Milan Concierge Information August | September 2018

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modiGliani ExPEriEncE at mudEc

SEratE Fai


aiGnEr GaraGE italia eNeRGy GP Formula 1







AUGUST – SEPTEMBER 2018 – YEAR V – NUMBER 09 MILAN CONCIERGE INFORMATION Bimestrale dell’A.L.P.A. Associazione Lombarda Portieri d’Albergo “Les Clefs d’Or”


Concessionaria Pubblicitaria

ALPA - Associazione Lombarda Portieri d’Albergo - Les Clefs d’Or c/o Hotel Park Hyatt Milano, Via Tommaso Grossi 1, 20121 Milano

Pages srl Unipersonale Viale Valassina 64 – 20851 Lissone (MB) | +39 3495695385

Editor in Chief

Sales and Marketing

Ugo Rossi

Emanuela Mattioli Adv For You srls Unipersonale Via San Fermo 1- 20121 Milano | +39 3495864035

Publishing Director Bernie Gallotta

Art DIrector Matteo Pugi MyChicJungle s.r.l. - Via Andrea Solari 11 - Milano

Editing, Design , Dealership Advertising Adv For You s.r.l - semp. unipersonale Via San Fermo 1, 20121 Milano P.IVA: 09473710961

Logistic and Services Aliservicegroup | +39 3357791240

Print Pinelli Printing Srl Sede Legale Via Redipuglia, 9 - 20060 Gessate (MI) Registrazione del Tribunale di Milano n. 356 del 12.11.2014

Contributing Editors Emanuela Mattioli Riva Zamèro Luigi Lanaro Bernie Gallotta Silvia Sperandio Ugo Rossi AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2018 | fREE PRESS


modiGliani ExPEriEncE at mudEc

SEratE Fai


Cover image Amedeo Modigliani. Jeanne Hébuterne con cappello (1918)

aiGnEr GaraGE italia eNeRGy GP Formula 1

August - September 2018 |



Milan. In the Middle of the Future! Dear Guest,

Follow our Concierge suggestions to enjoy the city, the atmosphere, the

Welcome to Milano, a Place to Be

food and the wonderful cocktails

Milan has been voted as one of the top European destinations, in an online voting session carried out by European Best

Mr. Bernie Gallotta President A.L.P.A - U.I.C.H. “Les Clefs d’Or” Lombardy Section

Milan ranked second place in the list of

Chief Concierge at Grand Visconti Palace

the most popular European cities to visit. Milan is the Italy’s most international city. Visiting Milan means discovering another kind of Italy – the Italy of the future.

Browse free on the internet in Milan? Yes, you can!

Les Clefs D’Or August / September issue will guide you through all the events related to

The Milanese Public Network provides

the three Made in Italy “F”: Fashion, Food,

the Wi-Fi connectivity for the Municipality

Food never neglecting Art and Culture.

of Milan. The service is available both in public buildings (indoor) and outside


To really appreciate Milan, you’ll need to

(outdoor), in various squares and streets.

discover and experience its hidden treasures

The indoor service is currently called

that are not so obvious and can quite

Free Wi-Fi indoor (Wi-Fi public

easily be overlooked but like the beauty

offices) while the outdoor service

of design itself, real beauty is in detail.

is called Open Wi-Fi Milano.

| August - September 2018




ALPA Le Chiavi d’Oro - Les Clefs d’Or

Follow us on

alpa_les_clefs_d_or ALPA_lechiavido alpa-le-chiavi-d-oro-les-clefs-d-or August - September 2018 |



Welcome to Milan. Enjoy your stay Welcome to Milan, a city that will surprise you. Milan is a contemporary city, always up to date and able to fulfill the many requests of the tourists that, every year more, decide to visit. Arts, design, fashion, cusine, music, theatre, nightlife, and innovative architecture: each aspect of our daily life in Milan shows an open and young city. Expo 2015 undoubtedly confirmed Milan’s international appeal. Thanks to the collaboration between the city’s institutions, its universities, the transport network, its green spaces, the new sharing systems, and its citizens Milan has become a place where people can grow both individually and professionally. It is easy to realise it. Let the splendour of the Duomo, of the new Porta Nuova area skyline, and the beauty of the Navigli canals charm you. Explore our city parks and the exhibitions held at Palazzo Reale, at Mudec, and at the Galleries of 10 | August - September 2018

Modern Art: you will be enchanted by the most famous artists in history. Visit the Sforzesco Castle, the Science Museum and Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. Go the a theatre play or enjoy the vibe of a football match at the stadium. Plunge into the elegance of the fashion district and do not forget the hidden beauty of independent boutiques and local markets. Milan offers the opportunity of living unique experiences, either if you are visiting for business of for a holiday. I am sure that our city will meet yor expectations. Enjoy your stay and come back soon. Giuseppe Sala Mayor of Milan




32 Garage Italia a new way to live creativity 36 Maya Milano Jewellery 40 Aigner in Bella Italia 44 A book for your summer season

60 Milano rocks 62 Shows at Sforza Castle all summer long!

12 Modigliani art experience


18 Brazil. Knife in the Flesh 20 Welcome to Harry Potter 22 Summer fai’s evening. Light your evenings 26 Villa dei Vescovi. A classic Gem. 30 Leonardo da Vinci parade


64 Milano Fashion Week 65 Milano Movie Week 66 The One

46 Hydrafacial and Laser Genesits 50 kiehl’s an excellence since 1851 54 Heylash celebrates the beauty of diversity 56 The Power of Beauty 12 | August - September 2018



110 Lake Orta. Romance, piece, art, culture and inspiration 68 Cantine Ferrari. The family-run company with over a century of history 72 Since 1900 a timeless corner


114 Acquatica park enjoy your summer 90 Carrots almonds and parsley 94 Lamo Restaurant. Live a multi-sensory experience


98 Neveri Convent.

76 Barry’s bootcamp in Milan

102 Da Vittorio Restaurant the Story of a Talent

80 Our Itinerary For You

106 Restaurants our concierges tasted them form you

82 Formula 1 Gran Premio d’Italia

118 Casa Museo Asger Jorn by Luigi Lanaro

86 VAMI luxury rent 120 Agenda 127 Les clefs d’or: hotel 128 Emergency and useful telephone numbers

August - September 2018 | 13


14 | August - September 2018



In Milan, the summer air smells of Italian art, in the Modigliani’s sign The MUDEC - Museum of Cultures of Milan - starting from June 20th to November 4th, proposes a unique artistic experience both for the choice of the of the ‘900’s artist and for the collaboration that was born between the museums of the Modern and Contemporary Art Pole of Milan: Modigliani Art Experience is a fascinating story, reconstructed through images, sounds, music, evocations and suggestions, which will recreate the Amedeo Modigliani ‘s universe painter and sculptor before the eyes of the visitor, and will allow him to project himself into the Parisian context of which Modì - the accursed artist par excellence - was absolute protagonist. A totally immersive multimedia representation conceived by Crossmedia Group and curated by Francesco Poli, which will enfold the visitor in a real “experience room”, introducing him into Amedeo Modigliani’s bohémian world in his existence from exiled Livornese in Montmartre and Montparnasse in the beginning of the twentieth century; he will show him his muses, lovers and inspirers, and above all he will evoke his art, the influence of the bohemian world primitivism and in particular of African, Photo credit: Paolo Poce

Egyptian and Cycladic sculpture. August - September 2018 | 15


August - September 2018 | 16


Photo credit: Paolo Poce

August - September 2018 | 17

where & WHEN


MODIGLIANI ART EXPERIENCE MUDEC - Museum of Cultures Piazza del Duomo 12 From 20th June until 4th November Via Tortona 56, 20144 Milan Tel +39 02 54917

Concierge Tips

Ugo Rossi Do you know that there is a Library Museum? The Museum of Cultures is a reference point for the research and the studies on not European arts. Heritage heritage more than 4000 titles, growing constantly. The bibliographic funds are open to the public by appointment. Recently the Library of the Museum of Cultures has acquired a number of private donations. From Monday to Friday 9.30am - 1.30pm by appointment!

18 | August - September 2018

Concierge at Grand Hotel Fasano

WONDER Autore: Amedeo Modigliani - Titolo: Nudo disteso Sede: Metropolitan Museum of art, New York Foto: Scala, Firenze

The aim is therefore twofold: to enthuse,

the Modigliani’s art and primitivism. After

to fascinate, to excite and to amaze

all, this is one of MUDEC’s goals, which

the young people and adults audience

hosts this installation, giving it a unique

inviting them to deepen the knowledge of

imprint: interdisciplinary research on the

Modigliani, the understanding of his work

arts and cultures of the world starting

and context, the pictorial and sculptural

from ethnographic collections, study

technique and the stylistic reading

and research into the origins of art and

through macro-enlargements details of the

dialogue of Cultures, to understand the

works; but also to reveal through a classic

great themes of contemporary life.

exhibition space how the contemporary and ancient art forms - can intersect and influence each other, as happened with

August - September 2018 | 19


BRAZIL. Knife in the Flesh With the exhibition BRAZIL. Knife in the Flesh, PAC in Milan continues to explore continents by means of contemporary art, introducing a selection of 30 Brazilian artists spanning several generations, active from the Seventies onwards. ‘Knife in the Flesh’ (Navalha na Carne) is the title of a play by Brazilian writer Plínio Marcos, particularly active during the years of the Brazilian military regime. Thus, from its very title, the exhibition declares itself to be in conflict. By means of installations, photographs,




several of the artists invited to the PAC make reference to this conflict – which has no beginning, much less an end, is hard to sum up in words and rarely translates into physical fights or battles. A social – and above all symbolic – conflict, then, rather than a

where & when

military one. Gathering together a series of works created in Brazil over the past forty years, the exhibition shatters




without, however, setting out to draw a portrait of the country or its artistic scene, reflecting instead on their inherent conflict: the fights and violence, the political, social, racial, ecological and cultural abuse. A direct language that appears naïve, whilst actually pregnant with meaning as it tells of broken dreams and disappointed hopes, but also of a people capable of keeping their incredible optimism and trust in the future. 20 | August - September 2018

PAC (Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea) Via Palestro 14, Milan From 3rd July until 9th September


Nicola Balitro Chief Concierge at Park Hyatt

The decor of the bistrot recalls the atmosphere of an orangerie, with the tables and the Lamberteghi sculpture by Berthel Thorvaldsen, a selection of plants and herbs with respect of the original 18th century materials. The rooms ranges from the inside hall, decorated with the bespoke LùBar style, to the winter garden realized in the colonnade, to the broad summer dehor overlooking the refined inside garden. Different spaces for a wide range of possible targets: an healthy and quick breakfast or a lunch break for the workers of the nearby offices, the happy hour for movida lovers, a nice pic-nic for families, a fine romantic dinner for a couple. Here you can taste typical Sicilian street-food (like “arancino” and “cannolo”) in the gorgeous location at Villa Reale in Milano

Concierge Tips

LÙBAR a Sicilian Bistrot surrounded by Greenery in Via Palestro 16

August - September 2018 | 21




Finally, Harry Potter fans in Italy will have the chance to experience more from J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World when Harry Potter: The Exhibition comes to Milan. I’m proudly because Milan will be the only Italian city within the European tour of the exhibition and this will be the first time it can be enjoyed in Italian. Harry Potter: The Exhibition is a 1,400 square meter experiential exhibiton where visitors can enjoy dramatic displays inspired by the Harry Potter film sets and see the amazing craftsmanship behind authentic costumes, props and creatures from the films. The exhibition features settings from the films most popular locations, including the Griffindor common room and dormitory; classrooms like Potions and Herbology; and the Forbidden Forest which are filled with thousands of authentic props, costumes and creatures used in the filming of the iconic series. Guests can enter the Quidditch area and toss a Quaffle ball, pull their own Mandrake in the Herbology classroom vignette, and even tour a re-creation of Hagrid’s hut and sit in his giant- sized armchair.

