Podcast Album: Learning To Walk Before You Can Run
Track 12– Learning To Run Stage 9 Brought To You By: MyWeightLossDream.co.uk
Welcome to the twelfth track in our learning to walk before you can run series of podcasts and thanks for downloading me. Well I don’t mean me, I mean the podcast but I am sure you know what I mean! I hope you don’t mind but we are going to jump straight in with this podcast and to get you moving. Chapter 1 – Introduction To Stage 9 In stage 9 we are increasing the overall distance of the walk and run. If you don’t feel ready for this then simply do some more of stage 8 until you feel comfortable with it. If you look through the dates of my runs you’ll notice I don’t complete several stages in a week and that they are often spread out over several weeks. This is because I sometimes have family commitments, I am struggling with a stage or something else comes up. Stage 9 Begin with a 500m brisk walk, then alternate 8 minutes of running with 3 minutes of brisk walking for 4000m. Then finish your regime with 500m of brisk walking. Chapter 2 – Stage 9 Running Diary Remember your end goal? It is to run 5km without stopping? Well even though you won’t do the final stage this week you are now from
this stage forward do the complete distance. Then eventually we will completely cut out the walking and you will just be running! Eleventh run = 6th August 2015 = 5250m = 44 minutes Even though I am not changing my routine for this next stage, I am doing it for longer. I am increasing the overall distance from 3400m to 5000m. Probably doesn’t sound like a lot to others, but I am unfit and feel like this is going to take a lot out of me! As you can see it has been over a month since I last completed a challenge. This is because I have been doing a lot of walking uphill and enjoying the summer as a family. I finally make it down to the park as I can’t face doing this particular challenge uphill and it’s a very hot August morning with a lot of wind and it feels like the hardest I have jogged ever! The park measures 1750 metres so I end up doing 5250 metres (which is three times round). I end doing a total of 24 minutes running based on 3 lots of 8 minutes and then a total of 10 minutes walking and this includes the warm up time. 24 minutes of running is a lot to me and it feels like a real achievement. Back when I was obese this time would have covered just over twice around the track so to say I have done three times with majority running is fantastic.
It is also nice to see how far I have come and how I have now finished stage 9 and that sooner or later I will be doing straight jogging. Thanks for listening to track 12 and thanks very much for your support. You can follow the story even further on our blog at http://myweightlossdream.co.uk/blog or follow our Podcasts at http://myweightlossdream.co.uk/podcasts And chat to you again soon.
Thanks again for listening and best of luck with your own jogging journey.
Samantha & Dominic Milner MyWeightLossDream.co.uk And don’t forget to connect with us on social media: https://facebook.com/myweightlossdream https://twitter.com/weight_lossme http://www.pinterest.com/weightlossdream And to get regular updates from us sign up for our free weight loss and fitness newsletter below: http://myweightlossdream.co.uk/ebooks/freenewsletter/