Natural Awakenings North Central New Jersey / June 2023

Page 28

How to Avoid Leap-Related Injuries in Dogs Climate Savvy Investing Male Sexual Health Straight Talk From Holistic Doctors Fatherhood 101 Leading With Intention
2 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition Natural Health and Beauty Products, Holistic and Traditional Medicines, Unmatched Expertise. Toxins can accumulate and persist in the body for decades. We can help you evaluate inflammatory symptoms of toxic overload and food sensitivities, including wheat reactions and discover how you can use advanced functional testing to get to the root of common ailments. Using the most advanced mass spectrometry method, Vibrant Wellness is able to measure 89 Did You Know? Vibrant Wellness tests include: • Micronutrient • Assorted gut health tests • Food sensitivities • Food additives • Cardiometabolic Call 908-658-4900 and make an appointment today. 75 Washington Valley Road, Bedminster, NJ 07921 • 908.658.4900 • Located next to Fresh Market • Hours: Monday-Friday 9am - 6pm, Saturday 9am - 4pm Spend $50 Every time. In store or by phone only VIP CONCIERGE & S HIPPIN G SE RV ICE S We’ll deliver or ship right to your door. $3.50 local delivery SHIPPING

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To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 908-405-1515 or email Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month.


Email Deadline for editorial: Articles (5th of the month); News and Health briefs (10th of the month).


Submit calendar events online at NaturalAwakeningsNJ. com. Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month.

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Serving the counties and surrounding areas of Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex. Natural Awakenings ~ your muse for a healthy YOU and a healthy PLANET.

4 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition
ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS Contents DEPARTMENTS 6 news briefs 10 health briefs 12 natural pet 16 global briefs 26 in the spotlight 28 conscious eating 32 healthy kids 34 green living 36 calendar 39 classifieds 40 directory Natural Awakenings is a network of natural lifestyle magazine publishers empowering local communities with knowledge, resources and connections to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet. 28 34 32 22 12 LEAPS AND BOUNDS Keeping Canine Jumpers Injury-Free 22 WHAT EVERY MAN WANTS Sexual Vitality at Every Age 26 ENERGY HEALER BILL FLANIGAN 28 CONVERTING FOOD TO ENERGY Learning How Metabolism Works 32 CONSCIOUS FATHERHOOD Building a Better Family 34 SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS INVESTING How to Choose Sustainable Stocks and Mutual Funds 12

The Legacy of Fatherhood

June is our “Men’s Month Issue. Naturally, it falls in the month of Father’s Day—beyond a doubt my favorite holiday of the year. I have been a father for over 53 years and to this day the experience of fathering continues to challenge and reward me with dividends way beyond the material world.

Nothing in the world moves me more than a dedicated dad. When I look at fathers today, the younger generation especially, it makes me proud to know fatherhood has evolved, that men have come so far and we are now able to reap the rewards of the involved father.

It seems to me that parenting, my contribution as a father, is the most important legacy of my life. I am extremely proud that our contributions as men to our children, to our families and to our legacy has evolved Fathers—be proud. Happy Father’s day and keep growing..

Publisher Joe Dunne

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5 June 2023 HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET NORTH CENTRAL NJ EDITION Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines Please Recycle Visit our Facebook page for the latest health updates and information, or to post your events and comments. NaturalNJ
publisher letter
Joe Dunne, Publisher
“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of song.”
– Unknown

Grand Opening Celebration for Longevity Veterinary Center in Whippany

NJ’s largest and most advanced integrative veterinary center welcomes all to its Grand Opening and Pet Adoption event, from 11am-3pm on June 4. Festivities include giveaways, live music, free dental exams for pets, meeting pet vendors and more.

Longevity Veterinary Center is a 15,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility offering conventional and holistic pet therapies for all pets, including exotic animals. The center specializes in alternative therapies including acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, nutritional consultations, and innovative Microbiome Restorative Therapy (MBRT). The clinic also offers nutritional counseling, herbal medicine, non-anesthetic dentistry (NAD), and other complementary therapies to support pets’ health.

“Our holistic approach allows us to treat a wide range of conditions, from chronic pain and a variety of cancers to anxiety and behavioral issues,” said Dr. Gerald Buchoff, holistic veterinarian and owner of Longevity Veterinary Center. “We believe in a collaborative approach to veterinary care, working closely with pet parents to develop a customized treatment plan that meets their pet’s unique needs.”

Longevity Veterinary Center’s team of highly trained professionals is committed to helping pets achieve optimal health through a combination of conventional and alternative therapies. They believe in treating the root cause of an issue and finding the best treatment possible, drawing from both conventional and holistic medicine.

Location: Longevity Veterinary Center, 265 Route 10 East, Whippany. For information, visit or call 973-606-1101. See ad, page 13.

Advanced Reiki Master Healer-Teacher Training with Janet StraightArrow

Experience true mastery in healing and life as a Reiki master with advanced healer-teacher training led by Janet StraightArrow. This comprehensive 6-month program begins on June 17, and prepares students to assist people as a healing and teaching presence and facilitator. Many students have already completed Reiki 1 & 2, and some have master certificates though the number one prerequisite is a desire for full Reiki training and true mastery. StraightArrow, who became a Reiki master in 1996, loves teaching and sees it as a significant purpose in her work and life. Mentoring students along the way is an important part of the training she offers.

The coursework includes instruction on medical intuition, advanced energy studies from many traditions, work with animals, land, and buildings, ethics, and so much more. Upon graduation, students will be confident in their abilities and ready to live and share Reiki personally and professionally, both in person and at a distance. “To be a master, we walk in wisdom, grace, and health on all levels. We continually heal ourselves as we learn to help others,” states StraightArrow.

For information, contact Janet at, 973-647-2500 or See ad, page 21.

6 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition news briefs Directory
Advertisers Thank you for being part of our community! Let them know you found them in Natural Awakenings North Central NJ! Advanced Frequency Energy Spa 7 Aesthetic Family Dentistry 33, 44 Alternative Therapies Work 8 Art of Living 11 Be the Medicine 21 Bill Flanagan Distance Healer 23 Blue Skai Healing / AO Scan ......... 27 Cathy Ludwig Ed.S. 29 Center for Systemic Dentistry ........ 38 Dr. Anna Cabeca 29 Dr. Andy Rosenfarb ................. 14 Eckankar NJ 31 Ethos Farm Project ................... 11 Everyday Organizing Solutions 27 Feel Good Institute ................. 35 Gapin Institute 35 Haven of Harmony .................. 23 Hibernate Bedding 37 Holistic Dental Center ................. 3 Hypnosis Counseling Center 11 Inner Soul Wellness ................. 39 Kismet Acupuncture 17 Lisa’s Thermography & Wellness ..... 31 Living Waters Wellness Center 31 Longevity Veterinary Center .......... 13 Mad Lavender Farm 27 Men’s Health Series ................. 43 Marcelle Pick 18 Personally Yours Lingerie ............ 19 Portal of Healing 17 Premier MD ..........................9 Plainfield Quakers 25 RegeneSpine ....................... 15 Sparkle With Angels 14 Spravato .............................9 Starseed Bakery 26 The Hair for Life Center .............. 19 Three Danes Wellness 21 Valley Integrative Pharmacy 2 Whole Foods 20 * New / Returning Advertisers
7 June 2023 Demonstrations • Hors d’oeuvres • Giveaways COME TO OUR GRAND OPEN HOUSE! JUNE 6-10 M-F 10am-6pm; Sat 8am-3pm Advanced Frequency Energy Spa 431 Route 22 East (Bishop’s Plaza), Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 | (888) 460-4050 | text 908-864-8111 ADVANCED FREQUENCY Energy Spa Superhuman Protocol™ Energy Enhancement System™ (EE System™) Frequency Therapy The Oxygen Lounge IV Therapy and more We Offer Amazing Therapies Learn about our comprehensive range of cutting-edge technologies that stimulate cellular energy, detoxify the body, and restore optimal health. Come Learn What This Is

Introducing the AO Scan: Your Hand-Held Wellness Center

At7pm, EDT, on June 20, Nicole and Alex Rodrigues, owners of BlueSkai Healing, invite all to attend a Zoom presentation on the AO Scan Technology. This state-of-the-art frequency technology provides a timely and cost-effective way to collect relevant information that clients, friends, and family may require to make life-altering decisions about their body. Attendees will learn how the AO technology is used to scan and optimize chakras, meridians, organs, skeletal and muscular systems, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, nerves, collagen, bacteria, viruses, mold, metals and parasites to help reach a more balanced state. It truly is a wellness center that we can hold in our palm. Now is the time to take our own health back into our own hands—learn the amazing benefits of frequency healing with powerful results and zero side effects. Presentation attendance is free, however, registration is limited to 50 people. Reserve your spot today.

For more information and to reserve your spot, contact Nicole or Alex Rodrigues at 973-493-3139 or, and visit See ad, page 27.

Get Ready For Farm Days 2023!

Ethos Farm Project is excited to announce Farm Days Festival 2023 on September 9-10. This amazing event will be held at Ethos Farm, a historic 342-acre farm in Long Valley, NJ over a weekend filled with inspiring speakers focusing on the ethics of eating and how whole plant-based food is medicine.

Expert speakers from across the country will be presenting over the weekend including PeterSinger, Rich Roll, Dr. Dean Sherzai, Dr Ayesha Sherzai, Dr. Columbus Batiste, Dr. Meagan Grega, Sara Farley, Brittany Jaroudi, Bob Quinn and EFP Founder, Dr. Ronald Weiss.

Topics include the impact of our diets on health, climate change, and how what we eat impacts the rights of nature. There will be yoga, tours of the regenerative and organic farm, movement and mindfulness activities, and whole food plantbased (sugar, oil, salt free) food for sale courtesy of The Kellyn Foundation.

Dr. Ronald Weiss states “I tell people that there is no reason to feel powerless when it comes to improving their own personal health, acting to reverse climate change and the decline of species. Three times a day, every time we sit down to eat, each one of us has the opportunity to regenerate our health and the health of our planet. So, consider what’s at the end of your fork, it’s the single most powerful thing you can do everyday. As Greta Thunberg says, ‘The only thing we need more than hope is action.’”