22 | August - September 2018


where & when Harry Potter: The Exhibition Fabbrica del Vapore From 12nd May to 9th September 2018 Via Giulio Cesare Procaccini 4, Milano info and tickets:

August - September 2018 | 23


SUMMER FAI’S EVENING. LIGHT YOUR EVENINGS Special candlelit night-time visits, live music, dance and theater performances, cinema under the stars, astronomical observations, dinners and aperitifs Special moments in special places from sunset to midnight in the months of June, July and August

24 | August - September 2018

“Anyone who has lived a summer evening on the edge of a lake knows what bliss is” wrote the poet Vincenzo Cardarelli in his story “Summer Evening on the Lake”, offering us the happy suggestion of a summer sunset overlooking the water, the same sunset that can be admired from the terrace of Villa Fogazzaro Roi in Oria di Valsolda (CO) or from the Loggia of Cardinal Durini to Villa del Balbianello in Tremezzina (CO), both of which are mirrored on the Lario.

WONDER The light’s emotion at the end of the day will be the leitmotiv of the third edition of the FAI’s Summer Evening, the great feast of the FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano that returns this year renewed and expanded: 21 the assets involved, from the Castle and Masino Park in Caravino (TO) to the Kolymbethra Garden in the Valley of the Temples (AG), from Villa Necchi Campiglio in Milan to the Villa Gregoriana Park in Tivoli (RM), in addition to the aforementioned Villa Fogazzaro and Villa del Balbianello, extraordinarily open at night for the months of June, July and August, from 7 pm to 7 pm. Over 160 calendar appointments -

Giardino della Kolymbethra, 2009 © FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano

special candlelit visits, live music concerts, dance and theater’s performances, outdoor cinema , astronomical observations, dinners and aperitifs - which will allow visitors to discover the places of art and nature of the Foundation exceptionally from sunset to midnight, in the most beautiful and pleasant summer’s hours, when evening decline, the scenery changes and the atmosphere becomes magical. Among the major events, Sunday June 10th and July 15th it will be possible visiting Villa Necchi Campiglio in Milan in two cycles of guided tours from 18

Villa Necchi Campiglio, Sere FAI d’Estate, Foto Martina Civardi_2017 © FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano

to 21 and from 21 to midnight. Two summer nights by the pool, with a glass of wine in hand and with the musical accompaniment by Blue Note Off, present with the artists of the historic jazz club.

Special event Saturday 22th and Sunday June 23rd at the summer solstice, which will see the FAI Heritage open after sunset with a series of exclusive events: starting from Saturday June 22 with “Thirst of culture and sins of gluttony” at Villa del Balbianello, a refined and exclusive aperitif in the garden with jazz music background, and with

26 | August - September 2018

Villa Necchi Campiglio, Sere FAI d’Estate, Foto Martina Civardi, 2017 © FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano

WONDER “La storia in cucina” at the Torba Monastery in Gornate Olona (VA), dinner with local products where discover the eating habits that characterized the monastery life over the centuries (in collaboration with Slow Food); and again with “Colli Euganei Jazz & Wine” at Villa dei Vescovi in Luvigliano di Torreglia (PD), the inaugural evening of the jazz music festival that will liven up the Padua’s Summer for the second year running, with some of the most important names on the international scene such as famous pianist Danilo Rea. Thursday July 26th at the Giants of Sila in Spezzano della Sila (CS) there will be one of the events of the Peperoncino Jazz Festival, an itinerant musical festival that takes place every year in the most beautiful places in Calabria; the event is organized by the Picanto Association under the patronage of the Sila National Park Authority, with the aim of strengthening the link between territorial identity and sustainable tourism. In addition, For astronomy enthusiasts, a cycle of observations of the nocturnal sky is planned with the aid of an illustrative audio file downloadable from the FAI app. Evenings are scheduled in different goods and on different dates, with an appointment now of worship, that one of the Night of San Lorenzo ,Friday, August 10th: from the Castle of Manta (CN) to the Bosco di San Francesco in Assisi (PG) up to the Castle and Masino Park in Caravino (TO), to the Torba Monastery in Gornate Olona (VA), Villa dei Vescovi in Luvigliano di Torreglia (PD), Villa Della Porta Bozzolo in Casalzuigno (VA) and Avio Castle in Avio (TN).


Villa dei Vescovi, Sere FAI d’Estate, Foto Stefano Crove, 2016 © FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano

August - September 2018 | 27


Villa dei Vescovi A classic Gem

28 | August - September 2018


The enchanting euganean hills unfolds in

In 1960s Vittorio Olcese buys the monument

front of his horizon in sublime harmony with

from the local church government in order

the extraordinary cycle of frescoes by the

to restore it and bring it back to life. In 2005

Flemish lambert sustris that decorates the

his wife Maria Teresa Olcese Valoti and son

rooms and lodges.

Pierpaolo Olcese donated the property to FAI

Built in the sixteenth century, is the most

in order to open it to the public.

valuable evidence of roman civilization in Veneto. August - September 2018 | 29

WONDER The first time I saw my house was on a late summer afternoon. The long shadows underscored the geometry of the staircases, the arches of the porticoes were a play of light and darkness. The gate with its bishop’s emblem imprisoned the garden behind grey bars. It was a magical place. My husband, as if trying to make excuses for this excessive majesty, explained: “Lots of people spend a fortune keeping a boat. I wanted to save a Venetian villa.” In the Veneto Region, an association was formed in the early sixties, with the aim of saving the villas that were falling into ruin due to neglect. No one wanted to look after these huge homes anymore. They were too costly and often difficult to adapt to modern needs. People wanted more exotic destinations for their holidays. The new generations could not afford to renovate and the upkeep was too high, and so fountains, charming Italian-style gardens, haylofts and orchards all lay in ruins. It was this spirit that made my husband purchased this, the erstwhile summer residence of the Pisani bishops in the first-half of the sixteenth century, from the Bishop of Padua. It had not been used for years. After a period in which it had been used as a summer camp for children, it was closed permanently. There was a farmer who lived in the orchard and tended the vineyards and the grounds around the retaining wall. We dedicated time and money to this building, certain that it was for a good cause: “preserving beauty”. The choice of the FAI is the logical extension of the original decision. It is a great relief for me to know that this house, which expresses a rigorous way of living, where needs are more intellectual than material, will become part of the FAI and that dedicated professionals will continue its restoration and protect the surrounding area, which constitutes its natural setting. Maria Teresa Olcese Valoti

30 | August - September 2018


where VILLA DEI VESCOVI Via dei Vescovi 4 Luvigliano di Torreglia (PD) Tel. 0499930473 August - September 2018 | 31


32 | August - September 2018


LEONARDO DA VINCI PARADE The temporary exhibition Leonardo Da Vinci Parade - curated and developed by the Museum - comprises a large selection of fascinating models built in the 1950s through the interpretation of Da Vinci’s drawings and a selection of 16th century frescoes by Lombard artists, granted for storage in 1952 by the Pinacoteca di Brera, directed at that time by Fernanda Wittgens. The Museum celebrates its origins by evocatively exhibiting side by side the two collections with which it inaugurated on February 15th, 1953. Recently restored plaster and terracotta models of military and civil architectures – many of which have not been on display for years – are exhibited next to the machine models. The setup of the torn frescoes from Brera on the surrounding walls evokes the racks of a museum storage, creating an evocative sequence where the paintings are shown according to their place of origin, such as churches or no-longer-existing buildings in Milan. Among the painters, Bernardino Luini and his school play a pivotal role, as one of the most successful workshops in early 16th century Lombardy. The exhibition unusually combines art and science in an fascinating show which accounts for Da Vinci’s numerous interests and studies, through the Museum’s worldwide renowned collection of historical models. Leonardo Da Vinci Parade is the first initiative – both at national and international level – presented for the celebrations of the 500 years from Leonardo da Vinci’s death (1519-2019) in the frame of the “Milan and the inheritance of Leonardo, 1519-2019” agenda, presented by the Comune di Milano. The exhibition was created by the Museum in cooperation with the Pinacoteca di Brera and with the support of Fondazione Cariplo.

Claudio Giorgione curator

where & when LEONARDO DA VINCI PARADE National Museum of Science and Technology From 19th July 2018 until 13th October 2019 Via San Vittore 21 – 20123 Milano

August - September 2018 | 33

SHOPPING & STYLE messaggio promozionale


SHOPPING & STYLE Lapo Elkann officially started the Garage Italia project by opening the headquarters placed in Piazzale Accursio in Milan inside the former petrol station Agip Supercortemaggiore in 2017. The iconic building was restored according to Michele De Lucchi’s drawing by a MDL studio and carried out by Paolo Castelli S.p.A.. Passion, creativity, design and excellence gather in the headquarter of the creative hub founded and directed by Lapo Elkann, that houses in its inside the bar and the restaurant handled by Chef Carlo Cracco, with tailor-made décor realized by Cassina Contract in accordance with Lapo Elkann’s creativity and Garage Italia Style Centre’s suggestions. The contamination of styles and languages, the crossing of borders between fashion, design and art industries underlie the brand strategy which aims at redesigning the “tailor-made” concept. Indeed, starting from the iconic and traditional elements of a brand with its products, Garage Italia designers are able to offer a new perspective, redrawing its essence and giving life to original creative propositions. Lapo Elkann aimed at gathering under the same roof the Italian excellences in the industries of creativity, design, motion and food. Keeping things special and privileged with the Automotive field proved by several one-off models created for customers and brands such as Pagani and BMW -, Garage Italia would like to spread the concept of “tailor-made” to all the items that mark out daily life of every individual, involving design and furniture industries too and - generally speaking the lifestyle field, therefore giving the chance to own very original limited editions.

August - September 2018 | 35


THE GARAGE ITALIA MILANO RESTAURANT The Garage Italia Milano restaurant is upstairs; a large trapezoidal room looking out onto piazzale Accursio. In the centre of this space, the body of a Ferrari 250 GTO has been transformed into a functional cocktail station for the evening. Looking up towards the ceiling there is an electric toy track. It is made of wood with steel inserts; 35m long, there are 22 Formula 1 mini models, including two Ferraris purposefully positioned near the finishing line. Along the perimeter of the room there are benches, tables and chairs especially designed for the restaurant and made by Cassina Contract. Fifty 298 chairs, De Lucchi design for Cassina, were chosen for the decor and customised with racing graphics. Nine Ferrari Daytona and two Ferrari 599 seats are now armchairs and, finally, the sofa was created in honour of Gianni Agnelli’s epic Ferrari, upholstered in two coloured Frau leather with USB ports “hidden” in the armrests. Large windows let the light in from the sides that look out onto the wings of the building. The large terrace is surrounded by tropical vegetation that appears to grow into the leafy branches of the trees in viale Certosa. On the extremity of the terrace that looks out towards Milan, there is a small space, the “Riva Privèe” which is available only upon booking. It is adorned like the famous motorboat Aquarama: the mahogany floor with maple slats, small sofas upholstered with nautical material in the iconic colours of the well known Italian sailing brand, white and blue.

where & when Garage Italia Viale Certosa 86 20156 Milano Tel +39 02 22220307 www.garageitaliamilano .it Open every day from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 a.m 36 | August - September 2018


August - September 2018 | 37

SHOPPING & STYLE messaggio promozionale

Maya Milano Jewellery Maja, this divine Indian name that for centuries speaks about philosophy of beauty, given to a Serbian girl, symbolically denoting her life full of aspiration towards beauty, not only external one, but also beauty we carry inside of us. The beauty of finding beauty in every situation, every object, every story, this is where Maja went further from only external beauty. In her aesthetical expression through her MAYA MILANO jewellery line she is showing how elements that might not be merged, actually if only perceived broader can become a harmonious match, just like the nature is showing us. Rigid large cuffs, matched with romantic earrings with hundreds of tiny precious stones, this is MAYA MILANO signature. We were curious about how Maja created MAYA MILANO. After her psychology studies in Serbia she is leaving her roots to pass 22 years of globetrotting life between New York, Lausanne, Warsaw and Milan, mixed with the best academic educational degrees in Business School Lausanne in Switzerland, Master degree in Design and Fashion Management at Bocconi, and additional specialized goldsmith courses in Scuola Ambrosiana Orafa Milanese, she reached a unique and eclectic esthetical expression that she talks through her precious objects of beauty.

