Debra Blaine, MD, author of the award winning political and medical thrillers, “Undue Influences” and “Code Blue: The Other End of the Stethoscope” Read her story on Page
Vol. 44 No. 3 Fall 2022
National Association of Book Entrepreneurs
3. IN THIS ISSUE Valuable Articles, Author Marketing Advice & Insider Secrets For Independent Publishers
E-Mail bookmarketingprofits.comBookDealersWorld@
As I am writing this letter at my desk in the beautiful state of Oregon, I can see and feel wildfires all around me. I am grateful for all the times I was able to visit the wonderful areas of Oregon before all the chaos happened. I hope things will change and future generations will be able to enjoy all the wonders of this lovely state.
Our 42nd Year NABE P.O. Box 606 Cottage Grove, OR 541-942-745597424
Associate Director Ingrid Crawford
Copyright 2022. Al Galasso. All Rights Reserved. Published three times a year in mid January, mid-May and mid September by NABE, PO Box 606, Cottage Grove, OR 97424. One year subscription for non-NABE members: U.S. $50.00, Canada $55.00, Foreign $70.00. BDW will not knowingly accept fraudulent or objectionable advertising. Articles in BDW may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the publisher.
Web BookMarketingProfits.comSite
Dear Friends,
ISSN 1098-8521
Have a wonderful Fall and holiday season and visit with friends and family during this special time of the year. But be sure to stay safe.
Executive Director Al Galasso
This issue of BDW spotlights our Summer 2022 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award Winners, honoring many of our great members and their fine books. Take a little break out of your day to spend time reading and relaxing with a favorite book. Discover some new titles and authors you will enjoy. See pages 22 to 25 for a list of the award winning books. Check out some of our wonderful entries and new authors today. Let your imagination soar to a different era or Unfortunatelyplace.
National Association Of Book Entrepreneurs From The Editor’s Desk
there are no more Virtual Shows being planned in the near future. We have decided at this time not to participate in some of the actual shows coming up since attendance has been sporadic at best and costs for booths, hotels and travel have increased substantially. We don’t think it would be a good investment for us and our publishers at this time. But we’ll be coming up with some new promotional activities in the new year.
If you have not joined NABE yet, you can sign up on page 17 and check out the many money saving benefits, including Pinnacle Book Achievement Award eligibility.
Al Galasso, NABE
As our culture in America has become increasingly polarized and extremism now passes for the norm, Blaine was inspired to write her second thriller, Undue Influences. It postulates intentional, chemical brainwashing of the American population by the two political parties, and one man’s struggle to resist and enlighten Herothers.newest release is a dystopian fiction, and follows naturally from the events of its prequel. Beyond the Pillars of Salt is a representation of what our world might look like by the 2030’s if we do not wake up and make fundamental changes. Not just to how we behave, but ultimately, to who we are
Debra E. Blaine, MD Author of “Undue Influences”
StethoscopeCODEBLUE:TheOtherEndofthe is a medical thriller that graphically exposes the effects of corporate greed on the American healthcare system in fictional form.
TRUTH IN FICTION, the Very Indie Press was established so that Blaine can edit, print, and lessdesignersuseswhothroughdistributeherbooksherself,cuttingtheredtapeofpublisherscantakemonthstoyears.Shetopeditorsandcoverandacceptsnothingthanthehighestquality.
She began writing novels in 2019 when she became frustrated and disillusioned with the changing focus of the medical profession, which now closely follows a business model seeking to ofoptimizeprofitevenattheexpensesacrificinghealth.Herfirstbook,
The warning in this novel is that if we do not learn to become better, “ought”paradigmsordercoachBlaineandSheengineermoredecenthumanbeings,wewillourownextinction.intendstheseriestocontinue,isdraftingherfourthbook.becameaprofessionalthroughFIACoachingintohelppeopleshedtheirofwhattheythinktheytobeandreachforwhatwillbringthemfulfillment.Sheiscerti-fiedtotrainothercoachesthroughthissameorganization.Inkeepingwithhernewmissiontopresent
Debra Blaine is a physician turned author. After thirty-plus years of practicing medicine, she decided that healing the spirit was more important than healing the body. But how does one do that in our fractured society, where it is hard to encourage people to open their minds to other points of view? She hopes that if she can get her overonFamilygraduateSheMedicinematriculatedultimatelyComparativeforbeforeUniversityHumanitiesBAtheNY.CityDr.storyfromsomeacharacters,readersemotionallyinvolvedinhershemaymakemoreoflastingimpression.Andperhapswillthinkaboutcriticalissuesthesafetyofsimplyhearingatheymightresonatewith.BlainewasborninNewYorkandgrewuponLongIsland,Shealwayshadapassionforhumanities,andreceivedherinthePlanIIHonorsProgramattheofTexasatAustinattendingTempleUniversitygraduatestudiesinReligion.Shechangedpaths,andatBaylorCollegeoftoearnherMDin1987.returnedtoNewYorkforpost-trainingandpracticedandUrgentCaremedicineLongIslandandQueensforthirtyyears.
Beyond the Pillars of Salt is her first novel released through this venue, and having had the experience of publishing a book from soup to nuts, including formatting and platforming, she orwebsites:onForcatsandgrownandDr.tonowaddstoherservicestheabilitycoachwritersateverystage.Blainelovesanimals,nature,beingoutdoors.Shehasasonwhoisalsoaphysician,sheliveswithhertworescueinSuffolkCounty,LongIsland.moreinformationanddetailsallherfinebooks,
Try this: Find the most popular authors in your genre. Follow them, and follow the people who follow them, too. (If they like the types of books the category leader writes, they’ll be interested in yours, too.)
Learn as much as you can about book marketing. Read a book. Take a Identifycourse.the
into your target audience helped identify where you’ll find them online. Select one or two social networks that are most popular with your audience and learn how to use them effectively.
Virtual book tours (author blog tours) are common and popular book launch elements.
Get Better Book Launch Results
5. Connect with bloggers.
4. Build a following on the social network that most of your audience
But you have to, even if it means it takes a little longer to finish writing.
You were probably disappointed with your launch results, too.
If you don’t start laying the groundwork you need to sell books before your manuscript is done, your book launch results will be dismal, discouraging, and disappointing.
After you’ve spent some time learning how they work, start following “the right” people there.
Many novelists tell me they wrote the book they’d like to read. It makes sense, then, that their ideal reader. their target audience, is people who are like them. (That’s not always the case. It’s just an 3.example.)Research
If you’ve written a nonfiction book, your target audience is people who are interested in that topic. But what do you know about them?
If you’re a traditionally published author, you might not have thought about it at all. You expected your publisher to do whatever was needed to make sure readers discovered your book. No need for you to get involved. (Whoops.)
Marketing Experts, The Nonfiction Authors Association and Reedsy.
If you don't start laying the groundwork you need to sell books before your manuscript is done, your book launch results will be dismal, discouraging, and your book won’t be discovered on launch day or any other time of the year unless you goose the discovery process. That work starts early.
9 Early Steps to Improving Your Book Launch Results:
Next, do more research to learn where you’ll find them online and offline. For example, do people in your target audience use TikTok? Will you find them on LinkedIn? Do they like Pinterest?
Raise your hand if you waited until you hit “publish” on Amazon to start thinking about how to get the book launch results that author dreams are made of.
I understand the challenge. It’s hard enough to find time to write the book. Making room in your schedule (and mind) for book marketing while writing might seem like too much of a challenge.
1. Take on just one at a time. Fit in what you can, when you can.
This will help you visualize your audience “avatar” – the one individual who best represents those who will love your book.
your target audience.
bloggers who are publishing book marketing information you can trust. Subscribe to their newsletters. In addition to my newsletter, I Kindlepreneurrecommend:Author
If you do this, you’ll have several of your book marketing basics in place by the time your manuscript is done. That will set you up for a better, more successful launch.
Let’s turn that around. It starts with taking specific book marketing steps while you’re still writing. Discovery is key
by Sandra Beckwith
And, of course, share content that will interest your ideal readers.
When you “go” on a virtual book tour after your book is published, you’ll ask bloggers who reach the people you want to reach to share content that’s related to your book. That might be a: Guest Post, Q&A Audio or Video Interview or Book Review.
Learn as much as you can about the person who is most likely to buy your book.
2. Get clear on who will love your That’sbook. your target audience, the people you wrote your book for.
8. Create a Facebook Page.
Collecting Testimonials and Blurbs
Be sure to offer a downloadable gift – a “lead magnet”– in exchange for each email address. (Get ideas for fiction lead magnets and nonfiction lead magnets and learn how to create them at those links.)
