an ordinary sunbeam with dust particles in it, except it wasn’t. I felt the Light upon me. I felt it draw and knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the karma of doing drugs was being lifted. I was being given a gift. I didn’t even know the word “grace” at the time but I was experiencing it anyway. As the beam was drawing upward, I looked down at my hand and saw the pack of cigarettes. In my mind, I rapidly threw it into the receding beam of light. It was sucked up, and then it was gone. I put the pack back into my purse and I walked out the door in wonderment. The bus ride home was long, and I slept during most of it. I arrived at my friend Maureen’s house to pick @msiaorg

up my sleeping daughter when Maureen called from the bathroom. “Oh, you are finally back! I ran out of cigarettes. Could you light one and bring it to me?” I smiled as I lit one of mine, being careful not to inhale. I put the pack on the end table in her living room and brought her the lit cigarette. Gathering up my daughter, I left them behind. There was another problem when I got home that evening. I had just recently received this wonderful birthday gift, a clear plastic box divided into six sections. Each section contained a lid (an ounce) of excellent quality marijuana, complete with labels: Acapulco Red, Panama Red, etc. It was less than half used. I had my first spiritual dilemma. I couldn’t give it away to friends, because that would be promoting something I no longer believed in doing. I couldn’t sell it for the same reason. I couldn’t throw it away because it had great value both in cost and in emotional attachment. So, I did what I always do in this type of situation. I did nothing. Spirit has always met me at my point of action and, occasionally, inaction. I was not taking any action on this dilemma. About two weeks later, I came home to find my house had been broken into. I was poor and had nothing of value to steal, no TV, no stereo, not even kitchen appliances. The house had been ransacked. As I was putting things away, I discovered that my birthday gift had been stolen. Relieved, I laughed, looked up, and said a heartfelt silent, “Thank you.”

New Day Herald 57

A Spiritual Oasis in the City  Headquarters of MSIA

Visits & Tours at

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens Some Sundays | Tuesdays-Fridays | Saturday Feb 27 12-4pm | Closed: Feb 14, Mar 13, 27

Classes & Workshops Weekly & Monthly Treat yourself to a day of peace, reflection, rejuvenation, seeing yourself as Soul at our beautiful Spiritual Oasis in the City! Eventbrite Tickets required to enter:

Save The Date! Let Us Love One Another Seminar @ PAL&G & Live Stream Wednesday Feb 10 7:30pm PT Join us for a seminar with Beloved John Morton, D.S.S. as he shares about enhancing loving connections with ourselves and one another. Register: Watch Live Online:

Simply Spiritual Living Evenings – Simply Amazing! Facilitated by Jackie Peterson Feb 8 & Mar 14 (2nd Monday of each month) 7:30-9:00pm | Free, donations welcome It’s simple! Simply loving, simply fun—simply amazing! Join us for an exuberant evening exploring how to bring spirituality more fully into your daily life. Register:

A Spiritual Oasis in the City, Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90018 323-737-4055 | |


Peace Labyrinth

Jutta Knobloch 90 and Going Strong by Vera Ubaldi

“. . .her 90th birthday is a celebration of milestone upon milestone that she has survived and surmounted on her journey.”

Jutta Lange Knobloch

bore him three children, Monica, Peter and Raynor Knobloch, and they, each in their own way have was born in Germany on the December 9th, 1925. been influenced and guided spiritually by this This year she reached the amazing age of ninety. It is amazing woman. not the number of years that is amazing as much as it is the state of health that she has maintained in her Peter says he has witnessed his mother’s progression ninety years (and she does have a secret or two that through the stages of her life, and that her 90th birthday is a celebration of milestone upon she shared with me, which I will disclose later). It is milestone that she has survived and surmounted also her stamina, spirit and zest for life and J-R, and her deep spiritual journey that have made her ninety on her journey. Like most of us, Jutta has had her challenges, and unlike most of us her indomitable years so remarkable. spirit has always led her back to what is really As a young girl she spent some time working in important to her. She is going home to God and Sweden during the 1940’s when there was war in nothing will interfere with her journey, no negative Germany. She began a pen pal relationship writing emotion will stand in her way or lead her away from to a young man named Helmut Knobloch, while her course. she was still living in Sweden. Helmut, who had migrated to Australia a few years earlier, asked her In her home, in the tiny kitchen that still stands today to marry him via letter and she took the courageous as it did many years ago, Jutta has created the most step in 1953 to come to Australia to join him. amazing food for friends and family. In 1962 she and Helmut moved to live at Daly Rd Magill where she has lived ever since. In this home that she created for herself and Helmut, she 60 New Day Herald