August - September 2018 | 38


Her passion on the top of all is colorful precious stones that she so easily sets into her small pieces of art. She believes stones can elevate or diminish one’s energy, if chosen by instinct we can elevate our energy and enjoy our precious stone of the current life phase. Every single piece of her most special NOTTE collection, in which each earring is made of 300 tiny precious stones, is a fairy-tale of femininity. MAYA MILANO collection is made entirely of Italian silver, gold or rose gold plated, designed and produced entirely in Milan and Vicenza. Maja is in continuous search of inspiration around the world, never bored of visiting the most famous jewellery centers Hong Kong, Vicenza, Paris and Istanbul. Her beautiful expressions of sophisticated beauty are sold in the noted centrally positioned shops in Milan, Ravenna and Belgrade.

where MAYA MILANO JEWELLERY Via San Pietro all’Orto 10 (Zepter Lifestyle) mayamilanojewellery mayamilanojewellery 39 | August - September 2018


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41 | August - September 2018

messaggio promozionale


The Munich based leather luxury brand has finally opened its doors in the heart of Europe’s fashion capital where the brand has a tradition of presenting the latest collection during Milan Fashion Week. The light flooded boutique is located next to the Park Hyatt Hotel and the famous Galleria Vittorio Emanuele in Via Tommaso Grossi. Open since December 2017, the charming boutique invites you to discover the entire world of AIGNER, offering leather bags, purses, belts and scarves, as well as sunglasses, watches and jewelry for both men and women. AIGNER stands for quality craftsmanship and luxurious lifestyle products since it’s foundation in 1965. The A-shaped horseshoe logo and innovative design are the brands core traits

where & when AIGNER SHOP MILAN Via Tommaso Grossi 1, 20121 Milan


August - September 2018 | 43


44 | August - September 2018


August - September 2018 | 45

SHOPPING & STYLE messaggio promozionale

A BOOK FOR YOUR SUMMER SEASON Concierge Tips Whether you are planning on taking a beach break this summer or just want to unwind with a good read on your patio, we’ve got the books that will keep you in a sunny mood all season long. So kick back, put your feet up and get lost in another world!

Renato Sabella Concierge at Windsor Hotel Milano

“LE FARFALLE SOTTO L’ARCO DI TITO” second witty novel by Chiara Pesenti Cheddonna is back along with her ever present 5-inch stiletto. Always taken in between family, friends and job, our modern heroine will face new and exciting challenges. Notwithstanding her very busy schedule, a personal dream took shape, between a defrosted steak and pre-cooked meals: now’s the time to test it. “Le farfalle sotto l’arco di Tito”, XY.IT Edition, 199 pgs, 18 euros.

46 | August - September 2018


“Voltaire, tra propaganda e menzogna” the hidden side of the philosopher of the Enlightment “Voltaire, tra propaganda e menzogna” is a dary book by the French historian Marion Sigaut that aims at rocking the public opinion and sheds a light – sadly a gloomy one – on the figure of FrançoisMarie Arouet, aka Voltaire. Through documents of his every day life, letters and proofs unkown by most of us, Voltaire emerges like a fraud, moved by great envy and personal ambitions. “Voltaire, tra propaganda e menzogna”, di Marion Sigaut, EDITORE XY.IT edizioni, pp. 202, € 18,00

“ALLA SCOPERTA DI MILANO SOTTERRANEA” a trip to the secret side of Milan The book, written by Ippolito Edmondo Ferrario and Gianluca Padovan, aims at getting a wider audience to know the hypogeal and secluded places of Milan, focusing on what is left of aqueducts, old-time canals, crypts and much more, with precise indications on how to get there and visit them. A true invitation to watch the city from below. “Alla scoperta di Milano sotterranea”, Newton Compton Edition, 512 pgs, 12 euros.

August - September 2018 | 47

BEAUTY&WELLNESS messaggio promozionale

The best facial treatments in the heart of Milano

Hydrafacial and Laser Genesis 48 | August - September 2018



1 CLEANSE + PEEL Uncover a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing resurfacing.

Hydrafacial MD®, in Milan exclusively by Image Regenerative Clinic, is the gold standard in facial cleansing and skincare. It is one of the most popular treatments in the elite aesthetic medicine clinics worldwide and also Hollywood stars’ favourite treatment. Hydrafacial is a non-invasive treatment that acts as hydro-dermo abrasion through a delicate vacuum effect nib, purifying the skin in depth and stimulating cell regeneration. It consist of three phases :

2 EXTRACT + HYDRATE Remove debris from pores with painless suction. Nourish with intense moisturizers that quenches the skin. 3 FUSE + PROTECT Saturate the skin’s surface with antioxidants and peptides to maximize your glow. Hydrafacial treatment is ideal for purify and moisturize the skin in depth, improve acne, prevent and alleviate wrinkles. The new Hydrafacial MD® technology transforms the treatment into a pleasant relaxation ritual, a moment for your own wellness. August - September 2018 | 49


50 | August - September 2018



week interval can also be recommended. The procedure is painless, lasts 30 minutes and the anesthetic is not necessary. The laser genesis is a 100% painless, non-

Laser Genesis is a YAG Laser famous for its ability to smooth the skin texture, reduce the size of pores, increase the tone and rejuvenate the appearance of the skin. Laser Genesis penetrates deeply and is able to stimulate the production of new collagen, elastic fibers and fibroblasts, determining

invasive procedure and an anesthetic is not necessary. Many people describe treatment as a relaxing moment. The sensation generated is described as warmth and slight tingling. Laser Genesis has no side effects. In the

an important improvement of the texture.

post treatment a slight redness will persist

The Laser Genesis is known as “summer

free of post-treatment downtime. You can

time Lunch Laser� because it is a quick, painless procedure without downtime (exfoliation, crusts) that can be performed during summer and on dark skin types. It is not an aggressive, painful treatment and, by not generating any peeling after treatment, it can be performed before an

for a few hours. The procedure is safe and apply the makeup immediately after the laser and resume normal daily activity. Most patients begin to see results 3-6 weeks after the first treatment. This interval is due to the cell regeneration time of the dermis cells, fibroblasts, collagen and elastic fibers. However, it is possible to see the first

important event or during the lunch break.

improvements after the first two treatments.

Laser Genesis is a non-invasive, advanced and

The longevity of the results obtained varies

technologically advanced laser treatment.

from patient to patient. Most patients report maintenance up to 12 months after the cycle.

For best results, multiple sessions are recommended with an interval of 1-2 weeks from each other depending on the clinical case. Pore reduction and increased skin tone are seen after the first 4 weeks and the benefit persists over time, up to 12 weeks after the last treatment.

where Istituto Image Via Mascagni 14 - Milano Tel +39 02 7628 0736

The Laser Genesis is often performed in combination with the Laser Toning, during the same session. The number of sessions is determined by several factors, in particular the initial clinical condition (for example, the size and distribution of pores, initial laxity, age). On average, 6 sessions are required to achieve highly satisfactory results. However, in the most difficult cases, 10 sessions with a twoAugust - September 2018 | 51

BEAUTY&WELLNESS messaggio promozionale

KIEHL’S AN EXCELLENCE SINCE1851 Kiehl’s was founded as an old-world apothecary in New York’s East Village neighborhood over 150 years ago. Its unique and extensive background represents a blend of cosmetic, pharmaceutical, herbal, and medicinal knowledge developed through the generations. In the early decades of the 20th century, Kiehl’s was a full-service pharmacy, offering its customers homeopathic and herbal remedies, essential oils, over the-counter drugs, and the first Kiehl’s brand products. In the early 1960’s, Kiehl’s pharmacists continued to develop the Kiehl’s product range, utilizing expertise gained from their experience in pharmaceutical manufacturing and chemistry. Today, Kiehl’s is dedicated to serving its customers a quality product through its extensive line of skin and hair care formulations.

52 | August - September 2018


The people who comprise the extended family of Kiehl’s are committed to upholding these standards of excellence and quality, espoused and preserved over the years. Kiehl’s Customer Representatives—whose first priority is to serve and represent Kiehl’s customers—undergo an intensive education program in which they learn the value of formula ingredients and their efficacy. In addition to this unique commitment to a quality product, Customer Representatives gain the know-how to provide the unparalleled customer service that the company is known for. With Kiehl’s early traditions in dispensing advice on prescriptions to its customers, its staff today continues to “prescribe” a personal care regimen that is most appropriate for the individual’s skin, hair and body care needs. Over the years, the many passions and interests of Kiehl’s extended family have become part of the visual and emotional fabric of the company. The Kiehl’s experience supports an active, healthy lifestyle; aviation, alpine ski racing, and equestrian expertise are all part of the Kiehl’s heritage and legacy. Perhaps one of the most recognizable of these thematic elements reflects Kiehl’s traditions in motorcycling, with the company’s collection of vintage motorcycles on display in Kiehl’s freestanding stores around the globe for patrons to enjoy. Simple, no-frills packaging and a policy of not advertising allow the company to formulate its products with high quantities of the most efficacious ingredients available. In addition, the company has gained a reputation for generous sampling, with a “try before you buy” philosophy that has built a loyal fan base the world over through the word-of-mouth recommendations of its cherished customers.

August - September 2018 | 53




Kiehl’s was founded as an old-world apothecary in New York’s East Village neighborhood. Its unique and extensive background represents a blend of cosmetic, pharmaceutical, herbal, and medicinal knowledge developed and passed on through the generations. In addition to Kiehl’s freestanding stores nationwide, Kiehl’s products are available at, by mail order at 1-800-KIEHLS-1 as well as through select specialty retailers.