I also recommend reading Newsletter Ninja: How to Become an Author Mailing List Expert. Learn how successful authors use email to communicate with their readers by subscribing to their newsletters.
.When collecting your testimonials or blurbs for your book, make sure to not have all of them be from experts. Yes, a well-known celebrity can add a bit of sparkle to your sales sheet. For example, who wouldn’t want a quote about your new adoption scrapbook album from Angelina TestimonialsJolie?
Always choose a specific benefit-oriented testimonial over a celebrity’s vague testiAndmonial.itwill
You will be far more successful with bloggers who already know who you are. So, after you’ve identified the blogs you’ll want to visit on your tour, comment on and share their posts regularly. They’ll notice
I’m not talking about a Facebook profile – that’s your personal account where you acquire “friends.” I’m referring to a business Page where you acquire “likes.”
Learn how successful authors use email to communicate with their readers by subscribing to their newsletters. What do you like about their approach? What do you dislike?
an email list. Start gathering email addresses now. This is a never-ending process and for many, that growth is slow. So don’t wait.newsletter ninja review
add credibility that the book isn’t a real flop.
7. Compile a list of “key influencers.” Who is most influential with your book’s target audience? You’ll want to ask them to endorse your book after the manuscript is polished and finBeginished.
from experts and celebrities catch the attention of both media like radio producers as well as your audience of potential readers. They will think, “Wow! That’s nice that she was able to get a recommendation from her. That took some effort. Must be a decent book.”
But in my opinion, it’s the average reader who will influence a person to buy your Whichbook.blurbwouldmakeyouwantabook?OnebyStephenKingthatsays…“Intrigu-ing.Excellentread.”OratestimonialfromSuzySmiththatsays…“Yourbookcompletelyturnedmylifeupsidedown—orshouldIsay,rightsideup?I’vemadesomanychangesinbothmyactionsandmyattitudes.It’simprovedmyhealth,myrelationships—everything!Thankyouforhelpingmegetmylifeback!”StephenKing’sremarkisnice,butitdoesn’tmakemethinkIneedthisbook.Suzy’sreviewmakesmethink,“IneedthisbooksoIcangetmylifebacktoo!”Don’tcoveryourbook’sfrontandbackcoverwithjustvagueendorsementsfromcelebrities.Besuretoaddatleastonerealperson’stestimonialthatwillmaketheshopperthink,“Thispersonsoundsjustlikeme.Ifthisbookhelpedher(orentertainedher),itwillhelpme,too.”
by Lisa Copen
You’ll need a Page to advertise on Facebook, but it’s also a good way to establish your book’s presence on this popular social network without annoying your friends. WhichyourjustIte-mail9.coverupdates,book’sUseittosolicitopinionsonyourtopic,shareprogressaskfanstovoteonoptions,andsoon.Addyourbooktitletoyoursignature.doesn’tgetanyeasierthantyping“Author,”followedbybooktitle.oneofthesewillyoustartdoingtoday?Willyoupicktheeasiestorthehardest?Dowhatworksforyou,butwhateveryoudo,besuretodoitnow.SandraBeckwithteachesau-thorshowtoreachmoreread-ersbycreatingtrainingprogramsthattakethemysteryoutofkeybookmarketingtac-ticsandbyworkingone-on-onewiththemsotheygetover,under,
gathering names and contact information for them now. That’s all – just figure out
who they are and how to reach them, and save it all in a file.
If you’re ready to jump-start your marketing, make more money, and have more fun in your small business, get your free tips now at
by Alexandria Brown
About the Author
2. Create an Audio Class or a Series of Audio Lessons. Audio learning is still hot! Teach your audience via your voice instead of just words on the page. Think about developing a series of’thaveaninterviewclipal-ready,askafriendorcolleaguetoconductashort,dynamicin-terviewwithyouviaphone.Re-corditandpostitatyourwebsite.Or,doaseriesofinter-viewswithotherexpertsinyourfieldandpostthematyoursite.4.FeatureSamplesofTelesem-inars.Doyouwantmoresign-upsforyourfreeand/orpaidteleseminars?Thenstartrecord-ingthem.Pulloutthehighlightsandpostfreeclipsofthematyourwebsite.5.PumpUpYourTestimonials.probablyalreadyhavecus-tomertestimonialsonyoursite.Nowamplifytheirimpactwithaudio.Haveyourcustomersre-cordtheirtestimonialsintheirownvoices,andpostthemonyoursitealongwiththeirnamesandphotos.6.MakeYourEmailsandEzinesTalk.Livenupyouremailsbymakingthemtalktoyourprospects,subscribers,andcustomers.Themembersonyourlistswillfeellikeyouarerighttherewiththem.And,re-member,itwillbethatpersonalconnectionthatencourages
people to hire you or buy your products. Be the first in your industry to do this, and watch your numbers rise!
Online entrepreneur Alexandria K. Brown publishes the awardwinning Highlights on Marketing & Success weekly ezine with 30,000+ subscribers.
7 Ways to Use Audio to Increase Your Web and Email Sales
Have you thought about adding audio to your website yet? You should. While great copy does a good job of selling your services and products, audio will amplify the effect of your words.
Audio gives you a more personal connection with your Web visitors. Social psychologists tell us that humans are more likely to trust you if they can both see you and hear you. And prospects are more likely to buy from those whom they feel they know, like, and trust.
7. Send Audio Postcards. Reach out to your best customers and prospects for holidays, birthdays, or other special occasions by sending them an email postcard accompanied with a personally recorded message.
Save Yourself Time and Money!
Publishers Preview Ad in BDW plus the Hot Books To Promote Feature on our Website for a Full Year.
As a Publisher, here’s what you will get:
Buyers From All Over The United States, Canada and the World Will See Your Book
If you rented e-mail lists of potential prospects it would cost you up to a thousand dollars to reach these top prospects not to mention all the time and work involved in securing the right lists. We do everything for you in one easy operation. 2023 marks our 43rd year of publishing.
In the Publishers Preview Section of Book Dealers World and the HOT BOOKS TO PROMOTE FEATURE INTERNET PAGE ON OUR WEBSITE A Two For One Special Marketing Opportunity
Hot Books To Promote Feature Page
3. A Direct Link to Your Own Web Page or Web Site.
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You receive a 1/3 page display unit, completely designed by us with your book cover photo, a 70-word description of your book, retail price, wholesale, dropship and sample costs, plus your company name, address and phone number. This ad will appear in the Winter 2023 edition of BOOK DEALERS WORLD, which will be seen by 5000 or more prospects each month.
Publishers Preview NABE, Publishers Preview, Box 606, Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Please sign me up for the next PUBLISHERS PREVIEW and the Hot Books To Promote Feature on the web. I've enclosed my remittance plus my book, (and a JPEG of the cover by e-mail) plus a 70-word description of the book on a separate page. ___Please charge my Visa, MC Number or American ____________________________________________________Express. Exp. CardDate_____________Signature______________________________VerificationNo.______(Last3digitsonbackofsignaturepanelofcard) Address__________________________________________Name____________________________________________Company_________________________________________City______________________State_____Zip____________Telephone__________________Fax___________________E-Mail____________________________________________
2022 See Next Page
The PUBLISHERS PREVIEW section is designed for ease of use. Internet firms and mail order companies can request additional sales information or order directly from you. We even forward any inquiries we receive here at N.A.B.E. to you at no additional charge.
This Special Web Page will be featured on our Web Site, promoted in quarterly e-mails to bookstores, libraries and a wide variety of Internet Book Buyers, and advertised in our bi-monthly Marketsmart Newsletter.
Remember That Even One Contact Made Through This Offer Could Result In Thousands of Dollars of Sales For Your Book! 20th, For
1. A 70-word Description of Your Book
2. A Color Cover Photo of Your Book
4. One Complete Year on Hot Books
20,000 to 25,000 visitors come to our Web Site each month. 4000 copies of our popular newsletter Marketsmart are e-mailed each issue and more than 1000 e-mails will be sent to book buyers.