Ethos Farm Project is a 501(c)(3) whose mission is to address the interconnected nature of how agriculture affects human health, planetary health, and our relationship with nature through our hands-on educational programming.

Tickets for the Farm Days Festival 2023 can be purchased at To request a scholarship, email

Location: 177 West Mill Rd., Long Valley. For information, call 908867-0060 or email See ad, page 11.

Grand Open House Celebration

FromJune 6-10, drop by Advanced Frequency Energy Spa in Whitehouse Station for their Grand Open House Celebration. Enjoy demonstrations, hors d’oeuvres and giveaways while you learn about the outstanding range of cutting-edge technologies and frequency therapies they offer that stimulates cellular energy, detoxifies the body and restores optimal health.


Location: 431 Rt 22 E (Bishop’s Plaza), Whitehouse Station. Hours: M-F 10am-6pm; Sat 8am-3pm. For information, call 888-460-4050, text 908-864-8111 and visit See ad, page 7.

8 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition news brief Alternative Therapies Work! Howard G. Mertine C.Ht, RM, NLP Hypnotherapist & Regressionist NLP Instructor & Practitioner Usui Method, Reiki Master Card & Pendulum Divination Motivational Speaking Life Coach & Holistic Healer Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 908-283-0117 Call today for availability or for a free consultation! See the calendar for our upcoming events & workshops! Alternative Therapies Work, LLC is a Certified & Insured Company
9 June 2023 Spravato™ P remier m D Traditional Family Medicine Medical Acupuncture Medical Cannibis Spravato for Depression David Boguslavsky, MD & Team Board Certified Medical Acupuncturist & Family Physician 908.450.7002 • 757 Route 202-206, Ste. 104, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Most insurances, including Medicare, accepted. Call Today for your consultation Medical Care from Every Angle Spravato/esketamine is the first of its kind, FDA-approved, psychedelic-based therapy for treatment resistant depression. � Administered in the office by our clinical team � Rapidly reduces symptoms of even the most severe depression � Covered by Medicare and most major insurances Spravato Treatment Centers of NJ Bridgewater & Morristown • 908-450-7002 Start your healing journey at • Independent, “patient-first” practice • Board-certified clinicians • Same-day appointments • Onsite lab-draw

Rise in Children With Autism

Low Vitamin D Linked to Risk of Death

A new study published in Annals of Internal Medicine determined that vitamin D deficiency increases mortality risk. The findings were based on a survey of the vitamin D levels and genetic data of more than 300,000 people aged 37 to 73 that participated in the UK Biobank, a largescale cohort study that began in 2006. Almost 19,000 deaths from all causes, as well as from specific causes such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and respiratory illnesses, were recorded through 2020.

In March, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) released updated statistics on the rate of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which has been steadily on the rise. One in 36 children was diagnosed with autism by age 8 in 2020, or about 2.8 percent of children, up from one in 44 children in 2018, and one in 150 children in 2000 when the CDC first established the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network to track ASD prevalence in this country.

Autism was 3.8 times as prevalent among boys (4 percent) as girls (1 percent), and for the first time among 8-year-old children, the prevalence was slightly lower among white children than other racial and ethnic groups, which is a reversal of racial and ethnic differences observed in the past. The CDC partially attributes these patterns to improved screening, awareness and access to services.

The report included communities in 11 states that participate in the CDC Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network—Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin. Children included in this report were born in 2012 and lived in surveillance areas during 2020. ASD prevalence varied from state to state, with Maryland having the lowest and California the highest observed rates.

Researchers discovered that the risk of death decreased steeply with increasing concentrations of vitamin D, until reaching 50 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L). The odds of death from all causes were estimated to increase by 25 percent for participants with vitamin D levels of 25 nmol/L, compared to those with 50 nmol/L.

New Insights on Water Consumption Requirements

We have been conditioned to believe that eight glasses of water are required each day, but new research published in Science found that daily water needs vary based on numerous factors. Researchers studied 5,604 people aged 8 to 96 from 23 countries, measuring their water turnover—the amount of water lost and replaced each day. They found that for most healthy adults, drinking eight cups of water a day is unnecessary because water needs vary depending on age, sex, body size, physical activity level, athletic status, pregnancy, socioeconomic status and environmental characteristics such as latitude, altitude, air temperature and humidity. People that lived in less developed countries had higher water turnover than people from developed countries. While hydration should be prioritized, most people that pay attention to their bodies and drink when thirsty are likely drinking enough water.

10 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition
Fran.Vila/ Indian Food Images/
health briefs
11 June 2023 Whether you need to lose 5 pounds or 50, our time-tested methods will help you reach your target weight... and stay there. Like us on Hypnosis is the most effective way to lose weight! As Proven in Studies at Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Mt. Sinai Hospital. READY TO LOSE WEIGHT? SPRING INTO SHAPE! 908-303-7767 NJ’S MOST SUCCESSFUL PROGRAMS WITH 35 YEARS OF PROVEN SUCCESS! 28 Mine Street, Flemington 5 E. Northfield Ave., Livingston • 43 Tamarack Cir., Princeton Ethos Farm Project, Inc., 177 West Mill Rd, Long Valley, NJ 908.867.0060 • Rich Roll author, podcaster, vegan Ultra athlete FOOD IS MEDICINE Learn from Inspiring Speakers: Peter Singer, Rich Roll, Dr. Ron Weiss, Dr. Dean Sherzai, Dr. Ayesha Sherzai, Dr. Columbus Batiste, Dr. Meagan Grega, Sara Farley, Bob Quinn, and Brittany Jaroudi Enjoy Fun Activities for the Entire Family: Farm Tours • Farm Walks • Mindfulness Sessions • Cooking Demos • Kids’ Activities • Yoga • Natural Movement Sessions • Great Food For Us, Our Community, Our Land, Our Planet Come experience what this means and what can we do together at Farm Days 2023 — September 9-10 Tickets Selling Fast. Get Yours Today at EthosFarmProject/FarmDays Use Code: FDNA10 for 10% Off

Leaps and Bounds


Dogs are natural athletes that leap on and off things multiple times a day, usually without incident. That’s why many people don’t realize that, like humans, dogs can sustain injuries, including soft tissue trauma, such as cuts and bruises; back injuries or slipped vertebral discs; sprains; and broken legs.

Preventing Mishaps in a Jumper

Most active dogs that frolic outdoors will get the occasional scrape, cut or bruise. These common (usually minor) injuries can be prevented by ensuring that the areas they frequent are safe, contained and hazard-free. Broken legs, on the other hand, are more serious and typically do not result from normal, or even vigorous, high-intensity exercise. Bone fractures are generally caused by a sudden impact or great force to the body, such as being hit by a car or falling a long distance. They are most often seen in older pets and excitable risk-takers. The best way to prevent a dog from breaking a leg is to make sure it is under control at all times, especially outdoors.

Getting Dogs in Shape to Avoid Injuries

Back injuries, slipped discs and sprains, including canine cruciate ligament injuries, often occur in poorly conditioned dogs. For example, if a pup has been indoors most of the winter, its muscles have lost tone and atrophied. This also applies to “weekend warriors” that exercise and play at high intensity with their owners only on Saturdays and Sundays.

Studies show that well-conditioned muscles can begin to lose their tone and strength in a matter of days. This can set the stage for an injury if the activity level suddenly jumps significantly, so start by gradually improving a dog’s fitness level. The minimum amount of exercise needed to maintain muscle tone is 20 minutes three times weekly, and as pets age, this amount increases. Aim for 40 minutes of rigorous walking or running every day. Consistency is essential for a dog’s muscles and ligaments to stay strong and resilient. This will keep the dog fit and better able to avoid strains, sprains and other injuries. Warming up before exercise is very important. Walk and encourage the dog to stretch its limbs before engaging in more intense exercise, especially with aging dogs.

12 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition New
natural pet
13 June 2023 GRAND OPENING & PET ADOPTION SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 2023 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Pet Adoption with Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter Giveaways Live Music Free Dental Exams for Pets Pet Vendors and More!! 265 ROUTE 10 EAST WHIPPANY, NJ 07981 (973) 606-1101 Event Parking Available at JR Cigars JOIN US! NJ'S PREMIER HOLISTIC VETERINARY CENTER

Avoiding Cervical Disc and Neck Injuries

Cervical disc and neck injuries are often the result of collar strain. Dogs should be trained to walk beside their handler and heel on the leash. However, even the most well-trained dog will occasionally jump forward suddenly, causing the collar to pull tightly against their neck.

As dogs leap forward in excitement, they pull all the slack out of the leash and apply a great deal of pressure from the collar to their neck and cervical area, potentially resulting in an injury to the cervical disc or other neck problems. Symptoms can include a hesitance to move or lower the neck to eat or drink, and crying outbursts when the head or neck area are touched. Occasionally there can also be lameness in a front leg with this type of injury.

For dogs that habitually pull and whose leash behavior isn’t able to be improved, a harness, Gentle Leader-type head collar or other similar equipment can help distribute the dog’s body weight evenly across the restraint and alleviate the pressure on their neck.

Maintaining an Exercise Regimen

If a dog’s leg muscles aren’t toned, if its tendons and ligaments aren’t stretched and strong, and if its core muscles haven’t been worked and can’t do a good job holding the frame solidly in place, then a sudden burst of activity, even at home, can lead to injuries.

Depending on the geographical location, it is much easier to keep a dog fit during spring and summer months, but the goal should be to keep them exercised year-round. If harsh winters discourage outdoor activities, consider visiting an indoor dog park; exposing them to hydrotherapy or a warm-water dog pool; enrolling them in indoor agility, track training or nose work (a growing sport that encourages dogs to follow their natural hunting instincts); or taking them out on a cross-country skiing adventure.