Simona Carretta

where & WHEN

Boutique Kiehl’s Via Rovello 1 Ang. Via Dante 5, 20121 Milano +39 02-89919838 Via Torino 34, 20123 Milano + 39 02-89919646 Corso Vercelli 31, 20144 Milano +39 02-48100903 54 | August - September 2018

Concierge at Turin Palace Torino


HEYLASH CELEBRATES THE BEAUTY OF DIVERSITY Heylash, the salon specialised esclusively in the care of eyebrows and eyelashes, enhances the different feature every woman has, highlighting how diversity is a synonym of beauty

messaggio promozionale

56 | August - September 2018


Via Lupetta 12, in the very heart of Milan. Here is Heylash, the beauty concept store that is dedicated


exclusively to the care of eyelashes and eyebrows. Heylash was born in July 2017 from the passion and the professionalism of two friends, Sonia and Andrea, both entrepreneurs with many years of

Heylash Milano Via Lupetta 12 Tel +39 02 36599247

practice and expertise in the beauty field. In Italy Heylash is now a point of reference in the world of eyelash and eyebrow treatments and its aim is to enhance the beauty of the female gaze, regardless of age, ethnicity and the individual characteristics of each woman. According to Heylash, in fact, beauty has neither time nor boundaries. “Our treatments” explains Sonia, “aim to value every type of beauty, taking care of those features which make a visage unique: eyelashes and eyebrows”. “Our Lash Makers, or better, Lash Artists”, adds Andrea, “study carefully the shape of the face and the eyes, realizing tailored treatments for each woman, both combining curving, thickness and length for the perfect extension result both giving the right outline to eyebrows through permanent and semi-permanent reconstruction”. Heylash professionists take also care of the health of eyebrows and eyelashes, recommending, for example, strenghtening and nourishing treatments, like the innovative lash botox. In the beauty concept store, customers can indulge entirely in the pampering of expert hands and can take all the time necessary to enjoy the deserved relaxation. Therefore, Heylash put women’s well-being and beauty first and it gives value to the look of any age, colour and shape, creating a tailor-made treatment for each woman. In this way Heylash has overturned a standard and a homologated concept of beauty, launching this important message: diversity is beauty and must be brought out because it contains the real essence of being unique.

August - September 2018 | 57

BEAUTY&WELLNESS messaggio promozionale

The Power of Beauty “The way to achieve beauty and harmony “ bY E. M.

Needless to say: beauty is a strong point

and technological development offers

and walking through the streets of a

more and more specialized machinery.

metropolis like Milan,which is linked to fashion and has a taste for the beautiful,

We interviewed the renowned

you realize how much our image represents

Brazilian plastic surgeon Dr. Ivan

for each of us as our “first impression”.

Arruda, in his Milan studio, which we like to call a true “beauty lab.”

This explains the constant and strong growth we are witnessing in recent years in the fields of aesthetics and plastic surgery, where surgical techniques have evolved 58 | August - September 2018


Dr. Arruda What is the Profile of Patients Who Today Look For Help In Plastic Surgery?

What do you think about exaggeration in these tweaks?

Based on my experience I can confirm

right direction: beauty is harmony and

that there is no specific profile: in recent

balance, without exaggeration. Women

years we have witnessed a diffusion of

want to be valorized, but they do not want

aesthetic surgery, with a greater supply and

to change their image anymore; they

lower costs, so today cosmetic treatments

want to be beautiful in a natural way.

I believe that plastic surgery is now in the

and plastic surgery are available to the majority of the population. I would say

His idea of beauty in three words

that vanity, or even just being comfortable

Proportion, harmony and naturalness.

with oneself and your image, is the common denominator that unites people of different age, sex and social class.

Dott. Ivan Arruda Plastic Surgeon

What are the most requested interventions in Italy? The most requested surgery is still breast augmentation (breast enlargement), followed by liposculpture and facial rejuvenation such as lifting and blepharoplasty. In recent years there has been a great increase in gluteoplasty, which in Brazil has already been widespread for several years.

What do you think has changed in recent years? You are more aware of the use of biocompatible material and, above all, the operating techniques have changed. For example, in the past lifting was done by traction only on the skin, without involving the facial muscles, as is the case today. The result is much more natural and lasting over time. Silicone prostheses today are also textured and much more durable and safe.

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August - September 2018 | 61



The Rock Music Festival we were waiting for! Milano Rocks is a new wonderful rock music festival will take place in the Open Air Theater opened with EXPO 2015. First bands announced: Thirty Seconds to Mars and The National. To not be missed!



62 | August - September 2018



where & when Parco Experience Milano (Ex Area Expo) From 7th to 9th September 2018 Open Air Theater To Enter: Est Roserio: via Cristina Belgioioso, 28 – Milano Ovest Triulza: via Achille Grandi, 68, 20017 – Rho (MI)

August - September 2018 | 63



64 | August - September 2018

VIBRATIONS From June 9th to August 26th, 2018 on the stage in the Cortile delle Armi of the Castello Sforzesco, the sixth edition of Estate Sforzesca will be staged with dance shows, concerts and theatrical performances with free admission or at an affordable price. To not be missed!

where & when Estate Sforzesca Sforza Castle – Castello Sforzesco Cortile delle Armi Piazza Castello, 20121 Milano From 9th June until 26th August 2018

August - September 2018 | 65


MILANO FASHION WEEK Milano Moda Donna brings the entire world of fashion to Milano. Catwalk shows, presentations and events: Milano steps confidently onto the international stage, strong in the

where & when MILANO FASHION WEEK From 18th to 24th September 2018 Info :

knowledge of its unique global position, able to represent the whole production chain, from yarn to finished garment.


66 | August - September 2018



MILANO MOVIE WEEK Milano dedicates a week to the seventh art. Screenings right across the city in collaboration with the Milano Film Festival; a whirlwind of exhibitions and special events in cinemas, plus, meetings with actors and directors and insights into the vast and

where & when MILANO MOVIE WEEK From 14th until 21st September City of Milan Info :

fascinating subject of audio-visual art.

August - September 2018 | 67



The fourth TheOneMilano is ready With an extra tool for generating digital and real business TheOneMilano is returning for its fourth

One of the new features of the next

outing at fieramilanocity from 21 to 24

exhibition will be the “See now, by now”

September at the same time as Milan

area that will play host to 12 fashion

Fashion Week. The haut à porter exhibition,

companies looking to deliver their items

dedicated to women’s fashion and

to boutiques around the world.

accessories collections for next Spring/ Summer, features an innovative and

“TheOneMilano focuses on exhibitors’

effective format that works on speed of

products,” says Elena Salvaneschi, General

impact, on the value of experience, and on

Secretary of the exhibition. “The collections

business that becomes opportunities for

at the stands are selected via specific

branding and visibility. At fieramilanocity the stars of the show will be the collections from every fashion segment (high-class womenswear, trends, casualwear, curvy fashion, and experimental fashion) and every kind of product (outerwear, ready to wear, knitwear, beachwear and accessories). From this exhibition onwards, TheOneMilano has decided to create a new area devoted to innovation: the designs of talented new young people will be on show in “New gen”, an area just waiting to be explored, and another opportunity to do business. And while we’re on the theme of innovation, the “Always on” initiative is underway: a permanent digital showcase for TheOneMilano exhibitors, that will give them the chance to keep in touch with buyers all year round by exhibiting their collections and encouraging contact between the two. This is a project that maintains continuity between exhibitions, leveraging the synergies between the many aspects of fashion. 68 | August - September 2018

PARTICIPATION scouting activities carried out by our

fair concept with a modern format that

secretary’s office and our consultants, so

brings together information and business

that what is communicated is the product,

together in a single location, allowing

its quality, the work that goes into making

buyers and companies to meet up and

it, the materials used, and the processing

forge solid, tailor-made business relations.

and manufacturing techniques that are

TheOneMilano brings together MIPAP,

employed. We have added a digital section

the prêt-à-porter show organized by

to our skill set, something that cannot be

Fiera Milano, and MIFUR the International

ignored in today’s world. We are launching

Fur and Leather Exhibition organized by

this platform to allow exhibitors to upload

the Mifur Exhibition Organisation (Ente

the fashion that best reflects what they

Fieristico Mifur), combining both of their

are about, giving buyers the chance to

expertise and experience. TheOneMilano

access exhibition content remotely too,

exclusively plays host to professional

to help the business phase flow more

visitors as the exhibition is strictly B2B.

smoothly. With this project we wanted to overcome the constraints of space and time and to provide 365/24/7 information about buying and about the collections.” TheOneMilano proves once again to be the exhibition that offers a new take on the trade

where & when TheOneMilano Via Colleoni From 21 to 24 September 2018 21, 22, 23: 9.30 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.; 24: 9.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.

August - September 2018 | 69


FERRARI trento

Out of Milan

THE FAMILY-RUN WITH OVER A CENTURY OF HISTORY Ferrari Trento was founded in 1902 by Giulio Ferrari and it is now managed by the third generation of the Lunelli family, which has run the company since 1952, when Bruno Lunelli was chosen as Giulio’s successor because he did not have any heirs. In these more than one hundred years of history the company has grown and evolved, but has maintained its intimate link with its area of origin as well as the

Mauro Delvai Senior Concierge

pioneering spirit of its founder, who was the first to realize that the mountains of

Ferrari to position itself in the marketplace

Trentino are ideal for growing Chardonnay

as “the Italian toasting wine par excellence”.

as a base for sparkling wines. Indeed, Ferrari’s Trentodoc wines often Based on the above principles, and after

accompany significant moments in political

more than a decade of work to this end, in

life, sporting victories and other events, many

2017 all of the family’s vineyards received

of which are linked to other outstanding

organic certification, thus underlining

Italian products, for which Ferrari acts

Ferrari’s intimate connection with the terroir

as an ambassador around the world.

of Trentino and its mountain viticulture.

As one of the founder members of Altagamma, the foundation that groups

Other fundamental philosophies of the

together the leading companies in Italy’s

Ferrari company, such as the quest for

cultural and creative sectors, Ferrari Trento

excellence and quality control from the

represents – at an international level as

vine to the table, have led the Trentino

well – that special Italian Art of Living,

producer to obtain major accolades both

embodying a passion for beauty, style

in Italy and abroad. To name just one, there

and vitality, which all the world adores.

was its designation as 2017 Sparkling Wine Producer of the Year in The Champagne &

Likewise, in its communications, Ferrari

Sparkling Wine World Championships, the

does not only talk about its Trentodoc

most important international competition

wines, but aims increasingly to create

devoted exclusively to bubbly wines. This

experiences. In this context, it promotes

goes to show that the great growth in

its visits to the winery, where the company

production in recent decades has not had

has designed a tour called “Path through

an adverse effect on quality; rather, it has led

Beauty and Excellence” which links the

70 | August - September 2018


Cellars (“Cantine”) with the Ferrari vineyards,

in all of its senses: a journey through

with Villa Margon (the sixteenth-century

nature, art and taste, in order to discover

manor that is the Group’s hospitality

the quintessence of Trentodoc.

centre) and with Locanda Margon,

Visitors begin by descending into the

Ferrari’s Two-Michelin Star restaurant.

darkness and hush of the Cellars, in the midst of pupitres and bottles whose

The Path through Beauty and Excellence

contents are slowly maturing. They then

tour is a voyage through Ferrari’s various

proceed along the slopes of Mount Bondone:

locations and is an experience of beauty

here, set among woods and Chardonnay August - September 2018 | 71

REMEMBRANCE vineyards, they can admire the remarkable splendour of Villa Margon, a Renaissance manor house that is one of the finest aristocratic residences lying just below the Alps and which the Lunelli family has restored to its ancient glory. Used as accommodation for cardinals and prelates during the Council of Trent, tradition relates that Emperor Charles V also stayed here. Some of the marvellous frescoes that adorn its rooms and portico are dedicated to vinegrowing, bearing witness to the important role that wine has always played in Trentino: it is the place that best represents the historical background of Ferrari, and acts as the company’s hospitality centre. The tour concludes at the nearby Locanda Margon, where the itinerary of The Path through Beauty and Excellence is sublimated in the food and wine pairings proposed by Two Michelin Star chef Alfio Ghezzi. Apart from in its places of origin, the Ferrari experience can also be found in some of the locations that best express Italian style, from Madonna di Campiglio to Porto Cervo, as well as in Italy’s major airports. Here the Ferrari Spazio Bollicine wine bars have been created, establishments in which the art of conviviality is celebrated through innovative ways of enjoying the Trentodoc experience and where Ferrari succeeds in demonstrating the typical Italian lifestyle in an immediate and elegant manner.

where & when FERRARI Trento Via del Ponte 15 38123 Trento (TN) Tel +39 0461972311

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Milan Unknown Riva Zamèro Guest Relations & Concierge at Hotel Milano Scala

Since 1900 a timeless corner Nearby the Università Statale, shops are

Then there are the Comitti of London

mostly concentrated in Via Bergamini. Some

and Mattias Naeschke’s pendulum

historic ones allow you to retrace a past

for a sophisticated clientele who

time, where activities, often handed down

appreciate the most precious items

from father to son, were sighted and have

and find details of invaluable value.

accompanied the historical events, keeping a prestige and a major reference point.