Book Dealers World Publishers Preview
NABE PUBLISHERS PREVIEW AND HOT BOOKS TO PROMOTE ORDER FORM NABE $150.00$125.00MEMBERS:perbookNon-Members:perbook Website:__________________________________RetailBookTitle_________________________________Price:_________SamplePrice:__________Pleaseincludea70-worddescriptionofyourbookonaseparatepage.Ifyouwantustowritethecopy,sendyourbook&salesinfo. Final Deadline: December
Get This Complete Promotion Package a $275.00 value for just $125.00 as a NABE Member
18 Hawthorne Drive, Durham, NC 27712, Phone: 919-382-9439
Retail: $16.00, Sample: $16.00 ppd Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
919 Sonora Ct. San Dimas, CA 91773-1488
Tonia Shimin Mercury Press International
The Corona Virus has prompted most American believers to feel that God is telling humanity to change how it lives. But the author of this new book sees a much bigger message in the virus. He believes that it is the ego’s power that started it to discredit God and only the power of God can change our fate. Based on the author’s knowledge that he has experienced for fortyplus years. Amazing secret revealed. Results guaranteed. For your Free Report, send your e-mail today or write directly to the author.
Web Site:
Bob Gebelein Book Baby
E-Mail: Web:
437 Reed Ct Goleta. CA 93117
NABE WINNER SUMMER 2019. The psychic and the spiritual are real (scientifically demonstrated). To dismiss them as "woo-woo" is not a legitimate argument. To shun and ostracize the people who study them is not a legitimate argument. All academic people know this, and yet they let it happen. This is corruption in our accredited academic institutions. It is blocking our cultural advancement. DIRTY SCIENCE calls for reform.
“The Art of Symeon Shimin" presents a striking view of the life and art of this noted and award winning Russian born Jewish artist. Curated and edited by his daughter, the book includes essays, more than 100 plates and archival photographs and an autobiography. This is the first complete collection of Shimin's work that dramatically showcases art of rare beauty and raw expression.
Phone 909-344-0167 E-Mail:
Retail: $17.99, Sample Book $17.99 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
Retail: $40.00, Sample: $40.00 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
Rev. Dr. Mushtaq H. Jaafri, Mushtaq Publishing Company
Phone 210-212-4500
William LH Galaini, Evolved Publishing
4985 N 125th Street, Butler, WI 53007
Mary Virginia McCormick Pittman Xlibris
E-Mail: Web Site:
Robert Wahler Authorhouse 1738 Braddock Ct San Jose, CA 95125
Retail: Available on Amazon & Barnes & Noble Write For Wholesale quantity discounts.
Retail: $14.99, Sample: $14.99 ppd Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
In New Dis, Purgatory, there is no rest for the dead. Sprouting from the rim of Hell’s depths, not even this bohemian city of the afterlife—full of mercantile enterprises, engineering innovations, and political intrigue—is immune to the tragedies filtering down into it as war and endless suffering rage on Earth above. WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, Summer 2021 – Best Religious Fiction.
Bible scholars all got it wrong about the Gospel of Judas. JUDAS -- not Jesus -- is the enigmatic sacrificial "man who bears me" (they are, after all, biased Christians, not Gnostics). Christianity's 'Betrayal of Christ' narrative was a tendentious rewriting of the gnostic Nag Hammadi Apocalypses mastership succession story. NABE Pinnacle Book Achievement Award winner for non-fiction, 2018.
222 E. Houston St. Suite 1204 San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone: 414-803-7265 E-Mail: Web:
Retail: $18.95 Sample: $18.95 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
Is it animal magic? Or the unique DNA of the wolf? This book presents three incredible stories that will transport you into a world of canine courage, endurance, bravery, and fortitude, which can be called nothing less than miraculous. Beautifully illustrated.
Phone: 808-896-6203
This book describes U. S. health care since the 1950s as seen and lived by one family physician. You will see how health care has become unaffordable for much of our population, how the quality of health care leaves much to be desired, and how system reform has been largely ineffective. You will also see how reform can bring equity and access to all Americans.
E-Mail: Web:
E-Mail: Web:
Discover what it’s like to emigrate from Mexico to the United States based on one family’s account. This highly readable award-winning book tells the story about the shock of arriving in the U.S. for the first time in the 1920s including the cultural conflicts and other difficulties connected with raising children in a new society. You’ll learn about Mexican immigration to the U.S. and how the “Mexican” Gil children became Mexican American as told by one of them who recounts memorable experiences dating from the 1920s to the 1970s.
Dr. Pete Andersen Trius Publishing, LLC
John Geyman, MD Copernicus Healthcare
Phone 360-378-8558 E-Mail: Web Site:
6382 Lake Dora Avenue San Diego, CA 92119 Phone: 858-8869820
Retail: $29.95, Sample: $29.95 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
Carlos B. Gil The Gildeane Group
6015 NE 205th Street Kenmore, WA Phone: 206-714-4955
Leadership training to improve performance in less time for any job, task, skill, or relationship. The 3 secret skills, a.k.a. “The Triad” teaches leaders, parents, teachers, coaches, managers, supervisors, directors a system of powerful intrinsic motives to satisfy the personal needs and values and goals of the people doing the work. Improve the quality of life for the performers and company, organization, or team leading to lifelong success and happiness.
Price: $14.99 Sample: $14.99 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
34 Oak Hill Drive Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Retail: $20.00 Sample: $20.00 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
PO Box 470 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
Retail: $30.00, Sample: $30.00 ppd
Susan Robertson Page Publishing
Phone: 860-690-9692
Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
Saundra Foster, Page Publishing 6100 N Pointe Blvd., St Louis, MO 63147
My husband was Dale Robertson a very famous and talented actor who starred in many films. Mostly in the 1950’s. Also starred in Western Series during the golden era of the TV Western, one of the most popular genres ever produced for the small screen. One of the most popular was Tales of Wells Fargo that Dale starred in every episode. Starred in The Iron Horse, Death Valley Days. etc. New, updated edition.
Jr., Ph.D.
Phone: 831-324-0238
Telephone: 405-706-3704
Pushing up out of Hell trying to get to Heaven while raising 3 children I was arrested for stealing Free, Public Education which turned out to be 1st degree larceny.
Write for wholesale quantity
In "Founded on Freedom: Why You Should Be Proud of the Birth of America," Daniel S. Stackhouse, Jr. argues that America's "mission statement" led the new United States of America, from its very beginning, to break off from the path which most of the rest of the globe had trodden throughout the ages and has continued to inspire and guide Americans ever since.
Retail: $62.95
11622 Gonsalesv Street, Cerritos, CA 90703
A Memoir of Active Faith, Profound Love, and Courageous Disability Rights explores an extraordinary love story grown out of engagement with both disability rights advocacy and Christian faith communities. This important memoir contains thoughtful, often-entertaining, and sometimes heart-wrenching anecdotes of a couple's journey to create their profoundly intimate relationship and Christian marriage, in a world not yet ready for them.
Retail: $19.95. Each. Sample: $19.95 each ppd. Write for wholesale quantity
William L. Rush and Christine F Robinson
Richard, Duke of Gloucester, would have been happy spending the rest of his life in the north of England, loyally serving his brother King Edward from afar, but Edward’s sudden death changes everything. When Richard learns he has been named Protector of the new boy-king, he must face old enemies, painful betrayals by old friends, and a dazzling opportunity that will challenge all he believes to be true about himself.
B.A.Vonsik Celestial Fury Publishing 5617 Rocking Horse Rd Orlando FL 32817 Phone 407-252-0341
Phone: 734-972-3065
Retail: $16.25 Sample: $16.25 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
E-Mail Web Site
2958 Birch Hollow Drive 2A Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Christian Faith Publishing Phone 905-517-6679
Retail: $25.95 Sample: $25.95 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts
A grand adventure of myth and legend awaits you on Earth! The awardwinning epic Sci-Fi Fantasy story of Primeval Origins takes you on a fantastic journey of wonders to the origins of our heavenly host and mankind, battling the petulant gods of old and deadly creatures of malevolent creation. How did mankind prevail our ancient beginnings and can we survive our coming prophetic End Times? The Primeval Origins’ epic saga awaits you!
Page Publishing
Retail $55.00, Sample: $55.00 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
A story of a family trip to Madagascar and Zimbabwe with beautiful photos and events along the way. This book captures the amazing animal encounters, birds, plants, chameleons, insects, and many other special animals. The family encounters some of the mysticism of Malagasy people, the history of the island, and at the same time, shares with readers the unparalleled wonder of one of the most unique places on the planet.
Nicki Geigert Reader’s Magnet
Retail: $30.00 Sample: $30.00 Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
Phone: 760-533-5154 E-Mail: Web:
3533 Corte Esperanza Carlsbad, CA 92009
Nicki Geigert Reader’s Magnet
Nicki Geigert Reader’s Magnet
Phone: 760-533-5154 E-Mail:
Enjoy an armchair adventure book following Savannah, a teenager, on her first international trip to Greece. As an athlete, Savannah enjoys, running, swimming, climbing, and many other athletic adventures. Come along with Savannah as she runs on the original ancient Greek Olympic track in the world. Enjoy climbing Mount Olympus with her, along with swimming and learning to windsurf. See and read of the temples and cities of ancient Greece.