Veterinarian Karen Shaw Becker has spent her career empowering animal guardians to make knowledgeable decisions to extend the life and well-being of their animals. To learn more, visit

14 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc. Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine OSENFARB R DR. ANDY 332 S. Avenue E., Westfield, NJ Specializing in Holistic Eye Health • #1 Bestselling Author 908-466-1980 • Our Integrative Medical treatment programs provide the best clinical outcomes for our patients. 25 Years of Experience Most Eye Conditions Are Treatable! Better Vision in 10 Days Mention this ad for a FREE phone consultation. • MACULAR DEGENERATION • GLAUCOMA • CATARACTS • RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA • OPTIC ATROPHY • DRY EYE • DIABETIC RETINOPATHY • RETINAL OCCLUSIONS Holistic Healings Card Readings Energy Clearings Aura Photography Intuitive Development Classes/Mentoring Classes & Workshops Jean Hendricks Angel Intuitive IET Practitioner/Master Instructor virtual/in person 973.945.4330 3108 Route 10 W, Unit 6 Denville, NJ 07834

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Microplastics Released by Tea Bags

Most mesh tea bags are made of 20 to 30 percent plastic, which can release microplastics and nanoplastics, causing harmful effects for both human health and the environment. In a study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, researchers found that one standard tea bag made with plastic released 11.6 billion microplastics and 3.1 billion nanoplastics into a cup of tea. The particles in the tea matched the nylon and polyethylene terephthalate in the original tea bag.

Open Letter to Pause AI Experiments

A group of leading technology executives, researchers, academics and others from around the world have signed an open letter prepared by the Future of Life Institute calling for a six-month pause on large, human-competitive artificial intelligence (AI) experiments. As of March 31, more than 1,800 CEOs and 1,500 professors had signed the letter.

“AI labs are locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital minds that no one—not even their creators—can understand, predict or reliably control,” the letter contends. The authors are concerned that “AI systems are now becoming human-competitive at general tasks.”

While AI systems grow more powerful, there is no natural law or barrier to technical progress. The letter’s authors and signers are asking all AI labs to pause the training of powerful AI systems so that safety protocols can be implemented to ensure the effects of these systems will be positive and the risks manageable. According to the letter, “If such a pause cannot be enacted quickly, governments should step in and institute a moratorium.”

Individuals can view and sign the letter at AImoratorium.

Safer alternatives include steeping loose teas with a stainless steel or silicone tea strainer, or purchasing tea from brands that offer plastic-free teabags. Organic teas may still have plastic in the tea bag, as the packaging is not overseen by organic-certifying organizations.

Plastic Rocks Found on Remote Brazilian Island

Brazilian researchers have discovered rocks formed from plastic debris in the permanently preserved area of Trindade Island, approximately 680 miles off the coast of Brazil. The island is a remote refuge for green turtles, which come by the thousands every year to lay their eggs. The only human inhabitants of the island are members of the Brazilian navy.

The team of researchers ran chemical tests on the rocks, called plasticglomerates, and determined that they were formed when fishing nets were dragged by the current and accumulated on the beach. It is believed that the nets melt when the temperature rises and they become embedded with the sedimentary granules and other debris on the beach.

16 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition
global briefs

Dramatic Drop in Arctic Ice Levels

New research published in the journal Nature has found dramatic changes in the composition of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean since 2007 caused by climate change. Norwegian Polar Institute researchers have monitored sea ice thickness in the Fraim Strait (a sea channel connecting the Arctic Ocean and the Nordic Seas that runs between Greenland and the Norwegian archipelago) for the past three decades. In 2007, a “regime shift” was noted in Arctic sea ice composition, from thicker and deformed to thinner and more uniform ice cover.

Researchers found that the amount of thick and deformed ice had dropped by half, and they believe the thinning may be irreversible. They link the ice thinning to a rise in Arctic surface temperatures, more energy absorption because of a reduction in reflected light off the sea ice and warmer ocean water. Younger, thinner ice could result in a loss of habitat for Arctic creatures, as thicker, ridged sea ice can be a haven to hide from predators. There are also consequences for humans. Thinner, more level ice is less challenging for ship navigation and, along with less ice and shorter ice seasons, may permit an increase in Arctic maritime traffic.

17 June 2023
50 Main Street • Chester, NJ • 201-841-0358 Debbie Carcuffe Spiritual Counselor & Relationship Coach Specializing in Self-Awareness, Emotional Wellness & the Evolution of the Soul Certified Hypnotherapist Conscious Parenting Method Coach™ Intuitive Energy Practitioner
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Time Management For

a More Fulfilling and Productive Life

When creating a weekly schedule for work and home, be sure that it captures elements of one’s values and priorities. Purposefully aligning personal and work priorities will lead to more fulfilling and successful work life balance. Whether working for someone else, have one’s own business, being a homemaker or a retiree, it is important to be able to identify and prioritize the things needing to get done. It is

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critical for each individual to be in touch with their core values and let these serve as the scaffolding for a schedule aligned with what is most important.

Setting Time for What’s Important

Identify core values and determine the time to spend on activities related to family, health, service, friends, hobbies, etc. Each week, try to find ways to carve out time—before work, during lunch or after work—to incorporate core value activities so they are not an afterthought but rather are scheduled into each day. This could include going for a walk or socializing with friends at lunch, getting out early certain days for fitness classes, leaving work on time to attend kids’ sports activities, etc. Let values drive the weekly schedule and structure work or caregiving time to be as efficient as possible to make space for these personal priorities.

Structure Priorities

Getting up early leads to a feeling of control over each day. This time can be used for grounding through exercise, meditation, listening to music or reading. When starting work or caregiving activities for the day, ideally set 3 or 4 times per day to check phone messages and emails, e.g., in the morning, before lunch and in the late afternoon and possibly once before bed. When starting the workday or daily responsibilities, sit down and look over the daily and weekly calendar and to do list, and set approximately three mission critical work priorities per day and do the same for three personal priorities. As other priorities come up, address them, but also keep focus on the three priorities that were identified.

Streamline Tasks

To increase efficiency at work or with tasks at home, aim to boil down repetitive tasks into templates that get updated with the latest information, such as recurring reports at work. Whenever possible, delegate tasks. When tasks are complex and have many parts, break these down into manageable chunks and assign them to different dates on the calendar.

18 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition

Managing Commitments

Before the end of each day, review the to do list and calendar for the next day and for the full week ahead and set the three work and personal priorities for the next day. Put in place a policy of “checking before committing” to reduce overcommitting time when saying yes to meetings, projects, volunteer work, etc. Aim to become an expert estimator of how long various tasks take. The more this is done, the easier it will be to know how long it will take to meet the various commitments that exist.

Protected Space

Identify a few timeslots per week where time can be “protected” for concentration-heavy work or personal projects that can be designated on the calendar as recurring focus time. At the end of the day, make it a habit to turn off all media, computer, phone, etc. Take time to relax, decompress and meditate, read, etc., and aim to get a good night’s sleep.

Sherry Onweller, professional organizer, is the owner of Everyday Organizing Solutions by Sherry, and offers customized organizing solutions to residential and business clients in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

To learn more, visit or contact Sherry at 908-619-4561 or email or See ad, page 27.

19 June 2023 The Hair for Life Center Regain
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Men’s Wellness Series

Join Natural Awakenings and KnoWEwell for a life-changing series entitled The Healthy Man each Tuesday in June at 5 p.m. PDT/8 p.m. EDT.


n Lifestyle choices that add years to a man’s life and life to his years

n Tips to maintain youthful energy, a desired weight and a healthy libido

n Strategies for optimal eye health

n Good posture techniques for peak human performance and pain-free aging

n Habits that create resilient kids and a lasting legacy


n Ben Greenfield, human performance consultant and author of 17 books including Boundless Parenting

n Dr. Eric Plasker, chiropractor and author of The 100 Year Lifestyle

n Dr. Tracy Gapin, board-certified urologist and author of Male 2.0 and Codes of Longevity

n Dr. Krista Burns, chiropractor, founder of the American Posture Institute and author of The Posture Principles

n Christopher Smith, co-founder of Family Brand and the Campfire Effect, creating leaders at home and in business

n Dr. Bryce Appelbaum, board-certified optometrist and pioneer in neuro-optometry

n Dr. Tarin Forbes, board-certified integrative doctor specializing in anti-aging and metabolic medicine

n Dr. Alan Christianson, naturopathic endocrinologist specializing in thyroid disease and author of The Metabolism Reset Diet and The Thyroid Reset Diet

Admission is $59, which includes all Tuesday evening sessions and a oneyear membership to KnoWEwell. To learn more and register, visit Tinyurl. com/NAMen2023 or scan the QR Code. See ad, page 37.

20 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition
special event
21 June 2023 Friendly Inviting Supportive Take the 6-Week Transformation Challenge A personalized combination of exercise and nutrition to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Move Well, Think Well, Be Well We strive to help those of all ages achieve balance in each area of their lives—physical, mental, vibrational, energetic. Through care and individualized attention, every person receives what they need to achieve their health and wellness goals. 93 Iron Mountain Road, Mine Hill Twp 862-244-4032 | THINK, BE, LIVE — CLEAN, PURE, WELL At Three Danes Wellness, you’ll find a vibe that’s For information, call/text James Simonelli 201.696.0977 Lenore Palen 973.945.9192 973-647-2500 | Shaman, Healer, Teacher, Yogi, Sage Peace, Clarity, and Health are within reach Get Unstuck in All Areas of Your Life! Janet StraightArrow’s unique blend of ancient wisdom with practical methods opens the door for discovering your true self. Workshops, Shaman & Reiki Training, Energy Healing Private Sessions | Remote, Virtual, In-Person Awaken Deep Love, Complete Healing, Practical Spiritual Living. Meet Your True Self free of fear & anxiety free from trauma free to grow in love


22 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition
Allistair F/

For men, sexual health is a key, but often overlooked, component of overall wellness. A man in optimal physical shape is able to fully enjoy and participate in sexual activity with an active libido and the ability to sustain an erection. Poor sexual health can lead to depression, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction and other troublesome symptoms and conditions.

Fortunately, male sexual function is better understood medically than ever before, and it is more common for men to talk with their doctors and other professionals about topics that seemed taboo not that long ago. New technology is making it easier to diagnose and treat common problems, and it is widely understood that physical, neurological, hormonal, interpersonal and mental factors all play into sexual wellness. By taking a proactive and holistic approach to their overall wellness, men can enjoy a robust sex drive and performance long into their later years.