Andrea Sangalli grew up in the midts of all this, entering the shop back from school and

A real Milanese flagship is the Sangalli

from college. President of the Associazione

Watchmaking shop , whose story begins in

Orafa Lombarda, as well as Main Organist at

1900. Since 1970 it belongs to Giuliano and

the Basilica dei Santi Apostoli e and Nazaro

Maddalena Sangalli. As a child, Giuliano

Maggiore in Milan, in Porta Romana.

begins attending the “shop”, learning to

A glass door locker contains the beautiful

know all the watch art’s secrets and start

musical boxes by prestigious Reuge

cultivating passion for gears. Nowadays he

Manifacture, based in Saint-Croix, in the

still leads the store with his two sons, Andrea

French Swiss. The magic created by the

and Davide, thus reaching the 4th generation.

musical boxes is because through these sounds people find serenity and well-being.

Here past and present mark the time

Still handmade, can have from 36 to 144

together. The original rooms furnishings

notes, in the most precious woods such

were kept, from the wooden closet with

as Madrona’s roots or pink rosewood with

glass doors to the pendulum display, to

inlays, unprinted. I admire a Parisian clock,

the comfortable ‘studio’ where between

I hear from a Grand Father pendulum the

boiserie and parquet under a fully

same tinkle of London’s Big Ben. Music

decorated wooden coffered ceiling , is

by Brahms comes out of a carillon.

collected a German cucù clocks collection,

Milan’s Cardinals and Archbishops

manufactured in the Black Forest.

have always been addressing the

74 | August - September 2018


store for the clocks maintenance of

and great technical skills. With the latest

the Archbishop’s apartment and for

tools generation and the experience of

the Duomo’s clocks maintenance.

one hundred years, the Sangalli’s are

Yet the great master Arturo Toscanini had

able to repair pratically every type of

chosen Sangalli’s as a trusted watchmaker,

antique or modern watch. It’s a timeless

and even during his stays in America he

corner, that one of Orologeria Sangalli.

sent here the beloved pendants in need

Here, I may have unveiled yet another

of repairs, arrived in Milan by ship.

hidden and discreet place.

Working on antique watches requires

Milan continues to fascinate me.

great care, knowledge of the instrument,

August - September 2018 | 75


where & when Orologeria Sangalli Via Bergamini 7 Milan Tel +39 02 5830 4415 76 | August - September 2018


August - September 2018 | 77


BARRY’S BOOTCAMP IN MILAN NO PAIN NO GAIN! Barry’s Bootcamp, the brand that has innovated the fitness industry with the creation of a full-body workout experience and has become a true trend in the US, offers an high-intensity training with the goal of driving the Milanese to find out their best fitness, within a community. In fact, Barry’s training allows people with different fitness levels to train together: in each class the trainer will indicate three levels of training modulated in the different levels in preparation for the users. A winning formula that allows Barry’s to be recognized as the best workout in the world. “We are very excited to brought this successful experience to Milan,” says Joey Gonzalez, CEO of the brand. With Barry’s you can keep fit without losing your workout, even when you have little time and you are often on the go. There are no subscription fees or subscriptions, but apart from the single lesson, you can buy packages. Lessons are purchased directly on the Barry’s Bootcamp site by choosing your favorite day and time. Each user can book both the lesson and the treadmill, preventing them from arriving

78 | August - September 2018

ENERGY in advance to choose their place. Body care products and accessories (shower, shampoo, conditioner and cream, accessories and small appliances such as hairdryers and flatirons) are available in locker rooms. Barry’s uses an effective combination of High Intensity Training (TEI) that includes 25-30 minutes of cardiovascular on treadmill and 25-30 minute with free weights, resistance bands, and more. The workout is geared to results and drives participants to overcome their physical and mental limits. A one-hour class burns up to 1,000 calories. The Senate 36 office also features a Barry’s sports apparel and merchandising boutique to buy original brand clothing. Also available to the users is a Fuel Bar, offering Barrys’ signed recipes, designed for those who undergo workouts, like smoothies and energy-boosting protein shakes.

where & when Barry’s Bootcamp Via Senato 36, 20121 Milano Book on website : Tel. 02.84040898 Each course is open to a maximum of 44 participants at the cost of 28 euros per lesson August - September 2018 | 79


80 | August - September 2018


Barry’s Bootcamp Experience. One-hour class burns up to 1,000 calories! Over the course of eighteen years, Barry’s Bootcamp Experience has innovated team fitness by creating an effective and engaging experience that is able to show enduring and personalized results. Founded in Los Angeles in 1998, Barry’s was designed to combine physical well-being with an engaging and fun training method With over twenty-five locations around the world, including Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, London and Oslo, Barry’s Bootcamp has become a cult experience: Barry’s Brand is also a lifestyle and brand with its own line of sportswear and protein barrels. Barry’s Bootcamp training has innovated fitness, offering an original experience. August - September 2018 | 81


Our Itinerary For You WHERE: Porta Nuova and Parco Sempione

START and STOP: Piazza Lina Bo Bardi

This time we start from the symbolic area

your look towards the sky. Now it’s time

of the new Milan. The center directional

to enter Corso Como, down the fast

of Porta Nuova is right behind the Hotel

descent takes you to one of the warmest

Palace and two steps from all the other

areas of the Milanese nightlife and

hotels in Piazza della Repubblica. We are at

shopping, fortunately closed to traffic.

the foot of the Torre Diamante, one of the

At the end of the old square XXX April

new profiles of the city’s skyline. The address

that brings us to the end of first kilometer.

is Piazza Lina Bo Bardi. From here take

Always straight, take Corso Garibaldi,

Via Mike Buongiorno, go up the staircase

arrived in piazza della Moscova turns

that goes up to the Aalvar Alto square

right and head towards Parco Sempione

to continue on the bridge that connects

through the little busy Via della Tenaglia.

Piazza Gae Aulenti. The cars are far away.

Parco Sempione is the biggest green lung

From Piazza Gae Aulenti began the

in the city center: heart of the Milanese

architectural revolution of the city

running. There will be many runners you

that hosted Expo 2015. Emblem of the

will meet on your own road, especially in

square is the Unicredit palace, the tallest

the morning, at dawn, at lunchtime and

building in Italy. Impossible not to raise

after clooffice hours. Meanwhile we

82 | August - September 2018

ENERGY are almost at kilometer number two.

the right, along the playground for children.

Follow the outside perimeter of the park

It goes around the hill that hosts the library

keeping the left, anti-clockwise schedule.

for later return to the Gianni Brera Civic

Soon you will meet another symbol of

Arena which dates back to the beginning of

the city: tthis one is historic, the Castello

the 19th century. It was the stadium in Milan

Sforzesco built in the fifteenth century by

and hosted many manifestations of Athletics.

Francesco Sforza, perfectly restored, home

On that track in 1973 Marcello Fiasconaro

to permanent and temporary exhibitions.

established the world record of 800 meters.

Pay attention to the passage of the

After an outside turn in the anti-clockwise

Fountain in front of the Castle entrance

direction, take viale Ghoete towards the

because it will be necessary to slalom

pond that you cross through the evocative

among the tourists engaged in selfies.

bridge of the sirens. Then head towards the

Meanwhile, we are at the third kilometer

Sforzesco Castle that you cross tocome out to

and we continue to circumnavigate

the fountain where we have already passed.

the Park on the sidewalk. Be careful

We are now at kilometer seven and

not to invade the bike path.

some changes wil begin comng

After the passage in front of the Triennale,

back to the starting point.

another important exhibition space

In front of the Civic Aquarium, built for

dedicated especially to Design, just when

the 1906 expo, it is necessary to cross the

we turn right, the Arco della Pace will in its

road, keep briefly on the right side of via

entirety, the fourth kilometer in front of it is

Legnano to take via Anfiteatro. After a

impressive. Inaugurated in 1838. In 1859 to

while, it turns into Corso Garibaldi and

celebrate the victory in the Battle of Magenta

from here always straight you end up going

the arch welcomed the passage of Napoleon

back the way to the point of departure.

and Vittorio Emanuele II king of Italy. Continue to run outside the park until the end of Viale Byron then enter inside keeping

Your training is done ! August - September 2018 | 83


84 | August - September 2018


The speed and passion of the fans

memorable pages of motor racing and

characterize the Formula 1 Gran Premio

motorcycling history have been written

d’Italia that will be from 2018, August

in these racetracks over the years. It isn’t

31st to September 2nd at Monza Eni

a coincidence that Autodromo Nazionale

Circuit. The race, in the historic track in

Monza as always been famed throughout

the Monza park, is at its 89th edition.

the world as the Temple of Speed, and still continues to be the place where drivers,

Infact the historic event, that has always

cars and competitions have contributed

been held at Autodromo Nazionale Monza

to create a nearly 100 years legend.

since 1922, will be again the joy of fans

Don’t miss the most important

or simple enthusiasts. Some of the most

car event of the year!

August - September 2018 | 85

where & WHEN


Autodromo Nazionale di Monza Monza Eni Circuit Via Vedano 5, 20900 Monza (MB) From 31st August to 2nd September 2018 Information and tickets:


Alessio Ripamonti Built in the enchanting setting of Royal Palace park, the circuit is famous for its 5.793 kilometre Grand Prix track, together with its 2.405 kilometre Junior track. The major features of the main Grand Prix track include the Curva Grande, the Curva di Lesmo, the Variante Ascari and the Curva Parabolica. The high speed curve, Curva Grande, is located after the Variante del Rettifilo which is located at the end of the front straight or Rettifilo Tribune, and is usually taken flat out by Formula 1 cars.

86 | August - September 2018

Concierge at Grand Hotel Tremezzo


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where Vami Luxury Rent Tel +39 02 83486160 +39 371 3405395 info@vamiluxuryrent 88 | August - September 2018

ENERGY VAMI Luxury Rent is a company that has

Bentley, present along with others in their

as its core business the short-term rental

fleet. Italy, Switzerland, Germany and the

of luxury cars, offering the guarantee

Principality of Monaco are some of the

of the most complete satisfaction of

countries in which cars can be delivered.

any particular need of the customer.

With Headquarters in Milan, VAMI Luxury

VAMI Luxury Rent selects for its customers

Rent also provides its customers with some

the cars among the most prestigious

of the most exclusive services: food and wine

“brands�, who wrote the history of the four

tours, shopping days and lifestyle managers.

luxury wheels, such as Lamborghini, Porsche,

messaggio promozionale

August - September 2018 | 89


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August - September 2018 | 91



Executive Chef at Il Sereno Hotel Ristorante Berton al Lago

Born in Naples, he began to run very early passing through London New York Valencia. In Italy he trained with Bruno Barbieri Elio Sironi, Stefano Baiocco and Pino Lavarra. After all these , opens the Armani Hotel in Milan as Executive Suos Chef with Chef Giandomenico Melandri, his great friend. In 2016 he was called by Chef Berton to open the Sereno Hotel in Como, where there is also his restaurant (Berton al lago) In little more than a season, michelin assigns to him a star

92 | August - September 2018


August - September 2018 | 93


Ingredientts per serve: Cream of carrot

diced carrots

1kg carrots

1 litre of blended carrots

100 gr shallot

Parsley Sauce

Stew the shallot with oil then add

Parsley water

the diced carrots and blend the sage

150 gr stems

making sure its well dried. Once well

350 gr sparkling water

cooked blend and emulsify with

100 gr crushed ice

olive oil and pass through the sieve

2 gr ascorbic acid

100 gr parsley leaves

Blend everything together with

ps if necessary add xanthan gum

Cut carrots with 2/3 mm with a grater

marinated carrots

Bimby for a few minutes and filter in

sieve without pressing too much.