Phone: 760-533-5154 E-Mail: Web:
Retail: $26.00, Sample: $26.00 ppd Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
3533 Corte Esperanza Carlsbad, CA 92009
3533 Corte Esperanza Carlsbad, CA 92009
Some animals caught yawning have little yawns, or wide-open teeth baring, tongue hanging out yawns. This page-turning book will beg you to ask: Who’s Yawning Now? Read each animal’s account of where they live, interesting facts about them, what they eat, and even struggles that they go through on a daily basis, along with their level of threatened endangerment provided by The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Retail: $16.50, Sample: $16.50 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
Heather time-travels to rowdy 1849 San Francisco where she raises the wrath of a saloon keeper because she has stolen his dancehall girls to open a barbershop. A Gypsy palm reader warns her about an unexpected journey and impending danger for her and her new sweetheart. Will she ignore the warning and expose them to impending risk?
James Quinn, Europe Books
"Luna, The Mare with the Sky Blue Eyes" is the story of a young mare nearly forgotten and left behind and those who saved her. Luna represents everyone who has ever felt alone, hopeless and unloved. The story contains elements of hope and success through work, determination, friendship and love and that we are all unique with special talents. Luna's story is for everyone who loves horses, real and imaginary.
Phone: 661-373-7118 E-Mail: Web:
23913 Via Hamaca Valencia, CA 91355
Available on Amazon
Phone: 831-247-2140
Retail: $14.95 Sample: $14.95 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
Carolyn Radmanovich Bookstand Publishing 2813 Fox Den Circle Lincoln, CA 95648
PO Box 207 El Prado, NM 87529 Phone: 575-776-8370
This fast-paced novel sweeps the reader up into an amazing adventure, beginning with the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb. A cult, dedicated to the goddess Isis, will go to any lengths, including murder, to protect Egyptian antiquities from plunder by Osiris, an exclusive men's club. Two powerful Queens, Cleopatra and Nefertiti, are resurrected by the cult through dark magic passed down through the ages from the dawn of Egyptian civilization. As Samara and Nigel get caught up in the web of intrigue between Isis and Osiris, they begin to unravel the mysteries of the ancients as well as dark family secrets.
Dora Dillistone Wiz Alred, Book Designer
Write for wholesale quantity discounts. .
Retail: $9.95 Sample: $9.95 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
Monte Carlo Monaco 98000 E-Mail:
15 Alice Weil Austin Macauley
Alice Weil Austin Macauley
In 1990 Alice Weil was Kidnapped in Colombia and held captive in a dark windowless cell for 269 days. She tells the story of how she found the resources hidden deep inside her to survive captivity. In sharing her story she wishes to give all those who might encounter a similar situation a ray of hope.
Alice Weil Austin Macauley
Monte Carlo Monaco 98000 E-Mail:
The Garden House Monte Carlo Monaco 98000 E-Mail:
Retail Price: $22.00 Sample: $22.00 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
The Garden House
Mother Nature has issued human beings various warnings over the years, some subtle, some not so subtle; messages she intended to wake us up with, ones that would stop us from directing the planet onto a path that, some say, might already be irreversible. Mother Nature and the Agent is about paying close attention to the greatest signs she has ever given us, so we can ultimately bring about change and welcome in a new era.
The Garden House
Survival: A Story of Friendship based on a true story, tells the tale of how true and loyal friends can transcend all distances, differences and the horrendous effects caused by war. It shows how love, compassion and generosity are the basis of a true friendship.
Retail $15.00 Sample: $15.00 ppd. Write for wholesale quantity discounts.
A: You can display your books at our NABE Book Showcase Exhibits, held at major trade shows throughout the country. Mail order firms will see your book in our Publishers Preview section. Our responsive Mailing Lists are available for rental. The National Press Release Program will help you get publicity in scores of newspapers, TV & radio outlets. Our Promotion Express Program gives you a page on the world wide web. Our Hot Books To Promote section brings you internet buyers for your book. Members receive a Free Book Review in our Book Dealers Diary section, a Free Classified Ad, and are eligible for our annual NABE Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards. Plus, members can save over $1000.00 on a whole year’s worth of marketing with our Super Book Marketing
What does a membership in NABE cost?
A: NABE provides personalized service to our members. It bridges the gap between the publisher and the marketplace. NABE specializes in all phases of book marketing: trade shows, mail order, publicity channels, the internet, premium areas, gift sales and more. All sales made through NABE go directly to you. We help you and your distributors reach the public with your book or product at a cost you can afford.
"It is my belief that most good books are still unwritten. They are still in the minds of you, me and countless others. When I wrote my first book, "When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat," I was lost in a sea of red tape and horrible misinformation about publishing. Thanks to you, NABE and your helpful magazine,"Book Dealers World,"Istarted off on the right foot. You are a great help to many an aspiring author.”
Q: What about Book Dealers World? How often is it published and what kind of prospects does it reach?
Q: What type of marketing opportunities does NABE offer?
A: It is an international book marketing organization, started in 1980, to help independent publishers promote and market their books through a variety of unique and cost-effective marketing channels. Over the past 37 years, our members have sold millions of dollars worth of books.
"WOW!" Ever since I joined NABE, that is the best way to summarize my feelings. You have been helpful, responsive and have given my book, "Suite Talk" such terrific exposure and publicity that words cannot express my appreciation. Other independent publishers initially recommended that I contact you to ensure that "Suite Talk" received full marketingsupport. Theysurewereright!” Dan Burdadin
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"A distributor saw my book at a NABE Showcase Exhibit and placed a large order for the entire country of New Zealand. It really pays to become a member of NABE." Donald Dossey
Q: What is the National Association of Book Entrepreneurs?
A: Book Dealers World is published three times annually. It reaches 10,000 book buyers including bookstores from all over the country, book distributors, gift shops, premium channels, catalog firms, trade show attendees, libraries and publishers.
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Join NABE Today! For just $3.75 a month, you can enjoy the BENEFITS and SAVINGS Of NABE Membership for Two Full Years for the Price of One. Your Membership is a fully deductible business expense. YES! Please rush my complete NABE Membership Package to me by e-mail including all the Membership Benefits listed above. $90.00 Online Membership for U.S. Canada and foreign countries. Please note: Foreign members please send Visa, Mastercard or AE information only. □ Enclosed find my check or money order. Charge my Visa/Mastercard Number______________________________________________ Exp. Date________ Signature___________________________________________________ Card Verification Number__________(Last 3 or 4 digits on back of your credit card) Address___________________________________________________________________Company__________________________________________________________________Name_____________________________________________________________________City_____________________________________State________Zip___________________Telephone_____________________________Fax_________________________________E-Mail______________________________________________________________________ NABE, Membership Dept. PO Box 606, Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Fax Your Order to: 541-942-7455 or Order Online at:
• Special Savings on NABE Book Showcase Exhibits, Publishers Preview, National Press Release Bulletin, Promotion Express, Hot Books To Promote and more.
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Here Are The Money Making and Money Saving Benefits You’ll Receive as a National Association Of Book Entrepreneurs Member!
• A Free Book Review in the Book Dealers Diary
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• $25.00 Commission when you sign up to promote new Memberships on our Affiliate Program.
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• Top Spots for one full year in the New Books From Independent Publishers Directory.
• "Holiday Bookselling Secrets" Free E-Book that reveals how to promote your book as a holiday gift all year long.
• Entry Form for NABE Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards. You could be one of our annual winners! No additional fees to register your book.
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Ingrid Crawford PO Box 606 Cottage Grove, OR 541-942-745597424
summary to fill a need, serve a desire, or address a concern. Don’t compare the book to a recognizable book, movie, or show.
What do authors tend to do when asked that single, little Theyquestion?freeze
up, feeling they are on the spot. They get a little nervous and anxious. Here’s what many do. They:
Ingrid Crawford provides quality professional translation services from English into Spanish of children’s books between 25 to 50 pages at a cost you can afford. Take advantage of the large Spanish-speaking market to increase your overall book sales. Most projects can be completed in 30 to 60 days. Send a copy of your book to Ingrid for a no obligation quote.
Can You Say What Your Book Is About?