Since 1983 when she began having home seminars—and to date she has held 3611 seminars—many people, not just those from MSIA,

have come to receive her sustenance, not just via her cooking but via food served with a loving, healing spirit. They have bared their soul and shared their troubles to someone in whom they could trust and find loving and acceptance. Many a traveler from the Movement has found hospitality and a bed for the night in this home. But back to her history. On her arrival in Adelaide, she met Fred Victor Knobloch, Helmut’s brother, and two years later he brought to Australia his pen pal bride Edith. This formed the nucleus of the Knobloch triangle who were as adventurous as they were brave. Jutta, with Fred Victor and Edith were curious and questioning of religion as they knew it at the time. Perhaps the two world wars had left their mark and put them on a quest to find answers that traditional religion did not supply. It was this curiosity that led Edith and Fred, and then Jutta, to a little purple book titled “The Spiritual Promise” by John-Roger. They ordered the book from America in 1975, and shared it with friends and family. The book spoke to them, and together with John Deanshaw in 1977, the ‘Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness’ was born in Australia; first in Adelaide then later moving the head office to Sydney in 1979.

spiritual exercises. You always know she is filling the room with love when she sits in her chair and goes on about her business of chanting. It is there in her eyes for all to partake of as they need. Jutta has celebrated her ninetieth with her families over the week—with her MSIA family, her neighborhood family, and of course, on the day itself, with her own immediate family. Her children and grandchildren all have much they want to share about their beloved Jutta but the following song, with music and words which were written by her grandson Stewart, and the poem written by Peter to his mother, say much about her as a mother, grandmother and friend. From all of us in MSIA, in Adelaide and around the world who have had the pleasure of meeting you, lovely lady, we wish you many many more wonderfilled years and send back to you all the years of Light and love that you have given us.

Happy Birthday from us all. Thank You, we love you. Ah yes—her secrets for longevity and good health:

(next page)

In 1983 Helmut died, and her children and grandchildren still stay in touch, wherever they are living, via phone. In fact Jutta’s phone never stops ringing, as Peter, her son from Queensland found when he came to stay with his mother. Jutta was ordained a Minister in the Movement in Sydney in 1979. In 1997 at the Sydney Conference she received her Minister of the Year Award from John Morton for her Support of the Traveler’s Teachings, confirmation of the Traveler’s loving and for her unconditional, non-judgmental loving and acceptance of all. Needless to say, to the MSIA community in Adelaide she is the wise one we all respect and love. Her quiet, unobtrusive presence at meetings and seminars always adds that feeling of peace and calm to the room that she silently extends with her @msiaorg

New Day Herald 61

Take care of yourself so you can help take care of others.

Don’t hurt yourself and don’t hurt others.

Use everything for your

learning and advancement.

Remember all things come from God.

Do SE’s And... efir Milk grains culture which came from Romania that she has been brewing since 1970.


That does it.

Jutta and the Adelaide Ministers

62 New Day Herald

This inspiring documentary

follows the life and times of Dr. John-Roger...

NY Times #1 Bestselling Author and Spiritual Wayshower. From adolescence John-Roger was aware of much more than this physical level. This film follows his life from early childhood, through a near death experience in his early twenties and the anointing of the Mystical Traveler consciousness, followed by over 50 years of dedicated service to peace and spiritual upliftment worldwide. Breathtaking footage of pilgrimages through the Holy land and travels all across the globe, this visually stunning documentary will inspire and move you.

Subtitles in 13 languages included: English SDH, Espaùol, Português, Français, Polski, Hebrew, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Farsi, Hindi

Tons of special features:

Special commentary by Zahi Hawass, Egyptian archaeologist and former Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs, new 3-D images of John-Roger, never heard before 1956 Voice-o-Graph recording of J-R to his mother, photo gallery and more.

To order:

Go to or email: or call: 323.737.4055


1 DVD FOR s 2 $6$ S EACH s 3 or more DVD’s: $30 each

by Rev. Nathan Nwokocha

My Gratitude To Almighty God “On about 3:30 am

of the above doomed day, six armed robbers/ kidnappers broke into our compound. As l noticed this, I immediately called in the Light. . .� 64 New Day Herald

My high esteem,

treasured and dearest Ministers of Light and Sound on behalf of my humble self and family, l wish you all a blissful and prosperous new Year and abundant blessings of God Almighty from Nigeria. As the year 2015 just passed; it becomes necessary to take a sober reflection of some of my experiences which l considered very important to share with you with all pleasure, and show an attitude of gratitude to God

Almighty, The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and the Traveler, members of MSIA both at Home and Abroad, in view of the traumatic life experiences my family and I passed through over the last year. As John-Roger stated, there are times when life beats us up. This period can be a temporary trial moment and a test of our faith in the Lord. This can be a time to check out things and validate or prove the teachings of the Traveler.