1,5 kg carrot cleaned and cut into slices 2/3 mm thick

400 gr of sugar

Parsley sauce

150 gr fine salt

100 gr of parsley water

1 litre white wine vinegar

8 raw spinach leaves

Dissolve sugar and salt in hot vinegar

0.4 grams of xanthan gum

when cold pour over the pumpkin

30 g of blanched parsley

and keep in the fridge for 10 hours. •

Method: diced

leaves (85/90 gr crude) •

30 g oil seeds

1.1gr salt

Mix all the ingredients and blend for a few minutes, then sieve

94 | August - September 2018


almond cream •

300 gr almonds without peel (toasted)

30 gr almonds, blanched and skinned

250 gr of water

50 gr almond milk

5 gr salt

30 g pure almond paste non-sugar

Mix all the ingredients and put in the Pacojet glass.

Blend in the Pacojet 4 times Ristorante Berton al Lago

salted almonds •

100 grams of leaf almonds

Via Torrazza 12, Torno (CO)

25 gr egg white

12 gr salt

Tel. +39 3391372152

Whip egg white and salt and mix with almonds, separate them and spread on a plate

Dry at 80 degrees

Pimient espelette

August - September 2018 | 95




messaggio promozionale

96 | August - September 2018

TASTE where LAMO RESTAURANT Via Cappellini 21 20124 Milano Tel +39 0236594136 Web site:

August - September 2018 | 97


98 | August - September 2018

TASTE The setting, bearing the name of interior designer Giò Pagani, is a fine example of contemporary and edgy art deco – a playful combination of bottle green and maroon shades where strict geometrics meet precious materials and gleaming metallics. The leather sofas are perfect for casual conviviality and so are the decorated tables, which are designed to be on display. Background music selected by a renowned DJ and the attentive service make this new and involving dining experience complete. In this glamorous and sophisticated atmosphere everything has been conceived for an international clientele and to create a new way to spend time together, placing importance on offering an engaging and multi-sensory experience. The kitchen prepares the best of what the market has to offer from season to season, favouring fish and seafood dishes - unique creations that combine flavours of Mediterranean tradition with exotic ingredients and techniques. Each dish is the result of a deep understanding of world ingredients and culinary traditions, where differences find a new harmony and balance. Influences from all over the world come together in an innovative and contemporary experimental union. Strong and aromatic scents, new consistencies and surprising flavours, combined with inspired and elegant presentation, make Lamo’s creations an unexpected sensory experience. Ingredients cooked to perfection and crudités, oriental flavours and tropical tastes, produce unexpected combinations capable of amazing even the most demanding of palates. Crowning glory of the menu are the desserts by Ernst Knam.

August - September 2018 | 99

TASTE messaggio promozionale

Neveri Convent

a night of great food surrounded by the walls of the 16th century

100 | August - September 2018

TASTE Neveri Convent is located 20 minutes away from Milan, in Bariano. As of today, the whole complex is the result of a restoration made from the Carmelite Convent of 1480, realized on a Roman site dating back to I-III century. The place is absolutely perfect for a classy wedding or an elegant dinner at its renowned restaurant. The Neveri Convent offers a breath-taking location with spacious available areas like the beautiful Medieval Cloister or the grand Roman Hall, that still displays the original 13 meter-high walls. The Convent also has 10 unique cells where monks used to sleep that are used nowadays as privĂŠ lounges. They host 2 to 8 guests. The Neveri Convent is open all year round and offers a kitchen of refined taste and a striking mise en place.

August - September 2018 | 101


where Convento dei Neveri Via Romano 17 24050 Bariano (BG) Tel 0363 95439

102 | August - September 2018


Moon dessert: chocolate cake with a salty caramel topping August - September 2018 | 103


Da Vittorio Restaurant the Story of a Talent 104 | August - September 2018


This is the story of Vittorio Cerea who opened “Da Vittorio” restaurant in Bergamo’s town centre with his wife, Bruna, in 1966. Bergamo soon became an essential visit for lovers of haute cuisine and success also brought the first Michelin star (1978), which, matched by the wealth of accolades and glowing write ups by leading food critics from Italy and abroad, was doubled in 1996. In the second millennium, the dream of joining the ranks of the Best Restaurants in the World also became true. Firstly by becoming a “Relais Gourmand” (in the restaurants section) and then becoming part of the Relais&Chateaux and Les Grandes Tables du Monde circuits just a few months after moving to a gorgeous villa with accommodations at Brusaporto, nestling in the green Cantalupa hills. 2010 finally brought the highly sought-after, third Michelin star. Today the name “Da Vittorio” is a mark of excellence in the world of catering and hospitality. Devotion acknowledged by the guidebooks - Three Michelin Stars – and the loyalty of an ever-increasing clientele. Da Vittorio is run by Signora Bruna Cerea and her five children. Enrico and Roberto are both chefs, Francesco manages the wine cellar and catering services, Rossella is head of hospitality at the Restaurant and Dimora, while Barbara runs Cavour 1880, the café-patisserie in Bergamo Alta.

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The concept of “Lombard tradition and creative genius” is the leitmotiv of Da Vittorio’s menus, which are regularly updated and altered to keep up with changes in the market and in the seasons. The care, attention and exploration of culinary themes is kept wide-ranging to please all palates. The most diverse palates, personal tastes or culinary requirements can all find pleasure and innovation here: meat and fish, game and seafood, mushrooms and truffles, not to mention fruit and vegetables, all prepared with an original style that also takes into account the new frontiers in healthy cuisine.

Interesting Facts : Catering Da Vittorio From Bergamo to Los Angeles: the Cerea family takes its delectable gastronomic prêt-à-porter around the world. Even in the early days, Da Vittorio has always stood out for the team’s skill in preparing food “live”. Thanks to a specially conceived portable menu, dishes can be cooked directly on site. This technical approach allows us to prepare recipes to our usual standards, despite being away from our own premises. Our settings and mise en place (table linen, tableware, service), all of the highest quality, will make parties and weddings unforgettable.

where Da Vittorio Via Cantalupa 17, 24060 Brusaporto (BG) T. +39 035 681024 Closed : Wednesday (for lunch)

106 | August - September 2018


Don’t miss to visit also Bergamo Alta (amazing) and The Caffè - Pasticceria Cavour 1880 in Bergamo Alta belongs Concierge at Diana Majestic to the Locali Storici d’Italia (Historical Places of Italy) chain. It is Viennese-style café with ancient frescoes and late 19th century friezes, its counter displaying delicacies in the grand tradition of the Master Patissiers of Da Vittorio. Each day they make croissants, biscuits and pastries for unforgettable breakfasts. Excellent patisserie, tens of different cakes and mignon pastries, spoon desserts, handmade icecream and Da Vittorio’s sweet and savoury specialties, perfect for treating oneself or others. At lunchtime, the café serves exquisite snacks and buffets, which can also be made to order for business lunches and stylish aperitifs. The famous Sunday brunch is not to be missed.

Felice Nanna

Concierge Tips

A short distance from Bergamo – ten minutes by car – yet a world away from the frenzy and traffic of the city: Da Vittorio Relais & Chateaux stands in lush countryside that acts as the “lungs” of the city. The ten hectares of grounds include a tennis court, a five-a-side football pitch and two natural lakes, linked by a path ideal for a relaxing stroll. It is really an amazing place!

August - September 2018 | 107


ristorante savini The culinary art of our country is enclosed in a menu that makes the tour of Italy, offering regional dishes, fish dishes, meat cuisine and typical products of Made in Italy. All homemade from the bread to fresh pasta, cakes and the delicious desserts. Opened every day from 12:00am to 23:30pm. Via Ugo Foscolo 5, Milano Open Monday-Saturday noon 12 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. - 10.30 p.m. Tel. +39 0272003433

HOSTERIA DELLA MUSICA ALLA FERROVIA Hosteria della Musica alla Ferrovia holds up to 400 seating places, concentrating always on gourmet high level cuisine, live music, professional service and unforgettable moments! Via G. B. Pirelli 1, Milano +39 02 66703885

SPAZIO SUSHI The fusion of good taste, art and soft music make up a unique and complete sensory experience. A varied menu, in which each dish represents the meeting between the Japanese tradition and Mediterranean taste creates original and unusual combinations, made exclusively with high quality raw materials. Via Solferino 27 Tel +39 0236587566

108 | August - September 2018


GARAGE ITALIA Take place in this outstanding restaurant to enjoy a creative gastronomic proposal by Chef Carlo Cracco and Chef Gabriele Faggionato. Discover a menu inspired by the richness of Italian regional recipes, according to the seasons and renewing with traditional values of the Italian savoir-vivre. Viale Certosa 86, 20156 Milano +39 0233431857

Hosteria Della Musica Hosteria della Musica, located in artsy Brera District. Rooms furnished in antique wood, brass, and stained glass, its kitchen offers world-known T-bone steak Fiorentina, traditional Milanese dishes as ossobuco and veal cutlet, and of course, a selection of ham, salame, pasta, and oven cooked pizza. In the dehor you can enjoy warm spring evenings, while a big room hosts live jazz, blues, cabaret, and pop music concerts. Vicolo Fiori 2, Milano Open everyday 12 p.m. - 1 a.m. Tel. +39 0239661149

Il Tavolino Il Tavolino is located on Via Fara, in the heart of the new Porta Nuova neighbourhood: old alleys sorrounded by new skyscrapers and buildings. Chef Gaspare Rocca can boast one of the best T-bone Fiorentina steaks made of Chianina meat from Tuscany. Not in the mood for meat? Try a “panuozzo� the typical panino from Naples made with pizza dough and filled with delicious ingredients. Via G Fara 23, 20124 Milano tel +39 02 6703520 Open everyday 12 p.m. - 00 a.m.