Don’t create a tension: win-lose, hate-love, good-evil. Do not connect to something identifiable or relatable such as an emotion, experience, event, phase of life, or every day moment. Lack ties to what is in the news, trends, honorary days/holidays, seasons, or famous people. Share facts without emotion. Yourfeedback.onPracticeyougoodSo,entversation,Don’tinvolveothersintothecon-poseaquestion,pres-achallenge,surveythem.comeupwithashortbutanswertothequestionareboundtobeasked.yourmessage.Testitothersandbegforhonestanswermust:Speakwithclarity.Soundlikeyouhaveasenseoftherealworld.Soundlikeyouhaveasenseoftherealworld.Beliteralbutbedescriptive.Ex-plainwhyyouwroteitandwhoitisfor.Showconnectivity–givepeopleareasontoseearelevancetothem.Prioritizewhatisinterestingoverwhatischronological.Avoidtheuseofabrasivelanguageanddonotexpressviewsthatcanbeper-ceivedasracist,sexist,anti-Se-mitic,ordumb.So,whatisyourbookabout?BrianFeinblum,thefounderofanaward-winningblog,canbereachedthroughe-mailatbrianfeinblum@gmail.comHeisavailabletohelpauthorspro-motetheirstory,selltheirbook,andgrowtheirbrand.
Surprisingly, many authors cannot answer a simple question well: What is your book about?
Talk for too long and don’t quite get to the point. Are too brief and lack substance. Tell things out of a logical order and are hard to follow.
They are on the defensive, answering in a way to get rid of the question, rather than going on the offensive and seeing this as an opportunity to take a softball question and turn it into a soliloquy to sell your book.
Miss something and forget to highlight a key part. Say it with a lack of passion, conversation, or confidence. Reveal too much, almost spoiling the book.
By Brian Feinbaum
Come off as not being relatable. Fail to smile and sound friendly and likeable. Leave out a great review, testimonial, or accomFailplishment.intheir
Packed with amazing tips and tricks, to get you unstuck from writer’s block and to improve your writing in dozens of little ways, there are tips about all aspects of writing, for both fiction and non-fiction authors. For details, visit or send Kim Lambert an e-mail at kim.lambert@dreamstonepublishing com
of a story before reaching the end. Remember to always ask yourself when writing: what is this article giving Wantspecificdon’trejected.writingseenlishedcontenttantforgetHere’sDoyou’velearnbyyouryourcraveauthorlinkyourtitleathethorsmediaoftenaudience,writingreaders.promotion,EditorsDon’treaders?betoopromotional.arenotfansofshamelessandneitheraremostWhileyourmaingoalofanarticleistobuildyourmentioningyourbooktooisaturnoffforreadersandandcanbackfire.Someau-cangetawaywithmentioningtitleonce,butonlyifitfeelslikenaturalreference.Moreoftentheofthebookwillbementionedinbylineand/orauthorbio,withatotheAmazonpageoryourwebsite.Youwantpeopletomorecontentwithoutforcingbookonthem.Ifdonewell,reader’scuriositywillbepiquedyourcontentandthey’llwanttomoreaboutyouandwhatelsewritten.yourhomework.somethingthatmanyauthorstodobutisextremelyimpor-beforewritinganarticle:readthathasalreadybeenpub-inyourdesiredoutlet.I’vesomanyauthorswastetimeapiecethatultimatelygetsOften,thatisbecausetheymirrorthetoneorflavorofamagazineornewspaper.togetanarticlepublishedinForbes?Takealookatthetopicstheycoverandthewritingstyleoftheircontributors.Theyalreadyhaveanestablishedreadership,sofigureouthowtospeaktothem.Alsomakesuretotakenoteofwhat’salreadybeenwrittenaboutrecentlysoyoucanmakesurethetopicyouproposeisfreshand,there-fore,morelikelytobeaccepted!Promoteandshare.Congratulations!Yourarticlehasbeenwritten,accepted,andpub-
Crafting Effective Articles to Support Book Promotion by Mallory Campoli
For nonfiction authors, the easiest way to determine a topic is to pick a chapter in the book. Which section are you most passionate about? Which ideas can you most likely expand upon? Don’t copy the chapter verbatim, but rather use it as a starting point for your article. There’s no reason to reinvent the wheel when you can use the content you’ve already developed to craft a compelling
Writing articles may be time-consuming, but it’s one of the best ways to generate more followers and establish credibility. Your book is not going to market itself… so go ahead, and get Andeveryeragegenre,ers,authors1997.sandstheprolificagerMallory—–––––––—––—–––––––––––––writing!CampoliisaPublicityMan-atSmithPublicity,themostbook-marketingagencyinpublishingindustry,withthou-ofbookspromotedsinceFromfirst-time,self-publishedtoNewYorkTimesbestsell-SmithPublicitypromoteseveryandhassecuredmediacov-forauthorsandbookswithtopmediaoutletintheU.S.Canada.ThefirmhasofficesinCherryHill,NJ,
Writing a book is hard work, but it’s only half the battle. Once your book is finished, you’ll need to promote it through marketing and publicity— and we’re not just talking about book signings and social media! Article writing is a great way to grow your audience and build a community.
Many authors are intimidated by the idea of writing an article, even though they’ve written an entire book. They’re right in assuming it’s a different kind of writing, but it’s certainly something beneficial that almost every author can do with the right approach. Here are some key tips for crafting an article that will effectively support book promotion. Find the best topic.
specific tools and takeaways when they read an article. If your topic is about leadership, give practical strategies that can be implemented in the office. General, broad themes can be overdone and are not helpful. Your goal is to make readers want more content, but you can’t do that if your article misses the Mostmark.editors and readers prefer lists, such as “10 ways to help employees avoid burnout.” This type of article promises specific tactics that can be applied in the workplace. Scrollable content is more appealing, especially when people can easily click out
lished. This will serve as a great tool for your overall book marketing plan, and will help to build your platform as a trusted author. Though it’s tempting to sit back and passively watch for the reaction to your piece once it’s published, the best thing to do is to promote it and share it widely on your end. Share the link to your article on your own social media sites, on your blog, with your email list, in your newsletter – wherever possible! The more people you share the link with, the more people will ultimately end up appreciating your hard work.
Hold Please, Stage Managing a Pandemic by Richard Hester chronicles it all from the particular point of view of a career Broadway stage manager living in Manhattan. Part journal, part blog, these essays attempted to make sense of the crisis and what it was doing to us. By the end, everything had changed. What follows is a journey through one of the most fascinating periods in both our cultural and our personal histories. Written with humor and compassion, it provides a unique perspective on this time and delivers the most important lesson of all - Hope. For more info visit
Dash and Nikki and the Jellybean Game by Anthony C Delauney welcomes kids of all ages. Discover what awaits―there are surprises in store: candy, competition, and a little something more! Join in the excitement as they challenge one another, and learn a life lesson that's unlike any other. Visit
Relentless: Homeless Teen to Achieving the Entrepreneur Dream by Natasha Miller takes you along on her journey as she breaks free from a troubled, abusive childhood; overcomes the trappings of transiency; and harnesses her sheer grit to build a multi- million dollar entertainment production company while raising her daughter as a single parent. For more info visit
Book Dealers Diary
Lily Unleashed by JD Kloster is the story of an underdog who inspires an insecure girl to speak up for this traumatized puppy mill rescue as well as the others awaiting release from their locked cages. It sets off a chain of events that challenges her dog smarts, self-esteem, and ideas about what it means to be a true friend. For more info, visit
The Human Paradox: It’s Time To Think and Act As a Species written by Gilbert E Mulley presents ideas about how we can accept the human paradox and gestate a species-wide mentality. We don’t think of ourselves as members of one species because we’ve got dozens of other identity options available. Every day our personal identity grows away from species identity, not toward it. For most of us, species identity is just a taxonomic designation taught in biology class—and a rather boring one at that. For more information, send an email to
A Movement of Hearts by Alisa Hope Wagner s a collection of devotionals by writers from all different backgrounds, uniting together as one heart to declare the goodness of God and salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. May their words encourage your faith and inspire you to claim the purposes that God designed for your life before time began. For more information, visit