One of these bitter life experiences befell my family and me on the 7th of January 2015. On about 3:30 am of the above doomed day, six armed robbers/kidnappers broke into our compound . As l noticed this, I immediately called in the Light.

“While I was lying down in

the small space between the bed and wall in a critical situation of hopelessness and emotional trauma, l was repeatedly and inwardly chanting: I love you, God bless you, peace be still. I asked for the protection of the 8 foot cube of Light.” The hoodlums robbed our money and valuable materials, but the place where the money magnet and the Church money were kept was not discovered by the hoodlums and was therefore not tampered with. My house was seriously and maliciously damaged. Some sections of the ceiling boards were brought down as they were looking for me. The terrifying gunshot and shocking attack put us into confusion and emotional trauma and caused us to unknowingly leave our little boy of two years and three months, Johnson C. Grant Nwokocha, in my wife’s room as we ran into the room of our relatives in same building. The hoodlums broke into the room where my wife, children @msiaorg

and house-help were, but they were untouched. They came into the next room close to the above where my daughter of nine years was with me. While I was lying down in the small space between the bed and wall in a critical situation of hopelessness and emotional trauma, l was repeatedly and inwardly chanting: I love you, God bless you, peace be still. I asked for the protection of the 8 foot cube of light. Here lies the source of the big miracle! The hoodlums, instead of attacking me and my daughter who were hiding under the window, unknowingly threw the bedspread on me, even though I was a major target. It was the Lord’s doing that I did not collapse and go unconscious as a result of the horrible gun shots. The malicious attacks caused my blood pressure to go high and I was not myself. It was much later after they had gone that we discovered that they succeeded in kidnapping my little boy, Johnson Grant Chukwumela Nwokocha. I named the child Johnson, meaning John-Roger’s son, in appreciation to him as well as to epitomize his name. He was kept under captivity in the thick forest for two days and two nights before he was released alive on the early morning, about 6.30am of Friday 9th January; 2015. The process of his release was not easy. Three women who are my close relatives took a big risk and went at different times for the purpose of sending the

ransom that they had asked us to bring to a designated place. However, the women were dribbled from one place to the other in course of sending the money. The woman that went the second time was nearly raped and the money would have been robbed, if not for the work of the Light. It is also worthy of note that through the work of the light of Holy Spirit, the sum negotiated upon was finally brought to an affordable sum which our relatives kindly assisted with.

“The process of [my baby

son’s] release was not easy. Three women who are my close relatives took a big risk and went at different times for the purpose of sending the ransom that they had asked us to bring to a designated place.” I wish to use this medium to express my immeasurable gratitude to God Almighty, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and The Traveler for saving the lives of I and members of my family and others; more particularly the little Johnson who was kidnapped. I equally wish to express my gratefulness to John Morton, Marina Wormer, Mr. Yousou .E. Tikili and his wife- Mrs. Gina Tikili, Rev. Emmanuel Ogarabe and his New Day Herald 65

wife- Mrs. Chioma Ogarabe, Rev. Prince Polycarp Iwuohia, Rev. Emeka Elechi, Rev. Promise Ogolodom, Rev. Daniel Fuayee, Rev. Ekanem, Rev. Abraham and other ministerial group in Rivers State; members of MSIA, Omoku center and other members of MSIA both Home and Abroad for their selfless service of Light actions and moral support. I wish to thank other men and women of God both within and outside Omoku, family relatives, in-laws and friends for their prayers, financial and moral support during this period of adversity. I pray that Almighty God abundantly reward you all in Jesus Name. I noticed the wonderful work of The Light of the Holy Spirit through the Traveler in my community of Omoku during the period of captivity of my little boy and even after his release. The several light requests I sent to John Morton, The MSIA Ministersin Rivers State as well as prayer requests through MSIA websites proved result oriented, positively speaking. However, I most humbly request John Morton, MSIA Ministers and other members of MSIA worldwide to continuously send light to my family and community—Omoku and its environs, Rivers State and Nigeria at large. My entire economic life and other aspects of my life endeavors have been driven and centered on the principle, “God is my part-