Maintaining Libido and Energy

Eric Plasker, a licensed chiropractor and author of The 100 Year Lifestyle, attests that sexual health does not have to decline with age, and men can proactively counter that myth with mindful lifestyle choices. “If you’re aging in a healthy manner, your libido does not have to decline. By taking part in activities you find fulfilling and nurturing your mind, body and spirit, your sexual energy can stay naturally high,” Plasker explains.

He recommends that people take an energy inventory to assess which activities and lifestyle choices are serving them. “Make a list of all the things you do that help you gain energy and those that drain

Nomadic Healer Bill Flanigan treats physical, emotional and spiritual pain. Healing works both in person or remotely. Book

23 June 2023
healing. Dates (in person) Location June 17-18, 24-25 Newark 07107 July 6-9, 12 Brook/Queens 11221 July 19, 23, 27, 30 NE Philly 19111 Call Bill to schedule: 770-990-9191. Or visit Practicing by donation for 10 years. Accelerate Your Healing with Focused Energy
your appointment to kickstart your

your energy. This includes the food you eat, hobbies, habits, even people you spend time with. Then see how you can turn the drainers into gainers. For example, if driving in traffic makes you angry, put on relaxing music and do deep breathing exercises to shift yourself into a more positive state. These shifts will make you more energetic, stronger, more passionate and present with your partners, and you’ll have more energy to be sexual and loving,” he says.

Sexual health depends on a healthy nervous system, and maintaining a balanced flow of hormones and neurotransmitters is essential for proper neurological function. According to Plasker, disease, inactivity and inflammation—especially in the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints—can cause a communication breakdown.

“Blockages in the nervous system flow can cause disruption to the sexual organs and lead to a compromised libido,” he explains. “Chiropractic adjustments, combined with regular exercise, will help raise cortisol, reduce stress and open up these pathways in the body. I recommend that patients find an activity they enjoy, such as swimming or tennis, so it becomes an enjoyable part of their routine,” Plasker says.

Optimizing Hormones

According to Tracy Gapin, a board-certified urologist in Sarasota, Florida, strong sexual health and desire is a window to overall health. He helps patients reach their sexual potential with a combination of science-based medicine and holistic practices. “The body is one connected system, and great sexual function is an indication that your body is optimized,” he advises.

While testosterone is widely known to affect sex drive, Gapin looks at the interplay of a variety of other hormones, too. Hormone optimization, testosterone therapy and peptide therapy, which utilizes the body’s own amino acids to increase hormone levels, are non-invasive outpatient tools that men can use to analyze and optimize their sex drive.

“The body produces over 50 hormones, which all contribute to regulating biological processes,” he explains. “Low testosterone can lead to weight gain, anxiety, erectile dysfunction and other serious health issues, including diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Men want to optimize their thyroid and DHT [dihydrotestosterone] levels, both of which can lower the sex drive when compromised. Vitamin D helps regulate the gut, which controls the health of the entire body. Neurotransmitters, which help release feel-good endorphins such as serotonin and dopamine, are made in the gut and can affect depression, anxiety and other issues that lower libido.”

Gapin stresses that it is more important to think about “optimal” levels of hormones instead of “normal” ranges and encourages

patients to move beyond the basic blood tests to assess their health. “Besides sex drive, testosterone also affects cardiovascular health, muscle and bone strength, fat mass, cognitive health and even longevity, so it’s important to be aware of your own levels,” he says. “Every man is different, and the range in which you feel and perform your best is what’s right for you. With medical advice constantly changing, it can be a challenge to keep track of all the recommended tests. DNA testing, epigenetic age assessments, advanced lipid panels, inflammation markers and thyroid testing can all give insight to how the body is functioning as a whole.”

Treating Prostate Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, one in eight men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. It is, in fact, the most common cancer among American men. Prostate cancer is more likely to develop in older men and in non-Hispanic Black men. About six cases in 10 are diagnosed in men that are 65 or older, and it is rare in men under 40.

Gapin asserts that preventative and proactive lifestyle choices can drastically reduce the risk. “New, non-invasive MRI treatments are making it easier to detect and diagnose cancer earlier by highlighting suspicious areas in the prostate and targeting them for biopsy,” he explains, adding that men diagnosed with prostate cancer have a number of treatment options.

“Traditionally, patients would have the prostate removed and undergo radiation. However, these procedures come with a list of disturbing side effects. A newer, FDA-approved treatment called high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a non-invasive procedure that eradicates prostate cancer,” Gapin notes. “HIFU is an outpatient procedure with excellent oncologic outcomes, minimal side effects and quick recovery times.”

Incorporating Lifestyle Solutions

As an osteopathic doctor and integrative medicine practitioner at the Masley Optimal Health Center, in St. Petersburg, Florida, Tarin Forbes looks at the root causes of disease and dysfunction. She, too, considers sexual health an integral component of overall wellness and gives patients the tools to achieve their desired sexual potential. “While every person is different, optimal sexual health usually means that men wake up with a morning erection, desire intercourse on a daily basis and can reach an erection without stimulation or genital contact,” she remarks.

Making mindful choices that prioritize nutrition will naturally improve sexual health. “Nourish yourself with a whole food, plantbased diet rich in nutrients, including nitrate-rich foods and foods

24 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition
Allistair F/

rich in vitamin C and folate, which boost nitric oxide, the main compound that increases blood flow,” Forbes says. “Beans, citrus fruits, beets, celery, cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens boost nitric oxide or its bioavailability to improve blood flow. While getting nutrition from food is ideal, supplements such as zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and boron can help regulate sex hormones. Avoid certain medications, including over-the-counter medicine such as NSAIDs [non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs] like Advil, acid blockers and even mouthwash, which blocks nitric oxide.”

Forbes also recommends engaging in high-intensity exercises and weight resistance that help increase testosterone and blood flow to the penis. Reducing environmental toxins is another important step, she notes, as plastics, pesticides and other chemicals can rob men of their testosterone, which not only affects blood flow but also libido.

Forbes cautions that while erectile dysfunction drugs work in the short-term, they can produce unwanted consequences. “Viagra does work to help men achieve an erection by stimulating blood flow to the penis. However, it can cause troublesome side effects including headaches, vision problems and nasal congestion. Non-pharmaceutical alternatives can provide good results without undesirable repercussions. Low-intensity shock wave therapy, a non-invasive outpatient procedure, uses targeted sound waves to improve blood flow to the penis and can be done once or in a series of treatments. Platelet-rich plasma injections use the patient’s own plasma to stimulate new tissue growth in the penis, which can lead to larger and more frequent erections,” she explains.

Forbes says that by having an open dialogue with their medical professionals and exploring holistic treatments, men at any age can feel sexier and more energetic than ever. “Talk about your concerns with your doctor, who may offer referrals to other specialists until the issue is solved. A physical therapist can teach men to strengthen their pelvic floor with Kegels and other exercises. Sexual therapists help men work through mental and psychological issues, which can be as debilitating as physical ones. A psychologist can offer tools for managing depression and anxiety, both of which can contribute to sexual dysfunc-

tion, including low libido and performance anxiety,” she says, noting that if a man does not feel comfortable talking with their doctor, it may be time to find a new one.  Many factors contribute to sexual health, and every man’s needs and desires are different. By addressing physical, hormonal, neurological and mental wellness with a combination of conventional and holistic treatments, men can experience sexual performance and enjoyment at any age. “There’s more awareness than ever before about sexual health, and men don’t have to compromise this integral part of their overall wellness,” says Forbes.

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25 June 2023
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine. Connect at Carrie

Flanigan, a personable, passionate practitioner who has been offering energy work for more than two decades, is excited for the opportunity. “With my distance healing practice, people from New York and New Jersey were already the two most common requesting treatments,” he says. “So, now I’m very excited to work with people from this part of the country in person and am looking forward to having client interactions again and hearing about their session experiences in real time.”

After receiving his reiki attunement in 1995, Flanigan began exclusively using reiki to treat his ailing partner’s stomach and feet. After his partner passed in 2000, Flanigan only dabbled in energy work as his attention was focused elsewhere.


Celebrated reiki practitioner and energy healer, Bill Flanigan, will be available for in-person sessions in Newark, June 16-20 and 24-27; Brooklyn, July 5-8 and 11-13; and Philadelphia, July 19-22 and 28-30.

However, in 2010, Flanigan received a message that he would soon be experiencing a spiritual transformation. A year later, he suddenly found himself starting on that path. “I began feeling incredibly drawn to spending time in nature in a way that I hadn’t before,” he shares. Much of that time was spent cultivating a sacred relationship with the flora and fauna in Cheesman Park and the Denver Botanic Gardens in Denver, Colorado. “I didn’t realize it at the time, but it was the beginning of a three-year sabbatical where I’d be spending about 30 to 40 hours per week in direct spiritual practice with Mother Nature, connecting with all of the elements.”

Flanigan says his explorations of the natural world were immensely ground-

ing. “I connected with plants and trees in a whole new way,” he recalls. “It was truly awe-inspiring. Getting the chance to connect with a plant or a tree and opening to it and honoring it in a way that it was not accustomed to felt really magical.”

It was around the 22nd month of his deep study with nature when Flanigan realized he was meant to offer this energy healing to others. “It felt like I’d been given a very special gift. I just knew that when I put my hands on someone again, it would be with a whole new level of healing,” he says.

At first, Flanigan admits he wasn’t sure if he was worthy of the gift. He still had to process some old conditioning that wasn’t serving him. “I’m gay. I grew up in the

26 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition
in the spotlight

South where I was fed messages that God didn’t love gays,” he explains, “and while I’d outgrown that programming, there were some residuals of unworthiness that had to be gently tended to.”

With mindfulness, courage and self-compassion, Flanigan came into full acceptance of his energy channeling gift. Additionally, he recognized that his being openly gay was also a gift. “A person who fully embodies all the parts that make up their unique self is empowering,” he states. There is no bigger gift to ourselves and the world than coming into alignment with who we are. Because when we do, we give others the permission to do the same.”