Live in a Home that Pays You Back: A Complete Guide to Net Zero and Energy-Efficient Homes is an illuminating book that takes you on a virtual tour of the home of the future. Award-winning author and respected housing expert Anna DeSimone lights the way for enjoying a home that is healthier, more comfortable, saves money, and reduces your carbon footprint. It is a practical reference guide that can be used for years to come, and the book uncovers every part and parcel of the sustainable home, with clear explanations, helpful infographics, and hundreds of follow-up resources. For more info visit
The Covenant Secret: An Inspirational Tale About Uncovering the 7 Master Keys of Wisdom and Wealth by John Feloni tells the story of a fresh-out-ofbusiness-school and intensely-focusedon-money entrepreneur, Bill Rand, whose startup company is not doing too well. Unbeknownst to him, Bill is about to embark on a journey of discovery guided by Tom Crawford, one of the world's great entrepreneurs, a journey that will change Bill's life,as well as his fortunes. For more information and dealer details visit
Artist: Awakening The Spirit Within shares Jocelyn Jones personal story and her unique methodology as a legendary acting teacher, coach, and artistic advisor to the stars, who was Creative Consultant on some of the highest grossing pictures of all time. For more information and dealer details, visit
Sweet Potato by Susan Marie Chapman is the story of an owl who lives in the park, but does not like to do anything owls are supposed to do, like sleeping all day or eating meat. Sweet Potato likes to eat sweet potatoes and she enjoys spending her days with her Uncle Grumpy. For more information visit
Cinderella Didn't Live Happily Ever After: The Hidden Messages in Fairy Talesby Anne E. Beall, Ph.D. analyzes the terms of the underlying messages about marriage, agency, power, suffering, and good versus evil, with a focus on how male and female characters differ in each of these areas. The analysis is a data-driven approach that provides clear evidence for the hidden messages in these beloved tales. For more info, send an e-mail to
Wolfy's Adventure: An Unlikely Friendship by Gisela Bengfort gives your imagination wings and shows you the importance of family and friendship, love and courage, empathy, tough decisions, losses, and wins, and especially about the beauty of diversity. For more information and dealer details, send an e-mail to
When Lions Roar by Karen Leigh Gruber tells the story of Maggie who awakens one morning to a mother’s worst nightmare; their daughter Hannah has gone missing. Just when things can’t get any worse, Maggie is confronted with the harsh truth of her emotionally abusive marriage and what she has allowed her life to become. For more info visit
Secret Seahorse Tales by Pamela May follows the adventures of Stoney Starr Seahorse and his family as they live and play along with their deep-sea friends. Sullivan, Stoney's father, is a knight of the realm and is tasked with the responsibility of keeping the reef and lagoon safe for all who live there. Suddenly a great danger enters into their lagoon! What is it? Will they be safe?. For more information and dealer details visit
The Joyous Adventures of Whizzojack by Jack Zarb Adami and David Bush chronicles the adventures of an eightyear old boy who admires the comic strip superheroes. He fancies himself a superhero. He calls himself Whizzojack and goes into action after donning a whizzojack costume which gives him “special” powers. He uses these powers to help others. For more info, send an e-mail to
21 Book AddressCompanyTitleCity,State, Zip WebE-MailSitePhoneRetailPrice50WordBook Description ___ My check to NABE is enclosed for $35.00. ____ Please charge my Visa, MC or Am Exp. Card Exp.______________________________________Signature______________________________________NumberDate______________VerificationNo_____________ Send this form to: NABE, E-Book Directory. PO Box 606, Cottage Grove, OR 97424
SOS Top Shot Cameron
Best Book in the Category of CHAPTERCHILDREN'SBOOK
Best Books in the Category of ANIMALS AND PETS
Best Book in the Category of EDUCATIONALCHILDREN'S
Best Book in the Category of COOKING Barbies 4 Blokes Julianne McLean and Mark
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Best Books in the Category of CHILDREN'S INTEREST Drystan the Dragon and Friends Series Book 2: Damara Helps Drystan Find His Roar Janice www.secretseahorsetales.comwww.whenangelsfly.comMaryhttps://jemsbooks.comSpinaTommyTurtleandMichaelSchmidtSecretSeahorseTales:TheTaleofStonyStarrSeahorsePamelaHayter
Best Book in the Category of INSPIRATIONALCHILDREN'S
Best Book in the Category of ADVENTURECHILDREN'S
Best Book in the Category of CHRISTIAN FICTION The Pilgrim’s Progress Desert prw7@protonmail.comJohnExperienceBartell
Best Book in the Category of EDUCATIONAL Trusting Your Child’s Teachers: At Times You May Disagree Susan Fay Ryan, www.educateyourchildrenwell.comed.D.
Best Book in the Category of PICTURECHILDREN'SBOOK
Chloe The Unfeathered Parrot Regan WH Desertwww.SusanMarieChapman.comwww.reganmacaulay.comMaccaulaySweetPotatoSusanMarieChapmanFriends:TravelsWiththePackLindaHarkayhttps://www.archwaypublishing.comMindfulMomentswithMaudePamelaCappetta,EdDwww.drpamm.com
Best Book in the Category of BIOGRAPHY
Wild Colts Make The Best Horses: The Intrepid Life of Abigail Adams Mary Rae www.xlibris.comMauch
Eek! My Ink! Raven www.ravenhowell.comHowell
Summer BookPinnacle2022AchievementAwards
Best Book in the Category of CRIME THRILLER Shadow of the Gypsy Shelly www.shellyfrome.comFrome
Best Book in the Category of BODY MIND AND SPIRIT
Dash and Nikki and the Jellybean Game Anthony https://owningthedash.comDelauney
Best Book in the Category of COMING OF AGE Trine Fallacy: The Kinderra Saga Book 2 CK https://ckdonnelly.comDonnelly
My Dog Can’t Jump David http://thedoctorslane.comLane
The Covenant Secret: An Inspirational Tale About Uncovering the 7 Master Keys of Wisdom and Wealth
Best Book in the Category of CHILDREN'S FANTASY In Search of Sparkle: A Faerie Fairy Tale Donna E http://thedoctorslane.comLane
Yaya The Sheep: The Best Day Ever Cheryl www.CherylCheatham.comCheatham
Best Book in the Category of CHRISTIAN Salt & Light: The Complete Jesus Jonathan Geoffrey www.saltandlight.caDean
Enough About Me: The Unexpected Power of
John https://KallistiPublishing.comFeloni
Best Books in the Category of HISTORICAL FICTION Empress of the Jade Realm Starr Z https://starrzdavies.comDavies
Summer 2022
Best Book in the Category of NATIVE AMERICAN ADVENTURE The White Buffalo Marc pnitsche@hotmail.comNitsche
The Oni’s Shamisen Claire www.tokigirlandsparrowboy.comYoumans
Addy of the Door Islands Judy www.judithducharme.comDuCharme
Children of Antarah Yvette www.yvettecanoura.comCanoura
Best Book in the Category of MULTICULTURAL Grandfather Spirits: Return To Dead Horse Canyon Marcha Fox & Pete https://dead-horse-canyon.comRisingsun
Best Book in the Category of GIFT BOOK
The Last Legacy of E.Y. “Yip” Harburg Tamar www.composerofsantababy.comSpringer
Best Book in the Category of HISTORICAL FANTASY
Best Book in the Category MULTICULTURALofTHRILLER
Best Books in the Category of MYSTERY Coldwater https://jamesrossauthor.comJamesConfessionA.RossKillingTheVenerable:It’sTheirTime!
Best Book in the Category of FANTASY ADVENTURE
Best Books in the Category of MEMOIR Fostering: A Memoir of Courage and Hope Carmen Maria https://www.carmenmarianavarro.comNavarroHold,Please:StageManagingaPandemicRichardHester
Relax and Puzzle Romance Puzzle Book Volume 2
Best Book in the Category of NEW AGE Becoming Soul: Seven Steps To Heaven El https://www.becomingsoulelalma.comAlma
The helencardwell@btinternet.coElleDarkeningCarltonm
Best Books in the Category of ENVIRONMENTAL Live in a Home That Pays You Back, A Complete Guide to Net Zero and Energy-Efficient Homes Anna
Best Book in the Category of GAMES & PUZZLES
Watkins Glen Eleanor www.eleanorlerman.comLerman
Best Books in the Category of FANTASY Trine Revelation: The Kinderra Saga Book 3 CK https://www.NoraDelzelleBooks.comThehttps://ckdonnelly.comDonnellySecretsoftheKingsNoraDelzellePrinceGideonGaryCaplan
Best Book in the Category of GENERAL INTEREST The Human Paradox: It’s Time to Think and Act As a Species Gilbert E www.Xlibris.comMulley
Best Book in the Category of HUMOR Katharina and Bianca Elizabeth Reinach
Best Book in the Category of LITERARY FICTION
Best Books in the Category of SELF HELP Artist: Awakening The Spirit Within Jocelyn Relentless:https://jocelynjonesstudio.comJonesHomelessTeenToAchievingTheEntrepreneurDreamNatashaMiller
Summer 2022
Best Book in the Category of PARENTING AND FAMILY Koko and Friends: The Long Shots Clara Denise West, www.kokoandfriends.comPh.D.