August - September 2018 | 109


taverna visconti ANTICA TRATTORIA DAL 1994 In the “old restaurant since 1994” you can taste a great aperitif with salami, cheese and glass of the best wines, or if you like a dine, you can find savory dishes of meat, homemade pasta, risotto and traditional Italian meals. Via Marziale 11 Phone + 39 02 798334

taverna visconti TRATTORIA DI MARE Since 1990, Taverna Visconti was known as the perfect place where “to breathe” the real atmosphere in Milan. In the “seafood restaurant” you can relish a real, genuine, national fresh fish and fantastic plateaux with raw fish. Via Filippo Corridoni 10, Milano Tel. +39 02 5450360

Petrus 1935 Urban Restaurant & Raw Bar Petrus 1935 offers its customers, in full respect of the tradition of North American oyster bars, a wide choice of crustaceans, oysters, coquillage and cruderie Via Fiori Chiari 13, Milano +39 349 0774198

110 | August - September 2018


ristorante el brellin The El Brellin Restaurant overlooks the Naviglio Grande and the picturesque Vicolo dei Lavandai. In the 50’s, the laudresses used to come here with their buckets and soaps to rub their laundry by kneeling on the wooden “brellin”. Our kitchen ranges from Milanese and Lombard specialties to finest dishes. Vicolo dei Lavandai - Naviglio Grande – Milano Tel +39 02.58101351 -

valentino vintage The location, based in the hearth of Milan is inspired to the great Valentino, actor, latin lover and icon of the ‘20s; the genuine Mediterranean cuisine is based on the combination of authentic Milanese traditional dishes and new flavors. Corso Monforte 16, 20122 Milano Tel +39 02 76394369 +39 392 9823291

iL cantiniere - milano Il Cantiniere is an exclusive restaurant in the heart of Milano for your business lunches or for special dinners. Via Albricci 3, 20122, Milano (MI), Tel. +39 02 87 07 4880 Mobile + 39 345 46 33 269 / +39 347 0625647

August - September 2018 | 111




ROMANCE, PIECE, ART, CULTURE AND INSPIRATION “You can have no conception of real beauty unless you visit Italy at least once and you must only make the effort to fully enjoy it at leisure “ (Johannes Brahms)

If you head north from Milan travelling towards the Alps that you can see in the distance you will be able to find lakes with blue waters and unique characteristics to satisfy all different tastes. If you are into fun head north-east, to go to Lake Garda. If you prefer the company of the rich and famous go north to Lake Como. If you prefer the aristocratic feeling of beautiful palaces and private islands head north-west to Lake Maggiore. But if you want romance, piece, art, culture and inspiration go east to reach Lake Orta. It is a small lake surrounded by high green mountains that make the water color deep blue, calming and relaxing. Light changes during the day to admire all shades of blue and green both in the mountains and reflected into the lake calm waters. While lesser known than all the other lakes in the north of Italy it has been inhabited since the Neolithic and it became ideal destination for writers, artist and noble families in 1780, when it became part of the Savoia Reign. Friedrich Nietzsche, Samuel Butler, Lord Byron, Honoré de Balzac and Robert Browning all came here to rest, read, replenish and indulge their imagination.

112 | August - September 2018


August - September 2018 | 113

ENJOY Natural beauty and mystical elements are connected in the surrounding areas. The legend tells that Saint Giulio won a huge battle against dragons and snakes in the small Island of San Giulio in the middle of the lake. On the island the unique mediaeval architecture allows the visitor to go back in time and enjoy a stroll on the narrow streets and to visit to the ancient monastery still inhabited by secluded nuns. Silence is a must, while there is a constant reminder on the walls of the importance of silence to fully enjoy the area, there is an almost natural need of quietness and peace to fully absorb the history and the beauty of the place. The island can be easily reached by boat from Orta San Giulio, the small town built on the slopes of a steep hill that forms a peninsula that comes out from the lake. The narrow steep roads are charming and extremely elegant. The ancient buildings are memory of the importance of this area for

where & WHEN

pilgrims in ancient times. It takes a few steps

Lake Orta Orta S. Giulio Island By car 72 km from the centre of Milan By train or by bus Info :

Concierge Tips

Villa Crespi

Nature, art, culture and religious importance make this place unique and you also can shop in the mall boutiques that sell local product. In fact while it has retained a romantic and charming allure the area is also home of numerous producers of household items such as Alessi, Bialetti and Lagostina. The industrial development explains the wealth of this area and the beauty of the villas a and palaces that you can admire. Before heading back to Milan stop at the Villa Crespi Restaurant to indulge in Chef Canavacciuolo cousine, with his two Michelin stars it deserves on its own a trip from Milan.

114 | August - September 2018

Riccardo Arnaldi Chief Concierge at Westin Palace


up the hill towards the Chiesa dell ’Assunta,

Renaissance Baroque architecture and

build during the fifteen century, to start

hundreds of square meters of frescos

enjoy unique views of the lake. It is a walk of

authored by the greatest masters in the art of

less than twenty minutes to get to the top.

design and colour of their time. Surrounded

You will enter the Unesco Site of the Sacred

by breathtaking views and silent nature of

Mount of Orta, built on the top of the hill.

lake Orta, climbing this Sacro Monte can be a mystical experience which made even

As many others in Italy the Sacred Mount

Nietzsche in 1882 losing track of time!

is a complex of chapels build in the woods to allow the pilgrims to walk and pray. It is dedicated to San Francis of Assisi and there

Info and Itinerary

are more than twenty chapels that were

ELESTA TRAVEL Via Guglielmo Silva 39, 20149 Milano Tel. +39 02 00697153

built to follow each other in a spiral itinerary. The construction went on for over a century, transforming the route into representations of different architectural styles: from late Renaissance to the baroque of the mid 17th century and to the Rococò of the buildings erected in the 17th and the 18th centuries. Sacro Monte di San Francesco shows its amazing life-size polychrome statues,

August - September 2018 | 115



Silvia Sperandio Concierge at Santa Marta Suites

Acquatica Milano is the new company, managing the ACQUATICA PARK. The only one water park in Milan, which has always allowed both adults and children to spend whole days enjoying, relaxing and practicing sport, will now double. The co-operation with CSI and FOM has been confirmed and it is more and more aiming to make ACQUATICA PARK an education centre for children, adolescents and families in the Milan area.

116 | August - September 2018

ENJOY In the summer season 2018, the Park will host special events and guests, and a lot of new activities. Experience-based courses for adults and children, theme parties, whole days devoted to fun, joy and levity, where the focus is on the individual and his/her needs. An unusual location for corporate and team building meetings in a very funny and astonishing place. This is the occasion to turn a business moment into a relaxing and funny experience. The Park provides the necessary services for making each event perfect, with its professional staff and the chance to choose from a quality catering service, customized according to each team. What are you waiting for? Come to the Acquatica Park, your holiday camp, a few steps away from downtown Milan!

where & when ACQUATICA PARK Via Gaetano Airaghi 61 20153 Milano CONTACT INFO +39 02 4820 0134 +39 02 4091 8363 +39 02 4091 6628 Opening Hours From 2nd June until 2nd September: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. August - September 2018 | 117

by Luigi Lanaro Concierge at Baglioni Hotel Carlton

Casa Museo Asger Jorn at Albisola Marina (Savona) on the Liguria coast, with a spectacular view. The fusion of nature, architecture and art research, with a very impressive spontaneity.

Anders Ruhwald, The Constructed World, 2018, ceramica smaltata e PH 4/3 Lamp. Vista dell’opera installata nella veranda di Casa Museo Jorn, Albissola Marina. Ph: Alessandra Vinci.

118 | August - September 2018

Here is an art place, where architecture does not shoot from painting. A Museum that becomes a group activity through the MUDA with the Lungomare degli Artisti, Centro Esposizioni and Fornace Alba. Like Asger Jorn philosophy, all this is a very rich contest, to discover little by little, what it means international experimental work and cooperation with a strong sense of initiative, as children who have the freedom to play with art without guides or restrictions. Asger Jorn, co-founder and promoter of the CoBrA group, involved in his research in Albisola many artists like Fontana, Dotremont, Noiret, Corneille, Alechinsky and many more who saw art as human necessity. He moved to Albisola in the early 50’s to play with colors and the typical pottery of the place now become sought after objects by contemporary art collectors. Summer become magic in this area, with the art exibitions organized by Comune di Albisola Marina that enhances the Italian artistic heritage. To join the Asger Jorn Museum, to see the temporary show by new coming out artists, to organize a private visit with a Guide; how to find the locations, to know the regular opening time and the full program, please visit also: for a fantastic cultural day trip and to enjoy the sea.

where Casa Museo Asger Jorn Via Gabriele D’Annunzio, 6 17012 Albissola Marina Casa Museo Jorn, Albissola Marina, veduta dell’edificio lato Est. Ph: Alessandra Vinci

August - September 2018 | 119

Lucio Fontana, Concetto spaziale, 1954, 31,5x37,5 cm, terracotta perforata e colorata con buchi e graffiti. Collezione privata.

“NASCITA DELLA MATERIA” - LUCIO FONTANA and ALBISOLA - 2 August / 2 December 2018 Albissola Marina, MuDa - Exhibition Center and other venues- Savona, the Palazzo Gavotti Art Museum and the Ceramics Museum. Lucio Fontana and Albisola, the art link who made the Ligurian town his artistic home of excellence. The title “Birth of the Matter” is inspired by a definition coined in 1963 by the art critic Enrico Crispolti; as supervisor, together with Paola Valenti; professor of the University of Genoa, of the exhibition edited by Luca Bochicchio; researcher at the University of Genoa and curator of the MuDA.

120 | August - September 2018

Casa Museo Jorn, Albissola Marina, particolare esterno veranda, ceramica smaltata, 1970.

August - September 2018 | 121


August - September 2018 | 122




ART MARGHERITA SARFATTI Museo del Novecento, from 21st September 2018 to 24th February 2019 The exhibition contextualizes the important role played by critics in the artistic and cultural milieu of Milan in the 1920s and 1930s, analyzing the period and the style of the years through the figure of the journalist and intellectual Margherita Sarfatti. The exhibition is produced in collaboration with the MART of Trento and Rovereto.



MUDEC - Museo delle Culture, from 26th September 2018 to 27th January 2019

Museo del Novecento, from 6 April to 26th August 2018

MUDEC - Museo delle Culture, from 26th September 2018 to 27th January 2019. The exhibition will give an unprecedented view of Paul Klee’s work, contextualizing the artist’s production within the European primitivism ferment of early 20th century art. A selection of oils, tempera, watercolours and drawings by Klee will be flanked by classical antiquities and ethnographic artefacts from the MUDEC collection with periodicals and documents relevant to Klee’s formative years.

For the first time in the Lombardy capital, and fifteen years after the previous anthology, the exhibition strives to represent the thematic and linguistic complexity of the work of the painter Giosetta, beginning with her formative years up until the most recent present.

CAPOLAVORI DAL PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART HARRY POTTER: THE EXHIBITION Fabbrica del Vapore, from 12th May to 9th September 2018 All the environments of the magical world of Harry Potter have been recreated at the Fabbrica del Vapore: sets, costumes, magical creatures in 1600 square meters for an exhibition traveling around the world.

Palazzo Reale, from 8th March to 2nd September 2018

ARTE CONTEMPORANEA BRASILIANA PAC - Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, from 4th July to 9th September 2018 PAC continues its exploration of the continents through art with the collective show of Brazilian artists: the aim of the project is to gather together a series of works created in the past forty years without, however setting out to make up a portrait of the country or its artistic scene, except insofar as it mirrors the conflict inherent to its place of birth.

124 | August - September 2018

The collections of Impressionist and Modern art can be counted amongst the great glories of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Although provocative and experimental in their time the works by, amongst others, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Paul Cézanne, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso and Paul Klee are now considered as some of the great treasures of the Philadephia Museum.


events FASHION WEEK from 18th to 24th September 2018 Milano Moda Donna brings the entire world of fashion to Milano. Catwalk shows, presentations and events: Milano steps confidently onto the international stage, strong in the knowledge of its unique global position, able to represent the whole production chain, from yarn to finished garment.



Tortona District, from 21st to 24th September 2018

Rho Fieramilano, from 16th to 19th September 2018

The International Salone of fashion trends that is closely linked to avant-garde research and innovation: contemporary fashion designers present their creative collections in Zona Tortona – the favourite Design Week hangout.

A double trade fair date for the collections from the leather and footwear sectors.



BASE MILANO, September 2018 The MFF, International independent film festival is held in various public spaces throughout the city, attracting a large public audience. In its many sections it pays particular attention to animation along with investigative and social commentary documentaries.


MILANO MOVIE WEEK From 17th to 23rd September 2018 Milano dedicates a week to the seventh art. Screenings right across the city in collaboration with the Milano Film Festivals; a whirlwind of exhibitions and special events in cinemas, plus, meetings with actors and directors and insights into the vast and fascinating subject of audiovisual art.