In 2013, equipped with a newfound passion, Flanigan began working with clients again and he’s been on a roll ever since. “I regularly witness profound physical, spiritual and emotional healings,” he says. “Whether it’s a body healing, breaking through an emotional blockage, or even connecting with spirit guides or a loved one who has passed, each session provides exactly what a person needs.”

Flanigan affirms that his heart-led services are offered on a donation basis, which says a lot about his generosity of spirit. “Since I see this as a gift, I’d like to give the gift away to whomever needs it, wherever they are, and for whatever reason,” he says.

For those skeptical of the energetic realms, Flanigan has hundreds of clients that can attest to the power of his healing work. “So many things happen in these sessions that are outside of logical explanation,” he shares. “The more we allow for anything to arise, the more magical the sessions can become.”

Flanigan would like to remind everyone that they’re spiritual beings having a human experience. “It’s not the other way around,” he says. “Sometimes the greatest gift a person gets from one of my sessions is the re-sparking of that part of themselves. It’s definitely one of the most rewarding aspects about what I do.”

Cost: Free. Love offerings are greatly appreciated. Location: All sessions held at a private residence. Clients will get an automated email 24 hours before their appointment with the exact address. Also available for distance healings. To sign up for a session, call 770-990-9191 or visit DistanceHealer. me. See ad, page 23.

Frequency Healing & Quantum Wellness Tool

changes that will “stick”.

27 June 2023 Call/Text 908-619-4561 • • Bring Calm to Your Home Energy with Organizing Decluttering & Time Management Services Sherry Onweller Professional Organizer Life Strategy & Organizing Coach In-Person & Virtual Sessions Feeling overwhelmed with busy family life? Sympathetic and nonjudgmental assistance starts with understanding your situation/challenges to create systems and implement
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Converting Food to Energy


Metabolism is the process by which the foods and drinks we consume are converted into energy. We may not notice the cellular mechanisms that transform fat and glucose into the oomph in our step, but when they start to wane, we definitely know something is wrong. We may feel lethargic and weak, our brains may get foggy or we may start putting on weight around the belly, with blood pressure, blood glucose and triglyceride levels on the rise. In most cases, modifying our diet is the most powerful way to regain vitality and get those biomarkers back on track.

“Metabolic imbalance occurs when the body stores fat but can’t access it or burn it as efficiently,” says Alan Christianson, a naturopathic physician and author of The Metabolism Reset Diet: Repair Your Liver, Stop Storing Fat and Lose Weight Naturally. “In one year, our bodies manage about 1 million calories in and out. We never get exactly what we need on any day, so we must be able to store and release energy in a healthy fashion. However, people get better at storing and poorer at releasing. This is a big part of gradual weight gain and accompanying fatigue.”

Christianson describes good metabolic health as having steady energy levels and maintaining a good body weight. “When there’s too little energy available and the body can’t make energy that well, I see symptoms of metabolic imbalance as mental fatigue and poor memory, less muscular endurance, less recovery from exercise, weight gain and resistance to weight loss,” he explains. “If not addressed, metabolic imbalance can develop into obesity, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, insulin resistance, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.”

According to Christianson, certain lifestyle choices can throw our metabolism out of balance, including the overconsumption of carbohydrates, processed foods and caffeine; frequent snacking and late-night meals; and poor sleep routines. Too much stress creates a hormonal cascade that promotes storing fat instead of using it.

James Forleo, a doctor of chiropractic and author of Health Is Simple, Disease Is Complicated, recommends the elimination of certain foods that wreak havoc on our metabolism: “The inflammatory agents in much of the food consumed in the Standard American Diet—high-glycemic refined carbohydrates, high-fructose corn syrup and other sugars, and hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats—are the biggest offenders of metabolic health.”

28 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition Ronman/
conscious eating

Correcting Liver Function

“The key mechanism to correct and maintain metabolic health is helping the liver to function well. Once corrected, it is not difficult to maintain metabolic health if people eat reasonably healthy,” Christianson advises. “The liver is the main site for storing the body’s fuel. It does this in the forms of glycogen and triglycerides. When things go wrong, there’s too much of one relative to the other. We need some glycogen, which comes from carbohydrates, to burn triglycerides—kind of like how you need kindling to burn a log. The problem is triglyceride buildup in the liver.”

Fixing the liver is the central focus of Christianson’s 28-day metabolism reset. “To correct a fatty liver, you need adequate protein and adequate nutrients, but a low enough amount of total carbohydrates and healthy fats,” he says. “You also need adequate levels of glucose, a simple carbohydrate that we get from the food we eat. My metabolism reset guides you in eating less refined and processed foods, and more real, nutritious food; pairing carbohydrates with protein; exercising; managing stress levels; and avoiding sugar.”

Personalized Diet Plan and Nutritional Coaching

Metabolic Balance, a German-based company with certified nutrition coaches around the globe, helps people optimize their health with personalized diet plans and follow-up coaching ses sions. “The program was created by Dr. Wolf Funfack, a specialist in internal and nutritional medicine, whose research revealed that every human body can produce all the hormones and enzymes it needs for healthy metabolism. We need to give it the necessary nutrients with the right food, which is precisely what Metabolic Balance education.

levels, we determine what substances the body lacks to produce all the enzymes and hormones necessary for their bodily func tions,” she explains. “The personal roadmap recommends the right combination of foods to keep the various bodily functions in balance. The foods aren’t based on their caloric content, but rather on their essential components such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and the relationship between carbohydrates, fats and proteins.”

and Metabolism

led to long-term health improvements due to a high degree of adherence by the participants. According to the researchers, “The emphasis of any dietary program should be set on both the aspect of nutrition as well as the aspect of motivation.”

Linda Sechrist has been a contributing writer to ings


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Regenerative Organic Farming



1 lb ground pork or chicken

1 Tbsp finely minced garlic

1 Tbsp finely minced shallot

½ tsp freshly ground black pepper

12-15 stalks of lemongrass

Salt to taste

Combine all ingredients, except the lemongrass stalks, in a bowl and mix with hands or a fork. Cover and place the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour (or overnight), allowing the flavors to develop.

Peel the outer layer of the lemongrass stalks. Rinse in water and dry. Take one handful of the ground mixture and wrap it around the end of a lemongrass stalk, gently pressing and molding the meat around the stalk. Repeat with the remaining meat and place on a baking sheet. Grill skewers over coals or on a gas grill for about 6 to 10 minutes until cooked through. Make sure to rub the grill with a paper towel soaked in vegetable oil to ensure the skewers don’t stick to the grate.



1 cup vegetables (mushrooms, leeks, onion or cauliflower), chopped

1 chicken breast, diced

1 tsp turmeric

1 tsp mild or medium curry powder

1 tsp garam masala

½ tsp ground cumin

½ tsp ground ginger

1 garlic clove

Vegetable stock

If using cauliflower, parboil the florets and keep the water they were boiled in. Heat the spices in a dry pan until fragrant. Add garlic and vegetables and coat with spices. Add some oil and pour in some vegetable stock (or the cauliflower water) to deglaze the pan. Cook covered for a few minutes until spices and liquid are well combined and the vegetables are coated evenly. Add the diced chicken. Simmer until the chicken is cooked, stirring regularly. Add more vegetable stock or water for a thinner sauce. Serve with some toasted rye bread to soak up the juices.

Recipes and photos courtesy of Metabolic Balance

30 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition



1½ cup arugula

¼ cup olives, pitted

1 Tbsp chopped shallots

1 mango

Balsamic vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste

Peel the mango, remove the flesh from the core and cut into small cubes. Purée the olives with balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Purée some of the mango cubes with the dressing and set aside the remainder. Add the shallots to the dressing. Wash, clean and dry the arugula.

Mix in the dressing and sprinkle the remaining mango cubes on top. Pair this salad with any protein, such as a fish filet.

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Photo courtesy
Metabolic Balance

Conscious Fatherhood


fathers matter,” says Chris Smith, founder of Campfire Effect, a coaching business for entrepreneurs in Arizona. “In business, we apply principles around values, culture, leadership and growth, and then we go home and don’t apply these same principles.”

Define Values

The lack of fatherhood guidance led Smith to develop Family Brand, an eightweek program designed to strengthen familial bonds and create an intentional family culture. Part of the process involves parents and their kids understanding who they are and defining their values. The family joins together to come up with a series of statements to hang on the wall as a reminder of their identity and purpose.

Smith Family Brand Statements

n We believe you can be who you want to be.

n Smiths can talk about anything without judgment.

n Smiths are kindhearted.

n Smiths are creators.

n Smiths do hard things.

n Smiths are healthy and active.

n Smiths love and support one another.

Some dads believe they need to work long hours so that they can purchase better things and go on fancier vacations, but research shows that, outside of escaping poverty, money doesn’t buy happiness. Even for children, it’s not about stuff or destinations; it’s about time spent together. Fortunately, there are men teaching men to embrace the fatherhood role and take action in ways that matter most.

“All men desire to be loved, valued, needed and respected, and to know they are leaving a mark on this world. Many men look for this fulfillment in career and hobbies, but this can be found by embracing their role as fathers,” says Ned Schaut, the Hawaii-based author of The Adventure of Fatherhood. He notes that the way fathers choose to live and perform their parental roles can affect a family for generations.

Learning what fatherhood entails isn’t easy for men that grew up without involved dads, which may leave them doubting that they have what it takes to lead their families. “There are endless resources to help us in our businesses or careers, but our society doesn’t get behind the message that strong families matter, that present, engaged

Schaut offers a similar lesson plan called Family Core Values, which prompts families to decide where and how to spend their time and money, and to identify what they do and do not want. “It helps us make decisions or have conversations about who we are and how we want to treat others,” he says.

A mission statement hangs on the wall at the home of Ben Greenfield, the Washington-based author of Boundless Parenting: Tools, Tactics and Habits of Great Parents. “It’s a collection of the family values, what the family stands for and holds dear, and what the parents want to pass on to their children,” he explains.

These kinds of value statements help promote positive energy in the home. “If

32 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition healthy kids
Photo courtesy of Chris Smith

the language spoken at home is limiting and negative, those words become energy that create more of that. We need to use language that is about confidence, kindheartedness and teamwork,” says Smith.