Best Book in the Category of TEEN FICTION Life is Inevitable Carlos Daniel Deguzman https://www.dantheauthor.comSantos
Pinnacle AchievementBookAwards
Best Book in the Category of POETRY Flight https://gwendolynmorganrose.comGwendolynFeathersMorgan
Best Books in the Category of JUVENILE FICTION
Best Book in the Category of TIME TRAVEL ROMANCE
Best Books in the Category of SPIRITUAL Inside Your Heaven: Inspiring Stories of the Afterlife April www.enlivendevotionals.com100lori@forewardpublicity.comNataleAMovementinHearts:DevotionalsBeatingAsOneAlisaHopeWagner,Editor
Ethically Challenged: Private Equity Storms US Health Care
Best Books in the Category of INSPIRATIONAL When Lions Roar Karen Leigh
Best Book in the Category of NON FICTION
Laura Katz
Best Book in the Category of NOVEL The Very Dead of Winter: A Sinner’s Cross Novel Miles www.mileswatsonauthor.comWatson
Best Book in the Category of PETS AND ANIMALS Everyone Needs a Little Hope Karen
Best Book in the Category of SCIENCE FANTASY The Future Is a Memory Charles Ross
Best Book in the Category of SCIENCE FICTION Blood For The Fisher King Endy
The Gypsy’s Warning Carolyn www.carolynradmanovich.comRadmanovich
Best Books in the Category of RELIGION
Best Book in the Category of WESTERN
The Black Swan Event Mikael www.mikaelcarlson.comCarlson
choose a specific benefit-oriented testimonial over a celebrity’s vague testimonial.
Best Book in the Category of URBAN FANTASY
Cinderella Didn’t Live Happily Every After: The Hidden Messages in Fairy Tales
Collecting Testimonials and Blurbs by Lisa Copen
Best Book in the Category of WOMEN'S INTEREST
Which blurb would make you want a book?
Best Book in the Category of WOMEN'S FICTION Three Sister Stories Robin www.robinstratton.comStratton
And it will add credibility that the book isn’t a real flop.
Testimonials from experts and celebrities catch the attention of both media like radio producers as well as your audience of potential readers. They will think, “Wow! That’s nice that she was able to get a recommendation from her. That took some effort. Must be a decent
One by Stephen King that says… “Intriguing. Excellent Orread.”a testimonial from Suzy Smith that says… “Your book completely turned my life upside down—or should I say, right side up?
Summer 2022
.When collecting your testimonials or blurbs for your book, make sure to not have all of them be from experts. Yes, a well-known celebrity can add a bit of sparkle to your sales sheet. For example, who wouldn’t want a quote about your new adoption scrapbook album from Angelina Jolie?
Pinnacle AchievementBookAwards
Ingrid Crawford provides quality professional translation services from English into Spanish of children’s books between 25 to 50 pages at a cost you can afford. Take advantage of the large Spanish-speaking market to increase your overall book sales. Most projects can be completed in 30 to 60 days. Send a copy of your book to Ingrid for a no obligation quote.
I’ve made so many changes in both my actions and my attitudes. It’s improved my health, my Thankrelationships—everything!youforhelpingmegetmylifeback!”StephenKing’sremarkisnice,butitdoesn’tmakemethinkIneedthisbook.Suzy’sreviewmakesmethink,“IneedthisbooksoIcangetmylifebacktoo!”Don’tcoveryourbook’sfrontandbackcoverwithjustvagueendorsementsfromcelebrities.Besuretoaddatleastonerealperson’stestimonialthatwillmaketheshopperthink,“Thispersonsoundsjustlikeme.Ifthisbookhelpedher(orenter-tainedher),itwillhelpme,too.”
This Hallowed Ground Donna E http://thedoctorslane.comLane
But in my opinion, it’s the average reader who will influence a person to buy your book.
Ingrid Crawford PO Box 606 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541-942-7455
Translate Your Children’s Book Into Spanish
Anne lori@forewordpublicity.comBeall
The Wand: The Madigan Chronicles #3 Marieke www.underthewitcheshat.comLexmond
Best Book in the Category of THRILLER
Imagine spending hours pouring over your new book. You’ve done rounds of editing, have the cover designed, book copy all finished up, now it’s time to launch your book to the There’sworld.only one problem, there’s no one waiting to buy your book.
the goal of a book sales funnel is to bring new readers into your world. A solid book sales funnel will help you get reader email addresses, so you can stay in touch, build a connection, and sell more books with ease.
Instead, you can put in a little work upfront to build a list of readers who are eager to buy whatever you re-
The whole goal of your funnel is to get readers onto your email list. Once a reader joins your list you’ll want to do two things: build trust and let them know about other books you’re selling.
To get people to join your book funnel you’re going to need an offer that makes them want to give you their email address.
This is where automated email funnels come into play. You create an automated sequence that runs the moment a new reader joins your list.
An opt-in page is where you’ll send your readers to after the freebie offer. This page is simple, the only goal is to get readers to enter their email address. A compelling headline, book cover image, and email subscribe box is all you need.
Four Crucial Book Sales Funnel EleAmentsbook sales funnel can be as simple or complex as you’d like it to be. But, here are the 3 main components of every book funnel:
you’re going to need a book. No matter what kind of author you are, or the genre you write in you’ll need something published in the big online marketplaces: Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and Youmore.can
4. An Email Sequence
A book sales funnel is a series of steps carefully designed to guide readers toward your book, your brand, and ultimately toward making the decision to purchase from you., Bestselling author and co-founder of, Brian Berni, shares his insights on why book sales funnels are a critical component to growing your book sales (while still allowing time to write).
you release will have a freebie offer in the first few pages, which encourages new people onto your email list. So, not only do you have your existing list of readers to promote your book to, but new people will be coming into your world every day.
The type of freebie you give away will depend on the genre you write in. For example, fiction authors can give away a short story or a free book. While non-fiction authors can create a free course, email series, worksheet, or small eBook.
Need a Book Sales Funnel
3. An Opt-in Page
Sure, you can run ads to your book, but good luck converting on a book that doesn’t have any reader reviews. You could blast it out to social media, hound book bloggers, or get family and friends to buy your book, but none of this works long-term.
2. A Freebie
price this book, or list it at $0.00. It depends on the type of funnel and how many books you have written.
However, there is a way to sell more books, reach new readers, and build your audience, all while giving you more time to write.
One of the best parts of having a book funnel in place is that it gets stronger with every new book you release. This helps to put your book marketing on autopilot, so you can focus your energy on writing more
Most writers got into the game to write, not spend every waking hour of the day promoting their books.
Below you’ll learn how book funnels can help your author career, and the steps you can take to build a funnel
of a book sales funnel is to help you generate new leads – aka future book buyers – and sell copies of existing books.
1. A Naturally,Book
Why Every Author Needs a Book Sales Funnel and How to Get Started Today by Kimberley Grabas
It’s through building a book sales
With a book funnel, you’re using a single book as a way to acquire new customers and get people into your world. Ultimately, you are offering something of value to your readers in exchange for their email address. Then you follow up, bring even more value, and when you have another book to sell, you have a huge list of readers to promote to.
Reminder email that the discount is expiring soon.Follow-up emails that are a mix of value-packed information, stories, and selling products or books.
A 10-part email newsletter
The free offer book funnel is a popular funnel for non-fiction authors. Instead of creating an entire series of books you can sell your first book and create a free offer that’s related to your book.
is entirely free. This allows you to get free eyeballs on your book, and build a readership. You can also use paid advertising with this book and convert more people onto your email list.
One popular approach for building a book funnel for fiction authors is the three-book method. Here’s how it breaksBookdown:one
An upsell to something you’re selling for a discount, this could be a course or eBook, or another book in your fiction series.
Your opt-in page will include your offer. This could be a short story, an email course based on the principles in your book, a short eBook, even an entirely free book. The most important thing is that your offer (or freebie) is incredibly valuYou’llable.
This funnel setup works great for fiction authors who publish series fiction. Now, it is more of a longterm strategy, as you’ll have to write 3 books just to create the funnel. But, you’re building long-term reader relationships this way as well.
We’ll assume that your book is already written, so the next thing you’ll need to create is your freebie.
Here’s the simple opt-in page for the thriller book mentioned above: 3. Create Your Email Sequence
Your email list will be one of your most valuable assets as an author (that, along with your books of Beforecourse).you launch your books you’ll want to have an email funnel sequence in place. That way if your book does sell a ton of copies during the launch, you’ll be ready to convert new readers and visitors into email subscribers.
There are a ton of ways you can create funnels, but the two approaches below apply to both fiction and non-fiction authors.
