Learning To Walk Before You Can Run: Track 15 Learning To Run Stage 12

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Podcast Album: Learning To Walk Before You Can Run

Track 15 - Learning To Run Stage 12 Brought To You By: MyWeightLossDream.co.uk

Welcome to the fifteenth track in our learning to walk before you can run series of podcasts and thanks for downloading me. Well I don’t mean me, I mean the podcast but I am sure you know what I mean! I hope you don’t mind but we are going to jump straight in with this podcast and to get you moving. Chapter 1 – Introduction To Stage 12 Can you believe that you’re listening to stage 12 and I have been walking and running through 12 stages now. I still haven’t decided how many stages there are going to be altogether, but I am enjoying a slow progression and it depends on how good my stamina is for how many there will be! Stage 12 Start with a 15 minute jog, followed by a 5 minute walk, then another 15 minute jog, followed by another 5 minute walk until you have done a complete distance of 5000m. Chapter 2 – Stage 12 Running Diary You’re probably thinking OMG I can’t possibly do another 3 minutes of jogging without stopping. This is like evil. You’re trying to torture me  Well in fact another three minutes is easier than you think and you’d be surprised by how much you can push your body.

I remember at my local gym glancing over at the much slimmer person on the treadmill next to me. She could do 2.5km without stopping and I was well impressed. Well given her distance this is what you’re doing now! Fourteenth run = 25th August 2015 = 5300m = 39 minutes Now I want to take on stage 12, though this is going to be hard work so I am going to do it over a few different attempts because I know I just can’t progress to the next level until I can really do this one. Attempt 1 – 25th August – 39 minutes My daughter is nine months old today. I finally feel like I have got my energy levels back and feel the fittest I ever been in my life. But the thought of 15 minute intervals with a lot of uphills is still a lot for my body to take. The plan for this round is a 15 minute jog, a 5 minute walk and then repeating until I have done a distance of 5km. I don’t quite achieve it but this is what I do:    

15 minute jog 5 minute walk 15 minute jog 4 minute walk

Even though that looks good I must confess that I had two pauses up steep hills for my second 15 minute session. I need to get this down to zero stops before I can go up a round! Attempt 2 – 3rd September – 41 minutes = 5250m I am back with my second attempt at stage 12. I hope this time I improve on last time. I am technically cheating though, as I am doing this down the local park and not in the valleys. This is just because we happen to be out, not just because I can’t do it. As I know I could if I really wanted to. I end up doing:     

15 minute jog 5 minute walk 15 minute jog 5 minute walk 1 minute run

The 1 minute run on the end is just because the walking was a minute off and because I like to follow rules I finished on a very short jog. It wasn’t too tiring and I think I could have gone a couple of minutes further if I had wanted to. Thanks for listening to track 15 and thanks very much for your support. You can follow the story even further on our blog at http://myweightlossdream.co.uk/blog or follow our Podcasts at http://myweightlossdream.co.uk/podcasts

And chat to you again soon.

Thanks again for listening and best of luck with your own jogging journey.

Samantha & Dominic Milner MyWeightLossDream.co.uk And don’t forget to connect with us on social media:  https://facebook.com/myweightlossdream  https://twitter.com/weight_lossme  http://www.pinterest.com/weightlossdream And to get regular updates from us sign up for our free weight loss and fitness newsletter below: http://myweightlossdream.co.uk/ebooks/freenewsletter/

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