Balance Priorities

According to Schaut, “There will not be an equal balance of time in all categories of life.” Fathers need to understand what matters most to them and then dedicate their time, money and energy in alignment with those priorities.

For Smith, his family comes first, and he makes sure that his business revolves around the home. “We always prioritize family, even if that comes at the price of career,” he says.

Greenfield stacks his priorities in this order: faith first, followed by his relationship with his spouse, family, health and business. His time is meticulously scheduled so that he can dedicate quality time to all of his priorities. He regularly involves his kids in his spiritual practice and exercise routines to set an example and instill positive habits.

Time dedicated to each child is a priority in strong families. Each of Greenfield’s kids has monthly one-on-one dates with Mom and with Dad, two-on-one quality time every Sunday and daily check-ins every morning and during family dinners. “We’ve noticed that our kids will open up and talk to us during a one-on-one,” Smith asserts.

Discipline With Love

Smith suggests reimagining the way dads approach discipline. “If you tell your

kid, ‘What you did was bad,’ it’s hard for them to hear what you say next, because you are attacking them. If we talk about working or not working, you can say, ‘That really doesn’t work and here’s why.’ Kids are then more open to hearing and learning,” he explains.

Discipline needs to be thoughtfully appropriate for each child and each situation. “You have to know and be in tune with your kid,” says Schaut. “When you discipline them, it must come from

love and you responding as a dad to the situation, not reacting.”

But talking will never overcome modeling. “What they see you doing is more important than the advice you give them,” says Greenfield. “At the end of the day, kids just want to be seen and loved and heard.”

Julie Peterson writes on health, wellness and environmental topics. Reach out at

33 June 2023
Photo courtesy of Chris Smith

Socially Conscious Investing


Young recommends that new investors start by determining which social and environmental issues matter most to them. From there, tools such as the free US SIF sustainable investing course (ussif. org/courses_individualinvestors) offer an overview of sustainable investing, as well as investment options and strategies. He also encourages a visit to As You Sow ( to help investors find the companies and mutual funds that align with their social and environmental principles, and to steer clear of those that don’t.

“Vote with your pocketbook,” the saying goes, prompting consumers to buy parkas from planet-friendly Patagonia or socks by Bombas, which donates a pair to homeless shelters for every pair purchased. When choosing stocks and mutual funds, a growing number of investors don’t just want to get a good return on their investment, they also seek to support corporations that spread kindness, protect (or do not pollute) the environment and support women, minorities and LGBTQ+ people.

This year, the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) reported that environmental, social and corporate governance investing “represents more than $8 trillion in assets under management in the U.S. alone, and people expect the worldwide number to surpass $50 trillion by the end of 2025.”

These types of mutual funds can yield returns akin to conventional funds, says Michael Young, director of education and outreach for the U.S. Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment (US SIF), a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit. Some industries, such as oil and gas, may be more eco-challenged than others, but companies can and should make best efforts relevant to their industries, he says, suggesting that investors review a company’s corporate social responsibility report, which provides insight into their environmental and social practices.

“Most people invest in companies through fund structures via retirement plans or online brokerages,” Young explains. “Through As You Sow, they have search tools that help interested investors determine if they own funds that include companies in fossil fuels, weapons manufacturing or other industries one might not want to invest in.”

Robin Diedrich, the director of sustainable investing for Edward Jones, asserts that their division arose over the past few years as a result of client demand. The analysts in her division evaluate whether the stated sustainability and financial objectives of a fund are actually being met, using vetting tools like Morningstar ( “Morningstar has become much more rigid in their methodology. They’re trying to make sure that what’s being labeled as sustainable is truly that,” she says.

Diedrich advises investors to use the same criteria that they would use with any fund, whether traditional or sustainable. “It’s important that you look at a sustainable fund in that same way, because it is an

34 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition
green living

investment with your money,” she says. “Ultimately, it needs to be driven by clients’ personal choices, as well as their financial goals.”

Sustainable Investing Goes Mainstream

Green Century Funds ( is a mutual funds company that engages corporations on behalf of its shareholders to seek specific outcomes. Young says Green Century Funds’ efforts worked with companies like Starbucks, Conagra Foods and Hormel Foods to eliminate deforestation from their supply chains. “There are ways to leverage your dollar to make an impact, because as an individual, you likely couldn’t convince a large corporation to do that,” Young notes.

Ceres, a nonprofit headquartered in Boston, works with investors, companies and capital market influencers to drive action on sustainability issues. It is the co-founder of numerous sustainability enterprises, including Net Zero Asset Managers, a global initiative through which large institutional investors have committed to support net zero greenhouse gas emissions across the economy by 2050 and interim emissions reductions by 2030. Similarly, many pension funds are signatories to the Paris Aligned Asset Owners, meaning that they also support net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Because of the sheer volume of their trades, institutional investors and pension fund managers have a great deal of clout and are able to influence corporate leaders to take environmental stewardship seriously. Their commitment to net zero greenhouse gas emissions means that corporations are pressed hard by these investors to eliminate emissions by the stated deadlines.

“As the climate crisis has worsened over the years with extreme weather disasters causing multi-billion-dollar losses, disrupting supply chains and affecting corporate business operations, investors have increasingly recognized climate change as a financial risk. Most institutional investors now analyze climate-related financial risks and opportunities and incorporate those risks and related sustainability risks into their decision making,” says Kirsten Snow Spalding, vice president of the Ceres Investor Network.

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snmall smiles/
Sheila Julson is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings

JUNE 2023 daily & ongoing


The Key to Ascension is Self-Awareness – 7-9pm; in person & Zoom. The Key to Ascension is Self-Awareness. This workshop includes healing meditations, Ascension techniques, as well as emotional awareness concepts to create a deeper sense of selfrealization, emotional wellbeing, and freedom from fear-based emotional reactions. $25. Portal of Healing, 50 Main Street, Top Floor, Chester.


Reiki 1 Comprehensive Healing Training – 10am-5pm; in-person or Zoom. Learn this hands-on-healing art and become confident in your ability in energy healing. Comprehensive and complete professionallevel course offers practical healing and energy work teachings in addition to Reiki attunements, meditations, and practice. Led by Janet StraightArrow, Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive, and Shaman, who has taught Reiki for 25 years. $365. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats), 247 North Road, Chester. 973-647-2500.


Grand Opening and Pet Adoption – 11am3pm. Join us to celebrate the Grand Opening of NJ’s premier holistic veterinary center in Whippany, NJ! We will be hosting a pet adoption with Mt. Pleasant Shelter as well as pet vendors, music, henna tattoos, free pet dental exams, giveaways and so much more! Come discover holistic therapies for your pet and have a day of fun! Free. Longevity Veterinary Center, 265 Route 10 East, Whippany. 973-606-1101.


Grand Open House Week – June 6-9, 10am6pm; June 10, 8am-3pm. Come to Advanced Frequency Energy Spa’s spectacular Grand Open House! Learn about the comprehensive range of cutting-edge technologies that stimulate cellular energy, detoxify the body, and resgtore optimal health. Demonstrations, hors d’oeuvres and giveways. Free! 431 Rt 22 E (Bishop’s Plaza), Whitehouse Station. For information, call 888-460-4050 or text 908864-8111.

NLP Basics and Understanding – 7-9pm. Learn how NLP (Neuro Linguistics Programming) can help you live a more fulfilling life. Learn how it can help you and help others as well! Helps in Fears and

All calendar events for the July 2023 issue must be received by June 10 and adhere to our guidelines. To submit, visit pages/calendar-listings or email for submission form.

Phobias, Removing Allergies, and Helps with Trauma and PTSD. See how NLP can be one of the most powerful healing methods of our time! Please RSVP for this event as seating is limited! $45.00. Wellness Gala, Balance Your Life Studios, 18 East Main Street, Denville. 973-713-6811.


Operation Give Back – 11am-3pm. We are a proud participant of Operation Give Back: complimentary healing sessions for veterans, active military, law enforcement, fire fighters. By appointment only. Inner Soul Wellness, 3108 Route 10 West, Unit 6 (in back), Denville. 973-747-9404.


Feng Shui Professional Certification Program – 12noon. Become certified and accredited as a Feng Shui Professional. Join Master Teachers Renae Jensen and Mary Dennis for this step-by-step personalized, hands-on training intensive. Mention Natural Awakenings for a $100 discount. For information, email RenaeJensen@gmail. com or visit

Shamanic Journey Circle – 7:30pm. A shamanic journey will help you not just know who your guides are, but also to develop authentic, meaningful relationships with them. $20/pp or $15/pp if you bring a friend! Rev. Denise from Haven of Harmony leads the circle at Moongate Wellness, 15 Main Street, Blairstown. For information, call Yvonne at Moongate 973-271-3287.


Kitchen Medicine – 1-3pm. Come explore all the benefits sage, rosemary, and thyme want to share with us! During this workshop you will harvest and create a sage tincture and a rosemary hair tonic. Learn how to infuse oils for culinary and topical uses. Join us for a fun and aromatic afternoon. $50. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-3105973. workshops.


Spirit of Ayahuasca – 11am-2pm; every 2 nd & 4 th Sunday. Rev. Denise leads this 11-month program for intensive self-

healing working with the Spirit of Ayahuasca. Shamanic techniques and ceremonies support your journey. Be ready for transformation! $167/mo for 11 months. Register at Ayahuasca. Haven of Harmony, 23 Diller Ave., Newton. For information contact 862268-3213 or havenofharmonynj@gmail. com.

Wrestling with Faith – Lunch 12noon; Program 1-3pm. A forum for spiritual seekers. Join us for discussion on important topics like the problem of evil, is the Bible inerrant, and the nature of God. Hosted by Plainfield Quakers, 225 Watchung Ave., Plainfield. Free; donations accepted.


Guided Energy Healing Event – 7-9pm. Join us in a healing event featuring a guided visual journey encompassing Reiki (Energy Healing) and Self Esteem Boosting. You will leaving feeling and thinking better and clearer after this event! Who wouldn’t like that? $45. RSVP required as seating is limited. Wellness Gala, Balance Your Life Studios, 18 East Main Street, Denville. 973713-6811.