66 New Day Herald

ner. ” These entail the practice of tithing, seeding and application of other Traveler’s teachings. If God can do it for me, God can equally do it for you. As a spiritual scientist, I am further exploring the valuable teachings of the Traveler to validate them and check things out. In times of tribulation, in the vicissitudes of life, and negative life experiences (from a physical perspective), move to that inner temple, go within and count your blessings one by one. It may surprise you what the LORD has done for you. Note that these negative experiences are temporal and strengthen us. We need to pray to Almighty God to graciously give us the strength and the experience we can handle. ln view of the security challenges and other pathetic negative happenings to MSIA students, initiates and ministers in Omoku Town and in particular and Rivers State in general, I humbly request that the Light be continuously be sent to us. Thanks and God bless you all. In Light and loving. Baruch Bashan

Rev. (Engr.) Nathan Nwokocha

“I noticed the wonderful

work of The Light of the Holy Spirit through the Traveler in my community of Omoku during the period of captivity of my little boy and even after his release. The several light requests I sent to John Morton, The MSIA Ministersin Rivers State as well as prayer requests through MSIA websites proved result oriented, positively speaking. However, I most humbly request John Morton, MSIA Ministers and other members of MSIA worldwide to continuously send light to my family and community of Omoku and its environs, Rivers State and Nigeria at large.”

Walk in Peace I love you. God bless you. Peace, be still.

“I join you in claiming our spiritual heritage of peace and loving.” — John-Roger, D S S, IIWP Founder

Join us for the next round of the Worldwide Peace Prayer

IIWP WORLDWIDE PEACE PRAYER February 10, 2016 - March 26, 2016

Tune in with a great company of Light and peace workers eternally holding a vision of loving and peace for the planet earth and all its inhabitants.

CLICK HERE IIWP Peacemaker Meetings - 2016 For details on locations and dates, contact:

Sponsored by the Institute for Individual and World Peace @msiaorg

New Day Herald 67

USM C������ W������� The Heart and Art of Relationship A���� 29 – M�� 1, 2016 USM | S���� M�����

With Drs. Ron & Mary Hulnick Pioneers and Worldwide Leaders in the Field of Spiritual Psychology

B���� ������� ���� ���� ����� �� ��� ���� �������. Enjoying a Heart-to-Heart, Soul-to-Soul relationship can be one of the greatest gifts in life. Yet most of us wonder, what does it take to nurture and sustain a fulfilling relationship? The USM Couples Workshop provides practical tools and valuable experiences designed to support you and your partner in deepening in the Heart and Art of Loving Relationship and moving forward into greater intimacy in your everyday lives.

C���� ��� ���� I���������� & R�����������

Come for a weekend. Renew and deepen your love for a lifetime. Here is what participant Zoe Lumiere shared about her experience in the USM Couples Workshop: The Couples Workshop was transformational for us. Learning the subtleties of TRULY listening and TRULY being there for the other enabled us both to feel so much more loved and committed to each other. It was both super practical, yet also beyond this world ... as we were really able to tap into the much larger and greater reality of why we feel our Souls have come together at this time—to support and inspire each other into living our Soul’s highest expression. —Zoe Lumiere, (USM Grad ’13) | 310.829.7402 | 2107 Wilshire Blvd., #320, Santa Monica, CA 90405

What would your life be like if you were living from a place of heart-centered mastery?

Insight Masters Class Living Loving

Santa Monica, CA February–April 2016 Limited to 40 participants Includes three in-person seminars (four days each), weekly team meetings (virtual or in-person), and three teleseminars with the facilitators Tuition: $4,500 (Early Payment Tuition is only $3,950 if paid by December 15th)

Facilitated by

Joey Hubbard and Mary Ann Somerville

Directory of Organizations “The journey of your Soul is to return to an awareness of and a oneness with God.” – John-Roger, DSS

MSIA The MOVEMENT of SPIRITUAL INNER AWARENESS (MSIA) teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of oneself as a Soul, and, more than that, as one with God. Soul Awareness Discourses are the heart of MSIA’s teachings. They offer many practical keys to more successful living and to greater spiritual awareness. MSIA’s approach is to present activities and techniques that direct us toward the Spirit and loving that are the essence of who we are. P.O. Box 513935, L.A., CA 90051 (323) 737-4055

PTS PEACE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY & COLLEGE OF PHILOSOPHY (PTS) provides spiritual education to students in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) and to the general public to enhance awareness of Spirit. PTS offers classes, workshops, retreats, correspondence courses, a Master of Spiritual Science (MSS) degree, and a Doctor of Spiritual Science (DSS) degree.

Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens Home of MSIA and PTS headquarters in Los Angeles, PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH AND GARDENS is a place where people can be in retreat without leaving the city.

IIWP also owns Windermere Ranch, in beautiful Santa Barbara, California. Windermere offers people the opportunity to explore and experience peace in a natural setting. 3500 W Adams Blvd, L.A., CA 90018 (323) 328-1905 Facebook:

70 New Day Herald

THE UNIVERSITY OF SANTA MONICA was founded in 1976 by John-Roger and is a private graduate school offering Master’s degrees in Spiritual Psychology and Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health, and Healing.Known as the Worldwide Center for the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, USM’s mission is communicating the principles and practices of Spiritual Psychology worldwide through the process of Soul-Centered education.

Visitors may walk the hand-carved stone outdoor labyrinth, enjoy a moment of peace in the meditation garden, attend regular meditation events and seminars, and join the staff and residents for lunch and dinner during the work-week. Students in MSIA who come to Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens Soul-Centered education recognizes spiritual reality and begins with the assertion that rather than human beings who have also enjoy volunteering in the offices and doing spiritual a soul, we are more accurately described as souls having a exercises in the solarium. human experience. This assertion evokes a radical paradigm 3500 W Adams Boulevard, L.A., CA 90018 shift, which results in a psychological and educational (323) 737-4055 process whose goal is to bring forth the beauty, wisdom, and compassion inherent in every human being.

Heartfelt THE HEARTFELT FOUNDATION, founded in 1979 by John-Roger, is a volunteer-driven service organization which is operated through the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 100% of donations received go to those we serve. HeartFelt’s mission statement is: “Changing people’s lives through the healing power of heartfelt service.”

Founded in 1977 by John-Roger, PTS is a private, non-denomAn important part of HeartFelt’s work is the HeartReach inational educational seminary that teaches practical spiriProgram, which responds with Light and assistance to tuality. PTS provides educational opportunities that support students in becoming more aware of the Divine in themselves. members of our spiritual family who are undergoing lifechallenging or medical crises. 3500 W Adams Blvd., L.A., CA 90018 The HeartFelt Global Network reaches out to our worldwide (323) 737-1534 family, connecting us in our service to our communities, with the intent of sharing and inspiring the serving heart. For more info please contact Skyler Patton (serve@heartfelt. IIWP org) and subscribe to receive future HGN Bulletins at INSTITUTE FOR INDIVIDUAL AND WORLD PEACE® (IIWP) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) foundation whose mission is to identify 3500 W. Adams Blvd., L.A., CA 90018 and present the processes that lead to peace. Its unique (323) 328.1908 approach is based on the principle that peace is present and that it starts with us, as individuals. IIWP presents peace processes through lectures, community peace projects, and workshops. Workshops are designed to anchor the experience and power of choosing peace as a practical reality in one’s life.


Esprit Travel & Tours Founded in 1975, ESPRIT serves our community and the general public.Esprit’s Independent Travel Department specializes in creating individually crafted cultural tours of Japan and Asia that journey deep into the arts, crafts, history, culture and cuisine of distant lands. Our custom tour itineraries deliver extraordinary cultural travel experiences. For more info about tours, contact us at: (800) 377-7481

This experiential educational paradigm evokes in students their own answers to the three essential questions: Who am I? Why am I here and what is my purpose? How can I make a meaningful contribution in the world? 2107 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90403 310-829-7402

Insight Seminars INSIGHT SEMINARS is an international non-profit educational organization founded over 35 years ago, by John-Roger and created by Russell Bishop. Insight’s mission is to assist us in transforming ourselves and the world to loving and our purpose is to inspire people everywhere to a life of greater happiness, success and fulfillment, built on self-awareness, loving, caring, compassion and service. Insight operates throughout the world. Through the Insight Seminar Series, people are provided opportunities to learn practical skills and techniques for living a happier, more effective, successful, abundant and heart-centered life. Business Insight is available for companies to create corporate transformation and strategic success through the Business Insight Seminar, Teambuilding or Leadership Workshops, Executive Transformational Coaching or customized programs. 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 221, Santa Monica, CA 90403 1.800.311.8001

MSIA Resources Home Seminars Audio or video seminars with John-Roger or John Morton are held in many communities around the world. They are an excellent way to lift your spirits and further your spiritual attunement. Contact your local MSIA representative or call 323-737-4055 to find the closest home seminar in your area.