A “White Night” linked to fashion with events spread around the city and extended opening hours by shops and ateliers.


THE ONE FieraMilanoCity, from 21st to 24th September 2018 New international fair dedicated to topend pret-à-porter womenswear merging the knowhow and experience of MIPAP and MIFUR.

FORMULA 1 GP D’ITALIA Autodromo di Monza, from 31st August to 2nd September 2018 Considered as the ‘temple of speed’ for having registered the world record on the track (Kimi Räikkönen in 2005), in 2018 the Monza circuit will host the pilots and the competing manufacturers for the 90th edition of the World FIA.

August - September 2018 | 125

AGENDA CAMPIONATI MONDIALI DI PALLAVOLO MASCHILE Mediolanum Forum, from 21st to 23rd September 2018 Six Italian cities will take part in the 2018 World Cup (Bari, Bologna, Florence, Milan, Rome and Turin): some second round matches will be held in Milan.



Ex Area Expo, from 7th to 9th September 2018


A new rock music festival will take place in the Open Air Theater opened with EXPO 2015. First bands announced: Thirty Seconds to Mars and The National.

Castello Sforzesco, June - August 2018

Pop music concerts, international guests of world music and jazz performances for an extensive and varied music programme in the Castello’s Cortile delle Armi.

THEATRE TRAMEDAUTORE Festival delle Drammaturgie Piccolo Teatro Grassi, from 14th to 23rd September 2018 An important showcase for contemporary theatrical writing, with performances and shows by Italian and international authors (for 2017 from Belgium, Great Britain, Sweden and Holland).

MITO SETTEMBREMUSICA from 3rd to 19th September 2018


FESTIVAL MILANOOLTRE Teatro Elfo Puccini, from 28th September to 29th October 31st edition of the contemporary dance festival with Italian and international artists. Each year, alongside previews and major performances, there is a focus on solo artists and the under-35 choreography scene.

126 | August - September 2018

A festival of ancient classical music, with soloists and international ensembles, will be held during the summer season and hosted in some of the most evocative churches and locations in Milan

Established in 2007, this well-known and popular music festival hosts Italian and international orchestras, conductors and musicians with monographic events alongside collateral performances. The events will be held in dozens of locations around Milan and Turin and the programme is devoted to classical music in all its forms.


Yes Milano The new brand to promote Milano and its international events !

January FASHION WEEK MEN’S Milano Moda Uomo is the international date with the prêt-à-porter trends presented by the most important fashion houses. The packed line-up of events is a confirmation of the industry’s interest in Menswear.

February FASHION WEEK Milano Moda Donna brings the entire world of fashion to Milano. Catwalk shows, presentations and events: Milano steps confidently onto the international stage, strong in the knowledge of its unique global position, able to represent the whole production chain, from yarn to finished garment.

April ARTWEEK ART WEEK is the cultural week dedicated to contemporary art lovers; it highlights Milano’s energy and vitality, reaffirming the city’s role as a capital of creativity and making it even more appealing to both enthusiasts and insiders. An extensive programme of events, inaugurations and special openings all revolving around Miart, the fair dedicated to contemporary art.

DESIGN WEEK The Fuorisalone is the world’s most important date with design. Created from grassroots and organized by the municipal districts, during the Salone del Mobile it transforms the city into an exciting collective design event with entire urban areas transformed by temporary exhibitions. Created to open the world of design, today it is the symbol of the culture of beauty, research and innovation that characterizes Milano.

May PIANO CITY Milano finds its soundtrack in the harmonious notes of hundreds of pianos. With over 400 concerts held throughout the municipality, PianoCity provides new musical content, projects and paths. The extensive number of events, concerts, piano lessons, tributes to great

128 | August - September 2018

Masters and debut performance enables everyone to explore a special city and find unfamiliar and unconventional places, from large open-air spaces to courtyards, houses and gardens that, until yesterday, were undiscovered.

FOOD CITY Milano becomes the Italian capital of taste with events, meetings, food tastings, workshops, exhibitions and show cooking dedicated to the culture of good food, excellent nutrition and sustainability. An event that sees the city rediscover its finest and famous food culture and its ability to enhance the country’s agri-food industry.

ARCH WEEK The week of meetings, completely open to the city, dedicated to architecture and the urban future. Across-the-city events, concerts, screenings, itineraries and programmes dedicated to ongoing urban transformations, in Milano and around the world. An event bursting with concepts and innovation to portray Milano’s ascent as one of the planetary capitals of architecture: a place of noteworthy new constructions and comparisons between the different trends in Italian and international architecture.

June PHOTO WEEK Milano pays homage to photography with a week of exhibitions, meetings, guided tours, vernissage and finissage, workshops, editorial projects and screenings dedicated to images. A widespread city schedule that, in the first edition, involved over 100 locations and hosted circa 150 initiatives. It is an invitation to approach photography, to discover its ability to look at and imagine the world.

special events in cinemas, plus, meetings with actors and directors and insights into the vast and fascinating subject of audiovisual art.

FASHION WEEK Milano Moda Donna brings the entire world of fashion to Milano. Catwalk shows, presentations and events: Milano steps confidently onto the international stage, strong in the knowledge of its unique global position, able to represent the whole production chain, from yarn to finished garment.

October FALL DESIGN WEEK Design rethinks itself, through experimental research and project culture. In a programme encompassing the celebrated design districts, meetings, conferences, films, exhibitions and installations all enhance Milano’s ability to innovate by networking the many excellent resources that characterize the industry sector.

November MUSIC WEEK Music Week is completely dedicated to pop music. Seven days of concerts, dj sets, showcases, presentations, themed evenings, surprise events and parties held throughout Milano with the participation of national and international guests. An across-the-city festival that aims to make Milano a true music capital: the entire music industry gets involved with great venues, training centres, promoters and authors all offering a platform for industry professionals and an increasingly more enjoyable music festival for the city.



Milano Moda Uomo is the international date with the prêt-à-porter trends presented by the most important fashion houses. The packed line-up of events is a confirmation of the industry’s interest in Menswear.

Bookcity is the well-known literary event dedicated to books and reading. Meetings with authors, performances, readings, workshops, exhibitions and a reading marathon all create a calendar packed with over 1000 dates. During the threeday event Milano returns to being the city of literary debates and café culture: the joy of reading, a precious experience that combines innovation and tradition, the books and the readers themselves become the driving force and the protagonists.W

September MOVIE WEEK Milano dedicates a week to the seventh art. Screenings right across the city in collaboration with the Milano Film Festivals; a whirlwind of exhibitions and

Les Clefs d’Or



Milan Marriott Hotel

Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni

Michelangelo Hotel

(Bellagio CO)

Armani Hotel Milano

Hotel Mozart

Villa D’Este

Boscolo Milano

Hotel NH Milano Touring

(Cernobbio CO)

Bulgari Hotel Milano

Novotel Milano Linate Aeroporto

Hotel Excelsior Palace

Excelsior Hotel Gallia

Hotel Romana Residence

(Rapallo GE)

Four Seasons Hotel Milan

Sheraton Diana Majestic

Grand Hotel et de Milan

Starhotels Anderson

Mandarin Oriental Hotel Milan

Starhotels Business Palace

Hotel Splendido

ME Milan Il Duca

Starhotels Echo

(Portofino GE)

Palazzo Parigi Hotel & Grand Spa Milano

Starhotels Rosa Grand Milano

Du Lac et Du Parc Grand Hotel

Park Hyatt Milan

Starhotels Ritz

Resort (Menaggio CO)

Hotel Principe Di Savoia

Santa Marta Suites

Grand Hotel Miramare

The Westin Palace Milan

UNA Hotel Scandinavia

(Santa Margherita Ligure GE)

Town House Galleria

Uptown Palace

Hotel Punta Est

STRAF Hotel e Bar

(Finale Ligure SV)

La Gare Hotel Milano Centrale

Villa Cortine Palace Hotel

Baglioni Hotel Carlton Milan

Radisson Blu Hotel Milan

(Sirmione BS)

Hotel Magna Pars Suites

Room Mate Giulia

Hotel VIU Milan

Windsor Hotel Milano IH Hotel Milano Puccini

Hotel Rege (San Donato MI) Grand Hotel Menaggio

Hotel Milano Scala Crowne Plaza Milan City


Sina De La Ville


DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Milan

(Menaggio CO) Hotel De La Ville (Monza MB)

Grand Visconti Palace

Grand Hotel Fasano

Turin Palace Hotel

Art Hotel Navigli

(Gardone Riviera BS)


Hilton Milan

Grand Hotel Tremezzo

Hotel Town House 12 Milano

(Tremezzo CO)

August - September 2018 | 129

Emergency and useful telephone numbers

Emergency call number: tel. 112 All emergency calls convey in a main call center (Call Center NUE 112). According to the needs and requirements you will be directed to the specific authority. Health care and ambulance Health Care: tel. 118 Red Cross: tel. 02.3883 Continuità Assistenziale (ex Guardia Medica)
tel. 02.34567 Croce Verde – Public Assistance of Milan . 02.8940.6035 Burn Unit -
Azienda Ospedaliera Niguarda- Ca’ Granda
 tel. 02.6444.2381 Poison Center
Azienda Ospedaliera Niguarda- Ca’ Granda
tel. 02.6610.1029 ASL City of Milan (Public Health Care Assistance): tel. 02.8578.1 Dental Care Assistance - 24h su 24h
tel. 02.865460
tel. 02.863624 Carabinieri NAS (Nucleo Anti Sofisticazione)
tel. 02.667311 Pronto Farmacia (Pharmacy Cell Center) 
tel. 800.80.11.85 Public Hospitals A.O. FATEBENEFRATELLI E OFTALMICO
 Corso di Porta Nuova 23 20123 MILANO (MI) 
 Piazza Cardinal Ferrari 1 20122 MILANO (MI) - tel. 02/582961 A.O. OSPEDALE L. SACCO
Via G.B. Grassi 74 20157 MILANO (MI) - tel. 02 39041 A.O. OSPEDALE NIGUARDA CA’ GRANDA
 P.le Ospedale Maggiore 3 20162 MILANO (MI) - tel. 02 64441 A.O. OSPEDALE SAN CARLO BORROMEO
 Via Pio II 3 20153 MILANO (MI) - tel. 02 40221 A.O. S. PAOLO
 Via A. Di Rudinì 8 20142 MILANO (MI) - tel. 02 81841 Credit card theft or loss To disable your credit card you shall call your bank. Here are some useful numbers from Italy. • Debit card Bancomat 800 822056 • CartaSì 800 151616 • MasterCard®Global Service 800 870866 • American Express 06 72900347 • Diner’s Club 800 864064 • Visa 800 819014

Lost items Lost items Office - Address: Via Friuli, 30 - Tel: +39 02 88453900 - Opening hours: From Monday to Friday, from 8.30 am to 12pm and from 1pm to 3.30pm InfoMilan Official Tourism info point Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, at the corner with Piazza della Scala - Tel +39.02.884.55555 Opening hours: From Monday to Friday 9 am- 7pm - Saturday 9am-6pm Sunday and holidays 10am-6pm - Closed on December 25th and January 1st Local Police: +39.02.0208
 Central Police Station: +39.02.62261 Traffic Police Line: 1518 (Traffic information) Aci Soccorso Stradale Milano (Roadside Assistance): 803.116
 Ambulance: 118
 Fire Brigade: 115
 Emergency Room Croce Verde: +39.02.8940.6035

130 | August - September 2018 /

02 3675 7245

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