The Butterfly Effect - A Grief Workshop – 6:30-8pm. Join Sheri Burkat, LCSW. The Butterfly Effect is a theory that states small actions can lead to positive and transformative changes. How can this be applied to our response to loss? Join Sheri in a safe space to explore holistic tools to better understand and manage feelings of sadness, anger and regret related to loss and grief. $36. Infinity Holistic Center, 3108 Route 10 West, Unit 6 (in back), Denville. 973-7479404.


Comprehensive Reiki Master HealerTeacher Training – 10am-5pm. Learn Mastery level awareness, healing, and teaching and experience all levels of Reiki from a Mastery perspective as we work on one another. Be curious, open, and ready to go beyond anywhere you imagined healing, and Mastery would take you. This is open to sincere students from all Reiki traditions. Class schedule will be set to accommodate students. $2000; payment plan available. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-SessionsClasses-Retreats), 247 North Road, Chester. 973-647-2500.

36 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition

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37 June 2023
Morristown Road, Bernardsville (Bernardsville Centre)

English Lavender Wreath Workshop –1-3pm. It takes a lot of lavender to create this, and so the lion’s share of it will be fresh cut and ready for you to fashion into your wreath. There is nothing like the color and scent of fresh lavender and it will dry beautifully, lasting well into the next year. Refreshments served. Rain or shine workshop limited to 8 attendees. $150. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. workshops/workshops.

Past Lives Regression Workshop – 6-8pm. Join us as we take a look into your past. Past lives, that is! Join Howard Mertine (Alternative Therapies Work, LLC) with Ellen Petroski Perkins & Greg Perkins (Gaia’s Gifts), as we host a two-hour guided hypnotic journey to take you into your own past lives. You may even uncover why you do some of the things you do in your current life. $30. RSVP as seating is limited to 12 people. Pay at door or at Ellen Perkins at Gaia’s Gifts, 16 Broad St., Washington. information, call 908-2231331 or email Ellen at perkins145@comcast. net.


AO Scan Presentation – 7pm. Join us for this Informative Info Session about the AO Scan. You’ll learn about frequency healing, and how the AO Scan technology can help bring the body back into balance. To register, email or call 973-493-3139.

Oracle Card Swap – 7-8:30pm. Come and bring your cards that no longer resonate with your energy and swap them for another deck. We will also have cards from others that will be sold for $5 (this does not include the new cards that we sell). This also includes instructions on how to use your new deck, different layouts etc. $10. Infinity Holistic Center, 3108 Route 10 West, Unit 6 (in back), Denville. 973-747-9404.


Qigong Flow Five Element Theory – 10amnoon. Join Kimberly GuyerIn this workshop you will learn the fundamentals of the Five Element Theory for the Summer and embody the principles through Qigong Flow. 45.00. Infinity Holistic Center, 3108 Route 10 West, Unit 6, Unit 6, Denville. 973-945-4330.

Lavender Wand Workshop – 10am-noon or 1-3pm; 6/24 & 6/25. Lavender wands can only be made with long-stemmed fresh cut lavender. There is a small window of time in the entire year when long-stemmed lavender is in bloom and ready for making wands. That is part of what makes them so special plus the sweet lavender scent lasts for years. Workshop is rain or shine. $55. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. workshops/workshops.

38 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition

Past Lives Regression Workshop – 6-8pm. Join us as we take a look into your past. Past lives, that is! Join Howard Mertine (Alternative Therapies Work, LLC) with Everett Magie (Alien Ink Tattoos), as we host a two-hour guided hypnotic journey to take you into your own past lives. You may even uncover why you do some of the things you do in your current life. $40. RSVP early as space limited to 12. Pay at door or PayPal Howard at Location: Alien Ink Tattoos: 264 Route 206 South, Unit 3, Flanders. For information call 973-652-7962.


French Lavender Wreath Workshop – 10amnoon; 7/8 & 7/9, add’l times. At the height of the 2-week long bloom time of our French lavender, join Nicole of Spadaflora Botanical Artistry to make a wreath from freshly harvested phenomenal long-stemmed lavender. There is nothing like the color and scent of fresh lavender. It will dry beautifully, lasting well into the next year. Rain or shine workshop limited to 8 attendees. $170. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. workshops/workshops.

Mushroom Cultivation Workshop – 1-3pm. Join mushroom cultivators and foragers Jeff Mertz and Kacy Binz in a fun and hands-on mushroom cultivation workshop learning each step from mycelium to mushroom. Leave with your own at home mushroom growing kit. Mushroom snacks and tea will be provided, as well as print outs of all the information. $65. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-3105973. workshops.


Elderflower and Yarrow Workshop- July – 1-3pm. Elderberry and Yarrow bestow us with their lacy blossoms in July. Both blossoms are full of beneficial properties from nourishing our skin, moving fevers, soothing colds and so much more! During this workshop we will spend time in the garden with Elder and Yarrow then to our workshop to create a facial toner as well as a tea blend to take home. You will leave with additional recipes and ritual work to further explore your connection to Elder and Yarrow. . $45. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. workshops/workshops

ongoing sunday

Summer 2023 Shamanic Vision Quest –3-1pm. Come for a powerful weekend of ceremony, Journeys, transformation, and rebirth with Shaman Janet StraightArrow.

Awaken clarity, life purpose, and joy as we break through illusions, fears, and ego. Enjoy a gentle yet powerful, lifechanging weekend. $575/$625. Art Farm, 33 Fawn Lane, Accord. 973-647-2500.

Vision Quest Retreat Catskills Begin Now –3pm. A Vision Quest is an opportunity to be in a sacred space to hear your heart speak, receive the fullness of who you are, and open up to the next stage of your life path. It is a gift that is magical, deep, and transformative. Come for a nurturing weekend of ceremony, journeys, transformation, and rebirth, with Shaman Janet StraightArrow. Limited to 8 participants. $800; payment plan available. Art Farm, 31 Fawn Road, North Road, Accord. 973-647-2500.

Breathe, Meditate & Be Happy – 6:30pm. Learn SKY Breath Meditation to be energized and efficient for healthy living and happy relationships. Free. RSVP breathe-summit. For information, Maya. or 908-3766729.


Mediumship, Intuitive, & Psychic Development Circle – 7-9pm. This on-going, interactive workshop series is presented in a way that assists in building intuitive muscle. Maureen guides participants in connecting with their intuition. This is a spiritual growing environment, and each week will focus on different techniques to help you unfold and develop to the next level. Every class will be different in development lessons. All levels welcome! $15. Portal of Healing, 50 Main St., Top Flr, Chester.


Lavender Yoga in June – 6-7:30pm. “If Rosemary is for the spirit, then Lavender is for the soul.” Find your zen as you allow the aromas to surround you as you surrender to the peaceful flow of your practice in the middle of a lavender field in full bloom. Pick your own lavender bouquet to take home and

enjoy for weeks to come. Students MUST bring a yoga mat. $40. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973.

Science of Breath – 6:30pm. Learn SKY Breath Meditation to be energized and efficient for healthy living and happy relationships. Free. RSVP http://aolf. co/Science-of-breath. For information, or 973833-2193.

Soul Shamanism 101 - Live One With Your Soul – 7-9:30pm; Zoom. Experience true oneness, peace, unconditional love, joy, wisdom, and clear personal direction. Meet your ancestors, guides, and teachers who travel with you. Explore your inner spiritual space that reflects your body and entire life and never feel alone again. Led by Janet StraightArrow. $525. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-ClassesRetreats), 247 North Road, Chester. 973647-2500.


Have a business opportunity, job opening, space for rent or other need? Place your classified ads here, 30 words for $30, extra words $1 each. Email to by the 10th of the month prior to publication date.


OFFERINGS: A unique gift shop for the mind, body and soul. Check out our collection of angels, candles, cards, crystals, crystal soaps, jewelry, sage, salt lamps, solar wind chimes, tea, t-shirts, tumbled stones and more. Card readings, classes and workshops available. Metaphysical & Spiritual Bliss, 19A Old Highway 22, Clinton. 908-268-8029. FB Metaphysical & Spiritual Bliss. Instagram @cmatsen11

Inner Soul Wellness

Rev. Lorita Coppola

~ Lory Sison-Coppola

Recharge your soul at Inner Soul Wellness.

» Readings

» Healings

» Classes

» Wedding Ceremonies formerly Huna Healing Center 3108 Rte 10 W, Denville, NJ • 973-747-9404

» Certification Workshops


39 June 2023

North Central New Jersey Community

business directory

Your local source for natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

Join the community! Request our media kit today by emailing


Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine

332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 •

Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health and passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad, pages 14.


Kismet Acupuncture & Apothecary

Katie Us, L. Ac., Dipl. Ac.

200 North 14th Street, Kenilworth 973-874-9445

Kismet Acupuncture & Apothecary is a cozy, woman-owned health and wellness practice focused on helping you live your best life via holistic, whole-body healing. We believe in creating partnerships with our patients to ensure you leave feeling better. See ad, page 17.


Starseed Bakery

Linda Beg

100 Hibernia Avenue, Rockaway 973-957-0500

100% gluten-, dairy-, soyand GMO-free retail and wholesale bakery. Available products: artisan breads, custom cakes, pies, cookies, desserts, seasonal, vegan, Paleo, natural sugars, nutfree. See ad, page 26.

Bedding - Organic Hibernate Bedding

80 Morristown Rd, Bernardsville 908-766-5450

Exclusive collection of Organic and Chemical Free mattresses and accessories. Over 30 years family experience. Come see how easy it is to shop for a mattress. Free delivery, free set up, free removal. See ad, page 37.


Art of Living- Morris county

Online and In-person Workshops for Breathwork and Meditation


Art of Living- Morris county, a team of facilitators and volunteers bring the mission of Art of living, to bring stress free living to the Morris & Sussex county residents. They conduct events and Workshops teaching Breathwork, Meditation and Yoga designed for various age groups, SKY kids for 8-12 year olds, SKY teens for 13-17 year old and SKY Breath Meditation for 18 and above. See ad, page 11.