You’re getting an email address from someone who’s already enjoyed your first book and excited to read the next one. Now, you can promote every new book you release to the same readers.
Here’s a quick outline of an email sequence you can create:
A workbook or toolkit
Setting Up Your Book Sales Funnel
The good news about your opt-in page is that it doesn’t have to be super complex. The goal of this page is to present your offer and have your readers enter their email address, that’s it.
You can also use the free giveaway that you create to upsell to highlevel courses, coaching, and masterminds later on.
1. Create Your Freebie
present this, with a compelling headline, an image of your offer (usually a book cover), and an optin link or button so your readers can join your list.
Two Tried and True Book Sales Funnel Methods
If you’re a non-fiction author, then think about what free offer will enhance the book they’re reading. If you’re a fiction author, then the best free offer will be another book from the same series, a short story, or epilogue to your series.
For example, in the non-fiction space author Steve Scott has a free quick start guide that accompanies the main book:
Think about what type of gift your reader would love that’ll enhance the reading experience.
A successful funnel only needs three things. Here’s a deeper look at how you can integrate your books with your freebies, and ultimately get new readers onto your list.
While in the fiction space, Nick Stephenson offers a free prequel to his thriller series:
A short video course
2. Build an Opt-in Page
2. The Free Offer Book Funnel
A related eBook that solves a specific problem
1. The Three-Book Funnel
A confirmation email sharing the freebie and welcoming new readers to yourFreebielist. reminder (if they didn’t download) and more about you.
A value-added email to help your reader solve a problem (or entertainment-based if fiction).
This can be a lot of things like:
Book two can be used as a freebie. You can give this book away as the freebie to entice subscribers. However, you can also list this book as a paid book on online retailers.Bookthree is paid from the start. By now, readers are already into your world and interested in your new releases, so use this as the main asset you’re going to direct buyers towards.
Email promotion:
Book Funnels: A No-Lose Marketing Strategy
Write a great blurb and pick a great title. These two factors will help people find your book organically and make them excited about buying it.
blog containing articles related to your book. Remember, you will have to promote your blog to get it seen.
Creating a book sales funnel takes time and energy.
Paid Advertising options:
You can also pay email marketing services to send your book to their followers. The most well known of these is BookBub.
But, the upfront creative investment will pay dividends in your author career. The more books you publish, the more readers you’ll have coming into your world.
Send out ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) to friends, family, and reviewers. Make sure they post reviews on release day! (BooksGoSocial offers a NetGalley service to send out review copies at any stage
media channels that suit you to share updates, insights related to your book, videos and images. This means a Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook Page depending in what you like and
Plus, with your ever-growing email "QuickAAuthorsofthenreaders,writingIfcan’tfansyou’lllist,everylaunchwillgeteasierandstarttobuildagroupofravingthatsupportyourworkandwaitforyournextrelease.youwanttospendmoretimebooksandengagingwithwhilesellingmorebooks,salesfunnelsshouldbeapartyourauthortoolkit.withPlatformsSellBooks.It’sthatsimple.Canadianwriterandentrepre-neur,KimberleyGrabaslaunchedwww.YourWriterPlatform.cominFebruary2013,whereshehelpsagrowinginternationalcommunityofthousandsofrising“authorpre-neurs”buildtheirplatforms,en-gagetheirfans,andsellmorebooks.GetontheInsidersListtoreceivethefreeQuickStartGuidetoBuild-ingYourWriterPlatform,exclusivecontentviaemail,andinstantac-cesstoagrowinglibraryofdown-loadableresources.GetyourfreeStartGuidetoBuildingYourWriterPlatform",plusregularemailupdatesdeliveredstraighttoyourinbox!
Do an Amazon
You can choose from several different advertising options depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. Amazon ads are a first option. Find that in the Amazon KDP dashboard. Facebook ads, Instagram ads and even ads on LinkedIn or Google for non fiction, where the book is linked to a service may justify the high cost on these last two services.
How To Promote A Book on Amazon by Laurence O'Bryan
You can use MailChimp or another email service to build an email newsletter list and send out updates about your books. Give readers sneak peeks and behind-thescenes looks at what you’re working on and when new releases are coming out. Mailchimp is free up top 2,000 contacts.
We hope this short article gives you ideas to help you plan your promotions. You can also access a range of book promotion ideas and courses at our popular website,
So you’ve finished writing your book! Congratulations! But if you’re reading this, I’m guessing that you’re also wondering how to promote the book once it’s available on Amazon. The first thing to know is that Amazon offers a ton of promotional options for your book, some of them free. These are no-brainer options that any author should consider:
Should Independent Authors Invest in Billboards?
refers to the number of people who will see your ad at least one time during a campaign. When a billboard or other OOH format is placed in a high-traffic area, such as near a popular park or arena, it has tremendous reach.
70% say outdoor ads are very, or somewhat likely, to influence a 55%purchase.usemobile and social media to share information while viewing an outdoor ad.
If you are already utilizing other advertising formats, adding outdoor ads to your marketing mix is a great way to considerably extend your reach. For independent WithlineBillboardsIn.comtionsCodyboardsandtheyovermarketplaceBillboards-In:establish.macyreachallowingadditionauthors,billboardsworkwellasantoyourdigitalcampaigns,themtoamplifytheirandcreateasenseoflegiti-thatdigitaladsalonedonotthelargestonlineforoutdoorads.Withamillionassetsnationwide,makeitpossibleforanyoneeveryonetoeasilybuybill-online.J.RiebeisaPublicRela-andContentSpecialistfor,thelargeston-marketplaceforoutdoorads.overamillionassetsnation-wide,theymakeitpossibleforanyoneandeveryone to easily buy billboards online.
In today’s world of digital and social media ads, traditional billboards are often seen as old-fashioned. Yet, the billboard industry is actually growing, largely because of its convergence with tech. Billboards and other out-ofhome formats (OOH formats) for authors and books are still being used today. They continue to be bought because they’re still very effective marketing tools. The old idiom “don’t judge a book by its WhetherisForCreatingbillboardpendenttakecover”definitelyapplieshere.Let’salookandseejusthowinde-authorscanbenefitfromadvertising.Awarenessfirst-timeauthors,’sanovel,shortstorycollection,biography,memoir,bookofpoems,ornonfictionbook,potentialreadersneedtoknowyourlatestworkexistsbeforetheycanconsiderpickingitup.Seeingyournewbookcoverblownupto40feetonabillboardontheirwaytoandfromworkeverydayisagreatwaytomakepotentialread-ersawareandinterested.Bill-boardsarealsogreatforannouncingyourlatestbooksign-ingortourstopinaspecificcity.Awell-designedbillboardwillgener-atebuzzandbesharedonsocialmediaatnoadditionalcosttoyou.Seeingyournewbookcoverblownupto40feetonabillboardontheirwaytoandfromworkeverydayisagreatwaytomakepotentialreadersawareandinter-ested.Billboardsaren’tjustfordrivingtraffictophysicalbookstores,theycanalsobeusedtodrivepeopleto
are more likely to learn about the brand being advertised.
35% buy a product after seeing an 55%ad. of people who see a billboard use mobile and social media to share information while viewing the outdoor ad. #billboards #soc-
your website. 58% of people search the web as a direct result of seeing a billboard ad. This is a great opportunity to direct traffic to your website or blog to learn more about you and your work. If you’ve been smart, you’ve featured your new book prominently on your site and provided a quick and easy way for people to purchase or Whenad.directofdrivestores,drivingdownload.Billboardsaren’tjustfortraffictophysicalbook-theycanalsobeusedtopeopletoyourwebsite.58%peoplesearchthewebasaresultofseeingabillboardthinkingaboutadvertisingformats,costisoneofthemostimportantdecidingfactorsforinde-pendentauthors.Billboardscanbemadetofitalmostanyadvertis-ingbudget.Whilecostsvaryde-pendingonwheretheywillbeplaced,billboardsaresurprisinglyaffordable.Thereareotherout-dooradoptions,suchasbus,bench,taxi,andsubwayads.Be-lieveitornot,outdooradsdeliverthebestvalue—intermsofcost-per-thousandimpressions—ofanytypeofadvertising,evendigi-tal:Visitontheweat:,outdooradsdeliv-erthebestvalue—intermsofcost-per-thousandimpressions—ofanytypeofadvertising,evendigital.#ads#billboardsOOHworks.It’shuge,it’sloud,andifthedesignis(book)smart,it’sextremelymemorable.Justhowimpactful?AccordingtotheOutdoorAdvertisingAssociationofAmerica,ofthosewhohaveseenanoutdoorad:41%
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