Freedom - Is Being You
Sapna Nagar Bharadwaj EDUCATOR
Freedom - Is Being You without Anyone's Permission Freedom is an innate right that humans have since their birth. Freedom is not something that can be touched, seen, felt, or reached. All this gives a vague idea about freedom. What exactly does freedom mean? Different people have different opinions, definitions, and thoughts about the idea of freedom. Some talk about freedom in a political sense, some talk about social freedom, some about personal independence, and some define it as religious freedom. But the fact that everyone wants to be free, holds in all cases. Freedom is the choice to live one’s life doing what one wants, live where one wants, eat my own choice, and learn what one’s heart desires. This means that freedom can apply to different aspects of life and freedom is not an absolute term. Freedom is to ensure respect and not just live free.All societies define freedom in their respect. Different cultures see freedom in their light and thus people living in different cultures enjoy freedom in ways that they feel appropriate.Enjoying our freedom does not mean that we disregard the rights
of others and live the way we feel right. We have to consider the rights and the feelings of the people around us when living our freedom. Similarly, a free person does not have to fear when expressing his opinion ensuring that others' respect and feelings are not hurt. Societies that encourage freedom of opinion, thoughts, beliefs, expression, choice, etc. are the ones where creative minds flourish. Freedom does not come with independence. Freedom is also about appreciating the enchanting beauty of nature and the environment around us. A person who is worried and anxious cannot be free at mind and hence cannot enjoy the scenic beauty of a lovely moonlit sky or the pleasant music of the singing birds at the sunset. Hence, freedom is all a state of your mind. It implies that your mind is under no fear or compulsion of safety in life. The feeling of having social recognition, being praised, and of being safe does not mean freedom. Our Aspirations and ambitions of being somebody are absurd and do not suggest freedom. NOVEMBER 2020 - 023