The MSIA Store A complete catalog of books, audio and videotapes, CDs, subscriptions, and other materials is available at

Web Ring XXX NTJB PSH r XXX K S PSH r XXX NTJBOPSUIFBTU PSH XXX NTJBGMPSJEB PSH XXX NTJBDBOBEB PSH r XXX GPSHJWF PSH (explore the programs, classes, and events offered through PTS. Register for PTS classes, and take a free e-mail class) (fresh news, articles by J-R and John Morton, daily stories and photos during the Traveler’s journeys for peace, and more‌) (send a free e-mail postcard!) (news about John-Roger and John Morton and their books) (download a free spiritual warrior journal; discover your purpose) (look for a sample blessing) (Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens—news, events, info) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Tithe online!) (what it is, why do it, success stories and more. Seed online!)

PTS Classes The educational arm of MSIA, Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy (PTS), offers experiential learning of Soul Transcendence and practical spirituality in a variety of formats, including evening classes, retreats, weekend offerings, e-mail and correspondence courses, and a 2-year Master’s and 3-year Doctor of Spiritual Science program. For more information, go to, call PTS at 323-737-1534, or e-mail registrar@pts.or

The MSIA Ministry The MSIA ministry is for initiates of the Traveler who are called inwardly to serve the spirit of their hearts. Service may be in any form, from volunteering for the Church to assisting people in need or organizations that serve those people, and anything in between. The only requirement is that the ministry is active and done regularly. MSIA ministers may perform services, like marriages, that clergy of other denominations are authorized to do as long as they comply with the laws of the locality in which they serve. People who have received initiation into the Sound Current through the Traveler may request an Application for Ordination packet from: .JOJTUFSJBM 4FSWJDFT *O "DUJPO r 8 "EBNT #MWE -PT "OHFMFT $" @msiaorg

Initiation Students in MSIA have an opportunity to be initiated through the Mystical Traveler Consciousness into the Sound Current, the audible stream of energy that comes from the heart of God. The levels of initiation in MSIA correspond to levels of consciousness both within and outside each person: astral (relating to the imagination), causal (relating to the emotions), mental (relating to the mind), etheric (paralleling the unconscious), and Soul (relating to who we truly are). There are also initiations above the Soul level. The astral initiation happens in the “night travel� (dream state) after a person has in some way come in contact with the Mystical Traveler; it is not anchored physically at that time, and the person may do no more with it in their lifetime. The next initiation is the causal, which can generally take place (be anchored) after two years of study with the Soul Awareness Discourses. (The astral initiation is anchored at the same time as the causal initiation.) Successive initiations are mental, etheric, and Soul. If you are just starting the Soul Awareness Discourses, Discourse #1 explains initiation into the Sound Current. You may choose to study the Discourses with the intention of being initiated or simply read them as information. This is up to you. If you do choose to study toward initiation, you need to write a letter as soon as you have decided and then email (or mail) it to the Traveler, saying that you are doing this. If you write this letter, the Traveler works with you more closely, and you may notice a greater spiritual awareness in your consciousness as this inner work goes on. After two years of study with the Discourses and if you have written and sent your intention letter to the Traveler, you can apply for causal initiation, generally when you have completed Discourse 24. The Traveler will look into your request, and you may be offered the opportunity for initiation. For astral/causal, mental, etheric, and Soul initiations, the person meets with an initiator and is given an initiation “tone� (the name of God for each realm that applies to the tone), which the initiate chants inwardly during spiritual exercises. These initiation tones are charged with spiritual energy by the Traveler Consciousness for each person individually, and the Traveler assists the student in clearing enough karma on one level to be initiated into the next level. For the levels of initiation above the Soul level, no initiation tone is given physically. For more information about initiation, you could read the chapter called Initiation in John-Roger’s book Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise (available in paper and electronic versions). And we also recommend these seminars by John-Roger: “Initiation—Molding the Golden Chalice� The key seminar about studying towards initiation and being an initiate. Available in CD and MP3 formats. “The Sound Current: The Road Home� An excellent overview of MSIA and initiation. Available in DVD and MP3 formats.

Loving Each Day Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton are delivered daily to you via e-mail. Start your computer session with a daily e-mail message of inspiration and loving. Available in four languages—English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese —a subscription is free upon request by visiting Loving Each Day e-postcards, on an award-winning site, are also available at New Day Herald 71

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