Podcast Album:
Learning To Walk Before You Can Run Track 3 – Power Walking With Extras
Brought To You By: MyWeightLossDream.co.uk
Welcome to the third track in our learning to walk before you can run series of podcasts and thanks for downloading me. Well I don’t mean me, I mean the podcast but I am sure you know what I mean! I hope you don’t mind but we are going to jump straight in with this podcast and to get you moving. Chapter 1 - Your third target: To finish off your walking targets I want you to achieve a weight lifting walking week. This is where you carry weights of some kind of description while you do the walking. This way, your body is then making more of an effort and you are building up your strength. Plus if you are looking for weight loss, you’ll be amazed by how many calories can be burned from doing this! It doesn’t have to be “shop bought weights” you can use your imagination with this one. For example – many years ago when I was living in England I worked door to door selling household accessories. Because it was a catalogue job I would have the pram filled with out 120 catalogues, then I would also have a rucksack on with another 50 more, not to mention the baby and it weighed a tonne! It made me very fit, very quickly and at the same time I was amazed by how much weight I lost in one summer.
Though, if you ask Dominic, what he remembers most about those door to door catalogues is how many times he had to fix the pram as it kept breaking under all the strain. Here are some good examples that you could use as weights: Fill a bag on your back with magazines and books Carry your baby around with you (like I am going to do) Canned food produce into your bag A couple of bags of sugar A small sack of spuds Large bottled water in each hand Or alternatively if you have some weights, take them with you! For your weights aim for around the 9-10 pounds in total. Then once you have achieved your 10 miles with this, then you are ready to start the jogging process. Chapter 2 – My Weight Walking Diary First Weight Walk = 5th May 2015 = 3000m = 38 minutes So here I am with weights and as you can see there has been a long break in between the normal walking and hitting the weights. The reason for this, is simple, we have moved house, have a small baby, now have a puppy and have had very little sleep. We would have run ourselves into the ground if we had tried to actually keep up with learning to run at the same time!
But that is also the point of these podcasts you say when you want to do things, you start one stage and then move onto the next and then the next until you complete it. So, there I am strapped up with Sofia in the baby carrier with this being my alternative to using weights. She currently (when she was weighed at the doctors a week ago) was at 6.5 kilos so here I am carrying an extra stone in weight. A stone in extra weight feels rather heavy and power walking with her is a challenge. I should have done this part of the podcast in February when she weighed a lot less! I have also since moved to the country, so instead of my local park I will be doing the next stage on the country lanes. This makes it a lot more enjoyable and means that I need to use a pedometer to be able to calculate my distance. I end up doing a long walk for 38 minutes and it adds up to just short of 3 kilometres. Then when I work out the calories at 285 it makes me think about more walking. What if I walked the dog with Sofia in the baby carrier every day for a week – that would mean burning an extra 1995 calories per week! Second Weight Walk = 15th May 2015 = 2500m = 30 minutes I can’t believe another 10 days has passed since I last walked or power walked as they say with my daughter. I just end up so busy on my days off that the time just runs away.
Today I go for a 30 minute walk in one direction. Kyle has the dog and I have Sofia. I am sure Sofia has put on weight because each time she seems to get heavier and heavier! I always feel incredibly tired when I have finished. I put this down to the fact of the amount of weight I am carrying on my shoulders and wonder how I ever managed to walk anywhere when I was obese. I actually find it rather pleasant and will miss this when I start running – there is something really special about having your baby in your arms and having exercise at the same time. Though, with me doing a Podcast I really can’t show off how cute she is and how much she loves bobbing around in the baby carrier. Third Weight Walk = 16th May 2015 = 5000m = 75 minutes I decided to add this in as it is not your typical walk. I am walking around Makro (a big cash and carry) with Sofia strapped in to the baby carrier. This place is huge and there is no where else to put her and having her in the baby carrier works really well for us. Though I am always tired by the time I get home due to all the excess exercise so I decided this time to go around with my tracker to see what it is really like. I am rather shocked to see that I have actually walked 5 kilometres with my girl by my side. No wonder I have terrible back and neck ache when I am done. Fourth Weight Walk = 25th May 2015 = 2500m = 30 minutes
I rather like these walks down the lane with my daughter in front of me as extra weight and my puppy by my side. Its rather fun and the calories burned are amazing. Even though it’s a lot of weight to carry in one place (is this what it is like for women with huge breasts?) I am soon getting used to it though I would make a terrible yoga student as I am leaning forward which is never good for the posture. Fifth Weight Walk = 26th May 2015 = 2500m = 30 minutes Another day and another walk. This is so enjoyable I will be rather upset when I reach the next chapter and my girl is no longer by my side and in my arms. She is giggling down the lane and I can feel all 7 kilos of her bobbing about like she doing a jive. What I love about this kind of exercise is that it doesn’t feel like exercise as you forget you are exercising. And that’s what exercise should be about – not stuck in the gym getting bored. Sixth Weight Walk = 29th May 2015 = 2500m = 30 minutes As you can see I have gone over by 500 metres – this just shows how much I am enjoying this and how running is going to be rather boring in comparison. That is also why I have a great ipod with lots of great songs on it for me to listen to From doing this with weights I have discovered that going uphill can burn the same amount of calories as what running can and I am working on a bit of both to build my fitness levels up.
I never used to be able to make it up a hill, yet there is one near where I live and I have been up and down it a lot with the dog. Sometimes it feels great just to be active! And there you have it, I have actually achieved my weight walking and it has to have been the best outside exercise I have had in years. I still have to pinch myself for how lucky I am to live out in the countryside with all these amazing places to go for a walk to. Though when I start running it is going to be a challenge because it has a lot of hills and I don’t think running up them is something that I am going to find easy to do! Thanks for listening to my third podcast and I am excited about returning with the start of my running journey. If you would like to follow more of my podcasts then you can do via my blog at myweightlossdream.co.uk/podcasts and chat to you again soon.
Thanks again for listening and best of luck with your own jogging journey.
Samantha & Dominic Milner MyWeightLossDream.co.uk
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