Art of Living- Union county

Online and In-person Workshops for Breathwork and Meditation


Art of Living- Union county, a team of facilitators and volunteers bring the mission of Art of living, to bring stress free living to the Union & Essex county residents. They conduct events and Workshops teaching Breathwork, Meditation and Yoga designed for various age groups, SKY kids for 8-12 year olds, SKY teens for 13-17 year old and SKY Breath Meditation for 18 and above. See ad, page 11

Biofeedback/ Frequency Healing

AO Scan with BlueSkai Healing

Nicole and Alex Rodrigues


The AO Scan bio-resonance/ frequency device identifies and shifts areas energetically out of balance back into alignment. We help holistic practitioners (eg, vets, dentists, chiropractors, nutritionists, energy healers) who purchase scanners through BlueSkai to integrate the AO Technology into their practices. See ad, page 7


Law Of Attraction Life Coach

David Scott Bartky, CLOALC 973-444-7301

David is a certified and experienced Law of Attraction life coach. His clients all have great success because he teaches them powerful processes and techniques so they can attract what they want, instead of what they don’t want in all areas of life (both materialistically and emotionally). The Law of Attraction is always responding to you, so if you’re ready to say “Yes!” to attracting what you want, and/or improving your life in some way, contact David today. Coaching sessions are held over the phone and the first session is always free.

Colon Hydrotherapy

Living Waters Wellness Center

Ann Ochs • Colon Hydrotherapist

I-ACT Certified

26 Elm St, Morristown 973-998-6550 •

Ann Ochs has more than 20 years experience as a colon hydrotherapist. She holds an advanced certification from the International Association of Colon Therapists (I-ACT), is certified by the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy, and is a certified body ecologist. Living Waters offers the Angel of Water®, an advanced colon hydrotherapy system, designed to offer the ultimate in privacy and dignity. Call today Cosmetics – Organic. See ad, page 31.

40 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition

Enzyme Nutrition

Next Level Healing Of NJ, Inc.

Susan Richter, RN, Nutritionist, CCH, LDHS Denville • 973-586-0626

Enzyme nutrition is becoming a sought after therapy for the underlying digestive issues related to autism, auto-immune diseases, chronic pain, skin problems, mood disorders, bowel issues and allergies. The system of analysis is scientific, non-invasive, and based on anatomy and physiology. The methods of correction are foodbased, drug-free, and have no side effects. Regardless of age or diagnosis, correcting digestion, supporting the immune system, and following guidelines for healthy choices are the backbone of Susan’s successful private practice of 36 years. Call for a gentle approach to healing.

Eye/Vision Health

Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine

332 South Ave East, Westfield



Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health. He is passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Learn of his astounding work in this area— call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad, pages 14

Frequency Healing

Advanced Frequency Energy Spa

431 Rt 22 E (Bishop’s Plaza)

Whitehouse Station

888-460-4050, text 908-864-8111

We offer a comprehensive range of cutting-edge technologies that stimulate cellular energy detoxify the body, and restore optimal health. See ad, page 7.

Hair Restoration

The Hair For Life Center, LLC


For over 35 years The Hair For Life Center has been helping women who experience hair loss.In as little as 2 to 3 hours we restore your hair to its natural state safely without using glues or extensions. For more information, visit at See ad, page 19.

Healing & Apprenticeship

Haven of Harmony

Rev. Denise Saracco-Zoppi

23 Diller Ave., Newton 862-268-3213

NJ Lic. # NJ 18KT00314000

Rev. Denise supports the awakening of your inner healer. Whether you’re searching for support in your own healing journey or a mentor to awaken your innate healing gifts, Rev. Denise has supported thousands of patients and students since 2006. See ad, page 23.

Health & Wellness

Alternative Therapies Work, LLC

Howard G. Mertine C.Ht, RM 908-283-0117 •

Alleviations of allergies, phobias, trauma, addictions, anxieties, PTSD & various other afflictions. Past life regressions, building confidence and self-esteem, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified NLP instructor and practitioner, Certified Reiki Master & practitioner, card reading and pendulum divination, motivational speaker and coach, holistic healer. See ad, page 8.

Holistic Dental Center

Vladimir Gashinsky,

91 Millburn Avenue, Millburn 973-457-4688


Holistic dental care that is good for the body as well as teeth and gums. By treating the cause, not just the symptoms, Dr. Gashinsky helps improve his patients’ quality of life through dental care that respects and honors the body. See ad, page 3 .

Holistic Healing Services


Linda Sercarz Certified Heartmath Coach Serving North Jersey & surrounding area 973-714-8650 •

Heartmath+ consists of simple heart-focused, sciencebased meditations. The techniques are designed to change the way your body responds to stress by learning to self-regulate. They create more resilience, coherence, clarity (even in stressful situations), and the apacity to self-regulate. Heartmath+.


Hypnosis Counseling Center

Barry Wolfson

Offices in Flemington, Princeton, Livingston NJ, and King of Prussia, PA 908-303-7767

Over 35 years of experience. We offer traditional counseling methods and the art of hypnotherapy in private and group settings, in person or virtual, for weight loss, stress, smoking, confidence building, phobias, insomnia, test taking, sports improvement, public speaking, and more. See ad, page 11.

41 June 2023
“Don’t be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Morris Hypnosis Center

Linda West, BA, ACH

55 Madison Ave, Morristown


Advanced clinical hypnosis using interactive, personalized techniques; based on a lengthy interview at the first session and dialogues at following sessions. For weight loss, stress/anxiety, smoking, chronic pain, improved performance, trauma, substance use, sleep, fears/phobias, anger, confidence, studying/ memory issues, and more. Self-hypnosis is taught at the first extended session. If you have constraints that you can’t seem to break through, or are overly burdened by negative thoughts or feelings, hypnosis can free you and put you back in charge.

MTHFR Educator

Margaret M. Gegenheimer

Certified Holistic Health Consultant, Author, Teacher, Researcher


Learn how to reverse engineer the many illnesses brought on by this MTHFR gene disorder. Sixty percent of the population has a variant of this disorder yet doctors are not taught how to recognize or treat it. You must educate yourself and I have simplified the knowledge for you. Together we can make a huge impact on your well-being.

Past Life Regression Therapy & Hypnotherapy

Cathy Ludwig, Ed.S., LPC

109 Main St., Suite 1B, Succasunna

201-738-8311 •

Do you want to make peace with your past? Self-acceptance and clarity are yours when you determine how the past is influencing the present and when you make conscious choices about the future. As a licensed psychotherapist, Cathy helps you experience healing in all areas of your life. Using the powerful and effective treatments of Past Life Regression Therapy or Hypnotherapy alone or in combination with talk therapy, Cathy helps you develop your full potential, resolve conflict and have more compassion for yourself and others. Call to discuss which treatment option will work best for you. See ad, page 29.

Professional Organizer

Everyday Organizing Solutions by Sherry LLC

Sherry Onweller, Professional Organizer, Life Strategy & Organizing Coach 908-619-4561

Providing sympathetic and nonjudgmental organizing and decluttering services to residential and business clients, also helping adults with ADD to get their physical space and time management in order. Virtual and inperson sessions available. See ad, page 27.



Wild Alaskan Salmon & Halibut Shares 717-842-0180

Sustainably harvested wild Alaskan salmon and halibut available, fisherman-direct. Pre-order annually (spring) at for local pick-up (fall) of sushigrade delicious nutrition, deep-frozen at the peak of freshness to enjoy throughout the year.

Spiritual Healing, Teaching

Janet StraightArrow

Shaman, Healer, Sage, Reiki Master Teacher, Astrologist 973-647-2500

Profound Healing, Clearing, Reclaim yourself, Enjoy life. 41 years of experience. Shamanic and Intuitive Energy Sessions. Soul Retrievals. Past Life, Ancestral, Current life healing. Business, Home, and Land clearings. Meditation, Shamanic, and Reiki Healers Training. and more. See ad, page 21.

Spiritual Seekers

Rahway Plainfield Quakers

225 Watchung Ave, Plainfield

If you want to talk with other spiritual seekers about the questions you have about your spiritual journey, join us June 11. Lunch 12noon; Program 1-3pm. No charge to attend, donations accepted. See ad, page 25.

Spiritual Pathways

Eckankar in New Jersey


A spiritual teaching that helps you recognize your true nature, Soul, an eternal, unique spark of God. Learn creative techniques to explore the path to greater spiritual freedom. See ad, page 31.


Lisa’s Thermography and Wellness

Lisa Mack, CCT, HHC

Thermographer and Holistic Counselor

See website for locations in NJ, NY & PA 855-667-9338

Thermography gives an early look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem – inflammation. Early stage disease screening is an area in which thermography excels. Whether your pain is acute or chronic, or you are merely curious about the state of your health, thermography can help provide answers. Radiation-free breast and full body screenings for men and women. See ad, page 31.


Longevity Veterinary Center 265 Route 10 East, Whippany 973-606-1101

Longevity Veterinary Center is NJ’s largest, most advanced integrative veterinary center. Our team of professionals is committed to helping pets achieve optimal health through using conventional and holistic therapies. We believe in creating wellness for all pets, including exotics. See ad, page 13

42 Morris, Union, Sussex & Essex County Edition
“Everybody, soon or later, sits down to a banquet of consequences.”
- Robert Louis Stevenson
43 June 2023 JUNE: MEN’S HEALTH SERIES Increase Metabolism in 28 Days Keeping Your Eyes Strong as you Age Overcoming the Men’s Health Crisis The 100 Year Lifestyle Alan Christianson, NMD Eric Plasker, DC Bryce Appelbaum, O.D., FCOVD Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS Key Habits to Create Tough Kids and a Lasting Legacy How to Show up as a Leader in Your Home Performing When and How You Want Peak Performance Posture Ben Greenfield Krista Burns, DC Tarin Forbes, DO, ABFM, ABAARM, FAARFM, ABOIM Christopher Smith CHANGE YOUR LIFE AS YOU AGE! Join the most influential and renowned experts in men’s health and personal development! Create tangible next steps and masterfully apply new life skills TODAY! Scan the QR code to JOIN US LIVE ONLI NE Every Tuesday in June at 8pm EDT Or visit

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