Raju Arockiasamy Life Sea
No need to rule by miracles
As a battlefield
No need to be measured by marvels
With courage pedals
The quiet life is enough
Storms as peddling.
Without wandering for basic needs
With thorns and stones
No one for me
My career path
I never felt that
Tolerating pain to pass
Until then your memories
Garlands around the neck
Comforting me
I am trying to revert
I am as Siddhartha
All my tribulations into achievements
You are as Yasodha
By taking each and every
Desires make our home
Suffering as teaching
Why to become Buddha?
Oh! My friend of suffering
Previous level
You only pinpoint me
Before a great change
To those who take honey in pleasure
My lessons
And those who give bait in misery
In dad's last look
In front of the mirror
Floating as a dream
Seven-year-old daughter
In body less space
The eye widens forward
The 'I' in me quits
My responsibilities as a father
And I turn to be a dust MARCH 2021 - 050